Archive for February 3rd, 2009

Tammy Wynette–Videos

Posted on February 3, 2009. Filed under: Art, Blogroll, Life, Links, Music, People, Quotations, Raves, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |


Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman giving all your love to just one man.


tammy wynette stand by your man

Tammy Wynette 1986

Merle Haggard & Tammy Wynette “Today I Started lovin’ You Ag

Merle Haggard &Tammy Wynette “Okie From Muskogee”


George Jones & Tammy Wynette – The Wedding

Tammy Wynette ‘The Twelfth Of Never’


Tammy Wynette-Don’t Come Home A Drinkin’ With Lovin’ On Your Mind


Tammy Wynette-Stay At Home Woman


Tammy Wynette – The Ways to Love a Man


George Jones & Tammy Wynette-We Loved It Away


Tammy Wynette- I’m So Afraid Of Losing You Again


Tammy Wynette ‘Stand By Your Man’


Tammy Wynette-Dear Daughters


Tammy Wynette – NEXT TO YOU


Tammy Wynette-Reach Out Your Hands


Tammy Wynette-In My Room


Tammy Wynette-I Just Heard A Heartbreak


Tammy Wynette-Your Memory’s Finally Gone To Rest


Tammy Wynette-Alive & Well


Tammy Wynette-Medley Of Song’s From Her Piano








Tammy Wynette at Possum Holler

Tammy Wynette~Til I Get It Right


      Stand by your man. Give him two arms to cling to and something warm to come to.


Background Articles and Videos

Tammy Wynette

Virginia Wynette Pugh, known professionally as Tammy Wynette (May 5, 1942, Itawamba County, MississippiApril 6, 1998), was an American country music singer-songwriter and one of country music’s best-known artists and biggest-selling female vocalists.

She was known as the “First Lady of Country Music” and one of her best-known songs, “Stand by Your Man,” was one of the biggest selling hit singles by a woman in the history of the country music genre. Many of Tammy Wynette’s hits dealt with classic themes of loneliness, divorce and the difficulties of male-female relationships. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, she dominated the country charts, scoring 17 number one hits. Along with Loretta Lynn and Dolly Parton she defined the role of female country vocalists in the 1970s.

Her 1969 marriage to legendary country singer George Jones (which would end in divorce in 1975) created country music’s “first couple.” The pair recorded a series of duet albums and singles, which charted throughout the 1970s, concurrent to their respective solo hits.

Tammy Wynette



Tammy Interview 1


Tammy Interview 2

Tammy Wynette In Ireland ‘Irish TV’


Tammy Wynette – E Interview 1993


Tammy Wynette-Miller & Co. Interview


Tammy Wynette-2 Interview’s (1980’s)


Tammy Wynette-Country Interview Mid-80’s



Tammy Wynette-My Man


Tammy Wynette-Spoken Interview


Tammy Wynette-Personally Guided Home Tour


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Limousine Liberal Lobbyist–Tom Daschle–Reaching Out to Take Money Out Of Your Wallet–Not His!

Posted on February 3, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Comedy, Economics, Employment, Investments, Links, Music, People, Politics, Rants, Raves, Taxes, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

President Obama Stands Behind His Man--Tom Daschle--Limousine Liberal Lobbyist

President Obama Stands Behind His Man--Tom Daschle--Limousine Liberal Lobbyist

Limousine Liberal


Tom Daschle’s Tax Problem



Obama’s Goon Squad Glen Beck 2.2.09

Will President Obama be changing his tune for the Limousine Liberal Lobbyist, Tom Daschle, from Stand By Your Man to D-I-V-O-R-C-E?

Stay tuned.




Tammy Wynette – D-I-V-O-R-C-E



Looks like the theme song for this ethically challenged administration should be either:

Bad Boys 2 Song!


Barbra Streisand – People

Given former Senator Daschle’s past record of opposing President Bush’s qualified nominees with no issues, the Republican Senators should oppose Senator Daschle’s confirmation for his questionable integrity on taxes alone as well as his past record.

If the Republican Party and Senators fail to do so they will lose again the support of the conservative movement base.

Remember the Chicago way:

The Chicago Way

The conservative base is wathcing this one.

We want Senator Daschle confirmation opposed on Party lines.

We are watching.

Time for some steel.

Join the second American Revolution:

American People’s Plan = 3 Month Tax Holiday + FairTax = Real Hope + Real Change!–Millions To March On Washington D.C. Wednesday, April 15, 2009!




Background Articles and Videos


Senator Tom Daschle telling jokes


Tom Daschle

Thomas Andrew Daschle (born December 9, 1947) is a former U.S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader from South Dakota. He is a member of the Democratic Party. He is President Barack Obama‘s nominee to serve as the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) in Obama’s Cabinet.[1]

On January 30, 2009, while his nomination for the position of HHS Secretary was still awaiting Senate confirmation, tax issues came to light involving income and the use of a limousine and chauffeur that Daschle failed to properly disclose on his income-tax statements for the years 2005 through 2007, as well as charitable contributions he improperly claimed as deductions.[2][3][4] Daschle reportedly paid back taxes and interest in the amount of $140,167 as a result.[5][6] 


Tom Daschle’s Golden Rule

By Emily Yoffe

“…There was the day job at the law firm Alston & Bird that must have been blessedly free of the kind of dull legal minutiae that makes up many a billable hour, since Daschle is not a lawyer. That paid $2.1 million over the past two years. The consulting position at InterMedia Advisors, a private equity firm, paid him $1 million a year. A senior partner there told The Post that Daschle did “a lot of helpful work,” which he declined to enumerate. A stream of speeches to businesses that had business with the government earned Daschle $500,000 during the past two years. There were directorships on several boards — BP Corp. alone paid him $250,000. As practitioners of Bokononism, the religion created by Kurt Vonnegut in the book “Cat’s Cradle,” like to say when contemplating the complicated machinery of life: “Busy, busy, busy.”

So busy must Daschle have been dashing from one job to another — understandable to anyone who has to moonlight after the day shift ends — it must have merely seemed like a sensible efficiency to say yes when the founder of InterMedia put a Cadillac and a driver at his disposal. It’s easy to understand how natural such a gift must have seemed. At a farewell party in his honor after he left the Senate, The Post reports, Daschle told a joke about how on the way to the party both he and his wife got into the car and sat and sat until she said to him, “If this car is going to get us there, you better get in the driver’s seat.” Of the InterMedia-funded car and driver, Daschle’s spokeswoman told The Post that Daschle “naively” believed “it was nothing more than a generous offer from a friend.” 


“Make no mistake, tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter. ”

By Michelle Malkin 


“…Who said it? Tom Daschle.

Who cares about Daschle’s tax-cheating hypocrisy?

Well, he’s “apologized.” So all can be forgiven now. Right?

Thomas A. Daschle, fighting to defend his nomination to be secretary of health and human services, released a letter early today apologizing to the top lawmakers on the Senate Finance Committee for mistakes on his personal income tax returns that resulted in $146,000 in back payments.

“I am deeply embarrassed and disappointed by the errors that required me to amend my tax returns,” he wrote to Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). “I apologize for the errors and profoundly regret that you have had to devote time to them.”

Well, hey, it worked for Geithner and it looks like it’s going to work for Holder. Screw up, say sorry, move up. …”


Limousine Liberal

Limousine liberal (also latte liberal, limousine leftist, learjet liberal, lakefront liberal, Lexus liberal, MasterCard Marxist, parlor pink, white wine socialist or champagne socialist) is a pejorative North American political term used to illustrate perceived hypocrisy by a political liberal of upper class or upper middle class status, such as calling for the use of mass transit while frequently using private jets (ergo ‘learjet liberal’) [1] or claiming to be highly environmentally conscious but driving a gas-hungry SUV.

Democratic New York City mayoral hopeful Mario Procaccino coined the term to describe Republican Mayor John Lindsay and his wealthy Manhattan backers during a heated 1969 campaign. It was a populist epithet, carrying an implicit accusation that the people it described were insulated from all negative consequences of their programs intended to benefit the poor, and that the costs and consequences of such programs would be borne in the main by working class or lower middle class people who were not so poor as to be beneficiaries themselves. In particular, Procaccino criticized Lindsay for favoring unemployed blacks over working-class whites.[2]

One Procaccino campaign memo attacked “rich super-assimilated people who live on Fifth Avenue and maintain some choice mansions outside the city and have no feeling for the small middle class shopkeeper, home owner, etc. They preach the politics of confrontation and condone violent upheaval in society because they are not touched by it and are protected by their courtiers“.[3] The Independent later stated that “Lindsay came across as all style and no substance, a ‘limousine liberal’ who knew nothing of the concerns of the same ‘Silent Majority‘ that was carrying Richard Nixon to the White House at the very same time.”[4] …”



Lobbying is the practice of influencing decisions made by government. It includes all attempts to influence legislators and officials, whether by other legislators, constituents or organized groups.[1][2] A lobbyist is a person who tries to influence legislation on behalf of a special interest or a member of a lobby.[3] Governments often define and regulate organized group lobbying.[4][5][6] …”


Limousine Liberal Hypocrisy

BY Charles Krauthammer

“…Leo and Al then portentously announced that for the first time ever, the Academy Awards ceremony had gone green. What did that mean? Solar panels in the designer gowns? It turns out that the Academy neutralized the evening’s “carbon footprint” by buying carbon credits. That means it sent money to a “carbon broker,” who promised, after taking his cut, to reduce carbon emissions somewhere on the planet equivalent to what the stars spewed into the atmosphere while flying in on their private planes.

In other words, the rich reduce their carbon output by not one ounce. But drawing on the hundreds of millions of net worth in the Kodak Theatre, they pull out lunch money to buy ecological indulgences. The last time the selling of pardons was prevalent–in a predecessor religion to environmentalism called Christianity–Martin Luther lost his temper and launched the Reformation. …”


“…The other form of carbon trading is to get Third World companies to cut their emissions to offset Western pollution. The reason this doesn’t work–and why the carbon racket is a farce–is that you need a cap for cap-and-trade to work. Sulfur dioxide emissions in the U.S. were capped, and the trading system succeeded in reducing acid rain by half. But even the Kyoto treaty doesn’t put any cap on greenhouse gases in China and India, where billions of these carbon credits are traded. Sure, you can pretend you’re offsetting Western greenhouse pollution by supposedly cleaning up a dirty coal plant in China. But China is adding a new coal plant every week. You could build a particularly dirty “uncapped” power plant, then sell hundreds of millions in carbon credits to reduce it to a normal rate of pollution. The result? The polluter gets very rich. The planet continues to cook. And the Gores of the world can feel virtuous as they burn up the local power grid.

If Gore really wants to save the planet, he can try this: Turn off the lights. Ditch the heated pool. Ride the subway. And spare us the carbon-trading piety. ”,9171,1599714,00.html 


Daschle Delayed Revealing Tax Glitch

“…Thomas A. Daschle waited nearly a month after being nominated to be secretary of health and human services before informing Barack Obama that he had not paid years of back taxes for the use of a car and driver provided by a wealthy New York investor.

Daschle, one of Obama’s earliest and most ardent campaign supporters, paid $140,000 to the U.S. Treasury on Jan. 2 and about two days later informed the White House and the Senate Finance Committee, according to an account provided by his spokeswoman and confirmed by the Obama administration.

Although Daschle had known since June 2008 that he needed to correct his tax returns, he never expected the amount to be such a “jaw-dropping” sum and “thought it was being taken care of” by his accountant, spokeswoman Jenny Backus said.

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said last night that Obama stands behind his friend and confidant. “The president believes nobody’s perfect but that nobody’s hiding anything,” Gibbs said.  


Senators Question Daschle’s Late $128K Tax Payment

“…Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said he was surprised that Daschle had not paid his taxes properly but would not say whether he thought the nomination was in trouble. He said the committee will make a recommendation to the full Senate. “I think I’m going to just wait until they give me their opinion,” he told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., said the problem could disqualify Daschle but that he wanted to learn more about the matter.

“It’s disheartening, obviously. People are struggling to pay taxes on a very small amount of income and he’s got this huge amount,” DeMint said on ABC’s “This Week.”

Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine Republican, also said the tax problem was a concern and needed more explaining, telling CNN’s “State of the Union” that it involved “an awful lot of money” but that she had not decided to vote against confirmation.

On the Democratic side, Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska called it “a tough issue” and said he was waiting to hear the results of the meeting between Daschle and the Finance Committee. …”


Obama stands by his man Daschle
By Michelle Malkin

“…Cue Tammy Wynette. President Obama is standing by his man, Tom Daschle. And why not? The Senate Republicans aren’t going to demand that he throw one of their dear old chums under the bus over a silly little “glitch.” Senatorial privilege has its perks. …”


Questions to Tom Daschle (#1)


Obama Selects Daschle for Cabinet Post


Daschle urges Americans to join grassroots reform


Charlie Rose Interview with Tom Daschle


Joe Biden: Wealthy Paying Higher Taxes Patriotic Thing To Do


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American People’s Plan = 3 Month Tax Holiday + FairTax = Real Hope + Real Change!–Millions To March On Washington D.C. Wednesday, April 15, 2009!


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