FCC Threat To Freedom with Net Neutrality Or Government Regulation of The Internet–Videos

Posted on December 22, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Education, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, Language, liberty, Life, Links, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Security, Taxes, Video, Wealth | Tags: , , , , , , |

“Socialism and interventionism. Both have in common the goal of subordinating the individual unconditionally to the state.”

“It is indeed one of the principal drawbacks of every kind of interventionism that it is so difficult to reverse the process.”

~Ludwig von Mises

Will Net Neutrality Save the Internet?


Net Neutrality for Dummies: Will the FCC control the Internet?


FCC’s Net Neutrality : Freedom Watch News w/ Judge Andrew Napolitano 12/3/10


Washington Approves Net Neutrality Rule – The Internet Just Became More Expensive


ITTN: Net Neutrality, Part 1


FCC Approves Proposed Net Neutrality Rule


Divided FCC Adopts New Rules Governing Internet Traffic


Ron Paul on Net Neutrality



FCC Internet Powergrab – Peter Schiff Radio 12-21-10 Net Neutrality


FCC want to kill internet with Net Neutrality! Stand up people!


Google Plans To Kill Web In Internet Takeover Agenda


There is no need for the government to regulate the Internet.

Let the marketplace determine access and pricing on the Internet.

The Internet is not broke, do not fix it with government intervention or regulation of the Internet.

Leave it to the progressive radical socialists to screw up the Internet through government regulation.

“It is indeed one of the principal drawbacks of every kind of interventionism that it is so difficult to reverse the process.”

~Ludwig von Mises



Background Articles and Videos

Judge Napolitano and Shelly Roche Discuss Net Neutrality on Freedom Watch


U.S. attempting to regulate the Internet


Internet Regulation – Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights

Internet Gets New Rules of the Road


“…Consumers for the first time got federally approved rules guaranteeing their right to view what they want on the Internet. The new framework could also result in tiered charges for web access and alter how companies profit from the network.

The Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday voted 3-2 to back Chairman Julius Genachowski’s plan for what is commonly known as “net neutrality,” or rules prohibiting Internet providers from interfering with legal web traffic. President Barack Obama said the FCC’s action will “help preserve the free and open nature of the Internet.”

The move was prompted by worries that large phone and cable firms were getting too powerful as Internet gatekeepers.

Most consumers haven’t had a problem viewing whatever they want online; few instances have arisen of an Internet provider blocking or slowing services.

Rather, the FCC rules are designed to prevent potential future harms and they could shape how Americans access and use the Internet years from now. In the future, the Internet industry will be increasingly centered around the fastest-growing categories of Internet traffic—online video, gaming and mobile services, analysts say. Cisco Systems Inc., the broadband network provider, has forecast those services could quadruple by 2014. …”
Read more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703581204576033513990668654.html#ixzz18sU1nVBZ

Net Neutrality


  The Death of The Internet?


Barack Obama: On Net Neutrality


Sen. Ted Kennedy supports Net Neutrality


Mike McCurry on Net Neutrality


Paul Misener of Amazon.com on net neutrality 


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Imperialism: Enemy of Freedom–Videos

Posted on December 16, 2010. Filed under: Agriculture, Blogroll, Communications, Culture, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Energy, Farming, Federal Government, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, Health Care, history, Immigration, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Regulations, Religion, Resources, Science, Taxes, Technology, Transportation, Video, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

“Marxian socialism, as a fundamentally revolutionary movement, is inwardly inclined toward imperialism. No one will dispute that, least of all the Marxists themselves, who straightforwardly proclaim the cult of revolution.”

~Ludwig von Mises, Nation, State, and Economy, page 206


American Imperialism: Enemy of Freedom 1 of 4) Lew Rockwell


American Imperialism: Enemy of Freedom 2 of 4) Lew Rockwell


American Imperialism: Enemy of Freedom 3 of 4) Lew Rockwell



American Imperialism: Enemy of Freedom (4 of 4) Lew Rockwell

Small States, Global Economy | Jeffrey M. Herbener


The Classical Liberal Theory of Empire [Ralph Raico]


The Case for Free Trade, Not Imperialism [Walter Block]


The Anti-Imperialist League and the Battle Against Empire [Thomas E. Woods, Jr.]


Five Most Common Myths About International Trade [Robert P. Murphy]


 The Confused Literature on Globalization [David Gordon]


Financing the Empire | Mark Thornton


What Empire Does to a Culture [Roderick T. Long]


The New Global Marketplace [Sudha Shenoy]


The Origin and Nature of International Conflict [Hans-Hermann Hoppe]


Taxation, Inflation, and War [Joseph T. Salerno]


American Imperialism: Enemy of  


The International Language of the Austrian School [Jeffrey A. Tucker] 

“Modern imperialism is distinguished from the expansionist tendencies of the absolute principalities by the fact that its moving spirits are not the members of the ruling dynasty, nor even of the nobility… but the mass of the people, who look upon it as the most appropriate means for the preservation of national independence.”

~Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism, page 122.


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Banking Cartel’s Public Relations Campaign Continues:Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke On The Record

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John Stossel–Americans for Prosperity–Videos

Posted on October 12, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, College, Communications, Culture, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, Homes, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Technology, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

President Obama Insults Americans for Prosperity

Obama asks, Who are the Americans for Prosperity?


John Stossel – American’s for Prosperity! (Part 1/3)

John Stossel – American’s for Prosperity! (Part 2/3)

John Stossel – American’s for Prosperity! (Part 3/3)

AFP President Tim Phillips on CNN

AFP President Tim Phillips and Local Chairman Edward Ayers on “Face to Face”

AFP on Fox News at the Tea Party Convention

Jack Webb Schools Barack Obama

Background Articles and Videos

Americans for Prosperity

“…Americans for Prosperity (AFP) is a Washington, D.C.-based conservative political advocacy group which advocates for limited government and free markets on the local, state and federal levels.

History and mission

An August 2010 editorial article by Jane Mayer in The New Yorker says that the Kochs have given to support their immediate self-interest as well as to fund organizations that covertly aim to push the country in a libertarian direction. It says that institutions Koch have subsidized also include the Institute for Justice, which files lawsuits opposing state and federal regulations; the Institute for Humane Studies, which underwrites libertarian academics; and the Bill of Rights Institute, which promotes a libertarian view of the Constitution. It also says that the organizations funded by the Kochs employ specialists who write position papers that are subsequently quoted by politicians and pundits. David Koch was quoted by The New Yorker as saying, “If we’re going to give a lot of money, we’ll make darn sure they spend it in a way that goes along with our intent… And if they make a wrong turn and start doing things we don’t agree with, we withdraw funding.”[1]

Ira Stoll of FutureOfCapitalism.com criticized the article, stating that Mayer seemed to imply that “left-wing think tanks are nonpartisan watchdogs, but the free-market ones are part of some covert stealth nefarious plot”, and referred to the open data already available about Koch-connected think tanks.[2][3] Matt Welch of Reason wrote in support of Stoll and labeled the New Yorker article a “hit-piece”.[2]

AFP aims to promote an economic policy that supports business and regulatory restraint by government, according to its literature. AFP opposed the $787 billion stimulus package.[4]

Leadership and structure

  • Art Pope, director[5][6]
  • James C. Miller, director
  • James E. Stephenson, director
  • Frayda Levy, director

Other national staff include: Tim Phillips, president; Phil Kerpen, director of policy; and Erik Telford, director of AFP’s RightOnline new media program. Tim Phillips is a former business partner of Ralph Reed, who was the executive director of the Christian Coalition when it rose to national prominence.[7]

Americans for Prosperity is led by Tim Phillips, a former partner with Ralph Reed’s Century Strategies.[8][9] From 2003 to 2007 AFP was led by Nancy Pfotenhauer (Koch Industries’ chief lobbyist from 1996 to 2001), who left to become an adviser for the 2008 John McCain presidential campaign.

For its outreach, the organization has chapters in 26 of the 50 US states.[10]


Media Transparency says that Americans for Prosperity Foundation has received seven grants totaling $1,181,000 between 2004 to 2006. Grants to the foundation have included:[11]

  • $1,000,000 from the Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, one of the Koch Family Foundations;
  • $125,000 from three grants over 2004 and 2005 from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation;
  • $50,000 in 2005 from the Ruth and Lovett Peters Foundation;
  • $1,000 in 2006 from the Roe Foundation; and
  • $5,000 in 2005 from the Armstrong Foundation;

In its 2007 annual tax return, the AFP Foundation’s reported that its revenue was $5,695,000 with expenditure of $6,768,000. While the AFP Foundation ran at a loss of $1,072,000, it had a further $507,000 in reserves. Of its expenditure, $2,129,000 was spent on national office operations with just over $2.9 million allocated to the state-based chapters.

Based on its financial operations and programs, the independent Charity Navigator nonprofit review organization has given Americans For Prosperity Foundation a three-star rating out of four stars, and a 50.92 rating out of a possible 60 points.[12]




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George Soros On Reflexivity And Fallibility–Videos

Posted on November 21, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Computers, Economics, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government spending, Investments, Law, liberty, Life, Links, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Raves, Resources, Science, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , |















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The Coming Inflation and A New Money Supply Backed By Real Estate?–Free Enterprise To The Rescue?

Posted on October 28, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Employment, Fiscal Policy, government spending, Health Care, Immigration, Investments, Law, liberty, Life, Links, Medicine, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Technology, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , |



US Debt Clock





 The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press

Reasons for America’s Success

“…Although many Americans are distrustful of government, wary of the news media and disinterested in politics, they resoundingly endorse the economic and democratic systems on which the nation is grounded. When looking back on the accomplishments of the 20th century, overwhelming majorities agree that the Constitution (85%), free elections (84%), and the free enterprise system (81%) are major reasons for the success that the U.S. has enjoyed during the past 100 years. The public may be frustrated by how the system operates, but they like the design. …”





Glenn Beck-10-28-09-A

Glenn Beck-10-28-09-B

Glenn Beck-10-28-09-C

Glenn Beck-10-28-09-D

Glenn Beck-10-28-09-E

The political elites should pay attention to what the American people believe is responsible for America’s success.

Politicians and political parties can and will be replaced when they propose plans and programs that undermine the US Constitution, free elections and free enterprise.

The progressive radical socialists will be defeated and eliminated should they attempt to overthrow these institutions and ignore the will of the American people.

“Capitalism means free enterprise, sovereignty of the consumers in economic matters, and sovereignty of the voters in political matters. Socialism means full government control of every sphere of the individuals life and the unrestricted supremacy of the government in its capacity as central board of production management.”

~Ludwig von Mises

Background Articles and Videos

Author Jonah Goldberg on Glenn Beck 2/20 – Liberal Fascism

Free Enterprise, the Economy and Monetary Policy

“…Free enterprise is the freedom of individuals and businesses to operate and compete with a minimum of government interference or regulation. It enables individuals and businesses to create, produce, transform, develop, innovate and compete in the marketplace. As they are able and willing, enterprising people produce goods and services for profit, offer their labor for wages and own the resources needed to produce and sell goods and services. In this system, no one forces people to be creative, productive or enterprising. Instead, they pursue what they believe to be best for them. By producing the goods and services that society values most highly, a free enterprise system results in the greatest efficiency, or lowest costs, of any economic system. It is the system most compatible with individual freedom and political democracy.

 What Is Free Enterprise?

Free enterprise means men and women have the opportunity to own economic resources, such as land, minerals, manufacturing plants and computers, and to use those tools to create goods and services for sale.

What prompts people to take the financial and emotional risk of starting a business? The main motivator is the potential to earn a profit. People also go into business for personal reasons, such as the desire for independence and the drive to be creative.

Others have no intention of starting a business. If they choose, they can offer their labor, another economic resource, for wages and salaries. The key to free enterprise is that all these people, whether they start a business of their own or work for someone else, do so voluntarily. By allowing people to pursue their own interests, a free enterprise system can produce phenomenal results. Running shoes, walking shoes, mint toothpaste, gel toothpaste, skim milk, chocolate milk, cellular phones and BlackBerrys are just a few of the millions of products created as a result of economic freedom. …”


Fed & Treasury total money supply

All major Fed operations (plus custodials), showing the running total of all Fed & Treasury controlled money creation or destruction actions.




The Money Supply

Money Supply Measures
The Federal Reserve publishes weekly and monthly data on two money supply measures M1 and M2. The money supply data, which the Fed reports at 4:30 p.m. every Thursday, appear in some Friday newspapers, and they are available online as well. The Fed publishes measures of large time deposits on a quarterly basis in the Flow of Funds Accounts statistical release.

The money supply measures reflect the different degrees of liquidity—or spendability—that different types of money have. The narrowest measure, M1, is restricted to the most liquid forms of money; it consists of currency in the hands of the public; travelers checks; demand deposits, and other deposits against which checks can be written. M2 includes M1, plus savings accounts, time deposits of under $100,000, and balances in retail money market mutual funds.

The chart below shows the relative sizes of the two monetary aggregates. In April 2008, M1 was approximately $1.4 trillion, more than half of which consisted of currency. While as much as two-thirds of U.S. currency in circulation may be held outside the United States, all currency held by the public is included in the money supply because it can be spent on goods and services in the U.S. economy. M2 was approximately $7.7 trillion and largely consisted of savings deposits.

The Money Supply


Money Supply

“…In economics, money supply or money stock, is the total amount of money available in an economy at a particular point in time.[1] There are several ways to define “money”, but standard measures usually include currency in circulation and demand deposits.[2][3]

Money supply data are recorded and published, usually by the government or the central bank of the country. Public and private-sector analysts have long monitored changes in money supply because of its possible effects on the price level, inflation and the business cycle.[4]

That relation between money and prices is historically associated with the quantity theory of money. There is strong empirical evidence of a direct relation between long-term price inflation and money-supply growth. These underlie the current reliance on monetary policy as a means of controlling inflation.[5][6] This causal chain is however contentious, with heterodox economists arguing that the money supply is endogenous and that the sources of inflation must be found in the distributional structure of the economy.[7]

Money is used in final settlement of a debt and as a ready store of value. Its different functions are associated with different empirical measures of the money supply. Since most modern economic systems are regulated by governments through monetary policy, the supply of money is broken down into types of money based on how much of an effect monetary policy can have on each. Narrow measures include those more directly affected by monetary policy, whereas broader measures are less closely related to monetary-policy actions.[6] Each measure can be classified by placing it along a spectrum between narrow and broad monetary aggregates. The different types of money are typically classified as Ms. The number of Ms usually range from M0 (narrowest) to M3 (broadest) but which Ms are actually used depends on the system. The typical layout for each of the Ms is as follows:

  • M0: Notes and coins (currency) in circulation and in bank vaults.[8] In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, M0 includes bank reserves, so M0 is referred to as the monetary base, or narrow money.[9]
  • MB: Equals M0 + reserves which commercial banks hold in their accounts with the central bank (minimum reserves and excess reserves). MB is referred to as the monetary base or total currency.[10] This is the base from which other forms of money (like checking deposits, listed below) are created and is traditionally the most liquid measure of the money supply. [11]
  • M1: M1 includes funds that are readily accessible for spending. M1 consists of: (1) currency outside Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of depository institutions; (2) traveler’s checks of nonbank issuers; (3) demand deposits; and (4) other checkable deposits (OCDs), which consist primarily of negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts at depository institutions and credit union share draft accounts. [12] Bank reserves are not included in M1.
  • M2: Equals M1 + savings deposits, time deposits less than $100,000 and money market deposit accounts for individuals. M2 represents money and “close substitutes” for money.[13] M2 is a broader classification of money than M1. Economists use M2 when looking to quantify the amount of money in circulation and trying to explain different economic monetary conditions. M2 is a key economic indicator used to forecast inflation.[14]
  • M3: Equals M2 + large time deposits, institutional money-market funds, short-term repurchase agreements, along with other larger liquid assets.[15] M3 is no longer published or revealed to the public by the US central bank.[16] However, it is estimated by the web site Shadow Government Statistics. [17]
  • MZM: Money with zero maturity. This measure equals M2 plus all money market funds, minus time deposits. It measures the supply of financial assets redeemable at par on demand.

Fractional-reserve banking

Main article: Fractional-reserve banking

The different forms of money in government money supply statistics arise from the practice of fractional-reserve banking. Whenever a bank gives out a loan in a fractional-reserve banking system, a new sum of money is created. This new type of money is what makes up the non-M0 components in the M1-M3 statistics. In short, there are two types of money in a fractional-reserve banking system[18][19]:

  1. central bank money (physical currency, government money)
  2. commercial bank money (money created through loans) – sometimes referred to as private money, or checkbook money[20]

In the money supply statistics, central bank money is M0 while the commercial bank money is divided up into the M1-M3 components. Generally, the types of commercial bank money that tend to be valued at lower amounts are classified in the narrow category of M1 while the types of commercial bank money that tend to exist in larger amounts are categorized in M2 and M3, with M3 having the largest.

Reserves are deposits that banks have received but have not loaned out. In the USA, the Federal Reserve regulates the percentage that banks must keep in their reserves before they can make new loans. This percentage is called the minimum reserve. This means that if a person makes a deposit for $1000.00 and the bank reserve mandated by the FED is 10% then the bank must increase its reserves by $100.00 and is able to loan the remaining $900.00. The amount of money the banking system generates with each dollar of reserves is called the money multiplier, and is calculated as the reciprocal of the minimum reserve. For a reserve of 10% the money multiplier, followed by the infinite geometric series formula, is the reciprocal of 10%, which is 10. …”


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George Soros: Government Interventionist and Global Socialist–Obama’s Puppeter Master–Videos

Posted on July 22, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, government spending, Investments, Life, Links, Regulations, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , |




Soros; the collapse of 2008 and what it means 1/4

Soros; the collapse of 2008 and what it means 2/4

Soros; the collapse of 2008 and what it means 3/4

Soros; the collapse of 2008 and what it means 4/4

 Skip the introduction which is in Chinese if you speak only English

pt 1/4 Georgre Soros Interview 11 june 2009

pt 2/4 Georgre Soros Interview 09 june 2009

pt 3/4 Georgre Soros Interview 09 june 2009

pt 4/4 Georgre Soros Interview 09 june 2009

Soros favors government intervention to bail out banks who lost tens to hundreds of billions of dollars instead of closing and liquidating them.

The Federal Reserve, the US central bank, bears much of the responsibility for the financial crisis for failing to constrain the growth of the money supply and regulating the banks or depository institutions that invested in risky mortgaged-back securities.

Governments or the people running them make mistakes every day!

Unfortunately government  mistakes are paid for by the taxes, wealth and income created by capitalists in their business enterprises.

Capitalists or market fundamentalists as Soros calls them also make mistakes every day which they pay for in lost profits, customers or even bankruptcy with no bailouts from the government.

Learning from ones mistakes or preferably the mistakes of others should be encouraged.

How many times must the mistakes of socialism and communism be repeated before humans learned it should be avoided and defeated not encouraged.

Soros should have learned this lesson living under both National Socialism and Communism.

Bad and corrupt governments kill people especially socialist and communist governments.

Capitalists create wealth, income and jobs and rarely kill people.

Suggest Soros read the works of Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich A. Hayek, Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell to understand both capitalism and socialism. 

Background Articles and Videos


George Soros


  • Multi-billionaire funder of leftwing causes and groups
  • Founder of the Open Society Institute
  • Stated that defeating President Bush in the 2004 election “is the central focus of my life”

George Soros was born on August 12, 1930 in Budapest, Hungary. His father, Teodoro Schwartz, was an Orthodox Jew who, in 1936, changed the family surname from Schwartz to Soros in order to enable his family to conceal its Jewish identity and thus to survive the Nazi Holocaust. In 1947 Soros’ family relocated from Hungary to England. Five years later, George graduated from the London School of Economics. He subsequently worked for a London stockbroker.

In 1956 Soros, with meager personal assets, emigrated to the United States. He would go on to become one of the world’s leading hedge fund investors and currency traders. In 1969 he started his enormously successful Quantum Fund, which, over the ensuing three decades, yielded its long-term investors a four thousand-fold gain on their initial 1969 investments.

In a $10 billion 1992 deal whose success was contingent upon the devaluation of the British Pound, Soros earned himself a $1 billion profit and the title, “the man who broke the Bank of England.” To date, he has amassed a personal fortune exceeding $7 billion. In addition, his management company controls billions of dollars more in investor assets.

In 1979 Soros established the Open Society Institute (OSI), which serves as the flagship of a network of Soros foundations that donate tens of millions of dollars each year to a wide array of individuals and organizations that share the founder’s agendas. Those agendas can be summarized as follows:

  • promoting the view that America is institutionally an oppressive nation
  • promoting the election of leftist political candidates throughout the United States
  • opposing virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government, particularly the Patriot Act
  • depicting American military actions as unjust, unwarranted, and immoral
  • promoting open borders, mass immigration, and a watering down of current immigration laws
  • promoting a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs funded by ever-escalating taxes
  • promoting social welfare benefits and amnesty for illegal aliens
  • defending the civil rights and liberties of suspected anti-American terrorists and their abetters
  • financing the recruitment and training of future activist leaders of the political Left
  • advocating America’s unilateral disarmament and/or a steep reduction in its military spending
  • opposing the death penalty in all circumstances
  • promoting socialized medicine in the United States
  • promoting the tenets of radical environmentalism, whose ultimate goal, as writer Michael Berliner has explained, is “not clean air and clean water, [but] rather … the demolition of technological/industrial civilization”
  • bringing American foreign policy under the control of the United Nations
  • promoting racial and ethnic preferences in academia and the business world alike
  • promoting taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand
  • advocating stricter gun-control measures
  • advocating the legalization of marijuana …”



George Soros and the Alchemy of ‘Regime Change’
By Kyle-Anne Shiver

“…What does a very aged multi-billionaire do after he spends $25 million dollars to force a presidential election his way, and still falls flat on his face? Well, of course, he tries and tries again.

When George Soros failed to obtain the election of his candidate, John Kerry, in 2004, he brooded for a while, even said he might get out of politics altogether, but he just couldn’t stop himself. He has stated publicly that he wishes to burst the “bubble of American supremacy,” because he says our preeminence in the world is a detriment to global “equilibrium.” So far, he has failed, but he keeps on trying.

And Mr. Soros has made no secret either of the fact that he sees the shortest way to effect political shake-ups, what he terms “regime changes,” is through very difficult economic conditions.

America has not yet felt the full force of Soros style economic shock treatment. But others have.

Soros made his first billion in 1992 by shorting the British pound with leveraged billions in financial bets, and became known as the man who broke the Bank of England. He broke it on the backs of hard-working British citizens who immediately saw their homes severely devalued and their life savings cut drastically in comparative worth almost overnight. ..”

“… Obama, too, sees global poverty as the root cause of all evil in the world, including crime, war and terrorism.  His single piece of signature legislation in the Senate is a bill that would authorize an additional $845 billion from American tax payers to eradicate global poverty, and legislate a demand on future presidents to bring America in line with UN mandates on percentage of national GDP given to fight global poverty.

These plans are in perfect sync with Soros’ own support for the Tobin Tax, a global tax on currency transactions.  This taxation would be forced on sovereign nations by an international body, coercing capitalist economies into sharing their wealth with poor nations for the eradication of poverty and the myriad problems associated with it.
So, that which we and our ancestors have sacrificed to build and maintain will be stolen from us and our offspring and given away by the new Robin Hoods, George Soros and the Democratic Party, who seem to envision global perfection at last, with every single soul living happily ever after in absolute peace and harmony, together singing kumbaya in the same language…the language of love.
And only God knows what can save America from being the sacrificial fodder for their grand, megalomaniacal delusion.”


The right and wrong way to bail out the banking sector

By George Soros

Published: January 22 2009 20:06

“…In my view, an equity injection scheme based on realistic valuations, followed by a cut in minimum capital requirements for banks, would be much more effective in restarting the economy. The downside is that it would require significantly more than $1,000bn of new capital. It would involve a good bank/bad bank solution, where appropriate. That would heavily dilute existing shareholders and risk putting the majority of bank equity into government hands.

The hard choice facing the Obama administration is between partially nationalising the banks, or leaving them in private hands but nationalising their toxic assets. Choosing the first course would inflict great pain on a broad segment of the population – not only on bank shareholders but also on the beneficiaries of pension funds. However, it would clear the air and restart the economy.

The latter course would avoid recognising and coming to terms with the painful economic realities, but it would put the banking system into the same quandary that proved the undoing of the government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The public interest would dictate that the banks should resume lending on attractive terms. However, this lending would have to be enforced by government diktat because the self-interest of the banks would lead them to focus on preserving and rebuilding their own equity. …”


Repeat campaign finance scofflaw Soros gets away with it again

By Michelle Malkin  


“…In my column on the SEIU today, I mentioned how the George Soros-funded group, Americans Coming Together, was hit with a $775,000 fine by the Federal Election Commission – the third largest civil penalty levied in the panel’s history — for gross campaign finance violations.

Yesterday, in little-noticed news, California’s campaign finance panel fined Soros directly for failing to disclose a $350,000 contribution that was funneled through the Drug Policy Action Network to help fund a ballot measure undermining the state’s Three Strikes law for criminals.

The California regulators noted that Soros had been a repeat offender, yet fined him a paltry $8,000!

Here’s an excerpt from the panel’s summary report: …”



George Soros endorses Obama – part 1

George Soros endorses Obama – part 2

George Soros – The Bubble of American Supremacy

Bill O’Reilly – George Soros is Buying Political Power

Bill O’Reilly Calls George Soros A “Gangster”

pt 1/4 Georgre Soros Interview 09 june 2009

Neil Cavuto’s interview of George Soros Part 1

Neil Cavuto’s interview of George Soros Part 2

Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute 

By Discover The Networks

“….Organizations that, in recent years, have received direct funding and assistance from George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OSI) include the following. (Comprehensive profiles of each are available in the “Groups” section of DiscoverTheNetworks.org):

Alliance for Justice: Best known for its activism vis a vis the appointment of federal judges, this group consistently depicts Republican judicial nominees as “extremists.”

America Coming Together: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to coordinate and organize pro-Democrat voter-mobilization programs.

America Votes: Soros also played a major role in creating this group, whose get-out-the-vote campaigns targeted likely Democratic voters.

American Civil Liberties Union: This group opposes virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by U.S. government. It supports open borders, has rushed to the defense of suspected terrorists and their abettors, and appointed former New Left terrorist Bernardine Dohrn to its Advisory Board.

American Constitution Society for Law and Policy: This Washington, DC-based think tank seeks to move American jurisprudence to the left by recruiting, indoctrinating, and mobilizing young law students, helping them acquire positions of power. It also provides leftist Democrats with a bully pulpit from which to denounce their political adversaries.

American Family Voices: This group creates and coordinates media campaigns charging Republicans with wrongdoing.

American Friends Service Committee: This group views the United States as the principal cause of human suffering around the world. As such, it favors America’s unilateral disarmament, the dissolution of American borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, the abolition of the death penalty, and the repeal of the Patriot Act.

American Immigration Law Foundation: This group supports amnesty for illegal aliens, on whose behalf it litigates against the U.S. government.

American Library Association: This group has been an outspoken critic of the Bush administration’s War on Terror — most particularly, Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act, which it calls “a present danger to the constitutional rights and privacy rights of library users.”

The American Prospect, Inc.: This corporation trains and mentors young leftwing journalists, and organizes strategy meetings for leftist leaders.

Amnesty International: This organization directs a grossly disproportionate share of its criticism for human rights violations at the United States and Israel.

Arab American Institute Foundation: The Arab American Institute denounces the purportedly widespread civil liberties violations directed against Arab Americans in the post-9/11 period, and characterizes Israel as a brutal oppressor of the Palestinian people.

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now: This group conducts voter mobilization drives on behalf of leftist Democrats. These initiatives have been notoriously marred by fraud and corruption.

Bill of Rights Defense Committee: This group provides a detailed blueprint for activists interested in getting their local towns, cities, and even college campuses to publicly declare their opposition to the Patriot Act, and to designate themselves “Civil Liberties Safe Zones.” The organization also came to the defense of self-described radical attorney Lynne Stewart, who was convicted in 2005 of providing material support for terrorism.

Brennan Center for Justice: This think tank/legal activist group generates scholarly studies, mounts media campaigns, files amicus briefs, gives pro bono support to activists, and litigates test cases in pursuit of radical “change.”

Brookings Institution: This organization has been involved with a variety of internationalist and state-sponsored programs, including one that aspires to facilitate the establishment of a U.N.-dominated world government. Brookings Fellows have also called for additional global collaboration on trade and banking; the expansion of the Kyoto Protocol; and nationalized health insurance for children. Nine Brookings economists signed a petition opposing President Bush’s tax cuts in 2003.

Campaign for America’s Future: This group supports tax hikes, socialized medicine, and a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs.

Campus Progress: A project of the Soros-bankrolled Center for American Progress, this group seeks to “strengthen progressive voices on college and university campuses, counter the growing influence of right-wing groups on campus, and empower new generations of progressive leaders.”

Catholics for a Free Choice: This nominally Catholic organization supports women’s right to abortion-on-demand.

Center for American Progress: This leftist think tank is headed by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta, works closely with Hillary Clinton, and employs numerous former Clinton administration staffers. It is committed to “developing a long-term vision of a progressive America” and “providing a forum to generate new progressive ideas and policy proposals.”

Center for Community Change: This group recruits and trains activists to spearhead leftist “political issue campaigns.” Promoting increased funding for social welfare programs by bringing “attention to major national issues related to poverty,” the Center bases its training programs on the techniques taught by the famed radical organizer Saul Alinsky.

Center for Constitutional Rights: This pro-Castro organization is a core member of the open borders lobby, has opposed virtually all post-9/11 anti-terrorism measures by the U.S. government, and alleges that American injustice provokes acts of international terrorism.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Reasoning from the premise that tax cuts generally help only the wealthy, this organization advocates greater tax expenditures on social welfare programs for low earners.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington: This group litigates and brings ethics charges against “government officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests” and “betray the public trust.” Almost all of its targets are Republicans.

Coalition for an International Criminal Court: This group seeks to subordinate American criminal-justice procedures to those of an international court.

Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund: Defenders of Wildlife opposes oil exploration in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It condemns logging, ranching, mining, and even the use of recreational motorized vehicles as activities that are destructive to the environment.

Democracy Alliance: This self-described “liberal organization” aims to raise $200 million to develop a funding clearinghouse for leftist groups. Soros is a major donor to this group.

Democracy 21: This group is a staunch supporter of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, also known as the McCain-Feingold Act.

Democratic Party: Soros’ funding activities are devoted largely to helping the Democratic Party solidify its power base. In a November 2003 interview, Soros stated that defeating President Bush in 2004 “is the central focus of my life” … “a matter of life and death.” He pledged to raise $75 million to defeat Bush, and personally donated nearly a third of that amount to anti-Bush organizations. “America under Bush,” he said, “is a danger to the world, and I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is.” Claiming that “the Republican party has been captured by a bunch of extremists,” Soros accuses the Bush administration of following a “supremacist ideology” in whose rhetoric he claims to hear echoes of “Nazi slogans.”

Earthjustice: This group seeks to place severe restrictions on how U.S. land and waterways may be used. It opposes most mining and logging initiatives, commercial fishing businesses, and the use of motorized vehicles in undeveloped areas.

EMILY’s List: This political network raises money for Democratic female political candidates who support unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.

Feminist Majority: Characterizing the United States as an inherently sexist nation, this group focuses on “advancing the legal, social and political equality of women with men, countering the backlash to women’s advancement, and recruiting and training young feminists to encourage future leadership for the feminist movement in the United States.”

Free Press: This “media reform” organization has worked closely with many notable leftists and such organizations as Media Matters for America, Air America Radio, Global Exchange, Code Pink, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the Revolutionary Communist Party, Mother Jones magazine, and Pacifica Radio.

Funding Exchange: Dedicated to the concept of philanthropy as a vehicle for social change, this organization pairs leftist donors and foundations with likeminded groups and activists who are dedicated to bringing about their own version of “progressive” change and social justice. Many of these grantees assume that American society is rife with racism, discrimination, exploitation, and inequity and needs to be overhauled via sustained education, activism, and social agitation.

Gamaliel Foundation: Modeling its tactics on those of the radical Sixties activist Saul Alinsky, this group takes a strong stand against current homeland security measures and immigration restrictions.

Human Rights First: This group supports open borders and the rights of illegal aliens; charges that the Patriot Act severely erodes Americans’ civil liberties; has filed amicus curiae briefs on behalf of terror suspect Jose Padilla; and deplores the Guantanamo Bay detention facilities.

Human Rights Watch: This group directs a disproportionate share of its criticism at the United States and Israel. It opposes the death penalty in all cases, and supports open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.

Immigrant Legal Resource Center: This group claims to have helped gain amnesty for some three million illegal aliens in the U.S., and in the 1980s was part of the sanctuary movement which sought to grant asylum to refugees from the failed Communist states of Central America.

Independent Media Institute: This group provides leftist organizations with “strategic communications consulting, training, coaching, networking opportunities and concrete tools” to help them “achieve their social justice goals.”

Institute for Policy Studies: This think tank has long supported Communist and anti-American causes around the world. Viewing capitalism as a breeding ground for “unrestrained greed,” IPS seeks to provide a corrective to “unrestrained markets and individualism.” Professing an unquestioning faith in the righteousness of the United Nations, it aims to bring American foreign policy under UN control.

Institute for Women’s Policy Research: This group views the U.S. as a nation rife with discrimination against women, and publishes research to draw attention to this alleged state of affairs. It also advocates unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, stating that “access to abortion is essential to the economic well-being of women and girls.”

International Crisis Group: One of this organization’s leading figures is its Mideast Director, Robert Malley, who was a President Bill Clinton’s Special Assistant for Arab-Israeli Affairs. His analysis of the Mideast conflict is markedly pro-Palestinian.

Joint Victory Campaign 2004: Founded by George Soros and Harold Ickes, this group was a major fundraising entity for Democrats during the 2004 election cycle. It collected contributions (including large amounts from Soros personally) and disbursed them to two other groups, America Coming Together and the Media Fund, which also worked on behalf of Democrats.

Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: This group views America as an unremittingly racist nation; uses the courts to mandate race-based affirmative action preferences in business and academia; has filed briefs against the Department of Homeland Security’s efforts to limit the wholesale granting of green cards and to identify potential terrorists; condemns the Patriot Act; and calls on Americans to “recognize the contribution” of illegal aliens.

League of United Latin American Citizens: This group views America as a nation plagued by “an alarming increase in xenophobia and anti-Hispanic sentiment”; favors racial preferences; supports the legalization of illegal Hispanic aliens; opposes military surveillance of U.S. borders; opposes making English America’s official language; favors open borders; and rejects anti-terrorism legislation like the Patriot Act.

League of Women Voters Education Fund: The League supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; supports “motor-voter” registration, which allows anyone with a driver’s license to become a voter, regardless of citizenship status; and supports tax hikes and socialized medicine.

Lynne Stewart Defense Committee: IRS records indicate that Soros’s Open Society Institute made a September 2002 grant of $20,000 to this organization. Stewart was the criminal-defense attorney who was later convicted for abetting her client, the “blind sheik” Omar Abdel Rahman, in terrorist activities connected with his Islamic Group.

MADRE: This international women’s organization deems America the world’s foremost violator of human rights. As such, it seeks to “communicat[e] the real-life impact of U.S. policies on women and families confronting violence, poverty and repression around the world,” and to “demand alternatives to destructive U.S. policies.” It also advocates unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.

Malcolm X Grassroots Movement: This group views the U.S. as a nation replete with racism and discrimination against blacks; seeks to establish an independent black nation in the southeastern United States; and demands reparations for slavery.

Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition: This group calls for the expansion of civil rights and liberties for illegal aliens; laments that illegal aliens in America are commonly subjected to “worker exploitation”; supports tuition-assistance programs for illegal aliens attending college; and characterizes the Patriot Act as a “very troubling” assault on civil liberties.

Media Fund: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to conceptualize, produce, and place political ads on television, radio, print, and the Internet.

Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund: This group advocates open borders, free college tuition for illegal aliens, lowered educational standards to accommodate Hispanics, and voting rights for criminals. In MALDEF’s view, supporters of making English the official language of the United States are “motivated by racism and anti-immigrant sentiments,” while advocates of sanctions against employers reliant on illegal labor seek to discriminate against “brown-skinned people.”

Meyer, Suozzi, English and Klein, PC: This influential defender of Big Labor is headed by Democrat operative Harold Ickes.

Midwest Academy: This entity trains radical activists in the tactics of direct action, targeting, confrontation, and intimidation.

Migration Policy Institute: This group seeks to create “a North America with gradually disappearing border controls … with permanent migration remaining at moderate levels.”

Military Families Speak Out: This group ascribes the U.S. invasion of Iraq to American imperialism and lust for oil.

MoveOn.org: This Web-based organization supports Democratic political candidates through fundraising, advertising, and get-out-the-vote drives.

Ms. Foundation for Women: This group laments what it views as the widespread and enduring flaws of American society: racism, sexism, homophobia, and the violation of civil rights and liberties. It focuses its philanthropy on groups that promote affirmative action for women, unfettered access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, amnesty for illegal aliens, and big government generally.

NARAL Pro-Choice America: This group supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, and works to elect pro-abortion Democrats.

NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund: The NAACP supports racial preferences in employment and education, as well as the racial gerrymandering of voting districts. Underpinning its support for race preferences is the fervent belief that white racism in the United States remains an intractable, largely undiminished, phenomenon.

The Nation Institute: This nonprofit entity sponsors leftist conferences, fellowships, awards for radical activists, and journalism internships.

National Abortion Federation: This group opposes any restrictions on abortion at either the state or federal levels, and champions the introduction of unrestricted abortion into developing regions of the world.

National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy: This group depicts the United States as a nation in need of dramatic structural change financed by philanthropic organizations. It overwhelmingly promotes grant-makers and grantees with leftist agendas, while criticizing their conservative counterparts.

National Council for Research on Women: This group supports big government, high taxes, military spending cuts, increased social welfare spending, and the unrestricted right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.

National Council of La Raza: This group lobbies for racial preferences, bilingual education, stricter hate-crime laws, mass immigration, and amnesty for illegal aliens.

National Council of Women’s Organizations: This group views the United States as a nation rife with injustice against girls and women. It advocates high levels of spending for social welfare programs, and supports race and gender preferences for minorities and women in business and academia.

National Immigration Forum: Opposing the enforcement of present immigration laws, this organization urges the American government to “legalize” en masse all illegal aliens currently in the United States who have no criminal records, and to dramatically increase the number of visas available for those wishing to migrate to the U.S. The Forum is particularly committed to opening the borders to unskilled, low-income workers, and immediately making them eligible for welfare and social service programs.

National Immigration Law Center: This group seeks to win unrestricted access to government-funded social welfare programs for illegal aliens.

National Lawyers Guild: This group promotes open borders; seeks to weaken America’s intelligence-gathering agencies; condemns the Patriot Act as an assault on civil liberties; rejects capitalism as an unviable economic system; has rushed to the defense of convicted terrorists and their abettors; and generally opposes all U.S. foreign policy positions, just as it did during the Cold War when it sided with the Soviets.

National Organization for Women: This group advocates the unfettered right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; seeks to “eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia” from American society; attacks Christianity and traditional religious values; and supports gender-based preferences for women.

National Priorities Project: This group supports government-mandated redistribution of wealth — through higher taxes and greater expenditures on social welfare programs. NPP exhorts the government to redirect a significant portion of its military funding toward public education, universal health insurance, environmentalist projects, and welfare programs.

National Security Archive Fund: This group collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act to a degree that compromises American national security and the safety of intelligence agents.

National Women’s Law Center: This group supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; lobbies against conservative judicial appointees; advocates increased welfare spending to help low-income mothers; and favors higher taxes for the purpose of generating more funds for such government programs as Medicaid, food stamps, welfare, foster care, health care, child-support enforcement, and student loans.

Natural Resources Defense Council: One of the most influential environmentalist lobbying groups in the United States, the Council claims a membership of one million people.

Pacifica Foundation: This entity owns and operates Pacifica Radio, awash from its birth with the socialist-Marxist rhetoric of class warfare and hatred for capitalism.

Peace and Security Funders Group: This is an association of more than 50 foundations that give money to leftist anti-war and environmentalist causes. Its members tend to depict America as the world’s chief source of international conflict, environmental destruction, and economic inequalities.

People for the American Way: This group opposes the Patriot Act, anti-terrorism measures generally, and the allegedly growing influence of the “religious right.”

Physicians for Human Rights: This group is selectively and disproportionately critical of the United States and Israel in its condemnations of human rights violations.

Physicians for Social Responsibility: This is an anti-U.S.-military organization that also embraces the tenets of radical environmentalism.

Planned Parenthood: This group is the largest abortion provider in the United States and advocates taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.

Ploughshares Fund: This public grantmaking foundation opposes America’s development of a missile defense system, and contributes to many organizations that are highly critical of U.S. foreign policies and military ventures.

Prison Moratorium Project: This initiative was created in 1995 for the express purpose of working for the elimination of all prisons in the United States and the release of all inmates. Reasoning from the premise that incarceration is never an appropriate means of dealing with crime, it deems American society’s inherent inequities the root of all criminal behavior.

Project Vote: This is the voter-mobilization arm of the Soros-funded ACORN. A persistent pattern of lawlessness and corruption has followed ACORN/Project Vote activities over the years.

Proteus Fund: This foundation directs its philanthropy toward a number of radical leftwing organizations.

Public Citizen Foundation: Public Citizen seeks increased government intervention and litigation against corporations — a practice founded on the notion that American corporations, like the capitalist system of which they are a part, are inherently inclined toward corruption.

Sentencing Project: Asserting that prison-sentencing patterns are racially discriminatory, this initiative advocates voting rights for felons.

Sojourners: This evangelical Christian ministry preaches radical leftwing politics. During the 1980s it championed Communist revolution in Central America and chastised U.S. policy-makers for their tendency “to assume the very worst about their Soviet counterparts.” More recently, Sojourners has taken up the cause of environmental activism, opposed welfare reform as a “mean-spirited Republican agenda,” and mounted a defense of affirmative action.

Thunder Road Group: This political consultancy, in whose creation Soros had a hand, coordinates strategy for the Media Fund, America Coming Together, and America Votes.

Tides Foundation and Tides Center: Tides is a major funder of the radical Left.

Urban Institute: This research organization favors socialized medicine, expansion of the federal welfare bureaucracy, and tax hikes for higher income-earners.

USAction Education Fund: USAction lists its priorities as: “fighting the right wing agenda”; “building grassroots political power”; winning “social, racial and economic justice for all”; supporting a system of taxpayer-funded socialized medicine; reversing “reckless tax cuts for millionaires and corporations” which shield the “wealthy” from paying their “fair share”; advocating for “pro-consumer and environmental regulation of corporate abuse”; “strengthening progressive voices on local, state and national issues”; and working to “register, educate and get out the vote … [to] help progressives get elected at all levels of government.”

YWCA World Office, Switzerland: The YWCA opposes abstinence education; supports universal access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; and opposes school vouchers. …”


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Government Bureaucracy: Organizational Chart of The House Democrats’ Health Plan

Posted on July 18, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Employment, Fiscal Policy, government spending, Health Care, Law, liberty, Links, Medicine, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Science, Security, Taxes, Video | Tags: , , , , , , |

“Capitalism means free enterprise, sovereignty of the consumers in economic matters, and sovereignty of the voters in political matters. Socialism means full government control of every sphere of the individuals life and the unrestricted supremacy of the government in its capacity as central board of production management.”

~Ludwig von Mises, Bureaucracy, page 10


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Michael Cannon Discusses Health Care Reform on FOX’s “Glenn Beck”


Health Care Reform Cost Visualization


 “The issue is always the same: the government or the market. There is no third solution.”

~Ludwig von Mises, Planned Chaos, page 28.


Background Articles and Videos

House GOP smacks down Democrat censors

By Michelle Malkin  


“…Via Roll Call, House Republicans fight back against the gag rules of the majority:

House Republicans on Wednesday filed a resolution that blasts Democrats for preventing GOP Members from sending constituents a mailing that criticizes the majority’s health care proposal.

The resolution cites the “failure of the Democratic Members of the Franking Commission to ensure that the Commission’s Democratic staff carries out its important responsibilities in a professional, fair, and impartial manner.”

The dispute centers on a GOP chart that illustrates the organization of the Democratic health care plan with a convoluted maze of government offices and programs. Republicans are pressing to use taxpayer dollars to mail the chart to constituents, but their request continues to be reviewed by the franking commission.

“The Democrats’ plan would mean more bureaucracy, more taxes, more mandates, more government involvement in your life and fewer jobs in this struggling economy. They’re trying to restrict Members of Congress from showing it to their constituents, and that’s just wrong,” House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said.

“I think the American people deserve the truth, and that’s why this resolution is important,” Boehner said. …”



Health Care: Which Chart Scares You More?

“…House Minority Leader John Boehner, borrowing a tactic from the health care wars of 15 years ago, has put together an arresting graphic “to expose the truth about the Democrats’ health care plan to the American people.” Over at TNR, Jon Cohn has responded with one that looks at how things work now. I’m posting both of them below. Which is scarier? …”



Michael Cannon: Is Health Care a Right or Privilege?


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Posted on July 8, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Employment, Foreign Policy, Life, Links, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Taxes, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , |


Part 1, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 2, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom

Part 3, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 4, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 5, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 6, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 7, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 8, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 9, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 10, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 11, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom



Background Articles and Videos

The Government Did It
Yaron Brook

“…Given that our government was behind the wheel, influencing every aspect of the mortgage crisis, it is absurd to call today’s situation the result of insufficient regulation.

We do not need more regulation or economic “steering”–laws or bureaucrats dictating to financiers and investors the kind of innovation they may or may not engage in. If that were the solution to economic problems, then Hugo Chavez would preside over the world’s healthiest economy in Venezuela. What we need to do is remove the government’s power to coerce, bribe, reward and bail out irrational decisions. The unfree market has failed. It’s time for a truly free market. …”


Yaron Brook: Advocate for Objectivism



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