Archive for February 11th, 2009

Corruption You Can Count On– Census Count Change–Obama’s Opagueness

Posted on February 11, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Computers, Economics, Employment, Law, People, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Technology, Video | Tags: , , , , , |

Looks like President Obama wants his friends in ACORN to get out the vote in 2010 and while they are at it count heads for the 2010 census–a two-fer.



“…Heartland Democratic Presidential Forum 12/07

(forum exclusively for thousands of community organizers including Gamaliel and ACORN people)

Heartland Democratic Presidential Forum 12/07

(forum exclusively for thousands of community organizers including Gamaliel and ACORN people)
Obama said ACORN and friends, responsible for voting fraud and the subprime crisis, are going to be shaping policy for an obama presidency …” 


US Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Barack Obama on Historic Election Night

To accomplish this President Obama is bringing the 2010 census under White House direction to make sure the fix is in.

Look like Chairman Lee got what she wanted:



Rachel Maddow Show – Rep. Barbara Lee discusses the nomination of Judd Gregg as Commerce Secretary


“…Rachel Maddow Show – Rep. Barbara Lee discusses the nomination of Judd Gregg as Commerce Secretary 02_04_09 …”


Glenn Beck—Obama to Manipulate 2012 Census Outcome, and Again Only Fox News Cares


Background Articles and Videos


Barbara Lee

Barbara Jean Lee (born July 16, 1946), is an American politician, and has been a Democratic member of the United States House of Representatives since 1998, representing California’s 9th congressional district (map). She is the first woman to represent that district. Lee is the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus and was the Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Lee is notable as the only person in either chamber of Congress who voted against the authorization of use of force following the September 11, 2001 attacks.[1] This made her a hero among the anti-war movement, but also caused her to receive death threats.[2] Lee has been a vocal critic of the Iraq War and supports legislation creating a Department of Peace. …”


“…Lee endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President in the 2008 primary.[11]

Lee was ranked as the sixth-most liberal member of the House by the National Journal, based on roll-call votes on economic, social and foreign policy issues in 2006.[12] Lee received a 97% progressive rating from a self-described non-partisan group that provides a “searchable database of Congressional voting records from a Progressive perspective,”[13] and a 4% conservative rating from the American Conservative Union.[14] …”

Rep. Barbara Lee on Economic Recovery



Political Battle Brews Over 2010 Census

President Obama’s decision to share oversight of next year’s Census has sparked protest from GOP lawmakers.

“…The census count is supposed to be a nonpartisan process. But it also helps to determine how congressional lines are drawn. And it shows the demographic changes of the nation of the past 10 years, which could shift billions of dollars in federal funding for things like schools and roads and job training.

Some Republicans suspect this could be a move by the White House to gerrymander those political boundaries so they benefit Democratic candidates.

“To shift it to the White House to me just politicizes the census, which is not something we should be doing,” said Sen John Cornyn, R-Texas, head of the National Republican Senatorial Committee that gets GOP senators elected.

“If you cook the figures up front, I think it distorts that process going forward and the notion of one person, one vote,” he said.

The economic recovery package currently being debated on Capitol Hill includes $1 billion to fix errors that occur in the 2010 Census.

The move of venue comes after some advocates worried aloud that Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., Obama’s nominee for commerce secretary, wouldn’t push hard for a count of Hispanics and other minorities in the census. …”


Little noted move on census by Obama could spell GOP disaster

Rick Moran

“…There’s a reason the Census Bureau is a quaisi-independent agency that reports directly to the Commerce secretary.

Once every ten years, numbers from the census are used to draw the lines for Congressional districts. What makes the Census Bureau such a pivotal player, especially today, is that it is generally recognized the districts that contain high concentrations of minorities and illegal aliens are undercounted. This is not the fault of the Census Bureau who rely on thousands of local residents to help them in carrying out the door to door counting of people but rather the general mistrust of government that keeps people from applying for the temporary jobs offered as well as the relative safety of the canvassers in many neighborhoods where the undercounts are alleged.

The census has been taken since the very early days of the republic and always in as non-partisan a manner as possible. Until now: …”


Why Obama wants control of the Census

By Michelle Malkin  •  February 10, 2009 09:23 AM

“…There’s a racial/ethnic lobby power grab taking place in the shadows of the porkulus/TARP II debates. It involves the White House shifting oversight of the Census Bureau away from the Commerce Department. Minority mau-mau-ers don’t want Republican Commerce Secretary nominee Judd Gregg watching over their fuzzy math calculations.

John Fund explains: …”


Don’t Politicize Next Year’s Census Count

By Bruce Chapman

February 5, 2009

“…Everyone knows that it is possible to organize a Decennial Census in a way that benefits one party or another politically. One way to effectuate this otherwise unpalatable departure from the Census Bureau’s two hundred year history of non-partisanship is to put the Bureau administratively under direction of the politicos in the White House. In reality that would be a sure invitation to cook the books on the highly consequential count of Americans.

Advocates argue that putting the 2010 Census under direct White House control somehow assures a higher priority to its mission. This is cynical. It puts a priority on manipulation of carefully derived Census criteria. The only reason the White House would want to be involved is in figuring out how to add more voting power to certain states and groups within states.

Simply put, there is no excuse for this idea. it is not true that the Census Bureau has ever been under the direct management of the White House, and for good reason. Even if angels were in charge of the Executive Mansion, if the nation’s premier statistical agency were placed under White House direction the danger to public trust would be enormous. The Decennial count is one of the few federal functions specifically described in the Constitution itself and must be operate above suspicion of politics.

I was Director of the Census from 1981 to ‘83 in the Reagan Administration. I always was made to feel conscious of the sound public servants who had preceded me and, regardless of who appointed them, defended the decennial count. I have known directors from the Kennedy era (the estimable Richard Scaammon) to the G. W. Bush Administration (the very professional Louis Kincannon). I don’t know anyone who cares for the integrity of the Bureau and its products who would desire to see the Census Bureau report directly to the White House.

Power flows from an accurate Census Count. Everyone involved for years has seen the count therefore a sacred trust. It must not be polluted with even a semblance of Presidential meddling. …”


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