Archive for February, 2008

Mr. Conservative In Heaven–William F. Buckley Jr. RIP

Posted on February 28, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Economics, Links, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Religion, Video | Tags: , , , |

 William F. Buckley Jr. (1925-2008)


William F. Buckley Jr. passed away Wednesday night.

For conservatives who grew up with the National Review and Firing Line, he was an inspiring and brilliant light.

He will be greatly missed by the men and woman of the American conservative movement.

May he rest in peace.

Bach – Brandenburg Concertos No.2 – iii: Allegro assai

Amazing Grace – Judy Collins and the choir

Background Articles and Videos

Fox News – William F Buckley – Right From The Start

Fox News – William F Buckley – Right From The Start

Fox News – William F Buckley – Right From The Start

Fox News – William F Buckley – Right From The Start

Fox News – William F Buckley – Right From The Start

Fox News – William F Buckley – Right From The Start

Conservative Icon William F. Buckley, Jr. Dies

Charlie Rose – An Appreciation of William F. Buckley

 Man of Incessant Labor
Christopher Hitchens on Buckley.
by Christopher Hitchens

A Life Athwart History

By George Will

“…Before there could be Ronald Reagan’s presidency, there had to be Barry Goldwater’s candidacy. It made conservatism confident and placed the Republican Party in the hands of its adherents.

Before there could be Goldwater’s insurgency, there had to be National Review magazine. From the creative clutter of its Manhattan offices flowed the ideological electricity that powered the transformation of American conservatism from a mere sensibility into a fighting faith and a blueprint for governance.

Before there was National Review, there was Buckley, spoiling for a philosophic fight, to be followed, of course, by a flute of champagne with his adversaries. He was 29 when, in 1955, he launched National Review with the vow that it “stands athwart history, yelling Stop.” Actually, it helped Bill take history by the lapels, shake it to get its attention, and then propel it in a new direction. Bill died Wednesday in his home, in his study, at his desk, diligent at his life-long task of putting words together well and to good use. …”

Remembrances of Mr. Buckley

“… i still marvel whenever I read anything he’s written.  I always will, and I’ll always continue to learn something from him no matter the fact that he’s gone.  You can reread books that he’s written, books that he’s edited, columns. Go back and read some of the early National Reviews.  They’re just as inspirational today as ever — to me, anyway — and I think to a lot of people as they were when they were first published. …”

 An Era Ends

“…What Buckley sought to do was unite the traditionalist conservatives with libertarians – a marriage that today is strained beyond measure largely as a result of conservatism’s flirtation with big government and a curious desire to employ moral dogma as a club to try and tell people how to run their private lives. He succeeded in this unity of strange bedfellows by the force of his own vibrant personality reflected in his writings and by inventing a logical coherence that tied together the libertarian ideals of self sufficiency and unbridled personal freedom with the conservative belief in personal responsibility and a just moral order informed by Christian theology. He added a healthy dose of American exceptionalism and beliefs based on natural law to cement the marriage. …”

“…A great light in the firmament of American letters has been dimmed today. Buckley leaves a conservative movement in turmoil, a victim largely of its own success – a success for which he was largely responsible. We must make our own way now, climbing on the shoulders of greats like William Buckley to reach ever higher, bettering ourselves and the human condition while being inspired by the irrepressible and indomitable spirit who passed into legend today. …”

William F. Buckley, Jr., RIP

Farewell to the man who created intellectual space for the libertarian movement

“…By creating National Review in 1955 as a serious, intellectually respectable conservative voice (challenging the New Deal consensus among thinking people), Buckley created space for the development of our movement. He kicked out the racists and conspiracy-mongers from conservatism and embraced Chicago and Austrian economists, introducing a new generation to Hayek, Mises, and Friedman. And thanks to the efforts of NR‘s Frank Meyer to promote a “fusion” between economic (free-market) conservatives and social conservatives, Buckley and National Review fostered the growth of a large enough conservative movement to nominate Goldwater for president and ultimately to elect Ronald Reagan. …”

“…I was far more impressed years later, as Buckley held court every week on his long-running PBS series Firing Line. Charming and witty, he engaged his guests in intellectual colloquy or combat, as the case might warrant. Those programs were a feast for the mind, the likes of which hasn’t graced the airwaves since Firing Line‘s demise. …”

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A Kinder Gentler Wiser Microsoft Gives Away Valuable Software Developer Tools to Students Around The World!

Posted on February 25, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Links, Politics, Rants, Raves, Resources, Reviews, Science, Video | Tags: , , , , , , |

  “Cast your bread upon the water for after many days you will find it”

Ecclesiastes 11:1

One way to beat your competition is to give both high school and college students around the world copies of your software development tools free.

When you do this on a global scale you are talking upwards of a billion people using your tools to develop applications for the Microsoft Windows operating system and platform.

Microsoft is doing exactly that with it DreamSpark:

What is DreamSpark?

“Now, for the first time, Microsoft is giving its valuable software developer and design tools directly to students worldwide at no charge! This site enables students like you to download professional-level Microsoft developer and design tools to unlock your creative potential and set you on the path to academic and career success, by supporting and advancing your learning and skills through technical design, technology, math, science and engineering activities. …” 

UPDATE: The new link is here:

Also, Student Overview FAQ: 

The DreamSpark software initiative is truly a positive feedback loop for all concerned.

This creates wealth on a massive scale and is truly transformative and revolutionary.

Few companies are either as generous or as visionary and can take the very long view.

Bill Gates talks about Free Software, Students, and Technology

Same video on Youtube:

Channel8 interviews Bill Gates about DreamSpark

 Where can you download the free software: 

Welcome to Microsoft DreamSpark

Professional Developer and Designer tools for students at no charge

“…DreamSpark is simple, it’s all about giving students Microsoft professional-level developer and design tools at no charge so you can chase your dreams and create the next big breakthrough in technology – or just get a head start on your career. …”

Veni, Vidi, Velcro…

(I came, I saw, I got stuck!)  


The Microsoft products available for download now for students in Belgium, China, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the U.K. and the U.S. include:

Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition
Expression Studio
XNA Game Studio 2.0
XNA Creators Club Online
SQL Server 2005
Visual Studio 2005
Windows Server 2003
As well as all the previous free Express Editions of Visual Studio:
Visual C# 2005,
Visual Basic 2005,
Visual C++ 2005, 
Visual J# 2005
Visual Web 2005  

Frequently Asked Questions for Students

You got questions. We got answers.

That works out nicely, huh?


Background Articles and Videos

Microsoft DreamSpark Helps Ignite the Imaginations, Careers of Today’s Students 

“…Microsoft DreamSpark is a community-based program to provide students with free access to Microsoft’s industry-leading software development, gaming and design tools. Working with schools, governments, partners and student organizations worldwide, we will be making this available starting today in Belgium, China, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Other countries will come online over the next year, as well as expanding the program to include high school students. The program is open to all students at education institutions worldwide, though those studying science, technology, engineering and math disciplines (STEM-D) are expected to be the first to jump on it. All eligible students need is access to a computer with an internet connection to download the products, as well as free access keys at  …”

Bill Gates: College Tour 2008 – Stanford University

Remarks by Bill Gates, Chairman, Microsoft Corporation

College Tour 2008 – Stanford University Palo Alto, Calif.

Feb. 19, 2008

Microsoft’s DreamSpark – What a Giveaway

“…Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates today will unveil a software giveaway that will ultimately provide millions of college and high school students around the world with access to the latest Microsoft developer and designer tools at no charge to unlock their creative potential and set them on the path to academic and career success.

The Microsoft DreamSpark student program ( makes available, at no charge, a broad range of development and design software for download. The program is now available to more than 35 million college students in Belgium, China, Finland, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the U.K. and the U.S. Broad global coverage, as well as an expansion of the program to high school students around the world, potentially reaching up to 1 billion students worldwide, will continue throughout the next year. Gates will share details with students and faculty at Stanford University as part of a U.S. and Canada college tour that kicks off today. 

Microsoft Gives Away Software Worth Thousands To Students  

“Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) is giving away, free of charge, development software that would normally cost about $3,300, the company announced Tuesday. The effort, called DreamSpark, is aimed at giving jump starts to current high school and college students for their IT careers.

“We want to do everything we can to equip a new generation of technology leaders with the knowledge and tools they need to harness the magic of software to improve lives, solve problems, and catalyze economic growth,” Microsoft chairman Bill Gates said in a statement. …”;jsessionid=TJYF1R4VOD1MQQSNDLQSKH0CJUNN2JVN?articleID=206800334

Open source, Adobe on campus prods Microsoft’s giveaway

Eric Lai 02.19.2008

“…Via a new DreamSpark Web site, students will be able to download the Professional editions of Visual Studio 2008 and its Visual Studio 2005 predecessor, as well as Windows Server 2003, SQL Server 2005 and Expression Studio, a Web design suite that competes with tools from Adobe Systems Inc.

Microsoft also is offering its XNA Game Studio 2.0 software through the DreamSpark program, and the soon-to-be-released 2008 upgrades to Windows Server and SQL Server will be made available as well. “As soon as you can get them on MSDN, you’ll be able to get them here,” said Joe Wilson, Microsoft’s senior director of academic initiatives for developer and platform evangelism.

Wilson added that more countries and more students — including high schoolers — will become eligible to participate in the program over the next year. That will swell the total number of students who can take part to about 1 billion, he said. …”

Microsoft’s stingy DreamSpark program 

“…Alas, dear Mr. Gates, too little, too late. You see, developers already have exceptional development tools available under open-source licenses. They also have market-leading ECM, CRM, application server, operating system, etc. software that they can fiddle with and extend so that they can graduate from the kiddie laboratory you want to foist on them.

DreamSpark would have been cool…20 years ago. Today it’s an admission, as Glyn Moody writes, in “the plainest possible terms that its business model has failed.” Sorry. Maybe you’ll catch up next century. …”

Microsoft Gives Software to Nurture Future Coders

The DreamSpark program will provide programming tools to high school and college students worldwide.

“…DreamSpark is part of a company-wide effort to work with local governments, communities and academic institutions worldwide to give potential technology workers a head start in the competitive job market to foster technology innovation and improve citizens’ quality of life, especially in developing countries.

Microsoft also is trying to compete worldwide with open-source technologies such as Linux that are freely available to anyone and thus popular with student computer enthusiasts who may not be able to afford to purchase Microsoft products. …”

Positive Feedback 

 “…One common example of positive feedback is the network effect, where more people are encouraged to join a network the larger that network becomes. The result is that the network grows more and more quickly over time.

Related Posts On Pronk Palisades

Microsoft Expression Studio–Videos

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The Cost of Comprehensive Immigration Reform–McCain and Obama Are Hopeless–It is the Economy Stupid!

Posted on February 20, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Immigration, Links, Politics, Rants, Raves, Resources, Taxes, Video, War |

What are the costs of comprehensive immigration reform: unemployment, smaller pay checks, illness and higher taxes!

No wonder the American people are mad as hell at the politicians of both political parties on the issue of illegal immigration.

 The American people want the illegal immigrants from whatever country to simply go home and  take their diseases with them.

There should be no path for citizenship for the 12 million, actually more like 24 million, criminal aliens who entered the United States illegally and work here illegally.

Obama is as hopeless as McCain on the issue of illegal immigration or criminal alien removal.

The unskilled American worker whether they be black, white or hispanic pays the price in terms of higher unemployment and lower wages.

Middle class Americans pay the price in terms of higher taxes to pay for schooling, infra-structure, medical care, and locking up criminal aliens in jails and prison.

All Americans pay in term of a direct threat to their health, medical care and safety due to rising crime.

Both McCain and Obama have broken their oaths of office and have sold out the American people.

Neither deserves our vote on this issue alone.

Any Federal tax cut is offset by the higher local, city and state taxes resulting from illegal immigration.

Send the illegal immigrants home and thereby reduce the need for higher taxes locally and increase the employment opportunities for unskilled American workers.

Obama wants the 24 million plus illegals as future Democratic Party voters.

McCain wants the 24 million plus illegals as low paid workers to obtain campaign contributions from the businesses that benefit from paying lower wages to the illegal immigrants.

It is the Economy Stupid!

Illegal Immigration Hurts Americans

The Elephant In the Immigration Room

“…First, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, from December 2006 – December 2007 unemployment among Hispanics (legal workers assumed since why would illegals participate in a census?) rose from 5.0 to 6.3%.  The number for unemployed African-Americans increased from 7.9 to 9.0%.  

Second, the U.S. government may be vastly underestimating the number of illegal laborers in the work force.  In January 2005, Bear Sterns Asset Management, Inc. released a report entitled “The Underground Labor Force Is Rising To The Surface,” that states,
“The number of illegal immigrants in the United States may be as high as 20 million people, more than double the official 9 million people estimated by the Census Bureau.Undocumented immigrants are gaining a larger share of the job market, and hold approximately 12 to 15 million jobs in the United States – 8% of the employed.
Third, native born Hispanics are not faring as well in the job market as foreign-born Latinos.  A report from the Pew Hispanic Center  entitled “Latino Labor Report 2006: Strong Gains in Employment,” dated September 27, 2006, statistically separates foreign-born Latinos and native-born Hispanics. …”

Executive Summary: The Fiscal Cost of Low-Skill Immigrants to the U.S. Taxpayer

“…At $19,588, the average annual fiscal deficit for low-skill immigrant households was nearly twice the amount of taxes paid. In order for the average low-skill household to be fiscally solvent (taxes paid equaling immediate benefits received), it would be necessary to eliminate Social Security and Medicare, all means-tested welfare, and to cut expenditures on public education roughly in half. …”
A Description of the Immigrant Population

“…The Census Bureau estimated that the number of foreign-born people living in the United States topped 33 million and accounted for nearly 12 percent of the population in 2003–its highest share since 1930. Half of those people have arrived in the United States since 1990, and the foreign-born population is now growing at a rate of about 1 million per year. Between the 1990 and 2000 censuses, the foreign-born population grew by more than 11 million, accounting for about 35 percent of total population growth. Estimates of the portion of immigrants who are unauthorized range from 7 million to 10 million, although in the absence of reliable data, those estimates are subject to considerable uncertainty.

More than half of the total foreign-born population originated in Latin America, with Mexico by far the single largest source. The number of immigrants from Asia has also grown rapidly since the 1960s. In contrast, in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the vast majority of immigrants came from Europe.

The foreign-born population is quite concentrated geographically, more so than people born in the United States. More than two-thirds of the foreign-born population reside in one of six states (California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois, and New Jersey), and the majority of newly admitted legal immigrants continue to settle in those states. However, that concentration has diminished somewhat since 1990, and new major destinations include Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia, and Colorado. The foreign-born population also tends to be more concentrated in urban areas–especially central cities–than the native-born is, but as is the case generally in the United States, more than half of the foreign-born population now live in suburban areas.  …”

“The Foreign-Born Population, 1850 to 2000



Source: Congressional Budget Office using data from Campbell J. Gibson and Emily Lennon, Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-Born Population of the United States: 1850-1990, Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Division, Working Paper No. 29 (February 1999); and Nolan Malone and others, The Foreign-Born Population: 2000, Census 2000 Brief (Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, December 2003). …”

Cost of Low-Skilled Immigrants  

Illegals and their Diseases

Mexican Illegals Terrorize Hospitals 

John McCain: Immigration

Barack Obama: Immigration

Barack Obama’s plan for IMMIGRATION

Barack Obama on Immigration and a Path to Citizenship


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Alan Keyes on Immigration

Why immigration will be the number 1 political issue in the 2008 Presidential Election! — Gum Balls

Presidential Candidates on Illegal Immigration, Criminal Alien Removal and Social Service Benefits

US Immigration Videos

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Barack Obama Cult?

Posted on February 18, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Films, Immigration, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Religion, Reviews, Taxes, Technology, Video, War |

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

~George Santayana


Excuse the duplicate videos but Google who supports Obama, keeps taking down videos that are critical of Obama.

Obama – Building a Religion


 Barack Obama: The Cult Of Personality


Cult Of Obama – Missouri Youths’ Militaristic Obama Chant


Obama Military Youth Brigade March in Formation



Children singing to Obama!


Children Sing Praises To Their Parent’s Political Messiah—Heil Obama—Fascism Is Coming To America


Fuhrer Obama Hitler Youth – Sing for Change


Fuhrer Obama Hitler Youth – Sing for Change

Mind Control Cults


Obama: The Cult of Personality


China Great Leap Forward Mao Zedong


Chinese economic planning under Mao part 1of 2


Chinese economic planning under Mao part 2 of 2


At first I thought Barack Obama was just a friendly fellow and nice guy who gave a good motivational speech that connected with his political liberal progressive leftist supporters.

As a libertarian and member of the conservative movement I would never even consider voting for Senator Liberal 2007.


Obama: Most Liberal Senator In 2007 

“Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., was the most liberal senator in 2007, according to National Journal’s 27th annual vote ratings. The insurgent presidential candidate shifted further to the left last year in the run-up to the primaries, after ranking as the 16th- and 10th-most-liberal during his first two years in the Senate.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., the other front-runner in the Democratic presidential race, also shifted to the left last year. She ranked as the 16th-most-liberal senator in the 2007 ratings, a computer-assisted analysis that used 99 key Senate votes, selected by NJ reporters and editors, to place every senator on a liberal-to-conservative scale in each of three issue categories. In 2006, Clinton was the 32nd-most-liberal senator. …”

How They Scored


The more I thought about and viewed both the comments of his supporters and their devotion, the word cult followers and cult personality were coming to mind.

Seems like others were making the same connection as well. 


Obama Supporters a Cult? 


ABC News, February 07, 2008

And Obama Wept
by Jake Tapper

“Inspiration is nice. But some folks seem to be getting out of hand.

It’s as if Tom Daschle descended from on high saying, “Be not afraid;
for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all
the people: for there is born to you this day in the city of Chicago a
Savior, who is Barack the Democrat.”

Obama supporter Kathleen Geier writes that she’s “getting increasingly
weirded out by some of Obama’s supporters. On listservs I’m on, some
people who should know better – hard-bitten, not-so-young cynics, even
– are gushing about Barack… “


Obama: A Movement Not A Cult

“Something I read today has really drawn my ire.

In Jake Trapper’s “And Obama Wept,” he offers the viewpoint that “Obama supporters’ exuberance seems to be getting a little out of hand.” He points out others — like Felix Gillette, James Wolcott, Joe Klein and Kathleen Geier — who share the same POV. Some even go as far as to blast Obama supporters for worshiping him like he’s Jesus. …”


The Obama Cult of Nonthreatening Personality

By Ray Robison

“Barack Obama strikes nearly everyone as a nice guy. Part of that appeal is a distinct absence of aggression. Normally, when we think about charismatic political leaders, the mind conjures up dynamism, vocal modulation. He doesn’t need them. Perhaps the drama of his background is enough.

His now-legendary ability to inspire crowds is no doubt a complex phenomenon, but his smile and his disposition certainly have their magnetism for those of us who long for racial healing. He has crafted an image of someone who wants to get along with everyone. …”


Barack’s Trinity Church (Part 1 of 2)


 Barack’s Trinity Church (Part 2 of 2)


Focus Group Tells Us Why They Are Voting For Barack Obama


Seattle Voters Explain Support for Obama


Run Ronnie Run – cult leader  


Eventually all the inspiring words will be parsed closely.

What sounds like inspiring words may well be his down fall as people finally wake up to the fact they are electing a President of The United States and not joining a new age feel good cult or movement.

More government programs and higher taxes is not change for the better.

Obama’s plans and programs are back to the past failed programs of the progressive liberal left.

Once the American people wake up to his voting record in the Senate, they will not elect Senator Liberal.

Obama is very old wine turned to vinegar marketed in a new bottle and labeled Yes We Can–spit it out.

Drinking the kool aid of a socialist cult leader can be harmful to your health.

Don’t bet your life and property on hope and change.


Living Colour-Cult Of Personality


Background Articles and Videos

Motivational speaker 

“A motivational speaker is a professional speaker who makes speeches intending to lift up and motivate their audiences. …” 



Messiah (Hebrew: מָׁשִיַח, Standard Mašíaḥ Tiberian Māšîªḥ; Aramaic: משיחא, Aramaic/Syriac: ܡܫܺܝܚܳܐ, Məšîḥā; Arabic: المسيح‎, al-Masīḥ) Literally, Messiah means “The Anointed (One)”, typically someone anointed with holy anointing oil. Figuratively, anointing is done to signify being chosen for a task; so, Messiah means “The Chosen (One)”, particularly someone divinely chosen.

In Jewish messianic tradition and eschatology, Messiah refers to a future King of Israel from the Davidic line, who will rule the people of united tribes of Israel[1] and herald the Messianic Age[2]. In Standard Hebrew, The Messiah is often referred to as מלך המשיח, Méleḫ ha-Mašíaḥ (in the Tiberian vocalization pronounced Méleḵ haMMāšîªḥ), literally meaning “the Anointed King.”

Christians believe that prophecies in the Hebrew Bible refer to a spiritual savior, and believe Jesus to be that Messiah (Christ). In the (Greek) Septuagint version of the Old Testament, khristos was used to translate the Hebrew מָשִׁיַח (Mašíaḥ,), meaning “anointed.” [3]

In Islam, Jesus (Isa) is also called the Messiah (Masih)[4], but like in Judaism he is not considered to be the Son of God in a literal sense.

The Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek translates all thirty-nine instances of the word messiah as Christos. The New Testament records the Greek transliteration Μεσσίας, Messias, twice, in John 1:41 and 4:25. …”


God complex

“…The French Revolution may well, in the opinion of some, illustrate the destructiveness of arrogant reforms attributable to god complexes. The purported god-like intention of intellectuals to reinvent the world, and in particular the retroactively claimed god complex of Napoleon Bonaparte, may have been in some opinions the catalyst for the twenty years of war that ensued. A collective god complex, rooted in the utopianism of the French Enlightenment, is considered by some to have led to the reign of terror that afflicted all of Europe beginning in the late 18th century. …”


The Secret

The Secret, a film[1] produced by Prime Time Productions, consists of a series of interviews and dramatizations related to “The Law of Attraction”. Distributed through DVD, and online (through streaming media), the film and the subsequent publication of a book by the same name and of the same topic as the film, has attracted interest from media figures such as Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, and Larry King as well as criticism from the mainstream press. The film is largely influenced by Wallace D. Wattles’ 1910 book The Science of Getting Rich. …”


The Secret


Cult typically refers to a cohesive social group devoted to beliefs or practices that the surrounding culture considers outside the mainstream, with a notably positive or negative popular perception. In common or populist usage, “cult” has a positive connotation for groups of art, music, writing, fiction, and fashion devotees,[1] but a negative connotation for new religious, extreme political, questionable therapeutic, and pyramidal business groups.[2] For this reason, most, if not all, non-fan groups that are called cults reject this label. …”


Political Cult

Political cult is a term used to describe some groups on what is generally considered to be the political fringe. Although the majority of groups to which the term “cult” (currently often used as a pejorative term according to some comparative religion scholars[1] [2]) is sometimes applied are religious in nature, a number are non-religious and focus either on secular self-improvement[3] [4] [5] [6] or on political action and ideology.[7]


Cult of Personality

 “A cult of personality or personality cult arises when a country’s leader uses mass media to create a heroic public image through unquestioning flattery and praise. Cults of personality are often found in dictatorships but can be found in some democracies as well.

A cult of personality is similar to general hero worship except that it is created specifically for political leaders. However, the term may be applied by analogy to refer to adulation of non-political leaders. …”

“…Generally, personality cults are most common in regimes with totalitarian systems of government, that seek to radically alter or transform society according to revolutionary new ideas. Often, a single leader becomes associated with this revolutionary transformation, and he becomes treated as a benevolent “guide” for the nation, without whom the transformation to a better future cannot occur. This has been generally the justification for personality cults that arose in totalitarian societies of the 20th Century, such as that of Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong. …”


Jim Jones’ followers enthralled by his skills as a speaker



“…CNN) — The key to understanding the tragedy that was Jonestown lies in the oratory skills of the Peoples Temple founder, Jim Jones.

With the cadence and fervor of a Baptist preacher, the charm and folksiness of a country storyteller and the zeal and fury of a maniacal dictator, Jones exhorted his followers to a fever pitch, audiotapes recovered from Jonestown reveal.

As he spoke, they applauded, shouted, cheered. One follower who survived the “revolutionary suicide” at Jonestown on November 18, 1978, said that Jones was the most dynamic speaker he had ever heard.

Like all powerful speakers, Jones’ greatest asset was his ability to determine what listeners wanted to hear and give it to them in simple language that appealed to them on an almost instinctual level.

“He was very charismatic, very charismatic,” said Leslie Wilson, who survived that fateful day in Jonestown by walking away from the settlement before the cyanide that killed more than 900 Peoples Temple members was distributed. She was one of 33 people who began the day in Jonestown and lived to tell the tale.

“He could quote scripture and turn around and preach socialism,” she said. “He appealed to anyone on any level at any time.” 

Many of his followers were elderly African-Americans drawn to his cause by his soulful delivery and Pentecostal preaching style, including at times speaking in tongues. That hair-raising fervor was perhaps only overshadowed by what he said. …”


Jonestown: Massacre News Reel


Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple Parte 1


Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple Parte 2


Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple Parte 3


Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple Parte 4


Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple Parte 5


Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple Parte 6


Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple Parte 7


Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple Parte 8


Jonestown: The Life and Death of Peoples Temple Parte 9


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New Media Connects The Dots–SDS–Jeff Jones–Apollo Alliance–Big Media–Pelosi–Jim Jones–Cult of Personality–Barack Obama


Barack Obama–A Reader Not A Leader!

The Kennedy Clinton Democratic Party Civil War Over Obama–Happy Days Are Here Again!

Voters Beware: The Radical Rules of Saul Alinsky and Leftist Democrats

Yes We Can–Throw You Under The Bus–Presidential Campaign 2008 Mantra

Down and Dirty Democrat Clinton vs. Up and Clean Democrat Obama: Hard Ball Time!

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Barack Obama–A Reader Not A Leader!

Posted on February 16, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Economics, Immigration, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Religion, Reviews, Taxes, Technology, Video, War |

The Beatles-All You Need Is Love

If you have ever been a salesman or saleswoman, you will no doubt have had the experience of attending a presentation given by a motivational speaker. 

Chris Farley – Motivational Speaker

While you are listening to the speaker you are usually pumped up or inspired.

Once you go home, the magic of the moment’s motivational message fast wears off.

Barack Obama reminds me of a motivational speaker.

When Barack is glued to podium reading his motivational speech from the teleprompter, he is at his best.

Barack Obama 2004 Democratic National Convention Part 1

Barack Obama 2004 Democratic National Convention Part 2

 Super Tuesday Speech

However, I am not impressed with Obama for many of the same reason expressed below.

Andy Martin says Barack Obama is the “teleprompter” candidate”

“…The prompter tells me a lot about Obama (sort of like a doctor diagnosing the patient, long-distance in this case). First, Obama was probably the last to speak Thursday night because he had people writing his speech. Second, and more importantly, he did not write his speech. Finally, someone wrote his words for him.

The teleprompter incident also explains for me a disconnect that some in the media have legitimately observed: that Obama delivers “great” speeches but does poorly in debates. Why? Because when he doesn’t have people to write for him in a debate, his own words end up faltering. And so, Obama can deliver a speech, but he can’t compose one on the fly. His words are someone else’s.  …”

“…The bottom line: Obama is scripted, not spontaneous; he is an insecure speaker, not a confident one. His words are not his own. And these weaknesses are evident when he is forced to participate in the debate format. He cannot hold his own with truly confident candidates who deliver their own words, not someone else’s. Like so much about Obama that we don’t know, he is really a paper mache caricature, a Potemkin candidate, a creation of the people behind the screen who manipulate and control his public persona. …” 

Yes, he gives a good stump speech after giving it several hundred times.

Yes, he reads a speech well from a teleprompter.

But how good is Barach on his feet when he cannot read from a teleprompter.

Apparently he is at best average. Certainly not the chosen messiah.

Obama Unplugged
Lost without a Teleprompter.
by Dean Barnett

“…It was thus interesting to see Obama climb to the stage at Virginia’s Jefferson-Jackson Dinner on Saturday night. As he strode to the podium, Obama clutched in his hands a pile of 3 by 5 index cards. The index cards meant only one thing–no Teleprompter.

Shorn of his Teleprompter, we saw a different Obama. His delivery was halting and unsure. He looked down at his obviously copious notes every few seconds throughout the speech. Unlike the typical Obama oration where the words flow with unparalleled fluidity, he stumbled over his phrasing repeatedly. …”

“…But Saturday night’s stem-winder turned out quite differently from the typical Obama speech. With no Teleprompter signaling the prepared text, Obama failed to deliver the speech in his characteristically flawless fashion. He had to rely on notes. And his memory. And he improvised. …”

Barack Obama at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner 2-09-08 Part 1 of 4 

Barack Obama at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner 2-09-08 Part 2 of 4 

Barack Obama at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner 2-09-08 Part 3 of 4 

Barack Obama at Jefferson-Jackson Dinner 2-09-08 Part 4 of 4

In November the American people are electing the next President of the United States.

The American people are not selecting the next news reader or anchor for one of the television networks. 

News Presenter

“A news presenter is, broadly speaking, a person that presents a news show on television, radio or the Internet. The term is not commonly used by people in the industry as they tend to use more descriptive, and sometimes country-specific, terms. Examples include “newsreader“, “newscaster“, and “news anchor“. …”

The American people want their money back.

Obama Supporters a Cult?

Run Ronnie Run – cult leader  

Yes we can get are our money back!

Stop electing politicians of both parties that keep taking it from you.

Pass The Secret To A Friend

The Secret Law of Attraction and Your Dream Life

11 useful tips for how to use The Secret !

Eye to Eye: ‘The Secret’

Larry King Interviews Oprah on The Secret

Michael Bernard Beckwith: Why I’m Nominating Barack Obama

Paper: Obama Clearly Using Covert Hypnosis Methods

 Manfred Mann’s Earth Band – Blinded By The Light  

Background Articles and Videos


Chris Farley

Clinton & Obama Voters Dazzle the World With Their Knowledge

Focus Group Tells Us Why They Are Voting For Barack Obama

Seattle Voters Explain Support for Obama

Obama: Most Liberal Senator In 2007 

“Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., was the most liberal senator in 2007, according to National Journal’s 27th annual vote ratings. The insurgent presidential candidate shifted further to the left last year in the run-up to the primaries, after ranking as the 16th- and 10th-most-liberal during his first two years in the Senate.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., the other front-runner in the Democratic presidential race, also shifted to the left last year. She ranked as the 16th-most-liberal senator in the 2007 ratings, a computer-assisted analysis that used 99 key Senate votes, selected by NJ reporters and editors, to place every senator on a liberal-to-conservative scale in each of three issue categories. In 2006, Clinton was the 32nd-most-liberal senator. …”

How They Scored

Obama has charisma but weak on issues

 O’Reilly’s Lie: Obama Has No Plan for Pakistan or HealthCare

 Glenn Beck w. Coulter on McCain, Romney, … UNEDITED 

Race for the White House

Clinton or Obama? Who Fares Best Against McCain?

“As Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton settle in for a long contest that may not end until the Democratic convention, many conversations naturally drift to the question of which candidate would fare better against likely Republican nominee John McCain.

The early numbers seem to slightly favor Obama. In polling through Sunday, February 10, Obama held a four-point lead over the GOP hopeful while Clinton trailed the Arizona Senator by a couple of points. Clinton also has a much higher percentage of the population committed to voting against her than either Obama or McCain. …”

Motivational speaker 

“A motivational speaker is a professional speaker who makes speeches intending to lift up and motivate their audiences. …” 


God complex

“…The French Revolution may well, in the opinion of some, illustrate the destructiveness of arrogant reforms attributable to god complexes. The purported god-like intention of intellectuals to reinvent the world, and in particular the retroactively claimed god complex of Napoleon Bonaparte, may have been in some opinions the catalyst for the twenty years of war that ensued. A collective god complex, rooted in the utopianism of the French Enlightenment, is considered by some to have led to the reign of terror that afflicted all of Europe beginning in the late 18th century. …”


 The Secret

Barack’s Trinity Church (Part 1 of 2)

 Barack’s Trinity Church (Part 2 of 2)


Cult typically refers to a cohesive social group devoted to beliefs or practices that the surrounding culture considers outside the mainstream, with a notably positive or negative popular perception. In common or populist usage, “cult” has a positive connotation for groups of art, music, writing, fiction, and fashion devotees,[1] but a negative connotation for new religious, extreme political, questionable therapeutic, and pyramidal business groups.[2] For this reason, most, if not all, non-fan groups that are called cults reject this label. …”

Political Cult

Political cult is a term used to describe some groups on what is generally considered to be the political fringe. Although the majority of groups to which the term “cult” (currently often used as a pejorative term according to some comparative religion scholars[1] [2]) is sometimes applied are religious in nature, a number are non-religious and focus either on secular self-improvement[3] [4] [5] [6] or on political action and ideology.[7]

Cult of Personality

 “A cult of personality or personality cult arises when a country’s leader uses mass media to create a heroic public image through unquestioning flattery and praise. Cults of personality are often found in dictatorships but can be found in some democracies as well.

A cult of personality is similar to general hero worship except that it is created specifically for political leaders. However, the term may be applied by analogy to refer to adulation of non-political leaders. …”

“…Generally, personality cults are most common in regimes with totalitarian systems of government, that seek to radically alter or transform society according to revolutionary new ideas. Often, a single leader becomes associated with this revolutionary transformation, and he becomes treated as a benevolent “guide” for the nation, without whom the transformation to a better future cannot occur. This has been generally the justification for personality cults that arose in totalitarian societies of the 20th Century, such as that of Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong. …”

Living Colour-Cult Of Personality

Barack Obama: The Cult Of Personality

Republican Newt Gingridge praising Obama?

Romney endorses McCain as Clinton raps Obama


By Andy Sullivan

Thursday, February 14, 2008; 10:44 PM  

“…Brandishing a pair of blue boxing gloves given to her at a General Motors automobile plant in Lordstown, Ohio, Clinton portrayed herself as a fighter and Obama as someone who makes a lot of speeches that sound good but do not offer solutions.

“That’s the difference between me and my opponent. My opponent makes speeches. I offer solutions. It is one thing to get people excited. I want to empower you,” the New York senator said. …”

Obama at J-J Dinner

 By Matt Yglesias

“For those who want to hear less about “hope” and more about his policy agenda, Barack Obama’s Jefferson-Jackson Day speech in Virginia was full of that kind of thing. Personally, I think it’s probably a mistake for a speech to turn into two much of a laundry-list, but if you really want to see his agenda spelled out in some detail, the Blueprint for Change document has it in spades. My guess is that about none of the people who purport to be troubled by his lack of specifics have read this, but who knows? Certainly, it meets any possible standard of plodding earnestness that one might want. …” 

 Behind the Obama Bounce
Wall Street, beware.By Larry Kudlow

“…Obama voted against the Bush tax cuts on capital gains and dividends, justifying his anti-growth stance with the old class-warfare saw about tax cuts for the rich. Of course, these are the very same tax cuts that spurred economic expansion, created record job growth, and reduced the deficit as revenues flooded the Treasury.

The young senator also voted against repealing the death tax. He dismissed it as a “Paris Hilton tax break” that would give “billions of dollars to billionaire heirs and heiresses.” Try telling that to the owners of farms, ranches, and small businesses who are forced to sell their legacies because of this tax.


He swings a nice protectionist bat, too. He has voted against free trade (CAFTA) and U.S. energy independence (drilling in ANWR), and has opposed lifting a $0.54 per gallon tariff on Brazillian ethanol. “Ethanol imports are neither necessary nor a practical response to current gasoline prices,” he claimed. Nonsense.


He’s also strongly opposed to personal retirement accounts for Social Security reform, and prefers instead that the government stewards your money. As Amanda Carpenter wrote in Human Events, “When speaking out against various tax cuts, Obama has likened the ‘Ownership Society’ — which entails such things as personalized Social Security accounts, health savings accounts and school choice — to ‘social Darwinism.’”…”


“…The senator is liberal to the core. He voted against Supreme Court judges Sam Alito and John Roberts. (Even liberal senators Russ Feingold and Pat Leahy voted for Roberts.) He said no to Patriot Act wiretap extensions, despite their proven effectiveness on halting terrorist attacks over the past five years. He collaborated in blocking John Bolton’s appointment to the United Nations. He earned a perfect 100 percent rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America. He voted against a ban on partial-birth abortions twice as a state senator. He opposed the Defense of Marriage Act and stood against the Federal Marriage Amendment, despite acknowledging his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman. …”

Obama Speech Obscures Left-Wing Record

By Freddoso, David

 “Democrat Keynoter Favors Higher Taxes, Abortion, Lenient Treatment of Criminals…”

“…Obama has been markedly soft on crime. In 2001, he voted against a bill that added extra penalties for crimes committed in furtherance of gang activities. he also voted against a bill making it a criminal offense for accused gang members, free on bond or on probation, to associate with known gang members. In 1999, he was the only state senator to vote against a bill prohibiting early prison release for criminal sexual abusers.

Obama has a long record of supporting tax increases as well, although he rarely had the opportunity before Democrats took over the Illinois Senate in 2002. Despite Democratic rhetoric on the high cost of health care, Obama voted last May to hike the tax on insurance premiums. Although this tax is levied on corporations, it effectively raises rates for consumers. The same day, Obama voted to preserve Illinois’ death tax, increase taxes on casino visitors, and charge new sales taxes on businesses.

Given his record, it is not surprising that Obama has the support of leading left-wingers. Political action committees (PACs) that have contributed to his U.S. Senate campaign include: Progressive Choices ($5,000), Planned Parenthood ($5,000), the National Education Association ($5,000) and People for the American Way ($1,000), the leading group helping Democrats to block President Bush’s judicial appointees. Sen. Hillary Clinton’s (D.-N.Y.) leadership PAC gave him the maximum contribution ($10,000), as did the American Federation of Teachers and the National Abortion Rights Action League. …”

Obama missing moderate morale

“Every time I hear Barack Obama give the same watered-down version of his 2004 Democratic National Convention speech, I can’t help but cringe. He is an incredible public speaker, so his arguments for being elected as a “moderate” always sound very persuasive. The problem, however, is he is not a moderate. …”

“…There’s no doubt in my mind he could potentially win the presidency by running as a moderate, but his words would have to be pretty loud to overshadow his actions. According to the National Journal, a weekly political magazine, Obama’s lifetime liberal score is 88 out of a possible 99 – a full 8.6 points more than the score of Rep. Dennis Kucinich. For 2007, Obama was ranked the No. 1 most liberal senator. Last year, it was reported that Obama was more liberal on social issues than 77 percent of the Senate and more liberal than 85 percent on foreign policy. His greatest achievement, however, is being tied for the first-place spot as the most fiscally liberal member of the U.S. Senate with such left-wing notables as Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, and yes, his precious Ted Kennedy. …”  


 Red State Update: Obama Beats Hillary In South Carolina–PJecGmTE

Red State Update: Gays Hate Obama

 Red State Update: Super Tuesday

 The Magic Negro

John Grinder PhD., “What is NLP?”

An interview with John Grinder – Part II

object width=”425″ height=”344″>

An interview with John Grinder – Part II

Richard Bandler – The Hypnotist – Part 1

Richard Bandler – The Hypnotist – Part 2

Hypnosis – Thumb Stare Induction

NLP – Is Your Goal Setting PURE?

NLP – Eye Accessing Cues: Get Inside Someone’s Mind

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Yes We Can–Throw You Under The Bus–Presidential Campaign 2008 Mantra

Down and Dirty Democrat Clinton vs. Up and Clean Democrat Obama: Hard Ball Time!

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Conservative Turnout Will Determine the Outcome of The Presidential 2008 Race Between McCain vs. Obama

Posted on February 14, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Economics, Links, Politics, Rants, Raves, Reviews, Taxes, Video, War |

The smart money is betting that Senators John McCain and Barack Obama will the candidates of the Republican and Democratic Parties respectively.

Turnout for both parties will determine who will be elected President of the United States.

Only 27% of the US Electorate Voting in Primaries  

 The Record Breaking 2008 Youth Voter Turnout

Today, Obama would win if you believe the polls.

General Election: McCain vs. Obama

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample McCain (R) Obama (D) Und Spread
RCP Average 01/29 – 02/10 43.7 47.7 7.1 Obama +4.0
USA Today/Gallup 02/08 – 02/10 706 LV 46 50 4 Obama +4.0
AP-Ipsos 02/07 – 02/10 1,029 A 42 48 8 Obama +6.0
Time 02/01 – 02/04 958 LV 41 48 6 Obama +7.0
CNN 02/01 – 02/03 974 RV 44 52 4 Obama +8.0
Cook/RT Strategies 01/31 – 02/02 855 RV 43 45 9 Obama +2.0
ABC/Wash Post 01/30 – 02/01 1249 A 46 49 3 Obama +3.0
FOX News 01/30 – 01/31 900 RV 43 44 13 Obama +1.0
NPR 01/29 – 01/31 1000 LV 48 47 3 McCain +1.0
Rasmussen (Wed) 4 Day Tracking 1700 LV 40 46 14 Obama +6.0
See All General Election: McCain vs. Obama Polling Data

 I do not.

Read this book about polls: 

Mobocracy: How the Media’s Obsession with Polling Twists the News, Alters Elections and Undermines Democracy

by Matthew Robinson

“Mobocracy provides a multitude of recent examples of liberal journalists’ and Democratic politicians’ manipulation of public opinion through polling (including a shrewd, no-holds-barred account of the Clinton impeachment coverage). The primary objective of their manipulation, Robinson argues, is to validate a big-government political agenda and to discredit the Republicans. Most pollsters presume (or pretend there exists) a rational, informed public, but their “dirty little secret” is that vast numbers of Americans know little or nothing about the issues on which they are polled. Hence, polls not only conceal widespread public ignorance but actually feed it with flattery. Such citizens are easy prey for demagoguery. …”

Had the Republican Party establishment backed one of many possible conservative candidates, turnout from conservatives would have won the election in a landslide for the Republican Party.

Running a true conservative instead of a moderate would have resulted in a repeat of 1980 and 1984 presidential election results:

United States presidential election, 1980


United States presidential election, 1984


Under no circumstances would a conservative vote for either Senator Hillary Clinton or Senator Obama, who are rightly perceived by conservatives as unqualified far leftists.

The Republican Party establishment selected Senator McCain, who is the one Republican candidate not acceptable to many grassroot movement conservatives.

Rush: A Moderate GOP Nominee will lose in Landslide

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John McCain’s Position on Illegal Immigration and Criminal Alien Removal?

Posted on February 11, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Immigration, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Taxes, Video |

 “Trust, but verify.”

~Ronald Reagan 

The American people want controlled limited legal immigration not uncontrolled unlimited illegal immigration.

The American people want all illegal immigrants or criminal aliens to either go home on their own or be deported–criminal alien removal!

Real Change in Immigration – Newt Gingrich

No to McCain-Kennedy, Yes to Border Security – Newt Gingrich

Border Security and Illegal Immigration – Newt Gingrich

The American people want their elected public officials including the President of the United States to enforce existing immigration laws and honor their oath of office.

 “”I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

“…Article IV, Section 4, Paragraph 1: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestics Violence. …” 

If 12 to 30 million illegal immigrants crossing US borders is not an invasion, what is?

The President does not have a clue.

He supported the invasion.

Bush Says Amnesty ! Talking about Immigration Bill S 1639 

Time to bring the President out of the shadows.

Start enforcing the law and obeying your oath of office.

Yes to criminal alien removal.

No to comprehensive immigration reform!

Congressman Rohrabacher gets it.

Senator McCain still does not.

Bush vs Rohrabacher, IMMIGRATION, AMNESTY. The truth?

Senator John McCain’s mantra on illegal immigration is secure the borders first.

What exactly does he mean by secure the borders first?

 Border Security & Immigration Reform

“As president, I will secure the border. I will restore the trust Americans should have in the basic competency of their government. A secure border is an essential element of our national security. Tight border security includes not just the entry and exit of people, but also the effective screening of cargo at our ports and other points of entry. …”

Beats me. No mention of a double layered fence with a wide border patrol road in the middle adequately patrolled day and night.

Representative Duncan Hunter: Why we need a Border Fence

No mention of when the fence will be adequately funded and completed, if ever.

Glenn Beck and Duncan Hunter slam Congress re border fence

Democrats Attack Border Fence, Mexican Invasion Intensifies

 Border Fence Funding Hoax of 2006 and 2007
How Congress And The President Are Working Behind-The-Scenes To Un-Do The Secure Fence Act

Update on the Border Fence with Michael Chertoff 

Ilegal Immigration Amnesty is ALIVE – despite 80% of America

What Senator McCain does mention is he will have the State Governors along the border with Mexico certify when they consider their border secure before proceeding with any other measures.

John McCain: Immigration

Not so fast.

First, stop passing the buck, Senator McCain.

 If you are elected President, it is the Federal government’s responsibility to stop the invasion and secure the borders, not the states. Read the Constitution.

Second, the state governors have done little or nothing to stop illegal immigration. Some even favor Open Borders and have opposed the fence in the past.

The state governor certification is a delaying tactic and will not be worth the paper it is printed on.

There is no funding or requirement to a build double layered  fence with a wide road in the middle adequately patrolled day and night.

The states are certainly not in a position to fund such a project and will not do so. 

Governor Perry of Texas supports a fence with holes in it–“strategic fencing”. 

Give me a break!

 Actually he really favors open borders to keep the campaign contributions coming from the business owners that profit from the employment of illegal immigrants.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry on border security

Perry and the border fence

“There is some strategic fencing that we support. We have said all along that there are areas, particularly in metropolitan areas, that you can use strategic fencing to help control the flow of illegal activities, so what’s going on – there are places in the rural areas that I think it is an absolute waste of time and effort, and there’s some places that we probably support what the federal government is doing and some we don’t. Again, they need to work with those folks at the local level. …”

“Strategic fencing in high-population areas makes sense. But I would like to see the federal government invest resources in increased border security operations like Operation Rio Grande rather than build a 1,200-mile wall.”

 “Building a wall along the entire Texas-Mexico border would not only be cost prohibitive – in the range of billions of dollars – it would create a false sense of security. And unless the federal government is willing to put enforcement personnel all along such a barrier – something it has refused to do for decades along a border without fencing – it will be no more successful at keeping illegal immigrants out of Texas than the Rio Grande River….”

Third, why do we need to wait for the borders to be secure before enforcing laws regarding criminal alien removal and businesses employing criminal aliens?

Senator McCain is kicking the can down the road and delaying what President Bush should have been doing for years.

Some perspective as to how long it takes to build a fence to secure the borders.

 History Panama Canal Construction

President Roosevelt Decides to Build the Panama Canal 

“Theodore Roosevelt became President of the United States in nineteen-oh-one. He firmly believed in expanding American power in the world. To do this, he wanted a strong navy. And he wanted a way for the navy to sail quickly between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Roosevelt decided to build that waterway. …”

“…It took ten years for the United States to complete the Panama Canal. The first ship passed through it in August, nineteen fourteen. …”

You would thing it would take tops two or three years to build the fence that Congressman Duncan showed works in California. 

Jackie Mason ’08 Vlog 12 How Hard Is It To Build A Fence?

 Furthermore, Senator McCain seldom mentions, unless specifically asked, whether the federal government with the assistance of local and state governments should remove all the immigrants that are here illegally–the criminal aliens.

Notice Senator McCain never mentioned this when he talked about immigration at CPAC.

John McCain on immigration at CPAC

Why? Money in the form of political campaign contributions.

Businesses of all sizes that profit from and rely on paying lower wages to illegal immigrants are donating money to both the Republican and Democratic Party to make sure the status quo does not change.

“Status quo, you know, that is Latin for “the mess we’re in.”

~ Ronald Reagan

If the border security fence was built, the borders sealed tight and all the illegal immigrants or criminal aliens were removed, cash or checks to both political parties in the form of campaign contributions would significantly decrease. These same businesses would be forced to pay more to American citizens mostly low skilled and poorly educated whites, blacks and hispanics.

The American people do not trust either political party when it comes to illegal immigration.

The American people have had it paying higher local, city, and state taxes to pay for schools, social services, hospitals, jails, and prisons to educate, feed, treat, and lock-up criminal aliens.

Michelle Malkin on the Illegal Immigration debate and race

Michelle Malkin on Criminal lIlegals

Cutting federal taxes while ignoring the economic and tax impacts of illegal immigration is fooling nobody.

Open borders is really a not so hidden huge tax increase on the American people supported by President Bush, a minority of Republicans, and the vast majority of Democrats. The American people are subsidizing those businesses that benefit from a cheap low skilled and compliant work force.

 Cost of Low-Skilled Immigrants 

The Fiscal Cost of Low-Skill Immigrants to the U.S. Taxpayer 

Hunter on US-Mexico Border Fence (1) 




 Hunter on US-Mexico Border Fence (2)

The American people have seen crime including drugs and gang violence increase in the cities where large numbers of criminal aliens are working.

The United States government cannot even tell you how many criminal aliens are in the United States!

Do not believe the 12 million figure, it is more like double that number.

The Democrats are even worse on illegal immigration.

The Democrats are betting that when an amnesty bill is passed under their “comprehensive immigration reform”, most if not all of the criminal aliens will become registered Democratic voters.

If they do, the Democrats see many decades of political power.

The American people are mad as hell about illegal immigration.

The Republican and Democratic party establishment and elites better wake up or you will be facing another American revolution.

Enforce the existing laws on immigration and obey your oath of office.

Otherwise you will be replaced.

Pat Buchanan – Day of Reckoning (BEST SUMMARY)  

John McCain – “I know how to fix those borders” Sure you do

John McCain on Immigration

John McCain Defends Amnesty & Open Borders Juan Hernandez

Who Is Juan Hernandez? 

Juan Hernandez

 Re: John McCain Defends Amnesty & Open Borders Juan Hernande

John McCain: Immigration

John McCain claims he “never supported amnesty”

John McCain – On Immigration Reform

Straight Talk on Immigration

McCain On McCain-Kennedy Amnesty

“Facts are stubborn things.”

~Ronald Reagan

 Background Articles and Videos

  Meet the open borders family: McCain, Hernandez, Soros, and the “Reform Institute”

“…Via Discover the Networks, you’ll see that Soros’s OSI is a key open borders funder–providing support to the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund; the Immigrant Legal Resource Center; the National Immigration Law Center; the National Immigration Forum; the National Council of La Raza; and the American Immigration Law Foundation.

Remind me again which party’s presidential nomination John McCain is running for?…” 




John McCain funded by Soros since 2001
Candidate’s Reform Institute also accepted funds from Teresa Kerry

“…In 2001, McCain founded the Alexandria, Va.-based Reform Institute as a vehicle to receive funding from George Soros’ Open Society Institute and Teresa Heinz Kerry’s Tides Foundation and several other prominent non-profit organizations.
McCain used the institute to promote his political agenda and provide compensation to key campaign operatives between elections. …” “the Reform Institute still employs the McCain campaign’s Hispanic outreach director, Juan Hernandez, as a senior fellow of its Comprehensive Immigration Reform Initiative.As WND reported, Hernandez serves as a non-paid volunteer for the McCain campaign. A dual Mexican-U.S. citizen, he was a member of former President Vicente Fox’s cabinet, representing an estimate 24 million Mexicans living abroad. Hernandez, with a “Mexico first” message, has argued aggressively against building a fence on the Mexican border, insisting the frontier needed to remain wide open so illegal immigrants could easily enter the U.S.The July 6, 2001, homepage of the Reform Institute archived on the Internet lists founder McCain as chairman of the group’s advisory committee.Prominent senior officials on the McCain 2008 presidential campaign staff found generously paid positions at the Reform Institute following the senator’s unsuccessful run for the White House in 2000. …” 

Talking Points Memo 24.04.2007 I 

Inside McCain’s Reform Institute

 “…But the oddities don’t end at the donors page for Reform Institute. We’ve already detailed how McCain’s chief political advisor earns a six-figure income from the nonprofit which heavily promotes McCain and the BCRA. As the New York Times noted yesterday, RI provides a back-channel method of keeping his campaign staff employed without McCain having to do any fundraising for his political campaigns — and avoiding the donation caps that come into play for his donors. And Davis isn’t the only beneficiary of this loophole. …”

John McCain… Electable?

Pat Buchanan on the John McCain Platform

1 of 3 – John McCain speaks at CPAC 2008 – 2/7/08

2 of 3 – John McCain speaks at CPAC 2008 – 2/7/08  

3 of 3 – John McCain speaks at CPAC 2008 – 2/7/08 




John McCain gets slammed by Glenn Beck on his AMNESTY plan!

Glenn Beck on Illegal Immigration (9/26/07)

Glenn Beck Interviews Duncan Hunter over Border Fence

Glenn Beck talks with Michael Chertoff about the border

President Ann Coulter on Illegal Immigration 

Bush’s $4.4B Border Bribe 6-14-2007 (Flag Day, how ironic)

Lou Dobbs Tonight 03.29.07 – Duncan Hunter Interview

Lou Dobbs Tonight – 05.04.07 – Broken Borders

 Lou Dobbs Tonight – 03.23.07 – Illegal Alien Workers

Border Security and Illegal Immigration – Newt Gingrich

Gov. Romney: Ending Illegal Immigration Magnets

How many illegals a day? The U.S – Mexico border  

Illegal Immigrants!!!  

Rush Limbaugh on Illegal Immigration

President Bush Addresses the Nation on Immigration Reform 

“…We must begin by recognizing the problems with our immigration system. For decades, the United States has not been in complete control of its borders. As a result, many who want to work in our economy have been able to sneak across our border, and millions have stayed.

Once here, illegal immigrants live in the shadows of our society. Many use forged documents to get jobs, and that makes it difficult for employers to verify that the workers they hire are legal. Illegal immigration puts pressure on public schools and hospitals, it strains state and local budgets, and brings crime to our communities. These are real problems. Yet we must remember that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are decent people who work hard, support their families, practice their faith, and lead responsible lives. They are a part of American life, but they are beyond the reach and protection of American law. …” 

John McCain – The Company I Keep

McCain and Graham tell conservatives to shut up

State Of The Union Speech


George Bush talks about illegal immigrants 

Bush ‘s speech on immigration-FUNNY

“Illegal” vs “Legal” Immigrants…  

Illegal. What is so confusing about this word?!!!

Illegal Immigrant problem solved…

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Appeasers and Oath Breakers All: Bush, Clinton, Bush, McCain, Clinton, Obama…Who is next?

Why immigration will be the number 1 political issue in the 2008 Presidential Election! — Gum Balls

The Issue of The United States 2008 Presidential Election–Criminal Alien Removal (CAR) and A Border Security Fence (BSF)

US Immigration Videos

Alan Keyes on Immigration

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A Glimpse At Greatness–Mitt Romney–The Conservative’s Conservative!

Posted on February 9, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Immigration, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Reviews, Science, Taxes, Video, War |

Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.

And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.

 ~Vince Lombardi

Mitt Romney was not my first, second, or even third choice for the Republican candidate for President of the United States of America.

However, as my favorite candidates decided not to run or droppped out, I took a very close look at Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney became my fourth choice because he was a conservative and I saw a leader with the potential for greatness.

The speech Romney wrote himself and presented at CPAC 08 was inspiring and well worth watching and reading whatever your political inclinations.

Senator McCain would be wise to select former Governor Romney as his Vice-President for the Republican Party ticket in 2008.

In a single stroke Senator McCain would unite the Republican Party.

It would also go a long way to addressing the grassroot movement conservatives reservations about Senator McCain’s candidacy.

A McCain/Romney ticket would win.

I would vote for such a ticket despite my serious reservations with many of Senator McCain’s positions on such issues as immigration, global warming and a new cap and trade tax.

Laura Ingraham Intros Romney at CPAC 08

Mitt TV: Campaign Suspended (Video of Mitt Romney’s entire speech at CPAC 2008)

Mitt Romney’s CPAC speech on YouTube:

Romney at CPAC 08 pt1a 

Romney at CPAC 08 pt1b

Romney at CPAC 08 pt2

ROMNEY pulls out , withdraws, suspends 2-07-2008

Mitt Romney / Ronald Reagan – No Retreat, No Surrender  

Governor Mitt Romney Addresses CPAC 2008

“…Over the years, my business has taken me to many countries. I have been struck by the enormous differences in the wealth and well-being of people of different nations. I have read a number of scholarly explanations for the disparities. I found the most convincing was that written by David Landes, a professor emeritus from Harvard University. I presume he’s a liberal – I guess that’s redundant. His work traces the coming and going of great civilizations throughout history. After hundreds of pages of analysis, he concludes with this:

“If we learn anything from the history of economic development, it is that culture makes all the difference. Culture makes all the difference.

“What is it about American culture that has led us to become the most powerful nation in the history of the world? We believe in hard work and education. We love opportunity: almost all of us are immigrants or descendants of immigrants who came here for opportunity – opportunity is in our DNA. Americans love God, and those who don’t have faith, typically believe in something greater than themselves – a ‘Purpose Driven Life.’ And we sacrifice everything we have, even our lives, for our families, our freedoms and our country. The values and beliefs of the free American people are the source of our nation’s strength and they always will be. …”

Mitt Romney Speech at CPAC 2007 

Mitt Romney Speech at CPAC: Part 2: 

Mitt Romney Speech at CPAC: Part 4 

Mitt Romney Speech at CPAC: Part 5

Mitt Romney Speech at CPAC: Part 6 

Mitt Romney Speech at CPAC: Part 7

Former Governor Mitt Romney (R-MA) with wife Ann Romney
Conservative Political Action Conference
Washington, DC
March 2, 2007

“…Now, it’s the conservative coalition represented in this room that can build a brighter future for America—economic conservatives, social conservatives, and national conservatives. …”

“…Thirty years ago, in challenging times, a great coalition was forged in these halls. Today we face a new generation of challenges.

If we, in this room, lock our arms together, we can forge the political will to rebuild our military might.

If we, in this room, will simply march forward, we can propel America’s growth and prosperity to lead the world.

If we, in this room, lift up our eyes, we will lift the spirit of the entire nation.

Now is the time. This is the place for us to lead a great coalition of strength for our families, for our future, for America.

God bless the United States of America.”

“The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.”

~Ray Kroc

 Frank Sinatra – My Way


Background Articles and Videos


Peggy Noonan with Laura Ingraham

The Fight On The Right 


McCain’s Veep Options

By PAT TOOMEY, February 8, 2008 

“…Despite his impressive wins Tuesday, Mr. McCain lost among self-identified conservative voters and only managed a statistical tie with Mr. Romney among self-described Republicans. To win in November, Mr. McCain needs a strong economically conservative message. Picking a vice presidential nominee who can credibly champion that message is the first and perhaps best indicator he can give voters how he will govern if he makes it to the Oval Office. …”


The Case for McCain
He’s resilient. He’s consistent. He has backbone. And he’s gonna win.By Larry Kudlow 

“…McCain is also good news for business and the stock market. He wants to cut the corporate tax and keep dividend and cap-gains tax rates low. He’s tough as nails on restraining government spending and blowing up earmarks. On top of all this, he’s a very strong free trader who knows America can compete with the rest of the world.

Stock market fears about a new wave of tax hikes should be put aside. It ain’t gonna happen after McCain is sworn in. Neither will protectionism. So far as I can tell, high taxes and diminished free trade are the biggest worries for business and stocks. Investors can cast their fears aside. …”


 Ann Coulter on Gov. Romney at CPAC 2007


 the rolling stones – you can’t always get what you want


Related Post On Pronk Palisades


The Passion of Romney

The Issue of The United States 2008 Presidential Election–Criminal Alien Removal (CAR) and A Border Security Fence (BSF)

US Immigration Videos

Alan Keyes on Immigration

Defeat The Democrats–Do Not Reach Across The Aisle To Compromise Your Conservative Principles!

Turnout of Voters Key to Victory in Presidential Election 2008

1,119 Delegates –Romney/Huckabee Republican Ticket–FlatTax Time and Georgia On My Mind

John McCain–A Candidate too Far Left

Global Warming is The Greatest Hoax, Scam and Disinformation Campaign in History

John McCain Flunks The Ignorance Test On Global Warming

Global Warming Videos

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Rush Limbaugh Endorses Senators McCain-Clinton?

Posted on February 8, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Immigration, Links, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Religion, Reviews, Video |

“Keep Her in It, We Can Still Win It!”

~ Rush Limbaugh

The first hour of the Thursday, February 7, 2008 Rush Limbaugh talk show should be required listening for both the Republican and Democratic Party establishment and elites.

Following the lead of Senator John McCain to reach across the aisle to fellow liberal progressive Democrats, Rush endorses and supports a fund raiser for Senator McCain’s good friend Senator Hillary Clinton.

Senator Clinton is running short of cash to run her campaign.  Her campaign staff is mostly unpaid with no medical insurance!

Apparently both George Soros and the Chinese Communists have abandoned Senator Clinton and now support Senator Barack Obama.

One idea under serious consideration are combination bake sales/vote registration drives along the United States-Mexican border.

Regular Rush listeners remember the success of Dan’s Bake Sale and the huge crowds.

Dans Bake sale part 1

Bring your cookies and cakes to the bake sale and contribute your cash to the Senator Hillary Clinton Presidential 2008 campaign.

Then help Democratics sign up recently arrived Mexican immigrants as new Democratic voters.

The first event is being planned now in Eagle Pass, Texas with hundreds of bake sales/voter registration drives planned for the next nine months along the entire United States/Mexico border.

Eagle Pass, Texas: Where Yee-Hah Meets Ole

“… Eagle Pass offers the fastest route between San Antonio and Mexico and has the resources and distributional reach to meet your business’ expansion needs: and enthusiastic labor pool; well-maintained infrastructure, including two international bridges and an international railway; highway and port shipping; an academically recognized school system; excellent medical and financial services; as well as room to grow with available land, buildings, and commercial or industrial parks. …”   





Both Senators McCain and Clinton are running scared of a Senator Barack Obama landslide in both the primaries and general election.

 Obama: I’m with John McCain and Ted Kennedy on Immigration 

Everyone Agrees on John McCain

Neither the Republican nor the Democratic Party establishment and elites expected Obama to have a chance.

Surprise, surprise.

Yes We Can – Barack Obama Music Video

Barack Obama – Republican supporters

Liberal Republicans are abandoning the Party and and supporting Obama. They like and trust him.

Unfortunately liberal progressives of both parties neither like nor trust Senators McCain and Clinton.

Conservatives and libertarians are tired of Republican candidates who run right and govern left.

The grassroot movement conservatives are also saying–yes we can–run right and govern right.

Conservatives have stayed home in the primaries (listen to Mike Savage’s analysis: ) 

Conservative will most likely stay home until one of the parties starts running a conservative at the top of the ticket.

Do not rule out the possibility of a new third party for conservatives–not this year but in the future.

Let’s face it there has been only one real conservative President in the last forty-four years.

President Ronald Reagan spent sixteen years from 1964 to 1980 building grassroot support from the conservative movement.

No more phony conservatives who run on the right and govern on the left.

No more R & B (Rockerfeller and Bush) Republican candidates.

Conservatives are searching for a new home and party affiliation.

Would you like to buy a cookie?

Would you like to register to vote in November?

Welcome to America!

Reflect how you are to govern a people who think they ought to be free, and think they are not.

Your scheme yields no revenue; it yields nothing but discontent, disorder, disobedience;

 and such is the state of America, that after wading up to your eyes in blood,

you could only end just where you begun;

that is, to tax where no revenue is to be found, to — my voice fails me;

my inclination indeed carries me no farther — all is confusion beyond it.

~Edmund Burke

Addendum–News Flash

Rush today announced at the beginning of his Friday talk radio show that the fund raisers–bake sales/voter registration drives are now called off.

Apparently, Senator Hillary Clinton true to form, lied about her staff not being paid and having no medical insurance.

Her campaign is flush with cash from a recent resuppply of chinese candy from the Chinese Communists.


Red State Update: Jackie ’08 Hsu Scandal


Background Articles and Videos

 Peggy Noonan with Laura Ingraham

 Coulter: I’ll campaign for Hillary if McCain is the nominee

Tammy Bruce on FNC 02-04-2008

Democrats’ Favorite Republican

DAILY SAVAGE – Feb 6, 2008

Conservative Sense & Sensibility
The Right’s choices right now.

By William J. Bennett & Seth Leibsohn

Today, many in the Republican party and the conservative movement are saying some strange things about the prospect of our very likely nominee, Senator John

McCain, and his ascent to the GOP nomination. Many think he will destroy the conservative movement if not the Republican party, and many have even said they simply will not vote for him in a general election if he heads the GOP ticket. Moreover, others have even said they would consider voting for Senator Hillary Clinton or that there is simply no difference between Senators Clinton and Barack Obama on the one hand, and Senator John McCain on the other. Some who have said the foregoing are our dear and close friends, allies, and callers.

This sense and sensibility is simply wrong. …”

In Victory, McCain Speaks to His Critics
His message was less about winning than about the feud inside the GOP.

By Byron York 

“…What followed was a presentation of McCain’s bona fides. “I am a Republican because, like you, I want to relieve the American people of the heavy hand of a government,” he said. “I am a Republican because, like you, I believe government must defend our nation’s security wisely and effectively…I am a Republican because I believe, like you, that government should tax us no more than necessary, spend no more than necessary… I am a Republican because I believe the judges we appoint to the federal bench must understand that enforcing our laws, not making them, is their only responsibility…”

After McCain’s speech, I ran into Mark Salter, the senator’s closest adviser, and asked whether those passages were designed to reach out to McCain’s critics. “Yes,” Salter nodded, looking more than a little frustrated by the beating McCain has taken recently. “I mean, we’ve got a candidate who — I can’t say inarguably, since so many people are arguing about it — but who is, I think, by far the most conservative candidate in this race. He’s a defense hawk, a fiscal hawk, a pretty low tax guy, pro-life, free trader — and he’ll defend all those positions, and he’ll do it effectively in a style of campaigning that attracts the support of independents and Democrats as well. That’s a good thing.”

But that McCain is also the McCain of McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, and McCain-Lieberman. And McCain knows that some of the critics will likely never make peace with him. The only way McCain can win them over — some of them, at least — is by winning. …”

Senator Tom Coburn Endorses John McCain

 ROMNEY pulls out , withdraws, suspends 2-07-2008

Five reasons Hillary should be worried

1. She lost the delegate derby. Pure and simple, this is a war to win delegates, one that might not be decided until this summer’s Democratic convention.

And when the smoke cleared this morning, it appeared that Barack Obama had ended up with slightly more delegates in the 22 states. …”

2. She essentially tied Obama in the popular vote. Each won just over 7.3 million votes, a level of parity that was unthinkable as recently as a few weeks ago.

At the time, national polls showed Clinton with a commanding lead — in some cases, by 10 points or more. That dominance is now gone. 

One reason is that polls and primary results reveal that the more voters get to know Obama, the more they seem to like him. …”

3. She lost more states. Obama carried 14 states, six more than Clinton, and showed appeal in every geographical region.

His win in bellwether Missouri was impressive by nearly every measure, marked by victories among men and women, secular and churchgoing voters, and urban and suburban voters.

“4. She lost the January cash war. Money chases momentum, so Obama crushing’s 2-to-1 fundraising victory last month is revealing.

He raised more than $31 million; Clinton raised less than $14 million. The implication is hard to ignore: Democratic activists and donors are flocking to Obama at a pace that could have a profound effect on the race going forward.

5. The calendar is her enemy. Now that more than half the states have weighed in, there is a fairly predictable formula for determining who is most likely to win the upcoming contests.

In caucus states, Obama’s organizational strength shines: He has won seven of eight. Up next are three more caucus states, Washington, Nebraska and Maine. …”

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do – Calendar Girl Neil Sedaka

Related Posts On Pronk Palisades


Turnout of Voters Key to Victory in Presidential Election 2008

Defeat The Democrats–Do Not Reach Across The Aisle To Compromise Your Conservative Principles!

Who is the conservative/libertarian Presidential candidate in 2008?

Presidential Candidates on Illegal Immigration, Criminal Alien Removal and Social Service Benefits

US Immigration Videos

Alan Keyes on Immigration

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Defeat The Democrats–Do Not Reach Across The Aisle To Compromise Your Conservative Principles!

Posted on February 7, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Video, War |

“No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.

He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.”

~George S. Patton


George C. Scott (Patton)

The aim of both politics and war is not reaching across the aisle to work with your opponents–the aim is to defeat them. 

 John McCain – Common Sense Conservatism

Newt Gingrich On John McCain’s Chances

No to McCain-Kennedy, Yes to Border Security – Newt Gingrich

Chris Wallace interviews Newt Gingrich – Part 2 of 2

Democrats’ Favorite Republican

 Democrats Agree With McCain On Taxes, Immigration

 Bill Clinton says John McCain is most Electable

United States presidential election, 1980


Ronald Reagan: First Inaugural Address (1 of 3)

Ronald Reagan: First Inaugural Address (2 of 3)

Ronald Reagan: First Inaugural Address (3 of 3) 

 United States presidential election, 1984


“There is no substitute for victory.”

~Douglas MacArthur


Background Articles and Videos

What Kind of “Experience”?
By Thomas Sowell
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

“…John McCain was a naval aviator, an important and demanding job. But a naval aviator is not like Patton or Eisenhower. A naval aviator does not plan battlefield strategy, much less global military strategy, which a President must oversee, with the help of experienced generals and admirals.Franklin D. Roosevelt was Assistant Secretary of the Navy in the First World War. But he depended on General George C. Marshall for military strategy in the Second World War. …” 

McCain’s Straight Lies
By Thomas Sowell
Friday, February 1, 2008

“…Confronted with his lie on Wednesday night’s debate, McCain blustered and filibustered in a manner reminiscent of Captain Queeg in “The Caine Mutiny,” when he was caught in a lie during a navy inquiry. When confronted with any of his misdeeds, Senator McCain tends to fall back on his record as a war hero in Vietnam.Let’s talk sense. Benedict Arnold was a war hero but that did not exempt him from condemnation for his later betrayal.Being a war hero is not a lifetime get-out-of-jail-free card. And becoming President of the United States is not a matter of rewarding an individual for past services.The Presidency is a heavy responsibility for the future of the nation, including generations yet unborn. Character and integrity are major qualifications. …”

General Douglas MacArthur

Thayer Award Acceptance Address

“Duty, Honor, Country”  Audio and Text



Related Posts On Pronk Palisades 

John McCain Flunks The Ignorance Test On Global Warming

John McCain–A Candidate too Far Left

John McCain–Lying Leftist Leader–The Phony Conservative!

The McCain Mutiny: The Phony Conservative!

New York Times Endorses The Losers and Attacks A Winner

Who will the conservatives vote for now that Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter are no longer running?

Who is the conservative/libertarian Presidential candidate in 2008?






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McCain/Huckabee Ticket: Baptists Behind Closed Doors?

Posted on February 6, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Links, Politics, Rants, Raves, Religion, Taxes, Video |


Charlie Rich “Behind Closed Doors” (1980)


 McCain supporters in West Virginia met behind closed doors to deliver their votes to Mike Huckabee.

Prior to this Mitt Romney was leading with over 40%+ of the votes.

Any lingering doubts that Mike Huckabee is working with McCain to stop former Governor Mitt Romney, a Mormon or member of The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints, were dispelled.

Huckabee Wins West Virginia GOP Contest in Second Round, With Help From McCain 

“Mike Huckabee won the first of 21 states being contested by the Republican presidential candidates on Super Tuesday, pulling out a victory in the West Virginia Republican convention.

Huckabee won in the second round of voting, even though Mitt Romney led after the first round. The former Arkansas governor won with 51.5 percent to Romney’s 47.4 percent, pulling ahead after John McCain’s delegates apparently defected to his side. …”

“…Romney Campaign Manager Beth Myers issued a statement after the West Virginia vote blasting McCain.

“Unfortunately, this is what Senator McCain’s inside Washington ways look like: he cut a backroom deal with the tax-and-spend candidate he thought could best stop Governor Romney’s campaign of conservative change.” …”

McCain wins big blue states with ease
Republicans: West Virginia goes to Huckabee, with McCain’s aid

“…Georgia and West Virginia have significant numbers of social conservatives, Romney’s core strength. McCain’s strategy has been to encourage Huckabee’s campaign in conservative states as a spoiler to Romney’s ambitions. In Georgia, 64% of Republican voters identified themselves as evangelicals or born-again Christians, according to exit polls. …”

“…Romney was defeated in West Virginia when McCain and Huckabee ganged up on him. Huckabee won 18 delegates from the state to the convention in St. Paul on Sept. 1-4. The state will elect 12 more delegates in a traditional primary in May.

Huckabee won 52% of the votes on the second ballot. Romney had 48%.
In the first ballot, Romney had 41%, Huckabee had 33%, McCain had 16% and Ron Paul had 10%. On the second ballot, McCain’s campaign urged its voters to switch to Huckabee, prompting the Romney campaign to complain that McCain had “cut a Washington backroom deal.” …”  

McCain reaching out to Christian conservative base

“…McCain has for years attended North Phoenix Baptist Church in Arizona. The church has about 6,000 members and is part of the theologically conservative Southern Baptist Convention, the nation’s largest evangelical denomination.

Cindy McCain and two of their children have been baptized in the church. McCain hasn’t: “I didn’t find it necessary to do so for my spiritual needs,” he said.

McCain still calls himself an Episcopalian, but he said he began attending North Phoenix Baptist because he found “the message and fundamental nature more fulfilling than I did in the Episcopal church. … They’re great believers in redemption, and so am I.”

Mike Huckabee: a conservative with a social gospel

The former Arkansas governor and ordained Baptist minister speaks the language of Christian Evangelicals on social issues, but his concern for the poor means he’s willing to spend more than fiscal conservatives would like.

“…There was no lack of Southern Baptist churches for Arkansas’s new governor to attend in Little Rock. But Mr. Huckabee, an ordained minister-turned-politician, liked the people he met at the fledgling church – many coming off addictions or otherwise rebuilding their lives, none wearing a suit and tie.

“This is a church that was created for the people that no one else wants,” says Huckabee, in a Monitor interview. Its motto is: Taking Jesus as he is to people as they are. …”

Huckabee seeks Catholic support

“Catholics were a major source of support for me in Arkansas. And they have been nationally. And it’s not only because of the pro-life and pro-family issues,” he said, refering to his opposition to abortion rights and gay marriage.

“I certainly believe that Catholics are right about talking about poverty, disease and hunger. Things I talk about … I think a lot of evengelicals have not talked enough about it quite frankly,” he said.

Huckabee’s remarks point to a strategy that sees a broader coalition than the old “Religious Right” — one that unites not only socially conservative Catholics and evengelicals but also those who see Biblical sanction for helping the poor.

Huckabee said that much of his campaign staff was Roman Catholic — so much so that when he looked at the list last August he said he thought “we need some Baptists in this bunch here.”

The Republican Party needs a conservative Catholic on the ticket to attract Catholic voters with 66 million+ adherents and as well as the conservative wing of the party.

McCain is perceived by grassroot movement conservatives as a left of center Republican and no longer a conservative.

Both McCain and Huckabee attend Baptist churches.

Unfortunately for Huckabee, the chance of two Baptists being on the Republican ticket are slim and none. 

Religious Congregations & Membership: 2000

“RCMS finds 140 million “religious adherents” claimed by 149 religious bodies.
Half (50.2%) of all Americans are associated with one of the 149 religious groups who participated in this study.

The three largest religious bodies in the United States, according to RCMS, are Catholics (62 million), Southern Baptists (20 million), and United Methodists (10 million). (Rankings available.)

The 149 reporting bodies can be classified as
• Protestant, with 66 million adherents in 222,000 congregations;
• Catholic, with 62 million adherents in nearly 22,000 congregations;
• Jewish, with 6 million adherents in 3,727 congregations (this data is based on different estimating procedures; see appendix of the book);
• Mormon, with 4 million adherents in 12,000 congregations;
• Muslim, with 1.6 million adherents in over 1,000 congregations (this data is based on different estimating procedures; see appendix of the book);
• Eastern Christians (including Orthodox), with nearly 1 million adherents in 2,000 congregations;
• Eastern religions, reporting about 150,000 adherents in 4,000 congregations. (Many Eastern religions do not have a concept of formal membership in local congregations, so the adherent figure is not completely comparable to the other religious families.)
• Unitarian Universalist Assocation, with about 180,000 adherents in 1,000 congregations. …” 

 Amazing Grace – Judy Collins and the choir


Related Post on Pronk Palisades


1,119 Delegates –Romney/Huckabee Republican Ticket–FlatTax Time and Georgia On My Mind

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Hillary Clinton: It is My Party And I Will Cry If I Want To and I Fall To Pieces–Woman Weeper!

Posted on February 6, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Films, Links, Politics, Rants, Religion, Video |

Lesley Gore – It’s My Party (1963)

Nobody knows where my Johnny has gone
Judy left the same time
Why was he holding her hand
When he’s supposed to be mine

It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you

Playin’ my records, keep dancin’ all night
Leave me alone for a while
‘Till Johnny’s dancin’ with me
I’ve got no reason to smile

It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you

[Lead Break]

Judy and Johnny just walked through the door
Like a queen with her king
Oh what a birthday surprise
Judy’s wearin’ his ring

It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you

Hillary Clinton crying moments:

Hillary cries again before a primary? Nah



Hillary Clinton Cries

Hillary Clinton cries…

Crying and falling to pieces–ready on day one to be the Woman Weeper!


Rudaali is a 1993 Hindi film directed by Kalpana Lajmi, based on the short story written by Mahasweta Devi. The title is a reference to a custom in certain areas of Rajasthan where women are hired as professional mourners after the death of a male relative. These women are referred to as a ‘rudaali’ (roo-dah-lee), literally translated as female weeper[1]. Their purpose is to publicly express grief of family members that are not permitted to display emotion due to social status. …”


dil hoom hoom gare from rudaali


Hillary Clinton: America’s Pilot


Patsy Cline – I fall to pieces (1961)

I fall to pieces
Each time I see you again
I fall to pieces
How can I be just your friend

You want me to act like we’ve never kissed
You want me to forget, pretend we’ve never met
And I’ve tried and I’ve tried but I haven’t yet
You walk by, and I fall to pieces

I fall to pieces
Each time someone speaks your name
I fall to pieces
Time only adds to the flame

You tell me to find someone else to love
Someone who’ll love me, too, the way you used to do
But each time I go out with someone new
You walk by and I fall to pieces

(I fall to pieces)
Each time someone speaks your name
(I fall to pieces)
Time only adds to the flame

You tell me to find someone else to love
Someone who’ll love me too, the way you used to do
But each time I go out with someone new
You walk by and I fall to pieces

Patsy Cline-Crazy

Crazy for feeling so lonely
Im crazy
Crazy for feeling so blue

I knew
Youd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday
Youd leave me for somebody new

Why do I let myself worry
What in the world did I do

For thinking that my love could hold you
Im crazy for tryin
Crazy for cryin
And Im crazy
For lovin you




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John McCain–Attack Late and Often–Senator Robert Dole’s Letter to Rush Limbaugh

Posted on February 5, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Immigration, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Religion, Video, War |

 A vote for John McCain is a vote for Hillary Clinton!


Apparently Senator  McCain’s political strategists are last minute attack artists.

Three examples:

1. Fred Thompson will be dropping out and endorsing John McCain (lie)

Fred Thompson denies Politico report about dropping out

2. Mitt Romney favored public timetables for withdrawal of troops from Iraq (lie)

Timetable for Withdrawl Romney vs McCain

3. Robert Dole sends letter to Rush Limbaugh explaining that Senator McCain is a conservative (neither Rush nor any one in his audience believes it)

Full Text of Letter


I have not seen you in a long time but I do hear you frequently and I know that you have serious reservations about Senator McCain.

Not that many care but I have not been involved in the Republican Primary contest because Elizabeth, a good conservative, is running for reelection in North Carolina where Romney, McCain and Huckabee each enjoy considerable support.

I was the Republican Leader from January 1985 until I left the Senate voluntarily in June 1996. I worked closely with Senator McCain when he came to the Senate in 1987 until I departed. I cannot recall a single instance when he did not support the Party on critical votes. (At my age, I cannot be entirely certain but here are a few key conservative examples:)

1. Consistent pro-life record
2. Strong advocate for strict constructionist judges (We were misled on the Souter nomination)
3. Supported voluntary school prayer
4. Supported Constitutional Amendment for a Balanced Budget (needed two-thirds and lost by one vote — 66-34)
5. Strong advocate for reducing spending and opposing pork barrel “ear marks” which has, I might add, angered some of his colleagues
6. Consistent on defending Second Amendment rights
7. Opposed “Hillary Care” which would have been devastating
8. Probably the Senate’s strongest advocate for strong national defense
9. Of course he has cast many votes since I left. I totally disagreed with the McCain-Feingold legislation. On immigration, Senator McCain was not in the Senate when Congress passed President Reagan’s immigration legislation which passed overwhelmingly. It granted amnesty to 2.7 million illegals. It was not much different than the 2007 McCain, Kennedy, Bush effort.

I disagree with his votes against the Bush tax cuts but I believe his pledge to make them permanent and I do not agree that Governor Romney ever suggested a timetable for troop withdrawals in Iraq.

McCain is a friend and I proudly wore his P.O.W. bracelet bearing his name while he was still a guest at the “Hanoi Hilton.” I believe our major candidates are mainstream conservatives and that our nominee will address our concerns by keeping taxes low, reducing corporate taxes, protecting and assisting the vulnerable, strengthening our traditional values, and above all, keeping America strong militarily, whatever the cost.

Whoever wins the Republican nomination will need your enthusiastic support. Two terms for the Clintons are enough.

Gob Bless America,


P.S. Rush, I just came across a document from the Senate Library which shows Presidential Support scores. Let me give you ratings for “Mr. Conservative” Senator Helms through 2002 (Helms retired in January 2003) and Senator McCain through 2004.

Nice try guys, but I am still not going to vote for Senator McCain, he is no longer a conservative.

Dole scolds Limbaugh 

“Bob Dole, the former Senate Republican leader, wrote an insistent letter to Rush Limbaugh on Monday and suggested that for the good of the party, the conservative talk-show host should stop his strafing of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). 

On Monday’s show, Limbaugh asserted that McCain has “lied about his reason for opposing the Bush tax cuts,” and added: “I think McCain has an animus toward the Republican Party. I think ever since South Carolina 2000 he’s had it in for the Republican Party, and one of his objectives is to destroy it and change it.”

McCain, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination, has always had a shaky relationship with the party’s conservative base. …”

“… Dole wrote that McCain has a “Consistent pro-life record,” was a “Strong advocate for strict constructionist judges,” “Supported voluntary school prayer,” supported a balanced-budget amendment, was a strong advocate for cutting spending, consistently defended Second Amendment (gun-owner) rights, “opposed ‘Hillary Care,’ ” and was “Probably the Senate’s strongest advocate for strong national defense. …” 

Bob Dole is Irrelevant

Limbaugh on McCain: It’s Better to Be Right All the Time 

“…If I believe the country will suffer with either Hillary, Obama or McCain, I would just as soon the Democrats take the hit . . . rather than a Republican causing the debacle,” he said. “And I would prefer not to have conservative Republicans in the Congress paralyzed by having to support, out of party loyalty, a Republican president who is not conservative.”

When it comes to the McCain mutiny, Limbaugh has plenty of company on the right side of the dial. Laura Ingraham endorsed Mitt Romney last week, saying, “There is no way in hell I could pull the lever for John McCain.” Sean Hannity, who also endorsed the former Massachusetts governor, regularly rips McCain. Hugh Hewitt is urging the audience for his syndicated radio show to fight for Romney against what he calls a media-generated “McCain resurrection.” But with a program heard on 600 stations, including Washington’s WMAL, Limbaugh is the loudest and brashest voice inveighing against the man he derides as “Saint John of Arizona.”

Hey, Bob Dole, get back in your cage;

Update: McCain camp plays the absolute moral authority card

By Michelle Malkin  •  February 4, 2008 11:04 PM

“…Hush, hush, the McCain people keep telling us. Stop yer jabbering about the GOP back-stabbing, media-pandering, homeland security-undermining, First Amendment-trashing Maverick.

It’s like the shamnesty debacle all over again, with Bob Dole playing the role of  Trent “talk radio is the problem” Lott.

There’s only one proper response to Bob Dole’s attack on Rush for highlighting John McCain’s repeated attacks on conservaties:

Get back in your cage, Bob.”

Dole vs. Limbaugh; or, how McCain is like Helms

“…That may be something of an exaggeration — surely McCain is like Helms without the racism, nativism, and general bigotry and ignorance — but Dole is certainly on the right track. Which will be great come the general election campaign:

A vote for John McCain is a vote for Jesse Helms!


Background Articles and Videos

Rush: A Moderate GOP Nominee will lose in Landslide 

Ingraham on McCain (O’Reilly Factor) 

Mark Levin on John McCain 1-11-07

Peggy Noonan with Laura Ingraham

The Fight On The Right 

Tammy Bruce on FNC 02-04-2008

Tammy Bruce on Hannity & Colmes 02-01-2008

Democrats’ Favorite Republican

John McCain Hates Me
By Michael Reagan

Michael Reagan, the eldest son of Ronald Reagan, is heard daily by over 5 million listeners via his nationally syndicated talk radio program, “The Michael Reagan Show.”

“…As I watched McCain and Governor Romney go at it during the debate at the Reagan Library I was struck by the huge gap that separates McCain — whose contempt for his fellow humans is patently obvious — and my dad, Ronald Reagan, who had nothing but the deepest affection and respect for the American people.

The feeling is mutual between McCain and me. I don’t like the way he treats people. You get the impression that he thinks everybody is beneath him. He seems to be saying, “I was a war hero, and you had damn well better treat me as your superior.”He has contempt for conservatives who he thinks can be duped into thinking he’s one of them, despite such blatantly anti-conservative actions as his support for amnesty for illegal immigrants, his opposition to the Bush tax cuts which got the economy rolling again, and his campaign finance bill which skewed the political process and attacked free speech.I am appalled by his contempt for the intelligence of his listeners when he flat-out lies and expects them to believe what he says even when the truth is staring them in the face…”

The Real McCain Record
Obstacles in the way of conservative support.

By Mark R. Levin
“…The McCain domestic record is a disaster. To say he fought spending, most particularly earmarks, is to nibble around the edges and miss the heart of the matter. For starters, consider:

McCain-Feingold — the most brazen frontal assault on political speech since Buckley v. Valeo.

McCain-Kennedy — the most far-reaching amnesty program in American history.

McCain-Lieberman — the most onerous and intrusive attack on American industry — through reporting, regulating, and taxing authority of greenhouse gases — in American history.

McCain-Kennedy-Edwards — the biggest boon to the trial bar since the tobacco settlement, under the rubric of a patients’ bill of rights.

McCain-Reimportantion of Drugs — a significant blow to pharmaceutical research and development, not to mention consumer safety (hey Rudy, pay attention, see link).

And McCain’s stated opposition to the Bush 2001 and 2003 tax cuts was largely based on socialist, class-warfare rhetoric — tax cuts for the rich, not for the middle class. The public record is full of these statements. Today, he recalls only his insistence on accompanying spending cuts.

As chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, McCain was consistently hostile to American enterprise, from media and pharmaceutical companies to technology and energy companies.

McCain also led the Gang of 14, which prevented the Republican leadership in the Senate from mounting a rule change that would have ended the systematic use (actual and threatened) of the filibuster to prevent majority approval of judicial nominees. …”

Mark Levin cuts John McCain down to size

Pat Buchanan on the Savage Nation

 Cannon Fire
Iowa and beyond.

By Thomas Sowell

“…When it comes to personal temperament, Governor Romney would rate the highest for his even keel, regardless of what events are swirling around him, with Rudolph Giuliani a close second.Temperament is far more important for a president than for a candidate. A president has to be on an even keel 24/7, for four long years, despite crises that can break out anywhere in the world at any time.John McCain trails the pack in the temperament department, with his volatile, arrogant, and abrasive know-it-all attitude. His track record in the Senate is full of the betrayals of Republican supporters that have been the party’s biggest failing over the years and its Achilles heel politically.The elder President Bush’s betrayal of his “no new taxes” pledge was the classic example, but the current President Bush’s attempt to get amnesty for illegal aliens, with Senator McCain’s help, was more of the same.President Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon probably cost him the 1976 election and cost the country the disastrous Carter years.McCain’s betrayals include not only the amnesty bill but also the McCain-Feingold bill that violated the First Amendment for the illusion of “taking money out of politics.” His back-door deal with Democrats on judicial nominations also pulled the rug out from under his party leaders in the Senate.The White House is not the place for a loose cannon. …”

McCain’s Temper May Become an Issue 

 “While rising in the GOP presidential polls, Sen. John McCain is facing questions about what some Arizona political leaders view as his quick temper – and whether it might hinder him as president.

In a front page article and separate editorial Sunday, The Arizona Republic said it wanted the nation to know about the “volcanic” temper McCain has unleashed on several top state officials.

Those who have been on the receiving end of a McCain uproar include Republican Gov. Jane Hull, former Republican Gov. Rose Mofford and former Democratic Mayor Paul Johnson of Phoenix. …”

MSNBC questions McCain’s temper; Reporter says McCain vexes Senate colleagues  

“Does Senator John McCain’s hot temper and foul language make him a bad choice for leader of this country? Ronald Kessler of wrote a story detailing allegations of McCain’s nastier moments highlighted by RAW STORY Thursday. His claims were taken up by MSNBC’s Tucker Carlson Thursday evening. …”

 Conservative site launches full-frontal attack on McCain, questioning ‘explosive’ temper

 “A conservative website has launched a full-frontal attack on Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who the story says has an “irrational, explosive” temper, citing two former Republican senators and GOP aides. …”

“…McCain used the f-word,” the senator allegedly told Newsmax. “McCain called the guy a ‘sh–head.’ The senator demanded an apology. McCain stood up and said, ‘I apologize, but you’re still a sh–head.’ That was in front of 40 to 50 Republican senators. That sort of thing happened frequently. …”

John McCain’s Temper Preceded Vietnam  

“…In part because he gives reporters access and charms them with his apparent openness, and in part because they relish his condemnations of President Bush and agencies like the FBI and CIA, McCain is a darling of the press.

In contrast to the buttoned-down Bush press operation, McCain’s handlers allowed reporters to spend hours schmoozing with him on bus tours during his 1999 campaign. That strategy has worked.

In a major exception to what it called the “fawning” treatment the national media give McCain, the Arizona Republic, in a front page article and separate editorial in October 1999, said it wanted the nation to know about the “volcanic” temper McCain had unleashed on top state officials.

“McCain often insults people and flies off the handle,” the editorial said. Moreover, he is often “sarcastic and condescending.” The paper said that it was “time the rest of the nation learned about the John McCain we know in Arizona.” The editorial said there is reason to “seriously question” whether McCain has the “temperament” to be president. …”

 McCain’s Age 

By Thomas Sowell

“…Franklin D. Roosevelt was younger when he died than John McCain is right now. Moreover, FDR had not been abused for years as a prisoner of war. When we are talking about a President of the United States, we are not talking about the fate of one individual, but the fate of a nation and of generations yet unborn.This is no time to get squeamish or politically correct, when talking about whoever is to carry the load of the free world on his shoulders in the White House.Quite aside from age, there is all too much evidence already that John McCain is not the kind of man who has given in-depth thought to many of the serious issues on which he shoots from the hip, which some people equate with “straight talk.”The media have dubbed him a “maverick,” which is another way of spinning the fact that he is headstrong and unreliable.Senator McCain’s teaming up with Senator Ted Kennedy on immigration, and with equally left-wing Senator Russ Feingold to violate the First Amendment in the name of “campaign finance reform,” are classic examples of a loose cannon. …”

McCain’s dismal 65 rating from the American Conservative Union

 “McCain’s rating from the American Conservative Union has continued to slide over the years, with his most recent 2006 rating slipping to 65.
 Even Sen. Chuck Hagel from Nebraska scored higher, at 75. If this is what it takes to beat Hillary – another Democrat, as George Will refers to McCain, it’s not worth it in the long run run. …” 

Charlie Rose: May 24, 1996–John McCain 

“First, Senator John McCain, a former prisoner of war and current member of Congress talks about politics in America and his relationship with Bob Dole. …”

 Romney vs McCain – Economy, temper, conservatives

“Falls Short”


John McCain is Dr. Strangelove

What ever happened to CHOICE?!!!


Related Posts On Pronk Palisades 

John McCain Flunks The Ignorance Test On Global Warming

John McCain–A Candidate too Far Left

John McCain–Lying Leftist Leader–The Phony Conservative!

The McCain Mutiny: The Phony Conservative!

New York Times Endorses The Losers and Attacks A Winner

Who will the conservatives vote for now that Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter are no longer running?

Who is the conservative/libertarian Presidential candidate in 2008?

A vote for John McCain is a vote for Hillary Clinton!

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Turnout of Voters Key to Victory in Presidential Election 2008

Posted on February 5, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Climate, Economics, Immigration, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Resources, Reviews, Science, Taxes, Technology, Video, War |

The Republican Party establishment elites better be worried about whether the grassroot movement conservatives will turn out on election day.

A year ago most movement conservatives could hardly wait to vote against Senator Hillary Clinton no matter who was the Republican Party candidate.

Today a significant number of movement and talk radio show hosts conservatives are in revolt over the possibility of Senator John McCain being the Republican Party’s candidate.

Rush: A Moderate GOP Nominee will lose in Landslide 

Ingraham on McCain (O’Reilly Factor) 

Mark Levin on John McCain 1-11-07

Peggy Noonan with Laura Ingraham

The Fight On The Right 

Tammy Bruce on FNC 02-04-2008

Tammy Bruce on Hannity & Colmes 02-01-2008

Democrats’ Favorite Republican

Should Senator John McCain be the Republican Party’s candidate in 2008, I for one will be voting for someone else and urging the formation of a new conservative party–call it the American Citiizens Alliance Party (ACAP).

Any candidate who is so ignorant or stupid enough to fall for the radical left’s global warming hoax, deserves to be soundly defeated.

Senators John McCain,  Barach Obama, and Hillary Clinton and former Governor Mike Huckabee are unacceptable on this issue alone.

McCain stump speech on global warming and energy

McCain says climate change real, real action required 

McCain talks about CAFE standards and renewable energy

11/20 Hillary Clinton – During Global Warming Debate I

 11/20 Hillary Clinton – During Global Warming Debate II 

Obama answers question on global warming actions

Huckabee talks about CAFE standards, cap & trade, leadership

They would significantly damage the US economy. 

They believe in the global warming hoax and would impose new taxes on the American people. 

This would result in significant job losses and price increases as well as the loss of your liberty and freedom to chose what you buy.

If you value your job, I urge you to vote against all of them in the primaries and the general election.

Cap and Trade: A Bad Trade-off for the Economy and Company Earnings

Wayne Winegarden*

April 10, 2007

“…Under the best scenario the cap and trade will:

• Raise gasoline prices by nearly 53 percent

• Raise energy prices by more than 86 percent

• Reduce economic growth by 1.9 percent, which is $256 billion of 2006 GDP

• Reduce economic activity across most industries including the construction, manufacturing, transportation and finance industries

• Raise interest rates because higher energy prices will exert upward pressure on overall prices and contribute to inflation …” 

Congression Budget Office:Trade-Offs in Allocating Allowances for CO2 Emissions

 ”…Regardless of how the allowances were distributed, most of the cost of meeting a cap on CO2 emissions would be

borne by consumers, who would face persistently higher prices for products such as electricity and gasoline. Those

price increases would be regressive in that poorer households would bear a larger burden relative to their income

than wealthier households would. In addition, workers and investors in parts of the energy sector—such as the

coal industry—and in various energy-intensive industries would be likely to experience losses as the economy

adjusted to the emission cap and production of those industries’ goods declined. Such losses would probably

be limited to current workers and investors. Job losses in those industries would be likely to impose a fairly large

burden on a relatively small number of households; …”

The competitive Democratic Party race has resulted in significant voter turnout.

Many conservatives have just stayed for the simple reason the candidates running are not perceived as true conservative, but party establishment picks.

DAILY SAVAGE – Feb 6, 2008

Strong Voter Turnout Expected For Primary

MSNBC Florida Primary Coverage – Voter Turnout

If this turnout is repeated for the general election and their is a revolt on the right, the Republican Party will lose big time with a landslide for the Democrats.

The Repulican Party would lose not only the Presidency, but also the Senate and House of Representatives.

Where might it lead?

“One of the basic facts of American politics is that citizens will turn out to vote when they feel they have something to vote for. That was the case in 2004, when a record 122 million ballots were cast in an election that was essentially a referendum on the presidency of George W. Bush. And that has been the case again so far this year, as the nation begins the process of selecting a successor to one of its most controversial presidents ever. Already turnout records (measured here in terms of actual votes cast) have been smashed in Iowa and New Hampshire, most spectacularly by the Democrats but also by the Republicans as well. And it is likely that the all-time high for a primary season of 35 million votes cast, set back in 1988, will be surpassed this year by millions and millions of votes.Like 1988, this year features an open presidential race with no incumbent on the ballot. Like 1988, both parties have different winners emerging from Iowa and New Hampshire. And like 1988, there is a huge Super Tuesday votefest that lies dead ahead early in the nominating process. But there is a significant difference this time than two decades ago. Then, Super Tuesday was a Southern-oriented event. This year’s vote on Feb. 5 is larger and much more national in scope, with 15 primaries plus an array of caucuses scheduled from Massachusetts to California. …”

Background Articles and Videos


Glenn Beck on Global Warming (11/12/07)

New Study Explodes Human-Global Warming Story

“…Writing in the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society, professor David H. Douglass (of the University of Rochester), professor John R. Christy (of the University of Alabama), Benjamin D. Pearson and professor S. Fred Singer (of the University of Virginia) report that observed patterns of temperature changes (”fingerprints”) over the last 30 years disagree with what greenhouse models predict and can better be explained by natural factors, such as solar variability.

The conclusion is that climate change is “unstoppable” and cannot be affected or modified by controlling the emission of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, as is proposed in current legislation.  …”

“Professor Bob Carter uses the scientific method on the popular theory with global warming being linked to CO2 levels.

He examnines the hypothesis and it fails the test. Does this surprise you?…”

Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause? – Pt 1 of 4

Climate change – Is CO2 the cause? – Pt 2 of 4 

Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause? – pt 3 of 4 

Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause?- pt 4 of 4

Prof Bob Carter is a geologist at James Cook University, Queensland, engaged in paleoclimate research

There IS a problem with global warming… it stopped in 1998
By Bob Carter 

Global Warming: Hot Air or Cool Science?

Professor Bob Carter

James Cook University

Global Warming – Doomsday Called Off (1/5)

Global Warming – Doomsday Called Off (2/5)

Global Warming – Doomsday Called Off (3/5)

Global Warming – Doomsday Called Off (4/5)

Global Warming – Doomsday Called Off (5/5)  

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Past & Future Climate change – Pt 1of 4

Past & Future Climate Change – Pt 2 of 4

Past & Future Climate change pt 3 of 4 

Past & Future Climate Change – pt 4 of 4

The Past and Future of Climate

David Archibald 


1. The Sun drives climate change and it will be colder next decade by 2.0 degrees centigrade.

2. The anthropogenic carbon dioxide effect is real, minuscule and too small to be measured.

3. Higher atmospheric carbon dioxide levels will boost agricultural production.

4. Increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is wholly beneficial. …” 

Romney answers Question on global warming

Gov. Romney On The Cost Of McCain-Lieberman

Gov. Romney: We Have A Choice Tomorrow

Related Posts on Pronk Palisades

Global Warming is The Greatest Hoax, Scam and Disinformation Campaign in History

Global Warming Videos

Global Warming Books

Clinton’s Cap and Trade Tax on The American People for Consuming Electricity and Driving Cars, SUVs and Trucks!

National Center for Policy Analysis–A Global Warming Primer

Facing Fundamental Facts

John McCain Flunks The Ignorance Test On Global Warming

John McCain–Attack Late and Often–Senator Robert Dole’s Letter to Rush Limbaugh

John McCain–A Candidate too Far Left

John McCain–Lying Leftist Leader–The Phony Conservative!

The McCain Mutiny: The Phony Conservative!

New York Times Endorses The Losers and Attacks A Winner

Who will the conservatives vote for now that Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter are no longer running?

Who is the conservative/libertarian Presidential candidate in 2008?

Presidential Candidates on Illegal Immigration, Criminal Alien Removal and Social Service Benefits

Alan Keyes on Immigration

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Ron Paul on The Perils, Politics and Price of Preemption

Posted on February 4, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Links, Politics, Rants, Raves, Resources, Reviews, Taxes, Video, War |

 “The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else.”

~Theodore Roosevelt 

Ron Paul the only libertarian conservative candidate still in the Presidential 2008 race will not be nominated or elected President of the United States of America but he makes more sense than many of those in power or seeking power. 

George W. Bush went from a very humble foreign policy of no nation building in 2000 to one of preemption, global democracy and nation building and the US as world policeman.

The American people want the troops home soon, otherwise you can forget about a Republican victory in 2008.

Iraq Troop Withdrawal

59% Want Troops Home from Iraq Within Year

Time to declare victory and success in Iraq and bring the troops home for a July 4, 2008 victory parade down Broadway in New York City.


Execute you exit strategy Mr. President.

Campaign 2000 – Bush on Nation Building

Bush and The Use of Force (Bush 2000) 

George Bush on Dick Cheney

Buried 60 minutes interview

Wolfowitz Chilling Speech

Bush admits that Iraq Had Nothing To Do With 9/11 

Ron Paul House Floor Speech on Iraq (October 8, 2002)

Karl Rove: Congress pushed the 2002 war resolution too fast

Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) on House Iraq Resolution

Countdown – No Iranian Nukes and Wolfowitz is Back

An American Foreign Policy for a Unipolar World

By Charles Krauthammer

“…In a world of terrorists, terrorist states and weapons of mass destruction, the option of preemption is especially necessary. In the bipolar world of the Cold War, with a stable nonsuicidal adversary, deterrence could work. Deterrence does not work against people who ache for heaven. It does not work against undeterrables. And it does not work against undetectables: nonsuicidal enemy regimes that might attack through clandestine means–a suitcase nuke or anonymously delivered anthrax. Against both undeterrables and undetectables, preemption is the only possible strategy.Moreover, the doctrine of preemption against openly hostile states pursuing weapons of mass destruction is an improvement on classical deterrence. Traditionally, we deterred the use of WMDs by the threat of retaliation after we’d been attacked–and that’s too late; the point of preemption is to deter the very acquisition of WMDs in the first place.Whether or not Iraq had large stockpiles of WMDs, the very fact that the United States overthrew a hostile regime that repeatedly refused to come clean on its weapons has had precisely this deterrent effect. We are safer today not just because Saddam is gone, but because Libya and any others contemplating trafficking with WMDs, have–for the first time–seen that it carries a cost, a very high cost.Yes, of course, imperfect intelligence makes preemption problematic. But that is not an objection on principle, it is an objection in practice. Indeed, the objection concedes the principle. We need good intelligence. But we remain defenseless if we abjure the option of preemption. …”,filter.all/pub_detail.asp

Iraq: The Case Against Preemptive War*
The administration’s claim of a right to overthrow regimes it considers hostile is extraordinary – and one the world will soon find intolerable.
by Paul W. Schroeder

“…To justify a resort to preemptive war, a state needs to give reasonable evidence that the step was necessary, forced upon the initiator by its opponents, and also that it represented a lesser evil, i.e., that the dangers and evils averted by war outweighed those caused the international community by initiating it. This requires showing that the threat to be preempted is (a) clear and imminent, such that prompt action is required to meet it; (b) direct, that is, threatening the party initiating the conflict in specific concrete ways, thus entitling that party to act preemptively; (c) critical, in the sense that the vital interests of the initiating party face unacceptable harm and danger; and (d) unmanageable, that is, not capable of being deterred or dealt with by other peaceful means. These criteria are naturally open to interpretation and contest. They represent, however, a consensus of enlightened international opinion, make sense of historical experience, and are easily illustrated with historical examples. They have helped actors in the past judge claims and weigh arguments for preemptive wars and have had some effect in deterring illegitimate resorts to it.(2) They are stringent; most claims made to justify preemptive wars do not pass the test, which is as it should be. But the criteria are not unrealistic or utopian, and do allow for preemptive war in certain particular cases.(3)

Nation Building (Ron Paul vs. George Bush and Dick Cheney)

1/30/08 CNN Republican Debate Ron Paul

Ron Paul in Debate at Reagan Library (May ’07)

Background Articles and Videos

Peggy Noonan with Laura Ingraham

The Fight On The Right  

Rush: A Moderate GOP Nominee will lose in Landslide 

The Power of Nightmares

Charlie Rose – Zbigniew Brzezinski / Diabetes Prevention…

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

January 25, 2008; Page W14

“…On the pundit civil wars, Rush Limbaugh declared on the radio this week, “I’m here to tell you, if either of these two guys [Mr. McCain or Mike Huckabee] get the nomination, it’s going to destroy the Republican Party. It’s going to change it forever, be the end of it!”

This is absurd. George W. Bush destroyed the Republican Party, by which I mean he sundered it, broke its constituent pieces apart and set them against each other. He did this on spending, the size of government, war, the ability to prosecute war, immigration and other issues.

Were there other causes? Yes, of course. But there was an immediate and essential cause.

And this needs saying, because if you don’t know what broke the elephant you can’t put it together again. The party cannot re-find itself if it can’t trace back the moment at which it became lost. It cannot heal an illness whose origin is kept obscure.

I believe that some of the ferocity of the pundit wars is due to a certain amount of self-censorship. It’s not in human nature to enjoy self-censorship. The truth will out, like steam from a kettle. It hurts to say something you supported didn’t work. I would know. But I would say of these men (why, in the continuing age of Bill Clinton, does the emoting come from the men?) who are fighting one another as they resist naming the cause for the fight: Sack up, get serious, define. That’s the way to help.”

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The Big Lie–935 Lies of The Center for Public Integrity

The Planted Assumption of The National Intelligence Estimate On Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program: Assumes It Conclusion–CYA From Partisan Authors!

Who will the conservatives vote for now that Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter are no longer running?

Who is the conservative/libertarian Presidential candidate in 2008?

Presidential Election 2008: American Elites Vs. American People

Presidential Candidates on Illegal Immigration, Criminal Alien Removal and Social Service Benefits

Alan Keyes on Immigration

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1,119 Delegates –Romney/Huckabee Republican Ticket–FlatTax Time and Georgia On My Mind

Posted on February 2, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Immigration, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Religion, Resources, Reviews, Taxes, Video, War |

Ray Charles “Georgia on my Mind”


 To win the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States of America you need to have 1,119 delegate votes out of 2,380 delegate votes.

Republican Party (United States) presidential primaries, 2008 (Latest Delegate Results),_2008


Candidates Actual
pledged delegates
(66 of 146)
pledged delegates
(146 of 1,917)
unpledged delegates
(10 of 463)
Estimated total delegates
(156 of 2,380;
1,191 needed to win)
Mike Huckabee 7 26 3 29
John McCain 89 95 2 97
Ron Paul 6 6
Mitt Romney 27 67 7 74
Rudy Giuliani 1 1 2
Duncan Hunter
Fred Thompson
Color key: 1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place
or lower
Candidate has
Sources: “Primary Season Election Results“, The New York Times, (regularly updated). 
Election Center 2008 Primaries and Caucuses: Results: Republican Scorecard“, CNN, (regularly updated). 
This box: view  talk  edit

Total delegates so far projected: 208
Other delegates yet to be assigned: 2,172
Total number of delegates: 2,380
Delegates required for nomination: 1,191
States already polled: 7 (Iowa, Wyoming, New Hampshire, Michigan, Nevada, South Carolina, Florida)
States yet to be polled: 43
Also to be polled: District of Columbia
Next State(s) in contest:
February 2nd, Maine, Republican closed caucus
February 5th, Super Tuesday, 21 states, 1069 delegates[2] 

If the Republican race were between just two candidates–Senator John McCain and former Governor Mitt Romney, I am confident that Mitt Romney would win the nomination by his overwhelming support of grassroot movement conservatives.

Unfortunately, there are two candidates that are spliting the conservative vote–former Governors Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee.

This enables the Republican Party establishment elite and the pump and dump drive by media candidate Senator John McCain to win the most delegates this coming Tuesday and may be even win the nomination.

Senator John McCain is not trusted by grassroot movement conservatives.

While Senator McCain fancies himself a maverick, most conservatives view his flirting with changing political parties and running with Senator John Kerry in 2004 as the betrayal of the conservative movement not to mention the Republican Party.

Kerry: McCain asked to be my VP in 2004

Hume Discusses McCain and Kerry


Rush: A Moderate GOP Nominee will lose in Landslide

Peggy Noonan with Laura Ingraham

The Fight On The Right 

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

January 25, 2008; Page W14

“…On the pundit civil wars, Rush Limbaugh declared on the radio this week, “I’m here to tell you, if either of these two guys [Mr. McCain or Mike Huckabee] get the nomination, it’s going to destroy the Republican Party. It’s going to change it forever, be the end of it!”

This is absurd. George W. Bush destroyed the Republican Party, by which I mean he sundered it, broke its constituent pieces apart and set them against each other. He did this on spending, the size of government, war, the ability to prosecute war, immigration and other issues.

Were there other causes? Yes, of course. But there was an immediate and essential cause.

And this needs saying, because if you don’t know what broke the elephant you can’t put it together again. The party cannot re-find itself if it can’t trace back the moment at which it became lost. It cannot heal an illness whose origin is kept obscure.

I believe that some of the ferocity of the pundit wars is due to a certain amount of self-censorship. It’s not in human nature to enjoy self-censorship. The truth will out, like steam from a kettle. It hurts to say something you supported didn’t work. I would know. But I would say of these men (why, in the continuing age of Bill Clinton, does the emoting come from the men?) who are fighting one another as they resist naming the cause for the fight: Sack up, get serious, define. That’s the way to help.”

 John McCain Hates Me
By Michael Reagan

Michael Reagan, the eldest son of Ronald Reagan, is heard daily by over 5 million listeners via his nationally syndicated talk radio program, “The Michael Reagan Show.”

“…As I watched McCain and Governor Romney go at it during the debate at the Reagan Library I was struck by the huge gap that separates McCain — whose contempt for his fellow humans is patently obvious — and my dad, Ronald Reagan, who had nothing but the deepest affection and respect for the American people.

The feeling is mutual between McCain and me. I don’t like the way he treats people. You get the impression that he thinks everybody is beneath him. He seems to be saying, “I was a war hero, and you had damn well better treat me as your superior.”He has contempt for conservatives who he thinks can be duped into thinking he’s one of them, despite such blatantly anti-conservative actions as his support for amnesty for illegal immigrants, his opposition to the Bush tax cuts which got the economy rolling again, and his campaign finance bill which skewed the political process and attacked free speech.

I am appalled by his contempt for the intelligence of his listeners when he flat-out lies and expects them to believe what he says even when the truth is staring them in the face…”

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do – Calendar Girl Neil Sedaka

Should Senator John McCain eventually win the nomination, the Republican Party will be repeating the same mistake that lead to the defeats of Jerry Ford, George H. Bush, and Robert Dole.

Enough conservatives will not vote for Senator McCain resulting in victory for either Senator Clinton or Senator Obama in winning the presidential election in 2008.

A repeat of the 1992 election and another Clinton in the White House.

This is the reason Senator McCain is popular with both the pump and dump drive by media and many liberal progressive leftist Democrats.

The Democrats are convinced that they can beat Senator McCain and he is the weakest Republican candidate.

I am afraid they are right if he is the Republican Party candidate.

A Rebellion and an Awkward Embrace

February 1, 2008

“…The conventional wisdom is Mr. Romney can’t win it while Mike Huckabee’s in it. If Mr. Huckabee dropped out, Mr. Romney might pick up his conservatives. But Mr. Huckabee seems very happy running, and perhaps happy thinking of his future as the Mitt slayer in the party of John.

Mr. McCain seems to me to have two immediate problems, both of which he might address. One is that he doesn’t seem to much like conservatives, and never has. They can’t help admire him, but they’ve disagreed with him on so many issues, and when they bring this up his demeanor tends to morph into the second problem: He radiates, he telegraphs, a certain indignation at being questioned by people who’ve never had to vote in Congress and make a deal. He’s like Moe Greene in “The Godfather,” when Michael Corleone tells him he’s going to buy him out. “Do you know who I am? I’m Moe Greene. I made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders.” I’ve been on the firing line, punk. I am the voice of surviving conservatism.

This doesn’t always go over so well. Mr. Giuliani seems to know Mr. McCain is Moe Greene. Mr. Huckabee probably thought “The Godfather” was kinda violent. Mr. Romney may be thinking to himself, But Michael Corleone won in the end, and had better suits.”

Moe Green

Conservatives would strongly support a Romney/Huckabee ticket and may be even very reluctantly support a McCain/Huckabee ticket if McCain came out publicly supporting the FairTax.


Several reasons.

First, former Governor Huckabee connects with the grassroots as a likeable, humble and honest person, a man of integrity and character.

Second, Mike Huckabee is the best public speaker and debator of all the Republican candidates.

He actually listens to the questions being asked in the debates and responds to the questions. A very smart and effective communicator.

Rumor has it that Huckabee has been receiving advice from former Speaker Newt Gingrich on policy positions to take on various issues including illegal immigration and federal tax reform.

Third, on the issue of illegal immigration, he has listened and now has the strongest possition of all the candidates on this issue.

Huckabee Signs “No Amnesty” Pledge in SC

“…At an event sponsored, by two anti-illegal immigration umbrella groups, Huckabee signed a “No Amnesty” Pledge, that read in part that as president he would oppose” amnesty or any other special path to citizenship for the millions of foreign nationals unlawfully present in the United States.”

Roy Beck, head of Americans for Better Immigration, one of the event organizers, said Huckabee was the only presidential candidate so far to sign the pledge. …”



“I pledge to oppose amnesty or any other special path to citizenship for the millions of foreign nationals unlawfully present in the United States.  As President, I will fully implement enforcement measures that, over time, will lead to the attrition of our illegal immigrant population. I also pledge to make security of our borders a top priority of my administration.”

Fourth, Mike Huckabee has grassroots support from not only the religious right or the traditional/social conservatives but also the libertarian/economic conservatives and many independent and moderate Republicans that support the FairTax or a national sales tax on consumption.

Huckabee would run well in the South especially among Baptists, evangelicals and pro lifers–the religious right.

Mitt Romney needs to cut a deal with Mike Huckabee as soon as possible and before the convention.

The offer would be the Vice-President positon on the ticket and public support for the FairTax.

Otherwise, Romney runs the real risk that Senator McCain will cut a deal with Huckabee first.

A distinct possibility.

Apparently some of Senator’s McCain staff have already approached Congressman John Linder about the FairTax.

The two wedge issues that the Democrats fear the most are illegal immigration and tax reform as embodied in the FairTax.

With the right candidates and message on immigration and taxes Republicans could win a landslide victory.

With the wrong candidates and message the Republicans will lose even worse than in 2006.

Only by building on grassroot movement conservative support will the Republicans have a victory in 2008.

Karl Rove gave excellent political strategic advice to Repubican candidates–run from Bush–and I might add run to Ronald Reagan–advice most of the candidates are following religiously.  


Karl Rove: 2008 Election and Hillary Clinton

The Fair Tax

 Congressman John Linder on the FairTax

Mike Huckabee addresses the Fair Tax Rally

Mike Huckabee on why the “Fair Tax” is Great

Should Mike Huckabee beat both Senator McCain and former Governor Mitt Romney in Georgia this Tuesday, it will be due to his evengical, FairTax, and movement conservative grassroot support.

Please Governor Romney make the call and Governor Huckabee accept the offer. 

You will both be amazed by the response of the movement conservatives as well as their leading radio talk show hosts.

Time for real change.

I too have a dream Governor Huckabee and Romney.

Mike Huckabee: It’s about delagates

America The Beautiful (Sir Ray Version)

Background Articles and Videos

The FairTax Act of 2007

Answering the Critics

Cover Image

 Americans For Fair Taxation

Freedom. Fairness. Savings.

What is the FairTax?

The Origins of the FairTax 

Immigration Gumballs


Glenn Beck with Pat Buchanan, Parts 1 & 2 (11/27/07)

Glenn Beck with Pat Buchanan, Parts 3 & 4 (11/27/07)

 Ray Charles: Hit The Road Jack

 Rush Vows To Fight On

Coulter: I’ll campaign for Hillary if McCain is the nominee

Romney is Strongest GOP Candidate — Ann Coulter



Red State Update: Sayonara Karl Rove

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Conservatives Are Waiting for A John McCain Moment On YouTube–The Eyes of Texas!

John McCain–A Candidate too Far Left

John McCain–Lying Leftist Leader–The Phony Conservative!

The McCain Mutiny: The Phony Conservative!

New York Times Endorses The Losers and Attacks A Winner

Who will the conservatives vote for now that Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter are no longer running?

John McCain Flunks The Ignorance Test On Global Warming

Who is the conservative/libertarian Presidential candidate in 2008?

Presidential Candidates on Illegal Immigration, Criminal Alien Removal and Social Service Benefits

Alan Keyes on Immigration

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Conservatives Are Waiting for A John McCain Moment On YouTube–The Eyes of Texas!

Posted on February 1, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Economics, Immigration, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Resources, Reviews, Taxes, Video, War |


The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
All the live long day.
The Eyes of Texas are upon you,
You can not get away.
Do not think you can escape them
At night or early in the morn-
The Eyes of Texas are upon you
‘Till Gabriel blows his horn

 The Eyes of Texas Acapella

Texas band eyes of texas

If as Senator John McCain claims he is a leader and not a manager,  why does the vast majority of the grassroot movement conservatives not want to follow or support him?

Could it be his reputation for an explosive temper, foul language, and leaks to the press in addition to his positions on many issues important to conservatives including free speech, immigration, amnesty, a new cap and trade tax on CO2 emmissions, to mention just a few?

Conservatives will be watching–The Eyes of Texas are Upon You!

Well at least Senator McCain has good taste for his campaign event theme song, but why am I not surprised it is the Swedish group Abba:

take a chance on me

May be Senator Hillary Clinton should try a new campaign event theme song:

Dancing Queen

McCain Denies Having “McCain Moments” … Has “Moments”

McCain Moments

KSAZ: McCain Temper Flairs Up Against GOP Senator

Hair Trigger McCain

McCain’s smug attitude 

John McCain insulting Americans  

Mark Levin on John McCain 1-11-07 

Rush Vows to Fight On

 John McCain Hates Me
By Michael Reagan

Michael Reagan, the eldest son of Ronald Reagan, is heard daily by over 5 million listeners via his nationally syndicated talk radio program, “The Michael Reagan Show.”

“…As I watched McCain and Governor Romney go at it during the debate at the Reagan Library I was struck by the huge gap that separates McCain — whose contempt for his fellow humans is patently obvious — and my dad, Ronald Reagan, who had nothing but the deepest affection and respect for the American people.

The feeling is mutual between McCain and me. I don’t like the way he treats people. You get the impression that he thinks everybody is beneath him. He seems to be saying, “I was a war hero, and you had damn well better treat me as your superior.”He has contempt for conservatives who he thinks can be duped into thinking he’s one of them, despite such blatantly anti-conservative actions as his support for amnesty for illegal immigrants, his opposition to the Bush tax cuts which got the economy rolling again, and his campaign finance bill which skewed the political process and attacked free speech.I am appalled by his contempt for the intelligence of his listeners when he flat-out lies and expects them to believe what he says even when the truth is staring them in the face…”

The Real McCain Record
Obstacles in the way of conservative support.

By Mark R. Levin
“…The McCain domestic record is a disaster. To say he fought spending, most particularly earmarks, is to nibble around the edges and miss the heart of the matter. For starters, consider:

McCain-Feingold — the most brazen frontal assault on political speech since Buckley v. Valeo.

McCain-Kennedy — the most far-reaching amnesty program in American history.

McCain-Lieberman — the most onerous and intrusive attack on American industry — through reporting, regulating, and taxing authority of greenhouse gases — in American history.

McCain-Kennedy-Edwards — the biggest boon to the trial bar since the tobacco settlement, under the rubric of a patients’ bill of rights.

McCain-Reimportantion of Drugs — a significant blow to pharmaceutical research and development, not to mention consumer safety (hey Rudy, pay attention, see link).

And McCain’s stated opposition to the Bush 2001 and 2003 tax cuts was largely based on socialist, class-warfare rhetoric — tax cuts for the rich, not for the middle class. The public record is full of these statements. Today, he recalls only his insistence on accompanying spending cuts.

As chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, McCain was consistently hostile to American enterprise, from media and pharmaceutical companies to technology and energy companies.

McCain also led the Gang of 14, which prevented the Republican leadership in the Senate from mounting a rule change that would have ended the systematic use (actual and threatened) of the filibuster to prevent majority approval of judicial nominees. …”

Mark Levin cuts John McCain down to size

Pat Buchanan on the Savage Nation

 Cannon Fire
Iowa and beyond.

By Thomas Sowell

“…When it comes to personal temperament, Governor Romney would rate the highest for his even keel, regardless of what events are swirling around him, with Rudolph Giuliani a close second.Temperament is far more important for a president than for a candidate. A president has to be on an even keel 24/7, for four long years, despite crises that can break out anywhere in the world at any time.John McCain trails the pack in the temperament department, with his volatile, arrogant, and abrasive know-it-all attitude. His track record in the Senate is full of the betrayals of Republican supporters that have been the party’s biggest failing over the years and its Achilles heel politically.The elder President Bush’s betrayal of his “no new taxes” pledge was the classic example, but the current President Bush’s attempt to get amnesty for illegal aliens, with Senator McCain’s help, was more of the same.President Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon probably cost him the 1976 election and cost the country the disastrous Carter years.McCain’s betrayals include not only the amnesty bill but also the McCain-Feingold bill that violated the First Amendment for the illusion of “taking money out of politics.” His back-door deal with Democrats on judicial nominations also pulled the rug out from under his party leaders in the Senate.The White House is not the place for a loose cannon. …”

McCain’s Temper May Become an Issue 

 “While rising in the GOP presidential polls, Sen. John McCain is facing questions about what some Arizona political leaders view as his quick temper – and whether it might hinder him as president.

In a front page article and separate editorial Sunday, The Arizona Republic said it wanted the nation to know about the “volcanic” temper McCain has unleashed on several top state officials.

Those who have been on the receiving end of a McCain uproar include Republican Gov. Jane Hull, former Republican Gov. Rose Mofford and former Democratic Mayor Paul Johnson of Phoenix. …”

MSNBC questions McCain’s temper; Reporter says McCain vexes Senate colleagues  

“Does Senator John McCain’s hot temper and foul language make him a bad choice for leader of this country? Ronald Kessler of wrote a story detailing allegations of McCain’s nastier moments highlighted by RAW STORY Thursday. His claims were taken up by MSNBC’s Tucker Carlson Thursday evening. …”

 Conservative site launches full-frontal attack on McCain, questioning ‘explosive’ temper

 “A conservative website has launched a full-frontal attack on Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who the story says has an “irrational, explosive” temper, citing two former Republican senators and GOP aides. …”

“…McCain used the f-word,” the senator allegedly told Newsmax. “McCain called the guy a ‘sh–head.’ The senator demanded an apology. McCain stood up and said, ‘I apologize, but you’re still a sh–head.’ That was in front of 40 to 50 Republican senators. That sort of thing happened frequently. …”

John McCain’s Temper Preceded Vietnam  

“…In part because he gives reporters access and charms them with his apparent openness, and in part because they relish his condemnations of President Bush and agencies like the FBI and CIA, McCain is a darling of the press.

In contrast to the buttoned-down Bush press operation, McCain’s handlers allowed reporters to spend hours schmoozing with him on bus tours during his 1999 campaign. That strategy has worked.

In a major exception to what it called the “fawning” treatment the national media give McCain, the Arizona Republic, in a front page article and separate editorial in October 1999, said it wanted the nation to know about the “volcanic” temper McCain had unleashed on top state officials.

“McCain often insults people and flies off the handle,” the editorial said. Moreover, he is often “sarcastic and condescending.” The paper said that it was “time the rest of the nation learned about the John McCain we know in Arizona.” The editorial said there is reason to “seriously question” whether McCain has the “temperament” to be president. …”

 McCain’s Age 

By Thomas Sowell

“…Franklin D. Roosevelt was younger when he died than John McCain is right now. Moreover, FDR had not been abused for years as a prisoner of war. When we are talking about a President of the United States, we are not talking about the fate of one individual, but the fate of a nation and of generations yet unborn.This is no time to get squeamish or politically correct, when talking about whoever is to carry the load of the free world on his shoulders in the White House.Quite aside from age, there is all too much evidence already that John McCain is not the kind of man who has given in-depth thought to many of the serious issues on which he shoots from the hip, which some people equate with “straight talk.”The media have dubbed him a “maverick,” which is another way of spinning the fact that he is headstrong and unreliable.Senator McCain’s teaming up with Senator Ted Kennedy on immigration, and with equally left-wing Senator Russ Feingold to violate the First Amendment in the name of “campaign finance reform,” are classic examples of a loose cannon. …”

McCain’s dismal 65 rating from the American Conservative Union

 “McCain’s rating from the American Conservative Union has continued to slide over the years, with his most recent 2006 rating slipping to 65.
 Even Sen. Chuck Hagel from Nebraska scored higher, at 75. If this is what it takes to beat Hillary – another Democrat, as George Will refers to McCain, it’s not worth it in the long run run. …”  

Background Article and Videos

The Winner Takes It All 

Rush: A Moderate GOP Nominee will lose in Landslide  

Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.1

Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.2 

Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.3 

Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.4

Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.5 

Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.6

Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.7

Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.8

Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.9

Republican Debate Ronald Reagan Library part.10

 I Have A Dream 

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John McCain–Lying Leftist Leader–The Phony Conservative!

The McCain Mutiny: The Phony Conservative!

New York Times Endorses The Losers and Attacks A Winner

Who will the conservatives vote for now that Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter are no longer running?

John McCain Flunks The Ignorance Test On Global Warming

Who is the conservative/libertarian Presidential candidate in 2008?

Presidential Candidates on Illegal Immigration, Criminal Alien Removal and Social Service Benefits

Alan Keyes on Immigration

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