Train Derailment and Crash in Spain Near Santiago De Compostela Kills 80 and Injures 178 Passengers — Photos and Videos

Posted on July 25, 2013. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Diasters, Economics, Education, government spending, Law, Life, Links, media, People, Photos, Radio, Regulations, Trains, Transportation, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |


CCTV Video Shows Spain Train Crash  

















Spain Train Crash CAUGHT ON CAMERA! | Moment High Speed Train Derails in Santiago, Spain

BBC News  Spain train crash  Video shows moment of derailment

Derailment Disaster: High-speed train crash in Spain kills dozens

Spain Train Crash: Santiago Train Derailment Killed 78 | Santiago Tren Accidente

Raw: Train Derails in Spain, Dozens Feared Dead  

Spain Train CRASH Near Santiago De Compostela | Accidente Tren en España  

Spain train crash: Dozens killed as high-speed train derails in Santiago de Compostela

Train Crash In Spain: At Least 80 Killed near Santiago de Compostela  

Driver in custody after 80 killed in Spain train crash

By Teresa Medrano and Tracy Rucinski

The driver of a Spanish train that derailed, killing at least 80 people, was under police guard in hospital on Thursday after the dramatic accident which an official source said was caused by excessive speed.

The eight-carriage train came off the tracks, hit a wall and caught fire just outside the pilgrimage destination Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain on Wednesday night. It was one of Europe’s worst rail disasters.

The source had knowledge of the official investigation into a crash which brought misery to Santiago on Thursday, the day when it should have celebrated one of Europe’s biggest Christian festivals. Authorities canceled festivities as the city went into mourning.

The Galicia regional supreme court said in a statement the judge investigating the accident had ordered police to take a statement from the driver.

He was being formally investigated and under police guard but not under arrest, the court said. He was in hospital but it was not clear what kind of injuries he had suffered.

Video footage from a security camera showed the train, with 247 people on board, hurtling into a concrete wall at the side of the track as carriages jack-knifed and the engine overturned.

One local official described the aftermath of the crash as like a scene from hell, with bodies strewn next to the tracks.

The impact was so huge one carriage flew several meters into the air and landed on the other side of a high concrete barrier.

Around 94 people were injured, 35 of them, including four children, in a serious condition, the deputy head of the regional government said.

“We heard a massive noise and we went down the tracks. I helped get a few injured and bodies out of the train. I went into one of the cars but I’d rather not tell you what I saw there,” Ricardo Martinez, a 47-year old baker from Santiago de Compostela, told Reuters.

Newspaper accounts cited witnesses as saying the driver, Francisco Jose Garzon, who had helped rescue victims, shouted into a phone: “I’ve derailed! What do I do?”.

The 52-year-old had been a train driver for 30 years, said a spokeswoman for Renfe, the state train company.

A court source told Reuters there was one driver on the train. Previously, a Galicia government source had said there were two.


El Pais newspaper said the driver told the railway station by radio after being trapped in his cabin that the train entered the bend at 190 kilometers per hour (120 mph). An official source said the speed limit on that stretch of twin track, laid in 2011, was 80 kph.

“We’re only human! We’re only human!” the driver told the station, the newspaper said, citing sources close to the investigation. “I hope there are no dead, because this will weigh on my conscience.”

Investigators were trying to find out why the train was going so fast and why security devices to keep speed within permitted limits had not slowed the train.

Operated by state-owned company Renfe, the train was built by Bombardier and Talgo and was around five years old. It had almost the maximum number of passengers.

Spain’s rail safety record is better than the European average, ranking 18th out of 27 countries in terms of railway deaths per kilometers traveled, the European Railway Agency said. There were 218 train accidents in Spain between 2008-2011, well below the EU average of 426 for the same period.

Firefighters called off a strike to help with the disaster, while hospital staff, many operating on reduced salaries because of spending cuts in recession-hit Spain, worked overtime to tend the injured.

The disaster happened at 8.41 p.m. (2:41 p.m. ET) on the eve of a festival dedicated to St. James, one of Jesus’s 12 disciples, whose remains are said to rest in Santiago’s centuries-old cathedral.

The apostle’s shrine is the destination of the famous El Camino de Santiago pilgrimage across the Pyrenees, which has been followed by Christians since the Middle Ages.

“The main mass (in the cathedral) was transformed from a mass of joy into a mass of mourning,” said Italian pilgrim Irene Valsangiacomo.


One U.S. citizen died in the crash and five were injured, the State Department said in Washington. Mexico said one of its nationals was among the dead.

At least one British citizen was injured, a British embassy spokesman said. People from several other countries were believed to be among the passengers.

People living nearby ran to the site to help emergency workers tend to the wounded. Ana Taboada, a 29-year-old hospital worker, was one of the first on the scene.

“When the dust lifted I saw corpses. I didn’t make it down to the track, because I was helping the passengers that were coming up the embankment,” she told Reuters. “I saw a man trying to break a window with a stone to help those inside get out.”

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, who was born in Santiago de Compostela, the capital of Galicia region, visited the site and the main hospital on Thursday. He declared three days of official national mourning for the victims of the disaster.

King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia also went to Santiago and visited the injured in hospital.

“All of Spain is united in grief with the bereaved families,” the king said.

Both Renfe and state-owned Adif, which is in charge of the tracks, opened an investigation into the derailment.

Passenger Ricardo Montesco told Cadena Ser radio station the train approached the curve at high speed, twisted and the carriages piled up one on top of the other.

“A lot of people were squashed on the bottom. We tried to squeeze out of the bottom of the wagons to get out and we realized the train was burning. … I was in the second carriage and there was fire. … I saw corpses,” he said.

Clinics in Santiago de Compostela were overwhelmed with people flocking to give blood, while hotels organized free rooms for relatives. Madrid sent forensic scientists and hospital staff to the scene on special flights.

Allianz Seguros, owned by Germany’s Allianz, owns the insurance contract for loss suffered by Renfe passengers, a company spokeswoman told Reuters. The contract does not cover Renfe’s trains. The company had sent experts to the scene.

The disaster stirred memories of a train bombing in Madrid in 2004, carried out by Islamist militants, that killed 191 people, although officials do not suspect an attack this time.

Spain is struggling to emerge from a long-running recession marked by government-driven austerity to bring its deeply indebted finances into order.

But Adif, the state railways infrastructure company, told Reuters no budget cuts had been implemented on maintenance of the line, which connects La Coruna, Santiago de Compostela and Ourense and was inaugurated in 2011.

It said more than 100 million euros a year were being spent on track maintenance in Spain.

(Additional reporting by Inmaculada Sanz, Sonya Dowsett, Sarah White, Andres Gonzalez, Blanca Rodriguez, Julien Toyer, Emma Pinedo, Raquel Castillo, Robert Hetz; Writing by Sonya Dowsett and Julien Toyer and Elisabeth O’Leary,; editing by Barry Moody and Andrew Heavens)

80 dead in Spain crash; video catches train’s final moments

By Al Goodman. Laura Smith-Spark and Laura Perez Maestro, CNN

The train races into view, and in the space of a heartbeat, the cars derail and crash into a wall of concrete, flipping onto their sides and skidding along the track with terrifying speed and force.

Security footage shows the horror of the moment an express train derailed as it hurtled around a curve in northwestern Spain on Wednesday. A spokeswoman for the Spanish government in the Galicia region, speaking on routine condition of anonymity, confirmed 80 people have died in the crash.

One U.S. citizen is among the dead, according to Deputy State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf. At least five U.S. citizens were also injured, she added.

Flames burst out of one train car as another car was snapped in half after the crash. Rescue crews and fellow passengers pulled bodies through broken windows and pried open doors as stunned survivors looked on.

Investigations into the cause of the crash continue, but suggestions that the train was traveling too fast appear to be gaining weight.

The train driver is being questioned by police and is under formal investigation, said Maria Pardo Rios, a spokeswoman for the Galicia regional supreme court. “He is not being charged by a judge at the moment — it is all at a police level,” she said.

Ninety-five of the 178 injured are still hospitalized, the local government’s official Twitter account said. Thirty-two adults and four children are in critical condition.

Most of the deaths happened at the scene, Rios said. In Spain, judges typically record deaths that take place outside of hospitals.

Judicial teams are still at the crash site and expect to find more bodies, she told CNN on Thursday morning.

Interim charge d’affaires Luis G. Moreno at the embassy said it was in touch “with families of some injured American citizens.”

“We are deeply shocked by the news of last night’s train crash in Galicia. Our hearts and prayers are with the friends and families of the victims,” he said Thursday.

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said one British citizen was injured.

The crash came on the eve of a public holiday held to mark the region’s saint’s day. Local officials canceled festivities planned for Wednesday night and Thursday across Galicia.

Train’s speed questioned

The state railway, Renfe, said the train crashed on a curve several kilometers from the train station in the city of Santiago de Compostela, a popular tourist destination.

The train was nearing the end of a six-hour trip from Madrid to the town of Ferrol in northwest Spain when it derailed at 8:41 p.m. Wednesday, the railway said.

It was unclear how fast the train was traveling when it crashed. It was capable of going up to 250 kilometers per hour (155 mph), said Julio Hermida, a spokesman for the state railway.

The driver, who suffered minor injuries, told police the train had entered the bend too fast, TVE reported.

The driver has worked for the company for the last 30 years, a spokesman for the railway confirmed to CNN. In 2000, the driver started working as a train driver assistant, and in 2003 began working as a train driver, a job the driver has held since.

Rafael Catala, secretary of state for transport and housing, told Spanish radio network Cadena SER that the “tragedy appears to be linked to the train going too fast,” but that the reasons for that are not yet known.

Spanish news agency Efe and national daily El Pais cited sources within the investigation as saying that the driver had said the train was going at about 190 kilometers per hour, and that the limit on that curve was 80 kilometers per hour (50 mph.)

The president of Renfe, Julio Gomez-Pomar, told radio station COPE on Thursday that the train had undergone a routine inspection that same morning.

“The train did not have an operating problem,” he said. “The maintenance and control record of the train was perfect.”

Mourning declared

Spain’s King Juan Carlos visited a hospital in Santiago de Compostela where victims injured in Wednesday’s train accident are recovering.

“All Spaniards, we are united at this time. … Really all Spaniards join in the pain of the families of the dead,” he said. “We hope that the wounded will recover, little by little.”

The royal family canceled all events scheduled for the day out of respect for the day of mourning, the royal household told CNN.

Alberto Nunez Feijoo, head of the regional government in Galicia, declared seven days of mourning in the region for victims of the tragedy.

In a speech, he said “all of the community cries about the tragedy that we are living, we cry for the victims, we cry for the unease and sadness of the families.”

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy viewed the scene of devastation Thursday morning and visited some of the hospitalized crash victims.

Rajoy, who is from the area, told a news conference there was a “huge challenge” ahead, not least in identifying all those killed and informing their families, and he praised the response of everyone who has helped after the crash.

Two investigations are under way, he said, adding, “We want to establish what happened.”

Rajoy declared three days of national mourning to honor the victims of the crash.

The prime minister came under fire in Spanish media after a condolences message for the train crash victims posted by his office late Wednesday included a paragraph apparently “copied and pasted” from a statement previously sent to victims of an earthquake in Gansu, China.

”I would like to express my deepest condolences for the loss of human lives and the material damage from the earthquake that has occurred in Gansu has caused,” the note said.

Victim: ‘Everything went dark’

One victim, speaking from a hospital bed with his arm in a sling, told CNN affiliate Atlas that it seemed like train was going fast.

“But we didn’t know what was the maximum speed, so I thought it was normal,” he said, “And suddenly there was a curve, the suitcases fell, and everything went dark. And I hit my head a ton of times, and 10 seconds later I was wedged between seats, and I had people’s legs on top of me.”

As he waited for rescuers to pull him from the wreckage, he heard other passengers yelling.

“I heard little children screaming. … I also heard two girls that yelled out, one supporting the other,” he said.

A passenger who got off at the last stop before the train derailed told the broadcaster it was packed with people at the time.

Residents who lived near the tracks told the Voz de Galicia newspaper that they heard a thunderous bang when the train crashed. Many of them rushed to the area with blankets and bottled water for the injured, the newspaper reported.

“The train had broken in half. Some pieces were on top, some pieces were on the bottom,” said Ivette Rubiera Cabrera of Florida, who caught a glimpse of the wreckage while on a family vacation in Spain and sent photos to CNN’s iReport.

“It was quite shocking,” she said. “We had never seen anything like that. We had just been on the train last week.”

Oscar Mateos told the El Pais newspaper that he saw fellow passengers thrown to the floor, then tossed from one side of the train to the other.

“Help came in five minutes, but that time became an eternity,” he said. “I helped people get out with broken legs and many bruises.”

Crash investigation

Investigators are looking at all possible causes of the crash, a senior aide to the prime minister said Wednesday.

Are you there and safe? Tell us what’s happening

Renfe’s spokesman said he did not know how many crew members were aboard the train when it crashed. Normally, there would be at least five crew members on a train like that, he said.

Officials appealed for blood donations just after the crash but on Thursday said the short-term needs were met.

Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, expressed condolences from the European Union.

Pope Francis, who is on a visit to Brazil for World Youth Day, sent a telegram to the bishop of Santiago de Compostela, Julian Barrio Barrio, offering his support and prayers for all those affected by the tragedy.

Driver in deadly Spain train crash under scrutiny

A Spanish train that hurtled off the rails and smashed into a security wall as it rounded a bend was going so fast that carriages tumbled off the tracks like dominos, killing 80 people, including an American, and maiming dozens more.

Spain’s government said two probes have been launched into the train’s derailment Wednesday night on its approach to this Christian festival city in northwest Spain, where planned celebrations in honor of one of Jesus’ disciples gave way to a living nightmare.

The regional government in Galicia confirmed that police planned to question the 52-year-old train driver, in Santiago de Compostela’s main hospital with unspecified injuries, as both a witness and as a possible suspect, but cautioned that possible faults in safety equipment were also being investigated.

Spain’s lead investigator in the crash, Judge Vazquez TaDin, ordered detectives to question the train driver.

Renfe identified him as Francisco Jose Garzon Amo, as a 30-year employee of the state rail company who became an assistant driver in 2000 and a fully qualified driver in 2003. The company said Amo took control of the train from a second driver about 65 miles south of Santiago de Compostela.

CBS News correspondent Mark Phillips reported Amo had bragged last year on the internet about running his train right at the speed limit, saying any faster and he’d be fined.

Renfe’s president, Julio Gomez-Pomar Rodriguez, told Spain’s Cadena Cope radio network that the driver had worked on that route for more than one year.

An Associated Press analysis of images from video footage obtained Thursday suggested the train may have been traveling at twice the speed limit, or more, along that curved stretch of track. Spanish officials said the speed limit on that section of track is 50 miles per hour.

An Associated Press estimate of the train’s speed at the moment of impact using the time stamp of the video and the estimated distance between two pylons gives a range of 89-119 mph. Another estimate calculated on the basis of the typical distance between railroad ties gives a range of 96-112 mph.

The video footage, which the Spanish railway authority Adif said probably came from one of its cameras, shows the train carriages starting to buckle soon into the turn.

The cause of the crash seems to have been a deadly combination of high speed and low budgets, Phillips reports. In order to save money when updating the line between Madrid and the northwest coastal town of El Ferrol, the Spanish rail authority opted to use the existing right of way through Santiago de Compostela.

Murray Hughes, consultant editor of Railway Gazette International, said it appeared that a diesel-powered unit behind the lead locomotive was the first to derail. The front engine itself quickly followed, violently tipping on to its right side as it crashed into a concrete security wall and bulldozed along the ground.

In the background, all the rear carriages could be seen starting to decouple and come off the tracks. The picture went blank as the engine appeared to crash directly into the camera.

After impact, witnesses said a fire engulfed passengers trapped in at least one carriage, most likely driven by ruptured tanks of diesel fuel carried in the forward engines.

“I saw the train coming out of the bend at great speed and then there was a big noise,” one eyewitness who lives beside the train line, Consuelo Domingues, told The Associated Press. “… Then everybody tried to get out of the train.”

The Interior Ministry raised the death toll to 80 in what was Spain’s deadliest train wreck in four decades. The Galician government said 94 others remained hospitalized in six regional hospitals, 31 of them — including four children — in critical condition.

A State Department official confirmed to CBS News Thursday afternoon that one U.S. citizen died and five other Americans were injured in Wednesday’s crash. The official provided no other details except to say that those numbers might change with new information.

“Today the American people grieve with our Spanish friends, who are in our thoughts and prayers,” President Obama said in a statement.

One American survivor has sent a message from a hospital saying he’s OK, CBS News correspondent Mark Phillips reported on “CBS This Morning” Thursday.

Another, however, was not so lucky. Roberto Fariza of Houston, Texas, said his wife was in critical condition. They were both passengers on the train.

“She got hurt very bad her scalp was all like that — flipped over — and she was bleeding out of her mouth and out of her ears, and she was conscious though…she knew what happened,” Fariza said of his wife on “CBS Evening News”.

In the morning, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, a native of Santiago de Compostela, toured the crash scene alongside rescue workers and went to a nearby hospital to visit those wounded and their families. In the evening Spain’s head of state, King Carlos, and Queen Sofia went to the same hospital, dressed in funereal black.

“For a native of Santiago, like me, this is the saddest day,” said Rajoy, who declared Spain would observe a three-day period of mourning. He said judicial authorities and the Public Works Ministry had launched parallel investigations into what caused the crash.

Santiago officials had been preparing for the city’s internationally celebrated Catholic festival Thursday but canceled it and took control of the city’s main indoor sports arena to use as a makeshift morgue. There, relatives of the dead could be seen sobbing and embracing each other.

The Interior Ministry, responsible for law and order, ruled out terrorism as a cause.

While sections of the Spanish press pointed an accusatory finger at the train driver, Spanish authorities and railway safety experts cautioned that a fault in systems designed to keep trains traveling at safe speeds could be to blame.

It was Spain’s deadliest train accident since 1972, when a train collided with a bus in southwest Spain, killing 86 people and injuring 112.

“July 24 will no longer be the eve of a day of celebration but rather one commemorating one of the saddest days in the history of Galicia,” said Alberto Nunez Feijoo, regional president of Galicia. Santiago de Compostela is its capital.

The accident created a scene that was “Dante-esque,” Feijoo said. He said Galicia would observe seven days of mourning.

Rescue workers spent the night searching through smashed carriages alongside the tracks.

As dawn broke, cranes brought to the scene were used to lift the carriages away from the tracks. Rescue workers collected passengers’ scattered luggage and loaded it into a truck next to the tracks.

Rescuers described a scene of horror immediately after the crash. Smoke billowed from at least one carriage that had caught fire, while another had been torn into two parts.

Residents of the residential neighborhood closest to the rail line struggled to help victims out of the toppled cars. Some passengers were pulled out of broken windows. Television images showed one man atop a carriage lying on its side, using a pickaxe to try to smash through a window. Other rescuers used rocks to try to free survivors from the fiery wreckage.

Nearby, rescue workers lined up bodies covered in blankets alongside the tracks.

Renfe said the crash happened at 8:41 p.m. (2:41 p.m. ET) about 2.5 miles south of Santiago de Compostela.

Renfe said it and Adif, which manages tracks, signals and other railway infrastructure, were cooperating with a judge appointed to investigate the accident.

It was the world’s third major rail accident this month.

On July 12, six people were killed and nearly 200 were injured when four cars of a passenger train derailed south of Paris.

On July 6, 72 cars carrying crude oil derailed in Lac-Megantic, Ontario, setting off explosions and fires that killed 47 people.

Catholic pilgrims converge on Santiago de Compostela annually to celebrate a festival honoring St. James, a disciple of Jesus whose remains are said to rest in a shrine. The city is the main gathering point for those who reach the end of the El Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route that has drawn Christians since the Middle Ages.

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Death of a conservative activist: Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)–Videos

Posted on March 2, 2012. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Business, College, Communications, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Federal Government Budget, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, Law, liberty, Life, media, People, Philosophy, Politics, Public Sector, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Talk Radio, Tax Policy, Taxes, Unemployment, Unions, Video, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Andrew Breitbart speaking at Tea Party rally at Independence Mall in Philadelphia in July 31, 2010

IN MEMORIAM, ANDREW BREITBART: PJTV Remembers a True Patriot and Friend

“PJTV’s Roger L. Simon, Bill Whittle, Lionel Chetwynd and Stephen Kruiser remember the energy and impact of the great Andrew Breitbart. From his internet savvy, to his willingness to battle ACORN and the left, Andrew Breitbart will be greatly missed by the PJ Media community.”

The Bully! Pulpit Show: Mark Joseph interviews Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart at The Heritage Foundation

Andrew Breitbart: Father, Husband, Patriot, Warrior

Tribute to Andrew Breitbart 1969-2012

Andrew Breitbart Big Government

Gone Without a Clue: The Suspicious Death of Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart – From Mindless Liberal to Conscious Conservative

Rush Limbaugh remembers Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)

CNN: Arianna Huffington remembers Andrew Breitbart

Michael Savage on the Passing of Andrew Breitbart – (Radio Commentary Aired on March 1, 2012)

Glenn Beck Discusses Andrew Breitbart’s Death P1 

Glenn Beck Discusses Andrew Breitbart’s Death P2

Glenn Beck Discusses Andrew Breitbart’s Death P3

Alex Jones – Andrew Breitbart Mysteriously Dies Before Releasing Damaging Obama Video

Is This What Killed Andrew Breitbart? The CIA Heart-Attack Gun

Last Interview with Andrew Breitbart

Peter Schiff’s interview with Andrew Breitbart (May 23, 2011)

Cenk Uygur interviews Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart on his Legacy “I want the left to know they screwed with the wrong guy!”

Dylan Ratigan Interviews Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart’s epic interview on MSNBC

On March 1, conservative activist, blogger and new media publisher, Andrew Breitbart, collapsed and died of an apparent heart attack shortly after midnight while walking near his home in Westwood, California.  A bystander saw him collapse and called paramedics. They rushed him to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where he was declared dead. The Los Angeles Coroner’s Office will be conducting an autopsy.

Breitbart spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference 2012 on Feb. 10, where he made a surprise announcement about videos he claimed to have of Barack Obama from his college days:

“This election we are going to vet him from his college days to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008. The videos are going to come out and the narrative is going to come out. That Barack Obama met a bunch of silver ponytails in 1980s, like Bill (Ayers) and Bernadine (Dohrn), equally radical, who said one day we would have the presidency, and the rest of us slept as they plotted, and they plotted, and they plotted and they oversaw hundreds of millions of dollars in the Annenberg Challenge and they had real money, from real capitalists. …Then they became communists. We got to work on that. That is a parenthesis. Barack Obama is a radical, we should not be afraid to say that! Okay? And Barack Obama was launched from Bill and Bernadine’s salon. I’ve been there.”

Breitbart’s entire CPAC 2012 speech can be viewed on YouTube.

Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012 02102012 – FULL SPEECH

Andrew Breitbart Just Another Weird Death

Did OBAMA KILL Andrew Breitbart?

Obama’s Black Reparations and Redistributing The Wealth Scandal–The Pigford Fraud

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Andrew Breitbart on the Pigford story, part 1 

Andrew Breitbart on the Pigford story, part 2 

Andrew Breitbart ~ Part 7 of 8 

Andrew Breitbart ~ Part 8 of 8 

Glenn Beck -SHIRLEY SHERROD Obama Fired Her for being Black

Andrew Breitbart’s epic interview on MSNBC

Shirley Sherrod: the FULL video

Andrew Breitbart: Glenn Beck “Screwed the Pooch”

CNN: 2010, Andrew Breitbart defends Sherrod video

Michael Savage interviews Andrew Breitbart on Shirley Sherrod Controversy Part 1

Michael Savage interviews Andrew Breitbart on Shirley Sherrod Controversy Part 2

Michael Savage interviews Andrew Breitbart on Shirley Sherrod Controversy Part 3

Michael Savage talks to Andrew Breitbart about the Shirley Sherrod Controversy Part 4 

Michael Savage talks to Andrew Breitbart about the Shirley Sherrod Controversy Part 5 

Michael Savage talks to Andrew Breitbart about the Shirley Sherrod Controversy Part  6.

Michael Savage talks to Rep. Steve King about the Shirley Sherrod linked Pigford Affair

For 10 years Breitbart had been an editor of the Drudge Report website and researcher for Arianna Huffington who he helped launch The Huffington Post web publication.

Breitbart published his own websites and a video blog and the “bigs” websites–Big Government, Big Hollywood, Big Journalism and Big Peace.

His Big Journalism website posted on May 28, 2011, a sexually explicit photo of New York Rep. Anthony Weiner. The congressman had sent a 21-year-old college student a link to the photograph. On June 8, 2011, Brietbart reported that Weiner has sent other photos. Weiner resigned from Congress on June 21, 2011.

Weiner Takes on Blitzer over Weinergate

Breitbart at Rep. Weiner’s press conference

Dennis Miller Interviews Andrew Breitbart About Anthony Weiner And The Jokes Came Naturally

Weiner apologizes to wife, family and Andrew Breitbart 

In 2009 Breitbart and his Big Government website assisted in the demise of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).  Videos of Hannah Giles, who posed as a prostitute, and James O’Keefe, her boyfriend, meeting with ACORN staff in several offices were aired on both the Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity television shows and Fox News. ACORN was subsequently liquidated in November 2010.

PJTV: How Breitbart Conquered ACORN (and the MSM)

Barack Obama – ACORN Will Shape My Domestic Policy 

Glenn Beck 20090910 Part 1/4

Glenn Beck 20090910 Part 2/4

Glenn Beck 20090910 Part 3/4

Glenn Beck 20090910 Part 4/4

Much More Footage From The ACORN Prostitution Slavery Sting In Baltimore MA 

Hannah Giles Interviewed on Red Eye

Glenn Beck – Hannah poses as a prostitute to ACORN worker

Hannity Interviews Couple Behind ACORN “Pimp And Prostitute” Video

Sean Hannity with Hannah Giles, Andrew Breitbart discuss ACORN

Sean Hannity, Hannah Giles and Andrew Breitbart discuss ACORN San Diego undercover operation

Sean Hannity, Hannah Giles and Andrew Breitbart discuss ACORN San Bernadino

Michael Savage Interviews Andrew Breitbart on ACORN Investigation -(Part 1 of 2)- September 18, 2009 

Michael Savage Interviews Andrew Breitbart on ACORN Investigation -(Part 2 of 2)- September 18, 2009

Death Of A Breitbart

He wrote a weekly column for the Washington Times and his work was also published by the National Review Online, the Weekly Standard Online and the Wall Street Journal.

Breitbart wrote two bestsellers, “Hollywood, Interrupted: Insanity Chic in Babylon — the Case Against Celebrity,” in 2004 and “Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World,” in 2011. He recently wrote a new conclusion to “Righteous Indignation” where he said:

“I love my job. I love fighting for what I believe in. I love having fun while doing it. I love reporting stories that the Complex refuses to report. I love fighting back, I love finding allies, and—famously—I enjoy making enemies.

Three years ago, I was mostly a behind-the-scenes guy who linked to stuff on a very popular website. I always wondered what it would be like to enter the public realm to fight for what I believe in. I’ve lost friends, perhaps dozens. But I’ve gained hundreds, thousands—who knows?—of allies. At the end of the day, I can look at myself in the mirror, and I sleep very well at night.”

The Politics of Hollywood with Andrew Breitbart

Andrew Breitbart — Media War

Breitbart was 43 and is survived by his wife, Susie Bean, daughter of actor Orson Bean, and four young children.

[Raymond Thomas Pronk is host of the Pronk Pops Show on KDUX web radio from 3-5 p.m. Wednesdays and author of the companion blog]

Background Articles and Videos

PART 1 Glenn Beck – Soros puts “hit” on Beck – 10-20-2010

PART 2 Glenn Beck – Soros puts “hit” on Beck – 10-20-2010


PART 1: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-8-2010 DAY 1

PART 2: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-8-2010 DAY 1

PART 3: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-8-2010 DAY 1

PART 1: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-9-2010 DAY 2

PART 2: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-9-2010 DAY 2

PART 3: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-9-2010 DAY 2

PART 1: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-10-2010 DAY 3

PART 2: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-10-2010 DAY 3

PART 3: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-10-2010 DAY 3

PART 1: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-11-2010 DAY 4

PART 2: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-11-2010 DAY 4

PART 3: Glenn Beck: George Soros’ New World Order Exposed, 11-11-2010 DAY 4

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George Soros–The Puppet Master–Hits Conservative Activists–The Endgame–Videos

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Posted on April 12, 2011. Filed under: American History, Blogroll, Communications, Crime, Culture, Economics, Education, Energy, Entertainment, European History, Federal Government, Films, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, history, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Movies, Nuclear Power, People, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Raves, Religion, Reviews, Science, Security, Strategy, Talk Radio, Technology, Video, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Daniel (Part 1)


Daniel (Part 2)


Daniel (Part3)


Daniel (Part 4)


Daniel (Part 5)


Daniel (Part 6)


Daniel (Part7)


Daniel (Part 8)


Daniel (Part 9)


Daniel (Part 10)


Daniel (Part 11)


Daniel (Part 12)


Daniel (Part 13)


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Disaster at Chernobyl–Videos

Posted on March 13, 2011. Filed under: Biology, Blogroll, Chemistry, Communications, government, government spending, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, People, Philosophy, Physics, Politics, Psychology, Rants, Raves, Resources, Science, Security, Strategy, Technology, Video, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Disaster at Chernobyl part 1 of 6


Disaster at Chernobyl part 2 of 6


Disaster at Chernobyl part 3 of 6


Disaster at Chernobyl part4 of 6


Disaster at Chernobyl part 5 of 6


Disaster at Chernobyl part 6 of 6


Chernobyl disaster incident PART 1


Chernobyl disaster incident PART 2


Chernobyl disaster incident PART 3


Chernobyl disaster incident PART 4


Chernobyl disaster incident PART 5


Chernobyl disaster incident PART 6


Chernobyl disaster incident PART 7


Chernobyl disaster incident PART 8


Chernobyl disaster incident PART 9


Chernobyl disaster incident PART 10


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The Day The King of Rock & Roll and The Homerun King Died and The Material Girl Is Born

Posted on August 16, 2010. Filed under: Art, Blogroll, Communications, Cult, Culture, Entertainment, Films, Games, history, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Movies, Music, People, Philosophy, Raves, Sports, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Today in History for August 16th


The Day Elvis Presley Died


Elvis Death


Babe Ruth Day 1947 death


Madonna – Material Girl

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Individuals–Yes, Collectivists–No, Dissent–Yes, Racism–No, Life–Yes, Abortion–No, Ballots–Yes, Bullets–No–We The People Want Faith, Hope, Charity and Courage!

Posted on March 25, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, Health Care, history, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Medicine, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Religion, Talk Radio, Taxes, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

 “The story of the Athenians in the time of Pericles suggests that the creation and survival of democracy requires leadership of a high order. When tested, the Athenians behave with the requied devotion, wisdom, and moderation in large part because they had been inspired by the democratic vision and example that Pericles had so effectively communicated to them. It was a vision that exalted the individual within the political community; it limited the scope and power of the state, leaving enough space for individual freedom, privacy, and the human dignity of which they are a crucial part. It rejected the leveling principle pursued by both ancient Sparta and modern socialism, which requires the suppression of those rights. By reqarding merit, it encouraged the individual achievement and excellence that makes life sweet and raises the qualtiy  of life for everyone. Above all, Pericles convinced the Athenians that their private needs, both moral and material, required the kind of community Athens had become. Therefore, they were willing to run risks in its defense, make sacrifices on its behalf, and restrain their passions and desires to preserve it.”

~Donald Kagan, Pericles of Athens and the Birth of Democracy, page 273.

“Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”

~Winston Churchill


Glenn Beck – Slap Us In The Face Then Smile

Glenn Beck – American Revival Tour This Saturday In Orlando

The collectivists in the United States are primarily progressive radical socialists of the Democratic Party led by President Barack Obama.

These progressive radical socialists have crammed down an Obama Care law that the vast majority of the American people who are satisfied with their health insurance plan and/or medical care are opposed to by a significant majority.

Camp Floor Statement Against the Democrats’ Trillion Dollar Health Care Bill

ECONOMIC COLLAPSE under obama budget

The use of the power of the state or the Federal Government to force the American people to buy  mandated health insurance plans or face fines and taxes collected by the Internal Revenue Service is both unconstitutional and un-american.

The progressive radical socialists of the Democratic Party know the American people are angry and outraged with the Obama Care law.

The progressive radical socialists fear the American people.

The progressive radical socialists fear is well founded.

The progressive radical socialists fear has resulted in an attempt by them to shut the American people up by calling any dissent or opposition to the Obama Care bill–racism that will lead to violence.

The irony is that the Federal funding of abortions through subsidies that go to pay for health insurance plans that cover abortions as basic medical care kills the unborn child–racism and violence of unprecedent magnitude–evil.

The Obama Care bill is aimed directly at blacks, hispanics and the poor  to assist women in killing their unborn children–black, hispanic and poor genocide or democide–death by government.

The majority of the American people oppose the Federal government funding of  abortions, either directly or indirectly through subsidies to those who cannot afford health insurance plans. 

 A Presidential Executive banning the funding of abortions using Federal funds is not the law and can be rescinded at any time and does not have to be implemented. An Executive Order is just words on a piece of paper. The killing of thousands of black, hispanic and poor unborn babies continues daily–mass murder.

Obama Supports Planned Parenthood (Racist Planned Parenthood Organizaton)

Using the power of the state or Federal government to fund abortions is in fact modern day eugenics that was in the past and is now largely supported by those that are truly racist elitists at heart–progressive radical socialists.

The next time a progressive radical socialist of either the Democratic or Republican party asserts that opposition to the Obama Care law is racist and will lead to violence, just tell them to take a look in the mirror and go visit a Planned Parenthood abortion center in black, hispanic and the poor  neighborhoods of their city or the nation’s capital, Washington D.C.–America’s killing fields and concentration clinics.

Abortion and Black Genocide (Barack Obama and the Negro Project)

Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s Racist Founder

Planned Parenthood Exposed (Exposed!)


John Hunter speaks about Maafa 21

Maafa 21–Videos


Hannity Exposes Planned Parenthood Fraud in Aurora, IL


Watch this video in a new windowPlanned Parenthood Exposed – New Undercover Video



The American people now know and understand that the progressive radical socialists of the Democratic Party lead by President Barack Obama are today’s racists and killers of the most defenseless Americans– the unborn child and sick mature adults needing medical care and treatment.

The cuts in Medicare that will soon surpass over trillion dollars per year will directly result the deaths of hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans that will not get the care and treatment they need in a timely manner.

Any American now receiving Medicare or the baby-boom generation that will in the next twenty-five years be relying on Medicare,  should vote all of the progressive radical socialists of both the Democratic and Republicans out of office in the next five elections.

The life you save may be your own or your child’s or grandchild’s baby.

When the progressive radical socialists must daily use lies and false charges of racism and violence against those who disagree with what they did, you know that fear and panic has set in among the progressive radical socialists.

Throw these progressive radical socialist out of office and power by using the ballot box in November and for the next ten years.

Whatever you decide to do, do not be baited into resenting them or using their tactics of lies and false accusations or even violence to respond.

If you do this, know this is exactly how the progressive radical socialists want you to respond.

This is the loser’s  game.

Vote the progressive radical socialists out of office and out of power.

Banish them to the private sector and let them make a living there, if they can.

Athens was the first republic or democracy.

Athens lost Peloponnesian War when Persia (Iran,) became allies and supported  Sparta. Although defeated in war the Athenians eventually recovered from their defeat and ousted both the Four Hundred oligarchs and The Thirty Tyrants in Athens that were backed by Sparta.

America has been at war with Iran supported by the Soviet Union now Russia for over thirty years, despite the efforts of both Republican and Democratic administrations to deny or play down this fact.  The Iranians use proxies to kill Americans and their allies both Britain and Israel.

Iran – The Mother of Modern Islamic Terrorism

America can ill afford a President who  appeases the Iranian regime instead of supporting the vast majority of Iranians  who demonstrate and risk their livies daily to replace the current political regime with a truly fairly elected and  representative government.

Michael Ledeen: Bring Down the Iranian Regime

The American people will not willing let their own representative republic be replaced by the modern day  equivalent of what Sparta imposed on Athens, the Four Hundred oligarchs and The Thirty Tyrants–the czars or commissars surrounding President Obama and the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

The progressive radical socialist goals are socialized medicine or a Federal Government monopoly over health care with a single payer being the Federal Government and amnesty for the over thirty million illegal aliens living and working in the United States with comprehensive immigration reform and a pathway to citizenship.

Progressive Caucus: No Compromise On Health Care


Grijalva on Public Health Care Option

Velazquez on Public Health Option

Public Option Off the Table?

Fabian Socialist Causus (CPC) – ‘All or Nothing’ – Lynn Woolsey


I.O.U.S.A. Bonus Reel: Social Security+Medicare Projections

Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act of 2009 (CIR ASAP)

Obama Double Talk, Caught In A Lie, Illegals and Healthcare Health Care, Immigration Reform Fox


The vast majority of the American people oppose both socialized medicine and amnesty for illegal aliens no matter what lies or words are used to describe Obama Care and Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

The vast majority of the American people want to keep their current health insurance plan, doctor and privacy and want limited legal immigration and illegal alien removal and deportation to their country of origin–immigration law enfocement.

The time has come to cleanup the House of Representatives, the Senate and The Executive Branch and vote out of office and power the progressive radical socialists that are wrecking the United States economy, destroying jobs, and killing the American Dream by creating dependency upon the state or government instead of individual self-reliance and achievement.

The progressive radical socialists are for social justice or stealing the American people’s  hard earned money by government taxation, regulation, force and coercion so that the progressive radical socialists can give the taxes and property stolen from the American people to their political friends and supporters such as ACORN and SEIU. Stealing is stealing now matter what you want to call it and how you accomplish it.

President Obama is the leader of this gang of corrupt crooks or progressive radical socialists.

Vote the progressive radical socialists out of office and power and punish them by putting them in jail where they truly belong!

Pericles speaking of the earlier Athenians  said they were the first to establish democracy by:

“believing the liberty of all to be the strongest source of harmony, by sharing with each other the hopes that arose from their shared dangers they had freedom of soul in their civic life. They used the law for honoring the good and punishing the evil. For they thought that it was the way of the wild beast to be ruled by one another by force, but that men should decide justice by law, to convince by reason, and to serve these two in act by submitting to the sovereignty of law and the instruction of reason.”

~Lysis, Funeral Oration 17-19.


“Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.”



Background Articles and Videos

17. The Peloponnesian War, Part I

18. The Peloponnesian War, Part I (cont.)

19. The Peloponnesian War, Part II

20. The Peloponnesian War, Part II (cont.)

Conversations with History: Victor Davis Hanson

War and Democracy in Ancient and Contemporary Middle East

Peloponnesian War

The Peloponnesian War, 431 to 404 B.C., was an ancient Greek war, fought by Athens and its empire against the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta. Historians have traditionally divided the war into three phases. In the first phase, the Archidamian War, Sparta launched repeated invasions of Attica, while Athens took advantage of its naval supremacy to raid the coast of the Peloponnese attempting to suppress signs of unrest in its empire. This period of the war was concluded in 421 BC, with the signing of the Peace of Nicias. That treaty, however, was soon undermined by renewed fighting in the Peloponnese. In 415 BC, Athens dispatched a massive expeditionary force to attack Syracuse in Sicily; the attack failed disastrously, with the destruction of the entire force, in 413 BC. This ushered in the final phase of the war, generally referred to either as the Decelean War, or the Ionian War. In this phase, Sparta, now receiving support from Persia, supported rebellions in Athens’ subject states in the Aegean Sea and Ionia, undermining Athens’ empire, and, eventually, depriving the city of naval supremacy. The destruction of Athens’ fleet at Aegospotami effectively ended the war, and Athens surrendered in the following year.

The Peloponnesian War reshaped the Ancient Greek world. On the level of international relations, Athens, the strongest city-state in Greece prior to the war’s beginning, was reduced to a state of near-complete subjection, while Sparta became established as the leading power of Greece. The economic costs of the war were felt all across Greece; poverty became widespread in the Peloponnese, while Athens found itself completely devastated, and never regained its pre-war prosperity.[1][2] The war also wrought subtler changes to Greek society; the conflict between democratic Athens and oligarchic Sparta, each of which supported friendly political factions within other states, made civil war a common occurrence in the Greek world.

Greek warfare, meanwhile, originally a limited and formalized form of conflict, was transformed into an all-out struggle between city-states, complete with atrocities on a large scale. Shattering religious and cultural taboos, devastating vast swathes of countryside, and destroying whole cities, the Peloponnesian War marked the dramatic end to the fifth-century-B.C. golden age of Greece.[3]


Congressional Progressive Caucus

The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is the largest caucus within the Democratic caucus in the United States Congress with 83 declared members, and works to advance progressive issues and positions.[1]

The CPC was founded in 1991 and currently has more than 80 members. The Caucus is co-chaired by Representatives Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) and Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). Of the 20 standing committees of the House, 11 are chaired by members of the CPC.

The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) was established in 1991 by six members of the United States House of Representatives: Representatives Ron Dellums (D-CA), Lane Evans (D-IL), Thomas Andrews (D-ME),Peter DeFazio (D-OR), Maxine Waters (D-CA), and Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Then-Representative Bernie Sanders was the convener and first. The founding members were concerned about the economic hardship imposed by the deepening recession, and the growing inequality brought about by the timidity of the Democratic Party response at the time.

Additional House representatives joined soon, including Major Owens (D-NY), Nydia Velázquez (D-NY), David Bonior (D-MI), Bob Filner (D-CA), Barney Frank (D-MA), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), Jim McDermott (D-WA), Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Patsy Mink (D-HI), George Miller (D-CA), Pete Stark (D-CA), John Olver (D-MA), Lynn Woolsey (D-CA), and Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

The CPC’s founding statement of purpose states that it was “organized around the principles of social and economic justice, a non-discriminatory society, and national priorities which represent the interests of all people, not just the wealthy and powerful”. The founding members underscored that the Cold War was over, and that the nation’s budget and overall priorities should reflect that. They called for cuts in outdated and unnecessary military spending, a more progressive tax system in which wealthy taxpayers and corporations contribute their fair share, a substantial increase in federal funding for social programs designed to meet the needs of low and middle-income American families, and trade policies that increase the exports of more American products and encourage the creation of well-paying jobs and sound investment in America. They also expressed their belief that those policy goals could be achieved in concert with a commitment to long-term fiscal responsibility. …”


Congressional Progressive Caucus

Phone :202-225-5871
URL: Website

 Progressive Caucus (Democratic) (PC-D)'s Visual Map

  • Radical caucus of nearly six-dozen members of the House of Representatives
  • Until 1999, worked in open partnership with Democratic Socialists of America

The Progressive Caucus is an organization of Members of Congress founded in 1991 by newly-elected House Representative Bernie Sanders (Independent-Vermont), who is a self-described socialist.

As of April 2007, the Progressive Caucus included Sanders (who became a U.S. Senator in 2006), Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and 69 members of the House of Representatives, all of them leftist Democrats and almost all in districts heavily gerrymandered to guarantee the re-election of any Democratic Party incumbent, no matter how extreme.

On November 11, 1999, the Progressive Caucus drafted its Position Paper on economic inequality. It reads, in part, as follows: “Economic inequality is the result of two and a half decades of government policies and rules governing the economy being tilted in favor of large asset owners at the expense of wage earners. Tax policy, trade policy, monetary policy, government regulations and other rules have reflected this pro-investor bias. We propose the introduction or reintroduction of a package of legislative initiatives that will close America’s economic divide and address both income and wealth disparities. … The concentration of wealth is a problem because it distorts our democracy, destabilizes the economy and erodes our social and cultural fabric.”

In order “to bring new life to the progressive voice in U.S. politics,” the Progressive Caucus has worked closely with Progressive Challenge, a project of the Institute for Policy Studies. Progressive Challenge is a coalition through which the activities and talking points of leftist groups are synchronized and harmonized with one another, producing coordinated, mutually-reinforcing propaganda from some 200 seemingly-unconnected groups.

In 2005 the Progressive Caucus crafted its “Progressive Promise” document, which advocates socialized medicine; radical environmentalism; the redistribution of wealth; higher taxes; the elimination of numerous provisions of the Patriot Act; dramatic reductions in the government’s intelligence-gathering capabilities; debt relief for poor countries; and the quick withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq. These measures, says the Progressive Caucus, would help “re-build U.S. alliances around the world, restore international respect for American power and influence, and reaffirm our nation’s constructive engagement in the United Nations and other multilateral organizations.”

Until 1999 the Progressive Caucus worked in open partnership with Democratic Socialists of America. After the press reported on this link, the connections suddenly vanished from both organizations’ websites.

As of June 2006, the following Members of Congress belonged to the Progressive Caucus: Neil Abercrombie; Tammy Baldwin; Xavier Becerra; Madeleine Z. Bordallo; Corrine Brown; Sherrod Brown; Michael Capuano; Julia Carson; Donna Christensen; William “Lacy” Clay; Emanuel Cleaver; John Conyers; Elijah Cummings; Danny Davis; Peter DeFazio; Rosa DeLauro; Lane Evans; Sam Farr; Chaka Fattah; Bob Filner; Barney Frank; Raul Grijalva; Luis Gutierrez; Maurice Hinchey; Jesse Jackson, Jr.; Sheila Jackson-Lee; Stephanie Tubbs Jones; Marcy Kaptur; Carolyn Kilpatrick; Dennis Kucinich; Tom Lantos; Barbara Lee; John Lewis; Ed Markey; Jim McDermott; James P. McGovern; Cynthia McKinney; George Miller; Gwen Moore; Jerrold Nadler; Eleanor Holmes Norton; John Olver; Major Owens; Ed Pastor; Donald Payne; Nancy Pelosi; Charles Rangel; Bobby Rush; Bernie Sanders; Jan Schakowsky; Jose Serrano; Louise Slaughter; Hilda Solis; Pete Stark; Bennie Thompson; John Tierney; Tom Udall; Nydia Velazquez; Maxine Waters; Diane Watson; Mel Watt; Henry Waxman; and Lynn Woolsey.


Victor Hanson – Illegal Immigration Backlash



Flynt Leverett Debates Michael Ledeen on Iran Policy 3-3-10


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Michael Crichton Videos–May He Rest In Peace

Posted on November 6, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Climate, Economics, Films, Life, Links, People, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Reviews, Science, Technology, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

 Just heard on the internet that the writer Michael Crichton died.

Always enjoyed his books and movies and his intellectual honesty and courage.

He will be missed by millions of his readers. 

Michael Crichton, 1942-2008


‘Jurassic Park’ Author Michael Crichton Dies


Best-Selling Author Michael Crichton Dies

CBS) Best-selling author and filmaker Michael Crichton died unexpectedly in Los Angeles Tuesday, after a courageous and private battle against cancer, according to a statement released by his family. He was 66.

Crichton is best known as the author of “Jurassic Park” and the creator of “ER.” His most recent novel, “Next,” about genetics and law, was published in December 2006.

“While the world knew him as a great story teller that challenged our preconceived notions about the world around us — and entertained us all while doing so — his wife Sherri, daughter Taylor, family and friends knew Michael Crichton as a devoted husband, loving father and generous friend who inspired each of us to strive to see the wonders of our world through new eyes,” the statement said. “He did this with a wry sense of humor that those who were privileged to know him personally will never forget.”

Through his books, Crichton served as an inspiration to students of all ages, challenged scientists in many fields, and illuminated the mysteries of the world in a way all could understand.

“He will be profoundly missed by those whose lives he touched, but he leaves behind the greatest gifts of a thirst for knowledge, the desire to understand, and the wisdom to use our minds to better our world,” the statement added. …”


‘Jurassic Park’ author, ‘ER’ creator Crichton dies

“…He published “The Andromeda Strain” while he was still a medical student at Harvard Medical School. He wrote a story about a 19th-century train robbery, called “The Great Train Robbery,” and then directed the 1979 film version.

He also directed several other films, including “Westworld” (1973), “Coma” (1978), “Looker” (1981) and “Runaway” (1984).

In 1993, while working on the film version of “Jurassic Park” with Steven Spielberg, he teamed with the director to create “ER.” The NBC series set in a Chicago emergency room debuted in 1994 and became a huge hit, making a star of George Clooney. Crichton originally wrote the script for the pilot in 1974.

“Michael’s talent out-scaled even his own dinosaurs of ‘Jurassic Park,’ ” said Spielberg, a friend of Crichton’s for 40 years, according to The Associated Press. “He was the greatest at blending science with big theatrical concepts, which is what gave credibility to dinosaurs again walking the Earth. … Michael was a gentle soul who reserved his flamboyant side for his novels. There is no one in the wings that will ever take his place.”

Crichton was “an extraordinary man. Brilliant, funny, erudite, gracious, exceptionally inquisitive and always thoughtful,” “ER” executive producer John Wells told the AP. “No lunch with Michael lasted less than three hours and no subject was too prosaic or obscure to attract his interest. Sexual politics, medical and scientific ethics, anthropology, archaeology, economics, astronomy, astrology, quantum physics, and molecular biology were all regular topics of conversation.”  …”


Michael Crichton

John Michael Crichton, M.D. pronounced /ˈkraɪtən/ [1], (October 23, 1942 – November 4, 2008[2][3]) was an American author, film producer, film director, medical doctor, and television producer best known for his science fiction and techno-thriller novels, films, and television programs. His books have sold over 150 million copies worldwide. His works were usually based on the action genre and heavily feature technology.

Many of his future history novels have medical or scientific underpinnings, reflecting his medical training and science background. He was the author of The Andromeda Strain, Congo, Disclosure, Timeline, State of Fear, Prey, and Next. He was also the creator of ER, but most famous for being the author of Jurassic Park, and its sequel The Lost World, both adapted into high grossing films and leading to the very successful franchise. …”


Year Title Notes
1966 Odds On as John Lange
1967 Scratch One as John Lange
1968 Easy Go as John Lange
A Case of Need as Jeffery Hudson
(later rereleased as Crichton)
1969 The Andromeda Strain  
The Venom Business as John Lange
Zero Cool as John Lange
1970 Grave Descend as John Lange
Drug of Choice as John Lange
Dealing: Or the
Forty-Brick Lost-Bag Blues
written with brother,
Douglas Crichton;
published as Michael Douglas
1972 The Terminal Man  
Binary as John Lange
1975 The Great Train Robbery  
1976 Eaters of the Dead  
1980 Congo  
1987 Sphere  
1990 Jurassic Park  
1992 Rising Sun  
1994 Disclosure  
1995 The Lost World  
1996 Airframe  
1999 Timeline  
2002 Prey  
2004 State of Fear  
2006 Next  
2008 unreleased novel to be released on December 2[citation needed



Apart from fiction, Crichton has written several other books based on scientific themes, amongst which is Travels, which also contains autobiographical episodes.

As a personal friend to the artist Jasper Johns, Crichton compiled many of his works in a coffee table book also named Jasper Johns. That book has been updated once.

Crichton is also the author of Electronic Life, a book that introduces BASIC programming to its readers. In his words, being able to program a computer is liberation:

In my experience, you assert control over a computer—show it who’s the boss—by making it do something unique. That means programming it….[I]f you devote a couple of hours to programming a new machine, you’ll feel better about it ever afterward.[10]

To prove his point, Crichton included many self-written demonstrative Applesoft (for Apple II) and BASICA (for IBM PC compatibles) programs in that book. Crichton once considered updating it, but the project seems to be canceled.

His non-fiction works are:

Year Title
1970 Five Patients
1977 Jasper Johns
1983 Electronic Life
1988 Travels

Michael Crichton on People Who Don’t Mind Their Own Business


Michael Crichton on Environmentalism as a Religion


States of Fear: Science or Politics? with Michael Crichton


Michael Crichton Speech #2


Michael Crichton Speech #3


Michael Crichton Speech #4


Michael Crichton Speech #6


The Andromeda Strain (1971) TRAILER


The Andromeda Strain (1971) Part 1


Michael Crichton Movies


Charlie Rose – An hour with Michael Crichton


Michael Crichton on Global Warming, Part 1 of 3


Michael Crichton on Global Warming, Part 2 of 3


Michael Crichton on Global Warming, Part 3 of 3


Charlie Rose – CRICHTON (FROM 11/26/02) / RIPERT

Charlie Rose: November 16, 1999


First, a dialogue with best-selling author Michael Crichton about his love of storytelling, huge success with the “Jurassic Park” series, and work on the television show “E.R.” He also introduces his book “Timeline”, in which characters employ quantum teleportation to journey to the time of the Hundred Years’ War.


Charlie Rose: December 26, 1996

An interview with author and screenwriter Michael Crichton about his book about an airline accident, “Airframe”. He also talks about the role of the media during wartime and during accidents such as the one portrayed in his book.


Charlie Rose: January 14, 1994
Interview with Michael Crichton

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