Comrade President Obama Executive Order: Official List of Commissars Not Czars–Time To Use The Politically Correct C Word–Commissar!

Posted on April 9, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Culture, Economics, Employment, Energy, Federal Government, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, Health Care, history, Immigration, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Science, Security, Strategy, Taxes, Technology, Video, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |


Comrade President Obama and the White House progressive radical socialists  really despise Americans calling their political appointees czars.

The White House announced today that the czars will henceforth be called commissars or else.

Any person in the Administration who calls them czars will be terminated with extreme prejudice.

Any members of the state controlled media who uses the word czar will never get another interview with any one in the Obama administration and will also be terminated with extreme prejudice.

Fox News, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill Bennett, Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham,  Michael Savage, Dennis Miller, Rusty Humphries  and Monica Crowley are  just some of the names already on the list you do not want to be on–Enemies of The State.

Furthermore to celebrate the commissars commencement change the following new socialist Presidential Anthem will be played at all state events and functions on the entrance of Comrade President Barack Obama:

All Hail Obama


This will replace the old capitalist Presidential Anthem which will no longer be played:


The American people are now wondering that under the Obama Regime:

Are We All Enemies of the State?

Sean Hannity exposes the man-made drought in California


Nunes: My constituents are not enemies of the state


Enemy of the State 


 Czar to Commissars


Join The Enemies of The State


1. Herbert Allison Jr., bailout commissar, [replaced Bush bailout czar Neel Kashkari, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability confirmed by Senate]

2. Alan Bersin, border commissar

3. Dennis Blair, intelligence commissar [Director of National Intelligence, a Senate confirmed position]

4. John Brennan, counterterrorism commissar

5. Carol Browner, energy commissar

6. Adolfo Carrion, urban affairs commissar

7. Ashton Carter, weapons commissar [actually Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and so subject to Senate confirmation]

8. Aneesh Chopra, technology commissar

9. Jeffrey Crowley, [openly gay white man] AIDS commissar

10. Cameron Davis, Great Lakes commissar

11. Nancy-Ann DeParle, health commissar

12. Earl Devaney, stimulus oversight commissar

13. Joshua DuBois, religion czar, aka God commissar

14. Arne Duncan, education commissar

15. Kenneth Feinberg, pay commissar

16. Daniel Fried, Guantanamo closure commissar

17. J. Scott Gration, Sudan commissar

18. Melissa Hathaway, [soon to be] cybersecurity commissar

19. David J. Hayes, water commissar [a Deputy Interior Secretary and therefore subject to Senate oversight]

20. Richard Holbrooke, Afghanistan-Pakistan (Af-Pak) commissar

21. John Holdren, science commissar

22. Kevin Jennings, safe schools commissar [nominated to be Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education, Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, a newly created post; openly gay founder of an organization dedicated to promoting pro-homosexual clubs and curricula in public schools]

23. Van Jones, green jobs commissar

24. Gil Kerlikowske, drug commissar

25. Ron Kirk, trade commissar

26. Vivek Kundra, infotech commissar [Shoplifted four shirts, worth $33.50 each, from J.C. Penney in 1996 (source)]

27. Douglas Lute, war commissar [retained from Bush administration, married to Jane Holl Lute, currently a Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security]

28. George Mitchell, Mideast peace commissar

29. Ed Montgomery, car commissar [replacing Steve Rattner, who stepped down amid controversy over his former firm’s role in a possible kickback scandal]

30. Lynn Rosenthal, domestic violence commissar

31. Dennis Ross, Mideast policy commissar

32. Gary Samore, weapons of mass destruction commissar

33. Todd Stern, climate change commissar

34. Cass Sunstein, regulatory commissar

35. Larry Summers, economic commissar

36. Michael Taylor, food commissar

37. Arturo Valenzuela, Latin-American commissar (nominee) [although this post is referred to as a czar, he is nominated to be Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and so is subject to Senate confirmation]

38. Paul Volcker, economic commissar number two

39. Elizabeth Warren, TARP commissar [chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Trouble Assets Relief Program; note that Herb Allison is more frequently called the TARP commissar]

40. Jeffrey Zients, government performance commissar [replaced original nominee Nancy Killefer who withdrew her name after issues with her personal income tax filings surfaced]

Background Articles and Videos

Not Obama’s Czars but his Commissars

By Bruce Walker

“…In our constitutional republic, government does not have a role in every part of life.  That is why Congress has to create departments, agencies and administrations.   Everything that the federal government does must, in some way, relate to its powers under the Constitution.  The first cabinet offices dealt with clear cut federal duties – diplomacy, war, justice, money, and postal services.  Before Congress creates a federal office, a threshold question is whether the Constitution allows the work of that office to be done by the federal government.   That is the heart of limited government. …”

“…This is very dangerous.  The leader, in this case Obama, becomes more than the office itself.  The structure of government morphs into the structure of the party.  Stalin, in large measure, did not wield his awful power as the head of the Soviet Union or chief of the Soviet government:  he did, in fact, often brag that he was simply a member of the Communist Party, an ordinary Soviet citizen.  Hitler did combine the offices of Chancellor and President, but his real power was as leader of the Nazi Party, not an official of the German government. 
When separate parts of government blend together, when rules of procedure are simply bypassed, when the distinction between political parties operating within government are transformed into political parties (through a system of commissars) operating as the government, then any nation with established, stable, and republican institutions has entered a very deadly phase.
The patterns are already ominously clear.  Legislators, quite literally, vote for legislation not yet written (which rather sounds like Hitler’s Enabling Act.)  Judicial nominees make only the vaguest pretense of adhering to ideals of impartial administration of justice (Hispanic Justice and Aryan Justice may sound different to some people, but they are not.)  Now commissars are replacing cabinet secretaries — and we should stop letting Obama define the changes.  He is not appointing dozens of “czars.”  He is creating a party-state system of political commissars”


“…Commissar is the English transliteration of an official title (Russian: комисса́р) used in Russia from the time of Peter the Great.

The title was used during the Provisional Government for regional heads of administration, but it is mostly associated with a number of Cheka and military functions in Bolshevik and Soviet government military forces during the Russian Civil War (the White Army widely used the collective term bolsheviks and commissars for their opponents) and with the later terms People’s Commissar (or narkom) for government ministers and political commissar in the military. …”

It is based on similar titles in a variety of languages (such as commissaire in French, Kommissar in German) most often attached to a criminal investigator in the police; they are usually translated as commissioner. …”

Obama’s Brown-shirts Are Coming – Gestapo – SS – Civilian National Security Force

Questions for Obama: “Civilian National Security Force” “Big as the Military” Who is the Enemy?

Mark Levin – Obama’s Civilian Army

Obama: Socialist, Marxist, Fascist… but “shhh!” Don’t tell anyone!

Michael Savage – Obama and Mao, National Civilian Security Force – Gestapo Similarities

Larry Grathwohl interview about William Ayers,Obama’s Mentor

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Glenn Beck Blasts Both Political Parties–Acclaims American People Plan–Be Bold–Follow Facts!

Posted on August 28, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Employment, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Talk Radio, Taxes, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Paul Simon – American Tune


“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation. It is better be alone than in bad company.

“Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

~ George Washington 


Glenn Beck – Obama’s New Republic: SOLUTIONS 8/28/09 Part 1/5


Glenn Beck – Obama’s New Republic: SOLUTIONS 8/28/09 Part 2/5


Glenn Beck – Obama’s New Republic: SOLUTIONS 8/28/09 Part 3/5


Glenn Beck – Obama’s New Republic: SOLUTIONS 8/28/09 Part 4/5


Glenn Beck – Obama’s New Republic: SOLUTIONS 8/28/09 Part 5/5


Congratulations Glenn Beck for standing up for the American people. 

Since the White House strongly objects to the title of Czar just call them Commissar. 


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Innocents betrayed


“…Mao Tse-Dung was arguably the most brutal dictator of the 20th century, and by extension all of history. My experimental documentary makes that argument. References come at the end. …”



China Great Leap Forward Mao Zedong


“Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.”

If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

~George Washington


The Beatles – Revolution (STEREO)


Background Articles and Videos

The Great Leap Forward

“…The Great Leap Forward (sometimes pejoratively called the Great Leap Backward)(simplified Chinese: 大跃进; traditional Chinese: 大躍進; pinyin: Dàyuèjìn) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social plan used from 1958 to 1961 which aimed to use China’s vast population to rapidly transform China from a primarily agrarian economy by peasant farmers into a modern communist society through the process of agriculturalization and industrialization. Mao Zedong based this program on the Theory of Productive Forces. It ended in catastrophe as it triggered a widespread famine that resulted in millions of deaths.[1]

“…Ironic considering its name, the Great Leap Forward is now widely seen, both within China and outside, as a major economic disaster, effectively being a “Great Leap Backward” that would affect China in the years to come. As inflated statistics reached planning authorities, orders were given to divert human resources into industry rather than agriculture. The official toll of excess deaths recorded in China for the years of the GLF is 14 million, but scholars have estimated the number of famine victims to be between 20 and 43 million [8].

The three years between 1959 and 1962 were known as the “Three Bitter Years” and the Three Years of Natural Disasters. Many local officials were tried and publicly executed for giving out misinformation[9].

Starting in the early 1980s, critics of the Great Leap added quantitative muscle to their arsenal. U.S. Government employee Judith Banister published what became an influential article in the China Quarterly, and since then estimates as high as 30 million deaths in the Great Leap became common in the U.S. press. However, Wim F Wertheim, emeritus professor from the University of Amsterdam, disagrees with the numbers presented on the basis that they lack scientific support.[10]. Critics of this position point to the numerous studies by individuals such as Aird in 1982, Ashton et al. in 1984, and Peng in 1987 that specifically sought to quantify the Great Leap’s demographic impact. A lingering problem that all scholars point to is the assumptions regarding birth rate used in the most widely cited projections of famine deaths. These assumptions make it difficult to precisely gauge the death toll with a high degree of accuracy. …”

“…After the death of Mao and the start of Chinese economic reform under Deng Xiaoping, the tendency within the Chinese government was to see the Great Leap Forward as a major economic disaster and to attribute it to the cult of personality under Mao Zedong, and to regard it as one of the serious errors he made after the founding of the PRC. ..”




“…Democide is a term coined by political scientist R. J. Rummel for “the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.” Rummel created the term as an extended concept to include forms of government murder that are not covered by the legal definition of genocide, and it has found currency among other scholars.[1][2][3]

According to Rummel, genocide has three different meanings. The ordinary meaning is murder by government of people due to their national, ethnic, racial, or religious group membership. The legal meaning of genocide refers to the international treaty, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. This also includes nonlethal acts that in the end eliminate the group, such as preventing births or forcibly transferring children out of the group to another group. A generalized meaning of genocide is similar to the ordinary meaning but also includes government killings of political opponents or otherwise intentional murder. In order to avoid confusion over which meaning is intended, Rummel created the term democide for the third meaning.[4]

Rummel defines democide as “The murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder”. For example, government-sponsored killings for political reasons would be considered democide. Democide can also include deaths arising from “intentionally or knowingly reckless and depraved disregard for life”; this brings into account many deaths arising through various neglects and abuses, such as forced mass starvation. Rummel explicitly excludes battle deaths in his definition. Capital punishment, actions taken against armed civilians during mob action or riot, and the deaths of noncombatants killed during attacks on military targets so long as the primary target is military, are not considered democide.[5]

He has further stated: “I use the civil definition of murder, where someone can be guilty of murder if they are responsible in a reckless and wanton way for the loss of life, as in incarcerating people in camps where they may soon die of malnutrition, unattended disease, and forced labor, or deporting them into wastelands where they may die rapidly from exposure and disease.”

Some examples of democide cited by Rummel include the Great Purges carried out by Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union (despite those people were executed), the deaths from the colonial policy in the Congo Free State, and Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward resulting in a famine which killed millions of people. According to Rummel, these were not cases of genocide, because those who were killed were not selected on the basis of their race, but were killed in large numbers as a result of government policies. Famine is classified by Rummel as democide if it fits the definition above.

For instance, Rummel only recently classified Mao Zedong’s Great Leap Forward as democide. He believed that Mao’s policies were largely responsible for the famine, but he was misled about it, and finally when he found out, he stopped it and changed his policies. Thus, according to Rummel, is not an intentional famine and thus not a democide. However, contradictory claims from Jung Chang and John Halliday’s controversial Mao: the Unknown Story allege that Mao knew about the famine from the beginning but didn’t care, and eventually Mao had to be stopped by a meeting of 7,000 top Communist Party members. Based on the book’s claims, Rummel now views the famine as intentional and a democide.


Bloodiest dictators for the millennium.Rummel, [2]. Dictator Dates Est. Deaths
Qing Dynasty,
mainly Empress Dowager Cixi 1859-64,
Tai Ping Rebellion 12,000,000
Genghis Khan 1215–1233 4,000,000
Adolf Hitler 1933–1945 20,946,000
Chiang Kai-shek 1921–1948 10,000,000
Kublai Khan 1252–1279 19,000,000
Vladimir Lenin 1917–1924 4,000,000
Leopold II of Belgium 1885–1908 10,000,000
Pol Pot 1968–1987 2,000,000
Joseph Stalin 1929–1953 43,000,000
Hideki Tojo 1941–1945 4,000,000
Mao Zedong 1923–1976 38,000,000

In May 2005, Rummel guessed the number for Darfur Conflict to be over 400,000.[citation needed]

In November 2005, he estimated the alleged democide in Mao’s China (1949–1975) at 73,000,000.[9]

In December 2005, he raised his estimate for colonial democide to 50,000,000 and estimated the democide in the Congo Free State to 10,000,000.



Glenn Beck’s boycott boost

How a boycott is helping and hurting the Fox News host

Best opinion: RedState, LA Times, Gawker

“…Poor, pathetic leftists, said Erick Erickson in RedState. Their boycott of Glenn Beck isn’t going so well—his Fox News show had its best ratings day ever on Wednesday, capping a jump in the ratings since the boycott was launched to punish Beck for suggesting that President Obama is a racist. (watch Beck discuss Obama and racism) “The kicker? Rush Limbaugh was his guest. Solidarity baby!”

Beck has also received support from Sarah Palin, said Matea Gold in the Los Angeles Times. The former Alaska governor urged her 800,000-plus Facebook followers to watch his program to hear his insights on “who is actually running the White House.” And, with his ratings rising, Beck said on the air, “Even if the powers to be right now succeed in making me poor, drum me out—I will only be stronger for it.” …”

Sarah Palin has Glenn Beck’s back

By Yael T. Abouhalkah, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist

“…Palin this week says on her Facebook page:

FOX News’ Glenn Beck is doing an extraordinary job this week walking America behind the scenes of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and outlining who is actually running the White House. Monday night he asked us to invite one friend to watch; tonight I invite all my friends to watch.”

Beck has gained attention in recent months as liberal groups try to convince advertisers not to pay to support his show.

They’ve had plenty of success, notably because of Beck’s “racist” comment and his stance that Obama has a “deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.”

As of Thursday, more than 16,000 people had used their Facebook accounts to say they liked what Palin had said about Beck.

And her comment on Beck had attracted more than 4,000 comments, most of them positive. …”


Obamacare for illegal aliens, revisited

By Michelle Malkin 

“…The more the Democrats deny it, the more obvious it becomes that Obamacare will of course cover illegal aliens.

I said so last month.

And now…

GOP Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, citing a new, non-partisan Congressional Research Service report, says it again:

“Democrats can keep claiming all they want that illegal immigrants will not be covered in this bill. But their actions speak louder than their words. Democrats have rejected opportunities to close the gaping loopholes in this health care bill that will allow illegal immigrants to participate.

“If President Obama is committed to ensuring that illegal immigrants do not benefit from the bill – as he says he is – why not include the same verification mechanisms in this bill as already exist for other federal benefits programs?

“What’s more, the bill contains no provisions preventing illegal immigrants from participating in the Health Insurance Exchange that is to be created, including the government-run “public plan” that will be available through the federally-run and federally-subsidized Exchange. This is in direct conflict with the President’s claim that illegal immigrants will not be insured under his plan.

“The American people are more intelligent than the President gives them credit for. They understand that simply saying illegal immigrants can’t participate without providing verification is like putting a speed-limit sign on a road, then setting a policy that prohibits police from patrolling the road; it won’t stop speeders, and this bill won’t stop illegal immigrants from benefitting.”


Open access to Insurance Exchange: HR 3200 contains no provisions preventing illegal immigrants from participating in the Health Insurance Exchange that is to be created, including the government-run “public plan” that will be available through the federally-run and federally-subsidized Exchange.

According to CRS: “Under H.R. 3200, a ‘Health Insurance Exchange’ would begin operation in 2013 and would offer private plans alongside a public option…H.R. 3200 does not contain any restrictions on noncitzens—whether legally or illegally present, or in the United States temporarily or permanently—participating in the Exchange.”

No verification mechanism: Democrats point to language in the House bill that says illegal immigrants cannot get benefits. While that may be technically accurate, it is far from the truth.

The fact is that the statement is meaningless because the bill contains no verification mechanism to ensure that illegal immigrants do not receive benefits. Democrats defeated amendments in two congressional committees to close this loophole, including amendments that would use the very same verification mechanism that already exist in statute for other federal programs. Why not include the same verification mechanisms in this bill as already exist for other federal benefits programs? Without the requirement that there be a verification mechanism or a specific verification mechanism provided in statute, the Commissioner could determine that the eligibility requirements could be met either without verification or with as little as a signed attestation.

According to CRS: “Some have expressed concerns that since H.R. 3200 does not contain a mechanism to verify immigration status, the prohibitions on certain noncitizens (e.g, nonimmigrants and unauthorized aliens) receiving the credits may not be enforced. However, others note that under §142(a)(3) of the bill, it is the responsibility of the Health Choices Commissioner (Commissioner) to administer the “individual affordability credits under subtitle C of title II, including determination of eligibility for such credits.”

Family eligibility for affordability credits: Section 242(a)(2) of the bill provides that “[e]xcept as the Commissioner may otherwise provide, members of the same family who are affordable credit eligible individuals shall be treated as a single affordable credit individual eligible for the applicable credit for such a family under this subtitle.” This suggests that if one member of a family is legally eligible, every family member will be considered eligible. This is significant in terms of numbers — the Pew Hispanic Center estimated that there are almost two million families in the United States where illegal immigrant parents have U.S.-born children. That does not include other “mixed status families” – one legal parent, one illegal parent and illegal child, etc.

According to CRS: “There could be instances where some family members would meet the definition of an eligible individual for purposes of the credit, while other family members would not. For example, in a family consisting of a U.S. citizen married to an unauthorized alien and a U.S. citizen child, the U.S. citizen spouse and child could meet the criteria for being a credit-eligible individual, while the unauthorized alien spouse would not meet the criteria. H.R. 3200 does not expressly address how such a situation would be treated. Therefore, it appears that the Health Choices Commissioner would be responsible for determining how the credits would be administered in the case of mixed-status families.” …”


“…   Commissar is the English transliteration of an official title (Russian: комисса́р) used in Russia after the Bolshevik revolution.

The title was mostly associated with a number of Cheka and military functions in many Bolshevik and Soviet government military forces during the Russian Civil War; the White Army widely used the collective term bolsheviks and commissars for their opponents. After that, it was mostly used for People’s Commissar (or narkom) for government ministers, and political commissar in the military.

It is based on similar titles in a variety of languages (such as commissaire in French, Kommissar in German) most often attached to a criminal investigator in the police; they are usually translated as commissioner.

The term was also used in some other Communist countries…”

Race-baiter Democrat Rep. Diane Watson praises Cuban health system, Castro & Guevara who “kicked out the wealthy”

By Michelle Malkin 







“…Longtime readers of this blog will be quite familiar with race-baiting Democrat Rep. Diane Watson of California.

She attacked Ward Connerly for marrying a white woman.

She bragged about Washington, D.C. being a “chocolate city.”

She polluted the Hurricane Katrina aftermath with race card-playing nonsense.

Thanks to KABC, there’s audio of Watson heaping praise on Castro, Guevara, and the Cuban health system at her town hall meeting last night — as well as injecting her usual racial poison into the health care debate. (For a reminder of what Cuban health care is really like, click here.)

wrote up a transcript of her remarks. Bring an airsickness bag before reading: …”


Diane Watson

“…Diane Edith Watson (born November 12, 1933), American politician, has been a member of the United States House of Representatives since 2001. She represents California’s 33rd congressional district (map). It is entirely in Los Angeles County and includes much of Central Los Angeles, including some wealthy neighborhoods such as Los Feliz. She ran unopposed in the 2006 mid-term election. …”

“…Congresswoman Watson supports withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq[2], opposes media consolidation [3], supports expanding welfare coverage [4] and opposed President Bush’s proposal to privatize Social Security[5]. Watson opposed the Bush tax cuts, saying they were unaffordable.

She was one of the 31 members of the House who voted not to count the electoral votes from Ohio in the United States presidential election, 2004.[6]

In 2006, the National Journal ranked Watson as the most liberal member of Congress.[7]


“… She has expressed admiration for Fidel Castro, the Cuban Revolution, and the Cuban Healthcare System. …”

EXPOSED: Congresswoman Diane Watson Suggests Obama’s Critics Racist, Drools Over Communist Castro



Homeward Bound


John lennon And Paul Simon



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Obama’s Opague Oppression–Collectivist Czars Or Commissars–Terminate Tyrants Tea Parties–Join The Second American Revolution

Posted on June 9, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Employment, Energy, Health Care, Investments, Law, liberty, Links, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Security, Talk Radio, Technology, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

“The only certain fact about Russian affairs under the Soviet regime with regard to which all people agree is: that the standard of living of the Russian masses is much lower than […] the paragon of capitalism, the United States of America. If we were to regard the Soviet regime as an experiment, we would have to say that the experiment has clearly demonstrated the superiority of capitalism and the inferiority of socialism.”

~Ludwig von Mises



The Communists Murdered The Last Romanov Czar of Russia and His Family

Tsar a victim

President Obama’s Czars

  1. Af-Pak (Afghanistan-Pakistan) Czar
  2. Border Czar
  3. Car Czar
  4. Climate Czar
  5. Cyber Security Czar
  6. Drug Czar
  7. Economic Czar
  8. Energy Czar
  9. Faith-based Czar
  10. Great Lakes Cleanup Czar
  11. Guantanamo Closure Czar
  12. Health Reform Czar
  13. Infotech Czar
  14. Iran Czar, Middle East Czar
  15. Pay Czar
  16. Persian Gulf & Southwest Asia Czar
  17. Regulatory Czar
  18. Science Czar
  19. Stimulus Accountability Czar
  20. Sudan Czar
  21. TARP Czar
  22. Terrorism Czar
  23. Urban Czar

Complete List Of Obama Czars

Car CZAR Leaving Due To Criminal Investigation


Glenn Beck Reviews the 18 Czars that 5 Obama has Appointed


Dan Mitchell on all the President’s Czars on FOX


Beck with David Horowitz on Obama’s Communist Czars Part 1

Beck with David Horowitz on Obama’s Communist Czars Part 2


$ 65 Billion of US Debt up for sale this week


Health Care Reform


OBAMA CZARS ATTACK Our System Of “Checks And Balances”


Jonah Goldberg German Fascists Had a ‘People’s Car’ Too Called Volkswagon


Author Jonah Goldberg on Glenn Beck 2/20 – Liberal Fascism


Stop The Spending and Deficits

US Federal Government Deficits


Stop Spending Our Future – The Crisis


Daniel J. Mitchell – USA: Drowning In Debt?


Stop The Cap and Trade Carbon Dioxide Energy Tax



You are invited to attend a Tea Party on July 4, 2009, Independence Day!


Join the Second American Revolution


The Meaning of Independence Day

Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights

Second American Revolution–Tea Party Celebrations–Washington Fair–July 4, 2009–An Open Invitation To The American People

American People’s Plan = 6 Month Tax Holiday + FairTax = Real Hope + Real Change!–Millions To March On Washington D.C. Saturday, July 4, 2009!

Independents Lead The The Second American Revolution Surge–Independence Day–Saturday July 4, 2009 In Washington D.C.–Tea Party Time–On To Washington–Dare You To Move!

Please Spread The Message of Liberty


Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants.”


Let Freedom Ring



Thomas Paine on to Washington


switchfoot-dare you to move(live)


God Bless the USA – Lee Greenwood



“The progressives who today masquerade as liberals may rant against fascism; yet it is their policy that paves the way for Hitlerism.”

~Ludwig von Mises

Background Articles and Videos

Obama’s Czars

  1. Herbert Allison Jr., bailout czar, [replaced Bush bailout czar Neel Kashkari, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability confirmed by Senate]
  2. Alan Bersin, border czar
  3. Dennis Blair, intelligence czar [Director of National Intelligence, a Senate confirmed position]
  4. John Brennan, counterterrorism czar
  5. Carol Browner, energy czar
  6. Adolfo Carrion, urban affairs czar
  7. Ashton Carter, weapons czar [actually Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and so subject to Senate confirmation]
  8. Aneesh Chopra, technology czar
  9. Jeffrey Crowley, [openly gay white man] AIDS czar
  10. Cameron Davis, Great Lakes czar
  11. Nancy-Ann DeParle, health czar
  12. Earl Devaney, stimulus oversight czar
  13. Joshua DuBois, religion czar, aka God czar
  14. Arne Duncan, education czar
  15. Kenneth Feinberg, pay czar
  16. Daniel Fried, Guantanamo closure czar
  17. J. Scott Gration, Sudan czar
  18. Melissa Hathaway, [soon to be] cybersecurity czar
  19. David J. Hayes, water czar [a Deputy Interior Secretary and therefore subject to Senate oversight]
  20. Richard Holbrooke, Afghanistan-Pakistan (Af-Pak) czar
  21. John Holdren, science czar
  22. Kevin Jennings, safe schools czar [nominated to be Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education, Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, a newly created post; openly gay founder of an organization dedicated to promoting pro-homosexual clubs and curricula in public schools]
  23. Van Jones, green jobs czar
  24. Gil Kerlikowske, drug czar
  25. Ron Kirk, trade czar
  26. Vivek Kundra, infotech czar [Shoplifted four shirts, worth $33.50 each, from J.C. Penney in 1996 (source)]
  27. Douglas Lute, war czar [retained from Bush administration, married to Jane Holl Lute, currently a Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security]
  28. George Mitchell, Mideast peace czar
  29. Ed Montgomery, car czar [replacing Steve Rattner, who stepped down amid controversy over his former firm’s role in a possible kickback scandal]
  30. Lynn Rosenthal, domestic violence czar
  31. Dennis Ross, Mideast policy czar
  32. Gary Samore, weapons of mass destruction czar
  33. Todd Stern, climate change czar
  34. Cass Sunstein, regulatory czar
  35. Larry Summers, economic czar
  36. Michael Taylor, food czar
  37. Arturo Valenzuela, Latin-American czar (nominee) [although this post is referred to as a czar, he is nominatied to be Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and so is subject to Senate confirmation]
  38. Paul Volcker, economic czar number two
  39. Elizabeth Warren, TARP czar [chair of the [Congressional Oversight Panel for the Trouble Assets Relief Program; note that Herb Allison is more frequently called the TARP czar]
  40. Jeffrey Zients, government performance czar [replaced original nominee Nancy Killefer who withdrew her name after issues with her personal income tax filings surfaced]Positions established but not yet filled…
  41. behavioral science czar
  42. copyright czar

The Execution of Tsar Nicholas II, 1918

“…The mounting pressures of World War I, combined with years of injustice, toppled the rule of Tsar Nicholas II in March 1917. Forced to abdicate, he was replaced by a Provisional Government committed to continuing the war.

Increasing losses at the front and the fear of a German advance on Moscow eroded what little support remained for the war

The Romanov Family
all were executed

and undermined the Provisional Government’s authority. Capitalizing on this situation, the Germans secretly transported the exiled Vladimir Lenin in a sealed train from Switzerland to Russia in the hope he would enflame the turmoil. German expectations were realized on the night of November 6-7 when Lenin led the Bolsheviks in a successful attempt to grab the reigns of power in St. Petersburg. Anti-Bolshevik forces (the White Russians) immediately took up arms to oust the Communist regime and Russia was plunged into a brutal civil war. The following March the Communist regime signed a treaty with the Germans ending Russia’s participation in World War I.

Against this backdrop of political chaos, the Tsar and his family were initially kept as prisoners near St. Petersburg and then transported beyond the Ural Mountains finally ending up in the town of Ekaterinburg in the Spring of 1918. The seven members of the royal family and their small retinue were confined to the house of a successful local merchant, N. N. Ipatiev, which had been commandeered by the Bolshevik’s for this purpose.

By mid-July a Czech contingent of the White Army was approaching Ekaterinburg and the sounds of gun fire could be heard in the distance by the royal prisoners and their Bolshevik captors. The arrival of their potential liberators sealed the fate of the Tsar and his family.

During the early morning hours of July 17 the Tsar, his wife, children and servants were herded into the cellar of their prison house and executed. …”

Tzar  or  Czar

“…Tsar, csar, and tzar redirect here. For other uses, see Tsar (disambiguation). For Combat Search and Rescue, see SAR

Tsar or czar[1] (Bulgarian цар, Russian: ru-tsar.ogg царь (help·info), Ukrainian: цар, in Serbian: цар / car, in scientific transliteration respectively car’ and car), occasionally spelled csar or tzar in English, is a Slavic term designating certain monarchs.

Originally, the title Czar (derived from Caesar) meant Emperor in the European medieval sense of the term, that is, a ruler who claims the same rank as a Roman emperor, with the approval of another emperor or a supreme ecclesiastical official (the Pope or the Ecumenical Patriarch).

Occasionally, the word could be used to designate other, non-Christian, supreme rulers. In Russia and Bulgaria the imperial connotations of the term were blurred with time and, by the 19th century, it had come to be viewed as an equivalent of King.[2][3]

“Tsar” was the official title of the supreme ruler in the following states:

  • Bulgaria in 913–1018, in 1185–1422 and in 1908–1946
  • Serbia in 1346–1371
  • Russia from about 1547 until 1917.




Investigation on Murder of Romanovs is Officially Closed


Nicholas & Alexandra – documentary broadcast in October 1994 – part 10 of 11


Nicholas & Alexandra – documentary broadcast in October 1994 – part 11 of 11


Culture of Corruption: Czars of the Obama Underworld

By Michelle Malkin


“…Meet Urban Czar Adolfo Carrión, Jr. He’s one of my Culture of Corruption Dirty Dozen collectibles. In conjunction with the book launch tomorrow, my friend Tennyson Hayes (whose terrific graphic art has been featured here since last spring) and I cooked up 12 trading cards featuring some of Team Obama’s most interest-conflicted, ethics-compromised, crony officials chronicled in the book. You’ll read more here about The Dirty Dozen throughout the week. But as you’ll see after you dive into Culture of Corruption (officially out tomorrow, but readers tell me they’re seeing it in stores this weekend), those 12 are just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve got enough profiles of Team Obama corruption and cronyism to fill an entire 54-card set.

Below is my special piece for the New York Post today on Carrión and my other nominees for Obama’s worst czars. Auto czar Steve Rattner, entangled in an SEC investigation of his former company, Quandrangle, topped that list until he stepped down earlier this month amid the darkening ethics cloud. And I’ve already reported extensively on transparency-undermining energy czar Carol Browner. So I chose three of the shady czars who haven’t been on the public’s radar screen — and should be: health care czar Nancy DeParle, Carrión, and technology czar Vivek Kundra.

Looking for an up-to-date list of czars?

Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is keeping track here.

Taxpayers for Common Sense has a chart here.

And there’s a czar chart on Wikipedia here.

What can we do to fight the phantom menaces controlling huge swaths of the economy and government? The Rattner resignation shows that sunlight can indeed be the best disinfectant. Stay informed. Keep pressuring Congress for accountability and disclosure. And know your enemy. I wrote Culture of Corruption to give readers a comprehensive road map of the Team Obama members undermining transparency, cashing in on the Washington revolving door, and short-circuiting representative government. Use it! …”



Barack Obama’s night of a thousand czars

“…If there’s a crisis, an issue, even a question in Washington, President Obama will appoint a Czar to manage it. He’s named more than 20 of them so far.

Democrat Senator Robert Byrd believes these Czars give the president too much power. He said the Czar system “can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances” and he points out that the power to oversee federal agencies is supposed to be reserved for officials approved by the Senate.

“…these White House staffers are not accountable for their actions to the Congress, to cabinet officials, or to virtually anyone but the president,” Byrd noted. “They rarely testify before congressional committees, and often shield the information and decision-making process behind the assertion of executive privilege. In too many instances, White House staff have been allowed to inhibit openness and transparency, and reduce accountability.”  Let us sum this up in three words: Obama Power Grab. …”


It’s official: Obama creates more czars than the Romanovs

“…It has finally happened. With yesterday’s naming of Border Czar Alan Bersin, the Obama administration has by any reasonable reckoning passed the Romanov Dynasty in the production of czars. The Romanovs ruled Russia from 1613 with the ascension of Michael I through the abdication of Czar Nicholas II in 1917. During that time, they produced 18 czars. While it is harder to exactly count the number of Obama administration czars, with yesterday’s appointment it seems fair to say it is now certainly in excess of 18.

In addition to Bersin, we have energy czar Carol Browner, urban czar Adolfo Carrion, Jr., infotech czar Vivek Kundra, faith-based czar Joshua DuBois, health reform czar Nancy-Ann DeParle, new TARP czar Herb Allison, stimulus accountability czar Earl Devaney, non-proliferation czar Gary Samore, terrorism czar John Brennan, regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, drug czar Gil Kerlikowske, and Guantanamo closure czar Daniel Fried. We also have a host of special envoys that fall into the czar category including AfPak special envoy Richard Holbrooke, Mideast peace envoy George Mitchell, special advisor for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia Dennis Ross, Sudan special envoy J. Scott Gration and climate special envoy Todd Stern. That’s 18.

This is a very conservative estimate, however. I will allow you to pick whom you would like out of the remaining candidates. For example you could count de facto car czar Steve Rattner even though the administration went out of its way to say they weren’t going to have a car czar…  before he ultimately emerged as the car czar. You could count National Director of Intelligence Dennis Blair, often referred to as the intelligence czar, although you might not want to because his job has a different kind of status on the org chart. I’m not going to count Paul Volcker who was referred to as Obama’s economic czar because Obama is not making much use of Volcker (at least according to reports).  …”

Obama’s Czars

Bob Myer

“…Suddenly a rash of czars is in prospect for the Obama Administration.

The title “czar” in the executive branch has some history.  The “drug czar” title  appeared during the Reagan administration.  The term has always seemed a little strange to me, but that’s probably because the word has a negative connotation in my opinion; an all-powerful, micro-managing type of connotation.  What’s more, after spending a little time participating in the “war on drugs”, it seemed that the czar’s effort was futile and cost a lot of money.
Enter the Obama administration.  As of 12 November, there are many desks with “czar” titles on them to come.  We already have an “intelligence czar”, and it appears that seat is safe.  Does the executive branch need a “tech-czar“?  Apparently.  Who knows what technology might do without direct executive oversight.  With Detroit ready to take some many billions of dollars from the federal government, there’s talk about a “car-czar”.  Some sense in that, because the dollars given will supposedly (under the touted plan) buy stakes in the Big Three for the US Government.  What was that talk about statist expansion, again?
And surely we need an “energy czar” to oversee (micro-manage) the miraculous transition from our current fossil fuel addiction to whatever comes next.  But that czar had better be fond friends with the “climate czar” – and in all honesty, if Mr. Gore takes that spot, there won’t be any spotlight for the “energy czar”, and perhaps little energy, as well.  For that matter, why have two positions?  If one believes Global Warming / Climate Change orthodox teachings, one feeds the other.  On the other hand, two “czars” have two staff, and that’s job creation. …”

Byrd Calls Obama’s Czars Dangerous


“…Robert Byrd, the longest serving senator in history, criticized President Obama’s appointment of numerous White House advisors, also called “czars,” saying the presence of the czars gives the president too much power.

These czars report directly to Mr. Obama and have the power to shape national policy on their subject area. So far, Mr. Obama has recruited czars on health reform, urban affairs policy, and energy and climate change. Unlike Cabinet secretaries, they do not have to be approved by Congress.

In a letter to Obama on Wednesday, Byrd, a Democrat, said that the czar system “can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances,” Politico reported. Byrd added that oversight of federal agencies is the responsibility of officials approved by the Senate.

“As presidential assistants and advisers, these White House staffers are not accountable for their actions to the Congress, to cabinet officials, or to virtually anyone but the president,” Byrd wrote. “They rarely testify before congressional committees, and often shield the information and decision-making process behind the assertion of executive privilege. In too many instances, White House staff have been allowed to inhibit openness and transparency, and reduce accountability.” …”


Obama fashions a government of many czars

“…Name a top issue and President Barack Obama has probably got a “czar” responsible for tackling it.

A bank bailout czar? Herb Allison. Energy czar? Carol Browner.

There’s a drug czar, a U.S. border czar, an urban czar, a regulatory czar, a stimulus accountability czar, an Iran czar, a Middle East czar, and a czar for both Afghanistan and Pakistan, which in Washington-speak has been lumped together into a policy area called Af-Pak.

There are upward of 20 such top officials, all with lengthy official titles but known in the media as czars, and next week there will be one more, when Obama appoints a czar for cyber-security who will be charged with improving the security of computer networks.

“In short, America’s economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cyber-security,” Obama said on Friday.

Experts say Obama’s reliance on czars can be helpful by focusing attention on a big issue and making someone responsible for it, but that it can also lead to turf fights and add another cumbersome bureaucratic layer.

Or, as Republican Senator John McCain likes to say, Obama has “more czars than the Romanovs,” who ruled Russia for three centuries. …”

After the “Special Master of Compensation”

By Michelle Malkin

“…The WSJ broke the news on Friday about Obama’s new “pay czar,” Kenneth Feinberg.

His official title as executive-pay-limiter-in-chief: Special Master of Compensation.

Can’t wait to see his logo.

Next up: Obama appoints the…

…Distinguished Overlord of Oxygen Intake (to limit individual human carbon emissions);

…Royal Captain of Calorie Consumption (to limit weight gain and end obesity);

…Exalted Diva of Diversity Broadcasting (to enforce the Fairness Doctrine and limit exposure to excessive, poisonous conservative opinion on the airwaves). …”



“…Commissar is the English transliteration of an official title (Russian: комисса́р) used in Russia after the Bolshevik revolution.

The title was mostly associated with a number of Cheka and military functions in many Bolshevik and Soviet government military forces during the Russian Civil War; the White Army widely used the collective term bolsheviks and commissars for their opponents. After that, it was mostly used for People’s Commissar (or narkom) for government ministers, and political commissar in the military.

It is based on similar titles in a variety of languages (such as commissaire in French, Kommissar in German) most often attached to a criminal investigator in the police; they are usually translated as commissioner.

The term was also used in some other Communist countries[where?]. …”


Jim Harper discusses the “cyber czar” on FBN

Michael Savage reveals who Van Jones Is, Obama’s new Green Czar

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Obama Wants Civilian Military Type Force

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Thomas Sowell and Conflict of Visions–Videos

Obama–Ayers–Chicago Annenberg Challenge–ACORN–Radical Socialists–Terrorist Bombers–Videos

ACORN Or Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now–Good Intentioned People Lead By Criminal Organizers–Demand A Special Prosecutor To Investigate!–Videos

ACORN–Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now–Obama’s Red Shirts

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