Glenn Beck On Maurice Strong and The American Power Act–The Cap and Trade Energy Tax Repackaged–A Huge Tax Increase–Skyrocketing Prices!

Posted on May 12, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Climate, College, Communications, Computers, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Energy, Farming, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, history, Immigration, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Reviews, Science, Security, Strategy, Talk Radio, Taxes, Technology, Transportation, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , |


Maurice Strong

The Godfather of Global Warming

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring about?”

~Maurice Strong

Glenn Beck-05/12/10-A

Glenn Beck-05/12/10-B

Maurice Strong–Videos

Glenn Beck-05/12/10-C

Glenn Beck-05/12/10-D

Glenn is getting warmer by making the Maurice Strong connection.

Who backed Maurice Strong and the network of progressive radical socialists of both political parties?

Follow the money and keep asking who or what nations benefit the most.

Global Warming, The Crisis That Never Was:

“To MYSTIFY and mislead the enemy has always been one of the cardinal principles of war. Consequently, ruses de guerre of one kind or another have played a part in almost every campaign ever since the episode of the Trojan horse, or perhaps even earlier.The game has been played for so long that it is not easy to think out new methods of disguising one’s strength or one’s intentions. Moreover, meticulous care must be exercised in the planning and execution of these schemes. Otherwise, so far from deceiving the enemy, they merely give the show away. …”

~Lord Ismay, foreword to The Man Who Never Was

The Man Who Never Was

Ben Macintyre talks about Operation Mincemeat

Background Articles and Videos

Yuri Bezmenov On KGB Soviet Propaganda and Subversion–Videos

Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) L.A. 1983 pt. III 1/7

Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) L.A. 1983 pt. III 2/7

Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) L.A. 1983 pt. III 3/7

Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) L.A. 1983 pt. III 4/7

Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) L.A. 1983 pt. III 5/7

Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) L.A. 1983 pt. III 6/7

Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) L.A. 1983 pt. III 7/7

Maurice Strong

“…Maurice F. Strong (born 1929) “was named Senior Advisor to the President of the World Bank in June 1995. From December 1992 until December 1995, Mr. Strong was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ontario Hydro, North America’s largest utility. Until September 1992, Mr. Strong was Secretary General of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Earth Summit) and Under-Secretary General of the United Nations. During 1985 and 1986, he served as Under-Secretary General of the United Nations and Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Office for Emergency Operations in Africa and was a member of the World Commission on Environment and Development. Born in Canada and a resident of Toronto, Canada, Mr. Strong has longstanding ties with both the private and public sectors. Mr. Strong served as the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment from November 1970 to December 1972, and subsequently became the first Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya (January 1973-December 1975). He was then appointed President, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Canada’s national oil company, Petro-Canada. He also has been President of Power Corporation of Canada, first President of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Chairman of the Canada Development Investment Corporation and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the International Development Research Centre (IDCR) in Canada. Mr. Strong is an advisor to the United Nations, and serves on the board of several other public service organizations. He has been a director and/or officer of a number of Canadian, U.S. and international corporations.

“He has received a number of awards and honours including the Order of Canada, the Swedish Royal Order of the Polar Star, and honourary doctorates from 37 universities. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society (U.K.), the Royal Society of Canada and the Royal Architectural Society of Canada.Mr. Strong was born 29 April 1929, and educated in Manitoba, Canada. He is married to Hanne Marstrand and has four children, a foster child and eight grandchildren. His current appointments include: [1]

  • Under-Secretary General and Special Advisor to the Secretary-General, United Nations
  • Special Advisor to the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme
  • Chairman, Earth Council Institute
  • Chairman, International Advisory Board, CH2M Hill Group Inc.
  • Director, Foundation Board, World Economic Forum
  • Director, The Human Society of the United States
  • Member, Toyota International Advisory Board
  • Director, Zenon Environmental Inc.
  • Advisory Council, LEAD International [2]

Past appointments include:

  • Special Advisor to the President, World Bank
  • 1998-2001 Mamber International Advisory Board, Federation of Korean Industry
  • 1992-1995 Chairman, Ontario Hydro
  • 1992 Secretary General, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
  • 1985-1986 Executive Coordinator, United Nations Office for Emergency Operations in Africa
  • 1983-1987 Member World Commission on Environment and Development
  • 1976-1978 President, Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Petro-Canada
  • 1973-1975 Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 1970-1972 Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
  • 1970-1972, 1976-1980, Chairman, Board of Governors, International Development Research Centre, Membmer of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum
  • 1966-1970 Headed Canada’s International Development Assistance Program as Director-General of the External Aid Office, and later as President and Chairman of the Board of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
  • 1966-1970 Alternate Governor for Canada- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Chairman, Bureau of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources …”

The American Power Act

“…After nearly a year spent trying to craft a tripartisan (Kerry-Graham-Lieberman) bill aiming to cut America’s contribution to the global greenhouse and reliance on fossil fuels, the remaining bill authors, John Kerry and Joseph Lieberman, have rolled out the “American Power Act” today.

As always, there are three questions.

Can it pass? Even with the added energy focus from the continuing oil eruption in the Gulf of Mexico, this appears very unlikely, according to a heap of analysts more attuned to Beltway machinations than I am.

Will it succeed? That depends on your definition of success, of course. The text and summaries circulating on the Web show that the bill contains plenty of mechanisms — some dubious — aimed at easing the path toward achieving the 2020 target of a 17-percent reduction in emissions from 2005 levels. The long-term target of an 80-percent cut in emissions by 2050 is in the realm of fantasy baseball so is not worth pondering.

Will it matter? If it somehow becomes law and its provisions get carried out, will the bill matter in the broader context of global climate change and emissions trends? My sense is, with climate, the world is in the realm where a “ nudge” matters. Even with all the compromises aimed at political consensus, the bill would surely create more incentives for speeding deployment of energy options other than conventional burning of coal and oil. Yes, there will be more money for research on energy frontiers. But given that most revenues generated by the bill are slated to be sent back to consumers to blunt its impact on wallets, it’s hard to perceive this effort as sparking the kind of energy quest needed to decarbonize a world heading toward roughly 9 billion people seeking lives enabled by abundant energy. Still, a vote against the bill is, in essence, a vote for stasis unless naysaying lawmakers propose a serious new approach. …”

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Cap and Trade

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