Archive for June 25th, 2008

Comrade Barack Obama–Arrogant Elitist Socialist–US Job Destroyer and Economy Wrecker

Posted on June 25, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Comedy, Economics, Links, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Resources, Taxes, Technology, Uncategorized, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


Obama talks about Global Warming in Des Moines


Obama on Global Warming (2) 


Senator Obama on the stump at Iowa Ethanol Plant Opening


Barack Obama on Offshore Oil Drilling


George Carlin – Saving the Planet


Ethanol is great!


Something Scientific: Ethanol

The Price of Ethanol…


The truth is Comrade Barack Obama is a socialist and thinks he knows better than you do how to spend your hard earned money and how to run your business.

This from a lawyer who has never started nor run a business nor met a payroll.

Senator Obama, if you want to run a command and control economy, planes are leaving for China and Russia daily.

Both countries tried socialism and their economies were wrecked in the process and millions died from starvation from forced collectivation of agriculture. 

In China during the Great Leap Forward under Mao an estimated 20 million to over 43 million starved to death.

In Ukraine during the Holodomor engineered by Stalin an estimated 2.2 million to 3.5 million starved to death.

Both outcomes were the direct result of socialist government intervention into the agricultural sector. So much for the socialist command and control economy.

Now both China and Russia are trying capitalism and thriving.

Federal government intervention in the agriculture sector with subsidies going for the production of ethanol has resulted in both rising food and gasoline prices.

Using the American people’s tax dollars to subsidy a small group of businesses that benefit from ethanol subsidies is criminal behaviour.

Your are stealing from all the American people just so you can get campaign contributions from the owners that benefit from the subsidies.  Any  politician of either party that supports this should be voted out of office.

This is a government failure, not a market failure.

Still you persist with this arrogant meddling and want to expand its scope to save the planet from global warming.

American businesses do not need you to tell them how to produce goods and services nor what to produce.

Senator Obama you have absolutely no business experience nor expertise in the industries you want to dictate poliicies to using government coercion.

Expect businesses to push back hard and often.

Senator Obama your arrogance is both condescending and transparent.

You seem to have forgotten that the most important position in America is that of citizen and not office holder.

Who do you think you are? How dare you?

Obama on high gas prices

obama Says- Americans Want Higher Gas Prices

McConnell on Obama Preferring High Gas Prices

Senator Obama invest you own damn money wherever you like.

Stop trying to invest other people’s money in the form of taxes where you think is best.

You do not know what is best for me, my family, nor the American people.

Let the American people decide whether they prefer a car or truck to a bus or subway.

Senator Obama if you are so brillant, open your own business and supply the goods and services that the American people want to buy, instead of what you think they want to buy using the American people’s tax dollars.

More and more Senator Obama appears as a confident bully that attempts to intimidate his opponents using the politics of resentment. 

Threats of massive government intervention into the affairs of private enterprise will be vigorously opposed.

Trying to shut people up will not work in America.

Your arrogant meddling in the affairs of others is not appreciated.

Karl Rove: “Yes I Do Think Barack Obama is Arrogant”


Is Obama Arrogant? Analysis By Karl Rove

 It is none of your business.

The American people are not easily intimidated.

Global warming is a hoax based on government junk science of climate models used to justify massive tax increases.

If you cannot see this you are incompetent.

If you do, you are a liar. Either way you cannot be trusted.

The vast majority of the American people know when they are being hustled with a tax scam.

Glenn Beck: Cap & Trade SCAM

The American people are not buying into this elitist arrogance and massive government intervention with the US economy.

The arrogance of ignorance and identiy politics are alive and well in the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party favors higher electric and gas prices by banning with government regulations the building of nuclear power plants, oil refineries and  drilling for oil and natural gas in ANWR and off the US coasts.

Glenn Beck: Are we the last ones to seek energy independece?

The Democratic Party uses your tax dollars to pay for subsidies for ethanol production that is in turn raising your food and gas prices. Those businesses who seek these subsidies contribute to their political campaigns, including Senators Obama and Clinton.

The Democratic Party favors a new cap and trade tax that would further increase the cost of all goods and services as well as electricity and gas.

The Democratic Party does not feel you pain, they are the cause of your pain in terms of higher gas, food, and electrical prices and more and higher taxes.

The Democratic Party would wreck the US economy and in the process millions of American would lose their jobs.

If you value your family, job, home, retirement and life, just vote no for Comarade Barrack Obama as President in November.

Time to throw the corrupt arrogant meddlers out on their collective asses!

Do not let Senator Obama destroy US jobs and wreck the economy.

Defeat Senator Obama and radical socialism. 

Vote for anybody but Obama in November!

Background Artilces and Videos 


Congress Fiddled With Warming While Earth Cooled

By Marc Sheppard

“…Last week Democrats tried to kill the economy in the name of solving a problem that doesn’t exist. Republicans should hang this bill around their necks in every district where an incumbent voted for the woefully misnamed and deservedly DOA Climate Security Act, technically S.3036.

Asking Americans to pony up even more at the pump with already record gasoline prices creeping higher almost daily seems offensive enough.  But compelling such burden under the guise of moral imperative to curb global warming at a time when the planet is actually cooling rings downright obscene. 

Don’t get me wrong — the fiscal arguments against the bill’s draconian business regulations were inexorable — its massive consequent spike in energy costs would be nothing short of ruinous to the nation.  An April EPA analysis of the bill estimated a 53 cents per gallon increase in the price of gasoline and a 44% jump in electricity costs by 2030 should it become law.  Even those figures precariously assumed a 150% increase in nuclear and “significant use of biomass” for electricity generation; otherwise costs will be “significantly higher.” Add a projected net loss of almost a trillion dollars in GDP by that very same year and this blatantly socialistic power-grab attempt deserved the pauper’s funeral it received on financial grounds alone. …”

Biofuel scam: Reality check on ethanol.


Biofuel Backlash – World


Pitfalls of Ethanol Fuel

Obama Camp Closely Linked With Ethanol

“Ethanol is one area in which Mr. Obama strongly disagrees with his Republican opponent, Senator John McCain of Arizona. While both presidential candidates emphasize the need for the United States to achieve “energy security” while also slowing down the carbon emissions that are believed to contribute to global warming, they offer sharply different visions of the role that ethanol, which can be made from a variety of organic materials, should play in those efforts.

Mr. McCain advocates eliminating the multibillion-dollar annual government subsidies that domestic ethanol has long enjoyed. As a free trade advocate, he also opposes the 54-cent-a-gallon tariff that the United States slaps on imports of ethanol made from sugar cane, which packs more of an energy punch than corn-based ethanol and is cheaper to produce. …”

“…Mr. Obama, in contrast, favors the subsidies, some of which end up in the hands of the same oil companies he says should be subjected to a windfall profits tax. In the name of helping the United States build “energy independence,” he also supports the tariff, which some economists say may well be illegal under the World Trade Organization’s rules but which his advisers say is not.


China Great Leap Forward Mao Zedong


Chinese economic planning under Mao part 1of2


Chinese economic planning under Mao part 2of 2


Great Leap Forward

“The Great Leap Forward (simplified Chinese: 大跃进; traditional Chinese: 大躍進; pinyin: Dàyuèjìn) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social plan used from 1958 to 1960 which aimed to use China’s vast population to rapidly transform mainland China from a primarily agrarian economy dominated by peasant farmers into a modern, industrialized communist society. Mao Zedong based this program on the Theory of Productive Forces.

The Great Leap Forward is now widely seen – both within China and outside – as a major economic failure and great humanitarian disaster with estimates of the number of people who starved to death during this period ranging from 14 to 43 million.[1]     ….”


Stalin’s ‘collectivization’ in Ukraine


HOLODOMOR; Ukraine’s Genocide of 1932-33 SHORT FILM


“The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор) is a great famine which occurred in 1932-33 on a territory of Ukrainian SSR[1][2]. Modern estimates for the total number of victims of the famine range between 2.2 million (demographers’ estimates)[3][4] and 3-3.5 million (historians’ estimate).[5] although much higher numbers are sometimes published in the media and cited in political debates.[6]

The reasons of the famine are the subject of intense scholarly and political debate. Some historians claim the famine was purposely engineered by the Soviet authorities as an attack on the Ukrainian nationalism, while others view it as an unintended consequence of the economic problems associated with radical economic changes implemented during the period of Soviet industrialization.[7] It is sometimes argued that natural causes may have been the primary reason for the disaster.

There is no international consensus among scholars or politicians on whether the Soviet policies that caused the famine fall under the legal definition of genocide.[8][9][10][11][6] However, as of March 2008, the parliament of Ukraine and the governments of several other countries have recognized the actions causing Holodomor as an act of genocide.[12] …”

Ayers’ Weathermen planned “re-education”, genocide


Obama answers question on global warming actions


Obama and Gore: Leaders to deal with Global Warming


Lord Al Gore The Global Warming Fascist


More Scientists don’t see CO2 as temperature driver


What is your stance on nuclear power?

The Nuclear Industry’s Golden Child

That Obama Glow


“…Obama’s campaign wallet, while rich with millions from small online donations, is also bulging from $227,000 in contributions given by employees of Exelon. Two of Obama’s largest campaign fundraisers include Frank M. Clark and John W. Rogers Jr., both top Exelon officials. Even Obama’s chief strategist, David Axelrod, has done consulting work for the company.

During a Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works hearing in 2005, Obama, who serves on the committee, asserted that since Congress was debating the negative impact of CO2 emissions “on the global ecosystem, it is reasonable — and realistic — for nuclear power to remain on the table for consideration.” Shortly thereafter, Nuclear Notes, the industry’s top trade publication, praised the senator. “Back during his campaign for the U.S. Senate in 2004, [Obama] said that he rejected both liberal and conservative labels in favor of ‘common sense solutions’. And when it comes to nuclear energy, it seems like the Senator is keeping an open mind.”

The rising star of the Democratic Party’s ties to the nuclear industry run deep indeed, but Obama may not only be loyal to Exelon and friends. The Senator is also cozy with Big Coal. …”

Selective Precaution
How does the third world insure itself against Lieberman-Warner?

By Lawrence Solomon

“…There is no consensus of 2,500 scientist-endorsers. Moreover, many of those 2,500 reviewers turned thumbs down on the studies that they reviewed — I know this from my own interviews with them, conducted in the course of writing a book about scientists who dispute the conventional wisdom on climate change.

From my interviews, it also became clear to me that, if a consensus exists, it exists on the other side. For instance Paul Reiter of the Pasteur Institute, a former peer reviewer for the IPCC’s work on the spread of malaria and other diseases due to warming says, “I know of no major scientist with any long record in this field who agrees with the pronouncements of the alarmists at the IPCC.” Other scientists also told me that, in their particular discipline, the IPCC’s position was the outlier, far from the mainstream. …”  “…“So what?” many say. “Even if there is great uncertainty about the science of climate change, what harm will come of reducing our emissions of carbon dioxide? If it turns out that global warming is a natural phenomenon, we will have gained for ourselves cleaner air and less dependence on foreign oil.” As Sen. Lieberman put it in a PBS interview, “we ought to buy an insurance policy to deal with it. You know, I buy an insurance policy on my house. I don’t know there’s going to be a fire or a pipe is going to break, but I spend the money on it because the consequences of not having insurance are worse. And that’s what we’re doing here.”

This view finds favor with people across the ideological spectrum. Environmentalists, public-health advocates, and planners recognize an opportunity to lower emissions while promoting lifestyle changes; security hawks seize on the prospect of energy self-sufficiency; others see an opportunity to make common cause with Europe. All justify the expense of meeting Kyoto’s emissions targets as an insurance policy of sorts.

The problem is that far from being an insurance policy, Kyoto represents the single greatest threat to the global environment today and its scheme for using carbon credits and carbon offsets to reduce CO2 emissions comes with horrible human costs.

When we in the West purchase carbon offsets, typically someone, or some government, in the third world is paid for providing a “sink” for the carbon we’re emitting. Often that sink will be an industrial eucalyptus plantation, planted on what had been farmland or old-growth forest. Apart from the environmental amenities lost, personal tragedies abound. The former inhabitants of that land — either peasant farmers or forest peoples — will have been evicted from their lands, generally without fair compensation. Mass evictions are also the rule with new large-scale hydro dams, which can appear to become economically feasible only because of carbon credit schemes. China’s Three Gorges Dam, touted for being carbon-free, is uprooting some two million peasants and townsfolk. Nuclear power, too, is enjoying a renaissance due to carbon pricing — nuclear reactors have never been commercially viable without subsidies, and coming back now only because of a perceived carbon crisis. …”

Global warming is socialism and political movemnt

 No Future For Obama

“…Barack Obama is against lifting the ban on drilling for oil offshore because it would not reduce gas prices “this year, next year, five years from now,” according to CNN .

“John McCain’s proposal, George Bush’s proposal to drill offshore here in Florida, and other places around the country, would not provide families with any relief, this year, next year, five years from now… Believe me, if I thought there was any evidence at all that drilling could save people money who are struggling to fill up their gas tanks by this summer or the next few years, I would consider it, but it won’t.”

This sure looks like Obama, the great problem solver according to Al Gore , is not interested in solving any problems that show up only beyond “this summer or the next few years” or that take more than a few years to fix (5 tops, apparently).
Not very forward-looking, is he?  In fact, his time window of interest seems to coincide rather perfectly with what would be his first term as President.  Any problem that won’t show up during his term is not a problem he would try to solve.  So much for the vision thing.
Then where does that put global warming, by the way?  I was not aware that global warming would have dire consequences this summer or the next few years or that it could be solved within 5 years.  According to Senator Obama’s logic then, why try to solve it?  This would be especially so since even global warmists believe the next decade will involve little or no warming .  I also did not know that all the alternative energy sources Senator Obama advocates could be brought on line “this summer”.  Wow, those windmill guys are good. …”

Barack Obama: Global Poverty Act = World tax = Socialism


Barack Obama’s Hidden Agenda, More Taxes, Socialism….


How Ethanol is a really bad idea


Heritage In Focus: Farm Subsidies: Too Much of a Bad Thing


The Farm Bill
Ethanol For Everyone!
Brian Wingfield

“…”Now that the ethanol industry has matured, it is appropriate to curb the tax subsidy provided to ethanol,” says a Senate Finance Committee report on the tax provisions of the bill.

That’s a politically popular statement to make: Corn-based ethanol production has taken much of the blame for the recent run-up in world food prices. In 2007, President Bush famously called for a nearly 500% increase in ethanol production to reduce the country’s reliance on oil. Congress granted his wish at the end of last year by mandating 36 billion gallons of production by 2022–far beyond the 9 billion gallon goal for 2008. Not only is ethanol production mandated and subsidized, the industry is protected by a 54-cent import tariff.

That tariff, which serves largely to keep Brazilian sugar-based ethanol out of U.S. markets, would be extended by two years under the Farm Bill. “This would effectively raise the barrier to marginal ethanol gallons from Brazil,” says FBR Capital Markets analyst Kevin Book in a research note.

Former Congressman Charles Stenholm, D-Texas, who now lobbies on agriculture and energy policy for law firm Olsson, Frank, Weeda, says the tax-credit reductions for corn-based ethanol are “a step in the right direction.” But he wants Congress to adopt a market-based approach in which subsidies are discontinued when they’re no longer necessary.

“There’s no valid reason for maintaining a subsidy for ethanol with oil at $120 a barrel,” he says. …”

Newt Gingrich – We Must Drill for Oil NOW


Red State Update: Gas Prices


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A Place for Your Stuff–When You Are Dead–You Just Disappear–You are Going Away–Your Safe At Home!: George Carlin RIP 



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