Radical Islamic Jihadist Terrorists — Democrats in Denial — Americans Buying Ammunitions and Guns — Videos

Posted on April 29, 2013. Filed under: American History, Babies, Blogroll, Books, College, Communications, Computers, Constitution, Crime, Cult, Culture, Diasters, Education, Employment, European History, Federal Government, Food, Foreign Policy, government spending, history, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, People, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Public Sector, Rants, Security, Strategy, Talk Radio, Taxes, Technology, Terrorism, Unions, Video, War, Wealth, Weapons, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |



Are there radical Islamic terror camps in North America? Apparently there are dozens author says

Radical Jihadists Training On U.S. Soil – Behind Enemy Lines – Wake Up America!!!

Glenn Beck – The Project Part 1

Glenn Beck – The Project Part 2

The Third Jihad – Radical Islam’s Vision for America

Beslan: 5 years on

Dispatches – Beslan (2006)

The school siege at Beslan was the bloodiest act of terrorism ever to take place on Russian soil. Yet beyond this horrible truth remain many unanswered questions. There is no agreement on who the terrorists were. How many they numbered? Where they came from? How they got to Beslan? What they wanted? Whether they were all killed or captured? And just how the siege which began on September 1 2004, ended so catastrophically?

This Dispatches special uses testimony from eyewitnesses, survivors and security services. This is combined with video and audio archive footage presents the fullest account of what happened at Beslan.

The film examines the background to the events of Beslan. It also looks at the Russian state’s reaction to the atrocity and the motivation of the hostage-takers. Beslan School Siege also documents how a small town is coming to terms with the loss of its children.

Jihad: Slaughter of the Innocents – Beslan (Беслан) Part 1

Jihad: Slaughter of the Innocents – Beslan (Беслан) Part 2

Jihad: Slaughter of the Innocents – Beslan (Беслан) Part 3

Jihad: Slaughter of the Innocents – Beslan (Беслан) Part 4

Jihad: Slaughter of the Innocents – Beslan (Беслан) Part 5

Glenn Beck U.S. Denial of Islamic Jihad Threat, Beslan School Massacre 4-26-13

Glenn Beck The Story of Beslan

Glenn Beck Beslan, Terror, and Chechnya

Glenn Beck Experts on Beslan

Background Articles and Videos

Terrorism & Jihad: An Islamic Perspective – Dr. Zakir Naik

Stephen Coughlin, Part 1: Lectures on National Security & Counterterror Analysis (Introduction)

Stephen Coughlin, Part 2: Understanding the War on Terror Through Islamic Law

Stephen Coughlin, Part 3: Abrogation & the ‘Milestones’ Process

Stephen Coughlin, Part 4: Muslim Brotherhood, Arab Spring & the ‘Milestones’ Process

Stephen Coughlin, Part 5: The Role of the OIC in Enforcing Islamic Law

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Robert Spencer–Stealth Jihad–Videos

Robert Spencer–The Truth About Muhammad–Videos

Terrorists Among Us: Jihad in America–Videos

Obsession: Radical Islams War Against the West–Videos

An Affront and Threat To The American People–The Ground Zero Mosque–Remembering 9/11 and The Unknown Falling Man

Just Because You Can Build A Mosque At Ground Zero Does Not Mean You Should: The Two Faces of President Obama–Let Me Be Clear–I Am An Agent Provocateur!

Understanding Jihad–Videos

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Maurice Strong–Videos

Posted on April 30, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Communications, Computers, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, history, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Talk Radio, Taxes, Technology, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

“We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse.”

~Maurice Strong

“He’s dangerous because he’s a much smarter and shrewder man [than many in the UN system],”  “I think he is a very dangerous ideologue, way over to the Left.”

~ Charles Lichenstein, deputy ambassador to the UN under President Reagan.

Maurice Strong – Air date: 05-07-01

Maurice Strong explains the shift away from gold to carbon credits

Maurice Strong’s unprecedented rise to power

Maurice Strong Interview (BBC, 1972)

Maurice Strong thoughts on Rio+20 in 2012

Maurice Strong thoughts on the Earth Charter

Maurice Strong on his Motivation in Life

Maurice Strong Web Site


Michael Crichton on Environmentalism as a Religion

Glenn Beck On Maurice Strong and The American Power Act–The Cap and Trade Energy Tax Repackaged–A Huge Tax Increase–Skyrocketing Prices!

Background Articles and Videos

Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:Who is Maurice Strong?

Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:Who is Maurice Strong?

Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv 3/4:Who is Maurice Strong?

Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv 4/4:Who is Maurice Strong?

Who is Maurice Strong?

“…”THE survival of civilization in something like its present form might depend significantly on the efforts of a single man,” declared The New Yorker. The New York Times hailed that man as the “Custodian of the Planet.” He is perpetually on the short list of candidates for Secretary General of the United Nations. This lofty eminence? Maurice Strong, of course. Never heard of him? Well, you should have. Militia members are famously worried that black helicopters are practicing maneuvers with blue-helmeted UN troops in a plot to take over America. But the actual peril is more subtle. A small cadre of obscure international bureaucrats are hard at work devising a system of “global governance” that is slowly gaining control over ordinary Americans’ lives. Maurice Strong, a 68-year-old Canadian, is the “indispensable man” at the center of this creeping UN power grab. …”

“…In short, “While on the board of a Chicago-based charity, Barack Obama helped fund a carbon trading exchange that will likely play a critical role in the cap-and-trade carbon reduction program he is now trying to push through Congress as president.”

The charity was the Joyce Foundation on whose board of directors Obama served and which gave nearly $1.1 million in two separate grants that were “instrumental in developing and launching the privately-owned Chicago Climate Exchange, which now calls itself “North America’s only cap and trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and projects worldwide.”

And that’s only the beginning of this tawdry tale, Mr. Barnes.

The “privately-owned” Chicago Climate Exchange is heavily influenced by Obama cohorts Al Gore and Maurice Strong.

For years now Strong and Gore have been cashing in on that lucrative cottage industry known as man-made global warming.

Strong is on the board of directors of the Chicago Climate Exchange, Wikipedia-described as “the world’s first and North America’s only legally binding greenhouse gas emission registry reduction system for emission sources and offset projects in North America and Brazil.” …”



The adventures of Maurice Strong & Co. illustrate the fact that
nowadays you don’t have to be a household name to wield global power.

By Ronald Bailey  Published in The National Review September 1, 1997


“…For the time being, however, Annan and Strong have avoided calling for global taxes or user fees to finance the UN. One spokesman said that the issue was simply “too hot to handle right now.” What they propose is a Revolving Credit Fund of $1 billion so that the UN will have a source of operating funds even if a major contributor (e.g., the U.S.) withholds contributions for a time. In short, the CGG’s blueprint for a more powerful UN closely resembles the movement to expand the requirements of the Framework Convention on Global Climate Change. While the process may be piecemeal, the goal is clear: a more powerful set of international institutions, increasingly emancipated from the control of the major powers, increasingly accountable not to representative democratic institutions but to unelected bureaucracies, and increasingly exercising authority over how people, companies, and governments run their affairs — not just Americans, but everyone. In short, Col. Qaddafi’s definition of his leftist Green Revolution: “Committees Everywhere.”

If so, the future looks good for Maurice Strong. One UN source suggested that, at the very least, he would like to be made Secretary General of the Millennium Assembly or the People’s Assembly. Others suspect that, even at age 68, Strong is angling to be the next UN Secretary General.

Such eminence may help explain a puzzling incident in his early career. Having long had political ambitions, he decided to enter the Canadian Parliament. A candidate was evicted from a safe constituency by the Liberal leadership, and Strong moved in. Then, with only a month to go before the 1979 election, he suddenly pulled out of the race. Strong’s business deals were especially complicated at the time — he was setting up a Swiss oil-and-gas exploration company with partners that included the Kuwaiti Finance Minister and the Arab Petroleum Investment Corporation — and that is the explanation usually given. But maybe he just decided that for a man who wants power, elections are an unnecessary obstacle.”

Maurice Strong: The new guy in your future!

By Henry Lamb
January, 1997

“…”In an essay by Strong entitled Stockholm to Rio: A Journey Down a Generation, he says:

“Strengthening the role the United Nations can play…will require serious examination of the need to extend into the international arena the rule of law and the principle of taxation to finance agreed actions which provide the basis for governance at the national level. But this will not come about easily. Resistance to such changes is deeply entrenched. They will come about not through the embrace of full blown world government, but as a careful and pragmatic response to compelling imperatives and the inadequacies of alternatives.””The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation. What is needed is recognition of the reality that in so many fields, and this is particularly true of environmental issues, it is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation-states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of environmental security.”[8]

Maurice Strong has demonstrated an uncanny ability to manipulate people, institutions, governments, and events to achieve the outcome he desires. Through his published writings and public presentations he has declared his desire to empower the U.N. as the global authority to manage a new era of global governance. He has positioned his NGO triumvirite, the IUCN, WWF, and the WRI, to varnish U.N. activity with the perception of “civil society” respectability. And now he has been appointed Senior Advisor to the U.N. Secretary General and assigned the responsibility of reforming the United Nations bureaucracy. The fox has been given the assignment, and all the tools necessary, to repair the henhouse to his liking.


Fight Kyoto Book Excerpt featured in the Calgary
Sun and Edmonton Sun

“…He knows how he is viewed by opponents to his radical environmentalism, or his promotion of a UN government with taxation and enforcement powers that trump national governments. And he seems to rather enjoy being described as a man at the centre of secretive power-brokering.

“Sure, these are but the deluded and paranoid ravings of the Western far right, and I wouldn’t normally trouble to mention them at all,” Strong writes in his self-conscious autobiography, “Except that my reaction when I hear a few of these charges is that I wish I had a smidgen of the power (and money!) they say I have.

“I wish I could accomplish a few of the things they already attribute to me. I do wish I could assist my many friends and colleagues in all the organizations I belong to, to remake the political and economic landscape.”

But this is Strong feigning modesty, and not very convincingly. Later in his autobiography, he reprints his ostentatious seven-page resume, boasting every connection he has.

His book takes name-dropping to a new level, including a seven-page “name index,” a list of hundreds of blue-chip associates that Strong has in his Rolodex.

Maurice Strong: A Dr. Evil-style strategist. Owner of a 200,000-acre New Age Zen colony. Designer of a proposal to “consider” requiring licences to have babies.

The architect of the Kyoto Protocol.”


Maurice Strong

“…Maurice F. Strong, PC, CC, OM, FRSC (born April 29, 1929) is a Canadian businessman. He is an entrepreneur, environmentalist, and one of the world’s leading proponents of the United Nations’s involvement in world affairs.

Born in Oak Lake, Manitoba, Strong had his start as a petroleum entrepreneur and became president of Power Corporation until 1966. In the early 1970s he was Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and then became the first Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme. He returned to Canada to become Chief Executive Officer of Petro-Canada from 1976 to 1978. He headed Ontario Hydro, one of North Americas largest power utilities, was national President and Chairman of the Extension Committee of the World Alliance of YMCAs, and headed American Water Development Incorporated.

Today Strong lives in the People’s Republic of China,[citation needed] and is President of the Council of the United Nations’s University for Peace. UPEACE is the only university in the UN system able to grant degrees at the masters and doctoral. He is an active honorary professor at Peking University and Honorary Chairman of its Environmental Foundation. He is Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Institute for Research on Security and Sustainability for Northeast Asia. 


Al Gore and Maurice Strong – Con Artists Extraordinaire!

‘…There’s an elephant in global warming’s living room that few in the mainstream media want to talk about: the creators of the carbon credit scheme are the ones cashing in on it.

The two cherub like choirboys singing loudest in the Holier Than Thou Global Warming Cathedral are Maurice Strong and Al Gore.

This duo has done more than anyone else to advance the alarmism of man-made global warming.

With little media monitoring, both Strong and Gore are cashing in on the lucrative cottage industry known as man-made global warming. …”

1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Part 1)

1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Part 2)

Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus Speaks On Democracy

Agenda 21 & the Club of Rome

Club of Rome member Maurice Strong, global government discussed on Glenn Beck

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Michael Savage: On Barack Obama The First Marxist-American President, The Obama Marxist Leninist Communist Regime and The Progressive Radical Socialists Democratic Party

Posted on April 7, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Communications, Economics, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, Health Care, history, Immigration, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Talk Radio, Taxes, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , |

Michael Savage April 5, 2010, 1/7


Michael Savage April 5, 2010, 2/7

Michael Savage April 5, 2010, 3/7

Michael Savage April 5, 2010, 4/7

Michael Savage April 5, 2010, 5/7

Michael Savage April 5, 2010, 6/7

Michael Savage April 5, 2010, 7/7

Background Articles and Videos


Michael Savage Reviews Barack Obama’s Dangerous Un-American CZARS


Herb Allison — TARP Czar — Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability

Alan Bersin — Border Czar — Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special Representative for Border Affairs

Dennis Blair — Intelligence Czar — Director of National Intelligence

John Brennan — Terrorism Czar — Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security

Carol Browner — Energy Czar — Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change

Adolfo Carrion — Jr Urban Affairs Czar — Director of the White House Office of Urban Affairs

Ashton Carter — Weapons Czar — Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics

Aneesh Chopra — Technology Czar — Chief Technology Officer

Jeffrey Crowley — AIDS Czar — Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy

Cameron Davis — Great Lakes Czar — Special advisor to the U.S. EPA overseeing its Great Lakes restoration plan

Nancy-Ann DeParle — Health Czar — Director of the White House Office of Health Reform

Earl Devaney — Stimulus Accountability Czar — Chair of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board

Joshua DuBois — Faith-based Czar — Director of the Office of Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Kenneth Feinberg — Pay Czar — Special Master on executive pay

Danny Fried — Guantanamo Closure Czar — Special envoy to oversee the closure of the detention center at Guantanamo Bay

J. Scott Gration — Sudan Czar — Special Envoy to Sudan

Richard Holbrooke — Afghanistan Czar — Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan

John Holdren — Science Czar — Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Co-Chair of the Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

Van Jones — Green Jobs Czar — Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality (Recently Resigned)

Gil Kerlikowske — Drug Czar — Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy

Vivek Kundra — Information Czar — Federal Chief Information Officer

George Mitchell — Mideast Peace Czar — Special Envoy to the Middle East

Ed Montgomery — Car Czar — Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers

Dennis Ross — Mideast Policy Czar — Special Advisor for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia

Gary Samore — WMD Czar — Coordinator for the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism

Todd Stern — Climate Czar — Special Envoy for Climate Change

Cass Sunstein — Regulatory Czar — Director of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs

Paul Volcker — Economic Czar — Chairman of the Economic Recovery Advisory Board  


Michael Savage On Barack Obama’s Narcissism

Michael Savage Attacks Rush Limbaugh and the other Pseudo-Redneck, Fake Conservatives


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Barack Obama–Radical Socialist–Outed On YouTube!

Posted on October 25, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Employment, Links, People, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Resources, Taxes, Video, War | Tags: , , , , , , , |

Obama Redistribution of Wealth 2001 Radio Interview with Milton Friedman Answer

Weird Obama Admits to Socialist Values in Old Clip


“…Here is a video of Barack Obama praising New Party socialist and proud member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Danny Davis. Barack calls Davis One of the best Congressmen in the country because he shares our values:

New Party Program
Our program is based on our commitment to democracy, responsibility and fairness. The issues that have been the focus of our local activity so far are campaign finance and other electoral reform, education, public safety, environmentally sustainable economic development, and living wages. As we grow, we are developing a more comprehensive program through a series of discussions and debates. We have also adopted a set of principles to guide our program work.

Here are our preliminary program goals. We welcome your comments and suggestions. …”


Ayers’ Weathermen planned “re-education”, genocide


Obama File 41 Obama Was a New Party Member-Documentary Evidence

“…This post is for journalists who care about the future of their country more than their careers.

I have previously posted about Barack Obama’s involvement in the socialist led Illinois New Party here, here and here.

Below are scans from New Party News Spring 1996.

They prove that Barack Obama was a member of the Illinois New Party and was endorsed by them in his 1996 Illinois State Senate race.

Front page-scanned from a photocopy

Front page close up-scanned from a photocopy


 Summary of Obama’s Ties to Socialism… – The Forum at GOPUSA



Pinch yourself

Melanie Phillips

“…You have to pinch yourself – a Marxisant radical who all his life has been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshipped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded, politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters, is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently it’s considered impolite to say so.”


It was only a matter of time before the true ideology of Barack Obama–socialism–was exposed on YouTube and extensively in blogs.

I was looking for a clip on the New Party and someone has just posted the above clip.

Barack Obama was, is, and will always be a radical socialist.

The American people will not knowingly elect a socialist.

Barack Obama sought out alliances with socialists and Marxists in both New York City and Chicago.

I do not believe in coincidencies.

Barack Obama said he chose his friends very carefully.

Yes he did.

Most are socialists, communists, leftists, terrorists, Marxists, criminals, fellow travellers and the useful idiots with money that fund them.

A very revealing network of Friends of Obama–FOO!

Friends Of Obama Change Poster

Friends Of Obama Change Poster


Barack Obama List of Acquaintances Very Own Thread

“…1.ACORN… Obama gave them $800,000 this year

2.Alinsky, Saul …Obama is a follower of Alinsky

3.Auchi, Nadhmi… lent Obama over 3 million, British citizen born in Iraq with ties to Tony Rezko

4.Ayers, William …Weather Underground, unrepentant terrorist

5.Bean, Terrence …raised 50-100K – once controlled the biggest producer of gay porn in America.

6.Chandoo, Muhammad Hasa …College roommate #1 from Pakistan

7.Communist Party of USA… ENDORSED Obama

8.Davidson, Carl …SDS Member, associated with

9.Chicago’s “New Party”

10.Davis, Frank Marshall ….mentor of Obama

11. Dohrn, Bernadine…. Weather Underground, unrepentant terrorist

12. Evans, Jodie ….Code Pink…known to visit with Chavez, Ahjamanihead (sp)
(you can find lots more about Jodie HERE!)

13. Funnye, Rabbi Capers …Michelle Obama’s cousin

14. Hamid, Wahid …College roommate #2 from Pakistan

15. Jones, Emil ….“Illinois State Senate President, Serves Under An Ethical Cloud. He Has Several Family Members On The State Payroll And Uses His Clout To Aid Their Business Interests.”

16. arret, Valerie …..MO’s boss, then BO’s Campaign team

17. Johnson, James….former Fannie Mae CEO…left due to “improprieties” helped select Obama VP

18. Katz, Marilyn ….former active SDS Member, member Obama’s Credential’s committee

19. Khalidi, Rashid ….former spokesman for PLO, now professor Arab Studies, Columbia; founded AAAN

20. Kilpatrick, Kwame…. jailed Detroit Mayor, Obama praised him….in May 2007

21. Malley, Robert …..former member Obama campaign Staff w/ties to Hamas

22. Mansour, Al, aka Warden, Donald ……Muslim financier of Obama’s Harvard education

23. Neier, Aryeh…. founder of SDS, now President of George Soros, Open Society Institute

24. Odinga, Raila …..Kenyan radical muslim Cousin of Barack’s, whom Obama supported IN Kenya

25. Pfleiger Father

26. Pritzker, Penny… Finance Chairperson of Obama’s presidential campaign – helped develop the complicated investment bundling of subprime securities at the heart of the meltdown. Board Chair of failed Superior Bank.

27. Radthe, Wade ….founder of ACORN, leader of SEIU chapter (Service Employees Int’l Union)

28. Raines, Franklin ….former head of FANNIE MAE….former? Campaign “housing” advisor?

29. Rezko Chicago Politics…. – convicted felon

30. Socialist Party of USA….. ENDORSED Obama

31. Wright, Reverend ….Pastor for 20 years – leader in the BLACK LIBERATION Theology movement  …”


If the FBI or Secret Service did a background check on Barack Obama and his friends, he would never get a security clearance or job in the Federal government or in the defense industy. 

Only you can prevent socialism in America.


Bernie and Barack Address Overflow Crowd




Killer of American Dreams: Barack Obama Radical Socialist


the Mainstream media thinks you’re Stupid…


Background Articles and Videos

Who “sent” Obama?

“…So it is reasonable to ask, who “sent” Barack Obama?  In other words, how can his meteoric rise to political prominence be explained?  And, of course, in an answer to that question might lie a better understanding of his essential world view.  When I started looking at this question a few weeks ago I quickly grew more concerned about the kinds of people that seem to have been very important in Obama’s ascendancy in Chicago area politics.  It is the connection of some of these people to authoritarian politics that has me particularly concerned.  And a key concern of this blog has been the rise of authoritarian tendencies in the global labor movement.  

The people linked to Senator Obama grew to political maturity in the extreme wings of the late 60s student and antiwar movements.  They adopted some of the worst forms of sectarian and authoritarian politics.  They helped undermine the emergence of a healthy relationship between students and others in American society who were becoming interested in alternative views of social, political and economic organization. In fact, at the time, some far more constructive activists had a hard time comprehending groups like the Weather Underground.  Their tactics were so damaging that some on the left thought that government or right wing elements helped create them.  There is some evidence, in fact, that that was true (for example, the Cointelpro effort of the federal government.) 
Today, however, many of these individuals continue to hold political views that hardened in that period.  Many of them have joined up with other wings of the late 60s and 70s movements, in particular the pro-China maoists elements of that era and are now playing a role in the labor movement and elsewhere.  And yet this question of Obama’s links to people from this milieu has not been thoroughly explored by any of the many thousands of journalists, bloggers and political operatives looking so closely at Obama. …”



Newspapers Show Obama Lied — He Did Belong To Socialist Party!

“…Evidence has emerged that Sen. Barack Obama belonged to a socialist political party that sought to elect members to public office with the aim of moving the Democratic Party far leftward to ultimately form a new political party with a socialist agenda.

Several blogs, including Powerline, previously documented that while running for the Illinois state Senate in 1996 as a Democrat, Obama actively sought and received the endorsement of the socialist-oriented New Party, with some blogs claiming Obama was a member of the controversial party.

The New Party, formed by members of the Democratic Socialists for America and leaders of an offshoot of the Community Party USA, was an electoral alliance that worked alongside the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. The New Party’s aim was to help elect politicians to office who espouse its policies.

Among New Party members was linguist and radical leftist activist Noam Chomsky.

Obama’s campaign has responded to the allegations, denying the presidential candidate was ever a member of the New Party, this before the damning evidence was disclosed.

But the New Zeal blog dug up print copies of the New Party News, the party’s official newspaper, which show Obama posing with New Party leaders, list him as a New Party member and include quotes from him. …”

“…The party’s Spring 1996 newspaper boasted: “New Party members won three other primaries this Spring in Chicago: Barack Obama (State Senate), Michael Chandler (Democratic Party Committee) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary). The paper quoted Obama saying “these victories prove that small ‘d’ democracy can work.” …”



New Party (United States)

“The New Party was a third political party in the United States that tried to re-introduce the practice of electoral fusion as a political strategy for labor unions and community organizing groups. In electoral fusion, the same candidate receives nomination from more than one political party and occupies more than one ballot line. Fusion was once common in the United States but is now commonly practiced only in New York State, although it is allowed by law in seven other states. The party was active from 1992 to 1998. There had been an earlier New Party in 1968 that ran Eugene McCarthy for President.

The New Party was founded in the early 1990s by Daniel Cantor, a former staffer for Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential campaign, and by sociology and law professor Joel Rogers as an effort to break with the largely unsuccessful history of left-leaning third parties in the United States.

The party could best be described as social democratic in orientation, although party statements almost invariably used the terms “small-d democratic” or “progressive” instead. Its founders chose the name “New Party” in an effort to strike a fresh tone, free of associations with dogmas and ideological debates.

After a false start in New York, the New Party built modestly successful chapters in several states. Some of these chapters — such as those in Chicago and Little Rock — had their main bases of support in the low-income community organizing group ACORN, along with some support from various labor unions (especially ACORN-allied locals of the Service Employees International Union). Other chapters — such as those in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Missoula, Montana, Montgomery County, Maryland, and Dane County, Wisconsin, received institutional support from a variety of other labor unions and community organizations. These chapters built local political organizations that ran or endorsed candidates, primarily in local non-partisan races but with occasional forays into Democratic Party primaries or (more rarely) traditional third party-style independent candidacies as well. The party’s chapters endorsed hundreds of political candidates. [1][2] Some New Party chapters introduced the idea of a contract for candidates to sign, to encourage accountability to the promises they had made the party in exchange for an endorsement, an idea that met with some resistance.[3][4][5] Party chapters were also active between elections, pressuring elected officials to pass legislation on issues such as living wages and affordable housing.

Left-wing critics of the New Party, such as supporters of the Green Party, argued that the New Party was merely a pressure group on the fringes of the Democratic Party, rather than a genuinely new political party.[citation needed] New Party leaders argued that classic third-party strategies were doomed to failure, but that the Democratic Party was too entrenched and undemocratic to be a useful institution for “small-d democrats” either, even if they could succeed in taking it over, and so a new kind of organization was needed.[citation needed] …” 



Democratic Socialists of America

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a social democratic organization in the United States and the U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International, a federation of social democratic, democratic socialist and labor parties and organizations.

DSA was formed in 1982 by a merger of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC) and the New American Movement (NAM). DSOC was the largest group to emerge from the splintering of the Socialist Party of America in 1973; two other Socialist Party factions went on to form Social Democrats USA and the Socialist Party USA. NAM was a coalition of writers and intellectuals with roots in both the New Left movements of the 1960s and the more traditional parties of the Old Left.

At its founding, DSA consisted of almost 5,000 ex-DSOC members and 1,000 ex-NAM members. By 1983 DSA reached 7,000 members, which it would not surpass until the early 1990s. Michael Harrington and socialist-feminist author Barbara Ehrenreich were elected as the organization’s co-chairs.[1] …”



Congressional Progressive Caucus

“The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is the single largest partisan caucus in the United States House of Representatives, and works together to advance progressive issues and causes.

The CPC was founded in 1991 by the independent Congressman Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who remains a member as Senator. It represents about a third of the House Democratic Caucus (with 71 members). Of the twenty standing committees of the House, eleven are chaired by members of the CPC.


According to their website, the CPC advocates “universal access to affordable, high quality healthcare,” fair trade agreements, living wage laws, the right of all workers to organize into labor unions and engage in strike actions and collective bargaining, the abolition of significant portions of the USA PATRIOT Act, the legalization of gay marriage, strict campaign finance reform laws, a complete pullout from the war in Iraq, a crackdown on free trade and corporate welfare, an increase in income tax on the wealthy, tax cuts for the poor, and an increase in social welfare spending by the federal government.

Supporting organizations

An array of national progressive organizations will work to support the efforts of the caucus, including the Institute for Policy Studies, The Nation magazine, MoveOn.org, National Priorities Project, Jobs with Justice, Peace Action, Americans for Democratic Action, and Progressive Democrats of America. Also co-sponsoring the kickoff event were the NAACP, ACLU, Progressive Majority, League of United Latin American Citizens, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, National Council of La Raza, Hip Hop Caucus, Human Rights Campaign, Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs, and the National Hip Hop Political Convention. In 2000, the Democratic Socialists of America expressed solidarity with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, since they both shared “operative social democratic politics.”[1] …”



Bernie Sanders

Bernard “Bernie” Sanders (born September 8, 1941) is the junior United States Senator from Vermont, elected on November 7, 2006. Before becoming Senator, Sanders represented Vermont’s at-large district in the United States House of Representatives for 16 years.

Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist, but because he does not belong to a formal political party he appears as an independent on the ballot. Sanders caucuses with the Democratic Party and is counted as a Democrat for the purposes of committee assignments. He was the only independent member of the House during much of his service there and is one of two independent Senators in the 110th Congress, along with Joe Lieberman. Sanders is the first self-described democratic socialist to be elected to the U.S. Senate.[1] Sanders left the House in order to run in the 2006 election for the Senate seat being vacated by the retiring Jim Jeffords and won the election with 65% of the vote.[2] …”



Reading Bill Ayers

By Michelle Malkin 

“…Zombie, the Internet investigative reporter/photojournalist whose work I’ve spotlighted here often, is busy doing the Ayers’ research the MSM won’t do.

Over the weekend, Zombie uploaded Barack Obama’s cheery book review of his neighbor’s tome on the juvenile court system.

Now, Zombie has unearthed Ayers’ Weather Underground manifesto, “Prairie Fire.”

Print it out, read it, pass it around.

A takeaway passage from Zombie’s essay:

Ayers and his co-authors freely brag about their bombings and other violent and illegal acts, and even provide a detailed list, most likely typed up by Ayers himself, of the crimes they had committed up to that point. Ayers’ list, scanned directly from Prairie Fire, is shown below. He may have escaped conviction due to a legal technicality (the prosecutors failed to get a warrant during some of their surveillance of the Weather Underground), but this in no way means that Ayers was factually innocent of the crimes. As has been widely reported, after the case against him was dropped, Ayers described himself as “guilty as hell, free as a bird.”

Spread the knowledge. …”



The coming liberal thugocracy

Michael Barone

“…Other Obama supporters have threatened critics with criminal prosecution. In September, St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce warned citizens that they would bring criminal libel prosecutions against anyone who made statements against Mr. Obama that were “false.” I had been under the impression that the Alien and Sedition Acts had gone out of existence in 1801-’02. Not so, apparently, in metropolitan St. Louis. Similarly, the Obama campaign called for a criminal investigation of the American Issues Project when it ran ads highlighting Mr. Obama’s ties to Mr. Ayers.

These attempts to shut down political speech have become routine for liberals. Congressional Democrats sought to reimpose the “fairness doctrine” on broadcasters, which until it was repealed in the 1980s required equal time for different points of view. The motive was plain: to shut down the one conservative-leaning communications medium, talk radio. Liberal talk-show hosts have mostly failed to draw audiences, and many liberals can’t abide having citizens hear contrary views.

To their credit, some liberal old-timers – like House Appropriations Chairman David Obey – voted against the “fairness doctrine,” in line with their longstanding support of free speech. But you can expect the “fairness doctrine” to get another vote if Barack Obama wins and Democrats increase their congressional majorities. …”

“…Obama supporters who found the campuses congenial and Mr. Obama himself, who has chosen to live all his adult life in university communities, seem to find it entirely natural to suppress speech they don’t like and seem utterly oblivious to claims this violates the letter and spirit of the First Amendment. In this campaign, we have seen the coming of the Obama thugocracy, suppressing free speech, and we may see its flourishing in the four or eight years ahead.”



Another Communist in Obama’s Orb
Meet Michael Klonsky, Obama’s “social justice” education expert.By Andrew C. McCarthy

“…The mainstream press steadfastly refuses to delve into Barack Obama’s radicalism, his Leftist revolutionary collaboration with self-identified communists from Frank Marshall Davis to Bill Ayers. The McCain campaign, moreover, has contributed mightily to the whitewash by ineptly seizing on the issue’s least important aspect: Obama’s abject dishonesty about the depth of his relationships with committed Leftists — e.g., the portrayal of Ayers as just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood.”

(Petrified of being smeared as a racist, McCain has never mentioned Davis, whom Obama identifies only as “Frank” in his memoir. And, of course, utterance of Jeremiah Wright’s name is verboten in McCain circles, notwithstanding that his Trinity Church, where Obama was a 20-year member, is a font of Marxist Black Liberation Theology and thus critical to our understanding of Obama’s invocations of “change” and “spreading the wealth.”)



Obama’s International Socialist Connections

AIM Column  |  By Cliff Kincaid

“…Campaign workers for Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama are under fire for displaying a flag featuring communist hero Che Guevara. But Obama has his own controversial socialist connections. He is, in fact, an associate of a Chicago-based Marxist group with access to millions of labor union dollars and connections to expert political consultants, including a convicted swindler.   

Obama’s socialist backing goes back at least to 1996, when he received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for an Illinois state senate seat.  Later, the Chicago DSA newsletter reported that Obama, as a state senator, showed up to eulogize Saul Mendelson, one of the “champions” of “Chicago’s democratic left” and a long-time socialist activist. Obama’s stint as a “community organizer” in Chicago has gotten some attention, but his relationship with the DSA socialists, who groomed and backed him, has been generally ignored.     

Blogger Steve Bartin, who has been following Obama’s career and involvement with the Chicago socialists, has uncovered a fascinating video showing Obama campaigning for openly socialist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Interestingly, Sanders, who won his seat in 2006, called Obama “one of the great leaders of the United States Senate,” even though Obama had only been in the body for about two years. In 2007, the National Journal said that Obama had established himself as “the most liberal Senator.” More liberal than Sanders? That is quite a feat. Does this make Obama a socialist, too?  

DSA describes itself as the largest socialist organization in the United States and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International. The Socialist International (SI) has what is called “consultative status” with the United Nations. In other words, it works hand-in-glove with the world body.  …”



Socialism! There, I’ve Said It

“…How many times must history repeat itself before we learn that socialism and communism cannot work. Liberals love to mock the trickledown theory, but they simply cannot refute the axiom that people produce less when they aren’t allowed to keep as much of what they produce. When do-gooder social planners try to control how much we keep, they guarantee that everyone gets less in the end because they shrink the GDP pie.

We know from the writings of William Bradford that the Pilgrims learned this lesson the hard way when they tried a communal system of sharing, thinking it “would make them happy and flourishing; as if they were wiser than God.” Instead, “This community … was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort.” Men refused to “work for other men’s wives and children without any recompense; … this was thought injustice.”

Socialism and communism have failed everywhere they’ve been tried in the world, yet die-hard socialists, such as William Ayers, still smarter than God, insist on cramming them down our throats in the name of “fairness.” Unreconstructed radicals always say that true socialism hasn’t been given a real chance.

Well, if Obama is elected, we may get that chance.”



Top 20 Obama Pastor Comments You Never Saw



Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 2


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 3 


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 4


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 5


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 6



Barack’s Trinity Church (Part 1 of 2)


Barack’s Trinity Church (Part 2 of 2)


Barack Obama’s Hidden Agenda, More Taxes, Socialism….


Glenn Beck – The Obama Socialist Agenda


Bachmann on Hardball


On the Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget for FY 2009


Obama The Racialist Socialist

* WARNING UNCENSORED – Laura Ingraham and Daryl Patterson agree on William Ayres and Barack Hussein Obama Bill O’Reilly Factor No Spin Zone. Obama must finally be thoroughly vetted by the American people! AMERICA, DO NOT ELECT A SOCIALIST MARXIST!


Palin Warns of Communist Nightmare State


Obama Campaign cuts off WFTV after interview with Joe Biden



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Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Ayers–Obama, Biden–Socialist Thieves All!

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Obama Anthem, Flag and Salute for The First Democratic Party Rally in Stadium

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ACORN–Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now–Obama’s Red Shirts

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Read Full Post | Make a Comment ( 8 so far )

Joe The Plumber and Big Media–Invading and Covering Up The Lives of Others

Posted on October 23, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Links, People, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Security, Taxes, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

 Absence of Malice: Hearing Scene, Part 1 of 2


Absence of Malice: Hearing Scene, Part 2 of 2



Walter William’s Journalist’s Creed

This creed was written by Walter Williams (1864-1935), the man who founded the world’s first school of journalism at the University of Missouri and perhaps contributed more toward the promotion of professional journalism than any other person of his time. 

I believe in the profession of Journalism.

I believe that the public journal is a public trust; that all connected with it are, to the full measure of responsibility, trustees for the public; that acceptance of lesser service than the public service is a betrayal of this trust.

I believe that clear thinking, clear statement, accuracy and fairness are fundamental to good journalism.

I believe that a journalist should write only what he holds in his heart to be true. I believe that suppression of the news, for any consideration other than the welfare of society, is indefensible.

I believe that no one should write as a journalist what he would not say as a gentleman; that bribery by one’s own pocket book is as much to be avoided as bribery by the pocketbook of another; that individual responsibility may not be escaped by pleading another’s instructions or another’s dividends.

I believe that advertising, news and editorial columns should alike serve the best interests of readers; that a single standard of helpful truth and cleanness should prevail for all; that supreme test of good journalism is the measure of its public ser vice.

I believe that the journalism which succeeds the best-and best deserves success-fears God and honors man; is stoutly independent; unmoved by pride of opinion or greed of power; constructive, tolerant but never careless, self-controlled, patient, always respectful of its readers but always unafraid, is quickly indignant at injustice; is unswayed by the appeal of the privilege or the clamor of the mob; seeks to give every man a chance, and as far as law, an honest wage and recognition of human brotherhood can make it so, an equal chance; is profoundly patriotic while sincerely promoting international good will and cementing world-comradeship, is a journalism of humanity, of and for today’s world.



Joe The Plumber


Many in the big media are blindly supporting Obama by deliberately not asking questions that should have been asked a long time ago and with their answers included in their publications and television shows.

These journalists should read the above code of ethics especially the part that says:

I believe that the public journal is a public trust; that all connected with it are, to the full measure of responsibility, trustees for the public; that acceptance of lesser service than the public service is a betrayal of this trust.

Shame on big media, they are an utter disgrace to their profession for what they did to Joe the Plumber.

They lived up to their name, the pump and dump drive-by mainstream media.

They were in dump mode once Joe the plumber by asking a question that Senator Obama answered that revealed he was a socialist who wanted to “…spread the wealth around.”

For asking questions of Senator Obama in Joe’s own neighborhood and because the phrase, “spread the wealth around” was repeated in the McCain/Obama debates, big media went after Joe the plumber by trying to find anything and everything that might be considered embrassing to discredit him.

Instead of investigating the background of Senator Obama, the Democratic Party candidate for President of the United States, and the radical socialists and communists he sought out and allied himself with both in college and later in Chicago, they went after the plumber.

Thanks to Andrew C. McCarthy, Steve Diamond, Howard Kurtz and Sean Hannity the story is coming out.

The American people are noticing and reacting accordingly.


Joe the Plumber interview on Huckabee – Part 1


Part 2 Joe Wurzelbacher and Huckabee,Plumber,obama,Odinga,Corsi



The American people are waking up to what Barack Obama really is– a radical socialist.




the Mainstream media thinks you’re Stupid…


First Socialism. Now Communism…


Is Barack Obama a U.S. citizen…



Background Articles and Videos


Amazing Ayers Audio & Barack Obama

Why Won’t Obama Talk About Columbia?
The years he won’t discuss may explain the Ayers tie he keeps lying about.

By Andrew C. McCarthy

“BarackObama does not want to talk about Columbia. Not even to his good friends at the New York Times, who’ve so reliably helped him bleach away his past — a past neck-deep in the hard Left radicalism he has gussied up but never abandoned.

Why? I suspect it is because Columbia would shred his thin post-partisan camouflage.

You might think the Times would be more curious. After all, the Democrats’ presidential nominee has already lied to the Gray Lady about the origins of his relationship with Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Back in May, in a cheery profile of Obama’s early Chicago days, the Times claimed (emphasis is mine): 

Mr. Obama also fit in at Hyde Park’s fringes, among university faculty members like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, unrepentant members of the radical Weather Underground that bombed the United States Capitol and the Pentagon to protest the Vietnam War. Mr. Obama was introduced to the couple in 1995 at a meet-and-greet they held for him at their home, aides said.

Now look, anyone who gave five seconds of thought to that passage smelled a rat. Ayers and Dohrn are passionate radical activists who lived as fugitives for a decade. There’s no way they held a political coming-out party for someone who was unknown to them. Obviously, they already knew him well enough by then to feel very comfortable. They might have been sympathetic to a relative stranger, but sponsoring such a gathering in one’s living room is a strong endorsement. ..”

“…In short, Bill Ayers and Barack Obama moved in the same circles, were driven by the same cause, and admired the same radicals all the way from Morningside Heights to Hyde Park. They ended up publicly admiring each other, promoting each other’s work, sitting on the same boards, and funding the same Leftist agitators.

You could conclude, as I do, that it all goes back to a formative time in his life that Obama refuses to discuss. Or you could buy the fairy tale that Bill Ayers first encountered an unknown, inexperienced, third-year associate from a small Chicago law-firm over coffee in 1995 and suddenly decided Barack Obama was the perfect fit to oversee the $150 million pot of gold Ayers hoped would underwrite his revolution.”


“…Obama and Ayers shared all kinds of views. That is why they worked so well together at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), funding the likes of Mike Klonsky, a fellow SDS and Maoist associate of Ayers who, as Steve Diamond relates, used to host a “social justice” blog on Obama’s campaign website. With Obama heading the board of directors that approved expenditures and Ayers, the mastermind running its operational arm, hundreds of thousands of CAC dollars poured into the “Small Schools Workshop” — a project begun by Ayers and run by Klonsky to spur the revolution from the ground up.
Precisely because they shared the same views, Obama and Ayers also worked comfortably together on the board of the Woods Fund. There, they doled out thousands of dollars to Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity Church to promote its Marxist “black liberation theology.” Moreover, they underwrote the Arab American Action Network (AAAN) founded by Rashid Khalidi, a top apologist for Yasser Arafat. As National Review’s David Pryce-Jones notes, Khalidi once directed WAFA, the terrorist PLO’s news agency. Then, like Ayers, he repackaged himself as an academic who rails at American policy. The AAAN, which supports driver’s licenses and public welfare benefits for illegal aliens, holds that the establishment of Israel was an illegitimate “catastrophe.” http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=NjY4YzdhMDBkZGQ3ZmU2MTUzYjdkMzc5ZjUzYmViZWM=   



Who “sent” Obama? 

Special Global Labor Repost. Originally Posted April 22, 2008. Updated October 13, 2008 with additional information on Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

Steve Diamond

“… Thus, we have one possible answer to the question: Who “sent” Obama? It was the Ayers family, including Tom, John, Bill and Bernardine Dohrn. 

It is highly unlikely that a 30-something second year lawyer would have been plucked from relative obscurity out of a left wing law firm to head up something as visible and important in Chicago as the Annenberg Challenge by Bill Ayers if Ayers had not already known Obama very well. One possibility is that Obama proved himself to the Ayers’s in the battle for local school control when he was at the DCP in the 80s. 

One guess as to why Obama does not play up his educational experience more thoroughly now – it certainly could be of use to him one would think in beefing up his “I have the experience to be President” argument – is that it would lead to a renewed discussion of the Ayers connection, which is clearly toxic for Obama. …” 



Barack Obama’s Lost Years
The senator’s tenure as a state legislator reveals him to be an old-fashioned, big government, race-conscious liberal.
by Stanley Kurtz

“…Obama moved to Chicago in order to place himself in what he understood to be the de facto “capital” of black America. For well over 100 years, the Chicago Defender has been the voice of that capital, and therefore a paper of national significance for African Americans. Early on in his political career, Obama complained of being slighted by major media, like the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times. Yet extensive and continuous coverage in both the Chicago Defender and the Hyde Park Herald presents a remarkable resource for understanding who Obama is. Reportage in these two papers is particularly significant because Obama’s early political career-the time between his first campaign for the Illinois State Senate in 1995 and his race for U.S. Senate in 2004-can fairly be called the “lost years,” the period Obama seems least eager to talk about, in contrast to his formative years in Hawaii, California, and New York or his days as a community organizer, both of which are recounted in his memoir, Dreams from My Father. The pages of the Hyde Park Herald and the Chicago Defender thus offer entrée into Obama’s heretofore hidden world.

What they portray is a Barack Obama sharply at variance with the image of the post-racial, post-ideological, bipartisan, culture-war-shunning politician familiar from current media coverage and purveyed by the Obama campaign. As details of Obama’s early political career emerge into the light, his associations with such radical figures as Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Pfleger, Reverend James Meeks, Bill Ayers, and Bernardine Dohrn look less like peculiar instances of personal misjudgment and more like intentional political partnerships. At his core, in other words, the politician chronicled here is profoundly race-conscious, exceedingly liberal, free-spending even in the face of looming state budget deficits, and partisan. Elected president, this man would presumably shift the country sharply to the left on all the key issues of the day-culture-war issues included. It’s no wonder Obama has passed over his Springfield years in relative silence. …”

“…Important though it is to Obama, the crime issue runs a distant second to his deepest passion: social welfare legislation. “Big government liberal,” “redistributionist”-call him what you like, Obama’s fondest hope is to lead America into another war on poverty. Everything in his state-legislative career points in this direction, and Obama calls for a renewal of expensive national anti-poverty programs in his book The Audacity of Hope. True, Obama’s promotion of government partnerships with private-sector housing contractors (like Antoin “Tony” Rezko) was supposed to open up novel, post-Great Society solutions to the problem of poverty. Yet, as a devastating Boston Globe report on Obama’s Illinois housing policy recently showed, the results of Obama’s new war on poverty are just as counterproductive as those of the old war on poverty. Neighborhoods supposedly renovated now lie deserted by the private developers who took Obama’s government handouts and ran-quickly building or renovating housing units, but failing to maintain them. …”



Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 2


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 3 


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 4


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 5


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 6



Ayers’ Weathermen planned “re-education”, genocide



Next, the Obama thugs came for Stanley Kurtz

By Michelle Malkin 

“…First, they came for TV stations daring to air an independent ad about Barack Obama and unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers.

Next, they came for GOP donors.

Now, they are shamelessly attacking National Review investigative journalist Stanley Kurtz — one of conservatism’s most thoughtful and penetrating writers on academic and educational affairs. Kurtz has been at the forefront probing Obama’s relationships with left-wing ideologues. It was his public information request and public call for help that led to the University of Illinois – Chicago finally releasing tons of files that shed light on the Obama/Ayers working relationship. The Obama camp is condemning Kurtz in harsher terms than it ever condemned the terrorist Ayers. Kurtz has been attacked now as a “right-wing hatchet man” and “slimy character assassin.”

Here are the Kurtz-smearing talking points the Obama campaign sent to its worshipers.

It was “non-stop.” And: “Surreal, amusing, and chilling.”

As I reported yesterday, Kurtz spent two hours on legendary radio talk show host Milt Rosenberg’s Chicago program on WGN last night detailing his initial findings. The Obama campaign went ballistic — and in typical Chicago mafia-style, smeared Kurtz and tried to shut down the show.

Milt Rosenberg’s producer, Zack Christenson, wrote early this morning: …” 



Spread the wealth, swallow the crap sandwiches

By Michelle Malkin  


“… I know you all are dying to weigh in.

Plumber to Obama: “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more. Isn’t it?”

Obama: “It’s not that I want to punish your success, I just want to make sure that everybody that is behind you, that they have a chance for success too. I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

Crap Sandwiches: It’s what’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. …”




Obama’s Boys of Summer

A Who’s Who of 1968 radicals supports the candidate.

“…Obama has already taken political hits for his connection to Weathermen Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. In the sixties, Ayers advocated that young people kill their parents, and Dohrn praised the Charles Manson murders. Alongside their Weather Underground cohorts, the pair declared war on the United States and participated in a bombing campaign that hit the Capitol, the Pentagon, and numerous law enforcement agencies. The couple eventually reinvented themselves—first as academics, then as players in Chicago-area Democratic politics. Obama praised Ayers’s book in the Chicago Tribune, sat with him on a foundation’s board, and benefited from a fundraiser held at the couple’s home. Ayers spoke at events organized by Michelle Obama; Barack Obama spoke at events organized by Ayers.

With the public revelation of this unseemly relationship—between unrepentant terrorists and the man who now seeks to oversee America’s war on terror—and the impact it’s already had on voter attitudes, one would think that other sixties extremists might be more reserved in proclaiming their support for Obama, knowing the damage such associations can do to his candidacy. As for Obama, he’ll need to do some distancing of his own. He protested that he was only eight when Ayers, Dohrn, Rudd, and company embarked on their bombing campaign, and that’s reasonable enough. But he’ll need to go further.

Fortunately for him, the Left has a long history of cold-shouldering predecessors to perpetuate its ideology, cleanse it from past failures, and make it appear fresh. The New Left dissociated itself from the Old Left’s Russophilic dogmatism through the Port Huron Statement and other declarations of independence. Even the phrase “New Left” was adopted to divorce the Left from its history.

SDS’s history offers a template for eliminating the embarrassing past. Jack London, Upton Sinclair, and others founded the Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS) during the Progressive era, but by World War I the word “socialist” had fallen from favor. So, with the Left seeing labor unions as the agent of societal change, the ISS became the League for Industrial Democracy (LID). Then, by the end of the 1950s, theorists Herbert Marcuse, C. Wright Mills, and Norman O. Brown scoffed at the idea of blue-collar workers—often violently hostile to the Left’s aims—as transformative agents, and the LID’s student arm, the Student League for Industrial Democracy (SLID), rechristened itself Students for a Democratic Society. Just as SDS killed SLID as the fifties became the sixties, Weatherman killed SDS as the sixties became the seventies: SDS’s spirit of “participatory democracy” could not peacefully coexist with the vanguardism of Weatherman. And now, completing the circle, the SDS alumni of “progressives” for Obama resurrect a term that would have been more familiar to their distant forebears in the Intercollegiate Socialist Society. On the Left, everything old is eventually new again.

In 1968, the Left served as unwitting allies of Republicans, costing the Democrats the White House by rioting at their convention and withholding votes from Hubert Humphrey. In 2008, it is their vocal support that may cost Barack Obama the presidency. Obama can take a page from the early days of the New Left, which—initially, at least—refused to allow discredited radicals to discredit it. Either Obama publicly divorces himself from radical supporters whose association does more for them than it does for him, or he faces the prospect of Bill Ayers as his Willie Horton. …”



Obama & DNC Admit All Allegations of Federal Court Lawsuit – Obama’s “Not” Qualified to be President

Obama Should Immediately Withdraw his Candidacy for President

For Immediate Release: – 10/21/08 – Complete contact details and pdfs of this press release and motions filed by plaintiff Berg today are at the end of this article

(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania – 10/21/08) – Philip J. Berg, Esquire, the Attorney who filed suit against Barack H. Obama challenging Senator Obama’s lack of “qualifications” to serve as President of the United States, announced today that Obama and tbe DNC “ADMITTED”, by way of failure to timely respond to Requests for Admissions, all of the numerous specific requests in the Federal lawsuit. Obama is “NOT QUALIFIED” to be President and therefore Obama must immediately withdraw his candidacy for President and the DNC shall substitute a qualified candidate. The case is Berg v. Obama, No. 08-cv-04083.

Berg stated that he filed Requests for Admissions on September 15, 2008 with a response by way of answer or objection had to be served within thirty [30] days. No response to the Requests for Admissions was served by way of response or objection. Thus, all of the Admissions directed to Obama and the DNC are deemed “ADMITTED.” Therefore, Obama must immediately withdraw his candidacy for President.

OBAMA – Admitted: 

1. I was born in Kenya. 

2. I am a Kenya “natural born” citizen. 

3. My foreign birth was registered in the State of Hawaii. 

4. My father, Barrack Hussein Obama, Sr. admitted Paternity of me. 

5. My mother gave birth to me in Mombosa, Kenya. 6. My mother’s maiden name is Stanley Ann Dunham a/k/a Ann Dunham. 

7. The COLB [Certification of Live Birth] posted on the website “Fightthesmears.com” is a forgery. 

8. I was adopted by a Foreign Citizen. 

9. I was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, M.A. a citizen of Indonesia. 

10. I was not born in Hawaii. …”


Shame, Cubed
Three separate reasons to be appalled, each more disgusting than the last.By Bill Whittle“The Drudge Report this morning led off with a link to audio of Barack Obama on WBEZ, A Chicago Public Radio station. And this time, candidate Obama was not eight years old when the bomb went off.

Speaking at a call-in radio show in 2001, you can hear Senator Obama say things that should profoundly shock any American – or at least those who have not taken the time to dig deeply enough into this man’s beliefs and affiliations.

Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here:


Barack Obama, in 2001:

“You know, if you look at the victories and failures of the Civil Rights movement, and its litigation strategy in the court, I think where it succeeded was to vest formal rights in previously dispossessed peoples. So that I would now have the right to vote, I would now be able to sit at a lunch counter and order and as long as I could pay for it, I’d be okay, but the Supreme Court never entered into the issues of re-distribution of wealth, and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society.

“And uh, to that extent, as radical as I think people tried to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution – at least as it’s been interpreted, and Warren Court interpreted it in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties: [it] says what the states can’t do to you, says what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf.

“And that hasn’t shifted, and one of the, I think, the tragedies of the Civil Rights movement was because the Civil Rights movement became so court-focused, uh, I think that there was a tendency to lose track of the political and community organizing and activities on the ground that are able to put together the actual coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change. And in some ways we still suffer from that.”

A caller then helpfully asks:

“The gentleman made the point that the Warren Court wasn’t terribly radical. My question is (with economic changes)… my question is, is it too late for that kind of reparative work, economically, and is that the appropriate place for reparative economic work to change place?”

Obama replies:

“You know, I’m not optimistic about bringing about major redistributive change through the courts. The institution just isn’t structured that way. [snip] You start getting into all sorts of separation of powers issues, you know, in terms of the court monitoring or engaging in a process that essentially is administrative and takes a lot of time. You know, the court is just not very good at it, and politically, it’s just very hard to legitimize opinions from the court in that regard.

So I think that, although you can craft theoretical justifications for it, legally, you know, I think any three of us sitting here could come up with a rationale for bringing about economic change through the courts.”





“The Schutzstaffel   (German for “Protective Squadron”), abbreviated SS– or Runic "SS" (Runic)- was a major Nazi organization under Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. The SS grew from a small paramilitary unit to an elite force that served as the Führer’s “Praetorian Guard,” the Nazi Party’s “Shield Squadron” and a force with as much political influence as the regular German armed forces. Built upon the Nazi racial ideology, the SS, under Heinrich Himmler’s command, was primarily responsible for the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Nazis during the Second World War.

Initially smaller than the Ernst Röhm’s Sturmabteilung (Storm Battalion abbreviated SA), the SS grew in size and power due to its exclusive loyalty to Hitler, as opposed to the SA, which was seen as semi-independent and a threat to Hitler’s hegemony over the party. Under Himmler, the SS selected members according to the “Aryan” ideology. Developing elite police and military units such as the Waffen SS, Himmler used the SS to develop an order of men claimed to be superior in racial purity and abilities than other Germans and national groups, the model for the Nazi vision of a master race. During the World War, SS units operated alongside the Army and in the final stages of the war, exercised dominance over the Army to eliminate perceived threats to Hitler’s power while implementing his strategies despite the increasingly failing war effort. …”



“The Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (Ministry for State Security), commonly known as the Stasi [ˈʃtazi] (abbreviation German: Staatssicherheit, literally State Security), was the official secret police of East Germany. The MfS was headquartered in East Berlin, with an extensive complex in Berlin-Lichtenberg and several smaller facilities throughout the city. It was widely regarded as one of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies in the world. The MfS motto was “Schild und Schwert der Partei” (Shield and Sword of the Party), showing its connections to the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED), the equivalent to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Another term used in earlier years to refer to the MfS was Staatssicherheitsdienst (State Security Service or SSD). …”


The Lives of Others trailer


The Lives of Others Review


The Lives Of Others (eng-subs) – 1 – Exposing Moral


The Lives Of Others (eng-subs) – 2 – Exposing Moral



Khalidi, who regards Israel as a “racist” “apartheid” state, supports Palestinian terror strikes against Israeli military targets. It’s little surprise that he should be such a favorite of Ayers, the terrorist for whom “racism” and “apartheid” trip off the tongue as easily as “pass the salt.”
And it’s no surprise that the like-minded Obama would be a fan. Khalidi, after all, has mastered the Arafat art of posing as a moderate before credulous Westerners while (as Martin Kramer documents) scalding America’s “Zionist lobby” when addressing Arabic audiences. The Obama who decries “bitter” Americans “cling[ing] to guns or religion” when he’s in San Francisco but morphs into a God-fearing Second Amendment enthusiast when he’s in Pennsylvania — like the Obama who pummels NAFTA before labor union supporters but has advisers quietly assure the Canadians not to worry about such campaign cant — surely appreciates the craft. …”  
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Barack Obama’s Second Socialist Terrorist Connection–Kenyan Moslem Terrorist Odinga

Posted on October 11, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Links, People, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Religion, Resources, Taxes, Video, War | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

“The best mirror is an old friend.”
~George Herbert


Barack Obama & Raila Odinga


Obama and Odinga Campaign in Kenya  




Obama And Odinga Exposed


Obama Supporting Islamic Terror Regime in Kenya

Jerome Corsi – Obama & Odinga of Kenya

The Obama and Odinga Connection



First, Barack Obama lies and misleads the American people about his relationship with friend and fellow radical socialist, Bill Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist bomber.

Second, Barack Obama lies and misleads the American people about his continuing relationship to ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

ACORN has been in the news lately because of its involvement in both widespread voter registration fraud  in a many states and its history of advocating and extorting banks to make mortage loans to unqualified borrowers that over time lead to the current financial crisis on Wall Street.

Now, Barack Obama is silent about his relative and fellow radical socialist, Raila Odinga, a Kenyan unrependent terrorist that incited tribal violence in Kenya resulting in the deaths of over 1500 Kenyans primarily Christians.

Kenya is predominantly a Christian nation with over 78% of the population being either Protestant or Catholic and about 10% Moslem.

There seems to be an Obama pattern and practice here of associating with radical socialist and terrorists.

Barack Obama is a socialist that associates with a network of socialists both in the United States and abroad.

Senator Obama exercises poor judgement when it comes to selecting his friends.

When the truth of the relationship and the ideas and activities of his radical socialists friends becomes known, Senator Obama routinely  “throws them under the bus” by denouncing them and disassociating himself from them.

How convenient.

The American people regard radical socialist terrorists like Ayers and Odinga as beyond the pale.

I agree with Charles Krauthammer who wrote recently:

“Convicted felon Tony Rezko. Unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers. And the race-baiting Rev. Jeremiah Wright. It is hard to think of any presidential candidate before Barack Obama sporting associations with three more execrable characters. Yet let the McCain campaign raise the issue, and the mainstream media begin fulminating about dirty campaigning tinged with racism and McCarthyite guilt by association.   

But associations are important. They provide a significant insight into character. They are particularly relevant in relation to a potential president as new, unknown, opaque and self-contained as Obama. With the economy overshadowing everything, it may be too late politically to be raising this issue. But that does not make it, as conventional wisdom holds, in any way illegitimate.

McCain has only himself to blame for the bad timing. He should months ago have begun challenging Obama’s associations, before the economic meltdown allowed the Obama campaign (and the mainstream media, which is to say the same thing) to dismiss the charges as an act of desperation by the trailing candidate.”


I urge you to read Krauthammer’s entire editorial opinion.

Barack Obama freely chose to associate himself with Ayers, Wright, Pfleger, and Odinga and only renounced them when the revelation of his friends activities and views became widely known.  

Why did Barack Obama associate with these people?

There are two possibilites.

Both of which make him unqualified to be President of the United States of America.

One, Barack Obama has poor judgement as to the character and integrity of the people he associates with such as Ayers, Wright, Rezko, and Odinga, just to name a few.

Second, Barack shares their radical socialist views, means and ends.

I am convinced the second possibility is the truth and where Barack Obama heart lies.

Obama knows that he must mask his association with radical socialists and his socialist views to get elected in the United States.

This is not guilt by association, it is guilt by revelation.

Thomas Sowell is correct to point out that for Barack Obama the associations with Ayers, Wright, Pflegger, Rezko, ACORN and Odinga that supported his political career and Obama in turn supported their agenda were alliances with common socialist goals or ends.:

“…Obama could have allied himself with all sorts of other people. But, time and again, he allied himself with people who openly expressed their hatred of America. No amount of flags on his campaign platforms this election year can change that. …”

The pump and dump drive-by mainstream media, black Americans, liberals, progressives, communists and socialists are supporting him by a margin of 9 to 1. 

This is blind identity politics; they are not interested in seeing or hearing the truth about Obama.

A case of mass invincible ignorance–do not confuse me with the facts, I have already made up my mind.

This will result in Barack Obama getting about 35% of the vote and maybe another 1%  by organized voter fraud using such organizations as ACORN and its affiliates.

Only if the mask remains in place will Obama get another 15% of the vote needed to win in November.

The time to rip off the mask of Barack Obama and reveal what he is past due.

Barack Obama is bad for America; he is bold, arrogant, and dangerous (BAD).

Governor Palin was absolutely right when she said of Senator Obama:

 “This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America.”

Sarah Palin Tells The Truth About Obama’s Terrorist Friends (Barack Obama Palling Around With Terrorist Friend, Bill Ayers)


Only you can prevent socialism in America. 

“You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?”

Matthew 7:16

Background Articles and Videos


Obama’s Kenya ghosts

Mark Hyman
Sunday, October 12, 2008

“…By mid-February 2008, more than 1,500 Kenyans were killed. Many were slain by machete-armed attackers. More than 500,000 were displaced by the religious strife. Villages lay in ruin. Many of the atrocities were perpetrated by Muslims against Christians.

The violence was led by supporters of Raila Odinga, the opposition leader who lost the Dec. 27, 2007, presidential election by more than 230,000 votes. Odinga supporters began the genocide hours after the final election results were announced Dec. 30. Mr. Odinga was a member of Parliament representing an area in western Kenya, heavily populated by the Luo tribe, and the birthplace of Barack Obama’s father. …”

“…Mr. Obama’s judgment is seriously called into question when he backs an official with troubling ties to Muslim extremists and whose supporters practice ethnic cleansing and genocide. It was Islamic extremists in Kenya who bombed the U.S. Embassy in 1998, killing more than 200 and injuring thousands. None of this has dissuaded Mr. Obama from maintaining disturbing loyalties. “



Kenya: Opposition Officials Helped Plan Rift Valley Violence

Police Should Protect Displaced Persons Camps

“…Human Rights Watch investigations indicate that, after Kenya’s disputed elections, opposition party officials and local elders planned and organized ethnic-based violence in the Rift Valley, Human Rights Watch said today. The attacks, targeting mostly Kikuyu and Kisii people in and around the town of Eldoret, could continue unless the government and opposition act to stop the violence, Human Rights Watch said.

Human Rights Watch called on the opposition Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leadership to take immediate steps to stop its supporters from committing further attacks. At the same time, Human Rights Watch said the Kenyan police should urgently deploy extra officers to the region to protect displaced people and resident Kikuyu communities.  
“Opposition leaders are right to challenge Kenya’s rigged presidential poll, but they can’t use it as an excuse for targeting ethnic groups,” said Georgette Gagnon, acting Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “We have evidence that ODM politicians and local leaders actively fomented some post-election violence, and the authorities should investigate and make sure it stops now.”  
Research by Human Rights Watch in and around the town of Eldoret, which has borne the brunt of the Rift Valley violence, indicates that attacks by several ethnic communities against others, especially local Kikuyu populations, were planned soon after the elections. In some cases, local elders and opposition politicians appear to have incited and organized the violence. Since December 27, 2007, clashes between members of the Kalenjin and Luya communities and their Kikuyu and Kisii neighbors in the Rift Valley have left more than 400 people dead and have displaced thousands more.  
Human Rights Watch interviewed members of several pro-ODM Kalenjin communities who described the ways in which local leaders and ODM party agents actively fomented violence against Kikuyu communities. A Kalenjin preacher in a village in Eldoret North constituency told Human Rights Watch that on the morning of December 29, 2007, a local ODM party mobilizer “called a meeting and said that war had broken in Eldoret town, so the elders organized the youth into groups of not less than 15, and they went to loot [Kikuyu] homes and burn them down.”  





Map of Kenya

Map of Kenya

“…The country has an area of 225,000 square miles and a population of 35.5 million; approximately 80 percent live in rural areas. Approximately 80 percent of the country practices Christianity; Protestants represent 58 percent of the Christian majority, Roman Catholics represent 42 percent. Ten percent of the population practice Islam, less than 1 percent practice Hinduism, Sikhism, and Baha’i, and the remainder follow various traditional indigenous religions. There are very few atheists. Some Muslim groups claim to represent up to 30 percent of the population; this figure is not supported by demographic data.

Certain groups tend to dominate particular regions. For example, North Eastern Province, where the population is chiefly ethnic Somali, is home to 15 percent of the Muslim population. Sixty percent of the Muslim population lives in Coast Province, comprising 50 percent of the total population there. Western areas of Coast Province are mostly Christian. The north-central part of the country is home to 10 percent of the Muslims, making it the majority religious group there. Apart from the ethnic Somali population in Nairobi, the rest of the country is largely Christian.

Many foreign missionary groups operate in the country. The Government generally permits missionary groups to assist the poor and to operate schools and hospitals. Missionaries openly promote their religious beliefs and encounter little interference from the Government.


Why did Obama support muslim terrorist Raila Odinga & Sharia law in Kenya?

“When Obama went to Kenya in August of 2006, he was hosted by Raila, his cousin, and spoke in praise of him at rallies in Nairobi: Obama’s bias for his fellow Luo was so blatant that a Kenya government spokesman denounced Obama during his visit as Raila’s ‘stooge.’
Raila Odinga, then the current presidential frontrunner, had promised to implement strict Islamic Sharia law if he received the Muslim vote and was elected president. Odinga had signed a secret memorandum of understanding with Sheikh Abdullahi Abdi, chairman of the National Leaders Forum, in which Odinga had allegedly stated his intention, if elected, to: ‘within six months, rewrite the Constitution of Kenya to recognize Sharia as the only true law sanctioned by the Holy Quran for Muslim declared regions’. I hope Obama’s female voters are ready to be stoned to death if they visit Kenya and even look sideways at a man. …”


Obama: The Kenya Connection
BY Edwin Okong’o

“…Kenyans believe in Barack Obama so much that I’m willing to bet that if he were to run against our President Mwai Kibaki and opposition leader Raila Odinga — the two men at the center of Kenya’s disputed December 27 election that has led to widespread tribal violence — he would win in a landslide.

The absolute support that Kenyans offer Obama comes from the fact that his father was Kenyan, which, according to our tradition, makes him our own. In most of our tribal cultures, a child belongs to the father. This overshadows the fact that his mother was a white American. Likewise, the fact that Obama doesn’t hold Kenyan citizenship, or speak any Kenyan language, is insignificant. Kenyans, especially those from his father’s home province of Nyanza, love him so much that they have already renamed a primary school and a high school in his honor. In Kenyan bars, you can order “Obama beer,” a brew that used to be named “Senator” long before he became one. …”

“…But given Odinga’s controversial background and the continued ethnic violence in Kenya, his attempts to invoke Obama’s name may undermine Obama’s campaign in the U.S.

Odinga is the son of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, Kenya’s first vice-president, a socialist who sent his son to Communist East Germany for college. The younger Odinga named one of his sons Fidel Castro and has also admitted to being one of the masterminds of a 1982 attempted coup against Daniel arap Moi, Kenya’s second president. In American Op-Ed pages and in the blogosphere, many of Obama’s political foes are already capitalizing on his supposed ties to Odinga.

When Obama took time off his campaign in New Hampshire to make a five-minute phone call to Odinga, urging him to talk with President Kibaki in order to avoid more bloodshed, New York Sun columnist Daniel Johnson wrote, “If [Obama] has been putting tribal or family considerations above America’s national interest by supporting Mr. Odinga’s anti-Western candidacy, it raises serious questions about his judgment.”

By using the words “tribal considerations” Johnson assumes that Obama identifies with his father’s tribe, the Luo, the main group clashing with the majority Kikuyus. But Obama has never claimed to be a Kenyan, let alone a Luo. He has said repeatedly that his loyalty is to the people of Illinois, who he represents, and to his fellow Americans. …”


Who Are the Kikuyu?And why do Kenya’s other tribes resent them so much?

Like Father, Like Son 


Election ’08: Barack Obama’s economic blueprint sounds like one his communist father tried to foist on Kenya 40 years ago, with massive taxes and succor shrouded as “investments.”

“…Writing in a 1965 scholarly paper, Obama’s late father slammed the administration of then-President Jomo Kenyatta for moving the Third World country away from socialism toward capitalism. He chafed at the idea of relying on private investors — who earn “dividends” on their venture capital — to develop the country’s fledgling economy.

“What is more important is to find means by which we can redistribute our economic gains to the benefit of all,” said the senior Obama, a Harvard-educated economist. “This is the government’s obligation.” The “means” he had in mind were confiscatory taxes on a scale that redefines the term “progressive taxation.”

“Theoretically,” he wrote, “there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing 100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.”

Therefore, he added, “I do not see why the government cannot tax those who have more and syphon some of these revenues into savings which can be utilized in investment for future development.”

As Obama’s father saw it, taxes couldn’t be high enough, so long as the collective benefited. “Certainly there is no limit to taxation if the benefits derived from public services by society measure up to the cost in taxation which they have to pay,” he said. “It is a fallacy to say that there is this limit, and it is a fallacy to rely mainly on individual free enterprise to get the savings.”

His son is also pushing massive taxes and “investments” in social programs — at the expense of free enterprise. Sen. Obama wants to raise the top marginal income-tax rate to at least 39%, while increasing Social Security taxes on those with higher incomes by completely removing the payroll cap. That means many entrepreneurs would be paying 12.4% (6.2% on employer and 6.2% on employee) on Social Security payroll taxes alone, plus the 2.9% on Medicare taxes, for a total federal tax rate of 54%.

In addition, Obama wants to jack up the capital-gains tax rate and reinstate the death tax. …”

“…However, Obama writes sympathetically of a comrade of his father, Oginga Odinga, who stepped down as vice president and tried to start his own party. He too was angry that President Kenyatta was letting private investors buy up businesses and land “that should be redistributed to the people,” Obama said.

By 1967, two years after Obama Sr. penned his paper, Odinga had been placed under house arrest for holding a rally that turned into a riot.

Like Obama’s father, Odinga was a member of the Luo tribe of Kenya. His son, Raila Odinga, ran for president in 2006. That year, Obama traveled to Kenya and appeared with Odinga at rallies where he criticized the pro-U.S. government Odinga wanted to oust.

When he lost the election the next year, despite Obama’s tacit endorsement, angry Odinga supporters crying fraud sparked riots that resulted in some 1,500 deaths. Amid his ancestral country’s civil unrest, Obama took time out from the campaign trail to phone Odinga to voice his support.

After weeks of violence, Odinga was granted a power-sharing deal. He’s now acting prime minister.

He’s also a something of a communist like his father. An East German-trained engineer, he named his oldest son after Fidel Castro. Paralleling him, Sen. Obama wants to open dialogue with Cuba and once proposed lifting the trade embargo.

The two sons have much in common. However, the son who would lead the U.S. learned from his father’s mistakes and keeps his “mouth shut.” Obama learned that revealing his real beliefs can jeopardize his quest for the power needed to put his “redistribution” plans into action.”



 obama-odinga cousins?


Barack Obama – Kenya – Odinga – Obama Nation

Kenyans clash over election results – 03 Jan 08

Al Jazeera interviews Raila Odinga – 11 Jan 08


Obama’s Kenyan Roots


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 2


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 3 


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 4


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 5


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 6


Ayers’ Weathermen planned “re-education”, genocide



Raila Odinga

Raila Amollo Odinga (born January 7, 1945) is a Kenyan politician, currently serving as the Prime Minister of Kenya with president Mwai Kibaki in a coalition government. He has served as a Member of Parliament for Langata since 1992, was Minister of Energy from 2001 to 2002, and was Minister of Roads, Public Works and Housing from 2003 to 2005. He was the main opposition candidate in the disputed 2007 presidential election. Following a post-electoral crisis that resulted in the deaths of 1,500 people and the displacement of 600,000 more, Odinga took office as Prime Minister, at the head of a national unity government, in April 2008.

Odinga is the son of the first Vice President of Kenya, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga; his brother, Oburu Odinga, is also currently an MP. Raila is commonly known by his first name due to coincidence: he was an MP at the same time as his father between 1992 and 1994, and is currently in the House with Oburu. Raila was a presidential contender in the 1997 elections, coming third after President Daniel arap Moi of KANU and Mwai Kibaki now the current president of Kenya but then a member of the Democratic Party. Odinga campaigned to run for president in the December 2007 elections on an Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) ticket. …” 

“…According his website, Raila lists himself as a social democrat,[20] thus distancing himself from his late father, who was openly socialist. His party, the LDP, is affiliated to the Liberal International.

Raila Odinga gets noticeable support from all over the country, especially among third largest ethnic base in Kenya, the Luo. He is seen as an effective mobilizer of grassroots support.

Further to this, there have been recent calls from the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Martha Karua, for Raila to answer allegations regarding impropriety in the purchase and subsequent sale of land on the Kisumu Molasses Plant.[21]

“…Raila Odinga is of the Anglican faith[24] and is married to Ida Odinga (born Ida Anyango Oyoo). They live in Nairobi (but has a second home in Bondo District) with their four children—two sons and two daughters. His oldest son, Fidel, is named after Fidel Castro[25] and their youngest child, Winnie, is named after Winnie Mandela.[25]

In a January 2008 interview, Odinga suggested that he was the first cousin of American Senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama through Senator Obama’s father.[26] However, Barack Obama’s paternal uncle Said Obama has denied any direct relation to Odinga, stating “Odinga’s mother came from this area, so it is normal for us to talk about cousins. But he is not a blood relative.”[27] Obama’s father belonged to the same Luo tribe as Odinga. [26]



By Pamela Geller on Atlas Shrugs

“…Jerome Corsi is back from Kenya and he confirms everything I have been reporting about Obama and Odinga since January 2008. Obama supported a vicious killer to overthrow the duly elected President of Kenya. The  Odinga strategy exploited “anti-Kikuyu sentiments,”  clearly a racial strategy aimed at inflaming long-standing tribal animosity to gain electoral advantage for Odinga”.

Why would Obama support the exploitation of ethnic violence and murder? To further his own Obamaodinga career? To position himself to “save the day”? Isn’t this the same malevolent, anti-American, me-me-me subterfuge that Obama tried in Iraq? His private attempt to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence was sabotage, treason even. His objective was to keep our boys in Iraq until he became President so that he could position himself to take credit “for bringing our boys and girls  home” when he he was vehemently against the surge and advocated surrender and defeat in Iraq.This Mansourian candidate depends and wishes for, advocates for American failure.

This is the currency in which he trades – bad for America is good for Obama. …”

“…When Raila Odinga lost the presidential election last week (12/27) to Mwai Kibaki, he claimed the vote was rigged, whereupon his tribal followers went on murderous rampages such as in the town of Eldoret, where on New Years Day dozens of people were burned to death in a church set on fire.

Throughout Kenya, hundreds of people have been politically murdered in the last few days.

Kenya’s 37 million people are divided up into over three dozen tribes and sub-tribes, but the two dominant ones are Kikuyu and Luo.  Kenyan politics since independence in 1963 has essentially been a duke-out between them.

The father of Kenyan independence and president until 1978 was Jomo Kenyatta, a Kikuyu.  His main political opponent was Oginga Odinga, known as “OO,” a Luo and Raila’s father. 

While Kenyatta was pro-West and sided with America in the Cold War, OO was a Communist who was aided and supported by the Soviet Union.That’s why Raila went to school in East Germany (born in 1945, he graduated from Magdeburg University in 1970), and named his first-born son after Fidel Castro. …” 


Politics of Kenya

“The Politics of Kenya take place in a framework of a presidential representative democratic republic, whereby the President of Kenya is both head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. Recent constitutional amendments have enabled sharing of executive powers between the President and a Prime Minister. Executive power is exercised by the government, with powers shared between the President and a Prime Minister, who coordinates and supervises the cabinet. Legislative power is vested in both the government and the National Assembly. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature.


The World Fact Book: Kenya

“…Mwai KIBAKI, running as the candidate of the multiethnic, united opposition group, the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC), defeated KANU candidate Uhuru KENYATTA and assumed the presidency following a campaign centered on an anticorruption platform. KIBAKI’s NARC coalition splintered in 2005 over the constitutional review process. Government defectors joined with KANU to form a new opposition coalition, the Orange Democratic Movement, which defeated the government’s draft constitution in a popular referendum in November 2005. KIBAKI’s reelection in December 2007 brought charges of vote rigging from ODM candidate Raila ODINGA and unleashed two months of violence in which as many as 1,500 people died. UN-sponsored talks in late February produced a powersharing accord bringing ODINGA into the government in the restored position of prime minister.


The Obama Witch Project: RAAAAAAAAACISM!

By Michelle Malkin

“…Such paranoia is not limited to the fever swamps of the Internet. Earlier this week, the Associated Press disseminated an “analysis” accusing Palin of injecting a “racial tinge” into the campaign because she criticized Obama for his longtime relationship with Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. Palin’s comments were completely unobjectionable: “This is not a man who sees America like you and I see America.”

I saw a vice presidential candidate drawing stark philosophical differences between two tickets. The AP saw Freddy Krueger with lipstick and a noose.

“Whether intended or not by the McCain campaign, portraying Obama as ‘not like us’ is another potential appeal to racism. It suggests that the Hawaiian-born Christian is, at heart, un-American,” the AP piece frothed.

Obama is half-black. Ayers is white. One of the Weather Underground’s victims was black police officer Waverly Brown of Nyack, New York. Where do I buy a pair of the super X-ray glasses that can detect the racism in Palin’s remarks about the Obama-Ayers alliance?


The Real Obama

Basic facts.

By Thomas Sowell

“…Associations are very different from alliances. Allies are not just people who happen to be where you are or who happen to be doing the same things you do. You choose allies deliberately for a reason. The kind of allies you choose says something about you.Jeremiah Wright, Father Michael Pfleger, William Ayers, and Antoin Rezko are not just people who happened to be at the same place at the same time as Barack Obama. They are people with whom he chose to ally himself for years, and with some of whom some serious money changed hands.

Some gave political support, and some gave financial support, to Obama’s election campaigns, and Obama in turn contributed either his own money or the taxpayers’ money to some of them. That is a familiar political alliance — but an alliance is not just an “association” from being at the same place at the same time.

Obama could have allied himself with all sorts of other people. But, time and again, he allied himself with people who openly expressed their hatred of America. No amount of flags on his campaign platforms this election year can change that.

Unfortunately, all that most people know about Barack Obama is his own rhetoric and that of his critics. Moreover, some of his more irresponsible critics have made wild accusations — that he is not an American citizen or that he is a Muslim, for example.

All that such false charges do is discredit Obama’s critics in general. Fortunately, there is a documented, factual account of what Barack Obama has actually been doing over the years, as distinguished from what he has been saying during this election campaign, in a new best-selling book.

That book is titled The Case Against Barack Obama by David Freddoso. He starts off in the introduction by repudiating those critics of Obama who “have been content merely to slander him — to claim falsely that he refuses to salute the U.S. flag or was sworn into office on a Koran, or that he was born in a foreign country.”  …”



Red State Update: Bill Ayers


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Obama–Ayers–Chicago Annenberg Challenge–ACORN–Woods Fund–Gamaliel Foundation–Radical Socialists–Terrorist Bombers–Videos

Posted on October 5, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Investments, Links, Politics, Rants, Raves, Resources, Taxes, Video, War | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Barack Obama

Bill Ayers
Bill Ayers

Obama’s terrorist connections – William Ayers


Fox News: Weatherman Bill Ayers Was Obama’s “Mentor”

CNN Exposes Barack Obama Connection to William Ayers

Ayers’ Weathermen planned “re-education”, genocide

Devastating Video, Obama talks about job Ayers gave him

Amazing Ayers Audio & Barack Obama


Barack Obama’s Friends

Greg Gutfeld Slams Bill Ayers For Defending Underground Bombings The Five 5 6 13

Kurtz With Bill Bennett To Discuss Obama Ties To Bill Ayers

Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn interviewed on Democracy Now! (1 of 5)

Larry Elder’s explosive interview with Bill Ayers

Kurtz Reports On Obama’s Ties To Radical Bill Ayers

stanley kurtz

Obama Links To Terrorist Ayers Explored In New Docs

Obama Ayers

Barack Obama: Bill Ayers Book The “Prairie Fire”!


Obama’s Influences – Frank Marshall Davis

obama:Frank m. Davis, Ludacris,pelosi,congress,berlin speech

The Obama Nation” | Dr. Jerome Corsi | Hannity & Colmes, Part 1

“The Obama Nation” | Dr Jerome Corsi | Hannity’s America- Part 2

Barack Obama Saul Alinsky Louis Farrakhan Tony Rezko Bill Ayers Bernardine Dohrn Reverend Jeremiah Wright SDS Weather Underground Malcolm X David Axelrod

SARAH Palin asks BARACK Obama: “WHY are YOU friends with a TERRORIST?” – Associated Press

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John M. Murtagh

Fire in the Night

The Weathermen tried to kill my family.

“…Though no one was ever caught or tried for the attempt on my family’s life, there was never any doubt who was behind it. Only a few weeks after the attack, the New York contingent of the Weathermen blew themselves up making more bombs in a Greenwich Village townhouse. The same cell had bombed my house, writes Ron Jacobs in The Way the Wind Blew: A History of the Weather Underground. And in late November that year, a letter to the Associated Press signed by Bernardine Dohrn, Ayers’s wife, promised more bombings.

As the association between Obama and Ayers came to light, it would have helped the senator a little if his friend had at least shown some remorse. But listen to Ayers interviewed in the New York Times on September 11, 2001, of all days: “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” Translation: “We meant to kill that judge and his family, not just damage the porch.” When asked by the Times if he would do it all again, Ayers responded: “I don’t want to discount the possibility.”

Though never a supporter of Obama, I admired him for a time for his ability to engage our imaginations, and especially for his ability to inspire the young once again to embrace the political system. Yet his myopia in the last few months has cast a new light on his “politics of change.” Nobody should hold the junior senator from Illinois responsible for his friends’ and supporters’ violent terrorist acts. But it is fair to hold him responsible for a startling lack of judgment in his choice of mentors, associates, and friends, and for showing a callous disregard for the lives they damaged and the hatred they have demonstrated for this country. It is fair, too, to ask what those choices say about Obama’s own beliefs, his philosophy, and the direction he would take our nation.

At the conclusion of his 2001 Times interview, Ayers said of his upbringing and subsequent radicalization: “I was a child of privilege and I woke up to a world on fire.”

Funny thing, Bill: one night, so did I. …”


Barack Obama actually does have some executive experience, unfortunatley Obama just does not want to talk or write about it.

Why not talk or write about it in detail?

What is Barack Obama hiding?

Obama was recruited by a friend in 1995, Bill Ayers, to be Chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

Who is Bill Ayers?

Ayers is far left radical socialist and terrorist bomber who bombed the Pentagon and Capitol building in the 1970s and is currently a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Where did Barack Obama and Bill Ayers first meet?  (see Who “sent” Obama? below by Steve Diamond).

Was it in Chicago or was it earlier in New York City when Obama was attending Columbia University as well as radical socialist meetings there?

Bill Ayers recruited Obama for the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a position Obama held from 1995 to 2000. Bill Ayers also launched Obama’s political career in Chicago by hosting a fund raiser in Ayers home.

The Chicago Annenberg Challenge provided over a $110 million to various organizations with the aim of improving school performance. The money apparently had no impact on improving school performance:

The Chicago Annenberg Challenge: Successes, Failures, and Lessons for the Future. Final Technical Report of the Chicago Annenberg Research Project.

“This study examined whether the Chicago Annenberg Challenge promoted improvement in schools it supported and in student achievement and other outcomes; factors that might explain improvement or lack thereof among Annenberg schools; and what could be learned from the Challenge’s experiences. It highlighted the period between 1996-1997 through 2000-2001. Results suggest that among the schools it supported, the Challenge had little impact on school improvement and student outcomes, with no statistically significant differences between Annenberg and non-Annenberg schools in rates of achievement gain, classroom behavior, student self-efficacy, and social competence. The study also examined trends in school improvement among a small group of “Breakthrough Schools,” which received special financial and professional support from the Challenge between 1990-2001, a time during which the Challenge began withdrawing funds from the other Annenberg schools. Overall, Breakthrough schools began to develop in ways that distinguished them from other Annenberg schools and sustained or strengthened aspects of teacher professional community, school leadership, and relational trust while other Annenberg schools did not. Factors distinguishing strong and weak schools included cultivation of strong, distributive leadership and use of an array of complementary, reinforcing strategies. Appendixes contain research methodology and results. (Contains 59 figures, 27 tables, and 131 endnotes.) (SM)


When questioned about his relationship with Bill Ayers, Senator Obama says that Bill Ayers lived in the same neighborhood, Ayers children went to the same school as his children, Ayers was an English professor and they both served on a board.

The impression given is the relationship was one of a casual acquintance. This is both misleading and a lie. Ayers “children” are adults and Ayers was instrumental in Obama obtaining the position of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. They both worked together for a period of six years on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and later on the Woods Fund of Chicago.

Ayers is a professor of education and not English, again an attempt by Obama to mislead, given Ayers radical socialist writing on education.

Barack Obama – Democrat Debate – Bill Ayers – Pennsylvania

Obama’s relationship with Bill Ayers was not causal or flimsy–it was of long duration and deep-and both were adults at the time.

Most Americans would not knowingly associate with a radical terrorist bomber.

Most would resign or refuse to serve on any board of an organization that had on its board an unrepentant terrorist bomber.

Yet Senator Obama worked with Bill Ayers for over six years.

This indicates at a minimum poor judgement and more likely it also indicates that Obama and Ayers shared common views on the aims of socialism.

Barack Hussein Obama’s Senior Adviser Robert Gibbs Spins Like a Whirling Dervish on the Ayers Connection

Do you want a President of the United States that associates with radical socialists and terrorist bombers?

Do you want a President who could not pass a routine FBI and Secret Service background check required of those who handle secret government documents and meet with the President of the United States?

Can you trust Barack Obama?

I certainly do not.

Character and integrity matter when you are electing a President of the United States of America.

Would you elect a President that is hiding and lying about his radical socialist, terrorist bomber, marxist minister and criminial connections?

Watch the videos below on Barack Obama & Friends: History of Radicalism.

Only you can prevent socialism in America.

Obama: Radical in Liberal Clothing

By Peter Kirsanow

“…Whenever a proposition  polls in the 60% range, it’s considered to be in landslide territory.  That doesn’t necessarily mean that someone supporting the minority viewpoint is a nut or an extremist, but at some point it may fairly be said that a person on the short end of several of these propositions is out of the mainstream. Here are just some of the issues in which Obama’s on the fringe of American opinion:*

Obama opposes offshore drilling for oil. Voters support drilling by 67% to 18%. (Rasmussen, June 2008).

Obama supports giving driver licenses to illegal immigrants.  Americans oppose this 76% to 23%. (CNN/ Opinion Research, Oct. 2007)

Obama supports affirmative action in public employment, contracting and university admissions.  Americans oppose giving an advantage in these areas on the basis of race by a margin of 82% to 14%. (Newsweek, July 2007) 

Obama says that he will cut funding for research and development of missile defense systems.  89% of Americans support development of or research for missile defense — 8% don’t. (Program on International Policy Alternatives, March 2004)  It’s worth noting that Obama’s closer to a pre-9/11 view of missile defense.  An August 2001 Bloomberg News poll showed only 49% favored missile defense at that time whereas 41% opposed it. 

Obama voted against a ban on partial birth abortions.  Americans support a ban by a margin of 66% to 28%. (CNN/Opinion Research, May 2007)

Despite his equivocal statements regarding the recent Supreme Court decision striking down the D.C. gun ban, Obama has never met a gun ban he didn’t like.  Although many Americans support certain types of restrictions on guns, they oppose broad bans by a margin of 68% to 30%. In fact, 58% insist no new gun laws should be passed.(Gallup, Oct. 2007)

Obama opposed the Induced Birth Infant Liability Act while in the Illinois state legislature.  The measure is designed to prevent abortion providers from withholding medical care and sustenance from infants born after surviving an abortion attempt.  There’s no national polling data on this state issue, but when the Senate voted on a analogous piece of legislation —  the Born Alive Infant Protection Act — the measure passed unanimously.

Obama voted against a bill that would make English the official language for conducting business with the U.S. government.  Americans support making English the official language 85% to 11%, including 79% of Democrats. (Rasmussen, July 2006)

While in the Illinois state legislature, Obama voted against parental notification requirements for abortions for minors.  Americans support parental notification laws by a margin of 79% to 17%. Even 64% of those identifying themselves as pro-choice support such laws. (Fox News/Opinion Dynamics, April 2005)

Obama maintains that the Supreme Court’s recent decisions prohibiting the use of race in determining public school assignments are wrong.  In contrast, 71% of American agree with the decisions and only 24% disagree. (Quinnipiac, July 2007)

Of course, Obama’s positions on other issues are more mainstream, but over the course of the primary season he made a number of statements that will play poorly in the general election: Obama plans to raise taxes significantly — not just income taxes — but payroll and capital gains taxes as well; he will re-invade Iraq if things fall apart when he withdraws the troops; he promises unconditional talks with leaders of countries that are state sponsors of terror; Obama vows to slow the development of future weapons systems, without any indication that this would be contingent upon other nations slowing the development of their systems as well; he will appoint federal judges in the mold of Justice Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg and; he supports giving foreign terrorists habeas rights. …”


09/02/08 RNC Fred Thompson Speech: IYC America’s Next President

Background Articles and Videos

Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special

Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 2


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 3

Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 4

Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 5

Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 6

Obama’s Three Strikes

By J.R. Dunn

“…A terrorist bomber, what may be the largest vote-fraud operation in history, and a political party calling for a socialist revolution in the United States. Obama has certainly been a busy little bee — though not too busy, it seems, to cover his tracks in all three cases. As well he might — anybody with such a history has a few questions to answer. And Obama knows this full well, considering the effort he’s put into ducking those exact questions since his campaign began.

But those questions must be asked and answered before November 4th. Which, needless to say, is a job for Superwoman. Sarah Palin’s relentless hammering brought the Ayers story back to the surface. She must now tie the three strands together: Ayers, ACORN, the New Party, and pound at it until it can no longer be ignored. (Of course, this will be an extremely upsetting experience for Kathleen Parker and David Brooks, but that can’t be helped.)
If the three can be bundled, and the resulting package adequately presented to the American people, Barack Obama is through. American voters have made it clear time and again that they have no use for the political extremes of either left or right. Obama plainly suffers, at best, from a weakness for crackpot left-wing politics, and at worst from a yearning to create a revolutionary situation in American society. The first reveals an immature personality, one easily led and given to romantic concepts of how the world works. The second is evidence of serious maliciousness.
We require neither in the oval office.”


 BREAKING NEWS: When Did Barack Obama Stop Believing in Socialism?

“…Our own intrepid Matthew is going to break a huge story within an hour (at least that is the plan as I type). He has discovered documents that clearly demonstrate Barack Obama received the endorsement of a socialist group that required candidates to seeking their endorsement to sign a contract that mandates that they must have a visible and active relationship with that socialist party.

This VIDEO below explains why Barack’s campaign cannot give a straight answer about when he decided that Bill Ayers had been a terrorist: …”



Barack Obama and the Democratic Socialists of America

“…The USA’s largest Marxist organisation, Democratic Socialists of America has consistently supported Barack Obama-particularly through its influential Chicago branch.

But as Ronald Reagan famously said of the Ku Klux Klan “just because they support me, that doesn’t mean I support them.”

While Obama has mixed with DSA members for many years, socially and politically, he has only occasionally been publicly identified with DSA sponsored events.

Obama makes an apparent, if obscure reference to DSA in his 1995 autobiography “Dreams From My Father“.

Discussing his time studying political science at New York’s Columbia University, in the early 80s, Obama reveals that he“went to socialist conferences at Cooper Union and African cultural fairs in Brooklyne.”

Cooper Union” is the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, a privately funded college in Downtown Manhattan.

For many years, from the early ’80s until 2004, Cooper Union was the usual venue of the annual Socialist Scholars Conference-almost certainly what Obama was referring to.

SSC was for many years the largest socialist gathering in the USA, attracting up to 2,000 participants. …”


Bolshevik Barbara Bolsters Obama

“…Just before Christmas, US congresswoman Barbara Lee, became the first California Democrat to endorse Barack Obama.  I

I have posted before that Obama has been supported by three of the US’s main Marxist organisations-the Commununist Party USA, the Democratic Socialists of America and the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.

As Barbara Lee has been closely associated with all three, her ringing endorsement of Obama comes as no surprise.

Barbara Lee inherited her Congressional seat on the retirement of her former boss Congressman Ron Dellums.

Dellums, now mayor of Oakland California (and a Hillary Clinton supporter) has been a long time associate of the Communist Party USA.

Both Dellums and Lee were encouraged to enter politics by longtime Berkeley Councilwoman and CPUSA supporter, Maudelle Shirek.

Lee and Dellums are regarded as two of the most socialist Congressmen in recent history.

Dellums was until recently vice-chair of Democratic Socialists of America. …”


Obama’s Real Problem With Ayers


“…In a recent interview on Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor,” Obama upgraded Ayers’ status from “a guy who lives in my neighborhood” to “somebody who worked on education issues in Chicago that I know.”

Actually, Obama knew him quite well, having worked together on a school “reform” project called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.

In the 1990s, Ayers was instrumental in starting the Annenberg Challenge, securing a $50 million grant to reform the Chicago Public Schools, part of a national initiative funded by the late Ambassador Walter Annenberg.

Obama was given the Annenberg board chairmanship only months before his first run for office. He ran the fiscal arm that distributed grants to schools and raised matching funds.

Ayers participated in a second entity known as the Chicago School Reform Collaborative, the operational arm that worked with grant recipients.

During Obama’s tenure as Annenberg board chairman, Ayers’ own education projects received substantial funding.

One of Ayers’ descriptions for a course called “Improving Learning Environments” says a prospective K-12 teacher needs to “be aware of the social and moral universe we inhabit and . . . be a teacher capable of hope and struggle, outrage and action, teaching for social justice and liberation.”

John McCain needs to repeatedly point out the stealth socialism of Ayers’ education agenda and Obama’s complicity in it. Otherwise, we may one day see Ayers as Obama’s secretary of education.”


Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis

By James Simpson

“…Despite the mass media news blackout, a series of books, talk radio and the blogosphere have managed to expose Barack Obama’s connections to his radical mentors — Weather Underground bombers William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis and others. David Horowitz and his Discover the Networks.org have also contributed a wealth of information and have noted Obama’s radical connections since the beginning.

Yet, no one to my knowledge has yet connected all the dots between Barack Obama and the Radical Left. When seen together, the influences on Obama’s life comprise a who’s who of the radical leftist movement, and it becomes painfully apparent that not only is Obama a willing participant in that movement, he has spent most of his adult life deeply immersed in it.

But even this doesn’t fully describe the extreme nature of this candidate. He can be tied directly to a malevolent overarching strategy that has motivated many, if not all, of the most destructive radical leftist organizations in the United States since the 1960s. …”


Cloven-Piven Strategy

“…First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse. Inspired by the August 1965 riots in the black district of Watts in Los Angeles (which erupted after police had used batons to subdue a black man suspected of drunk driving), Cloward and Piven published an article titled “The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty” in the May 2, 1966 issue of The Nation. Following its publication, The Nation sold an unprecedented 30,000 reprints. Activists were abuzz over the so-called “crisis strategy” or “Cloward-Piven Strategy,” as it came to be called. Many were eager to put it into effect.Cloward-Piven’s early promoters cited radical organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration. “Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules,” Alinsky wrote in his 1989 book Rules for Radicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judaeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system’s failure to “live up” to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist “rule  book” with a socialist one.  …”


 Obama’s Challenge

The campaign speaks to “Radicalism.”By Stanley Kurtz“…The fact that Ayers and other tenured radicals hold power at our universities is in no way negated by the presence of Republican appointees on university boards of trustees. Ayers’s radicalism is undeniable. He remains unapologetic for his bombings of the 1960s. Even now, he refuses to rule out violence as a resort. His education writings are deeply politicized and filled with exhortations to “resist” America’s racist and oppressive social system. In 2006 — along with his wife and fellow former-terrorist, Bernardine Dohrn, and Jeff Jones — Ayers released, Sing A Battle Song, a collection of intensely radical writings from the Weather Underground. Ayers makes it clear in that book that, while he is embarrassed by some of the Weather Underground’s rhetoric, he still adheres to the same ideas. Beyond its strictly historical interest, Ayers and his co-editors make a point of hoping that their old writings would be “of use to new generations of militant activists and organizers.” By directing CAC funds to groups like ACORN and the Developing Communities Project of the Gamaliel Foundation, Ayers was supporting just such militant activists and organizers. …”

“…The Chicago Annenberg Challenge stands as Barack Obama’s most important executive experience to date. By its own account, CAC was a largely a failure. And a series of critical evaluations point to reasons for that failure, including a poor strategy, to which the foundation over-committed in 1995, and over-reliance on community organizers with insufficient education expertise. The failure of CAC thus raises entirely legitimate questions, both about Obama’s competence, his alliances with radical community organizers, and about Ayers’s continuing influence over CAC and its board, headed by Obama. Above all, by continuing to fund Ayers’s personal projects, and those of his political-educational allies, Obama was lending moral and material support to Ayers’s profoundly radical efforts. Ayers’s terrorist history aside, that makes the Ayers-Obama relationship a perfectly legitimate issue in this campaign. …”


Who “sent” Obama?

By Steve Diamond

“… So it is reasonable to ask, who “sent” Barack Obama?  In other words, how can his meteoric rise to political prominence be explained?  And, of course, in an answer to that question might lie a better understanding of his essential world view.  When I started looking at this question a few weeks ago I quickly grew more concerned about the kinds of people that seem to have been very important in Obama’s ascendancy in Chicago area politics.  It is the connection of some of these people to authoritarian politics that has me particularly concerned.  And a key concern of this blog has been the rise of authoritarian tendencies in the global labor movement.

The people linked to Senator Obama grew to political maturity in the extreme wings of the late 60s student and antiwar movements.  They adopted some of the worst forms of sectarian and authoritarian politics.  They helped undermine the emergence of a healthy relationship between students and others in American society who were becoming interested in alternative views of social, political and economic organization. In fact, at the time, some far more constructive activists had a hard time comprehending groups like the Weather Underground.  Their tactics were so damaging that some on the left thought that government or right wing elements helped create them.  There is some evidence, in fact, that that was true (for example, the Cointelpro effort of the federal government.)
Today, however, many of these individuals continue to hold political views that hardened in that period.  Many of them have joined up with other wings of the late 60s and 70s movements, in particular the pro-China maoists elements of that era and are now playing a role in the labor movement and elsewhere.  And yet this question of Obama’s links to people from this milieu has not been thoroughly explored by any of the many thousands of journalists, bloggers and political operatives looking so closely at Obama. …”
“…Ayers, of course, had long held what the left once knew, broadly, as “maoist” politics – a view of the world that was opposed to Russian style bureaucratic communism from above, instead advocates of this approach supported sending revolutionary cadre to “swim among the masses like fish in the sea” or attempting to establish guerilla foco as romantically theorized by Regis Debray and carried out with disastrous results by Che Guevara. …”
“…Thus, we have one possible answer to the question: Who “sent” Obama? It was the Ayers family, including Tom, John, Bill and Bernardine Dohrn.
It is highly unlikely that a 30-something second year lawyer would have been plucked from relative obscurity out of a left wing law firm to head up something as visible and important in Chicago as the Annenberg Challenge by Bill Ayers if Ayers had not already known Obama very well. One possibility is that Obama proved himself to the Ayers’s in the battle for local school control when he was at the DCP in the 80s.
One guess as to why Obama does not play up his educational experience more thoroughly now – it certainly could be of use to him one would think in beefing up his “I have the experience to be President” argument – is that it would lead to a renewed discussion of the Ayers connection, which is clearly toxic for Obama. And it turns out the impact of the Annenberg Challenge on actual students in Chicago schools is considered mixed at best, although Bill Ayers deemed it a success on political grounds.  Indeed the 1995 and 1999 legislative attempts to recentralize power over the schools in the hands of the mayor did not quite succeed in wresting control completely away from the LSC’s, instead it helped, in the words of Alexander Russo, “keep the flame alive for decentralized, community-based school reform – even as the system was moving in a very different direction.”
This likely explains why Obama tried a kind of head fake when asked about Ayers by George Stephanopoulos in the TV debate with Clinton prior to the Pennsylvania primary. Obama said Ayers was a “professor of english.”  Yet, Obama chaired the Annenberg Challenge for three years and served on its board for another three years, working closely with Ayers on grants to Chicago schools.  And he did not know that Ayers was a professor of education?  That strains credulity. …”

That “Guy Who Lives in My Neighborhood”: Behind the Ayers-Obama Relationship

By Steve Diamond

“…It so happens that on a crucial political issue – education policy – I think there is a potential problem with the views of Bill Ayers and others in the Obama camp and potentially with the views of the candidate himself. Thus, I think it is important to pay careful attention to those views. …”

“…The Challenge allowed Barack Obama and Bill Ayers to work together, no doubt closely, in the heat of political battle to help disburse more than $100 million to allies, particularly in the LSCs, in the Chicago School system. Under the circumstances, it seems more than a bit disingenuous of Senator Obama to dismiss Bill Ayers as just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood.” …”



Bill Ayers

“…William Charles “Bill” Ayers (born 1944) is an American elementary education theorist, and former leading 1960s militant. He is most well known for his radical activism in the 1960s and 1970s, his current work in education reform, curriculum and instruction. In 1969 he cofounded the violent radical left organization Weatherman, which was active during the 1960s and 1970s. He is now a professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, holding the honor of Distinguished Professor. …”

“…Ayers’ ideology

In an interview published in 1995, Ayers characterized his political beliefs at that time and in the 1960s and 1970s: “I am a radical, Leftist, small ‘c’ communist … [Laughs] Maybe I’m the last communist who is willing to admit it. [Laughs] We have always been small ‘c’ communists in the sense that we were never in the [Communist] party and never Stalinists. The ethics of Communism still appeal to me. I don’t like Lenin as much as the early Marx. I also like Henry David Thoreau, Mother Jones and Jane Addams […]”[25]

In 1970 Ayers was called “a national leader”[26] of the Weatherman organization and “one of the chief theoreticians of the Weathermen”.[27] The Weathermen were initially part of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) within the SDS, splitting from the RYM’s Maoists by claiming there was no time to build a vanguard party and that revolutionary war against the United States government and the capitalist system should begin immediately. Their founding document called for the establishment of a “white fighting force” to be allied with the “Black Liberation Movement” and other “anti-colonial” movements[28] to achieve “the destruction of US imperialism and the achievement of a classless world: world communism.”[29] In June 1974, the Weather Underground released a 151-page volume titled Prairie Fire, which stated: “We are a guerrilla organization […] We are communist women and men underground in the United States […]”[30] …”


Thomas G. Ayers

Thomas G. Ayers – (1915-June 8, 2007) was a powerful corporate executive and head of Commonwealth Edison from 1973 to 1980. He is most notable for his alliance with Mayor Richard J. Daley and his role in brokering a deal between the mayor and Rev. Martin Luther King. Another project was his open housing campaign. He became better known nationally through the crimes of his radical son William C. Ayers and for managing his rehabilitation after release from prison. He has been described as the kingmaker of Chicago and Illinois politics.

Ayers also served as Chairman of the Chicago Symphony, was a Trustee of Northwestern University, as well as serving on the boards of G.D. Searle, Chicago Pacific Corp., Zenith Corp., Northwest Industries, First National Bank of Chicago and Tribune Co. He headed Chicago United, a business sector non-profit. …”


Chicago Annenberg Challenge

“The Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC) (also referred to as the Annenberg Challenge to Chicago) was a public-private partnership founded in 1995 to improve school performance by what it called “on the ground” investments in the form of professional development and technical assistance. Sponsored by the Annenberg Foundation, the CAC received a charter grant of $49.2 million in 1995.[1] The CAC was formally dissolved in January, 2002. It handed over its remaining assets to its successor, the Chicago Public Education Fund, on whose board sit Susan Crown and Penny Pritzker. The CAC donated its records to the Richard J. Daley Library at the University of Illinois at Chicago to be made available for public research.

The CAC’s successful grant application was written in 1993 by William Ayers, professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago.[2][3] After extensive community-based discussions also involving Anne Hallett of the Cross City Campaign for Urban School Reform, and Warren Chapman of the Joyce Foundation.

At its founding, the Annenberg Challenge was made up of three constituent parts:

  • The Chicago School Reform Collaborative, co-chaired by William C. Ayers;
  • a Board of Directors initially recruited by the Collaborative, which was chaired from 1995 to 2000 by Barack Obama[4], at the time a practicing attorney.
  • The Chicago Schools Research Consortium, a research arm of the Challenge.

The Collaborative was the operative on the ground body of the Challenge. It was made up of representatives of various constituencies in the Chicago school reform movement. That reform movement had begun in 1987 in the wake of an unpopular strike by Chicago teachers. Bill Ayers was active in that reform effort through a group called the Alliance for Better Chicago Schools, or ABCs. ABCs was an alliance of various activists and reform groups that included the Developing Communities Project which Barack Obama headed up at the time as well as Chicago United, a business sector group, that was headed up by Thomas Ayers, father of Bill Ayers.

A key accomplishment of the reform movement was the passage in 1988 of a new state law that established local school councils in every school in Chicago as a competing center of power relative to the teachers union and the Chicago school administration.

The Collaborative’s responsibility was to help identify potential grant recipients, prepare requests for proposals and develop other means for the Challenge to intervene in supporting the local school council-led reform process in Chicago. In 1995 the mayor of Chicago succeeded in the first of several efforts to undermine the power of these councils. But the Challenge fought back by funneling millions of dollars into the councils and associated reform groups, including $175,000 to the Small Schools Workshop. The Workshop had been established in the early 1990s by William Ayers who hired Mike Klonsky, a Chicago cab driver who had earned a Ph.D. in education from the University of South Florida, and former activist with Ayers in Students for a Democratic Society, or SDS. Klonsky had achieved limited notoriety in 1977 when he traveled to Beijing to seek the endorsement of Communist China for a political party he had helped establish in the United States, the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist).

At times the attempt by the Challenge was controversial. An effort to funnel $2 million to the Local Schools Councils was criticized by one Challenge board member, Arnold Weber, a business sector representative and former President of Northwestern University, who saw the Councils as a potential “political threat” to school principals. Of course, the councils were formed precisely to provide parent and political activists with the power to influence schools.

The Board would engage in fundraising and approval of grants. The Board also hired a Executive Director, Ken Rolling, from Woods Fund of Chicago.

The Research Consortium was responsible for assessing the impact of the expenditure of the Challenge’s grant money. Ironically, they concluded that the $110 million spent in Chicago over six years had little or no impact on outcomes for students.

The Chicago Annenberg Challenge received a grant of $49.2 million from the national Annenberg Challenge based at Brown University. The grant was to be matched 2:1 by private donors. By 1999 the Chicago Challenge succeeded in raising an additional $60 million.

Other CAC board members were prominent Chicagoans from both the private and non profit sectors. …”


Woods Fund of Chicago

“…The Woods Fund of Chicago is an outgrowth of the Woods Charitable Fund (WCF), which was established in 1941 by Frank Woods and his wife, Nelle Cochrane Woods. Frank Woods was an attorney and a nationally prominent telephone company executive. He and his wife incorporated WCF with their three sons, two of whom remained in Lincoln, and one of whom (Frank Woods, Jr.) worked in Chicago after finishing college and eventually became the head of the Sahara Coal Company.

Frank Woods headed WCF in the 1950s, during which time he gave money to groups advocating equal rights for minorities. He was also instrumental in developing the Council on Foundations. His grandson Thomas C. Woods, Jr. was President of WCF from 1968 until 1990, at which point Lucia Woods Lindley (Frank Woods, Jr.’s daughter) took over that position. In the early 1990s, George Kelm became WCF President and, with the assistance of Staff Director Jean Rudd, moved the Fund politically to the left. Kelm and Rudd then created a separate entity, which they named the Woods Fund of Chicago; Kelm, who was active in the Council on Foundations, became the Woods Fund’s first President.

This new Fund focused on welfare reform, affordable housing, the quality of public schools, race and class disparities in the juvenile justice system, and tax policy as a tool in reducing poverty. The Fund supported the concept of an expanding welfare state allocating ever-increasing amounts of money to the public school system, and the redistribution of wealth via taxes. …”

“…A notable Woods board member is William Ayers, who in the 1960s was a member of the terrorist group Weatherman, and was a wanted fugitive for over a decade as a result of the group’s bombing campaign; today Ayers is a Professor of Education at the University of Illinois. In 2002 the Woods Fund made a grant to Northwestern University Law School’s Children and Family Justice Center, where Ayers’ wife, Bernardine Dohrn, was employed. Barack Obama was one of Ayers’ fellow Woods Fund board members at that time. …”


Obama and Ayers Pushed Radicalism On Schools

“Despite having authored two autobiographies, Barack Obama has never written about his most important executive experience. From 1995 to 1999, he led an education foundation called the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (CAC), and remained on the board until 2001. The group poured more than $100 million into the hands of community organizers and radical education activists.

The CAC was the brainchild of Bill Ayers, a founder of the Weather Underground in the 1960s. Among other feats, Mr. Ayers and his cohorts bombed the Pentagon, and he has never expressed regret for his actions. Barack Obama’s first run for the Illinois State Senate was launched at a 1995 gathering at Mr. Ayers’s home. …”

“…One unsettled question is how Mr. Obama, a former community organizer fresh out of law school, could vault to the top of a new foundation? In response to my questions, the Obama campaign issued a statement saying that Mr. Ayers had nothing to do with Obama’s “recruitment” to the board. The statement says Deborah Leff and Patricia Albjerg Graham (presidents of other foundations) recruited him. Yet the archives show that, along with Ms. Leff and Ms. Graham, Mr. Ayers was one of a working group of five who assembled the initial board in 1994. Mr. Ayers founded CAC and was its guiding spirit. No one would have been appointed the CAC chairman without his approval.

The CAC’s agenda flowed from Mr. Ayers’s educational philosophy, which called for infusing students and their parents with a radical political commitment, and which downplayed achievement tests in favor of activism. In the mid-1960s, Mr. Ayers taught at a radical alternative school, and served as a community organizer in Cleveland’s ghetto.

In works like “City Kids, City Teachers” and “Teaching the Personal and the Political,” Mr. Ayers wrote that teachers should be community organizers dedicated to provoking resistance to American racism and oppression. His preferred alternative? “I’m a radical, Leftist, small ‘c’ communist,” Mr. Ayers said in an interview in Ron Chepesiuk’s, “Sixties Radicals,” at about the same time Mr. Ayers was forming CAC. …”


Obama’s Spectacular Failure as an Executive: Documented

“…Background: Barack Obama was appointed Chairman of the Board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a foundation designed to increase learning and personal achievement skills in chosen school programs. Weatherman terrorist, William Ayers, is thought to have had a major role in choosing the untried Obama for the COB position. Ayers was an ex-officio board member. Obama and Ayers presided over a very powerful political duo: the CAC headed by Obama and The Collaborative, co-chaired by Ayers. The Annenberg Foundation donated approximately $50 million and another $50-$60 million came from matching funds. Obama-Ayers spent all the funding before the Challenge was shut-down or morphed into another Foundation, without Obama. Here’s the documented failed results of about $110 million …”


Obama/Ayers/Annenberg Update: The NY Times finally mentions the A-word

“…The Times avoids discussing just exactly what might have brought Ayers and Obama together in the Challenge, which I believe was, in part, their shared history together in school reform going back to 1987-1988 when Ayers was an activist in the Alliance for Better Chicago Schools and Obama’s Developing Communities Project was a member of that Alliance. …”

“…Now we are beginning to understand why Ayers wanted Obama on that board: he would be a reliable political ally in what was becoming a new battleground in the ongoing Chicago “school wars” as they were called at the time.

In fact, as soon as the ink was dry on the $49.2 million check from Walter Annenberg, Obama and Ayers and Rolling were comrades in arms against Mayor Daley, whom CAC Executive Director Rolling explained later tried repeatedly to wrest away the Annenberg grant from the hands of those running the CAC.

(By the way, how about that Ken Rolling – he was at the Woods Fund that helped finance Obama’s position at the DCP in the mid-80s and later funneled the DCP money in the 87-88 school wars, then was recruited by Ayers and Obama to join them running the CAC and most recently has been in the lead trying to prevent public access to CAC records held at the University of Illinois.  None of this is yet on the record, though, at the Times. …”


Whither the Teachers’ Unions? The Obama/Ayers Link

“…Given the long and close ties between Ayers and Obama and the professional ties among education debt repayment advocates Ayers, Darling-Hammond and Ladson-Billings, it is reasonable to ask if this kind of race-based approach to educational problems is going to be part of the Obama presidency.

Obama was not as you contend an elected official when he first worked on school reform with Ayers in the late 80s, nor was he even yet a candidate when he became Chairman of the board of the Annenberg Challenge in 1995. He was a relative unknown and quite a junior person at that point, just two years out of law school when Ayers submitted the grant proposal, with only a voter registration drive to his credit since leaving Harvard.

Thus, I think it is a fair question to ask why Obama would have been chosen to head up such a prestigious effort as the $110 million Annenberg Challenge. I think Ayers backed him because he knew he could rely on Obama to support Ayers’ agenda of propping up the troubling and troubled local schools councils. …”


Andy Martin catalogues some unanswered questions about Barack Obama and William Ayers

Did Barack Obama meet William Ayers at Columbia University?

“…Obama has also refused to release his Columbia University transcripts. What secrets lurk there? Likewise for Occidental College where he attended for two years. What is he trying to hide? I arrived in the Columbia area to study theology at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine shortly after Obama had left, so I know the neighborhood well. I have gone back to retrace were he might have been. No luck. No footprints, either.

What has Obama’s past behavior over the past four years taught me? When Obama is hiding something he is hiding something.

Is it just a coincidence that Obama and Ayers were on the Columbia campus together? Did they meet and make their initial contact at that time? Had Obama been turned on to Ayers by Frank Marshall Davis? Was there a Khalid Al-Mansour and William Ayers connection during this early period. Questions, questions. But no answers from Mr. Obama.

Did Ayers point Obama in the direction of Chicago as a place to hone Obama’s “organizing” skills? …”

“…THE AYERS/OBAMA TIMELINE: (Version 2.0; a work in progress; dates are approximate)

1981-1983 [William Ayers and Barack Obama meet at Columbia?]

1987 William Ayers links up with Barack Obama in Chicago

1988 Ayers solicits Khalid Al-Mansour to raise money for Obama’s Harvard law School education

1989 Tom Ayers and William Ayers get Obama a summer job at Sidley & Austin (where he meets Michelle Obama); Ayers’ wife Bernadine Dohrn also worked at Sidley at about the same time as Barack and Michelle.

1993 Ayers places Obama on Woods Foundation

1995 Ayers makes Obama Chairman of Annenberg Challenge

1995 Ayers hosts a coffee klatch for Obama’s political debut (Obama falsely claims this is when he met Ayers)

2007-2008 The structure of Obama’s presidential campaign increasingly comes to resemble an Ayers-designed national “community organizer matrix” straight out of Maoist theory. This is not merely a presidential “campaign.” Obama’s organization is the first installment of an ongoing movement being paid for with tax-exempt contributions to his campaign, approaching half a billion dollars.

2008 Obama In response to ABC News, Obama tells a national TV audience he was “six years old” when Ayers bombed federal buildings, and they are only casual neighborhood acquaintances. A lie. …”


Obama and Ayers: Radical, Political Brothers

This was written by Glenn Chappell and the TalkStraight.org Staff contributing

“…On February 16, 1970, Bill Ayers was directly involved in the detonation of a bomb that killed one San Francisco police officer and critically wounded another. According to an FBI informant within the Weather Underground organization, Ayers knew the precise location and contents of the fatal bomb, which was constructed of staples and lead bullets as shrapnel. According to the secret agent, Ayers’ wife, Bernardine Dohrn, actually constructed and detonated the bomb. The agent testified that Ayers’ was either present at the bombing or had at least helped in the planning of the attack, due to his extensive knowledge and familiarity with the specifics of the plot. [5] In fact, David Freddoso argued this year that Ayers only escaped prosecution as a result of FBI management of the case. [6]

Ayers did not end his Weather Underground career with his involvement in this horrific murder. As a member of the organization’s Central Committee, Ayers helped oversee a bombing in New York City at the home of a state Supreme Court Justice. This bombing was launched in response to the judge’s presiding over the trial of several Black Panther members accused of planning multiple bombings of New York City public landmarks. At the site of the bomb, Weathermen painted an ominous phrase on the judge’s home: “FREE THE PANTHER 21; THE VIET CONG HAVE WON; KILL THE PIGS.” Ayers also helped in planning several other bombings in New York, including an attack on a military recruiting facility and two police cars. [7] …”

“…In summary, Bill Ayers’ life has been a narrative of violent, radical, extremist, socialist activism.

Ayers and Obama
After learning of Bill Ayers’ radical history, one might question Ayers’ relevance to the 2008 presidential campaign.

The answer is frightening.

Ayers has deep-seated and longstanding ties to the political and career aspirations of Barack Obama. While the mainstream media have refused to cover this major influence upon Obama’s politics, the facts are undeniable. Hugh Hewitt, a long time journalist and blogger, summed up this unsettling connection of Obama’s quite succintly:

 ”It is incredible that MSM has not covered or investigated this story or the related stories of Obama’s deep and long associations with Tony Rezko and Jeremiah Wright. Never has so little been written about so large a series of stories about a modern presidential candidate.” [14]

No one knows exactly when or how Obama met Ayers. However, records show that Ayers had a prominent role in Obama’s political career from the beginning. He was most likely introduced to Ayers and Dohrn during the early days of his 1995 campaign for Illinois state Senate. Alice Palmer, the incumbent senator, had announced that she would not be seeking re-election to her seat, and endorsed Obama as her successor. It was shortly thereafter that Obama’s carefully concealed relationship with Ayers began.

In late 1995, Palmer introduced Obama to her most liberal supporters during a fundraiser at the home of Ayers and Dohrn. It is clear from eyewitness testimony that the former Weathermen were already enthusiastic about this new face in the Chicago political scene. Maria Warren, a fellow Chicago liberal, was among those attending this meeting and summed it up in 2005:

“When I first met Barack Obama, he was giving a standard, innocuous little talk in the living room of those two legends-in-their-own-minds, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. They were launching him — introducing him to the Hyde Park community as the best thing since sliced bread.” [11] …”


Another Weatherman terrorist a player in Obama campaign
Communists, socialists, anarchists also part of political organization

“…One of the main founders of the Weathermen terrorist organization is a signatory to an independent organization acting to ensure the election of Sen. Barack Obama, WND has learned.

The group in question, Progressives for Obama, also includes among its ranks many former members of the 1960s radical organization Students for a Democratic Society, from which the Weathermen splintered, as well as current and former members of other radical organizations, such as the Communist Party USA and the Black Radical Congress.

In its creed, first published in March in the Nation magazine, the Progressives for Obama founders state their organization descended from the “proud tradition of independent social movements that have made America a more just and democratic country.” …”

“…Among the signatories and endorsers to Progressives for Obama is Mark Rudd, one of the main founders of the Weathermen terrorist organization. Rudd worked closely for years with Weathermen terrorist William Ayers, whose association with Obama has generated controversy for the presidential candidate.

Rudd originally was a top member of the Students for a Democratic Society, or SDS, leading the famed 1968 Columbia University strikes in which hundreds of students seized several university buildings. He also served as spokesman for the strikes, attracting international media attention.

In 1968, Rudd traveled with the SDS to Cuba, defying U.S. travel bans, where he says he was heavily influenced by the legacy of Che Guevara and by Cuban-style revolution. When he returned to the U.S., Rudd advocated for Columbia’s chapter of the SDS to carry out militant, aggressive action, but he was turned down. …”


Obama’s McKnight In Shining Armor

“…Obama waited five years to apply to Harvard. As WorldNetDaily reports, from 1985 to 1988, he worked for a subsidiary of the Chicago-based Gamaliel Foundation, founded on the principles of Saul “The Red” Alinsky. He worked as a consultant and trainer. On the board of Gamaliel sat Northwestern University professor John L. McKnight, a student of Alinsky’s radical tactics. While at Gamaliel, McKnight became Obama’s mentor in community organizing.

As we have noted, when Obama worked for Gamaliel, he was paid by the Woods Foundation, which supported the radical group. Obama would later serve on the Woods Foundation board with terrorist and socialism advocate William Ayers. McKnight schooled young Obama in the gospel according to Alinsky. He apparently saw much promise in the budding politician, a way to advance Alinsky’s radical socialist agenda into the highest levels in government.

Obama had been ready to be radicalized. A revealing profile in 1995 in the Chicago Reader, a far-left free weekly, tells of how the young Obama had fully rejected “the unrealistic politics of integrationist assimilation.” According to the profile, Obama said he was “tired of seeing the moral fervor of black folks whipped up — at the speaker’s rostrum and from the pulpit — and then allowed to dissipate because there’s no agenda, no concrete program for change.”  …”


Barack Hussein Obama-A Product of Radical Socialist Idealism?

“…William Ayers and wife Bernardine Dohrn, both neo-communists, and once again America haters. This lawless duo were members of the Weather Underground, or, Weathermen, group that had a real beef with the US. After a visit to Cuba in 1969, to meet with Representatives of North Vietnam and Cuba, Dohrn was a changed person, for the worse that is. She and Ayers went on with other characters to build and detonate bombs.

These two were having a grand old time blowing up stuff, including people, until three of their own blew themselves up while making a bomb. Obama claims once again that he and Ayers were just neighbors and that,

He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis. And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8 years old, somehow reflects on me and my values doesn’t make much sense…”

Well then, Obama is saying that he exchanges ideas with Ayers. What kind of ideas? This defense does not stand up to scrutiny in my opinion. …”


Obama and Ayers: Radical collaborators

By Michelle Malkin

“…Stanley Kurtz elaborates on how Barack Obama and Bill Ayers organized a community of left-wing grievance-mongers in Chicago’s public schools.

Your lunch-time read is here.

Awaiting the in-your-face thug response from Obama in 3, 2, 1…


The ACORN Obama knows

By Michelle Malkin

“…My syndicated column today spotlights the whistleblower report on ACORN, which I’ve been blogging about (here) and which deserves more attention in the media and in Washington–especially in light of the radical activist group’s embrace of Barack Obama. The Consumer Rights League e-mailed to let me know that three GOP congressmen (Hensarling, Feeney, and Royce) have called on Barney Frank (D-Housing Boondoggle) to investigate ACORN’s taxpayer abuses. Snowball’s chance, I know, but conservatives ought to be turning up the heat and using every ounce of energy they have to, well, act like conservatives and push to de-fund the Left.

For excellent background on Obama and ACORN, see Stanley Kurtz’s NR piece here, plus City Journal pieces here and here. Also here and here. …”


Special Report: Red Faces Over Obama’s Red Mentor

AIM Column  |  By Cliff Kincaid

“…Maki did his homework, which is more than most of our own media have done, and he obtained Davis’s books. It is absolutely clear, Maki stated, that Davis was a communist.

In his 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, Obama cites “Frank” as someone who gave him advice on various matters, including race, American values, and college, and read poems to him during his high-school years in Hawaii. One of Davis’s poems was a tribute to the Soviet Red Army. Another mocked the work of Christian missionaries.

New Zealand blogger Trevor Loudon was the first to alert people to the fact that “Frank” was identified as Frank Marshall Davis, a controversial black writer and poet, by Gerald Horne, a writer for a CPUSA publication. Davis’s influence over Obama could help explain why the candidate associated with communists, socialists and anti-American figures through college and his political life in Chicago.

Maki says his intention is to use Davis’s writings “to advance the unity of working people to be a voice to be reckoned with by the Obama Administration, which to me, at this point, looks like will be an overwhelming landslide victory over the Republicans.” …”

“…Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell   

Which brings us back to square one: When will the media ask Obama about the Obama/Davis relationship? And why did he conceal the complete identity of “Frank” in his 1995 book, Dreams From My Father?

I think we are beginning to understand the reasons for this cover-up. Not only would the identification of “Frank” as Frank Marshall Davis expose communist influence on a young Obama, it might also expose those who collaborated with him and tried to whitewash his communist activities.

Davis, it should be noted, was just one member of a communist network which also included secret CPUSA members Paul Robeson and labor leader Harry Bridges, who was so deep in CPUSA activities that Moscow accepted and designated him as a member of the CPUSA Central Committee. Davis was friends with both of them.

If the son of Frank Marshall Davis is really out there, it would be advisable for him to come completely clean and set the record straight. Better yet, as Maki says in one of the exchanges, “I would suggest that you take up your concerns with Barack Obama, who first brought Frank Marshall Davis to our attention.” …”


Obama’s Radical Friends: Communists, Marxists, Corrupt Politicians, Racist Mentors and More

“…Frank Marshall Davis – black poet and writer (he wrote for the Honolulu Record, a Communist newspaper), and a known member of the Soviet-controlled Communist Party USA (CPUSA).

“Sneaked” into local NAACP meetings to “propagandize” the organization’s members about America’s “racial problems,” with “the avowed intent and purpose of converting it into a front for the Stalinist line.”

Obama’s mentor and advisor, as admitted to in his book “Dreams From My Father”. …”

“…Bill Ayers – leader of the homegrown terrorist group Weatherman, a Communist-driven splinter faction of Students for a Democratic Society; unrepentent domestic terrorist.

In the mid-1990s, Ayers and Dohrn hosted meetings at their Chicago home to introduce Barack Obama to their neighbors during his first run for the Illinois Senate. Ayers also contributed money to Obama’s 1996 Senate campaign.

In his 2001 screed, Fugitive Days, Ayers boasts that he “participated in the bombings of New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, of the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972.” All told, Ayers and Weatherman were responsible for some 30 bombings aimed at destroying the defense and security infrastructures of the United States. “I don’t regret setting bombs, said Ayers in 2001, “I feel we didn’t do enough.” In Fugitive Days, Ayers reflects on whether or not he might use bombs against the U.S. in the future. “I can’t imagine entirely dismissing the possibility,” he writes.

“…Bernardine Dohrn – Bernardine Dohrn and her husband Bill Ayers were leaders of the Students for a Democratic Society’s “Weatherman” faction, which in 1969 went underground to become America’s first terrorist cult.

At a 1969 “War Council” in Flint, Michigan, Dohrn gave her most memorable and notorious speech to her followers. Holding her fingers in what became the Weatherman “fork salute,” she said of the bloody murders recently committed by the Manson Family in which the pregnant actress Sharon Tate and several other inhabitants of a Benedict Canyon mansion had been brutally stabbed to death: “Dig it! First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them. They even shoved a fork into the victim’s stomach! Wild!”

In the mid-1990s Dohrn and her husband, Bill Ayers, hosted meetings at their Chicago home to introduce Barack Obama to their neighbors during his first run for the Illinois Senate. …”

“…Rev. Jeremiah Wright – was the pastor of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) from March 1972 until February 2008. For the last twenty of those years, he was the pastor and spiritual mentor of TUCC’s most famous congregant, Barack Obama. Obama and his wife selected Rev. Wright to perform their 1992 wedding ceremony and, later, to baptize their two daughters. Obama sought Wright’s counsel before formally declaring his candidacy for U.S. President in 2007. On December 4, 2007, Wright was named as a member of the Obama campaign’s African American Religious Leadership Committee. Other notable members of the Committee included Rev. Joseph E. Lowery and Rev. Otis Moss III. Wright would step down from this Committee in March 2008, after videotapes of his controversial sermons had repeatedly ignited fierce public debate and criticism.

Barack Obama and Reverend  Jeremiah Wright

Wright embraces the tenets of black liberation theology, which seeks to foment Marxist revolutionary fervor founded on racial rather than class solidarity. Wright is also a strong supporter of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. …”

“…Rev. Michael Pfleger – Michael Louis Pfleger is a Roman Catholic priest who has been the pastor of Saint Sabina Catholic Church in Chicago since 1981. Pfleger is white, and his congregation is composed mostly of African Americans. Pfleger views America as a nation infested with “classism and racism,” and he identifies white racism as “the number one sin in this country.”

On May 25, 2008, Pfleger gave a sermon at Trinity United Church of Christ, then the church of Presidential candidate Barack Obama, where he mocked Senator Hillary Clinton, Obama’s opponent for the Democratic Party nomination. Pfleger said, “I really believe that she just always thought, ‘This is mine. I’m Bill’s wife. I’m white, and this is mine. I just gotta get up and step into the plate.’ Then out of nowhere came, ‘Hey, I’m Barack Obama,’ and she said, ‘Oh, damn! Where did you come from? I’m white! I’m entitled! There’s a black man stealing my show!’” He then pretended to wipe tears from his face, a reference to Senator Clinton’s emotional speech before the New Hampshire primary, and added, “She wasn’t the only one crying. There was a whole lot of white people crying.”

“…Rashid Khalidi – Rashid Khalidi is the Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University. He once served as Director of the Palestinian press agency, Wikalat al-Anba al-Filastinija. In the 1980s he so strongly identified with the aims of the Palestine Liberation Organization, designated a terrorist organization by the State Department during Khalidi’s affiliation with the Yasser Arafat-run political entity, that he repeatedly referred to himself as “we” when expounding on the PLO’s agenda.

Khalidi hosted a fundraiser for Obama’s first (unsuccessful) Congressional campaign in 2000. Obama attended a farewell party in Khalidi’s honor when the latter was leaving the University of Chicago (to embark on his new position at Columbia) in 2003. In Chicago in 1995, Mr. Khalidi and his wife Mona founded the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), a group associated with confrontational statements of support for Palestinians and antagonism toward Israel. In 2001 and again in 2002, the Woods Fund of Chicago, with directors [Bill] Ayers and Obama, made grants of $40,000 and $35,000 to the AAAN.

“…George Soros – One of the most powerful men on earth, New York hedge fund manager George Soros has amassed a personal fortune estimated at about $7.2 billion. His management company controls billions more in investor assets. Since 1979, Soros’ foundation network — whose flagship is the Open Society Institute (OSI) — has dispensed more than $5 billion to a multitude of organizations whose objectives are consistent with those of Soros. OSI alone donates scores of millions of dollars annually to these various groups, whose major agendas can be summarized as follows:

– promoting the view that America is institutionally an oppressive nation
– promoting the election of leftist political candidates throughout the United States
– opposing virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government, particularly the Patriot Act
– depicting American military actions as unjust, unwarranted, and immoral
– promoting open borders, mass immigration, and a watering down of current immigration laws
– promoting a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes
– promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens
defending suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters
– financing the recruitment and training of future activist leaders of the political Left
– advocating America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending
– opposing the death penalty in all circumstances
– promoting socialized medicine in the United States
– promoting the tenets of radical environmentalism, whose ultimate goal, as writer Michael Berliner has explained, is “not clean air and clean water, [but] rather … the demolition of technological/industrial civilization”
– bringing American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations
– promoting racial and ethnic preferences in academia and the business world alike …”


Senator Obama and George Soros

Senator Obama and George Soros

Communist Party USA

Editorial: Eye on the Prize

“… broad multiclass, multiracial movement is converging around Obama’s “Hope, change and unity” campaign because they see in it the thrilling opportunity to end 30 years of ultra-right rule and move our nation forward with a broadly progressive agenda.

This diverse movement combines a variety of political currents and aims in a working coalition that is crucial to social progress at this point. At the core are America’s working families, of all hues and ethnicities, whose determination to move forward does not depend on, and will not be diverted by, the daily twists and turns of this watershed presidential campaign. They are taking the long view. …”

“…If Obama’s candidacy represented nothing more than the spark for this profound initiative to unite the working class and defeat the pernicious influence of racism, it would be a transformative candidacy that would advance progressive politics for the long term.

The struggle to defeat the ultra-right and turn our country on a positive path will not end with Obama’s election. But that step will shift the ground for successful struggles going forward.

One thing is clear. None of the people’s struggles — from peace to universal health care to an economy that puts Main Street before Wall Street — will advance if McCain wins in November.

Let’s keep our eyes on the prize. …”



“…He means to defeat John McCain and install his manchurian candidate, America hater Barack Hussein Obama.

Soros Shadow party means to take America.  

FP: How does Soros use his influence over the Party?

POE: The Shadow Party is always changing.  New groups form and old ones dissolve. For instance, America Coming Together — which raised $135 million for Democrat get-out-the-vote drives in 2004 – has been mothballed, at least for now.  The most active Shadow Party groups today are probably the Center for American Progress, America Votes, Democracy Alliance, the New Democrat Network, the New Politics Institute, ACORN and, of course, MoveOn.org.

FP:How does Soros use his influence over the Party?

POE:He uses it to push the Party leftward.  He is systematically purging the Party of moderates and packing it with radicals. For instance, the Shadow Party ousted Senator Joseph Lieberman in favor of Ned Lamont, because Lieberman refused to support a “cut-and-run” policy in Iraq.

FP:Isn’t that just politics as usual, though – wealthy fat cats funding their favorite candidates?

POE: Funding ordinary candidates, be they Democrats or Republicans, would be politics as usual. Funding radical candidates who seek America’s destruction is not. Money is a tool. It can be used for good or evil. The Shadow Party is using it for evil.

FP: Does the Shadow Party really seek to destroy ?

POE: Judge for yourself. In his new book The Age of Fallibility, Soros writes, “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States” He announced in 2003 that it is necessary to “puncture the bubble of American supremacy.”  Soros is working systematically to achieve that goal. …”


Liberal math: Unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist equals…

By Michelle Malkin

“…a rehabilitated former domestic radical from the ’60s.”

Who’s shoveling that crap?

You guessed it. …”


Bill O’Reilly – Obama Interview pt3

Obama Could Not Pass FBI Background Check

Bill Ayers

Bill Ayers

Bill Ayers

William Ayers: Education in a Democracy

“…The Chicago Democratic Socialists of America were quite pleased in 1996 with the New Party’s success including the election of “Barack Obama, victor in the 13th State Senate District, [who] encouraged [New Party members] to join in his task forces on Voter Education and Voter Registration”. (h/t to Rick Moran)

In These Times reported on February 17, 1997, that “the [New] [P]arty, with 80 members in the [17th] ward, many of whom are also active in the Service Employees International Union and the advocacy group ACORN, has begun to build a parallel precinct organization.”

“…The end of the story is simple. Obama won the New Party’s nomination and, through fusion with his Democratic votes, he became the Democratic nominee. Using ACORN’s get out the vote efforts and relying on his gerrymandered Democrat district, Obama moved on to the State Senate. While there, he paid back the New Party and the far left. He opposed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, he opposed legislation that would have prohibited the sale of pornography across the street from elementary schools and churches, and he supported allowing criminals to sue their victims if their victims injured the criminals in self-defense.

Fast forward twelve years and Obama is running as fast as he can away from the New Party brand. But beyond a shadow of a doubt, Barack Obama knew what he was getting into and remains an ideal New Party candidate. The New Party was, and as it still exists is, an amalgamation of the left and far left designed to attract far left candidates and move the Democratic Party back to the left. Barack Obama is an example of the New Party’s success. …”


Weatherman (organization)

Weatherman, known colloquially as the Weathermen and later the Weather Underground Organization, was an American radical left organization founded in 1969 by leaders and members who split from the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The group organized a riot in Chicago in 1969 and bombed buildings in the 1970s.

They took their name from the lyric “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows,” from the Bob Dylan song Subterranean Homesick Blues. They also used this lyric as the title of a position paper they distributed at an SDS convention in Chicago on June 18, 1969, as part of a special edition of New Left Notes. The Weathermen were initially part of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) within the SDS, splitting from the RYM’s Maoists by claiming there was no time to build a vanguard party and that revolutionary war against the United States government and the capitalist system should begin immediately. Their founding document called for the establishment of a “white fighting force” to be allied with the “Black Liberation Movement” and other “anti-colonial” movements[2] to achieve “the destruction of US imperialism and achieve a classless world: world communism.”[3]

The group’s first public demonstration was the “Days of Rage,” an October 8, 1969 riot in Chicago that was coordinated with the trial of the Chicago Eight.[4] In 1970 the group issued a “Declaration of a State of War” against the United States government, under the name “Weather Underground Organization” (WUO), and members adopted fake identities and pursued covert activities. They carried out a campaign consisting of bombings, jailbreaks, and riots. Their attacks were mostly bombings of government buildings, along with several banks, police department headquarters and precincts, state and federal courthouses, and state prison administrative offices.[5][6] …”


Widely-known members of the Weather Underground include Kathy Boudin, Mark Rudd, Terry Robbins, Ted Gold, Naomi Jaffe, Cathy Wilkerson, Jeff Jones, David Gilbert, Susan Stern, Bob Tomashevsky, Sam Karp, Russell Neufeld, Joe Kelly, Laura Whitehorn and the still-married couple Bernardine Dohrn and Bill Ayers. Most former Weathermen have successfully re-integrated into mainstream society, without necessarily repudiating their original intent.

Bill Ayers, now a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, was quoted in an interview to say “I don’t regret setting bombs”[58] but has since claimed he was misquoted.[59] Brian Flanagan has expressed regret for his actions during the Weatherman years, and compared the group’s activities to terrorism. Flanagan said: “When you feel that you have right on your side, you can do some pretty horrific things.”[60] Mark Rudd, now a teacher of mathematics at Central New Mexico Community College, has said he has “mixed feelings” and feelings of “guilt and shame”.

These are things I am not proud of, and I find it hard to speak publicly about them and to tease out what was right from what was wrong. I think that part of the Weatherman phenomenon that was right was our understanding of what the position of the United States is in the world. It was this knowledge that we just couldn’t handle; it was too big. We didn’t know what to do. In a way I still don’t know what to do with this knowledge. I don’t know what needs to be done now, and it’s still eating away at me just as it did 30 years ago.

Mark Rudd[9]

A non-violent faction of the Weather Underground continues today as the Prairie Fire Organizing Committee. Their official site reads:

We oppose oppression in all its forms including racism, sexism, homophobia, classism and imperialism. We demand liberation and justice for all peoples. We recognize that we live in a capitalist system that favors a select few and oppresses the majority. This system cannot be reformed or voted out of office because reforms and elections do not challenge the fundamental causes of injustice.[61]

Weatherman documentaries

The WU insisted that Emile de Antonio shoot the documentary Underground in 1976. However, a much more extensive, widespread, and critically-acclaimed documentary emerged in 2002 with the Oscar-nominated The Weather Underground by filmmakers Bill Siegel and Sam Green. A little seen film called Ice had several WU members in a somewhat fictionalized revolutionary setting. …”


“The Weather Underground”


The weather underground part 1 of 9

The weather underground part 2 of 9

The weather underground part 3 of 9

The weather underground part 4 of 9

The weather underground part 5 of 9

The weather underground part 6 of 9

The weather underground part 7 of 9

The weather underground part 8 of 9

The weather underground part 9 of

Do You Know Enough to Elect Barrack Obama?

SHOCK DISCOVERY! – Gamaliel Foundation Community Organizers pray to President-Elect Barack Obama

Obama Answers Questions from Street Agitators Pt1

Obama Answers Questions from Street Agitators Pt2

Obama Answers Questions from Street Agitators Pt3


Collective action through organized social movements has long expanded American citizens’ rights and liberties. Recently, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has helped win living wage initiatives in more than 130 cities across the country. Likewise, congregation-based groups have established countless health, education, and other social programs at city and state levels. Despite modest budgets, these organizations—different in their approach, but at the same time working for social change—have won billions of dollars in redistributive programs.

Looking closely at this phenomenon, Heidi J. Swarts explores activist groups’ cultural, organizational, and political strategies. Focusing on ACORN chapters and church federations in St. Louis, Missouri, and San Jose, California, Swarts demonstrates that congregation-based organizing has developed an innovative cultural strategy, combining democratic deliberation and leadership development to produce a “culture of commitment” among its cross-class, multiracial membership.  By contrast, ACORN’s more homogeneous low-income class base has a national structure that allows it to coordinate campaigns quickly, and its seasoned staff excels in tactical innovations. By making these often-invisible grassroots organizers evident, Swarts sheds light on factors that constrain or enable other social movements in the United States.

Heidi J. Swarts is assistant professor of political science at Rutgers University. …”



Doing Justice is an introductory theology of congregation-based community organizing rooted in the day-to-day struggles and hopes of urban ministry and in the author’s 14 years of personal experience in community organizing ministries.

Drawing from the organizing principles of Saul Alinsky, Jacobsen weaves the theological and biblical warrants for community organizing into concrete strategies for achieving justice in the public arena. Designed to be used by congregations and church leaders, as well as by ministerial students, Doing Justice opens new vistas for community action in support of the poor, the disadvantaged, and the disenfranchised of our society.

Author Biography:
Dennis A. Jacobsen is pastor of an ELCA congregation and the director of the Gamaliel National Clergy Caucus, a network of over 1,000 clergy that develops national and regional training events to ground the work of congregation-based community organizing in theology and scripture. …”


Gamaliel Foundation

“..Gamaliel Foundation provides training and consultation and develops national strategy for its affiliated congregation-based community organizations. As of 2008, Gamaliel has 60 affiliates in 21 U.S. states, the United Kingdom, and five provinces of South Africa, and claims to represent over a million people.


The Gamaliel Foundation was founded in Chicago in 1968 to assist the Contract Buyers League, which worked to assist African-American home buyers in the city’s West Side. Gamaliel was reoriented to focus on community organizing when Gregory Galluzzo was hired as executive director in 1986.[1] Seeing its basic function as training and developing leaders in low-income communities, Gamaliel’s goal is “to assist local community leaders to create, maintain and expand independent, grassroots, and powerful faith-based community organizations”[2] that have the power to influence political and economic decisions that impact cities and regions. The name “Gamaliel” refers to the Biblical wise man who was a teacher to St. Paul (see Acts 5:38-39; and Acts 22:3), whom Saul Alinsky considered to be the first great congregation-based organizer.

Gamaliel Foundation works in the community organizing tradition of Alinsky, who began his work in Chicago with the Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council in 1939. Following Alinsky’s death in 1972, his Industrial Areas Foundation, under executive director Edward T. Chambers, moved toward a congregation-based organizing model, emphasizing training and leadership development. Gamaliel has developed along a similar path under the direction of Galluzzo, a former Roman Catholic priest who got his introduction to community organizing in the early 1970s in Chicago, where he worked with the Pilsen Neighborhood Community Council, mentored by such organizers as Tom Gaudette and John Baumann (the founder of PICO National Network).


Gamaliel’s board of directors has 15 members, and is the ultimate governing authority for the organization, setting policy and overseeing management. The board and staff are advised by the National Clergy Caucus, the African American Leadership Commission, and the International Leadership Assembly. Gamaliel operates with a small staff (approximately 20 in 2008), supplemented by interns and consultants. For example, during the period Barack Obama worked as a community organizer with the Developing Communities Project on the far South Side of Chicago (1985-1988), he was also a consultant and trainer for the Gamaliel Foundation.[3] Gamaliel has five regional directors covering the Eastern, Mideastern, Midwestern, Southern, and Western United States. Affiliated organizations are incorporated separately, raise their own funds, and employ their own organizers. Ana Garcia Ashley became the executive director of Gamaliel in January 2011.

 Current program

Gamaliel has refocused its efforts from neighborhood organizations to coalitions that can influence wider metropolitan areas and regions.[4] Gamaliel has begun to formulate strategies for impacting national policy on such issues as comprehensive immigration reform, health care for all, jobs and full employment, affordable housing, and equal access public transportation systems. To date, the major focus of Gamaliel has been such metropolitan areas as Chicago, St. Louis, Cleveland, Detroit, Northwest Indiana, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, and Kansas City, Missouri. Gamaliel’s long-range plan is to build a metropolitan organization in every major population area in the United States over the next ten years, including raising the necessary money and recruiting the 200 professional organizers essential to reach this goal.[5] …”


 The Gamaliel Foundation, the CHURCH OF OBAMA The Savior

“…It was the Gamaliel Foundation, not ACORN, where the President got his Alinsky/ Community organizing training.

“Obama in fact worked for a subsidiary of the radical Gamaliel Foundation, a Chicago-based Alinsky group, and he was paid by the radical Woods Fund, which supports Gamaliel. Gamaliel’s Web site and history page make plain that it evolved from the Alinsky School of organizing. Its training methods acknowledge an “agitational” style of organizing.
He [Obama] is quick to say that the community organizing he did in Chicago was “the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School.” But he never tells us who educated him, not even in the two memoirs he’s written. He also fails to disclose who hired him. Obama claimed in the recent national service forum at Columbia University that he worked for “churches” while organizing on the South Side of Chicago. (source)
The Woods fund should sound familiar; Obama eventually became the head of the Woods foundation, where he ran the group along with domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. But first he had to learn the ways of community organizing from The Gamaliel Foundation.I would suggest that it was the Gamaliel Foundation that made President Obama what he is today.  The Gamaliel Foundation brought the Alinsky community organizing method and Barack Obama to Chicago, taught him all he needs to organize a movement, and sent the future President to Harvard law.When you read through this overview of the group and its key players, look at the parallels between the group’s past and present, with the president’s past and present. This is a group that believes in collectivism, social justice, “shared affluence, and blaming dissent on racism, and frighteningly they see using religion as a political movement, which explains the tape of people praying to Obama:

The stated mission of the Gamaliel Foundation (GF) is “to be a powerful network of grassroots, interfaith, interracial, multi-issue organizations working together to create a more just and more democratic society.” Predicated on the notion that America is a land rife with injustice, GF agitates for social change by supporting the efforts of a network of organizations (the Gamaliel Network) whose goal is to allow for individuals to “effectively participate” in the political, environmental, social and economic arenas. GF offers, for its network affiliates, programs to teach techniques and methodologies for bringing about social change; ongoing consultations; and organizer recruitment campaigns. …”


What Did Wade Rathke Know About Egypt that the CIA Didn’t and What Will Obama Do Now?

Author:  Michael J. Gaynor

“…That’s the Wade Rathke who founded ACORN in 1970, served as its Chief Organizer until 2008, still heads ACORN International and still publishes Social Policy (with Francis Fox Piven of Cloward-Piven strategy notoriety still on the editorial advisory board).

In addition to Rathke, the Board of Directors of the Organizers’ Forum includes Drummond Pike of the Tides Foundation and an SEIU representative. Originally, the SEIU representative was former SEIU head and most frequent Obama White House visitor Andy Stern. See http://www.organizersforum.org/index.php?id=462.

What were what Rathke described last October as “exciting changes and developments that are currently taking place in Egypt” and what (if anything) did the CIA know about them?

Why did Rathke state without qualification that the “elections coming soon” would “determine leadership transitions”? Why was he sure that Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s president for three decades, would not be re-elected?

Why did Rathke list the challenges to the Mubarak “regime” in this order: Muslim Brotherhood, succession, democracy?

Why was it decided to hold the Organizers’ Forum’s twentieth “Dialogue” in Egypt? Was it really to “see the Pyramids”? …”

“…Mary Gonzales of the Gamaliel Foundation.

Gonzales was an original member of the board of directors of the Organizers’ Forum and still is!

It took the Far Left decades to put Obama in the White House, and they did it cleverly.

In “The emerging corruption in America is stealth socialism” (www.renewamerica.com/columns/gaynor/100731), I explained:

“…stealth socialists were capable of conning enough voters to put Obama in the White House with 60 members of the Senate Democrat caucus and a substantial Democrat majority in the House of Representatives.

“The people who ran ACORN back in 2004 are hardly surprised, as an article titled ‘Election Thoughts” in the combined Winter 2003-Spring 2004 issue of Social Policy demonstrates. Wade Rathke, ACORN founder and chief organizer for 38 years, is the publisher of Social Policy. Mike Miller is the editor of Social Policy and the author of the article.

“The article prophesied the Age of Obama. It closed by quoting an length from Obama’s keynote address at the 2004 Democrat National convention and the revelation that ‘most of the people [Miller] kn[e]w said, “There’s the first black president of the United States.” …”


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Obama Anthem, Flag and Salute for The First Democratic Party Rally in Stadium

Posted on August 28, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Comedy, Links, Music, People, Politics, Rants, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


Triumph of Hope & Change  

The Party is Obama! 



O’ Hail the Messiah Lord Obama


All hail the messiah
Obama, Obama
The path to the new socialist motherland
Our savior, our savior
Obama, Obama
The leader more famous than Lindsay Lohan
Bow down and praise the one
Give him your money and your guns
Give us a country
That makes your wife proud
Lord Barry heal the bitter ones
White and Clinging to faith and to guns
Hope for the change of the hope of the change!







Hail Messiah Obama

Obama, Obama, Obama


Background Articles and Videos


Raw Video: Obama Prepares for Convention Speech

“…Barack Obama toured Invesco Field late on Wednesday, the site where he will deliver his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. Obama arrived in Denver earlier in the night. (August 28)…”

Raw Video: First Look Inside Invesco Field



It’s O Time!

Obama’s Invesco Speech Fuels Celebrity Label

“…Barack Obama has already invited a new wave of Republican criticism that the White House isn’t big enough for his ego with his plans to accept the Democratic nomination Thursday at Invesco Field at Mile High.

The field where the Denver Broncos play and where Obama will address a crowd of more than 70,000 people is now completely covered by a circular seating arrangement. And in the center, where Obama will be standing, is what appears to be a large structure that resembles the ancient Greek temple of the goddess Athena. Or maybe just the U.S. Capitol.

Obama’s team says the event, which will require the apparatus of the Democratic National Convention to move from the Denver Pepsi Center, is meant to open the doors of the otherwise exclusive convention to the public.

But the grandiose set-up fueled criticism from John McCain’s campaign that Obama is an inflated celebrity.

The campaign sent around a snarky memo Wednesday advising the press of proper attire at “The Temple of Obama,” or “The Barackopolis.”

The memo recommended a variety of togas, urging reporters to “observe a level of decency and decorum demanded by the import of the moment of the presence of The One.”


Obama Moves Acceptance Speech To Larger Arena



Word on the Street: Denver Digs New Thurs. Night Site



Obama Tickets Require Volunteering

“…The Obama campaign is requiring some people who want to attend Barack Obama’s speech at Invesco Field to perform 6 hours of volunteer work even though it doesn’t guarantee a ticket. …”



Rush for Obama Tickets



Obama Needs Slaves, Blackmails Supporters



No More Poll Tax NO Obama!


Obama Campaign Selling “Free” DNC Tickets



Thanks for Calling the DNCC, How May I Direct Your Call?



Barack Obama Community Credential

“…For those going to INVESCO Field on Aug. 28, 2008, this is the ticket that gets you in. …”



Do you need tickets to Obama’s acceptance speech ?



Barack Obama’s convention speech preview



Backstage with Barack: Stadium Trailer



DNC Convention Invesco Tour | CNN Grill | DNCC Media Prep



It’s not an “Obama flag.” It’s Ohio’s state flag.

By Michelle Malkin 


“I received several e-mails today from readers complaining about Barack Obama’s backdrop in Toledo today. Apparently, some talk show hosts have also gone ballistic over what they think is an “Obama flag:

Relax, folks.

That’s not an “Obama flag.”

It’s the state flag of Ohio: …” 



Obama Speech Stage Resembles Ancient Greek Temple

“…DENVER – Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.

The stage, similar to structures used for rock concerts, has been set up at the 50-yard-line, the midpoint of Invesco Field, the stadium where the Denver Broncos’ National Football League team plays.

Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington’s Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party’s nomination for president.

He will stride out to a raised platform to a podium that can be raised from beneath the floor.

The show should provide a striking image for the millions of Americans watching on television as Obama delivers a speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination. …”



Barack Obama’s Worst Nightmare: Hillary Clinton



Document drop: Turning the tables again on Obama’s speech-squelching thugs

By Michelle Malkin


“Just obtained the latest counterpunch from American Issues Project, the independent group running the ad about Bill Ayers that the Obama campaign doesn’t want you to see. (Embedded again at the end of this post. Keep passing it around.)

As I’ve pointed out repeatedly over the past few days, Obama’s attempt to bully TV stations airing the ad and stop scrutiny of his radical ties is part and parcel of a larger campaign to chill the free speech of conservative political activists and donors.

AIP sends the same message to the DOJ’s Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Keeney and turns the tables on the Chicago thugs:

Re: Response to August 25, 2008 Letter to DOJ from Obama Presidential Campaign (“Second Letter”) …”


 Here is the ad Barack Obama doesn’t want you to see. Pass it on.

Do You Know Enough to Elect Barrack Obama?

“…This ad shows the connection between Barrack Obama and a Domestic Terrorist who bombed the Pentagon and the Capital and is still proud of it. It is back folks. …”

Next, the Obama thugs came for Stanley Kurtz

By Michelle Malkin

“First, they came for TV stations daring to air an independent ad about Barack Obama and unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers.

Next, they came for GOP donors.

Now, they are shamelessly attacking National Review investigative journalist Stanley Kurtz — one of conservatism’s most thoughtful and penetrating writers on academic and educational affairs. Kurtz has been at the forefront probing Obama’s relationships with left-wing ideologues. It was his public information request and public call for help that led to the University of Illinois – Chicago finally releasing tons of files that shed light on the Obama/Ayers working relationship. The Obama camp is condemning Kurtz in harsher terms than it ever condemned the terrorist Ayers. Kurtz has been attacked now as a right-wing hatchet man” and “slimy character assassin.”

Here are the Kurtz-smearing talking points the Obama campaign sent to its worshipers.

As I reported yesterday, Kurtz spent two hours on legendary radio talk show host Milt Rosenberg’s Chicago program on WGN last night detailing his initial findings. The Obama campaign went ballistic — and in typical Chicago mafia-style, smeared Kurtz and tried to shut down the show. …”



ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors–Video of Arrest

Asa Eslocker Was Investigating the Role of Lobbyists and Top Donors at the Convention

“…Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel.

A cigar-smoking Denver police sergeant, accompanied by a team of five other officers, first put his hands on Eslocker’s neck, then twisted the producer’s arm behind him to put on handcuffs.


A police official later told lawyers for ABC News that Eslocker is being charged with trespass, interference, and failure to follow a lawful order. He also said the arrest followed a signed complaint from the Brown Palace …”

“…Eslocker and his ABC News colleagues are spending the week investigating the role of corporate lobbyists and wealthy donors at the convention for a series of Money Trail reports on ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson.”



The CHANGE MAKER – Obama and Socialism

“…The REAL Obama – and his REAL agenda.

Listen closely to Obama’s words and you will hear the Socialist agenda of his friends. His words of CHANGE are taken straight from the manifesto of the Weather Underground. His speeches and the speeches of Michelle Obama are identical to the ranting of William Ayers and Rev. Wright – and George Soros. …”


Ayers’ Weathermen planned “re-education”, genocide


Outting Obama: Radical Racist Rabble Rouser Reader


Obama’s lack of ordinary modesty

By James Lewis

“…Narcissism is defined in psychiatry as an overweening sense of grandiosity, a sense of entitlement to whatever one desires, and a dehumanizing way of manipulating other people as objects.   A lot of presidential candidates have that to some degree; the Clintons are the original poster kids of narcissism. But most candidates in American politics go through a long process of getting beaten up by reality, which helps to modify their outsized egos. Obama has never done that.

Indeed, Obama has done nothing in his life that indicates any ability to deal with reality in the raw. He has never had a job that deals with reality — farming, business, engineering, science. He is simply Hollywood come to earth. Psychologically, Obama is ET, the Extra-Terrestrial — he is from another place, a place in the otherworldly imagination of the Left.
Obama’s narcissism combined with his fundamental ignorance spells danger for the country. If he does become president — which looks like at least a 50-50 proposition right now — he will be the most dangerous occupant in that office ever. He doesn’t know where the steering wheel and the brakes are located; but he knows where he wants to go in his fertile imagination. A more dangerous driver of the American ship of state is hard to imagine.
Like Jimmy Carter, Obama will take a significant chunk of American safety and security with him.  Obama is a talented actor on the national stage, but he will need a lot more seasoning before we can feel safe having him in the most powerful office in the land.



Recreate’ 38

“…On August 28th, 76,000 fanatical Barack Obama supporters will fill the Invesco Field in Denver to join the Obama Cult of Personality and mindlessly chant slogans as they sign the country over to their glorious leader.

Forget Recreate ’68, Barack Obama is going to Recreate ’38.  …”

Triumph of the Will

Triumph of the Will (German: Triumph des Willens) is a propagandistic documentary film by the German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl. It chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg. The film contains excerpts from speeches given by various Nazi leaders at the Congress, including portions of speeches by Adolf Hitler, interspersed with footage of massed party members. Hitler commissioned the film and served as an unofficial executive producer; his name appears in the opening titles. The overriding theme of the film is the return of Germany as a great power, with Hitler as the True German Leader who will bring glory to the nation.

Triumph of the Will was released in 1935 and rapidly became one of the better-known examples of propaganda in film history. Riefenstahl’s techniques, such as moving cameras, the use of telephoto lenses to create a distorted perspective, aerial photography, and revolutionary approach to the use of music and cinematography, have earned Triumph recognition as one of the greatest films in history. Riefenstahl won several awards, not only in Germany but also in the United States, France, Sweden, and other countries. The film was popular in the Third Reich[1] and elsewhere, and has continued to influence movies, documentaries, and commercials to this day, even as it raises the question over the dividing line between art and morality.[2]


Triumph des Willens (Full movie – English subbed)

“..The full movie of Trimpuh des Willens.

Text from Wikipedia:

The film begins with a prologue, the only commentary in the film. On a stone wall, the following text appears: On September 5, 1934, … 20 years after the outbreak of the World War … 16 years after the beginning of our suffering … 19 months after the beginning of the German renaissance … Adolf Hitler flew again to Nuremberg to review the columns of his faithful followers…

‘Day 1’: The film opens with shots of the clouds above the city, and then moves through the clouds to float above the assembling masses below, with the intention of portraying beauty and majesty of the scene. The shadow of Hitler’s plane is visible as it passes over the tiny figures marching below[3], accompanied by music from Richard Wagner’s Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, which slowly turns into the Horst-Wessel-Lied. Upon arriving at the Nuremberg airport, Hitler emerges from his plane to thunderous applause and a cheering crowd. He is then driven into Nuremberg, through equally enthusiastic people, to his hotel where a night rally is later held.

‘Day 2’: The second day begins with a montage of the attendees getting ready for the opening of the Reich Party Congress, and then footage of the top Nazi officials arriving at the Luitpold Arena. The film then cuts to the opening ceremony, where Rudolf Hess announces the start of the Congress. The camera then introduces much of the Nazi hierarchy and covers their opening speeches, including Joseph Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Fritz Todt, Robert Ley, and Julius Streicher. Then the film cuts to an outdoor rally for the Reichsarbeitsdienst (Labor Service), which is primarily a series of pseudo-military drills by men carrying shovels. This is also where Hitler gives his first speech on the merits of the Labor Service and praising them for their work in rebuilding Germany. The day then ends with a torchlight SA parade.

‘Day 3’: The third day starts with a Hitler Youth rally on the parade ground. Again the camera covers the Nazi dignitaries arriving and the introduction of Hitler by Baldur von Schirach. Hitler then addresses the Youth, describing in militaristic terms how they must harden themselves and prepare for sacrifice. Everyone present then assembles for a military pass and review, featuring Wehrmacht cavalry and various armored vehicles. That night Hitler delivers another speech to low-ranking party officials by torchlight, commemorating the first year since the Nazis took power and declaring that the party and state are one entity.

‘Day 4’: The fourth day is the climax of the film, where the most memorable of the imagery is presented. As the soundtrack plays themes from Wagner’s Götterdämmerung, Hitler, flanked by Heinrich Himmler and Viktor Lutze, walks through a long wide expanse with over 150,000 SA and SS troops standing at attention, to lay a wreath at a World War I Memorial. Hitler then reviews the parading SA and SS men, following which Hitler and Lutze deliver a speech where they discuss the Night of the Long Knives purge of the SA several months prior. Lutze reaffirms the SA’s loyalty to the regime, and Hitler absolves the SA of any crimes committed by Ernst Röhm. New party flags are consecrated by touching them to the “blood banner” (the same cloth flag said to have been carried by the fallen Nazis during the Beer Hall Putsch) and, following a final parade in front of the Nuremberg Frauenkirche, Hitler delivers his closing speech. In it he reaffirms the primacy of the Nazi Party in Germany, declaring, “All loyal Germans will become National Socialists. Only the best National Socialists are party comrades!” Hess then leads the assembled crowd in a final Sieg Heil salute for Hitler, marking the close of the party congress. The film fades to black as the entire crowd sings the “Horst-Wessel-Lied”. …” 



Nazi Germany 1933-39 part 2 of 9 


Ayers’ Weathermen planned “re-education”, genocide



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