Archive for June, 2008

Bill Gates–Hope, Change and Rapid Affluence Development–Creative Capitalism!

Posted on June 28, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Links, Music, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Resources, Science, Taxes, Technology, Video |

“We’ve really achieved the ideal of what I wanted Microsoft to become.”

-Bill Gates, June 2008


June 27, 2008 is the day Bill Gates transitions from the role of Chief Software Architect and Chairman of Microsoft to Chairman.

The stated reason is to allow him more time to devote to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

If Bill Gates can achieve at his foundation, what he achieved with Microsoft, the world will be a better place.

Imagine a world where poverty, disease, hunger and illiteracy were eliminated and everyone on the planet had a standard of living exceeding that of middle America today.

Gates’ creative capitalism may provide a system that achieves these worthy goals:

“…At the same time, profits are not always possible when business tries to serve the very poor. In such cases, there needs to be another market-based incentive—and that incentive is recognition. Recognition enhances a company’s reputation and appeals to customers; above all, it attracts good people to the organization. As such, recognition triggers a market-based reward for good behavior. In markets where profits are not possible, recognition is a proxy; where profits are possible, recognition is an added incentive.

The challenge is to design a system where market incentives, including profits and recognition, drive the change.

I like to call this new system creative capitalism—an approach where governments, businesses, and nonprofits work together to stretch the reach of market forces so that more people can make a profit, or gain recognition, doing work that eases the world’s inequities. …”

“Society cannot contribute anything to the breeding and growing of ingenious men. A creative genius cannot be trained. There are no schools for creativeness. A genius is precisely a man who defies all schools and rules, who deviates from the traditional roads of routine and opens up new paths through land inaccessible before. A genius is always a teacher, never a pupil; he is always self-made.”

~Ludwig von Mises


Imagine – John Lennon

“No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable”

~ Adam Smith


Background Articles and Videos 


Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Discuss “Creative Capitalism”

 “…Warren Buffet: I would rather have Bill, if he will, give me the main points.

Bill Gates: Well it’s not completely well defined. It’s a phrase that I used in a speech at Harvard a year ago, because I totally believe in markets as such powerful forces for drawing out innovation and creating things that are sustainable. And yet, you do get trapped in this situation where the markets serve where the dollars are, so you don’t get markets meeting the needs of the poorest. And so how do you bootstrap or support the needs of the poorest so markets are reaching out to them. I mean, when I view the last hundred years as an experiment in how good markets are, the answer is very, very clear and very strong. It’s one of those things that’s so clear people won’t even discuss it with you anymore. Like in this [Edward] Teller biography: he says, Look, if he didn’t believe in innovation, he would have been a communist. If the economy is a zero-sum situation, then you ought to try some crazy sharing thing. It’s only the innovation and pie-growing activity that made Teller feel comfortable with the capitalistic approach. And I think that that’s been validated. …”

The Birth of Microsoft

Bill Gates: Looking Back, Moving Ahead – Part 1

Bill Gates: Looking Back, Moving Ahead – Part 2

Bill Gates Part 1

Bill Gates Part 2

Bill Gates Part 3

Bill Gates Part 4

Bill Gates Part 5

Bill Gates Part 6

Bill Gates Part 7

Microsoft without Gates

Channel 9-Bill Gates: Transitioning into the Future

Channel 9-Bill Gates:Transitioning into the Future Part 1/3

Channel 9-Bill Gates:Transitioning into the Future Part 2/3

Channel 9-Bill Gates:Transitioning into the Future Part 3/3

This Week on C9: Jeff Sandquist and Bill Gates stories

New Role for Bill in July 2008

‘Softies share their favorite Bill Gates stories

Charlie Rose – An hour with Bill Gates

The Outlook For Microsoft as Bill Gates Prepares to Exit

Bill Gates Unplugged

Davos Annual Meeting 2008 – Bill Gates

Gates seeks ‘creative capitalism’

“…Much of Gates’ work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has centered on two particular shortcomings of capitalism–solving health problems that affect only the poor and improving educational systems.

In his speech, Gates calls on businesses to launch “creative capitalism” projects of their own.

“I definitely see, once I’m full time at the foundation, reaching out to various industries–going to cell phone companies, banks and more pharma companies–and talking about how…they can do these things,” Gates told The Wall Street Journal in an interview before his speech. …”

January 24, 2008
World Economic ForumDavos, Switzerland
Prepared remarks by Bill Gates

“…What unifies all forms of creative capitalism is that they’re market-driven efforts to bring solutions we take for granted to people who can’t get them. As we refine and improve this approach, there is every reason to believe these engines of change will become larger, stronger, and more efficient.


There is a growing understanding around the world that when change is driven by market-based incentives, you have a sustainable plan for change—because profits and recognition are renewable resources. …”

Gates Transition Plan Shows He’s Ready For A Change. Is His Company?

“…Gates has long had an exit strategy–throwing his energies into the charitable work done by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has $29 billion in assets and stands to gain more as the world’s richest man funnels his wealth to chosen causes. Few will quibble with Gates’ decision to concentrate on the planet’s biggest health hazards and its most disadvantaged people; no time is too soon in the battle against diseases such as AIDS and malaria. Gates pointed last week to a “common thread” between the world of computer technology that ignited his passion as a young man and the research into health and education in developing countries. “It’s about using technology not just for the privileged few, but for everyone,” he said. …”

Gates’ transition only half done

“…The transition is not over. It’s not even halfway done.

That’s not because Gates remains as chairman, which he does, or continues to be Microsoft’s largest individual investor, which he is, although those are important factors. Nor is it because Gates will continue to maintain an office at Microsoft and, as P-I reporter Todd Bishop reports this week, will continue working on specific Microsoft projects.

Instead what’s at work here is an issue larger than Microsoft itself, one that every company faces as it makes the transition from one top executive to another.

The planning leading up to a change of executive leadership is crucial. What happens after the hand-over takes place may be even more important. …”

Davos Annual Meeting 2007 – GAVI Alliance Results

Bill Gates Speech at Harvard (part 1)

Bill Gates Speech at Harvard (part 2)

Bill Gates Speech at Harvard (part 3)

Bill Gates Speech at Harvard (part 4)

Bill Gates Speech at Harvard (part 5)

Remarks of Bill Gates

Harvard Commencement

(Text as prepared for delivery)

“…We can make market forces work better for the poor if we can develop a more creative capitalism – if we can stretch the reach of market forces so that more people can make a profit, or at least make a living, serving people who are suffering from the worst inequities. We also can press governments around the world to spend taxpayer money in ways that better reflect the values of the people who pay the taxes.

If we can find approaches that meet the needs of the poor in ways that generate profits for business and votes for politicians, we will have found a sustainable way to reduce inequity in the world. This task is open-ended. It can never be finished. But a conscious effort to answer this challenge will change the world.

I am optimistic that we can do this, but I talk to skeptics who claim there is no hope. They say: “Inequity has been with us since the beginning, and will be with us till the end – because people just … don’t … care.” I completely disagree.

I believe we have more caring than we know what to do with. …”

William H. Gates Sr.: Wealth and Civic Obligations

Gates Foundation follows new paths

Giving away $3 billion a year is not as easy as it seems


“…This is another key role Bill Gates says he will play at the foundation, reaching out at the highest levels of government and industry to encourage partnerships on projects aimed at reducing the global gap between the richest and poorest. He said he plans to really push corporations, especially the drug industry, to get more involved.

“There are also things around creative capitalism,” said Gates, referring to the phrase he used at the 2008 World Economic Forum to describe his notion of redirecting the profit motive toward helping the planet’s poorest. It is an idea he truly believes in, but one that many critics dismiss as, at best, wishful thinking and, at worst, a billionaire’s attempt to gild over a largely exploitive system with a shiny layer of moral repurposing. …” 

“…The Seattle philanthropy is focused on three areas:

  • Global health ­
  • Global development ­
  • U.S. programs ­ education, libraries and Pacific Northwest needs …”

    Bill Gates: A Retrospective>itle=Bill%20Gates%3A%20A%20Retrospective

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 1 of 7

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 2 of 7

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 3-1 of 7

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 3-2 of 7

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 4 of 7

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 5-1 of 7

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 5-2 of 7

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 6 of 7

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 7-1 of 7

    Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Together: Part 7-2 of 7



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    Edouard Manet Videos

    Posted on June 27, 2008. Filed under: Art, Blogroll, Links, Music, Quotations, Raves, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , |

    This woman’s work is exceptional. Too bad she’s not a man.

    ~Edouard Manet


    Berthe Morisot with a Bunch of Violets, 1872
    Berthe Morisot with a Bunch of Violets, 1872


    Combat of the Kearsarge and the Alabama, 1864
    Combat of the Kearsarge and the Alabama, 1864


    When you’ve got it, you’ve got it. When you haven’t, you begin again. All the rest is humbug.

    ~Edouard Manet

     I have posted three videos on the art works of Edouard Manet with YouTube on the Channel: A PRONK STUDIO VIDEO:

    Manet Part 1


    Manet Part 2


    Manet Part 3


    I  hope you all enjoy them, as I did making them. 

    Manet is one of my favorite artists especially his art works of boats, flowers, and women.

    The background music is from Ludwig van Beethoven’s  Symphony No. 3 Op. 55 E Flat Major, ‘Eroica’.


    Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.

    ~Ludwig van Beethoven 

    I need to work to feel well.

    ~Edouard Manet

    Bouquet of Lilacs, 1882
    Bouquet of Lilacs, 1882


    A Bar at the Folies Bergere


     You would hardly believe how difficult it is to place a figure alone on a canvas, and to concentrate all the interest on this single and universal figure and still keep it living and real.

    ~Edouard Manet


    Background Articles and Videos


    The Impressionists BBC (Part 1)


    The Impressionists BBC (Part 2)


    The Impressionists BBC (Part 3)


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    Art Videos on Channel: A PRONK STUDIO VIDEO 


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    Comrade Barack Obama–Arrogant Elitist Socialist–US Job Destroyer and Economy Wrecker

    Posted on June 25, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Comedy, Economics, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Resources, Taxes, Technology, Uncategorized, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


    Obama talks about Global Warming in Des Moines


    Obama on Global Warming (2) 


    Senator Obama on the stump at Iowa Ethanol Plant Opening


    Barack Obama on Offshore Oil Drilling


    George Carlin – Saving the Planet


    Ethanol is great!


    Something Scientific: Ethanol

    The Price of Ethanol…


    The truth is Comrade Barack Obama is a socialist and thinks he knows better than you do how to spend your hard earned money and how to run your business.

    This from a lawyer who has never started nor run a business nor met a payroll.

    Senator Obama, if you want to run a command and control economy, planes are leaving for China and Russia daily.

    Both countries tried socialism and their economies were wrecked in the process and millions died from starvation from forced collectivation of agriculture. 

    In China during the Great Leap Forward under Mao an estimated 20 million to over 43 million starved to death.

    In Ukraine during the Holodomor engineered by Stalin an estimated 2.2 million to 3.5 million starved to death.

    Both outcomes were the direct result of socialist government intervention into the agricultural sector. So much for the socialist command and control economy.

    Now both China and Russia are trying capitalism and thriving.

    Federal government intervention in the agriculture sector with subsidies going for the production of ethanol has resulted in both rising food and gasoline prices.

    Using the American people’s tax dollars to subsidy a small group of businesses that benefit from ethanol subsidies is criminal behaviour.

    Your are stealing from all the American people just so you can get campaign contributions from the owners that benefit from the subsidies.  Any  politician of either party that supports this should be voted out of office.

    This is a government failure, not a market failure.

    Still you persist with this arrogant meddling and want to expand its scope to save the planet from global warming.

    American businesses do not need you to tell them how to produce goods and services nor what to produce.

    Senator Obama you have absolutely no business experience nor expertise in the industries you want to dictate poliicies to using government coercion.

    Expect businesses to push back hard and often.

    Senator Obama your arrogance is both condescending and transparent.

    You seem to have forgotten that the most important position in America is that of citizen and not office holder.

    Who do you think you are? How dare you?

    Obama on high gas prices

    obama Says- Americans Want Higher Gas Prices

    McConnell on Obama Preferring High Gas Prices

    Senator Obama invest you own damn money wherever you like.

    Stop trying to invest other people’s money in the form of taxes where you think is best.

    You do not know what is best for me, my family, nor the American people.

    Let the American people decide whether they prefer a car or truck to a bus or subway.

    Senator Obama if you are so brillant, open your own business and supply the goods and services that the American people want to buy, instead of what you think they want to buy using the American people’s tax dollars.

    More and more Senator Obama appears as a confident bully that attempts to intimidate his opponents using the politics of resentment. 

    Threats of massive government intervention into the affairs of private enterprise will be vigorously opposed.

    Trying to shut people up will not work in America.

    Your arrogant meddling in the affairs of others is not appreciated.

    Karl Rove: “Yes I Do Think Barack Obama is Arrogant”


    Is Obama Arrogant? Analysis By Karl Rove

     It is none of your business.

    The American people are not easily intimidated.

    Global warming is a hoax based on government junk science of climate models used to justify massive tax increases.

    If you cannot see this you are incompetent.

    If you do, you are a liar. Either way you cannot be trusted.

    The vast majority of the American people know when they are being hustled with a tax scam.

    Glenn Beck: Cap & Trade SCAM

    The American people are not buying into this elitist arrogance and massive government intervention with the US economy.

    The arrogance of ignorance and identiy politics are alive and well in the Democratic Party.

    The Democratic Party favors higher electric and gas prices by banning with government regulations the building of nuclear power plants, oil refineries and  drilling for oil and natural gas in ANWR and off the US coasts.

    Glenn Beck: Are we the last ones to seek energy independece?

    The Democratic Party uses your tax dollars to pay for subsidies for ethanol production that is in turn raising your food and gas prices. Those businesses who seek these subsidies contribute to their political campaigns, including Senators Obama and Clinton.

    The Democratic Party favors a new cap and trade tax that would further increase the cost of all goods and services as well as electricity and gas.

    The Democratic Party does not feel you pain, they are the cause of your pain in terms of higher gas, food, and electrical prices and more and higher taxes.

    The Democratic Party would wreck the US economy and in the process millions of American would lose their jobs.

    If you value your family, job, home, retirement and life, just vote no for Comarade Barrack Obama as President in November.

    Time to throw the corrupt arrogant meddlers out on their collective asses!

    Do not let Senator Obama destroy US jobs and wreck the economy.

    Defeat Senator Obama and radical socialism. 

    Vote for anybody but Obama in November!

    Background Artilces and Videos 


    Congress Fiddled With Warming While Earth Cooled

    By Marc Sheppard

    “…Last week Democrats tried to kill the economy in the name of solving a problem that doesn’t exist. Republicans should hang this bill around their necks in every district where an incumbent voted for the woefully misnamed and deservedly DOA Climate Security Act, technically S.3036.

    Asking Americans to pony up even more at the pump with already record gasoline prices creeping higher almost daily seems offensive enough.  But compelling such burden under the guise of moral imperative to curb global warming at a time when the planet is actually cooling rings downright obscene. 

    Don’t get me wrong — the fiscal arguments against the bill’s draconian business regulations were inexorable — its massive consequent spike in energy costs would be nothing short of ruinous to the nation.  An April EPA analysis of the bill estimated a 53 cents per gallon increase in the price of gasoline and a 44% jump in electricity costs by 2030 should it become law.  Even those figures precariously assumed a 150% increase in nuclear and “significant use of biomass” for electricity generation; otherwise costs will be “significantly higher.” Add a projected net loss of almost a trillion dollars in GDP by that very same year and this blatantly socialistic power-grab attempt deserved the pauper’s funeral it received on financial grounds alone. …”

    Biofuel scam: Reality check on ethanol.


    Biofuel Backlash – World


    Pitfalls of Ethanol Fuel

    Obama Camp Closely Linked With Ethanol

    “Ethanol is one area in which Mr. Obama strongly disagrees with his Republican opponent, Senator John McCain of Arizona. While both presidential candidates emphasize the need for the United States to achieve “energy security” while also slowing down the carbon emissions that are believed to contribute to global warming, they offer sharply different visions of the role that ethanol, which can be made from a variety of organic materials, should play in those efforts.

    Mr. McCain advocates eliminating the multibillion-dollar annual government subsidies that domestic ethanol has long enjoyed. As a free trade advocate, he also opposes the 54-cent-a-gallon tariff that the United States slaps on imports of ethanol made from sugar cane, which packs more of an energy punch than corn-based ethanol and is cheaper to produce. …”

    “…Mr. Obama, in contrast, favors the subsidies, some of which end up in the hands of the same oil companies he says should be subjected to a windfall profits tax. In the name of helping the United States build “energy independence,” he also supports the tariff, which some economists say may well be illegal under the World Trade Organization’s rules but which his advisers say is not.


    China Great Leap Forward Mao Zedong


    Chinese economic planning under Mao part 1of2


    Chinese economic planning under Mao part 2of 2


    Great Leap Forward

    “The Great Leap Forward (simplified Chinese: 大跃进; traditional Chinese: 大躍進; pinyin: Dàyuèjìn) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social plan used from 1958 to 1960 which aimed to use China’s vast population to rapidly transform mainland China from a primarily agrarian economy dominated by peasant farmers into a modern, industrialized communist society. Mao Zedong based this program on the Theory of Productive Forces.

    The Great Leap Forward is now widely seen – both within China and outside – as a major economic failure and great humanitarian disaster with estimates of the number of people who starved to death during this period ranging from 14 to 43 million.[1]     ….”


    Stalin’s ‘collectivization’ in Ukraine


    HOLODOMOR; Ukraine’s Genocide of 1932-33 SHORT FILM


    “The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор) is a great famine which occurred in 1932-33 on a territory of Ukrainian SSR[1][2]. Modern estimates for the total number of victims of the famine range between 2.2 million (demographers’ estimates)[3][4] and 3-3.5 million (historians’ estimate).[5] although much higher numbers are sometimes published in the media and cited in political debates.[6]

    The reasons of the famine are the subject of intense scholarly and political debate. Some historians claim the famine was purposely engineered by the Soviet authorities as an attack on the Ukrainian nationalism, while others view it as an unintended consequence of the economic problems associated with radical economic changes implemented during the period of Soviet industrialization.[7] It is sometimes argued that natural causes may have been the primary reason for the disaster.

    There is no international consensus among scholars or politicians on whether the Soviet policies that caused the famine fall under the legal definition of genocide.[8][9][10][11][6] However, as of March 2008, the parliament of Ukraine and the governments of several other countries have recognized the actions causing Holodomor as an act of genocide.[12] …”

    Ayers’ Weathermen planned “re-education”, genocide


    Obama answers question on global warming actions


    Obama and Gore: Leaders to deal with Global Warming


    Lord Al Gore The Global Warming Fascist


    More Scientists don’t see CO2 as temperature driver


    What is your stance on nuclear power?

    The Nuclear Industry’s Golden Child

    That Obama Glow


    “…Obama’s campaign wallet, while rich with millions from small online donations, is also bulging from $227,000 in contributions given by employees of Exelon. Two of Obama’s largest campaign fundraisers include Frank M. Clark and John W. Rogers Jr., both top Exelon officials. Even Obama’s chief strategist, David Axelrod, has done consulting work for the company.

    During a Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works hearing in 2005, Obama, who serves on the committee, asserted that since Congress was debating the negative impact of CO2 emissions “on the global ecosystem, it is reasonable — and realistic — for nuclear power to remain on the table for consideration.” Shortly thereafter, Nuclear Notes, the industry’s top trade publication, praised the senator. “Back during his campaign for the U.S. Senate in 2004, [Obama] said that he rejected both liberal and conservative labels in favor of ‘common sense solutions’. And when it comes to nuclear energy, it seems like the Senator is keeping an open mind.”

    The rising star of the Democratic Party’s ties to the nuclear industry run deep indeed, but Obama may not only be loyal to Exelon and friends. The Senator is also cozy with Big Coal. …”

    Selective Precaution
    How does the third world insure itself against Lieberman-Warner?

    By Lawrence Solomon

    “…There is no consensus of 2,500 scientist-endorsers. Moreover, many of those 2,500 reviewers turned thumbs down on the studies that they reviewed — I know this from my own interviews with them, conducted in the course of writing a book about scientists who dispute the conventional wisdom on climate change.

    From my interviews, it also became clear to me that, if a consensus exists, it exists on the other side. For instance Paul Reiter of the Pasteur Institute, a former peer reviewer for the IPCC’s work on the spread of malaria and other diseases due to warming says, “I know of no major scientist with any long record in this field who agrees with the pronouncements of the alarmists at the IPCC.” Other scientists also told me that, in their particular discipline, the IPCC’s position was the outlier, far from the mainstream. …”  “…“So what?” many say. “Even if there is great uncertainty about the science of climate change, what harm will come of reducing our emissions of carbon dioxide? If it turns out that global warming is a natural phenomenon, we will have gained for ourselves cleaner air and less dependence on foreign oil.” As Sen. Lieberman put it in a PBS interview, “we ought to buy an insurance policy to deal with it. You know, I buy an insurance policy on my house. I don’t know there’s going to be a fire or a pipe is going to break, but I spend the money on it because the consequences of not having insurance are worse. And that’s what we’re doing here.”

    This view finds favor with people across the ideological spectrum. Environmentalists, public-health advocates, and planners recognize an opportunity to lower emissions while promoting lifestyle changes; security hawks seize on the prospect of energy self-sufficiency; others see an opportunity to make common cause with Europe. All justify the expense of meeting Kyoto’s emissions targets as an insurance policy of sorts.

    The problem is that far from being an insurance policy, Kyoto represents the single greatest threat to the global environment today and its scheme for using carbon credits and carbon offsets to reduce CO2 emissions comes with horrible human costs.

    When we in the West purchase carbon offsets, typically someone, or some government, in the third world is paid for providing a “sink” for the carbon we’re emitting. Often that sink will be an industrial eucalyptus plantation, planted on what had been farmland or old-growth forest. Apart from the environmental amenities lost, personal tragedies abound. The former inhabitants of that land — either peasant farmers or forest peoples — will have been evicted from their lands, generally without fair compensation. Mass evictions are also the rule with new large-scale hydro dams, which can appear to become economically feasible only because of carbon credit schemes. China’s Three Gorges Dam, touted for being carbon-free, is uprooting some two million peasants and townsfolk. Nuclear power, too, is enjoying a renaissance due to carbon pricing — nuclear reactors have never been commercially viable without subsidies, and coming back now only because of a perceived carbon crisis. …”

    Global warming is socialism and political movemnt

     No Future For Obama

    “…Barack Obama is against lifting the ban on drilling for oil offshore because it would not reduce gas prices “this year, next year, five years from now,” according to CNN .

    “John McCain’s proposal, George Bush’s proposal to drill offshore here in Florida, and other places around the country, would not provide families with any relief, this year, next year, five years from now… Believe me, if I thought there was any evidence at all that drilling could save people money who are struggling to fill up their gas tanks by this summer or the next few years, I would consider it, but it won’t.”

    This sure looks like Obama, the great problem solver according to Al Gore , is not interested in solving any problems that show up only beyond “this summer or the next few years” or that take more than a few years to fix (5 tops, apparently).
    Not very forward-looking, is he?  In fact, his time window of interest seems to coincide rather perfectly with what would be his first term as President.  Any problem that won’t show up during his term is not a problem he would try to solve.  So much for the vision thing.
    Then where does that put global warming, by the way?  I was not aware that global warming would have dire consequences this summer or the next few years or that it could be solved within 5 years.  According to Senator Obama’s logic then, why try to solve it?  This would be especially so since even global warmists believe the next decade will involve little or no warming .  I also did not know that all the alternative energy sources Senator Obama advocates could be brought on line “this summer”.  Wow, those windmill guys are good. …”

    Barack Obama: Global Poverty Act = World tax = Socialism


    Barack Obama’s Hidden Agenda, More Taxes, Socialism….


    How Ethanol is a really bad idea


    Heritage In Focus: Farm Subsidies: Too Much of a Bad Thing


    The Farm Bill
    Ethanol For Everyone!
    Brian Wingfield

    “…”Now that the ethanol industry has matured, it is appropriate to curb the tax subsidy provided to ethanol,” says a Senate Finance Committee report on the tax provisions of the bill.

    That’s a politically popular statement to make: Corn-based ethanol production has taken much of the blame for the recent run-up in world food prices. In 2007, President Bush famously called for a nearly 500% increase in ethanol production to reduce the country’s reliance on oil. Congress granted his wish at the end of last year by mandating 36 billion gallons of production by 2022–far beyond the 9 billion gallon goal for 2008. Not only is ethanol production mandated and subsidized, the industry is protected by a 54-cent import tariff.

    That tariff, which serves largely to keep Brazilian sugar-based ethanol out of U.S. markets, would be extended by two years under the Farm Bill. “This would effectively raise the barrier to marginal ethanol gallons from Brazil,” says FBR Capital Markets analyst Kevin Book in a research note.

    Former Congressman Charles Stenholm, D-Texas, who now lobbies on agriculture and energy policy for law firm Olsson, Frank, Weeda, says the tax-credit reductions for corn-based ethanol are “a step in the right direction.” But he wants Congress to adopt a market-based approach in which subsidies are discontinued when they’re no longer necessary.

    “There’s no valid reason for maintaining a subsidy for ethanol with oil at $120 a barrel,” he says. …”

    Newt Gingrich – We Must Drill for Oil NOW


    Red State Update: Gas Prices


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    Barack Obama Cult?

    Barack Obama–A Reader Not A Leader! 

    A Place for Your Stuff–When You Are Dead–You Just Disappear–You are Going Away–Your Safe At Home!: George Carlin RIP 



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    George Carlin–Videos

    Posted on June 24, 2008. Filed under: Art, Blogroll, Comedy, Links, Politics, Raves, Video | Tags: , , |

    “Gee–he was just here a minute ago.”



    “By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.”

    “I ihink people should be allowed to do anything they want. We haven’t tried that for a while. Maybe this time it’ll work.”


    Funny, Smart George Carlin

    George Carlin made you both laugh and think.

    He drove the bullshit artists, hypocrites and pompous nuts.

    He also on occasion hit very close to home.

    If you are very easily offended, George would offend you.

    I was hoping to hear his latest material on the current Presidential election.

    Garbage in garbage out.

    I will miss him and his special kind of humor.

    George Carlin Baseball vs Football


    George Carlin – Flamethrowers


    George Carlin – airsoft guns


    George Carlin – Stuff


     George Carlin on Soft Language


    George Carlin – Airplane Safety


    George Carlin – Saving the Planet


    George Carlin – People are Boring


    George Carlin – We Like War


    George Carlin Over parenting


    George Carlin ~ The American Dream


    George Carlin -God bless America


    George Carlin -Rights and Privileges


    George Carlin The Ten Commandments Broken Down


    George Carlin – About Cats


    Baseball and Football


    George Carlin on dead people and computers


    George Carlin on Death – RIP 



    “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.”

    “Always do whatever’s next.”


    Background Articles and Videos

    George Carlin

    George Denis Patrick Carlin (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008) was an American stand-up comedian. He was also an actor and author, and he won five Grammy Awards for his comedy albums.[22]

    Carlin was noted for his black humor as well as his thoughts on politics, the English language, psychology, religion, and various taboo subjects. Carlin and his “Seven Dirty Words” comedy routine were central to the 1978 U.S. Supreme Court case F.C.C. v. Pacifica Foundation, in which a narrow 5–4 decision by the justices affirmed the government’s power to regulate indecent material on the public airwaves.

    The first of his 14 stand-up comedy specials for HBO was filmed in 1977. In the 1990s and 2000s, Carlin’s routines focused on the flaws in modern-day America. He often took on contemporary political issues in the United States and satirized the excesses of American culture. His final HBO special, It’s Bad For Ya, was filmed less than four months before his death.

    Carlin was placed second on the Comedy Central cable television network list of the 100 greatest stand-up comedians, ahead of Lenny Bruce and behind Richard Pryor.[23] He was a frequent performer and guest host on The Tonight Show during the three-decade Johnny Carson era, and was also the first person to host Saturday Night Live. …”


    Dennis Miller interviews George Carlin (1997)

    George Carlin – Archive of American Television Interview

    “Full 7-part interview with comedy legend George Carlin, recorded December 17, 2007. He talks about his early influences (particularly Danny Kaye’s films) on his comic sensibilities. He then chronicles his life through in Air Force, as a disc jockey, and as half of a comedy team with Jack Burns, that led to his first professional appearance on television on Jack Paar’s “Tonight Show”. He notes the various “breaks” along the way that got him seen and furthered his career. He talks about going solo and working as a stand-up comedian for several years before breaking into TV again on such programs as “The Ed Sullivan Show”. He speaks in detail about his infamous “Seven Dirty Words” monologue and the FCC case that resulted from it (filed against WBAI radio, for obscenity). He recalls his appearance as the very first host of “Saturday Night Live”. He talks about his HBO specials and how they resurrected his career. He touches on his later work as an actor in Kevin Smith’s movies and on such shows as the PBS series “Shining Time Station”, which earned him two Daytime Emmy nominations. Conducted December 17, 2007 by Henry Colman and Jenni Matz, in Venice, CA. …”

    George Carlin – Archive Interview Part 1 of 7

    George Carlin – Archive Interview Part 2 and 3 of 7


    George Carlin – Archive Interview Part 4 of 7


    George Carlin – Archive Interview Part 5 of 7

    George Carlin – Archive Interview Part 6 of 7

    George Carlin – Archive Interview Part 7 of 7

    George Carlin: 400,000 American Musical Favorites 


    George Carlin: in His Own Words

    George Carlin Interview: Fresh Air – WHYY-FM (Part 1 of 4)

    George Carlin Interview: Fresh Air – WHYY-FM (Part 2 of 4)

    George Carlin Interview: Fresh Air – WHYY-FM (Part 3 of 4)

    George Carlin Interview: Fresh Air – WHYY-FM (Part 4 of 4)

     George Carlin: Art Bell Interview – 1999 (Part 1 of 8)

    George Carlin: Art Bell Interview – 1999 (Part 2 of 8)

    George Carlin: Art Bell Interview – 1999 (Part 3 of 8)

    George Carlin: Art Bell Interview – 1999 (Part 4 of 8)

    George Carlin: Art Bell Interview – 1999 (Part 5 of 8)

    George Carlin: Art Bell Interview – 1999 (Part 6 of 8)

    George Carlin: Art Bell Interview – 1999 (Part 7 of 8)

    George Carlin: Art Bell Interview – 1999 (Part 8 of 8)

    George Carlin: 92nd Street Y Interview (04/30/01) 1 of 6)

    George Carlin: 92nd Street Y Interview (04/30/01) 2 of 6)

    George Carlin: 92nd Street Y Interview (04/30/01) 3 of 6)

    George Carlin: 92nd Street Y Interview (04/30/01) 4 of 6)

    George Carlin: 92nd Street Y Interview (04/30/01) 5 of 6)

    George Carlin: 92nd Street Y Interview (04/30/01) 6 of 6)

    George Carlin on Comedy: Interview – 2002 (Part 1 of 7)


    George Carlin on Comedy: Interview – 2002 (Part 2 of 7)


    George Carlin on Comedy: Interview – 2002 (Part 3 of 7)


    George Carlin on Comedy: Interview – 2002 (Part 4 of 7)


    George Carlin on Comedy: Interview – 2002 (Part 5 of 7)


    George Carlin on Comedy: Interview – 2002 (Part 6 of 7)


    George Carlin on Comedy: Interview – 2002 (Part 7 of 7)


    George Carlin Interview – 2008 (1 of 2)

    George Carlin Interview – 2008 (1 of 2)

    Jon Stewart interviews George Carlin

    George Carlin (Full The View Interview) – Wild fires


    Seven Words

    George Carlin – Voting


    The Owners of the Country


    George Carlin FAT PEOPLE


    Pro Life is Anti-Woman – George Carlin

    George Carlin on white people


    George Carlin – Religion is bullshit.


    George Carlin on the Tonite Show- 1966

    George Carlin ‘The Hippy Dippy Weatherman’

    (1982) – Carlin at Carnegie Hall Part 1 of 6

    (1982) – Carlin at Carnegie Hall Part 2 of 6


    (1982) – Carlin at Carnegie Hall Part 3 of 6

    (1982) – Carlin at Carnegie Hall Part 4 of 6

    (1982) – Carlin at Carnegie Hall Part 5 of 6

    (1982) – Carlin at Carnegie Hall Part 6 of 6

    George Carlin: Carlin on Campus – 1984 (Part 1 of 6)


    George Carlin: Carlin on Campus – 1984 (Part 2 of 6)

    George Carlin: Carlin on Campus – 1984 (Part 3 of 6)


    George Carlin: Carlin on Campus – 1984 (Part 4 of 6)


    George Carlin: Carlin on Campus – 1984 (Part 5 of 6)

    George Carlin: Carlin on Campus – 1984 (Part 6 of 6)


    George Carlin: Playin’ with Your Head – 1986 (Part 1 of 6)

    George Carlin: Playin’ with Your Head – 1986 (Part 2 of 6)

    George Carlin: Playin’ with Your Head – 1986 (Part 3 of 6)

    George Carlin: Playin’ with Your Head – 1986 (Part 4 of 6)

    George Carlin: Playin’ with Your Head – 1986 (Part 5 of 6)

    George Carlin: Playin’ with Your Head – 1986 (Part 6 of 6)

    George Carlin on Our Similarities

    George Carlin: You Are All Diseased – 1999 (Part 1 of 6)

    George Carlin: You Are All Diseased – 1999 (Part 2 of 6)

    George Carlin: You Are All Diseased – 1999 (Part 3 of 6)

    George Carlin: You Are All Diseased – 1999 (Part 4 of 6)

    George Carlin: You Are All Diseased – 1999 (Part 5 of 6)

    George Carlin: You Are All Diseased – 1999 (Part 6 of 6)

     George Carlin: WTF Am I Doing in New Jersey? [Part 1/7]

    George Carlin: WTF Am I Doing in New Jersey? [Part 2/7]


    George Carlin: WTF Am I Doing in New Jersey? [Part 3/7]

    George Carlin: WTF Am I Doing in New Jersey? [Part 4/7]

    George Carlin: WTF Am I Doing in New Jersey? [Part 5/7]

    George Carlin: WTF Am I Doing in New Jersey? [Part 6/7]

    George Carlin: WTF Am I Doing in New Jersey? [Part 7/7]

    George Carlin: Complaints & Grievances – 2001 (Part 1 of 6)

    George Carlin: Complaints & Grievances – 2001 (Part 2 of 6)

    George Carlin: Complaints & Grievances – 2001 (Part 3 of 6)

    George Carlin: Complaints & Grievances – 2001 (Part 4 of 6)

    George Carlin: Complaints & Grievances – 2001 (Part 5 of 6)

    George Carlin: Complaints & Grievances – 2001 (Part 6 of 6)

    George Carlin On Answering Machines


    George Carlin: Life is Worth Losing – 2005 (Part 1 of 7)

    George Carlin: Life is Worth Losing – 2005 (Part 2 of 7)

    George Carlin: Life is Worth Losing – 2005 (Part 3 of 7)

    George Carlin: Life is Worth Losing – 2005 (Part 4 of 7)

    George Carlin: Life is Worth Losing – 2005 (Part 5 of 7)

    George Carlin: Life is Worth Losing – 2005 (Part 6 of 7)

    George Carlin: Life is Worth Losing – 2005 (Part 7 of 7)

    George Carlin – It’s Bad for Ya – 2008 HBO Special Part 1/7

    George Carlin – It’s Bad for Ya – 2008 HBO Special Part 2/7


    George Carlin: It’s Bad for Ya! – 2008 (Part 3 of 7)


    George Carlin: It’s Bad for Ya! – 2008 (Part 4 of 7)


    George Carlin: It’s Bad for Ya! – 2008 (Part 5 of 7)


    George Carlin: It’s Bad for Ya! – 2008 (Part 6 of 7)


    George Carlin – 7 of 7 – It’s Bad For Ya! [2008, Final Show]

    Books Written and Read By George Carlin

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 1 of 14)

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 2 of 14)

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 3 of 14)

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 4 of 14)

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 5 of 14)

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 6 of 14)

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 7 of 14)

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 8 of 14)

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 9 of 14)

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 10 of 14)


    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 11 of 14)


    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 12 of 14)

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 13 of 14)

    George Carlin: Napalm & Silly Putty (Part 14 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 1 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 2 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 3 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 4 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 5 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 6 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 7 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 8 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 9 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 10 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 11 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 12 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 13 of 14)


    George Carlin: Brain Droppings – (Part 1 4 of 14)

    Read Full Post | Make a Comment ( 22 so far )

    Barrack Obama’s Kansas Values–Killing Babies in Cold Blood?

    Posted on June 21, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Economics, Immigration, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Religion, Reviews, Science, Taxes, Technology, Video, War | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

     “Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is (alive). And, thus, it should be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

    ~President Ronald Reagan in 1982

    New Barack Obama Ad

    Obama Says A Baby Is A Punishment

    Watch How Obama Punishes Babies

    Obama Vote-Infanticide-living babies thrown into waste bins

    Obama & ‘Live Birth Abortion’

    Mad World of Barack Obama

    “…Barack Obama opposed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act. This would provide basic medical care to infants that survive abortion. This is a mad world….”

    Senator Barrack Obama has a new video ad where he speaks about his Kansas family values.

    This from a man who supports selective infanticide, the killing of live babies in cold blood.

    This from a man who supports late term partial birth abortions.

    This from a man who considers having a baby a punishment.

    I seriously doubt that these are the strong family values he learned from his grandparents and mother in Kansas.

    These are not the values of the vast majority of American people who consider both infanticide and late term partial birth abortion morally repugnant, a mortal sin and a crime that should be punished.

    Senator Obama real values are not the values appearing in his video ad.

    If they were, he would never be elected President of The United States of America.

    Senator Obama’s socialist values on infanticide and late term partial birth abortion are the values of a state socialist with little respect for the individual and human life.

    Supporting infanticide and late term partial birth abortion are more the values of such noted socialist leaders as  Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler.

    State socialists first take the property and lives of those least able to defend themselves–babies, children, disabled, woman, and the elderly. 

    Mao, Stalin and Hitler were all very clear how they valued the individual and human life:

    “A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous.  A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.”

    “Every Communist must grasp the truth, “Political power rows out of the barrel of a gun.” “

    ~Mao Zedong

    “Death solves all problems – no man, no problem.”

    “A single death is a tragedy, are million deaths is a statistic.”

    ~Jospeh Stalin

    “Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.”

    ~Adolf Hitler

    State socialism from the left or right leads invariably down the road to serfdom and totalitarianism:

    “Totalitarianism of the Left bred totalitarianism of the Right; Communism and fascism were the hammer and the anvil on which liberalism was broken to pieces. The emergence of Stalin’s autocracy changed the dynamic of corruption not in kind but in degree. For Stalin “was but old Lenin writ large.” The change is degree nonetheless was important because of its sheer scale. The arrests, the prisons, the camps, the scope, the brutality and violence of the social engineering – nothing like it had ever been seen or even imagined before. So the counter-model became more monstrously ambitious; and the fear which energized its construction more intense. If Leninism begot the fascism of Mussolini, it was Stalinism which made possible the Nazi Leviathan.”

    Paul Johnson
    “Modern Times”

    These leaders of state governments killed tens of millions of human beings in a reign of terror.

    These socialist leaders are the bloodiest dictators of this millennium and they give real meaning to the term democide.


    Democide is a term coined by political scientist R. J. Rummel for “the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder”. Rummel created the term as an extended concept to include forms of government murder that are not covered by the legal definition of genocide, and it has found currency among other scholars.


    Bloodiest dictators for the millennium.Rummel, [2][3][4].
    Dictator Dates Est. Deaths
    Qing Dynasty,
    mainly Empress Dowager Cixi
    Tai Ping Rebellion
    Genghis Khan 1215–1233 4,000,000
    Adolf Hitler 1933–1945 21,000,000
    Chiang Kai-shek 1921–1948 10,000,000
    Kublai Khan 1252–1279 19,000,000
    Vladimir Lenin 1917–1924 4,000,000
    Leopold II of Belgium 1885–1908 10,000,000
    Pol Pot 1968–1987 2,000,000
    Joseph Stalin 1929–1953 43,000,000
    Hideki Tojo 1941–1945 4,000,000
    Mao Zedong 1923–1976 77,000,000

    Once the American people learn just how radical Senator Obama position is on both abortion, especially late term partial birth abortions, and his support for infanticide, his election run for the presidency will be over.

    Not even the entire fortune of his leading campaign donor, George Soros, whose agenda Senator Obama is promoting, will be able to save his candidacy.

    The American people will never knowingly elect a radical socialist–no matter how charming and likeable.

    Elections matter.

    Despite many serious reservations about Senator McCain, especially about illegal immigration and the need for a cap and trade tax, I will vote for him.

    “Not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia. There may be legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not… with regard to abortion and euthanasia.”
    ~Pope Benedict XVI

    Background Articles and Videos

    CNN: Barack Obama’s opposition to Born Alive Act

    “…CNN fairly reported then-state Sen. Barack Obama’s opposition to the IL Born Alive Infants Protection Act, a bill to protect abortion survivors from being shelved to die in hospital soiled utility rooms.

    Obama not only voted against Born Alive, he was the sole senator to speak against it on the senate floor – 2 years in a row.

    The federal version of Born Alive passed unanimously 98-0 in the US Senate with Sens. Kennedy and Boxer speaking in support on the senate floor. It passed overwhelmingly by voice vote in the US House. President Bush signed it into law on August 5, 2002.

    As chairman of the IL Senate Health & Human Services Committee, Obama singlehandedly stopped the identical wording of the federal bill from being introduced in IL in 2003.

    Barack Obama is so radical in his support of abortion, he supports infanticide. …”

    Forget Obama’s Abortion Radicalism: Gas is 4 Bucks!

    Obama’s abortion lies

    By Michelle Malkin  •  August 11, 2008

    “…There’s a newly uncovered paper trail demonstrating Barack Obama’s abortion militancy you can believe in (hat tip – Jill Stanek):

    Newly obtained documents prove that in 2003, Barack Obama, as chairman of an IL state Senate committee, voted down a bill to protect live-born survivors of abortion – even after the panel had amended the bill to contain verbatim language, copied from a federal bill passed by Congress without objection in 2002, explicitly foreclosing any impact on abortion. Obama’s legislative actions in 2003 – denying effective protection even to babies born alive during abortions – were contrary to the position taken on the same language by even the most liberal members of Congress. The bill Obama killed was virtually identical to the federal bill that even NARAL ultimately did not oppose.


    Obama’s Catholic Problem

    by Linda Chavez

    “Barack Obama has a Catholic problem. If he doesn’t do better than John Kerry did in 2004 with this quintessential swing voting bloc, he won’t be elected president. …”

    “…Catholics are by no means a single-issue voting group. But for observant Catholics, those who attend Mass regularly and follow the Church’s teachings, a candidate’s position on abortion matters. Even among more broadly identified Catholics — those who call themselves Catholic, regardless of whether they are observant — 59 percent oppose abortion, according to a recent Time magazine poll. And Barack Obama’s record on this issue will cause pause for many of them.

    Like most Democratic politicians, Barack Obama favors abortion rights for women, with few exceptions. He has recently said that he might support some limits on very late-term abortions, those that occur in the last trimester of pregnancy. But when it comes to actual legislative limits, he’s never found one yet he can vote for. …”

    Obama Abortion Stance

    “Obama’s Twisted Mind – Obama’s sick voting record”

    Catholic League President Criticizes Obama On Abortion

    Obama Blocked Born Alive Infant Protection Act

    We were in Springfield to lobby for passage of the state Born Alive Infant Protection Act, legislation that would require hospitals to care for infants who survive an abortion. Obama spoke against the legislation in 2001 and 2002 and single-handedly defeated it in committee in 2003.

    My friend stood in Obama’s path and said, “Senator, we are going to pass Born Alive here in Illinois this year.”

    Obama smiled smoothly and agreed, “I think you will,” adding, “I would have voted for the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in Illinois had it been worded the same as the federal bill. I think that’s the position the Democrats should take.”

    There’s just one thing he forgot to mention: Obama had stopped his committee from adding the federal wording.

    With Obama no longer in the state Senate, the Born Alive legislation passed in 2005. …”

    Obama’s Abortion Extremism

    By Michael Gerson

    “…But Obama’s record on abortion is extreme. He opposed the ban on partial-birth abortion — a practice a fellow Democrat, the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan, once called “too close to infanticide.” Obama strongly criticized the Supreme Court decision upholding the partial-birth ban. In the Illinois state Senate, he opposed a bill similar to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which prevents the killing of infants mistakenly left alive by abortion. And now Obama has oddly claimed that he would not want his daughters to be “punished with a baby” because of a crisis pregnancy — hardly a welcoming attitude toward new life.

    For decades, most Democrats and many Republicans have hoped the political debate on abortion would simply go away. But it is the issue that does not die. Recent polls have shown that young people are more likely than their elders to support abortion restrictions. Few Americans oppose abortion under every circumstance, but a majority oppose most of the abortions that actually take place — generally supporting the procedure only in the case of rape or incest, or to save the life of the mother.

    Perhaps this is a revolt against a culture of disposability. Perhaps it reflects the continuing revolution of ultrasound technology — what might be called the “Juno” effect. In the delightful movie by that name, the protagonist, a pregnant teen seeking an abortion, is confronted by a classmate who informs her that the unborn child already has fingernails — which causes second thoughts. A worthless part of its mother’s body — a clump of protoplasmic rubbish — doesn’t have fingernails. …”



    Obama is no moderate: His radical position on ‘abortion’ after birth

    So, what are we to make of Obama’s votes against protecting the right to life for living babies who have survived attempted abortions? Such babies are sometimes born alive as a result of late-term induced labor abortions, often sought when babies are believed (sometimes in error) to have genetic defects such as Down syndrome.

    Earlier this decade, such living, breathing, babies who survived labor were “shelved” – left to die and disposed of with other medical waste, or were “aborted” – killed outside the womb. The practice was ultimately banned by unanimous Congressional votes, as even the most pro-abortion Senate Democrats – including every defender of partial-birth abortion – recognized that killing these breathing babies is no longer abortion in any real sense. It crosses the line; it is infanticide. Yet, incredibly, Obama repeatedly worked to deny these living babies any right to life. …”

    Obama’s 10 reasons for supporting infanticide

    NARAL Pro-Choice America PAC Endorses Sen. Barack Obama

     Barack Obama, A Vote For Infanticide

    Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act

    “The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (Public Law 108-105, HR 760, S 3, 18 U.S. Code 1531)[1] (or “PBA Ban”) is a United States law prohibiting a form of late-term abortion that the Act calls partial-birth abortion. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the term “partial-birth abortion” in the act pertains to a procedure that is scientifically called intact dilation and extraction.[2] Under this law, “Any physician who, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, knowingly performs a partial-birth abortion and thereby kills a human fetus shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.” The law was enacted in 2003, and in 2007 its constitutionality was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, in the case of Gonzales v. Carhart. …”

    Most Who Know of Decision Agree With Supreme Court on Partial Birth Abortion

    “…Overall, among all adults, 53% believe that abortion is morally wrong most of the time. Thirty-two percent (32%) disagree. Those numbers have changed little over the past year and there is virtually no difference of opinion between men and women. Upper-income Americans are the least likely to see abortion as morally wrong. Last year’s survey found that 61% of Americans know someone who has had an abortion.

    By a 71% to 22% margin, Republicans believe that abortion is morally wrong most of the time. Democrats are evenly divided on that question.

    Forty-five percent (45%) of American adults believe that it is too easy for a woman to get an abortion in the United States. Twenty-two percent (22%) say it is too hard while 21% say the balance is about right. Those numbers are little changed from a year ago.

    Sixty-one percent (61%) of Republicans believe it is too easy for a woman to get an abortion. Just 14% of the GOP faithful believe it is too hard. Among Democrats, 36% believe it is too easy and 30% believe it is too hard. …”

    Obama’s Stealth Pro-Abortion Stance

    By Ned Barnett

    “…In response to a Pennsylvania voter’s question about elementary school sex education, Obama said:

    “Look, I got two daughters – nine years old and six years old. I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”
    This makes two things clear. First, Senator Obama supports abortion on demand — even “convenience” abortions — for minors, including his own daughters; and second, Obama considers babies a “punishment” he’d rather spare his daughters, even if those daughters have to abort Obama’s own unborn grandchildren to avoid that particular “punishment.”
    That unguardedly candid public statement is political dynamite — or it would be, if the media had reported on it.  Instead, four weeks later, America remains widely unaware of Senator Obama’s explosive position favoring on-demand convenience abortions for minors, or his equally explosive view of babies as a “punishment.” …”

    Abortion and Presidential Politics, 2008

    “…On the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision in Gonzalez vs. Carhart banning intact dilation and extraction (“partial birth abortion”) as an acceptable method of “ending fetal life,” the Democratic Party blanketed the state of South Carolina for the week preceding its first nationally-televised presidential debate of the season.  All the candidates criticized the Court’s decision in Carhart and several denounced it from the stage during the debate. 

    Polls, however, demonstrate that two-thirds of Americans oppose late term abortions, as apparently did 63 Congressional Democrats and 17 Senate Democrats when they voted for the federal ban in 2003 – perhaps, before pandering to the deep-pocket Leftist ilk of George Soros and became de rigueur for the emblematic donkeys.  …”


    Infanticide is the practice of someone intentionally causing the death of an infant. Often it is the mother who commits the act, but criminology recognises various forms of non-maternal child murder. In many past societies, certain forms of infanticide were considered permissible, whereas in most modern societies the practice is considered immoral and criminal. Nonetheless, it still takes place — in the Western world usually because of the parent’s mental illness or violent behavior, and in some poor countries as a form of population control, sometimes with tacit societal acceptance. Female infanticide is more common than the killing of male babies due to sex-selective infanticide. …”  

    Abortion in the United States

    Abortion in the United States is a highly-charged issue involving significant political and ethical debate. In medical terms, the word abortion refers to any pregnancy that does not end in a live birth and therefore can refer to a miscarriage or a premature birth that does not result in a live infant. Such events are often called spontaneous abortions if they occur before 20 weeks of gestation. In common parlance, however, abortion is used to mean “induced abortion” of an embryo or fetus at any point in pregnancy, and this is also how the term is used in a legal sense.[1] …”

    “…According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there were 854,122 legal induced abortions in the US in 2003.[6]

    CDC, 2003

     Abortions and ethnicity

    Abortions are much more common among minority women in the U.S. In 2000-2001, the rates among black and Hispanic women were 49 per 1,000 and 33 per 1,000, respectively, vs. 13 per 1,000 among non-Hispanic white women.[7]

    Dr. Lile PBA Partial Birth Abortion Demo Pro-Life

    Abortion -This is a Suction Abortion

    Abortion -This is a Dismemberment Abortion

    Abortion -This is a Prostaglandin Abortion

    The Silent Scream Part 1 2 3 4 5 ProLife Anti-Abortion Video

    ABORTION – THE SILENT SCREAM #1 (with permission from APF)

    ABORTION – THE SILENT SCREAM #2 (with permission from APF)

    ABORTION – THE SILENT SCREAM #3 (with permission from APF)

    ABORTION – THE SILENT SCREAM #4 (with permission from APF) 

    ABORTION – THE SILENT SCREAM #5 (with permission from APF) 

    CDC’s Abortion Surveillance System: FAQs

    “…Abortion Surveillance Reports
    Abortion Surveillance—United States, 2004 | adobe PDF logo View PDF 479KB
    In 2004, 839,226 legal induced abortions were reported to CDC from 49 reporting areas. This total represents a 1.1 percent decrease from the 848,163 abortions reported for 2003. The abortion ratio for 2004 decreased since 2003. The ratio was 238 legal induced abortions per 1,000 live births in 2004. In 2004, the abortion rate was 16 per 1,000 women aged 15–44 years of age, the same since 2000. For the same 47 reporting areas, the abortion rate remained relatively constant during 1998–2004. As in the past, a higher number of abortions were obtained by white women, unmarried women, and women under 25 years of age. More than half (61%) of the reported legal induced abortions were performed during the first 8 weeks of gestation; 88% were performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Source: MMWR 2007;56(SS-9);1–33.

    Previous MMWR Abortion Surveillance Reports
    2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994–1993  1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1988 | 1987– 1986 | 1985–1984 | 1981  1980–1979

    Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States

    January 2008


    Nearly half of pregnancies among American women are unintended, and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.[1] Twenty-two percent of all pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion.[2]

    • In 2005, 1.21 million abortions were performed, down from 1.31 million in 2000. From 1973 through 2005, more than 45 million legal abortions occurred.[2]

    • Each year, about two out of every 100 women aged 15–44 have an abortion; 47% of them have had at least one previous abortion.[3]

    • At least half of American women will experience an unintended pregnancy by age 45[4], and, at current rates, about one-third will have had an abortion.[5,6]

    U.S. Abortion Total Hits Lowest Mark Since Year After Roe v. Wade

    By Lawrence Jones

    “The number of abortions nationwide has dropped to their lowest levels since the year following the Supreme Court’s landmark decision Roe v. Wade, according to the latest annual Abortion Surveillance report by the Center for Disease Control.

    The documented number is the lowest since 1974, the year following the Supreme Court ruling that gave women the right to have an abortion. In that year, the CDC reported the total number of abortions to be 763,476.

    There were 238 abortions per 1,000 live births in 2004, a decrease from 241 the year before. The abortion ratio peaked at 364 per 1,000 in 1984, according to the report, and since then has demonstrated a generally steady decline. …”

    Deal Hudson: Obama and Infanticide?

    “…The Roman Catholics for Obama Web site has no mention of his opposition to the Born Alive Infant’s Protection Act. Look under its section “Life and Dignity of the Human Person,” and you will find statements on the death penalty, the Iraq War, gun control, and the promise to nurture “a socio-economic environment” that will provide “a safety net that will make abortion increasingly unnecessary and rare.”

    Some of Obama’s infanticide apologists argue that since the declared intention of Obama in voting against the BAIP Act was to uphold Roe v. Wade then it was not evidence of “support for infanticide.” Such poor logic completely detaches Obama’s act of voting against the bill from its consequences. Without the passage of the bill, infants born in Illinois remained vulnerable to the lack of treatment witnessed first-hand in Christ Hospital by Jill Stanek.

    It would be like a senator arguing that his vote to approve Iraq War funding was just to “support the troops” but not the war. How can you put a gun in a soldier’s hand without taking responsibility for what happens when he shoots it?

    Democratic pundits don’t want to talk about Obama on abortion or infanticide, either. On a recent CNN broadcast, Wolf Blitzer asked Bill Bennett what he would ask Obama, if given the chance.

    Bennett said he would ask Obama about his abortion extremism and why he “doesn’t see a problem with killing a baby after it’s been born after eight months.” …”

    Barack Obama – Abortion

    Barack Obama on Abortion

    Obama and Latins

    Barack Obama Addresses Planned Parenthood

    Brit Hume: Planned Parenthood’s racism

    Ingraham on O’Reilly: Planned Parenthood racism

    Planned Parenthood

    Planned Parenthood is the collective name of organizations worldwide who are members of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is the U.S. affiliate of IPPF and one of its larger members. PPFA provides reproductive health and maternal and child health services. The organization’s status as the United States’ leading provider of surgical abortions has put it in the forefront of national debate over that issue. Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Inc. (PPAF) is a related organization that lobbies the U.S. political system for pro-choice legislation, comprehensive sex education, and access to affordable health care.[1] …” “…Planned Parenthood describes itself as “the nation’s leading sexual and reproductive health care advocate and provider.” In 2006, Planned Parenthood provided 289,750 surgical and medical abortions, about 3% of its total services.[2]

    “…Planned Parenthood receives almost a third of its money in government grants and contracts ($336.7 million in FY 2007). Clinic income that same year totaled $356.1 million and miscellaneous operating revenues $56 million. Planned Parenthood is also heavily sponsored by private individuals, with over 900,000 active individual contributors.[2] Large foundations, such as the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations, contribute a substantial part of the organization’s budget, and other wealthy businessmen, such as Bill Gates are also known to contribute money and time to the organization. …”

    margaret sanger and planned parenthood

    “…first part of an old 16 minute film created by Planned Parenthood primarily about its founder, margaret sanger. narrated by katherine hepburn!…”

    margaret sanger and planned parenthood part 2

    Margaret Sanger

    Margaret Higgins Sanger (September 14, 1879September 6, 1966) was an American birth control activist, an advocate of negative eugenics, and the founder of the American Birth Control League (which eventually became Planned Parenthood). Initially met with fierce opposition to her ideas, Sanger gradually won some support, both in the public as well as the courts, for a woman’s choice to decide how and when, if ever, she will bear children. In her drive to open the way to universal access to birth control, Sanger was ahead of her time. However, her racist ideology and advocacy for eugenics are positions which have tarnished her reputation. …”


    Eugenics is a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention.[2] Throughout history, eugenics has been regarded by its various advocates as a social responsibility, an altruistic stance of a society, meant to create healthier and more intelligent people, to save resources, and lessen human suffering.

    Earlier proposed means of achieving these goals focused on selective breeding, while modern ones focus on prenatal testing and screening, genetic counseling, birth control, in vitro fertilization, and genetic engineering. Opponents argue that eugenics is immoral. Historically, a minority of eugenics advocates have used it as a justification for state-sponsored discrimination, forced sterilization of persons deemed genetically defective, and the killing of institutionalized populations. Eugenics was also used to rationalize certain aspects of the Holocaust. The modern field and term were first formulated by Sir Francis Galton in 1883,[3] drawing on the recent work of his cousin Charles Darwin. From its inception eugenics was supported by prominent people, including H.G. Wells, Emile Zola, George Bernard Shaw, John Maynard Keynes, William Keith Kellogg and Margaret Sanger.[4][5] [6] G. K. Chesterton was an early critic of the philosophy of eugenics, expressing this opinion in his book, Eugenics and Other Evils. Eugenics became an academic discipline at many colleges and universities. Funding was provided by prestigious sources such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Kellogg Foundation, the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and the Harriman family.[7] Three International Eugenics Conferences presented a global venue for eugenicists with meetings in 1912 in London, and in 1921 and 1932 in New York. Eugenics’ scientific reputation started to tumble in the 1930s, a time when Ernst Rüdin began incorporating eugenic rhetoric into the racial policies of Nazi Germany. …”

    “…During the 20th century, many countries enacted various eugenics policies and programs, including:

    • Genetic screening
    • Birth control
    • Promoting differential birth rates
    • Marriage restrictions
    • Segregation (both racial segregation as well as segregation of the mentally ill from the normal)
    • Compulsory sterilization
    • Forced abortions, or, conversely, forced pregnancies
    • Genocide  …”

    Eugenics 103

    Evolution and Eugenics

    Barack Obama’s Speech on Father’s Day

    Obama’s Twisted Mind – Obama’s sick voting record”

    Networks Ignore Revealing Obama ‘Baby’ Gaffe
    Candidate doesn’t want daughters “punished with a baby.” 

    By Brian Fitzpatrick

    “…Speaking off the cuff to a Johnstown, Pennsylvania audience, Obama said:  

    When it comes specifically to HIV/AIDS, the most important prevention is education, which should include abstinence education and teaching children that sex is not something casual.  But it should also include other information about contraception because, look, I’ve got two daughters, nine years old and six years old.  I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals.  But if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.  I don’t want them punished with an STD at the age of 16. 

    Despite intensive coverage of the fight for the Democratic nomination, and condemnations of the remark from growing numbers of religious and pro-life organizations, we haven’t found a word about Obama’s colossal gaffe on ABC, NBC or CBS’s morning and evening news broadcasts as of the afternoon of April 2. …”

    Louis Farrakhan on Barack Obama, Churches and Satan’s Rule

    Minister Farrakhan Speaks About Barack Obama

    Hillary vs. Partial Birth Abortion

    Coulter – Hillary Enjoys Torture, Obama Like Hitler

    Charlie Rose: June 12, 1996

    Neil Cavuto’s interview of George Soros Part 1

    Neil Cavuto’s interview of George Soros Part 2

    George Soros

    “…In December of 2006, Soros met with Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Barack Obama in his New York office. Soros had previously hosted a fund-raiser for Obama during the latter’s 2004 campaign for the Senate. On January 16, 2007, Obama announced the creation of a presidential exploratory committee, and within hours Soros sent the senator a contribution of $2,100, the maximum amount allowable under campaign finance laws. Later that week the New York Daily News reported that Soros would back Obama over Senator Hillary Clinton, whom he had also supported in the past. Soros’s announcement was seen as a repudiation of Clinton’s presidential aspirations, though Soros said he would support the New York senator were she to win the Democratic nomination. …”

    “…Soros and his foundations have had a hand in funding a host of leftist organizations, including the Tides Foundation; the Tides Center; the National Organization for Women; Feminist Majority; the American Civil Liberties Union; People for the American Way; Alliance for JusticeNARAL Pro-Choice America; America Coming Together; the Center for American Progress; Campaign for America’s Future; Amnesty International; the Sentencing Project; the Center for Community Change; the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense and Educational Fund; Human Rights Watch; the Prison Moratorium Project; the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement; the National Lawyers Guild; the Center for Constitutional Rights; the Coalition for an International Criminal Court; The American Prospect;; Planned Parenthood; the Nation Institute; the Brennan Center for Justice; the Ms. Foundation for Women;  the National Security Archive Fund; the Pacifica Foundation; Physicians for Human Rights; the Proteus Fund; the Public Citizen Foundation; the Urban Institute; the American Friends Service Committee; Catholics for a Free Choice; Human Rights First; the Independent Media InstituteMADRE; the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund; the Immigrant Legal Resource Center; the National Immigration Law Center; the National Immigration Forum; the National Council of La Raza; the American Immigration Law Foundation; the Lynne Stewart Defense Committee; and the Peace and Security Funders Group. …”

    George Soros: Open Society and Open Borders

    James H. Walsh
    Tuesday, July 25, 2006 

    “…To support his belief that the human mind cannot fathom ultimate truth and reality, Soros apparently advocates the deconstruction of nations by educating the masses in open-society jargon. 

    His open society comes off as a bastardization of socialism and libertarianism. This mixed brew includes more taxes (but not on the Soros fortune), increased government spending, open borders, immigration entitlements for legal and illegal aliens, devaluing citizenship but promoting feminism, free abortions, affirmative action, and sex and gender rights. Incongruously he would lessen government intrusion while eliminating “excessive individualism.” Essential to an open society is destruction of the nation-state authority, family structure, and religious beliefs, thus rendering national culture, heritage, and ethos meaningless. …”

    “…Organizations that receive Soros funding, directly or indirectly, include Human Rights Watch, the Center for American Progress, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and the New Democrat Network (NDN). As an example of what these organizations do, the NDN operates the Hispanic Strategy Center to assist immigrants, legal and illegal. The goal is to extend the vote to all non-citizens and to assure that they vote the Democratic ticket. 

    The old bromides–environmental degradation, abortion, anti-war, poverty, human rights, justice for all, health care for all, and peace at any price are being doled out to a new generation in the hope that enough naïve, poorly educated U.S. citizens will support the open-society agenda. …”

    George Soros, Postmodern Villain

    “…Why is Soros so interested in promoting more abortions in Eastern Europe? Overpopulation cannot be the reason: The region is experiencing a colossal demographic collapse and has some of the lowest fertility rates in the world. Unavailability of abortion cannot be the answer either: According to a recent U.N. report, five European countries had more abortions than live births in 2000-the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Belarus, Rumania, and Ukraine. Overall, the report said, abortion rates are “substantially higher in central and eastern Europe and the CIS countries than in western Europe and North America.” The only logical answer is that Soros wants as few Russians and others born into this world as possible. …”

    “…That polity will not be “American” in any recognizable sense if Soros has his way, however. Here, he supports increased government spending and tax increases, drug legalization, euthanasia, open borders and immigration, immigrant entitlements, feminism, free abortion on demand, affirmative action, and “gay” rights. He opposes the death penalty in any circumstance. …”

    Soros the Guiltless

    By James Lewis

    “…George Soros absolves himself constantly. He calls himself a “spectator” when he was an active collaborator. His only reply is that, well, he could have been “on the other side” — a victim rather than a perp. His is an instrumental morality.

    Now we don’t know exactly what happened sixty years ago in the life of György Schwartz during the Nazi Holocaust. According to Robert Slater, “George Soros later said that he ‘grew up in a Jewish, anti-semitic home,’ and that his parents were ‘uncomfortable with their religious roots.'”   We don’t know if his parents’ anti-semitism influenced his willingness to cart off the property of his Jewish neighbors. But by 1944, Hitler’s plans for the Jews could not be denied. Soros himself escaped persecution by being adopted as a Christian. He must have known what he was doing therefore, even as a teenager. Two years later, when Auschwitz and the other death camps made headlines all over the Western world, not even the young Soros could have denied his role in what happened. But George Soros felt free of guilt. …”

    “…Soros seems to think of capitalism as a kind of piracy, and personal morality does not seem to play a conspicuous role in his life. Instead, he seems to like to be the supreme manipulator.

    It makes an interesting psychological profile, doesn’t it? On the one side, calm denial about his Holocaust role in Hungary, and decades later, about his part in manipulating currencies from Britain to Asia, benefiting himself but impoverishing others. On the other hand, his funding of very aggressive political mudslinging teams in the United States, openly trying to bring down a twice-elected president of the United States. Add to that his animosity toward Israel, a home for Jewish refugees from the same European Holocaust that saw him collaborating with the Nazis.

    We live in a time of steady public decline in civilized values. The Left shamelessly peddles the idea that real patriotism means leaking national security secrets when our soldiers are risking their lives in combat. The national media have become so vulgarized that scapegoating GOP presidents has become the open aim of the “profession” of journalism. Opportunistic demagogues like Al Gore jump on the phony Global Warming bandwagon, and are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, thus raising his public image while debasing the Nobel Prize.

    We have seen immense vulgarization in one generation, a loss of simple decency in public life. Much of that decline has been deliberately pushed by the Left and the tabloid press, which is no longer separate from the “mainstream” press. Sociopathy is flying high. …”

    Mike Savage – Barack Obama – Baby Killer & Gay Agenda Part1

    Keyes-Obama debate 2 (Death Penalty and Abortion)

    Paul Johnson

    Paul Johnson (born Paul Bede Johnson on 2 November 1928 in Manchester, England) is a British Roman Catholic journalist, historian, speechwriter and author. He was educated at Stonyhurst College, and Magdalen College, Oxford. Johnson first came to prominence in the 1950s as a journalist writing for, and later editing, the New Statesman magazine. A prolific writer, he has written over 40 books and contributed to numerous magazines and newspapers. Whilst associated with the left in his early career, he is now a prominent conservative popular historian. …”

    Frederick Hayek

    Friedrich August von Hayek, CH (May 8, 1899 – March 23, 1992) was an Austrian-British economist and political philosopher known for his defence of classical liberalism and free-market capitalism against socialist and collectivist thought in the mid-20th century. He is considered to be one of the most important economists and political philosophers of the twentieth century.[1] One of the most influential members of the Austrian School of economics, he also made significant contributions in the fields of jurisprudence and cognitive science. He shared the 1974 Nobel Prize in Economics with ideological rival Gunnar Myrdal “for their pioneering work in the theory of money and economic fluctuations and for their penetrating analysis of the interdependence of economic, social and institutional phenomena.”[2] He also received the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1991.[3] He is considered to be one of the major forces of change from the dominant interventionist and Keynesian policies of the first part of the 20th century to the more market friendly, less state controlled and liberal policies after the 1980s. …”

    The Road to Serfdom

    The Road to Serfdom is a book written by Friedrich Hayek (recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1974) and originally published by Routledge Press in March 1944 in the UK and then by the University of Chicago in September 1944. In April, 1945, Reader’s Digest published a slightly shortened version of the book (still in print from the Institute of Economic Affairs), which eventually reached more than 600,000 readers. Around 1950 a picture-book version was published in Look Magazine, later made into a pamphlet and distributed by General Motors. The book has been translated into approximately 20 languages and is dedicated to “The socialists of all parties”. The introduction to the 50th anniversary edition is written by Milton Friedman (another recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics [1976]). In 2007, the University of Chicago Press put out a “Definitive Edition”. The Road to Serfdom is among the most influential and popular expositions of classical liberalism and libertarianism.

    This single book has significantly shaped the political ideologies of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan and the concepts of ‘Reagonomics’ and ‘Thatcherism’. It also led to the revival of Neoclassical economics in the West and lessening the Keynesian influence.

    The Road from Serfdom: Forseeing the Fall

    Thomas W. Hazlett

    “…Reason: Are you optimistic about the future of freedom?

    Hayek: Yes. A qualified optimism. I think there is an intellectual reversion on the way, and there is a good chance it may come in time before the movement in the opposite direction becomes irreversible. I am more optimistic than I was 20 years ago, when nearly all the leaders of opinion wanted to move in the socialist direction. This has particularly changed in the younger generation. So, if the change comes in time, there still is hope.”

    Mao Zedong


    Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin

    Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler

    War on the Weak by Liam Dunaway / Eugenics Legislation Video


    Sir Francis Galton – Father of Eugenics

    Euthanasia Program: Action T4

    Action T4 (German: Aktion T4) was a program in Nazi Germany officially between 1939 and 1941, during which the regime of Adolf Hitler systematically killed between 200,000 to 250,000[1] people with intellectual or physical disabilities. Performed unofficially after 1941, the killing became less systematic.[2] The codename T4 was an abbreviation of “Tiergartenstraße 4”, the address of a villa in the Berlin borough of Tiergarten which was the headquarters of the General Foundation for Welfare and Institutional Care (Gemeinnützige Stiftung für Heil- und Anstaltspflege).[3] This body operated under the direction of Philipp Bouhler, the head of Hitler’s private chancellery,[4] and Dr Karl Brandt, Hitler’s personal physician. This villa no longer exists, but a plaque set in the pavement on Tiergartenstraße marks its location.

    The T4 program developed from the Nazi Party’s policy of “racial hygiene,” the belief that the German people needed to be “cleansed” of “racially unsound” elements, which included people with disabilities. The program set important precedents for the later Holocaust of the Jews of Europe: the historian Ian Kershaw has called it “a vital step in the descent into modern barbarism.”[5]


    Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.

    While precise definition varies among genocide scholars, a legal definition is found in the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Article 2, of this convention defines genocide as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”[1]

    In Cold Blood Trailer



    Barack Obama TV AD – BRAND NEW, JUNE 2008

    Barack Obama TV AD #2 JUNE 2008


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    The 2008 U.S. Presidential Election–Wedge Issues Now (WIN)?

    Posted on June 20, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Immigration, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Resources, Science, Taxes, Technology, Video, War |

    Increasing the supply of energy from all sources,  taxes and  illegal immigration are shaping up to be the U.S. 2008 Presidential elections wedge issues now.

    Wedge Issue

    “A wedge issue is a social or political issue, often of a divisive or otherwise controversial nature, which splits apart or creates a “wedge” in the support base of one political group. Wedge issues can be advertised, publicly aired, and otherwise emphasized by an opposing political group, in an attempt to weaken the unity of the divided group, or to entice voters in the divided group to give their support to the opposing group. The use of wedge issues gives rise to wedge politics. …”

    Key Issues–Rasmussen Reports Video

    All of the 2008 wedge issues are fundamentally economic issues that the American people want addressed now.

    Both Senator McCain and Senator Obama will be debating the benefits, costs and impact to the American people of their proposed energy and tax policies and programs as will the pump and dump drive-by mainstream media.

    Neither candidate will want to discuss the economic impact of illegal immigration on the American people. 

    The main stream media will go along and ask few if any questions on the subject.

    Unfortunately for Senator McCain, movement conservatives as well as the American people want the problem of tens of millions of illegal immigrants or criminal aliens addressed.

    Local, city, county and state taxes are rising as a direct result of tens of millions of illegal immigrants flooding into communities throughout the US.

    Wages for American citizens with low skilled sets have been flat due to the influx of illegals into the labor supply.

    32% Angry About Immigration, but Not Mad at Immigrants

    “One-third of U.S. voters are still angry about illegal immigration, an issue that neither presidential candidate has made central to his campaign. But, voters blame Washington, not immigrants.

    The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that along with the 32% who express “anger,” an additional 27% are frustrated with the lack of action. Thirty-nine percent (39%) say it’s just one of many issues they have an opinion about.

    Eighty-three percent (83%) of those angry about immigration direct their anger at the federal government while only 12% point towards the immigrants. This fact, perhaps more than any other, may explain how official Washington misread the public mood so badly last June. While the Senators believed they were solving the problem, voters believed that the government was the problem. …”

    “…Overall, public attitudes about immigration have shifted little in the past year. By a 63% to 28% margin, voters continue to believe it is more important to gain control of the border than to resolve the status of those who are already in the country illegally. Democrats are more evenly divided than other voters, but a plurality (49%) agree that controlling the border is the top priority. …”

    Rasmussen Reports Video:

    Immigration Matters: 60% Favor Sanctions for Illegal Hires

    “Strict sanctions on employers who hire illegal immigrants is the most popular of four possible immigration reforms measured in a recent Rasmussen Reports survey. Sixty percent (60%) of American adults favor such an approach while (25%) are opposed. …”

    All three final contenders for their party’s nomination show an ignorance of economics that is embarrassing at best and at worst could lead to a serious recession should they be elected President and their proposed policies and programs be implemented.

    The Vice-President candidate for both political parties needs to have economic knowledge and business experience that their Presidential nominee does not have.

    For the Republican Party, former Governor Romney has much to recommend.

    Mitt Romney

    Mitt Romney

    Romney gives McCain talking points

    “…If Mitt Romney isn’t auditioning to be John McCain’s running mate, he’s doing a rather good impersonation.

    On National Journal On Air today, Romney strongly defended McCain’s tax cut policies and promoted his promises to slice spending.

    The former Massachusetts governor also took a whack at Democratic front-runner Barack Obama, saying that recent controversies are showing who he really is and calling him inexperienced and a “quintessential politician.”

    “Now we’re getting a better view of Barack Obama as not just the liberal, but the political liberal that he is,” said Romney, who is campaigning for McCain and has said he would be honored to be asked to be the vice presidential nominee. …”

    Mitt Romney
    On the issues

    For the Democratic Party, former Secretary of the Treasury Robert E. Rubin is the only name that comes immediately to mind, but I am sure there are several others.

    Robert Rubin


    Where Was the Wise Man?

    “…Even as his critics and supporters debate the impact of the Citigroup debacle on Mr. Rubin’s reputation, he says he remains focused on the challenges at hand.

    “I watched so many people get screwed up in Washington thinking about their legacy, and not on the implications of what they were doing,” he says, calm as ever. “I’ve seen a lot of ups and downs, a lot of turmoil.”

    Between college and law school, Mr. Rubin briefly lived on the Left Bank in Paris, spending hours at cafes that were frequented by Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus. Like them, he says, he remains something of an existentialist.

    “It’ll be what it will be, like everything in life.”  …”

    Robert Rubin

    I seriously doubt Senator Obama has the wisdom or courage to pick Robert Rubin.

    Senator Obama’s radical supporters in both the black and moslem communities would explode in rage if their chosen presidential candidate named one of the Jewish faith as his running mate.

    Both Reverand Jeremiah Wright and Supreme Minister of the Nation of Islam (NOI) Louis Farrakhan would surely have something to say about such an inspired choice for Vice-President.

    Jeremiah Wright

    Louis Farrakhan

    If he wants to win, who will be Obama’s running mate?

    Senator Clinton.

    Unlikely, yes.

    But so was Senator John F. Kennedy’s pick of Senator Lyndon B. Johnson.

    Identity politics in terms of both race and gender are alive and well in the Democratic Party base.

    Woman supporters of Senator Clinton are mad as hell that she did not win.

    Senator Obama will pick her .

    Senator McCain needs the support of movement conservatives who are also mad as hell that a consistent and principled conservative did not get the nomination.

    If Senator McCain did pick Mitt Romney as his running mate, I would vote Republican.

    Who will win the election?

    Senator McCain.


    Senator Obama appears more and more clueless on economic issues–most radical state socialists are.

    The Senator recommends increasing taxes when U.S. economic activity is slowing down. 

    Do this and YES we can have a Democratic recession in 2009.

    Can you imagine a President Obama administration.

    Yes and it will be much worse than former President Carter’s four years–the infamous “Carter years.”

    Now that is an economic disaster in the making.

    Just say NO!

    Since my favorite for the Republican Presidential nomination was  former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and my favorite for the Democratic Presidential nomination was Senator Hillary Clinton, I have just killed any chance that my picks will be right.

    LOL: Bob–The Voice of The American People!

    John McCain wants to LOWER Gas prices…

    Lower Gas Prices…

    30 Years of Useless Polticians on Oil

    The Price of Ethanol…

    Global Warming is a Myth…

    Illegal Immigrants!!!

    Illegal Immigrants are above the law…

    Illegal Immigrant “AMNESTY” Act

    Politicians keep promising change…

    What about the issues?!!!

    “our” political system is a JOKE…

    The Democratic Party is a Joke…

    Barack Obama can’t STOP lying…

    Barack Obama can’t make SIMPLE decisions…

    Barack Obama says there are 57 states…

    Three Cheers for Bob!


    Background Artilces and Videos

    Poll Shows Majority of U.S. Adults Believe They Pay More Tax than Donald Trump

    “…“While divided on tax reform, Americans appear united in one respect—their dislike of the federal estate tax,” said Hodge. When asked about completely eliminating the estate tax, an overwhelming 68 percent of survey respondents favored elimination. Currently the estate tax is scheduled to be phased out in 2010 only to return in 2011 unless Congress takes action.

    Other key results include:

    • 66 percent rated the value received from the federal government as “poor” or “only fair.”
    • The maximum percentage of anyone’s income that should ever go to taxes is just 16 percent – the mean response given by those surveyed – far below the nation’s estimated tax burden of 29.1 in 2005.
    • 34 percent said taxes and government services should be reduced, while only 13 percent favored increases 3.
    • When told that an estimated 44 million Americans file tax returns each year but owe no federal income tax after deductions and credits, 59 percent of respondents said everyone should be required to pay some minimum amount of tax to help fund government.
    • The federal estate tax and income tax were seen as the least fair federal taxes (from a list of 4) by respondents, while local property taxes are seen as the least fair state and local taxes (also from a given list of 4).
    • 28 percent said they had bought something over the Internet rather than from a local store, 25 percent said they gave more to charity, and 14 percent said they crossed a border to shop in a neighboring area with lower taxes in part because it meant that they would pay less in taxes.

    Rasmussen Reports: 67% Support Offshore Drilling, 64% Expect it Will Lower Prices

    “…Sixty-four percent (64%) of voters believe it is at least somewhat likely that gas prices will go down if offshore oil drilling is allowed, although 27% don’t believe it. Seventy-eight percent (78%) of conservatives say offshore drilling is at least somewhat likely to drive prices down. That view is shared by 57% of moderates and 50% of liberal voters.

    Nearly all voters are worried about rising gas and energy prices, with 79% very concerned and 16% somewhat concerned. …”

    Rasmussen Reports

    “…4. When thinking about how you will vote in the presidential election, which of the following issues is most important—the economy, the War in Iraq, immigration, national security, health care, Social Security, or government ethics and corruption? 

    34% Economy

    26% War in Iraq

    8% Immigration

    8% National security

    9% Health care

    2% Social Security

    8% Government ethics and corruption

    2% Some other issue

    3% Not sure …”

    “…10* A proposal has been made to increase the capital gains tax from 15% to 28%. Do you favor or oppose increasing the capital gains tax to 28%? 

    23% Favor

    61% Oppose

    16% Not sure 

    11* If the capital gains tax is increased to 28%, will that help the economy or hurt the economy? 

    19% Help

    49% Hurt

    19% No impact

    13% Not sure …”

    McLaughlin Group – John McCain VP Predictions

    Bill O’Reilly: Who will be McCain’s VP choice?

    John McCain’s Top 24 Potential Picks For Vice-President

    Starting Gate: Who Will McCain Pick?

    “…That leaves us with a great, big guessing game as the process goes forward, so without further ado, here are the five candidates topping the inaugural edition of our Republican Vice Presidential Hot Sheet:

    1). Mitt Romney: Wounds from the primaries have healed thanks to Romney’s efforts to raise money and campaign for McCain. He’s got the economic chops to fill a hole and could help in Michigan. But is the chemistry there?

    2). Tim Pawlenty: Young, fresh face of the GOP, a Washington outsider and the governor from the battleground state which hosts McCain’s convention. Is he ready for to be a heartbeat away?

    3). Charlie Crist: If this election is all about Florida, Florida, Florida, the very popular governor of the state should be a lock. Conservatives might balk though and if McCain needs him to lock down the state, he may have bigger problems.

    4). Bobby Jindal: Policy wunderkind who has little beltway baggage and brings ethnic diversity to boot. But at 37 years of age, this could be too much of a May-December match to work.

    5). Tom Ridge: Always on a short list but never the pick, the third time could be a charm for the former governor of Pennsylvania, a state the GOP is eyeing once again. But pro-choice leanings could be a non-starter for party loyalists.

    Obama Vice President Picks: Who Are The Frontrunners?

    ENPR — McCain’s Libertarian Problem and Evangelical Problem

    McCain, Obama offer different visions on taxes

    “…”On tax policy, health care reform, trade, government spending, and a long list of other issues, we offer very different choices to the American people,” McCain says at every turn.

    Concurs Obama: “When it comes to the economy, John McCain and I have a fundamentally different vision of where to take the country.”

    Major changes to the tax code are at the heart of both candidates’ sweeping economic plans, given that most cuts enacted since President Bush took office expire at the end of 2010 and the alternative minimum tax (AMT) is poised to hit much of the middle class – two years into the next president’s first term. …”

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    Saving The World: The Importance of Getting The Priorities Right   

    Ask a Greedy Green Government (GGG) Democratic to Pay for Your Gas

    Conservatives Say No To McCain’s Cap and Trade Tax and John McCain 

    Cap & Trade Taxes–Government Greedy Green Taxes–Based On Government Junk Science 

    Clinton’s Cap and Trade Tax on The American People for Consuming Electricity and Driving Cars, SUVs and Trucks!

    Presidential Election 2008: American Elites Vs. American People

    Let Them Eat Cake Act: American Elites Killing and Starving The American PeopleNational Center for Policy Analysis–A Global Warming Primer

    Global Warming is The Greatest Hoax, Scam and Disinformation Campaign in History

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    Voters Beware: The Radical Rules of Saul Alinsky and Leftist Democrats

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    Barack Obama–A Reader Not A Leader!  

    Appeasers and Oath Breakers All: Bush, Clinton, Bush, McCain, Clinton, Obama…Who is next?

    Why immigration will be the number 1 political issue in the 2008 Presidential Election! — Gum Balls

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    The Cost of Comprehensive Immigration Reform–McCain and Obama Are Hopeless–It is the Economy Stupid!

    John McCain’s Position on Illegal Immigration and Criminal Alien Removal? 

    Presidential Election 2008: American Elites Vs. American People

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    US Immigration Videos 

    Read Full Post | Make a Comment ( 54 so far )

    Born Again Oil Man: John “spud” McCain–Praise The Lord and Start Drilling

    Posted on June 18, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Links, Politics, Rants, Raves, Resources, Reviews, Science, Taxes, Technology, Video, War |


    Today in Houston, Texas, the capital of the oil and gas industry in the United States, Senator McCain in a speech said: 

    “The next president must be willing to break with the energy policies not just of the current administration, but the administrations that preceded it, and lead a great national campaign to achieve energy security for America. So, in the days ahead, I plan to return to the subject in a series of discussions to explain my reform agenda. And I will set forth a strategy to free America once and for all from our strategic dependence on foreign oil.” 

    Drill For Oil You Hypocritical Democrats. DRILL DRILL!!!

    Democrats Vote Against Drilling for U.S. Oil – TREASON?

    Top 10 reasons to blame Democrats for soaring gasoline prices

    By William Tate

    “…10) ANWR  If Bill Clinton had signed into law the Republican Congress’s 1995 bill to allow drilling of ANWR instead of vetoing it, ANWR could be producing a million barrels of (non-Opec) oil a day–5% of the nation’s consumption. Although speaking in another context, even Democrat Senator Charles Schumer, no proponent of ANWR drilling, admits that “one million barrels per day,” would cause the price of gasoline to fall “50 cents a gallon almost immediately,” according to a recent George Will column. …”

    Apparently Senator McCain needs the financial support of the energy industry–coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear–to counter Senator Obama’s lock on the green socialists campaign contributions including those of George Soros. 

    Senator McCain was told that unless he lifted the ban on drilling, he would not get the financial support of the energy sector nor the votes of the American people, especially Texans. 

    Unlike the late President Ronald Reagan who was a noted reader and great communicator, Senate McCain apparently does not read many books, but he does read the polls:

    67% Support Offshore Drilling, 64% Expect it Will Lower Prices

    “…Most voters favor the resumption of offshore drilling in the United States and expect it to lower prices at the pump, even as John McCain has announced his support for states that want to explore for oil and gas off their coasts.

    A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey—conducted before McCain announced his intentions on the issue–finds that 67% of voters believe that drilling should be allowed off the coasts of California, Florida and other states. Only 18% disagree and 15% are undecided. Conservative and moderate voters strongly support this approach, while liberals are more evenly divided (46% of liberals favor drilling, 37% oppose).

    Sixty-four percent (64%) of voters believe it is at least somewhat likely that gas prices will go down if offshore oil drilling is allowed, although 27% don’t believe it. Seventy-eight percent (78%) of conservatives say offshore drilling is at least somewhat likely to drive prices down. That view is shared by 57% of moderates and 50% of liberal voters.

    Nearly all voters are worried about rising gas and energy prices, with 79% very concerned and 16% somewhat concerned. …”

    Movement conservatives have known for many years that Senator McCain is a Rockerfeller Republican. 

    Senator McCain is now a certified Rockerfeller Republican. The torch has been passed. 

    Rockefeller Republican 

    “In the politics of the United States of America, the Rockefeller Republicans were a faction of Republicans who hold liberal views similar to those of the late Nelson Rockefeller (1908-1979), governor of New York from 1959 to 1974 and Vice President of the United States under President Gerald Ford from 1974 to 1977. 

    Thomas Dewey, governor of New York from 1942 to 1954 and the Republican presidential nominee in 1944 and 1948, was the leader of the moderate wing of the Republican Party in the 1940s and early 1950s, battling conservative Republicans from the Midwest led by Senator Robert Taft of Ohio, known as “Mr. Republican”. With the help of Dewey, General Dwight D. Eisenhower defeated Taft for the 1952 presidential nomination and became the leader of the moderates. Eisenhower coined the phrase “Modern Republicanism” to describe his moderate vision of Republicanism. 

    After Eisenhower, Rockefeller emerged as the leader of the more liberal wing of the Republican party, running for President in 1960, 1964 and 1968. Rockefeller Republicans suffered a crushing defeat in 1964 when conservatives captured control of the Republican party and nominated Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona for President. 

    Senator Prescott S. Bush (1895-1972) of Connecticut (father and grandfather of then future presidents) was a moderate Republican who largely agreed with Rockefeller’s policies, though the two were estranged. Other leaders include Pennsylvania governor Raymond P. Shafer

    After Rockefeller left the national stage in 1976, this faction of the party was more often called “moderate Republicans” or Nixonians, in contrast to the conservatives who rallied to Ronald Reagan. …” 

    In Texas there is a saying, money talks and bullshit walks. 

    Unfortunately McCain is still falling for a lot of green BS. 

    Senator McCain is still against drilling in ANWR: 

    “We called it a ‘refuge’ for a reason,” he says. 

    Yes we do, the green socialists changed it from “range” under President Carter, for propaganda reasons, and Senator McCain fell for their propaganda lies, hook, line and sinker. 

    McCain: OCS “should be open to exploration and exploitation”

    “…CARL: Thank you. The lifting of the moratoria comes as an awful lot of Republicans are saying, ‘We got to drill! We got to drill! and we got to go into ANWR.’ And last week you went up the coast of Florida, you went to the Everglades, you went to the Grand Canyon, but ANWR is still off that list. To what extent is the lifting of the moratoria addressing that, and how do you persuade Republicans that you are not in their face about an important part of their domestic energy bill?

    MCCAIN: I try not to get into their face. I believe that ANWR is a pristine area. Obviously I’ve felt that way ever since we put it into permanent preservation status. But I also believe that lifting the moratoria from off-shore drilling and natural gas exploration is something that should take place at a very high priority. And again, I don’t want to dictate to the states what they should do. But I think that the states can be provided with additional incentives, such as a greater share of the revenues than is presently the case. So I do believe that there are places in the world, as I said, that we should not drill. But I certainly think there are places off our coasts that should be open to exploration and exploitation. And I hope that we can take the first step, by lifting the moratoria in order to do so. …”

    Here is a more accurate description of ANWR: 

    “…In this sense the whole area is really just a Rorschach test for the imagination. There’s little doubt that for much of human history most reasonable people would have considered this spot the definition of the word “godforsaken.” You need not look back, for evidence, to the ancient pilgrims who died on the frozen tundra. You could simply read an old copy of the Washington Post from 14 years ago: “[T]hat part of the [ANWR] is one of the bleakest, most remote places on this continent, and there is hardly any other where drilling would have less impact on the surrounding life.” 

    Two decades have intervened, and an environmental fatwa has been issued declaring that the word “pristine” is synonymous with “beautiful” or “sacred.” Of course, anyone who has seen a mint-condition AMC Gremlin knows that pristineness and aesthetic appeal have only a coincidental relationship. Even ANWR fetishists concede that in the winter, with its complete darkness and 70-below-zero temperatures-not counting wind chill-this is no paradise. 

    But then, it’s no paradise in the summertime either. During the winter, the entire coastal plain is covered by a vast tarp of ice; when the sun comes back, the resulting thaw creates, well, lots of puddles. These patches of freestanding water pock the flat tundra for as far as the eye can see; that’s why this barren region is the only place the U.S. government recognizes as both a desert and a wetland. The water in an old tire can breed thousands of mosquitoes; a puddle in a junkyard, millions. ANWR is the Great Kingdom of the Mosquitoes. …” 

    Suggest Senator McCain read the green socialist Senator Patrick Leahy’s web site:

    History of ANWR 

    “In 1960 President Eisenhower established the 8.9 million acre Arctic National Wildlife Range, in order to protect its “unique wildlife, wilderness, and recreational values.” In 1980 Congress and President Carter expanded the Range and renamed it the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Further additions enlarged the Refuge to 19.5 million acres. Congress permanently protected most of the Refuge but set aside 1.5 million acres in the coastal 1002 area for oil exploration and potential development, subject to further Congressional approval. Several subsequent efforts to open the 1002 area for development failed in Congress, one after the Exxon Valdez disaster and one by presidential veto. The 1002 area is the last 5% of Alaska’s northern coastal plain that is not open to oil and gas development. …” 

    Then Senator read my previous post: 

    ANWR: Pristine–Pristine–Pristine–Desolute–Desolute–Desolute–Drill–Drill–Drill– McCain/Romney: Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less! 

    Better yet Senator take your next summer and winter vacation with your entire family in ANWR!

    Invite Barrack “dud” Obama and his family as your guest.

    Better yet invite your good friends the Clintons as well.

    Write a book–Presidential  Pristine Pleasures & Privilleges–on your vacations in ANWR.

    Bring along an economics introductory book to read, may be both of you would learn something.

    May I suggest two by Thomas Sowell:

    Basic Economics 2nd Ed: A Citizen’s Guide to the Economy, Revised and Expanded Edition (Hardcover)

    Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One (Hardcover)

    For additional reading on your long journey in the wilderness:

    Thomas Sowell on Barrack Obama

    obama Says- Americans Want Higher Gas Prices

    Senator Obama does not have a clue how markets work or prices are determined or what the American people want.

    Cocky Ignorance
    By Thomas Sowell
    June 10, 2008

    “…The media have been crucial to Barack Obama’s whole candidacy. His only achievements of national significance in his entire career have been media achievements and rhetorical achievements.

    Perhaps his greatest achievement has been running as a candidate with an image wholly incompatible with what he has actually been doing for decades. This man who is now supposedly going to “unite” us has for years worked hand in glove, and contributed both his own money and the taxpayers’ money, to people who have sought to divide us in the most crude demagogic ways.

    With all his expressed concern about the war in Iraq, he has not set foot in Iraq for more than two years– including the very years when progress has been made against the terrorists there.

    You don’t need to know the facts when you have cocky ignorance and the media behind you.”

    “Tear Down This Wall” Reagan speech June 12 1987

    Background Articles and Videos 

    Ronald Reagan’s “Tear Down this Wall” speech 1 of 3

    Ronald Reagan’s “Tear Down this Wall” speech 2 of 3

    Ronald Reagan’s “Tear Down this Wall” speech 3 of 3

     Reagan’s “Tear Down This Wall” – The Origin

    30 Years of Useless Polticians on Oil

    “Mr. Bush, Tear Up That Offshore Drilling Ban”

    By Michelle Malkin

    “… reported yesterday that GOP Rep. John Peterson’s effort to rescind the offshore drilling ban was rejected by the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and the Environment. As I noted, California and Florida-pandering members of the Senate and the White House both oppose the measure. Thomas Pyle of the Institute for Energy Research sent this statement and letter to President Bush today: …” 

    Bush in offshore drilling call

    President Bush has asked the US Congress to end a ban on offshore oil drilling. …”

    Bob Barr: Energy Policy & ANWR

    Bob Barr On Energy Independence On Glenn Beck 06/05/2008

    Barr on Glenn Beck 06/06/2008 – Part 1

    McCain on offshore drilling: For it before he was against it before he was for it again;

    “…Just a recap: McCain was AWOL on the windfall profits tax debate in the Senate (a failed Carter relic that he says he’d be “glad to look at”). He had nothing to say about Rep. John Peterson’s effort to lift the offshore drilling ban when it was up for a vote last week. And as I noted back on May 22, he has channeled the entire Democrat presidential field’s class warfare rhetoric and repeatedly referred to the oil industry’s “obscene profits.”

    Now, he’s announced he wants to lift the offshore drilling moratorium and will give an energy speech tomorrow. He was for it before he was against it before he was for it again. Positively Kerryesque:

    McCain calls for end to offshore drilling ban
    GOP candidate in Houston today to mend fences with oil industry 

    “…As McCain revealed Monday, his speech today includes a proposal to end a federal ban on offshore drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and much of the the oceanic coasts, giving states the option to approve oil production within their waters. 

    “As for offshore drilling, it’s safe enough these days that not even Hurricanes Katrina and Rita could cause significant spillage from the battered rigs off the coasts of New Orleans and Houston,” he says in the prepared text of the speech. “Yet, for reasons that become less convincing with every rise in the price of foreign oil, the federal government discourages offshore production.” 

    The ban, which McCain favored in some of his legislative votes, stems from environmental concerns and preservation of coastal scenery. 

    McCain also suggests in today’s speech that the federal government relax regulations on nuclear power and the development of oil refineries. 

    But he also asserts that the nation must be mindful of the effects on global warming of the use of oil and other carbon-based fuels. And he calls for an eventual reliance on alternative, clean fuels, as well as a commitment to conserving energy. 

    McCain Seeks to End Offshore Drilling Ban 

    Sen. John McCain called yesterday for an end to the federal ban on offshore oil drilling, offering an aggressive response to high gasoline prices and immediately drawing the ire of environmental groups that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has courted for months. 

    “We must embark on a national mission to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil,” McCain told reporters yesterday. In a speech today, he plans to add that “we have untapped oil reserves of at least 21 billion barrels in the United States. But a broad federal moratorium stands in the way of energy exploration and production. . . . It is time for the federal government to lift these restrictions.”  …” 

    Spudd or Spudding In

    “The Question:

    In the oil drilling industry there is a term called “spudding.” What is it and how does it work? 

    The Answer:

    “…To spud comes from the Middle English word, “spudde” meaning a short knife. In oil drilling “spudding” means the very start of drilling on a new well. The American Petroleum Institute offers the following definitions using the word spud:

    Spud Contractor Name

    The name of the contractor spudding the well.

    Spud Date
    The day when the drilling bit penetrates the surface utilizing a drilling rig capable of drilling the well to the authorized total depth.
    Spud Time
    The actual time (hours and minutes) when the drilling bit penetrates the surface utilizing a drilling rig capable of drilling the well to the authorized depth.
    Spudding In
    The very beginning of drilling operations of a new well.  …” 

    Money Talks, Bullshit Walks 

    Congressional Democrats Vote For Dependence on Foreign Oil

    Thomas Sowell

    Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow
    The Hoover Institution
    Stanford University

    Executive Summary

    Generation: While average temperatures prevailed across most of the Nation in January 2008, warmer-than-average temperatures in the more densely populated Northeastern United States led to a total heating degree day level for the contiguous U.S. that, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), was 3.7 percent lower than the average for the month of January, but 5.0 percent higher than the fairly mild January 2007. According to the Federal Reserve Board, industrial production was 2.3 percent higher than it had been in January 2007. The higher heating demand and rise in production led to a net generation total that was 3.1 percent or 10.9 million MWh higher than January 2007. The increased generation was largely met with natural gas-fired capacity, although coal and wind generation also increased, offsetting the decrease in hydroelectric and nuclear generation from January 2007.

    Of the four major sources of net generation (coal, nuclear, natural gas, and conventional hydroelectric), only coal and gas-fired generation showed an increase from January 2007 to January 2008. According to NOAA, “26 percent of the U.S. was in moderate to exceptional drought in January 2008,” and 39 percent of the Southeast was under “extreme or exceptional drought.” These conditions, particularly those in the Southeast, contributed to the 15.3 percent or 4.0 million MWh drop in conventional hydroelectric generation from January 2007.

    Coal generation in January 2008 was 3.8 percent or 6.7 million MWh higher than it was in January 2007. Net generation attributable to nuclear sources was 4.5 percent or 3.3 million MWh lower than the year before. Natural gas-fired generation was 20.8 percent or 12.4 million MWh higher than its January 2007 level, while petroleum liquid-fired generation was 29.3 percent or 1.3 million MWh lower compared to a year ago, with its overall share of net generation still quite small compared to coal, nuclear, and natural gas-fired sources. Wind-powered generation was 52.0 percent or 1.3 million MWh higher than it was in January 2007. Wind-powered generation contributed 11.7 percent of the increase in total net generation. Even with these significant increases, the contribution of wind-powered generation to the national total was only 1.0 percent in January 2008.

    In January 2008, 50.3 percent of the Nation’s electric power was generated at coal-fired plants (Figure 1). Nuclear plants contributed 19.5 percent, 19.8 percent was generated at natural gas-fired plants, and 1.2 percent was generated at petroleum-fired plants. Conventional hydroelectric power provided 6.2 percent of the total, while other renewables (primarily biomass, but also geothermal, solar, and wind) and other miscellaneous energy sources generated the remaining electric power. Figure 2 shows net generation by month for the last 12 months.

    Nuclear Power

    EIA2007 f4.jpg

    The above is background information for my comment below.


    John McCain wants to LOWER Gas prices…


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    Facing Fundamental Facts 

    Saving The World: The Importance of Getting The Priorities Right   

    Ask a Greedy Green Government (GGG) Democratic to Pay for Your Gas

    Conservatives Say No To McCain’s Cap and Trade Tax and John McCain 

     Cap & Trade Taxes–Government Greedy Green Taxes–Based On Government Junk Science  

    Clinton’s Cap and Trade Tax on The American People for Consuming Electricity and Driving Cars, SUVs and Trucks!

    Presidential Election 2008: American Elites Vs. American People

    Let Them Eat Cake Act: American Elites Killing and Starving The American People 

    National Center for Policy Analysis–A Global Warming Primer

    Global Warming is The Greatest Hoax, Scam and Disinformation Campaign in History

    Global Warming Videos

    Global Warming Books

    Global Warming Sites

    Al Gore: Agent of Influence or Useful Idiot of Disinformation

    Al Gore: Agent of Influence and Planetary Propeller Head!

    Al Gore’s Little White Lie: Man-Made Global Warming Causing Polar Bears To Drown 

    Al Gore’s Big Whopper–Sea Levels Rise By 2100: Gore 20 Feet vs IPCC 2 Feet? 

    The Heidelberg Appeal: Beware of False Gods and Prophets 






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    ANWR: Pristine–Pristine–Pristine–Desolute–Desolute–Desolute–Drill–Drill–Drill– McCain/Romney: Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less!

    Posted on June 15, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Economics, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Resources, Science, Taxes, Technology, Video, War |

    ANWR: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge


    ANWR Map

    Senator John McCain has been repeatedly asked whether he favors drilling for oil in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

    His stump speech /radio talk show stock reply is the he does not favor drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), the Grand Canyon, or the everglades because they are pristine.

    McCain talks about drilling in ANWR

    ANWR–The Real Story

    Apparently Senator McCain has viewed  the following video:

    Oil in ANWR

    McCain also goes on to say he is a Federalist and it is up to each state to decide whether they want drilling for oil and natural gas in their state or off their coasts.

    Well let us hear from an Alaskan native on ANWR and popular Alaskian Governor Palin:

    An Alaskan Makes the Case for the Exploration of ANWR

    “…Inupiat Fenton Rexford breaks down the rationale for the exploration of a small part of ANWR from the perspective of an Alaskan. …”

    Sarah Palin on Glenn Beck

    Sarah Palin – Perspective

    Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin on the vice-presidency

    May be Senator McCain should stop listening to his green socialist staff and start listening to the American people.

    The American people are demanding more affordable energy including gasoline and electricity.

    Also, start listening to President Bush, former Governor Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Congressman Young and Bob Barr, if you want to win in November:

    Bush: ANWR Drilling Is Solution to High Gas Prices

    Romney: Open Oil Fields in Alaska for Domestic Drilling

    Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less.

    Newt Gingrich Gives John McCain Advice On the Energy Crisis

    Rep. Young Discusses ANWR on the Fox Business Channel

    Bob Barr: Energy Policy & ANWR

    Bob Barr On Energy Independence On Glenn Beck 06/05/2008

    Barr on Glenn Beck 06/06/2008 – Part 1

    Stop pandering Senator McCain to the American elites and start listening to the American people.

    While you are at it, you might want to select Mitt Romney or Sarah Palin as your running mate for Republican Vice-President candidate. Both understand business, markets and economics and makes more sense in five minutes than your pristine nonsense.

    You are beginning to sound as stupid and ignorant of basic economics and markets as Senators Clinton and Obama, who advocate more taxes, more government spending, more government regulations and more investigations:

    High gas prices?! And why do you think that is?

    The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is best described not as pristine but desolate and very cold. 

    Ugh, Wilderness!
    The horror of “ANWR,” the American elite’s favorite hellhole.

    By Jonah Goldberg

    “…Indeed, before you can appreciate what a small presence human beings have up here, you need to understand how mind-bogglingly huge — and devoid of people — Alaska really is. Alaska has a population not much greater than that of the nation’s capital, but you could fit the District of Columbia into it more than 9,000 times. You could squeeze California into it almost four times; New York State, more than eleven times. A former Army Ranger who now works in Prudhoe Bay as a doctor put it to me this way: “We don’t even bother trying to put out Connecticut-sized forest fires up here. Maybe we start to worry when they get to be the size of Virginia.”

    Over 60 percent of the official wilderness areas of the U.S. are in Alaska alone (which is one reason native Alaskans resent bureaucrats four time zones away who try to turn their state into a federally protected theme park). Anchorage, on the southern coast, is Alaska’s biggest city, accounting all by itself for more than a third of the state’s population.

    The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is way over on the other side of Alaska, past several mountain ranges. ANWR is 19.6 million acres, about the size of South Carolina. And it’s beautiful. Well, most of it is. But more about that in a moment. On the very northern cusp of ANWR is what is commonly called the coastal plain, a tract of flat tundra largely indistinguishable from other spots along the coast and throughout the region. This comprises about 8 percent of the refuge-but an even smaller fraction of its pretty scenery. Some of this area is already off-limits to oil exploration, permanently. Nonetheless, the U.S. Geological Survey — seconded by industry experts-believes there could be untold billions of barrels of oil in the swath still legally available. The oil industry says it would need to use only 2,000 acres-an area no bigger than Dulles Airport, outside D.C.-to get that oil. This footprint would be 50 times smaller than the Montana ranch owned by Ted Turner, who helps bankroll efforts to keep ANWR off-limits. …”

    “…In this sense the whole area is really just a Rorschach test for the imagination. There’s little doubt that for much of human history most reasonable people would have considered this spot the definition of the word “godforsaken.” You need not look back, for evidence, to the ancient pilgrims who died on the frozen tundra. You could simply read an old copy of the Washington Post from 14 years ago: “[T]hat part of the [ANWR] is one of the bleakest, most remote places on this continent, and there is hardly any other where drilling would have less impact on the surrounding life.”

    Two decades have intervened, and an environmental fatwa has been issued declaring that the word “pristine” is synonymous with “beautiful” or “sacred.” Of course, anyone who has seen a mint-condition AMC Gremlin knows that pristineness and aesthetic appeal have only a coincidental relationship. Even ANWR fetishists concede that in the winter, with its complete darkness and 70-below-zero temperatures-not counting wind chill-this is no paradise.

    But then, it’s no paradise in the summertime either. During the winter, the entire coastal plain is covered by a vast tarp of ice; when the sun comes back, the resulting thaw creates, well, lots of puddles. These patches of freestanding water pock the flat tundra for as far as the eye can see; that’s why this barren region is the only place the U.S. government recognizes as both a desert and a wetland. The water in an old tire can breed thousands of mosquitoes; a puddle in a junkyard, millions. ANWR is the Great Kingdom of the Mosquitoes. …”


    The 19 million acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) lies in the northeast corner of Alaska. The entire refuge lies north of the Arctic Circle and 1,300 miles south of the North Pole.

    The Coastal Plain area, comprising 1.5 million acres on the northern edge of ANWR, is bordered on the north by the Beaufort Sea, on the east by the U.S. Canadian border, and on the west by the Canning River. The Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation and Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (both Alaska Native corporations) own 94,000 acres in the Coastal Plain surrounding the village of Kaktovik.



    Most folks don’t really understand where the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is located and the relatively tiny amount of space within ANWR, (the Coastal Plain), that’s been set aside for potential oil and gas development. If exploration proves the area is worth developing, less than one half of one percent, 2,000 to 5,000 acres would actually be developed.


    “…Most geologists agree that the potential of recoverable oil on the Coastal Plain is in the order of billions of barrels and trillions of cubic feet of recoverable gas and that these resources may rival the initial reserves at Prudhoe Bay. The validity of these estimates can only be proved by drilling exploratory wells. Before oil and gas development in the Coastal Plain can proceed, Congress and the President need to authorize leasing and development. …”

    Senator McCain is a big believer in the precautionary principle–look before you leap.

    McCain stump speech on global warming and energy

    Well Senator, if you want to be President of the United States, you might consider an alternative principle–He who hesitates is lost!

    The American people will vote their pocket books.

    When gasoline prices hit $6, any politician opposing oil exploration and production in ANWR, the continential US and off the US coasts will be voted out of office, including your friend  and green Senator Joe Lieberman.

    The Precautionary Principle

    Precautionary principle

    john denver- a song for all lovers

    Background Articles and Videos

    Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

    “The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is a National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Alaska. It consists of 19,049,236 acres (79,318 km²) in the Alaska North Slope region.

    The Arctic Refuge and its Coastal Plain

    Part II: The Debate

    Tapping Oil Reserves In A Small Part Of ANWR: Environmentally Sound, Energy Wise

    by Charli E. Coon

    “…Drilling in the ANWR will not threaten that natural preserve and will increase U.S. energy independence. Studies by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) estimate that drilling in ANWR could yield up to 16 billion barrels of oil-an amount roughly equal to 30 years of oil imports from Saudi Arabia. Such a resource would increase the nation’s energy security as well. Members of Congress should resist any effort to delete oil and gas exploration in ANWR from H.R. 4.

    How much of ANWR is involved?
    The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, located within the Arctic Circle in northeast Alaska, consists of 19 million acres. Oil and gas development in the refuge is prohibited by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (P.L. 96-487) unless Congress specifically authorizes such activity. In Section 1002 of this act, Congress set aside 1.5 million acres of the refuge’s coastal plain section for potential exploration and development of oil and gas. In 1995, Congress approved exploration in the so-called 1002 Area, but President Clinton vetoed that measure. The debate in Congress today centers solely on this small section; the remaining 17.5 million acres of ANWR lie in the protected enclave that cannot be developed.

    Moreover, only a tiny amount of the section proposed for exploration would actually be involved in drilling. New production technology-including multilateral wells as well as directional drilling and other horizontal underground drilling-would require the use of only 2,000 acres in the 1002 Area, a parcel no bigger than Dulles Airport near Washington, D.C., leaving 99.99 percent of ANWR untouched. …”

    Arctic Refuge drilling controversy

    “…The U.S. consumes about 20 million barrels (3,200,000 m³) daily. If the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil reserves were used to supply 5% of the U.S. daily consumption the reserves, using the low figure of 4.3 billion barrels (680,000,000 m³), would last approximately 4300 days, or almost 12 years. Using the high estimate, the reserves would last approximately 11800 days, or 32 years. Using the increasing price of oil this supply (with 10.5 billion barrel mean and crude oil at over $120 a barrel) would be worth $1.26 trillion.

    In total, the oil deposits in ANWR contain enough oil to solely support U.S. consumption for 7 months (4.3B estimate) to 19 months (12B estimate). If used to completely replace oil imported from the Persian Gulf (775M barrels in 2007[12]), oil from ANWR would last from approximately 5.5 years (4.3B estimate) to 15 years (12B estimate).[13]  …”

    There is a reason it was call the Arctic National Wildlife Range before the subtle name change to refuge, it is mostly mountains, the Brooks range.

    Alone Across Alaska: 1,000 Miles of Wilderness

    Brooks Range

    “The Brooks Range is a mountain range that stretches from west to east across northern Alaska and into Canada’s Yukon Territory, a total distance of about 1100 km (700 mi). The mountains are not especially high, topping out at over 2,700 m (9,000 ft). This mountain range forms the northern-most drainage divide in North America, separating streams flowing into the Arctic Ocean and the North Pacific. The range roughly delineates the summer position of the Arctic front. It represents the northern extent of tree line, with no trees (apart from some isolated Balsam poplar stands) occurring north of the continental drainage divide. Mount Chamberlin, 9020 ft (2,749 m), is the highest peak in the range. Other notable peaks include Mount Isto, 8,975 ft (2,736 m) and Mount Michelson, 8,855 ft (2,699 m).[1]

    The range is mostly uninhabited, but the Dalton Highway and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System run through the Atigun Pass (1,415 m, 4,643 ft) on their way to the North Slope and the oil fields at Prudhoe Bay. The Alaska Native villages of Anaktuvuk and Arctic Village, as well as the very small communities of Coldfoot, Wiseman, Bettles, and Chandalar Lake are the only settlements in the 700-mile Brooks Range. In the far west, near the Wulik River in the De Long Mountains is the Red Dog Mine, Alaska, largest zinc mine in the world. …”

    Brooks Range

    Brooks Range 1

    Brooks Range 2

    History of ANWR

    Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Established in 1960


     Comparison of ANWR to the Continental U.S.

    Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from the Air

    Alaska Hunting: 700 Miles Alone by Backpack & Raft

     Chairman Don Young Introduces ANWR Bill, Sparks Many Converts

    “…Minority Natural Resources Committee Chairman Don Young introduced HR 6107, The American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act.  The bill was co-sponsored by Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD). The bill calls for the opening of the 10-02 Area of ANWR to responsible oil and gas development and uses the funds generated from oil production taxes to set up an Alternative Energy Trust Fund to promote the development and production of alternative energies. 

    The trust fund would also be used to help fund many of the alternative energy provisions not paid for in the 2005 National Energy Act (EPACT) and the 2007 National Energy Bill (EISA).  The funds generated for such programs will not only provide a way forward away from a finite oil supply but will cost the tax payers of America not one penny. 

    Chairman Young’s bill is gaining many supporters most notably his co-sponsor Rep. Bartlett who has often in the past been against ANWR legislation.  Rep. Bartlett held a press conference on Capitol Hill announcing his change of policy due to his understanding of the huge economic benefit of ANWR oil development on the nation at a time when gasoline and food prices are at record highs.  Bartlett stated, “Investing this money in alternative sources of energy will eventually reduce gas prices because supply and demand will come forth to balance and the price will drop.” …”

    How Much Oil in ANWR

    “…Geologists agree that the Coastal Plain has the nation’s best geologic prospects for major new onshore oil discoveries. According to the Department of Interior’s 1987 resource evaluation of ANWR’s Coastal Plain, there is a 95% chance that a ‘super field’ with 500 million barrels would be discovered. DOI also estimates that there exists a mean of 3.5 billion barrels, and a 5% chance that a large Prudhoe Bay type discovery would be made.

    High potential. The high potential for significant discoveries of oil and gas in ANWR has long been recognized. Early explorers of the region at the turn of the century, found oil seeps and oil-stained sands. However, since ANWR was established in 1960, exploration in the region has been restricted to surface geological investigations, aeromagnetic surveys, and two winter seismic surveys (in 1983-84 and 1984-85). No exploratory drilling has been accomplished in the area except for one well commenced in the winter of 1984-85 on Kaktovik Inupiat Corporation and Arctic Slope Regional Corporation lands southeast of Kaktovik on the Coastal Plain.  …”

    There’s Something About McCain
    An uncanny ability to drive virtually all conservatives nuts.
    by Dean Barnett

    “…There’s little doubt that John McCain really believes what he says about ANWR. One of John McCain’s virtues is that you can pretty much believe everything that comes out of his mouth. The fact that McCain’s conviction is so unquestionable is one of the things that makes this otherwise trivial matter disturbing.

    You have to wonder, Where did McCain come up with his conclusion that ANWR is the same as the Grand Canyon? What did he see that Jonah Goldberg missed? Did the senator’s previous immersion in the balmy Arizona climate make ANWR’s 70-below-zero temperatures feel like an invigorating change of pace? Or perhaps it was warmer out, but the bugs weren’t biting the day the Senator hit ANWR.

    Then again, has John McCain ever been to ANWR? We’ve inquired of the McCain campaign three separate times in the past day whether McCain knows of ANWR’s epic beauty from first hand experience. Regardless of whether or not the senator has ever been there, his comments on ANWR reside somewhere on a continuum between laughable blustering and ignorant blustering.

    WHAT MAKES McCAIN’S stridency on ANWR particularly odd is the issue’s utter irrelevance. Regardless of whether John McCain, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, or Ron Paul wins the 2008 presidential election, the exact same amount of oil will come gushing forth from there over the next president’s term–none. And even if ANWR were to get fully tapped, it would only marginally lessen America’s dependency on foreign oil.

    McCain’s decision to stick by his original positions on ANWR is admirably principled if arguably hidebound. But that doesn’t explain why McCain chose to defend his ground by reciting Sierra Club talking points, the same ones that liberals use to belittle conservatives whenever this issue arises. …”

    Potential Oil Production from the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Updated Assessment

    3.  Summary

    1.5 million-acre coastal plain of the 19 million-acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is the largest unexplored, potentially productive geologic onshore basin in the United States. The primary area of the coastal plain is the 1002 Area of ANWR established when ANWR was created. A decision on permitting the exploration and development of the 1002 Area is up to Congress and has not been approved to date. Also included in the Coastal Plain are State lands to the 3-mile offshore limit and Native Inupiat land near the village of Kaktovik. 


    The USGS estimated:

    • a 95 percent probability that at least 5.7 billion barrels of technically recoverable undiscovered oil are in the ANWR coastal plain,
    • a 5 percent probability that at least 16 billion barrels of technically recoverable undiscovered oil are in the ANWR coastal plain, and
    • a mean or expected value of 10.3 billion barrels of technically recoverable undiscovered oil in the ANWR coastal plain.

    EIA postulates two development rates for each of the three USPS probability estimates without specifying the effect of various levels of oil prices and technology advancements, ranging from 250 to 800 million barrels developed per year. EIA projects peak production rates from 600,000 to 1.9 million barrels per day over the six cases, with peak production estimated to occur 20 – 30 years after the onset of production.

    Seven to 12 years are estimated to be required from an approval to explore and develop to first production from the ANWR Area. This study uses 9 years, to 2010. The time to first production could vary significantly based on time required for leasing after approval to develop is given. Environmental considerations and the possibility of drilling restrictions would directly impact the time interval to reach first production.

     The USGS economic analysis of the ANWR 1002 Area calculates that once oil has been discovered, more than 80 percent of the technically recoverable oil is commercially developable at an oil price of $25 per barrel. The imported refiner acquisition cost in 2020 is projected in EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook 2000 reference case at $22.04 (1998 dollars). At this price, the potential ANWR oil recovered would have a value between $125 and $350 billion (in 1998 dollars.) 









      George F. Will:

    The Gas Prices We Deserve

    “…One million barrels is what might today be flowing from ANWR if in 1995 President Bill Clinton had not vetoed legislation to permit drilling there. One million barrels produce 27 million gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel. Seventy-two of today’s senators — including Schumer, of course, and 38 other Democrats, including Barack Obama, and 33 Republicans, including John McCain — have voted to keep ANWR’s estimated 10.4 billion barrels of oil off the market. …”

    “…Also disqualified from complaining are all voters who sent to Washington senators and representatives who have voted to keep ANWR’s oil in the ground and who voted to put 85 percent of America’s offshore territory off-limits to drilling. The U.S. Minerals Management Service says that restricted area contains perhaps 86 billion barrels of oil and 420 trillion cubic feet of natural gas — 10 times as much oil and 20 times as much natural gas as Americans use in a year.

    Drilling is underway 60 miles off Florida. The drilling is being done by China, in cooperation with Cuba, which is drilling closer to South Florida than U.S. companies are.

    ANWR is larger than the combined areas of five states (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware), and drilling along its coastal plain would be confined to a space one-sixth the size of Washington’s Dulles airport. Offshore? Hurricanes Katrina and Rita destroyed or damaged hundreds of drilling rigs without causing a large spill. There has not been a significant spill from an offshore U.S. well since 1969. Of the more than 7 billion barrels of oil pumped offshore in the past 25 years, 0.001 percent — that is one-thousandth of 1 percent — has been spilled. Louisiana has more than 3,200 rigs offshore — and a thriving commercial fishing industry. …”

     Bob Barr on Glenn Beck 06/06/2008 – Part 2

    Bob Barr on Glenn Beck 06/06/2008 – Part 3

    Bob Barr on Glenn Beck 06/06/2008 – Part 4

    Bob Barr on Glenn Beck 06/06/2008 – Part 5

    Bob Barr on Immigration 5/24/2008


    The Perils of the Precautionary Principle: Lessons from the American and European Experience

    by John D. Graham, Ph.D.

    “…In summary, there are two major perils associated with an extreme approach to precaution. One is that technological innovation will be stifled, and we all recognize that innovation has played a major role in economic progress throughout the world. A second peril, more subtle, is that public health and the environment would be harmed as the energies of regulators and the regulated community would be diverted from known or plausible hazards to speculative and ill-founded ones. For these reasons, please do not be surprised if the U.S. government continues to take a precautionary approach to calls for adoption of a universal precautionary principle in regulatory policy.”

    Senate OKs oil drilling in Alaska’s ANWR
    Democrats vow that the fight is not over for wilderness area


    John McCain wants to LOWER Gas prices…


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    The Heidelberg Appeal: Beware of False Gods and Prophets 















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    Outting Obama: Radical Racist Rabble Rouser Reader

    Posted on June 12, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Crime, Economics, Education, Employment, Fiscal Policy, government spending, Immigration, Links, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Religion, Resources, Science, Taxes, Technology, Video, War | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

    “A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.”
    ~Proverbs 27:19


    Marvin Gaye “What’s Going On / What’s Happening Brother”


    The pump and dump drive-by main stream media love affair with Barrack Obama is about to be exposed.

    Just another vain attempt by the main stream media to hide Obama’s radical socialist comrades from the American people.

    Who are/were Obama’s past and current friends, mentors and supporters over the years?  

    Obama’s Radical Socialist Comrades

    1. Frank Marshall Davis

    2. Neil Abercrombie

    3. Saul Alinsky

    4. Jeremiah Wright

    5. Louis Farrakhan

    6. James Hal Cone

    7. Michael Pfleger

    8. William Ayers

    9. Bernardine Dohrn

    10. Tony Rezko

    11. George Soros

    12. Michelle Obama


    Frank Marshall Davis 

    Neil Abercrombie

    Neil Abercrombie

    Jeremiah Wright

    Wright in 1998

    Louis Farrakhan

    Saul Alinsky

    James Hal Cone






    A Conversation with James Cone


    James H. Cone on ‘Success’ in the Black Church


    Michael Pfleger 


    Bill Ayers 











    Bernardine Dohrn

    Tony Rezko





    George Soros


    Michelle Obama 

    Barrack Obama advocates more government programs, more taxes, higher tax rates and more government regulations– state socialism.

    Government is not the solution; government is the problem.

    The arrogance of ignorance–repeating the mistakes of the past–yet again. 

    Obama does not understand wealth creation, capitalism and a market economy. 

    He has never started nor run a busines nor met a payroll.

    The American people want secure good paying jobs and benefits.

    Yet Obama favors comprehensive immigration reform, a code word for open borders and amnesty.

    Tens of millions of illegal immigrants are working in the US today,  resulting in significantly lower wages or unemployment for millions of American citizens–mostly blacks, hispanics and whites with low skills sets and limited education.

    Local city, county, and state taxes are all increasing to provide education, medical care, jails, prisons, and welfare benefits for illegal immigrants or criminal aliens.

    The American people want illegal immigration to be stopped, the fence built and the illegal immigrants in the US deported–criminal alien removal.

    Barrack Obama’s election to the office of President of the United States would result in an economic disaster equalling, if not exceeding, the “Carter years”.

    The last thing the American people want nor need is a repeat of the “Carter years” with unemployment rates of 7.5%,  inflation rates over 10% and prime interest rates over 20%.

    The American people will vote their pocket books.

    “It is the economy stupid.”

    Barrack Obama– just another bought and paid for radical racist rabble rouser reader.

    Barrack Obama–a reader of stump speeches–certainly not a leader– nor a change for the good.

    Barrack Obama–Just Vote No!

    The Times, They Are A-Changin’


    The CHANGE MAKER – Friends of Barack Obama 

    “You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time. “

    ~Abraham Lincoln


     Background Articles and Videos


    Know Enough?


    Obama/Ayers gets an airing

    By Michelle Malkin  •  August 21, 2008 05:48 PM







    No library gatekeepers can keep the lid on the truth forever.


    Group to spend $2.8 million on anti-Obama ad

    “A conservative nonprofit group with a past link to Sen. John McCain‘s presidential campaign is spending $2.8 million on an ad questioning Democrat Barack Obama’s relationship to a founder of the 1960s radical group Weather Underground.

    The ad, which is expected to begin airing Thursday in Michigan and Friday in Ohio, focuses on William Ayers, whose Weatherman organization took credit for a series of bombings, including nonfatal explosions at the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol 40 years ago.

    American Issues Project, the sponsor of the ad, is a nonprofit 501(c)4 organization. One of its board members, Ed Failor Jr., was a paid consultant for McCain’s campaign in Iowa last year. The campaign paid his firm $50,000 until July 2007. American Issues Project spokesman Christian Pinkston said Failor has no connection to the McCain campaign now.

    Ayers is now a university professor. He and Obama live in the same Chicago neighborhood and served together on the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a charity group. Ayers also held a meet-the-candidate event at his home for Obama when Obama first ran for office in the mid-1990s.

    Barack Obama is friends with Ayers, defending him as, quote, ‘Respectable’ and ‘Mainstream,'” the ad states. “Obama’s political career was launched in Ayers’ home. And the two served together on a left-wing board. Why would Barack Obama be friends with someone who bombed the Capitol and is proud of it? Do you know enough to elect Barack Obama?” …”


    O’Reilly on ABC Debate, Exposes Obama and Far-Left Cowards


    Will Big Media Look at Obama and His Leftwing Influences?

    By Bill Steigerwald

    “…Q: Can you briefly sum up what you have discovered about Obama’s ideological influences that you say need to be checked out by Big Media?

    A: We think all the major candidates should be examined for their ties to foreign and hostile elements. In the case of Obama, he has gotten a very, very favorable press. The media seem reluctant to dig into his background, even though he is relatively new on the political scene. What we discovered, in two different places — first in Hawaii, where he went to high school, and in Chicago, where he started his political career — is that he is right in the middle of communist networks. In Hawaii, he was mentored by a member of the Communist Party by the name of Frank Marshall Davis. In Chicago, his career was launched and he was close friends with a number of communists and socialists.

    Q: What specifically did your investigation find out about Davis, who Obama calls only “Frank” in his memoir “Dreams from My Father”?

    A: What was very disturbing to us was the fact that Barack Obama had covered up the true identity of this “Frank” who played such a role in his life just before he went off to college (in the late 1970s). There are several references in his book to this “Frank.” We discovered that “Frank” was indeed Frank Marshall Davis, who was a member of a Soviet-sponsored communist network on the island of Hawaii. We think Obama should be asked to explain why he didn’t reveal Frank’s true identity in his book. We looked into this and had confirmed by several sources that Frank was indeed Frank Marshall Davis, and that he had a considerable influence on Obama. But we cannot really get a rational explanation of why Obama would cover up the identity of this Stalinist agent. …”


    Identifying the “Frank” in Young Obama’s Life

    “…Cliff Kincaid from Accuracy In Media calls Davis Obama’s “childhood mentor.” I would caution Obama-watchers not to overstate the importance of Frank in Obama’s life; I read the sections describing Frank not as a wholehearted endorsement of Davis and his views (although obviously if Obama knew of Davis’ communist ties, he chose not to include that in his book); but as something of a cautionary tale. What teenager would want to grow up to be an elderly, embittered drunk, going on at length at life’s injustices in a run-down house in Waikiki?The one way in which “Frank” seemed to really impact Obama was in his racial suspicion, his sense that no white man could truly relate to his experiences. Obama describes feeling “truly alone” after hearing the above monologue from Frank; he’s been offered a disturbing opinion that his grandfather (and, implictly, his mother and grandmother) may love him, but will never understand him. 


    “…A couple of weeks ago in Washington, Herb Romerstein and Cliff Kincaid, two veteran investigators of American communism, held a press conference on Capitol Hill to announce the release of two new reports on Barack Obama’s radical past, or, more specifically, his association with extremist elements from the American left — yet more evidence of a frightening pattern of associations by Obama throughout his distant and recent life, from Bill Ayers to Reverend Jeremiah Wright, all of which at the least shows bad judgment. At the press conference, they discussed Romerstein’s report on Frank Marshall Davis, an influential figure in Obama’s early life, whom Obama refers to only as “Frank” (albeit affectionately) in his autobiography Dreams From My Father. Davis was a communist, a member of CPUSA. Romerstein developed that fact very carefully in his report, which contained at least a half dozen exhibits and other forms of reliable documentation — a fact that itself is news, since many (on the gullible left) still like to question whether Davis was a Party member.  …”

    “…Where does Obama meet Davis? — in Hawaii. Similar to Obama, whose mother moved from Kansas to Seattle to Honolulu, with Obama on to Chicago, Frank Marshall Davis went from Kansas to Chicago to Honolulu. Obama freely admits to learning and taking advice from Davis, which surely was nothing like the “Midwestern values” that Governor Kathleen Sebelius (D-KS) claimed his mother learned in Kansas. While most Americans by the late 1970s and early 1980s were at last convinced that détente with the Soviets was a sham, and that the USSR was an Evil Empire that needed to be dissolved, Obama almost certainly was learning exactly the opposite — moving totally against what Ronald Reagan described as the “tide of history,” a “freedom tide” that would “leave Marxism-Leninism on the ash-heap of history.”   
    Instead, as Obama writes in Dreams From My Father, he was hanging out with the “Marxist professors,” attending “socialist conferences,” and “discuss[ing] neocolonialism.” Rather than learning about the American exceptionalism that would seek to bring freedom to the USSR and Eastern Europe, Obama was hearing about the glory of the Bolshevik experiment. This was the wrong side of history. …”  



     Obama Mentor Frank Marshall Davis Took the Fifth Amendment When Asked About His

    Communist Party Membership  


    The buzz about Barack’s birth certificate

    By Michelle Malkin  •  June 10, 2008 07:39 AM


    Friday Videodrome: The One Where Obama Is On Friends

    By see-dubya  •  June 6, 2008 02:11 PM


    The not-so-simple story of Barack Obama’s youth

    “…In his best-selling autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” Obama describes having heated conversations about racism with another black student, “Ray.” The real Ray, Keith Kakugawa, is half black and half Japanese. In an interview with the Tribune on Saturday, Kakugawa said he always considered himself mixed race, like so many of his friends in Hawaii, and was not an angry young black man.

    He said he does recall long, soulful talks with the young Obama and that his friend confided his longing and loneliness. But those talks, Kakugawa said, were not about race. “Not even close,” he said, adding that Obama was dealing with “some inner turmoil” in those days.

    “But it wasn’t a race thing,” he said. “Barry’s biggest struggles then were missing his parents. His biggest struggles were his feelings of abandonment. The idea that his biggest struggle was race is [bull].” …”,0,4014075.story 


    Activism blossomed in college

    | Tribune staff reporter

    “…Some took Obama’s professed radicalism as posturing. “I was impressed by the sharpness of Barry’s intellect and, like many, his effortless charm,” said classmate Mark Dery, a journalism professor at New York University. But “I also harbored an instinctual suspicion of his … suave demeanor.”

    Somewhere along the line Barry, the name of the boy from Waikiki, gave way to Barack, the name he inherited from his Kenyan father.

    For the most part, Obama’s commitment to social activism was limited to coffeehouse talk. But near the end of his time at Occidental, he got caught up in protests against apartheid in South Africa, helping plan a large campus rally demanding that the college divest investments there. …”,0,4252889.story


    Barack Obama: The making of a candidate,0,6974953.storygallery 


    Is Barack Obama a Marxist Mole 

    “…But you will find it briefly discussed, sort of, in Obama’s own book, Dreams From My Father. He writes about “a poet named Frank,” who visited them in Hawaii, read poetry, and was full of “hard-earned knowledge” and advice. Who was Frank? Obama only says that he had “some modest notoriety once,” was “a contemporary of Richard Wright and Langston Hughes during his years in Chicago…” but was now “pushing eighty.” He writes about “Frank and his old Black Power dashiki self” giving him advice before he left for Occidental College in 1979 at the age of 18. 

    This “Frank” is none other than Frank Marshall Davis, the black communist writer now considered by some to be in the same category of prominence as Maya Angelou and Alice Walker. In the summer/fall 2003 issue of African American Review, James A. Miller of George Washington University reviews a book by John Edgar Tidwell, a professor at the University of Kansas, about Davis’s career, and notes, “In Davis’s case, his political commitments led him to join the American Communist Party during the middle of World War II-even though he never publicly admitted his Party membership.” Tidwell is an expert on the life and writings of Davis. …”

    “…Professor Gerald Horne, a contributing editor of the Communist Party journal Political Affairs, talked about it during a speech last March at the reception of the Communist Party USA archives at the Tamiment Library at New York University. The remarks were posted online under the headline, “Rethinking the History and Future of the Communist Party.”

    Horne, a history professor at the University of Houston, noted that Davis, who moved to Honolulu from Kansas in 1948 “at the suggestion of his good friend Paul Robeson,” came into contact with Barack Obama and his family and became the young man’s mentor, influencing Obama’s sense of identity and career moves. Robeson, of course, was the well-known black actor and singer who served as a member of the CPUSA and apologist for the old Soviet Union. Davis had known Robeson from his time in Chicago.

    As Horne describes it, Davis “befriended” a “Euro-American family” that had “migrated to Honolulu from Kansas and a young woman from this family eventually had a child with a young student from Kenya East Africa who goes by the name of Barack Obama, who retracing the steps of Davis eventually decamped to Chicago.” 


    Obama’s Communist Mentor

    “…However, through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his “poetry” and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just “Frank.”

    The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What’s more, anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several communist-front organizations. …”


    Frank Marshall Davis: Black Labor Activist and Outsider Journalist:

    Social Movements in Hawai`i 

    by: Kathryn Waddell Takara, Ph.D.


    Abercrombie & Obama


    The Democratic Promise: Saul Alinsky


    The Democratic Promise: Saul Alinksy and His Legacy


    Saul Alinsky and DNC Corruption


    Showing his bare knuckles

    In first campaign, Obama revealed hard-edged, uncompromising side in eliminating party rivals

    “…The day after New Year’s 1996, operatives for Barack Obama filed into a barren hearing room of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners.

    There they began the tedious process of challenging hundreds of signatures on the nominating petitions of state Sen. Alice Palmer, the longtime progressive activist from the city’s South Side. And they kept challenging petitions until every one of Obama’s four Democratic primary rivals was forced off the ballot.

    Fresh from his work as a civil rights lawyer and head of a voter registration project that expanded access to the ballot box, Obama launched his first campaign for the Illinois Senate saying he wanted to empower disenfranchised citizens.

    But in that initial bid for political office, Obama quickly mastered the bare-knuckle arts of Chicago electoral politics. His overwhelming legal onslaught signaled his impatience to gain office, even if that meant elbowing aside an elder stateswoman like Palmer. …”,0,4580576.story


    Minister Farrakhan Speaks About Barack Obama


    Glenn Beck: Obama – Black Liberation Theology 1


    Glenn Beck: Obama – Black Liberation Theology 2


    ‘Context,’ you say? A guide to the radical theology of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright

    By Stanley Kurtz | May 19, 2008 | 3922 words

    “…Wright’s defenders have portrayed Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ as “well within the mainstream of the black church” while downplaying its militancy and politicization. In fact, Wright’s church is not only thoroughly politicized, but is arguably the most radical black church in the country. The substance and style of Wright’s infamous remarks are part and parcel of a broader, and proudly radical, theology. The bold denunciations are not distractions or somehow beside the point, but are the culmination and justification of Wright’s prophetic vocation. Even his famous “Audacity to Hope” sermon, which led to Obama’s conversion and baptism, fits into this framework.

    A scarcely concealed, Marxist-inspired indictment of American capitalism pervades contemporary “black-liberation theology.” Far from the mainstream, Trinity (and the relatively small band of other churches that share its worldview) sees itself as marginalized and radical, struggling in the face of an overwhelming rejection of its political theology by mainstream black churches. …”

    “…Obama has now attempted to distance himself from Wright, claiming to be “outraged” by the reverend’s recent comments. Yet it’s hard to believe that Obama heard anything in the past few weeks that he hadn’t heard before. What gives outrage only now has been going on for decades.

    In his rejection of the path of assimilation; in his contempt for “middle-classness” and the capitalist system it sustains; in his pursuit of a separate, black Christianity and his hostility to conventional religion; in his bitter and “prophetic” denunciations of America’s history, its founding icons and its anti-Qaddafi, pro-Israel foreign policy; in his conviction that the U.S. government is responsible for genocide against blacks; and in his insistence that Americans are collectively guilty for 9/11, Jeremiah Wright is a true follower of James Cone’s theology of black liberation. It would seem the only thing worse than quoting Jeremiah Wright out of context is quoting him in context.”


    Dr. James Hal Cone & A Black Theology of Liberation

    Jeremiah Wright on Fox


    Obama promotes America’s enemies!


    Double Life of Barack Obama
    Wright is wrong for America.

    By Thomas Sowell

    “…While talking about bringing us together and deploring “divisive” actions, Senator Obama has for 20 years been a member of a church whose minister, Jeremiah Wright, has said that “God Bless America” should be replaced by “God damn America” — among many other wild and even obscene denunciations of American society, including blanket racist attacks on whites.

    Nor was this an isolated example. Fox News Channel has played tapes of various sermons of Jeremiah Wright, and says that it has tapes with hours more of the same. 

    Wright’s actions matched his words. He went with Louis Farrakhan to Libya and Farrakhan received an award from his church. 

    Sean Hannity began reporting on Jeremiah Wright back in April of 2007. But the mainstream media saw no evil, heard no evil, and spoke no evil.

    Now that the facts have come out in a number of places, and can no longer be suppressed, many in the media are trying to spin these facts out of existence.

    Spin number one is that Jeremiah Wright’s words were “taken out of context.” Like most people who use this escape hatch, those who say this do not explain what the words mean when taken in context.

    In just what context does “God damn America” mean something different?

    Spin number two is that Barack Obama says he didn’t hear the particular things that Jeremiah Wright said that are now causing so much comment.

    It wasn’t just an isolated remark. Nor were the enthusiastic responses of the churchgoers something which suggests that this anti-American attitude was news to them or something that they didn’t agree with.

    If Barack Obama was not in church that particular day, he belonged to that church for 20 years. He made a donation of more than $20,000 to that church.

    In all that time, he never had a clue as to what kind of man Jeremiah Wright was? Give me a break!

    You can’t be with someone for 20 years, call him your mentor, and not know about his racist and anti-American views.

    Neither Barack Obama nor his media spinmeisters can put this story behind him with some facile election-year rhetoric. If Senator Obama wants to run with the rabbits and hunt with the hounds, then at least let the rabbits and the hounds know that. …”


    Obama RACISM – Charles Krauthammer ANALYSIS

    A Conversation with James Cone


    Obama, Black Liberation Theology and Karl Marx

    “…Karl Marx seemed to regard religion as one of the toughest roadblocks to mounting and sustaining a proper revolution by the proletariat.  That the masses would continue to stubbornly cling to their religions, placing their hope in God rather than man, was evidently one of the more prickly thorns in ole Karl’s side.

    Both Lenin and Stalin concurred with Marx, and one of the most stringent and murderous thrusts of Soviet Communism was its campaign against religion, especially Judaism and Christianity.  Mao and other eastern communists went this route as well, and never pretended to have any faith whatsoever in anyone or anything but the material world. 

    But Barack Obama, the student of Saul Alinksy, sees the necessity of reeling in those of faith, and making them part of the class struggle, while avoiding the harsher approach of demanding that the people give up their faith as a consequence of their commitment to revolutionary change.  Americans have proven much more stubborn in the religious realm than the Europeans, who fell hook, line and sinker for Marx, Lenin and Stalin.

    America might seem more amenable to the kind of Third Way socialism that Hitler brought to Germany, while cunningly using Christian jargon to wile his way into Aryan minds and hearts.

    Black liberation theology, I have discovered (Read Part One here.), is yet another form of Third Way socialism, developed by Marxists seeking a way around the stubbornness of the ardently faithful, a way to hook folks on the revolution, without putting up a fight to eradicate their religion.

    And Obama’s Chicago experiences seem to give him great hope that his cloak of religiosity will help to catapult him over the religious right and into the White House on the wings of liberation theology. …”


    Barack Obama’s Goldmine

    By Ed Lasky

    “…With Obama’s campaign we have fully entered the internet era of electoral politics.

    The Mybarackobama site is the first social network site devoted to a political campaign. capitalizes on “viral growth”: by inviting friends to join you in supporting Barack Obama. Powered by this simple but effective mechanism, the Obama campaign’s list of contacts, supporters and donors has grown at an exponential rate with zero incremental costs of “acquiring” them. Why buy mailing lists?

    This is a powerful competitive advantage. Through it, supporters become part of the campaign: learning of meet-ups where they join with like-minded Obama supporters; they can also tap phone bank lists, so as to contact other potential supporters and new recruits. The website also encourages them to express their concerns over a range of issues — helping the campaign develop its own talking points on the campaign trail. Supporters have entered megabits of personal information that otherwise would have to be derived from expensive and less reliable sources (credit card records, magazine subscriptions, and the like); because it is information that is volunteered, its veracity is considered greater.

    Of course, the campaign has also risen on the vast amount of money collected from a fundraising effort that has eclipsed that of all previous campaigns. Barack Obama has been a prodigious fundraiser; the campaign’s prowess is remarkable. Obama has even been able to convince former supporters of Bill Clinton to support his own election, damaging the Clinton’s campaign that has been chronically short of funds. …”


    Barack Obama Church Pfleger White Guilt Hillary Clinton


    Black Liberation Theology: How To Fit In by Michael Pfleger


    Barack Obama – New Bill Ayers – Bernardine Dohrn


    Lou Dobbs discusses Obama – Ayers connection


    Lou Dobbs Demands that Barack Obama Apologize to Him


    Barack Obama – Ayers – Dohrn – Weathermen Terrorists


    No Regrets

    “…Overall, it is not easy to imagine him as part of the Weatherman, a group that during the late sixties and early seventies openly called for revolution in America, led a violent rampaging protest in Chicago, and took credit for numerous bombings around the United States.

    One of the Weatherman leaders was Bernardine Dohrn, a smart, magnetic figure who, in part because of her penchant for miniskirts and knee-high boots, was dubbed “La Pasionaria of the Lunatic Left” by FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. After a bomb exploded accidentally and killed three of their colleagues, Ayers and Dohrn “hooked up,” in the parlance of the day, and, since 1982, they have been married. This—violence, death, and white-hot rhetoric—is his past and Ayers insists he has no regrets. “I acted appropriately in the context of those times,” he says. But it’s hard to reconcile this quick-witted man with that revolutionary. Today Bill Ayers seems too happy to have ever been so angry. …”

    Movement (Obama)


    “The Weather Underground”


    Obama’s Other Radical Friends


     “…Apparently, back when he was running for state senate, Barack Obama had fund-raising events at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and there’s been some press about the senator’s friendship with this controversial Weathercouple. Many reporters are well aware, even though Mr. Obama has described his connection to Ayers and Dohrn as “flimsy,” that the senator’s relationship with his radical Hyde Park neighbors is actually quite warm, even close.

    In her tepid, wobbling way, Hillary Clinton has attempted to use this well-known fact to portray her opponent as a secret subversive. But mostly, the press doesn’t want to touch this story – and no one else does either, as if it actually were TNT. Perhaps right-wing evildoers are holding onto this story to exploit in the general election….”


    Obama the Movie trailer (Clear and Present Danger)


    Barack Obama – The Cult Continues – Tony Rezko


    The Shadow Party

    By Jamie Glazov

    “…A new book by David Horowitz and Richard Poe has enraged the Left and alarmed many conservatives.  It exposes the machinations of a radical clique working at the highest levels of government and finance to undermine American power.  That book is The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party.  It hit the New York Times bestseller list in its first week in print. …”

    “…FP: How does Soros use his influence over the Party? 

    Poe: He uses it to push the Party leftward.  He is systematically purging the Party of moderates and packing it with radicals. For instance, the Shadow Party ousted Senator Joseph Lieberman in favor of Ned Lamont, because Lieberman refused to support a “cut-and-run” policy in Iraq. 

    FP: Isn’t that just politics as usual, though – wealthy fat cats funding their favorite candidates? 

    Poe:  Funding ordinary candidates, be they Democrats or Republicans, would be politics as usual.  Funding radical candidates who seek America’s destruction is not.  Money is a tool.  It can be used for good or evil.  The Shadow Party is using it for evil. 

    FP:  Does the Shadow Party really seek to destroy America? 

    Poe: Judge for yourself.  In his new book The Age of Fallibility, Soros writes, “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.”  He announced in 2003 that it is necessary to “puncture the bubble of American supremacy.”  Soros is working systematically to achieve that goal. 

    On the economic front, he is shorting the dollar in global currency markets, trying to force a devaluation.  At the same time, Soros is orchestrating a nationwide movement to encourage mass immigration into the United States, and to mandate the provision of free social services to illegal immigrants.  These measures alone have the potential to bankrupt the nation.  However, if they fail, Soros has another program that will certainly finish the job.  A long-time Soros operative named Jeffrey Sachs has been placed in charge of the United Nations Millennium Project – a global war on poverty designed to transfer wealth from rich countries to poor ones.  Sachs is currently demanding that American taxpayers turn over $140 billion per year to his global welfare bureaucracy. 

    On the political front, Soros has poured massive funding into such groups as the ACLU, which uses lawsuits to hamstring the War on Terror.  Soros also funds Amnesty International, whose US executive director has called for the arrest of President Bush as a war criminal.  Another Soros-funded group, The Center for Constitutional Rights, has drawn up detailed articles of impeachment against the President. …” 


    O’: MeddiaMatters, GeorgeSoros ConspiringAgainst John McCain 


    Soros, Obama, and the Millionaires Exception

    By Ed Lasky

    “…It is well-known that George Soros, the hedge-fund manager, major Democratic Party donor and anti-Israel crusader, has been a generous contributor to Barack Obama. But relatively few people realize that a loophole in McCain-Feingold allowed Soros his family members to be particularly generous in support of Obama’s Senatorial campaign.  

    Because Obama was running against Blair Hull in the primary and then Jack Ryan in the general (both multi-millionaires), Obama could, and did, receive especially large donations from individuals, to so-called “millionaires exception.” Normally individuals are limited to giving $2300 to candidates in federal elections, but when candidates are running against millionaires, these limits are lifted and candidates are allowed to receive up to $12,000 from a single individual. Soros and his family gave Barack Obama $60,000. This does not include money that Soros was able to funnel to so-called 527 groups (, for example) that have also been politically active; nor does it include money that Soros was able to raise from tapping a network of friends, business associates, and employees. …”


    Unlike Kerry, Barack Obama Covets George Soros’ Support
    By Robert B. Bluey

    “…Little has been made of his connection to Soros, although it is quite unique. Not only did George Soros donate to Obama’s campaign, but four other family members – Jennifer, sons Jonathan and Robert and wife Susan – did as well.

    Because of a special provision campaign finance laws, the Soroses were able to give a collective $60,000 to Obama during his primary challenge. Obama faced millionaire Blair Hull, which allowed donors to give more than typically allowed.

    Obama is one of only a handful of candidates to get a personal contribution from George Soros. The others include Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.), Sens. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), Bob Graham (D-Fla.), John Kerry (D-Mass.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos, and former Vermont governor Howard Dean. …”


    The McCain v. Obama Nightmare – Ann Coulter *** UNEDITED ***

    Soros is a big supporter of Obama. …”






    George Soros – The Bubble of American Supremacy


    Charlie Rose – George Soros


    Charlie Rose: October 2, 1995

    “…A conversation with George Soros, the world’s most famous investor and noted philanthropist, about his book “Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the Curve”, a reflection of his philosophy about business and philanthropy. The book also deals with his Open Society Fund and the hope of assisting Eastern European countries towards more free and democratic societies. …”


    Meet the open borders family: McCain, Hernandez, Soros, and the “Reform Institute”

    “…Via Discover the Networks, you’ll see that Soros’s OSI is a key open borders funder–providing support to the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund; the Immigrant Legal Resource Center; the National Immigration Law Center; the National Immigration Forum; the National Council of La Raza; and the American Immigration Law Foundation.

    Remind me again which party’s presidential nomination John McCain is running for?”


    Socialist-Marxist-Communist, Say Hello to Michelle Obama


    Meet Michelle Obama!


    Obama – MIchelle Obama Speaks at UCLA Rally


    Congressional Progressive Caucus


    Totally Radical! 


    Fascist liberal Obama Demands More Censorship


    Fascist “Chairman” Barack Obama (Jimmy Carter’s second term)


    Jimmy Carter’s Inferior Years

    On July 15, 1979, the television networks aired Carter’s infamous “Malaise Speech” –written by Chris Matthews, currently the host of “Hardball” — which declared that the nation had reached a “crisis of confidence.” It was widely criticized as being a “huge depressant” at a time when America needed encouragement and a pep talk. Three days later, Carter called for the resignations of all of his Cabinet members. To further underscore the crisis atmosphere, he symbolically lowered the thermostats in the White House and other federal facilities to 65 degrees in the winter, and raised them in the summer to 78 degrees. Promotional pictures showing the President in a heavy sweater were supposed to inspire everyone to “follow the leader”. The national Christmas Tree was not lighted in 1979 and 1980. But few were impressed and even fewer were motivated….”


    Stump Speech

    “A political stump speech is a standard speech used by a politician running for office. The term derives from the custom in 19th century America for political candidates campaigning from town to town to stand upon a sawed off tree stump to deliver a standard speech. Because the busy pace of campaigning often forces candidates to address people several times per week or even per day, he and his staff will usually write a single speech to be delivered at most public appearances. The beginning of the speech is usually tweaked to include mentions of local elected officials and campaign staff, with local references sometimes peppered throughout, but most of the speech remains identical from day to day.

    The need for a stump speech stems from a desire to keep candidates on message and consistently make certain arguments or point out certain aspects of their political platform. …”

    Candidates will often use major events to unveil a new or substantially revised stump speech.


    Barack Obama: “Friends”



    Red State Update: Hillary’s Out!


     Related Post On Pronk Palisades


    Voters Beware: The Radical Rules of Saul Alinsky and Leftist Democrats

    Obama and McCain–Socialism and Appeasement!

    Clinton & Obama: First They Lie To You and Then They Steal Your Property!

    Barack Obama: A Watermellon Man–Green on The Outside–Red on The Inside

    Fathers, Mothers and Babies for Senator John McCain!

    Barack Obama Throws His White Grandma Under The Bus–Backs Up and Does It Again–Amazing!

    Barack Obama–Damaged Goods–Birds of A Feather Flock Together

    Barack Obama Cult?

    Barack Obama–A Reader Not A Leader!  

    Appeasers and Oath Breakers All: Bush, Clinton, Bush, McCain, Clinton, Obama…Who is next?

    Why immigration will be the number 1 political issue in the 2008 Presidential Election! — Gum Balls

    Presidential Candidates on Illegal Immigration, Criminal Alien Removal and Social Service Benefits

    The Cost of Comprehensive Immigration Reform–McCain and Obama Are Hopeless–It is the Economy Stupid!

    John McCain’s Position on Illegal Immigration and Criminal Alien Removal? 

    Presidential Election 2008: American Elites Vs. American People

    Alan Keyes on Immigration

    US Immigration Videos


    Return of the Dupes and the Anti-Anti-Communists

    By Paul Kengor 



















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    Ask a Greedy Green Government (GGG) Democratic to Pay for Your Gas

    Posted on June 12, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Economics, Links, Politics, Rants, Raves, Resources, Science, Taxes, Technology, Uncategorized, Video |

     The  majority of the American people are about to revolt as gas prices exceed $4 and keep rising.

    The American elites are about to get educated and get their asses kicked for engaging in social engineering that could easily wreck the American economy.

    Time to broom all the watermellons, green on the outside and red on the inside, aka progressive liberals in Congress from both political parties.

    Democrats Vote Against Drilling for U.S. Oil – TREASON?

    Fascist “Chairman” Barack Obama (Jimmy Carter’s second term)

    Truckers and housewifes will lead the revolt.

    Truckers Protest Diesel Fuel Prices

    Gas Food prices, blame the bums in Congress–E51k

    Biofuel ethanol scam and your price of food and gas

    The American people are really getting mad at these clowns and fanatics for messing with energy and food prices.

    The Government is the problem not the solution.

    Five Ways to Lower Gasoline Prices

    Gasoline Prices

    “Thank a Democrat” 

    The Energy Debate: Just the Facts

    $3.80 gasoline too low? Washington
    thinks so

    by Ben Lieberman

    “…The bill, scheduled to be debated in the Senate on June 2, essentially places limits on the amount of gasoline and other fossil fuels Americans can use. The aim is to cut our emissions of carbon dioxide, which is blamed for warming the planet.

    Once the provisions take effect in 2012, prices would have to rise to reduce demand and meet these restrictions. The only question is by how much.

    A recent study by The Heritage Foundation estimates a cost increase of at least 29 percent by 2030, or $1.10 per gallon based on current gasoline prices. The Environmental Protection Agency is a bit less pessimistic, estimating a price boost of 53 cents per gallon by that year. But others predict an earlier impact – a National Association of Manufacturers’ study projects as much as $1.07 more per gallon by 2014.

    And these estimates are in addition to everything else that may drive prices higher in the years ahead. The impact could be far worse.

    High Gas Prices: Fuel for Thought

    by Ben Lieberman

    “… When it comes to soaring gasoline prices, we need a federal government that does less.

    Less contributing to the problem, that is. As lawmakers and presidential candidates offer a number of proposals to lower pump prices, they should keep in mind that past laws and regulations have made matters worse. Washington ought to eliminate these mistakes rather than repeat them.

    We need fewer restrictions on domestic oil drilling. America remains the only oil-producing nation on earth that has placed off-limits a substantial amount of its energy potential. This includes a few thousand acres of Alaska’s 20 million-acre Arctic National Wildlife Refuge that are believed to contain 10 billion barrels of oil — an amount equivalent to 15 years of imports from Saudi Arabia. More oil is in other restricted areas throughout Alaska, and even more in the 85 percent of America’s territorial waters that are off limits — nearly everywhere but the western half of the Gulf of Mexico.

    The only reason not to drill is the environmental concerns. But improvements in technology have greatly reduced the above-ground footprint and the risk of offshore spills. Any new drilling would be subject to the world’s strictest standards. …”


    Background Articles and Video 

    The Climate Alarmist Manifesto

    By Marc Sheppard

    “…Through Carbon trading, taxes, mandatory “clean energy” technology transfers, and other austere regulations, proposed UN-controlled international climate treaties to succeed Kyoto would penalize wealthy, innovative, capitalist countries while subsidizing poorer nations with waivers and foreign aid.  And with most “good governance” requirements for beneficiary nations lifted, this equates to coerced underwriting of military regimes, dictatorships and, of course, socialists.

    In his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program, Marx defined the basis for a communist society with the words “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”   What a marvelous creed for today’s climate alarmists, who would steal from flourishing countries, enterprises and citizens in order to give to those they deem chronically underprivileged.  And, by spreading their woefully unproven yet widely accepted GHG horror stories, would do so on a global level that Marx and Lenin themselves dared only dream of.   And would wield more centralized control of international economies than either ever dared envision. …”

    The Lieberman-Warner Climate Change Act: A Solution Worse Than the Problem

    by Ben Lieberman

    “… It is hard to think of any economic activity that does not involve energy, and there is not one that would not be made more expensive by Lieber­man–Warner. No matter how mea­sured, the impacts of the bill on the American economy overall as well as on individuals and households would be substantial and hardly dif­ferent from a massive energy tax.

    The impact on the overall econ­omy is reflected in cumulative gross domestic product (GDP) losses esti­mated at $1.7 trillion (with generous assumptions) to $4.8 trillion (with more realistic assumptions) by 2030. The single-year GDP losses would range from $111 billion to $436 bil­lion, or $949 to $3,726 per house­hold for each of the nation’s 117 million households. (See Chart 2.) Thus, the annual costs of the Climate Security Act would significantly exceed the Department of Homeland Security’s 2007 expenditures of $43 bil­lion and could also exceed the $155 billion spent on highways at all levels of government in 2005. …”

    Green Lip $ervice

    200 dollar a barrel oil

    Correcting Mistakes of the 1990s Should Top the Energy Agenda for 2006

    “…The 1990s were a time of relatively inexpensive fos­sil fuels. Oil averaged $20 per barrel, and natural gas averaged $2 per thousand cubic feet, compared to $56 and $7.50, respectively, in 2005. [1] With energy prices so low, Washington took a complacent approach to America’s future energy needs. Other priorities, espe­cially environmental concerns, were given precedence. Many environmental measures that affected energy supplies were enacted, including:

    • The 1990 presidential directive placing most areas with untapped offshore oil and natural gas off-limits;
    • The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments regulating motor fuels;
    • The 1995 veto of legislation opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil explora­tion and drilling; and
    • The 1998 Environmental Protection Agency enforcement initiative against oil refiners. …”

    Three Reasons the Lieberman-Warner Legislation is Bad for the Economy

    Two Key Principles of Positive Global Warming Policy

    Energy Solutions for America


    Lower Gas Prices…

    What about the “issues”…


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    Facing Fundamental Facts

    Cap & Trade Taxes–Government Greedy Green Taxes–Based On Government Junk Science

    Clinton’s Cap and Trade Tax on The American People for Consuming Electricity and Driving Cars, SUVs and Trucks!

    National Center for Policy Analysis–A Global Warming Primer

    Global Warming is The Greatest Hoax, Scam and Disinformation Campaign in History

    Global Warming Videos

    Global Warming Books

    Global Warming Sites

    Al Gore: Agent of Influence or Useful Idiot of Disinformation

    Al Gore: Agent of Influence and Planetary Propeller Head!

    Al Gore’s Little White Lie: Man-Made Global Warming Causing Polar Bears To Drown 

    Al Gore’s Big Whopper–Sea Levels Rise By 2100: Gore 20 Feet vs IPCC 2 Feet? 

    Presidential Election 2008: American Elites Vs. American People

    Let Them Eat Cake Act: American Elites Killing and Starving The American People

    The Heidelberg Appeal: Beware of False Gods and Prophets 

    Going Deep–Cool–Deep Ocean Water (DOW)–Ocean Power!

    Saving The World: The Importance of Getting The Priorities Right

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    Obama and McCain–Socialism and Appeasement!

    Posted on June 6, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Climate, Economics, Immigration, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Resources, Taxes, Technology, Video, War |

     History suggests that capitalism is a necessary condition for political freedom. Clearly it is not a sufficient condition.

    ~Milton Friedman 

    The late economist Ludwig von Mises wrote a book, Socialism: An Economic & Sociological Analysis, in 1922, in German, that was subsequently updated several times and translated into English.

    Ludwig von Mises

    Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises (pronounced [ˈluːtvɪç fɔn ˈmiːzəs]) (September 29, 1881 – October 10, 1973) was an Austrian Economist, philosopher, and a major influence on the modern libertarian movement.

    Because of his Jewish origin and his opinions, he had to emigrate to Switzerland and then settle in the USA. …”

    Ludwig von Mises Institute

    The Democratic Party is on the verge of nominating the first socialist as its nominee for President of the United States of America. It is fitting that a few quotes from Mises’ book be included here. 

    “I know only too well how hopeless it seems to convince impassioned supporters of the Socialist Idea by logical demonstration that their views are preposterous and absurd. I know too well that they do not want to hear, to see, or above all to think, and they are open to no argument. But new generations grow up with clear eyes and open minds. And they will approach things from a disinterested, unprejudiced standpoint, they will weigh and examine, will think and act with forethought. It is for them that this book is written.

    Several generations of economic policy which was nearly liberal have enormously increased the wealth of the world. Capitalism has raised the standard of life among the masses to a level which our ancestors could not have imagined. Interventionism and efforts to introduce Socialism have been working now for some decades to shatter the foundations of the world economic system. We stand on the brink of a precipice which threatens to engulf our civilization. Whether civilized humanity will perish for ever or whether the catastrophe will be averted at the eleventh hour and the only possible way of salavation retrace–by which we mean the rebuilding of a society based on the unreserved recognition of private  property in the means of production–is a question which concerns the generation destined to act in the coming decades, for it is the ideas behind their actions that will decide it.”

    ~Ludwig von Mises

    Vienna, January 1932

    With the election and appointment of Hitler as Reich Chancellor, Ludwig von Mises fled Austria and eventually made it to the United States.

    In Ian Kershaw’s book, Hitler, 1889-1936: Hubris, he relates the history of how Hitler came to power:

    “…’Hitler is Reich Chancellor. Just like a fairy-tale,’ noted Goebbels. Indeed, the extraordinary had happened. What few beyond the ranks of Nazis fanatics had thought possible less than a year earlier had become reality. Against all odds, Hitler’s aggressive obstinancy–born out of lack of alternatives–had paid off. What he had been unable to achieve himself, his ‘friends’ in high places had achieved for him. The ‘nobody of Vienna’, ‘unknown soldier’, beerhall demagogue, head of what was for years no more than a party on the lunatic fringe of politics, a man with no credentials for running a sophisticated state-machine, practically his sole qualification the ability to muster the support of the nationalist masses whose base instincts he showed an unusual talent for rousing, had now been placed in charge of government of one of the leading states in Europe. His intentions had scarcely been kept secret over the years. Whatever the avowals of following a legal path to power, heads would roll, he had said. Marxism would be eradicated, he had said. Jews would be ‘removed’, he had said. Bernamy would rebuild the strength of its armed forces, destroy the shackles of Versailles, conquer ‘by the sword’ the land needed for its ‘living space’, he had said. A few took him at his word, and thought he was dangerous. But far, far more, from Right to Left of the political spectrum–conservatives, liberals, socialists, communists–underrated his intentions and unscrupulous power instincts at the same time as they scorned his abilities….”

    The Republican Party is also on the verge of nominating a socialist appeaser as its nominee for President of the United States of America. It is fitting that the final passage from Mises book updated in 1950 with an Epilogue be quoted at length:

    “The problems of society’s economic organization are not suitable for light talk at fashionable cocktail parties. Neither can they be dealt with adequately by demagogues haranguing mass assemblies. They are serious things. They require painstaking study. They must not be taken lightly.

    The socialist propaganda never encountered any decided opposition. The devasting critique by which economist exploded the futility and impracticability of the socialist schemes and doctrines did not reach the moulders of public opinion. The universities were mostly dominated by socialist or interventionist pedants not only in Continental Europe, where they were owned and operated by the governments, but even in the Anglo-Saxon countries. The politicians and the statesman, anxious not to lose popularity, were lukewarm in their defence of freedom. The policy of appeasement, so much criticized when applied in the case of the Nazis and Fascists, was practiced universally for many decades with regard to all other brands of socialism. It was this defeatism that made the rising generation believe that the victory of socialism is inevitable.

    It is not true that the masses are vehemently asking for socialism and that there is no means to resist them. The masses favour socialism because they trust the socialist propaganda of the intellectuals. The intellectuals, not the populace, are moulding public opinion. It is a lame excuse of the intellectuals that they must yield to the masses. They themselves have generated the socialist ideas and indoctrinated the masses with them. No proletarian or son of a proletarian has contributed to the elaboration of the interventionist and socialist programmes. Their authors were all of bourgeois background. The esoteric writings of dialectical materialism, of Hegel, the father both of Marxism and of German aggressive nationalism, the books of Georges Sorel, of Gentile and of Spengler were not read by the average man; they did not move the masses directly. It was the intellectuals who popularized them.

    The intellectual leaders of the peoples have produced and propagated the fallacies which are on the point of destroying liberty and Western civilization. The intellectuals alone are responsible for the mass slaughters which are the characteristic mark of our century. They alone can reverse the trend and pave the way for a resurrection of freedom.

    Not mythical ‘material productive forces’, but reason and ideas determine the course of human affairs. What is needed to stop the trend towards socialism and depotism is common sense and moral courage.”

    ~Ludwig von Mises

    New York, July 1950

    The US elections of 2008 promises to be one in which a majority of American voters would like to vote None Of The Above (NOTA) when it comes to the office of President of The United States of America.

    I for one believe both parties need to find better candidates if they want to win future elections.

    Elections do matter.

    There would have been no D-Day Invasion on June 6, 1944 had Hitler not received nearly forty percent of the German vote and become Reich Chancellor by political manipulation.

    FDR’s D-Day Prayer 


    General Douglas MacArthur

    Sylvanus Thayer Award Acceptance Address 

    “Duty, Honor, Country”

    General Douglas MacArthur’s Farewell Speech

    Given to the Corps of Cadets at West Point

    May 12, 1962

    General Douglas MacArthur: Duty, Honor, Country

    I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America.

    ~Alexis De Tocqueville  


    Background Articles and Videos

    “…1881 – 1973


    About the Author

    Ludwig von Mises was the acknowledged leader of the Austrian School of economic thought, a prodigious originator in economic theory, and a prolific author. Mises’ writings and lectures encompassed economic theory, history, epistemology, government, and political philosophy. His contributions to economic theory include important clarifications on the quantity theory of money, the theory of the trade cycle, the integration of monetary theory with economic theory in general, and a demonstration that socialism must fail because it cannot solve the problem of economic calculation. Mises was the first scholar to recognize that economics is part of a larger science in human action, a science which Mises called “praxeology”. He taught at the University of Vienna and later at New York University. Mises wrote many works on two related economic themes: 1. monetary economics, inflation, and the role of government, and 2. the differences between government-controlled economies and free trade. His influential work on economic freedoms, their causes and consequences, brought him to highlight the interrelationships between economic and non-economic freedoms in societies, and the appropriate role for government.

    In The Library: 





    My Old Party   

    William J. Bennett

    “…And thus the Democratic party is about to nominate a far left candidate in the tradition of George McGovern, albeit without McGovern’s military and political record. The Democratic party is about to nominate a far-left candidate in the tradition of Michael Dukakis, albeit without Dukakis’s executive experience as governor. The Democratic party is about to nominate a far left candidate in the tradition of John Kerry, albeit without Kerry’s record of years of service in the Senate. The Democratic party is about to nominate an unvetted candidate in the tradition of Jimmy Carter, albeit without Jimmy Carter’s religious integrity as he spoke about it in 1976. Questions about all these attributes (from foreign policy expertise to executive experience to senatorial experience to judgment about foreign leaders to the instructors he has had in his cultural values) surround Barack Obama. And the Democratic party has chosen him.”

    Charlie Rose – George Will

    Glenn Beck – The Obama Socialist Agenda

    Barack Obama: Global Poverty Act = World tax = Socialism

    Glenn Beck on Obamanomics

    Obama The Racialist Socialist

    Obama: Stealth Socialist? 


    “…Rated the most liberal member in the Senate, Obama wants to soak the most productive members of society and subsidize those who are not. He wants to hit small businesses and big corporations alike with major tax hikes — singling out for special rebuke oil producers and “Wall Street predators” who have “tricked” blacks out of their homes. At the same time, he plans to expand the welfare state with massive increases in domestic spending. …”

    Obama and His Socialist Agenda

    Rick Moran

    “…If Obama and his socialist friends were to focus on what “actually works,” they would make school choice the law of the land, crack down on drugs and gangs, lower taxes in urban areas to encourage the growth of the private sector, and a host of other free market solutions that have been advocated for decades. Instead, we get the same old tired bromides about government intervention.The inner city is not the liberal’s pet laboratory where they can experiment with people’s lives as if they were lab rats. What the inner city needs, Obama and his socialist theories of government activism cannot provide. And that is the simple human dignity that goes with being self sufficient and supporting your loved ones. Getting those jobs to where they can do the most good will require rethinking urban policy so that lower taxes as well as tax incentives will begin the process of wealth creation that Americans are so good at. But asking these big city Democratic mayors to lower taxes and seek more free market solutions to their problems flies in the face of their own interests in feeding the numerous interest groups, special pleaders, and cronies who have gotten used to the contracts, the handouts, and the barely disguised bribes that pass for local government action these days.     


     It was federal government policies and programs that caused most of the problems of the inner city today. The fact that Obama wants to try more of the same only shows that absolute dearth of ideas emanating from the left regarding urban policy. They just can’t help themselves. And Obama can no longer disguise his far left policies by advocating them using soothing, non-threatening rhetoric.”     

    Obama: I’m with John McCain and Ted Kennedy on Immigration

    John “God’s Children” McCain Won’t Secure Borders

    Jobs Americans wont do a Myths?

    McCain Flip-Flops on Immigration

    McCain Flip-Flops On Ethanol

    Lou Dobbs: Why Amnesty is Insane

    Lou Dobbs Tonight: Cost of Illegal Immigrants

    Heritage In Focus: Ethanol and Higher Gas Prices

    Lieberman-Warner Global Warming Bill Is Bad for U.S. Economy

    McCain’s YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare

    Will the real John McCain stand up 

    “…It is quite likely that the senator for Arizona will continue to manoeuvre over the remaining 152 days left of campaigning. One day he will be promising to bring a new era of bipartisanship to Washington, the next he will be banging the drum for the right to bear arms. In the end, the old John McCain and the new, the maverick free-thinker and the rightwing panderer, will just have to get used to living with each other as they travel the country on the Straight Talk Express.

    If they go all the way, as they just might, and together take up joint residency at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, then it will be another matter. Then the world will demand to know the truth. Will the real John McCain please stand up.”



    The Democratic Party is a Joke…

    Barack Obama can’t STOP lying…

    Democrat or Republican???

    Related Post of Pronk Palisades

    Saluting Charles Durning–Actor/Hero

    Voters Beware: The Radical Rules of Saul Alinsky and Leftist Democrats

    Clinton & Obama: First They Lie To You and Then They Steal Your Property!

    Barack Obama: A Watermellon Man–Green on The Outside–Red on The Inside

    Fathers, Mothers and Babies for Senator John McCain!

    Barack Obama Throws His White Grandma Under The Bus–Backs Up and Does It Again–Amazing!

    Barack Obama–Damaged Goods–Birds of A Feather Flock Together

    Barack Obama Cult?

    Barack Obama–A Reader Not A Leader!

    Hillary Clinton: It is My Party And I Will Cry If I Want To and I Fall To Pieces–Woman Weeper!

    John McCain and Hillary Clinton Anger Management Issues

    Conservatives Are Waiting for A John McCain Moment On YouTube–The Eyes of Texas!

    Hillary Clinton–Requiem for A Goldwater Girl

    Cap & Trade Taxes–Government Greedy Green Taxes–Based On Government Junk Science

    Clinton’s Cap and Trade Tax on The American People for Consuming Electricity and Driving Cars, SUVs and Trucks!

    Clear, Hold, Build– Strategy for Victory In Iraq–Now Ready for Prime Time in America– Operation Criminal Alien Removal (CAR)!

    John McCain’s Position on Illegal Immigration and Criminal Alien Removal?

    The Cost of Comprehensive Immigration Reform–McCain and Obama Are Hopeless–It is the Economy Stupid!

    John McCain–A Candidate too Far Left

    Conservative Turnout Will Determine the Outcome of The Presidential 2008 Race Between McCain vs. Obama

    Turnout of Voters Key to Victory in Presidential Election 2008

    Alan Keyes on Immigration

    Clinton Obama Fusion Ticket–Who is On Top?

    The Kennedy Clinton Democratic Party Civil War Over Obama–Happy Days Are Here Again!

    Yes We Can–Throw You Under The Bus–Presidential Campaign 2008 Mantra

    Down and Dirty Democrat Clinton vs. Up and Clean Democrat Obama: Hard Ball Time!



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    Cap & Trade Taxes–Government Greedy Green Taxes–Based On Government Junk Science

    Posted on June 4, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Economics, Links, Politics, Rants, Raves, Resources, Science, Taxes, Technology, Video |

     The last thing the American people need or want are more taxes.

    Enough is enough!

    Cap & Trade is simply another tax–a greedy green tax–to steal the American people’s hard earned money.

    In order to get support for the tax, the American Elites, mainly Liberal Progressive Democrats and maverick Republicans are trying to fool the American people into believing that their C02 emmission are the primary cause of global warming.

    The American people are not buying this nonsense nor are the scientists. 

    May 19, 2008

    Are 32,000 Scientists Enough to Question Global Warming ‘Consensus?’

    Marc Sheppard

    “The National Press Club in Washington will today release the names of as many as 32,000 American Scientists who reject not only Kyoto-style greenhouse gas limits, but the very premise of manmade global warming itself. …”

    There are several primary causes for the earth’s climate change and man’s CO2 emissions is not one of them. …”

    Causes of Climate Change

    Factors that influence the Earth’s climate.

      “…The work of climatologists has found evidence to suggest that only a limited number of factors are primarily responsible for most of the past episodes of climate change on the Earth. These factors include:

    • Variations in the Earth’s orbital characteristics.
    • Atmospheric carbon dioxide variations.
    • Volcanic eruptions
    • Variations in solar output. …” 

    The hypothesis that global warming is man-made is largely based on government funded or more correctly taxpayer funded junk science of computer climate models. This hypothesis has repeatedly shown to be false. 

    “Professor Bob Carter uses the scientific method on the popular theory with global warming being linked to CO2 levels.

    He examnines the hypothesis and it fails the test. Does this surprise you?…”

    Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause? – Pt 1 of 4

    Climate change – Is CO2 the cause? – Pt 2 of 4 

    Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause? – pt 3 of 4 

    Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause?- pt 4 of 4

    Prof Bob Carter is a geologist at James Cook University, Queensland, engaged in paleoclimate research

    There IS a problem with global warming… it stopped in 1998
    By Bob Carter  

    Are you a CO2 Sceptic?

    An introduction to CO2 scepticism

    “…The World’s Governments’ solution to apply “green taxation” as a cure in the light of an unscientific philosophy of climate change is starting to fall apart, CO2 output has continued to rise and yet global temperatures have started to fall!

    One thing that needs to be established, there is no doubt whatsoever there has been a climate change in the last 50-60 years. So just because you are a CO2Sceptic, that is not on the basis that you are in some sort of denial about this change. Global climate data clearly shows that there has been an increase in world temperatures in the past few decades.

    If you look closely at the Global Temperatures graph below you will notice that Annual Average Temperatures peaked in 1998, and have been in general decline ever since. Unlike temperature figures, you will see that CO2 output is still increasing.

    Now ask yourself a simple question. Is CO2 driving the world’s temperature changes?

    It would appear not!…”


    While I certainly favor nuclear energy and the building of at least another 250 nuclear power plants  to supply the electrical needs of the American people over the next hundred years, we do not need a Cap & Trade Tax Bill to accomplish this.

    Simply remove all the government regulations on the books that are delaying and slowing down the building of nuclear power plants, oil and gas exploration and production both in the US and off the US coasts and the building of 100 new oil refineries.

    Rapid economic development and growth, wealth, prosperity and job creation, all require more energy production, not less. 

    The very last thing the American people need or want is another tax on their electrical and gasoline consumption.

    It is about time that the American people throw these lying and  corrupt political elites of both parties out of office.

    If you value your freedom, economic prosperity and your job, Vote all the government greedy green  crooks out of office in November.  

    Background Articles and Videos

    McWavering: What’s the Deal-Breaker for Lieberman-Warner?

    “….Although Sen. McCain has partnered with Sen. Lieberman on similar bills over the years, his stance on the current bill is a mystery. On Wednesday–as he has several times in recent weeks–Sen. McCain hinted to reporters that he might withhold support for the measure unless it’s amended to include greater incentives for nuclear power, a potential deal breaker for many Democrats.

    “We’re never going to really significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions unless nuclear power is a major component of” U.S. energy supply, Sen. McCain told reporters Wednesday. Nuclear energy currently accounts for around 20% of the country’s electric power supply. He added that he’s “been disappointed so far” that the bill doesn’t provide “a robust and serious addressing of the issue of nuclear power.”

    “I know that’s not the most popular position, but that has to be in it, and I will make a judgment accordingly as the legislative process goes forward,” he added. …”

    McCain’s cap-and-trade hoax

    Posted: June 02, 2008, 7:32 PM by NP Editor

    Climate change, John McCain,

    George Will, cap-and-trade system

    Cap-and-trade is a huge tax hidden in a bureaucratic labyrinth of opaque permit transactions

                                                       By George Will

    “…McCain, who supports Lieberman’s unprecedented expansion of government’s regulatory reach, is the scourge of all lobbyists (other than those employed by his campaign). But cap-and-trade would be a bonanza for K Street, the lobbyists’ habitat, because it would vastly deepen and broaden the upside benefits and downside risks that the government’s choices mean for businesses.
    McCain, the political hygienist, is eager to reduce the amount of money in politics. But cap-and-trade, by hugely increasing the amount of politics in the allocation of money, would guarantee a surge of money into politics.
    Regarding McCain’s “central facts,” the UN’s World Meteorological Organization, which helped establish the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — co-winner, with Al Gore, of the Nobel Prize — says global temperatures have not risen in a decade. So Congress might be arriving late at the save-the-planet party. Better late than never? No. When government, ever eager to expand its grip on the governed and their wealth, manufactures hysteria as an excuse for doing so, then: better never.”

    Table of Contents: A Layman’s Guide to Man-Made Global Warming

    “The purpose of this paper is to provide a layman’s critique of the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory, and in particular to challenge the fairly widespread notion that the science and projected consequences of AGW currently justify massive spending and government intervention into the world’s economies.  This paper will show that despite good evidence that global temperatures are rising and that CO2 can act as a greenhouse gas and help to warm the Earth, we are a long way from attributing all or much of current warming to man-made CO2.  We are even further away from being able to accurately project man’s impact on future climate, and it is a very debatable question whether interventions today to reduce CO2 emissions will substantially improve the world 50 or 100 years from now. …”

    The Deniers

    Posted: December 13, 2007, 1:55 PM by DrewHasselback

    “The National Post’s sensational series on scientists who buck the conventional wisdom on climate science.  Written by Lawrence Solomon, the series profiles the ideas and the scientists who do not share the “consensus”  United Nations’ theories on climate change and global warming. Read them all. …”

    The Deniers: Our spotless sun

    Posted: May 31, 2008, 3:07 AM by NP Editor

    With the debate focused on a warming Earth, the icy consequences of a cooler future have not been considered

                                                  By Lawrence Solomon

    “…But many are watching the sun for answers, and for good reason. Several renowned scientists have been predicting for some time that the world could enter a period of cooling right around now, with consequences that could be dire. “The next little ice age would be much worse than the previous one and much more harmful than anything warming may do,” believes Dr. Chapman. “There are many more people now and we have become dependent on a few temperate agricultural areas, especially in the U.S. and Canada. Global warming would increase agricultural output, but global cooling will decrease it.” …”

    Why the U.S. Needs More Nuclear Power
    Peter W. Huber, Mark P. Mills

    “…The U.S. today consumes about 100 quads—100 quadrillion BTUs—of raw thermal energy per year. We do three basic things with it: generate electricity (about 40 percent of the raw energy consumed), move vehicles (30 percent), and produce heat (30 percent). Oil is the fuel of transportation, of course. We principally use natural gas to supply raw heat, though it’s now making steady inroads into electric power generation. Fueling electric power plants are mainly (in descending order) coal, uranium, natural gas, and rainfall, by way of hydroelectricity. …”

    “…The power has to come from somewhere. Sun and wind will never come close to supplying it. Earnest though they are, the people who argue otherwise are the folks who brought us 400 million extra tons of coal a year. The one practical technology that could decisively shift U.S. carbon emissions in the near term would displace coal with uranium, since uranium burns emission-free. It’s time even for Greens to embrace the atom. …” 

    John Stossel – The Global Warming Debate 10-20-07

    Cap-and-trade like Soviet-style central planning

    Pat Toomey on Cap and Trade Legislation

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    Clinton’s Cap and Trade Tax on The American People for Consuming Electricity and Driving Cars, SUVs and Trucks!

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    Global Warming is The Greatest Hoax, Scam and Disinformation Campaign in History

    Global Warming Videos

    Global Warming Books

    Global Warming Sites

    Al Gore: Agent of Influence or Useful Idiot of Disinformation

    Al Gore: Agent of Influence and Planetary Propeller Head!

    Al Gore’s Little White Lie: Man-Made Global Warming Causing Polar Bears To Drown 

    Al Gore’s Big Whopper–Sea Levels Rise By 2100: Gore 20 Feet vs IPCC 2 Feet? 

    Presidential Election 2008: American Elites Vs. American People

    Let Them Eat Cake Act: American Elites Killing and Starving The American People

    The Heidelberg Appeal: Beware of False Gods and Prophets 

    Going Deep–Cool–Deep Ocean Water (DOW)–Ocean Power!

    Saving The World: The Importance of Getting The Priorities Right

    Fathers, Mothers and Babies for Senator John McCain!

    Conservative Turnout Will Determine the Outcome of The Presidential 2008 Race Between McCain vs. Obama

    Conservatives Are Waiting for A John McCain Moment On YouTube–The Eyes of Texas!

    Turnout of Voters Key to Victory in Presidential Election 2008

    John McCain’s Position on Illegal Immigration and Criminal Alien Removal?

    John McCain–A Candidate too Far Left

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    Clear, Hold, Build– Strategy for Victory In Iraq–Now Ready for Prime Time in America– Operation Criminal Alien Removal (CAR)!

    Posted on June 3, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Links, Politics, Rants, Raves, Resources, Taxes, Video, War |

    “In war there is no substitute for victory.”

    ~General of the Army Douglas MacArthur 

     A Strategy of Victory to Stop The Invasion of The United States of America by Millions of Illegal Immigrants

    The successful strategy of Clear, Hold, and Build as implemented by the “surge” in Iraq should now be used in the United States to stop illegal immigration.

    First, clear all US businesses of illegal immigrants,

    Second, hold all criminal aliens in jails for eventual deportation to their country of origin.

    Third, build the entire two fences along the U.S.-Mexican border with a road between them patrolled by the US Border Patrol.

    The USA has Won the Iraq War!

    Start by bringing our troops in Iraq home for a badly needed rest and a victory parade.

    Then redeploy them along the US Mexican border.

    Time to stop the criminal alien invasion.

    “…In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

    We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. …”

    From the Farewell Address
    President Dwight D. Eisenhower
    17 January 1961


    Background Articles and Videos

    Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex

    President Eisenhower On The Military-Industrial Complex

    Farewell Address, 1961

    The Iraqi Upturn

    Don’t look now, but the U.S.-backed government and army may be winning the war.

    “…Gen. Petraeus pointed out that attacks in Iraq hit a four-year low in mid-May and that Iraqi forces were finally taking the lead in combat and on multiple fronts at once — something that was inconceivable a year ago. As a result the Iraqi government of Nouri al-Maliki now has “unparalleled” public support, as Gen. Petraeus put it, and U.S. casualties are dropping sharply. Eighteen American soldiers died in May, the lowest total of the war and an 86 percent drop from the 126 who died in May 2007. …”

    Washington Post sees Iraq Turnaround

    Rick Moran


    WaPo thinks that the month of May could turn out to be the most important month of the war because all the things that must happen for victory are finally coming into being. American casualties are the lowest since the war began, attacks on Iraqis are way down, and the Iraqi government and military are demonstrating that they can handle the security of the country on their own.
    There’s still a way to go. But when the Washington Post even sees huge progress, Obama is the candidate who seems “out of touch” on Iraq. …” 


    Fact Sheet: Strategy for Victory: Clear, Hold, and Build 

    Iraq and U.S. Policy

    Secretary Condoleezza Rice
    Opening Remarks Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    Washington, DC
    October 19, 2005

    “…In short, with the Iraqi Government, our political-military strategy has to be to clear, hold, and build: to clear areas from insurgent control, to hold them securely, and to build durable, national Iraqi institutions. …”

    Clear, Hold Build: Not So Clear
    Posted by Heather Hurlburt

    “…We know what we must do.  With our Iraqi allies, we are working to: Clear the toughest places — no sanctuaries to the enemy — and to disrupt foreign support for the insurgents.  We are working to hold and steadily enlarge the secure areas, integrating political and economic outreach with our military operations.  We are working to build truly national institutions by working with more capable provincial and local authorities.  We are challenging them to embody a national compact — not tools of a particular sect or ethnic group.  These Iraqi institutions must sustain security forces, bring rule of law, visibly deliver essential services, and offer the Iraqi people hope for a better economic future. …” 

    BUSH’S WAR Part 25/27

    BUSH’S WAR Part 26/27

    BUSH’S WAR Part 27/27


    “…Gen. Petraeus, replacing Casey, is the Army’s most outspoken advocate of the Tal Afar approach – “clear,hold, build.” Will it work? Is it too late? …”

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    ‘Illegal Immigration, Big Business & Southern Workers’

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    Why immigration will be the number 1 political issue in the 2008 Presidential Election! — Gum Balls

    Presidential Candidates on Illegal Immigration, Criminal Alien Removal and Social Service Benefits

    The Cost of Comprehensive Immigration Reform–McCain and Obama Are Hopeless–It is the Economy Stupid!

    John McCain’s Position on Illegal Immigration and Criminal Alien Removal? 

    Presidential Election 2008: American Elites Vs. American People

    Alan Keyes on Immigration

    US Immigration Videos



















































































































































































































































































































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