Domino Theory Resurrected By Progressive Radical Socialists To Justify Net Neutrality–Government Regulation of The Internet–Do Not Fall For It–Just Say No To Network Neutrality!

Posted on July 30, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, history, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Security, Talk Radio, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , |


U.S. Constitution – Amendment 1 

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

“The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments.”

~Ludwig von Mises


Domino Fall Down 7

Domino Theory

Franken “Net neutrality is the First Amendment issue of our time.”

Internet Regulation – Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights

FCC Approves Proposed Net Neutrality Rules

Net Neutrality


What is “Net Neutrality?”

U.S. attempting to regulate the Internet

Internet Regulations 1

Hands off the Internet



Internet 2.0

Information Gatekeepers freaking out


Censorship: Internet Takeover Has Begun.

Phil Kerpen discusses Net Neutrality and Free Speech on Glenn Beck

Sen. Barack Obama discusses net neutrality on MTV

Net Neutrality – Sen Franken And Judge Sotomayor


Dominoes do not fall unless there is a sound business reason for two companies to merge.

Keep government intervention and regulation from the internet.

Do not fall for the net neutrality slogan.

Let free enterprise and the marketplace determine the price of goods and service.


Background Articles and Videos 

Internet 2

“…Internet2 is an advanced networking consortium led by the research and education community.[1] The not-for-profit partnership includes leaders from research, academia, industry and government. In 2009, Internet2 member rolls included over 200 higher education institutions,[2] over 40 members from industry,[3] over 30 research and education network and connector organizations,[4] and over 50 affiliate members.[5]

Internet2 operates the Internet2 Network,[6] a next-generation Internet Protocol and optical network that delivers production network services to meet the high-performance demands of research and education, and provides a secure network testing and research environment. In late 2007, Internet2 began operating its newest dynamic circuit network, the Internet2 DCN, an advanced technology that allows user-based allocation of high-capacity data circuits over the fiber-optic network.

The Internet2 Network, through its regional network and connector members, connects over 60,000 U.S. educational, research, government and “community anchor” institutions, from primary and secondary schools to community colleges and universities, public libraries and museums to healthcare organizations.[7]

The Internet2 community is actively engaged in developing and deploying emerging network technologies beyond the scope of single institutions and critical to the future of the Internet. These technologies include large-scale network performance measurement and management tools,[8] simple and secure identity and access management tools[9] and advanced capabilities such as the on-demand creation and scheduling of high-bandwidth, high-performance circuits.[10]

Internet2 is member led and member focused, with an open governance structure and process.[11] Members serve on several advisory councils,[12] collaborate in a variety of working groups and special interest groups[13] gather at spring and fall member meetings,[14] and are encouraged to participate in the strategic planning process.[15] …”

Understanding Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality – Plain English

Sen. Franken: Stop the Corporate Takeover of the Media

FCC To Push ‘Net Neutrality’ – Bloomberg

Net Neutrality – PBS NOW Part 1/2

Net Neutrality – PBS NOW Part 2/2

Moyers on America “The Net at Risk” | PBS

What a Non-Neutral Internet Looks Like

Tim Berners-Lee (M.I.T.), father of the World Wide Web…

Related Posts On Pronk Palisades

FCC Debates Net Neutrality–Videos

Network Neurtrality–FCC Julius Genachowski–Tim Wu–Free and Open Internet Or Slow and Stupid Internet?

Robert W. McChesney–Videos

Cass Sunstein–Regulatory Czar–Animal Rights Activist, Body Part Taker, Gun Grabber, Internet Regulator, Nudger–Nuts!

Mark Lloyd, FCC Diversity Czar, and Cass Sustein, Regulatory Czar: Progressive Radical Socialist Silencing of Free Speech On Internet Blogs and Talk Radio

Susan P. Crawford–Videos

Tim Wu–Videos

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