Obama and The Party Of Food Stamps–Government Dependancy Party vs. The Party of Paychecks–The Tea Party Patriots–Videos

Posted on October 12, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, history, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Resources, Taxes, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , |

Paychecks versus Food Stamps

Gingrich Dismantles Pelosi’s Liberal Math on Food Stamps

Obama Urges Crowd to Show Him the Energy of ’08


Mark Levin – Oct. 7, 2010 – Americans for Prosperity

The Party of Paychecks vs. The Party of Food Stamps


Ron Paul : We Can’t Say Cut Spending For Food Stamps But NOT For The Military Industrial Complex!


cnn – ron paul on the stimulus package

Mark Levin – Obama Takes Foreign Money To Buy The State Department

Mark Levin – Obama Were Coming For Your Party In November Then Were Coming For You

Background  Articles and Videos 

John Stossel – American’s for Prosperity! (Part 1/3)

John Stossel – American’s for Prosperity! (Part 2/3)

John Stossel – American’s for Prosperity! (Part 3/3)

 Obama continues attack on Chamber of Commerce


By Dan Eggen and Scott Wilson

Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, October 11, 2010

“…The White House intensified its attacks Sunday on the powerful U.S. Chamber of Commerce for its alleged ties to foreign donors, part of an escalating Democratic effort to link Republican allies with corporate and overseas interests ahead of the November midterm elections.

“…The party has also seized on a report last week by ThinkProgress, an arm of the liberal Center for American Progress, documenting the chamber’s ties to “AmChams” and other overseas business groups that pay dues to the U.S.-based group. The report said the chamber funds U.S. political activities out of the same account that collects foreign dues, and raised the possibility that the money could be unlawfully commingled.

Chamber officials say the group collects about $100,000 in dues from overseas affiliates and that the money is cordoned off for use on “international programs.” The business lobby has declined to release further details, citing confidentiality rules governing nonprofits.

Josh Earnest, a White House spokesman, said Obama and other administration officials are not accusing the chamber of illegality nor calling for an investigation into its campaign spending. He also acknowledged that the White House has no specific evidence that the chamber is using foreign money in U.S. elections.

“The president is making a disclosure argument,” Earnest said. “He’s just saying for the good of democracy the chamber should disclose where it is getting its money and how it is financing these ads, and that all organizations should.” …”


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