Obama’s Oil Spill Speech: The Crisis Creator Is Not A Crisis Manager–Obama’s Plan For More Government Intervention Into The Economy Will Destroy Even More Jobs and Wealth–Stop Spreading Socialist Sludge!

Posted on June 15, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Energy, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, history, Investments, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Science, Security, Strategy, Talk Radio, Taxes, Technology, Video, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |



June 15th 2010 Presidential Address to the Nation BP Oil Spill Disaster – Part 1/2

June 15th 2010 Presidential Address to the Nation BP Oil Spill Disaster – Part 2/2

Charles Krauthammer on Obama’s Oil Address


Focus Group Reacts to Obama’s Address


CNN Crew On Obama’s Oval Office Speech About The Gulf Oil Spill

MSNBC Trashes Obama’s Address this evening

Jindal To Feds: Hold BP Accountable


Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal Contradicts Obama; Says More Could be Done 

National Guard Oil Spill

Crime Inc. Obama, Joel Rogers & Van Jones in : Collusion, Knowledge of the Lie 



The Free-Market Case for Green

The American people want the oil leak to be plugged and the oil spill to be contained.

The American people want the 30 million unemployed American citizens to find full time jobs and the illegal aliens living and working in the United States to go home.

The American people want affordable or cheap electricity, heating and gasoline for transportation.

The American people do not want more more taxes to subsidize wind and solar power and ethanol production that cannot compete with very cheap coal and nuclear electrical power  generation and gasoline for transportation.

Let consumer sovereignty and the free markets determine the best and cheapest way to produce electricity and move vehicles.

More government intervention into the private sector and the economy  in the form of more government regulations, spending, taxes and national debt is not the answer–it is the problem–and it is getting worse not better.

The President is calling for a new energy tax that would only raise the price to consumers of electricity, heating oil and gasoline for transportation as well as the cost of all consumer goods that use electricity, heating oil and gasoline to produce these goods and services.

China and India are expanding their electrical power generation by building coal-fired and nuclear powered plants.

Neither wind nor solar power are competitive in terms of price.

The Federal Government does not know what it is doing.

Let the oil companies drill for more oil and natural gas on land and off the coast.

If they make mistakes, make them pay for their mistakes through litigation.

The Obama Depression: Lessons Learned–Deja Vu!

The government does not create wealth or jobs.

Only the private sector creates wealth and jobs.

The government redistributes wealth and destroys jobs by irresponsible spending, taxes, and regulations.

Time to vote out of office the Progressive Radical Socialists of the Democratic Party led by President Barack Obama.

The job you save may be your own.

Do not listen to President Obama–he is inexperienced and incompetent–a lame duck President not up for the job.

The talker is clueless as to what needs to be done to create jobs and stop the Gulf of Mexico oil spill from spreading.

While President Obama can read a prepared speech, he is not a leader that the American people will follow.

The American people will correct their mistakes by replacing the progressive radical socialists in Congress, the Senate and the White House by voting them out of office in the next two elections.

The count down has started for a regime change.

American Citizens Alliance Party–A CAP On Government Spending, Taxes, Debt and Regulations-The Third Party Base–Tea Party Patriots–Videos

Background Articles and Videos

Gulf Faces Long Road to Restoration From Oil Spill

AIM: Bloggers Briefing with Steven Hayward

Michael Savage – BP Mess, Treasonous Washington Post


Shields and Brooks on Obama’s Oil Leak Rhetoric, Responsibility

Euro Trash Brits Condemn an ‘Anti-BP Obama as they Cut Corners Nightmare well

Government Intervention, Regulatory Policy, and the Financial Crisis

The Environment with Steven Hayward


Arthur Brooks: 70% of Americans Favor Free Enterprise

George Carlin – Saving the Planet

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Steven Hayward–The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counterrevolultion–Videos

Posted on April 13, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Communications, Economics, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Science, Security, Strategy, Technology, Video, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , |

Steven Hayward Author, The Age of Reagan: The Conservative Counterrevolution

Back to the Future

Back to the Future Part 2

Back to the Future Part 3

Background Articles and Videos


“Those who say that we’re in a time when there are no heroes, they just don’t know where to look.”
–President Ronald Reagan, January 20, 1981

Hero. It was a word most Americans weren’t using much in 1980. As they waited on gas and unemployment lines, as their enemies abroad grew ever more aggressive, and as one after another their leaders failed them, Americans began to believe the country’s greatness was fading.

Yet within two years the recession and gas shortage were over. Before the decade was out, the Cold War was won, the Berlin Wall came crashing down, and America was once more at the height of prosperity. And the nation had a new hero: Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Reagan’s greatness is today widely acknowledged, but his legacy is still misunderstood. Democrats accept the effectiveness of his foreign policy but ignore the success of his domestic programs; Republicans cheer his victories over liberalism while ignoring his bitter battles with his own party’s establishment; historians speak of his eloquence and charisma but gloss over his brilliance in policy and clarity of vision.

From Steven F. Hayward, the critically acclaimed author of The Age of Reagan: The Fall of the Old Liberal Order, comes the first complete, true story of this misunderstood, controversial, and deeply consequential presidency. Hayward pierces the myths and media narratives, masterfully documenting exactly what transpired behind the scenes during Reagan’s landmark presidency and revealing his real legacy.

What emerges is a compelling portrait of a man who arrived in office after thirty years ofpractical schooling in the ways of politics and power, possessing a clear vision of where he wanted to take the nation and a willingness to take firm charge of his own administration. His relentless drive to shrink government and lift the burdens of high taxation was born of a deep appreciation for the grander blessings of liberty. And it was this same outlook, extended to the world’s politically and economically enslaved nations, that shaped his foreign policy and lent his statecraft its great unifying power.

Over a decade in the making, and filled with fresh revelations, surprising insights, and an unerring eye for the telling detail, this provocative and authoritative book recalls a time when true leadership inspired a fallen nation to pick itself up, hold its head high, and take up the cause of freedom once again. …”


Book TV: Steven Hayward, “The age of Reagan”

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