Yaron Brook’s Defense of Capitalism: Markets Work–Governments Fail!–Videos

Posted on July 8, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Employment, Foreign Policy, Life, Links, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Taxes, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , |


Part 1, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 2, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom

Part 3, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 4, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 5, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 6, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 7, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 8, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 9, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 10, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom


Part 11, Yaron Brook, Capitalism without Guilt The Moral Case for Freedom



Background Articles and Videos

The Government Did It
Yaron Brook

“…Given that our government was behind the wheel, influencing every aspect of the mortgage crisis, it is absurd to call today’s situation the result of insufficient regulation.

We do not need more regulation or economic “steering”–laws or bureaucrats dictating to financiers and investors the kind of innovation they may or may not engage in. If that were the solution to economic problems, then Hugo Chavez would preside over the world’s healthiest economy in Venezuela. What we need to do is remove the government’s power to coerce, bribe, reward and bail out irrational decisions. The unfree market has failed. It’s time for a truly free market. …”


Yaron Brook: Advocate for Objectivism



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Yaron Brook–Videos

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