Imagine–Glenn Beck Interviews Obama and His Gang of Progressive Radical Socialists–Revolution

Posted on September 21, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Education, Employment, Energy, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government spending, Health Care, Immigration, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Medicine, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |



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Background Articles and Videos

While I am no fan of Senator McCain, he is definitely preferable to either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.

I share Mark Levin’s displeasure at Beck for this comment:

Beck: McCain Would’ve Been Worse

Really Glenn?

Give me a break.

Please tell me you were just goofing on her.

Suggest next time you have Megyn Kelly interview you.

She will keep you on your toes!

Fox’s Megyn Kelly Grills Tucker Bounds On False Tax Claims


Megyn Kelly is a Pitbull in Lipstick – Obama-Bot Gets PWNED


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ACORN or Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now

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Services Employee International Union (SEIU)

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ADM Listened–Van Jones Resigned–Why?–Glenn Beck?–No–ADM?–Yes–Ethanol Truther Terminated With Extreme Prejudice!

Posted on September 8, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Economics, Energy, Investments, Law, liberty, Life, Links, People, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Science, Technology, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Glenn Beck Celebrates His Van Jones Victory


Robert Gibbs Asked About Van Jones Resignation


VAN JONES RESIGNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glenn Beck – What The Heck Is Going On? DC Sept.12 2009


Van Jones Resigns


Breaking News: Obama Advisor Van Jones Resigns Amid Scandal Ignored by MSM


LOL: Something Scientific: Ethanol


Obama and Ethanol


The Politics of Ethanol: Obama and McCain


President Obama Is Very Wrong on Ethanol–Yes He Can Raise Your Food and Gas Prices–Videos


Van Jones: Ethanol raises food prices, hurts the poor


Pitfalls of Ethanol Fuel


Lummis on FNC’s Glenn Beck


Corn Ethanol More Harmful Than Gasoline


Biofuels & Ethanol: The Real Story 


Is Ethanol a Good Idea?


ADM Ethanol


The Informant

 Given the number of progressives, radicals, and socialists including communists in the Obama Administration, nobody really cared in the White House that Van Jones was a socialist of the communist branch of the criminal enterprise.

Since the state media had a blackout on anthing mentioning Van Jones previous political associations, very few Americans even knew who Van Jones was or for that matter that he resigned.

Glenn Beck: “Why the media all-but ignored Van Jones story” – 9/8/2009

Van Jones real crime was he told the truth about ethanol–an ethanol truther!

ADM was listening and they did not like that Van Jones was telling the truth about ethanol.

Jones’ fate was sealed and he had to go.

The jobless Obama depression continues.

The political payoff Obama corruption continues.

Looks like ADM is now demanding a political payoff in the form of raising the percentage of ethanol in gasoline.

One big problem is ethanol damages older car engine fuel systems and smaller engines when you go much over 10%.

Once this becomes widely known, any politician supporting ethanol subsidies better watch it when they start their engines.

When you mess with people’s car, the American people will push back big time.

You nudge the American people by damaging their cars, do not be surprised if they kick you in the nuts.

Obama is a big supporter of ethanol subsidies for the simple reason that executives at ADM have made significant  contributions to his campaign as did large corporate farmers.

Pay to play–the Chicago Way.

Who’s Next?

John Holdren, Mark Lloyd, Carol Browner, Ezekiel Emanuel, and Cass Sunstein?

I agree with Michelle Malkin that Carol Browner should be targeted first for she is behind the cap and trade energy tax that could wreck the economy, destroy jobs, and kill the American Dream.

Carol Browner – Reassert Position of Independent Science

However, I would expose John Holdren and Carol Browner together for Holdren will be misleading and lying to the American people about global warming and climate change being caused by man.

Expose, Expose, Expose.

What’s Next?

Time for more competition.

Rumors are flying that the real reason Rush Limbaugh is losing all that weight is he is getting ready for a new television show starring–Rush Limbaugh.

Rush Limbaugh- First TV Show Episode

Rush Limbaugh TV- The Day After: Republican Revolution 1994

The Progressive Radical Socialists worse nightmare.

How sweet it would be.



Background Articles and Videos


Obama ‘Green Jobs’ Adviser Van Jones Resigns Amid Controversy

Van Jones, President Obama’s green jobs adviser, had been linked to efforts suggesting a government role in the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

“…White House green jobs adviser Van Jones resigned in the middle of the Labor Day weekend following persistent controversy over his past remarks and associations. 

Jones, who served as an adviser to the White House Council on Environmental Quality, had generated mounting criticism over the past week. He earlier issued back-to-back apologies — first, for calling Republicans “assholes” during a videotaped address earlier in the year, and second for signing a petition in 2004 supporting the “9/11 truther” movement, which believes the Bush administration may have been involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks. 

The latter development, which came on top of several others, was perhaps the most devastating and led to calls for his resignation.

Jones stepped down late Saturday. 

In a sharply worded statement, Jones said the controversy had become an unceasing distraction and assailed his critics. 

“On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide,” Jones said. 

He said he had been “inundated” with calls from supporters urging him to “stay and fight.”  …”


The resignation (and coming MSM/left-wing martyrdom) of Van Jones; Obama “thanks him for his service”

By Michelle Malkin  



“…Bay Area Marxist/Truther/Mumia-supporting race hustler-turned-environmental justice guru Van Jones has resigned from his post as Barack Obama’s green jobs czar.

In classic Team Obama style, Jones blames an orchestrated “campaign” of “lies and distortions to distract and divide.” Get ready for the coming media/left-wing martyrdom of Jones. Never mind his own apologies and weasel excuses for his radical views.

The mainstream media, which has ignored criticism and investigative analysis of Jones in the blogosphere/Internet since the spring (see, for example, here, here, here, here) repeats the lie that Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck targeted Jones only after the czar’s organization, Color of Change, initiated a boycott against Beck at the beginning of August:

ADM says US ethanol blend likely to rise in 2010

“…U.S. agricultural processor and ethanol producer Archer Daniels Midland Co (ADM.N) said on Tuesday that it expected the percentage of ethanol allowed in the U.S. fuel supply to increase in 2010.

Current guidelines allow fuel mixers to blend gasoline with up to 10 percent ethanol, but ADM said that could rise to 12 percent or more next year.

Ethanol proponents have called for an increase to a 15 percent blend, or E15. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was expected to decide whether to change the blend guidelines by December. [ID:nN16367099]

“Even if (the EPA) does not respond to go all the way to 15 (percent), it is our expectation, or hope, that E12 on the way to E15 is one of the likely outcomes,” ADM Chief Executive Officer Patricia Woertz said on Tuesday.

“All of the data we’ve seen says that it can be safely and effectively done without adding additional infrastructure costs,” she said during a conference call with analysts.

Opponents worry higher ethanol blends could damage car engines, especially in older vehicles, and drive up food prices. [ID:nN09390011] [ID:nN18377675]

Increased demand for ethanol could help ADM profits, which fell 83 percent in the fiscal fourth quarter to $64 million as the recession curbed demand for both food and fuel. ADM reported an $11 million loss in its corn processing segment, which includes the company’s ethanol production. [ID:nN04537249]

ADM is the second largest producer of corn-based ethanol in the United States but will be the largest once two new plants currently under construction come on line. …”


The Great Ethanol Scam

Not only is ethanol proving to be a dud as a fuel substitute but there is increasing evidence that it is destroying engines in large numbers

By Ed Wallace

“…Pushed into it by the corn growers’ and ethanol refiners’ lobbying organizations, today the EPA is starting to go through the public comment phase on increasing the level of ethanol in our gasoline from 10% to 15%. Time and time again we have heard from these groups, who now claim that there is zero scientific evidence that a 15% blend of ethanol would do any damage whatsoever if the mandate for ethanol were raised. As with all statements made by vested interests, few outsiders have actually taken the time to look and find out whether this statement was true.

In fact, it’s false.

Not one mechanic I’ve spoken with said they would be comfortable with a 15% blend of ethanol in their personal car. However, most suggest that if the government moves the ethanol mandate to 15%, it will be the dawn of a new golden age for auto mechanics’ income.

One last thought: Most individuals who have had to repair their fuel systems in recent years never had the gasoline tested to see if the ethanol percentage might be the problem. Today most repair shops and new-car dealers are still not testing for ethanol blends. They’re simply repairing the vehicles and sending their unhappy and less wealthy customers on their way. But, where dealer and repair shops are testing the gasoline, ethanol is becoming one of the leading culprits for the damage.

Sadly, when a truly bad idea is exposed today, Washington’s answer is to double-down on the bet, mandate more of the same, and make the problem worse. Only this time around motorists will be able to gauge the real cost of ethanol when it comes time to fix their personal cars.”


Out: Commie Truther green jobs czar. In: Union hack “manufacturing” czar

By Michelle Malkin 


“…President Obama’s payoffs to Big Labor continue.

The union bosses got not one, but two, Cabinet appointees: Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis.

Former SEIU chief lobbyist and Soros-funded operative Patrick Gaspard is White House Director of Political Affairs.

SEIU Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger serves on the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

SEIU thug-in-chief Andy Stern has a seat at the table of every domestic policy initiative.

At the New York Federal Reserve, the AFL-CIO’s New York chief Dennis Hughes is now chairman, replacing Obama Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.

AFL-CIO official Naomi Walker received a midnight lobbyist waiver so she can communicate with her union buddies in her new role as Assistant Deputy Secretary of Labor.

And to cap off Labor Day weekend, Obama named union heavy Ron Bloom — who cut his teeth at the foot of John Sweeney when he headed up the SEIU — the new “manufacturing czar.”

Bloom will continue to double-dip the government coffers as the Treasury Secretary’s car czar — oh, excuse me, “senior auto adviser.”

Like so many of the Czars of the Obama Underworld, Bloom will serve in a completely superfluous position. Why does America need a “manufacturing” czar? Doesn’t the Department of Labor cover that jurisdiction already?

No, Bloom has no actual, specialized experience in manufacturing.

He does have a long track record of union hatchet jobs, though/ J.P. Freire and David Freddoso at the Examiner note: …”


Ethanol Bubble Bursts

“…For all the green fantasies about endless solar panels and sprawling wind farms, the only alternative energy truly to achieve scale in the U.S. has been humble corn ethanol. Thanks chiefly to generous federal corn subsidies, ethanol has become a $32 billion industry, with scores of refining plants scattered throughout the Midwest and a quarter of the nation’s corn crop turned into fuel. But in 2008, several new scientific studies undercut ethanol’s green credentials, while the poor around the world came to blame record high food prices on the biofuel boom. Inevitably, the bubble burst — overinvestment led to a collapse in ethanol prices, even as fuel costs rapidly declined from their summer highs. Respected investors like Bill Gates who had sunk money into ethanol plants lost millions. Although government subsidies ensure that ethanol isn’t going anywhere, the dream that the U.S. would replace oil fields with cornfields is surely dead. …”


On Ethanol, Castro Is Right, Says The Economist

“…The Economist — April 6, 2007 — As a green fuel, ethanol is a good idea, but the sort that America produces is bad. …”

“…Ethanol is not much used in Europe, but it is a fuel additive in America, and a growing number of cars can use either gasoline or ethanol. It accounted for only around 3.5% of American fuel consumption last year, but production is growing by 25% a year. That’s because the government both subsidises domestic production and penalises imports. As a result, refineries are popping up like mushrooms all over the midwest, which now sees itself as the Texas of green fuel.

Why is the government so generous? Because ethanol is just about the only alternative-energy initiative that has broad political support. Farmers love it because it provides a new source of subsidy. Hawks love it because it offers the possibility that America may wean itself off Middle Eastern oil. The automotive industry loves it, because it reckons that switching to a green fuel will take the global-warming heat off cars. The oil industry loves it because the use of ethanol as a fuel additive means it is business as usual, at least for the time being. Politicians love it because by subsidising it they can please all those constituencies. Taxpayers seem not to have noticed that they are footing the bill.

Bad, good and best

But corn-based ethanol, the sort produced in America, is neither cheap nor green. It requires almost as much energy to produce (more, say some studies) as it releases when it is burned. And the subsidies on it cost taxpayers, according to the International Institute for Sustainable Development, somewhere between $5.5 billion and $7.3 billion a year. …”


Warmist infighting reveals the folly of ethanol

Thomas Lifson


“…Those of us who believe Global Warming is a huge scam designed to profit those interests pushing it as “consensus science” just got a big boost from a powerful Democrat committee chairman in the House of Representatives.


Rep. Collin Peterson, a Democrat representing a rural Minnesota constituency and chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, has told the Obama administration he will not support climate change legislation. Regrettably, it is not skepticism over the unproven modeling at the basis of the climate predictions, but rather the threat of uncovering the folly of using ethanol to reduce carbon emissions motivating him. reports:


“I’m off the train,” Peterson said May 6 during a strongly worded statement at a hearing on the Environmental Protection Agency’s new proposal for assessing indirect effects of ethanol production on greenhouse gas emissions. Peterson predicted that the EPA proposal, combined with the climate change legislation under consideration, could “kill off corn ethanol.”
Peterson said, “I will not support any kind of climate change bill — even if you fix this — because I don’t trust anybody anymore. I’ve had it.”
Peterson said his position was not negotiable. “I don’t have any confidence. The only way I would consider supporting any climate change legislation would be if it was ironclad that these agencies had no ability to do any rulemaking of any kind whatsoever … (that) we could be absolutely guaranteed that these folks would not get involved,” he said.


The mandated use of ethanol for auto fuel has driven up corn process, benefitting Peterson’s constituents as it starves the poor overseas. Ethanol processing and transportation uses a high amount of energy (with associated emissions), and requires a large amount of land be devoted to production for fuel. …”


How Ethanol Is Made Animated Feature


Myth: Corn Ethanol is Great


CNN’s Lou Dobbs Myths of Corn Ethanol


Biofuels scandal + food prices. Biofuel crisis, biofuel oil, biofuel production, cars, algae, systems and basics introduction to facts about biofuels. Conference keynote speaker Patrick Dixon


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The Obama Depression Has Arrived: 15,000,000 to 25,000,000 Unemployed Americans–Stimulus Package and Bailouts A Failure–400,000 Leave Labor Force In July!

Obama’s Marching Orders For His Red Shirts (ACORN), Purple Shirts (SEIU) and Black Shirts (New Panther Party)–Progressive Radical 

Time To Sound The Alarm: Call Your Representative and Senators–Cap and Trade Bill to be Voted in U.S. House on Friday–Kill The Cap and Trade Energy Tax Today! UPDATED

Green Government Gestapo Goons: Global Warming Police Force Invades Your Home And Living in Your Home May Be A Crime!

White House Memo: Carbon Dioxide Is Not A Pollutant and A Cap And Trade Program (Carbon Dioxide Tax) Serious Economic Impact –The Smoking Gun Video!

Save Your Job and Life–Abolish The Environmental Protection Agency!

President Obama–Killer of The American Dream and Market Capitalism–Stop The Radical Socialists Before They Kill You!


Facing Fundamental Facts

Let Them Eat Cake Act: American Elites Killing and Starving The American People

Clinton’s Cap and Trade Tax on The American People for Consuming Electricity and Driving Cars, SUVs and Trucks!

The Heidelberg Appeal: Beware of False Gods and Prophets

Saving The World: The Importance of Getting The Priorities Right

Cap and Trade Carbon Dioxide Tax: Gore’s and Obama’s Revenge on The American People–Let Them Freeze and Sweat!

Gore Grilled & Gingrich Gouged–American People Oppose Massive Carbon Cap and Trade Tax Increase–Videos

Al Gore 2.0 and The Coming Renewable Energy Ice Age–The Big Chill

Al Gore: Agent of Influence or Useful Idiot of Disinformation

Al Gore: Agent of Influence and Planetary Propeller Head!

Al Gore’s Little White Lie: Man-Made Global Warming Causing Polar Bears To Drown

Al Gore’s Big Whopper–Sea Levels Rise By 2100: Gore 20 Feet vs IPCC 2 Feet?


A Brave New World–Videos

Battle of Waterloo–Videos

Before The Fall or Napola–Videos


Hitler: The Rise of Evil–Videos

The Hitler Gang–Videos

The Wave–Videos

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Beck and Horowitz Expose The Clear and Present Danger of Obama’s Cadre of Czars–Van Jones, John Holdren, Ezekiel Emanuel, Carol Browner, Cass Sunstein, and Mark Lloyd and The Progressive Radical Socialists Of The Democratic Party

Posted on September 4, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Communications, Computers, Culture, Demographics, Economics, Employment, Energy, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government spending, Health Care, history, Immigration, Investments, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Medicine, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Science, Security, Strategy, Talk Radio, Taxes, Technology, Uncategorized, Video, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Soros Connection – The Czars And Their Place In The White House



Part 2 – The Soros Connection,Glenn’s Interview With A Reformed Communist


Glenn Beck – Interview With George Horowitz – The Communist Connection


Assault On Free Radio – Glenn Beck- FCC And Your Ears – Localism


Assault On Free Radio – Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh – FCC And Your Ears – Local-ism




Stay Awake…


Did President Obama, Secretary of State Clinton, or Attorney General Holder Vigorously Protest The Release of The Lockerbie Convicted Murderer To The United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Brown, Foreign Secretary Miliband, or Lord Chancellor Straw? If Not Why Not?

David Horowitz is absolutely correct about their achilles heal.

The far left progressive radical socialists of the Democratic Party would like you to think they are the friend and ally of the underdog or little guy.

They will say and do anything to give you that impression including outright lie.

In point of fact they are not the friend of the little guy or underdog.

Their only concern is to how to get and keep power.

Once they have power their chief concern is command and control through government coercion.

President Obama and his cadre of czars or commissars are not your friends but just the opposite–your mortal enemies.

Horowitz should know.

A friend of his was killed by the Black Panthers–the “community organizers” of Oakland in the 1960s and 1970s (see video below produced by the Black Panthers–does it look like ACORN or the SEIU, you bet it does). 

The time is ripe for the formation of a new political party, which I have been calling the Amercan Citizens Alliance Party or ACAP for short.

A cap on government expenditures, taxes, regulations and the national debt.

The tag line should be Families First.

The emphasis should be on contracting the size of the Federal Government by eliminating a dozen Federal Departments and at least a dozen agencies.

The only remaining departments would be State, Justice, Treasury, Defense, and Homeland Security.

Vital government information and statistics such as the Census would be accumulated in an Office of Information.

All the remaining departments would be eliminated and shut down for good.

Only by doing this is there any chance in saving both Social Security and Medicare.

Both these programs would be transitioned to private accounts that the individual would own and control and not the government.

This would prevent the Federal Government from spending surpluses, for the Government would no longer have access to them and control them.

All Federal taxes would be replaced by a FairTax with a rate of 20% on consumption and a monthly  rebate up to the poverty line.

This would encourage both private savings and business investment.

The result would be an economic boom resulting in economic growth rates exceeding 5% and the creation of tens of million of good paying jobs.

Immigration would be limited and tightly controlled with an annual cap of 250,000 legal immigrants per year and would be reduced to zero when the official unemployment rate exceeds 8%.

Illegal immigration would be stopped by closing the borders and completing the border fence and road so that it is well patrolled.

The 15,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegal immigrants would be removed from their place of employment and deported to their country of origin.

All employers would be required to use E-Verify to determine the legal status of an employee to work in the United States.

English would be the official language of the country and all coures would be taught in English with the exception of foreign language course.

The country would become energy independent by encouraging the development of all forms of energy including coal, natural gas, nuclear, oil, wind and solar.

All subsidies would be removed as well as regulations that discourage their development.

The Federal Government would get out of the way.

All Federal Budgets must be either balanced or in surplus.

The President would have a line-item veto.

No more dependency on the Federal Government.

Representatives and Senators would be restricted from accepting campaign contributions from only those who actually vote in their Congressional District or State.

Those serving in the Federal Government would be limited to 12 years or 6 terms in Congress and 2 terms in the Senate, no exceptions.

This would force the political elites or the establishment of both the Democratic and Republican Parties to pay particular attention to what the people want instead of what the so-called special interest demand.

The United States would resign from the United Nations and ask it to find another country for its Headquaters.

The United States would form a new international organization consisting of those countries that have representative democracies that are fairly elected.

The United States would close most if not all of its military bases abroad and the troops would return home. 

How would you sell such a program?

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs–good paying jobs.

Social Security and Medicare would be saved by giving ownership rights and responsibility to them to individuals.

The Federal Government has demonstrated that it is not capable of managing them prudently.

Both political parties have been taken over by careerists who no longer understand or have the interest of the American people as their first priority.

Their arrogance and disdain of the American people is why millions are abandoning both parties each year.

The time for the Second American Revolution is now!

The clear and present danger of the progressive radical socialists of both political parties to your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is now.

Wakeup, Standup, Speakup!

United We Stand!

Join the Tea Party Express and Join Us in Washington D.C. or a city near you on Saturday, September 12, 2009.



Background Articles and Videos

Obama’s Czars

  1. Afghanistan-Pakistan (Af-Pak) czar, Richard Holbrooke
  2. AIDS czar, Jeffrey Crowley [openly gay white man]
  3. Auto recovery czar, Ed Montgomery
  4. Behavioral science czar, position not yet filled
  5. Bailout czar, Herbert Allison Jr., [replaced Bush bailout czar Neel Kashkari, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability confirmed by Senate]
  6. Border czar, Alan Bersin
  7. Car czar, Ron Bloom [Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury , under Senate oversight]
  8. Climate change czar, Todd Stern
  9. Copyright czar, not appointed yet
  10. Counterterrorism czar, John Brennan
  11. Cybersecurity czar, position will be vacant on August 21st [upon the departure of Melissa Hathaway]
  12. Disinformation czar, Linda Douglass [This is a new media buzz since our earlier list, a response by pundits to the White House request for informants: see Glenn Beck and Lew Rockwell]
  13. Domestic violence czar, Lynn Rosenthal
  14. Drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske
  15. Economic czar, Larry Summers
  16. Economic czar number two, Paul Volcker
  17. Education czar, Arne Duncan
  18. Energy czar, Carol Browner
  19. Food czar, Michael Taylor [a former Monsanto executive, or, the fox in charge of the henhouse]
  20. Government performance czar, Jeffrey Zients
  21. Great Lakes czar, Cameron Davis
  22. Green jobs czar, Van Jones [who has a communist background]
  23. Guantanamo closure czar, Daniel Fried
  24. Health czar, Nancy-Ann DeParle
  25. Infotech czar, Vivek Kundra [Shoplifted four shirts, worth $33.50 each, from J.C. Penney in 1996 (source). His last day in DC government was March 4 but on March 12 the FBI raided his office and arrested two staffers.]
  26. Intelligence czar, Dennis Blair [Director of National Intelligence, a Senate confirmed position. He is a retired United States Navy four-star admiral]
  27. Latin-American czar, Arturo Valenzuela (nominee) [although this post is referred to as a czar, he is nominatied to be Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and so is subject to Senate confirmation. Voting on his confirmation was delayed to clarify his position on Honduras. Watch WaPo’s Head Count to track status of confirmation.]
  28. Mideast peace czar, George Mitchell
  29. Mideast policy czar, Dennis Ross
  30. Pay czar, Kenneth Feinberg
  31. Regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein
  32. Religion czar, aka God czar Joshua DuBois
  33. Safe schools czar, Kevin Jennings [appointed to be Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, a newly created post (that does not require Senate confirmation); openly gay founder of an organization dedicated to promoting pro-homosexual clubs and curricula in public schools]
  34. Science czar, John Holdren
  35. Stimulus oversight czar, Earl Devaney
  36. Sudan czar, J. Scott Gration
  37. TARP czar, Elizabeth Warren [chair of the [Congressional Oversight Panel for the Trouble Assets Relief Program; note that Herb Allison is frequently called the TARP czar]
  38. Technology czar, Aneesh Chopra
  39. Trade czar, Ron Kirk
  40. Urban affairs czar, Adolfo Carrion
  41. War czar, Douglas Lute [retained from Bush administration, married to Jane Holl Lute, currently a Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security]
  42. Water czar, David J. Hayes [a Deputy Interior Secretary and therefore subject to Senate oversight]
  43. Weapons czar, Ashton Carter [actually Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and so subject to Senate confirmation]
  44. Weapons of mass destruction czar, Gary Samore

Positions being planned:

  1. Income redistribution czar
  2. Land-use czar
  3. Mortgage czar, formally “consumer financial protection czar” (source)
  4. Radio-internet fairness czar
  5. Student loan czar, to oversee a program of mandatory service in return for college money (source)
  6. Voter list czar
  7. Zoning czar

David Horowitz

“…David Joel Horowitz (born January 10, 1939) is an American conservative writer and activist. The son of two life-long members of the Communist Party, and a former supporter of Marxism as well as a former member of the New Left in the 1960s, Horowitz later renounced his “left-wing political radicalism” and became an advocate for conservatism.

He is a founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center (formerly the Center for the Study of Popular Culture), and has served as president of that organization for many years. He is the editor of the conservative website FrontPage Magazine, and his writings can be read on news sites and publications, including the conservative magazine NewsMax.[1] He founded the activist group Students for Academic Freedom …”

“…David Horowitz was born in 1939 to a Jewish family in Forest Hills, a neighborhood of the New York City borough of Queens. His parents, Phil and Blanche Horowitz, were school teachers in nearby Sunnyside Gardens. Horowitz attended Columbia University, receiving a BA in 1959 with a major in English, and later the University of California, Berkeley, where he received a master’s degree in English literature.

His parents were long-standing members of the Communist Party. While still identifying as a Marxist, Horowitz, like many other left wing figures of his generation, sought to distance himself from the Soviet Union.[citation needed] In the 1960s he was employed as a political aide to Bertrand Russell.[2] At this time, Horowitz was a close friend and associate of Marxist historian Isaac Deutscher. Horowitz wrote a biography of Deutscher in 1971.[3]

After returning to the US in 1968, Horowitz wrote several books that were influential in New Left critiques of American society and particularly its foreign policy, including The Free World Colossus: A Critique of American Foreign Policy in the Cold War. Horowitz was an editor at the influential New Left magazine, Ramparts.

Horowitz was a confidant of Black Panthers leader Huey P. Newton, and provided legal and financial assistance to the black revolutionary organization. He would later cite experiences with his involvement in the Panthers as the primary catalyst for reassessing his views. In December 1974, his close friend Betty Van Patter, a bookkeeper for the Panthers, was murdered.[4] While the case officially went unsolved, Horowitz has maintained that the Panthers were responsible for her murder, which, he alleges, they committed in order to silence Van Patter from revealing the organization’s financial corruption, and thereafter covered up the killing.

Other events that Horowitz cites as being influential in his political realignment were the impacts of the US abandonment of South Vietnam in the Vietnam War on the peoples of Indochina, and particularly Cambodia, which under the leadership of the Khmer Rouge experienced mass terror and famine, leading to millions of deaths. Horowitz believes that the far left turned a blind eye to such atrocities because the ideological vision of the Communists was one which they shared.

Along with close associate Peter Collier, Horowitz hosted a 1987 “Second Thoughts Conference” in Washington, D.C., described by liberal journalist Sidney Blumenthal in The Washington Post as his “coming out” as a supporter of the right. According to attendee Alexander Cockburn, at that conference Horowitz recounted that his communist parents had not permitted him or his sister to watch Doris Day and Rock Hudson movies and instead had required them to watch celebratory films about the Soviet Union.[5] His gradual shift to the right has been recounted in a series of memoirs and retrospectives, culminating in 1996’s Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey. …”


David Horowitz – Party of Defeat

Glen Beck Interviews David Horowitz


David Horowitz – UC Santa Barbara


Marxist professors try to radicalize students. David Horowitz expose them in, One-Party Classroom


Riz Khan- David Horowitz- 21 Aug 08- Part 1


Riz Khan- David Horowitz- 21 Aug 08- Part 2


Black Panthers (1968) part 1


Black Panthers (1968) part 2


Black Panthers (1968) part 3


Black Panthers (1968) part 4


Black Panthers (1968) part 5


Black Panthers (1968) part 6


Marxist Obama Part 1


Marxist Obama Part 2


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Read Full Post | Make a Comment ( 8 so far )

John Holdren–Science Czar–Videos

Posted on September 3, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Demographics, Economics, Health Care, Law, Life, Links, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Science, Talk Radio, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |



Glenn Beck – The New Science Czar – Abortion and Sterilization Population Control


First Person: John Holdren on Global Warming


AAAS S&T Forum: U.S. Science Advisor John P. Holdren — Energy, Economy, Climate


 Augustine Commission – Dr. John Holdren – 2 of 26


John Holdren on Science Debate 2008


1/7- Global Warming: What do we know and should do


2/7- Global Warming: What do we know and should do


3/7- Global Warming: What do we know and should do


4/7- Global Warming: What do we know and should do


5/7- Global Warming: What do we know and should do


6/7- Global Warming: What do we know and should do


7/7- Global Warming: What do we know and should do


Background Articles and Videos

Unfortunately for John Holdren, Al Gore and the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC,  the observed evidence does not support the theory that man’s carbon dioxide emissions is the cause of global warming and we should do nothing about it!


Unstoppable Solar Cycles


Professor Fred Singer on Climate Change pt 1


Professor Fred Singer on Climate Change pt 2


CO2 is a trace gas


Stop The Cap and Trade Carbon Dioxide Energy Tax


John Holdren


  • Professor of Environmental Policy at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government
  • Has repeatedly warned that some form of eco-catastrophe is likely to occur
  • Views capitalism as an economic system that is inherently harmful to the natural environment
  • Opposed the Reagan administration’s military buildup, warning that it would likely “increase the belligerency of the Soviet government”
  • Longtime anti-nuclear activist
  • Was named (in December 2008) by President-elect Barack Obama to be Assistant to the President for Science and Technology

John P. Holdren is the Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy at Harvard University‘s Kennedy School of Government. He also serves as Director of the Science, Technology, and Public Policy program at Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.

Holdren earned a bachelor’s degree from MIT in 1965 and a Ph.D. in plasma physics from Stanford University five years later. He taught at UC Berkeley for more than twenty years, and chaired the Board of Directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science from February 2007 to February 2008. Today he directs the Woods Hole Research Center, whose mission is to “understand the causes and consequences of environmental change as a basis for policy solutions for a better world.”

In 1969 Holdren wrote that it was imperative “to convince society and its leaders that there is no alternative but the cessation of our irresponsible, all-demanding, and all-consuming population growth.” That same year, he and professor of population studies Paul Ehrlich jointly predicted: “If … population control measures are not initiated immediately and effectively, all the technology man can bring to bear will not fend off the misery to come.”

In 1971 Holdren and Ehrlich warned that “some form of ecocatastrophe, if not thermonuclear war, seems almost certain to overtake us before the end of the century.”

Viewing capitalism as an economic system that is inherently harmful to the natural environment, Holdren and Ehrlich in 1973 called for “a massive campaign … to de-develop the United States” and other Western nations in order to conserve energy and facilitate growth in underdeveloped countries. “De-development,” they said, “means bringing our economic system into line with the realities of ecology and the world resource situation.” “By de-development,” they elaborated, “we mean lower per-capita energy consumption, fewer gadgets, and the abolition of planned obsolescence.” …”

John P. Holdren

“…John Paul Holdren is Assistant to President Barack Obama for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)[1][2]

Holdren was previously the Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, director of the Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program at the School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and Director of the Woods Hole Research Center….”

“…Overpopulation was an early concern and interest, and in 1969, writing with Paul R. Ehrlich, Holdren claimed that, “if the population control measures are not initiated immediately, and effectively, all the technology man can bring to bear will not fend off the misery to come.”[15] In 1973 Holdren encouraged a decline in fertility to well below replacement in the United States, because “210 million now is too many and 280 million in 2040 is likely to be much too many”[16]. Currently, the U.S. population is 306,963,000[17]. In 1977 he co-authored (with Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich) Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment,[18] which discussed the possible role of a wide range of solutions to overpopulation, from voluntary family planning at one extreme, to enforced population controls at the other extreme. Holdren subsequently disassociated himself from these proposals[19].

In 1969 he advocated (with Paul R. Ehrlich) substantial spending for expansion of nuclear power on the grounds that nuclear plants generate electricity without greenhouse gas emissions. …”


White House Science Adviser Advocated ‘De-Development’ of the United States

 By Christopher Neefus

“… – President Obama’s top science adviser, John P. Holdren, advocated the “de-development” of the United States in books he published in the 1970s.

“A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States,” Holdren wrote in a 1973 book he co-authored with Paul R. Ehrlch and Anne H. Ehrlich. “De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation.”

In the vision expressed by Holdren and his co-authors, the Ehrlichs, the need for “de-development” of the United States demanded a redistribtuion of wealth.

“The need for de-development presents our economists with a major challenge,” they wrote. “They must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth than in the present one. Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided to every human being.”
Holdren, who is director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, made these comments in the 1973 book “Human Ecology,” which he co-authored with the Ehrlichs, long-time advocates of curtailing population growth. …”


Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren: An Absolute Radical

“…President Obama’s “science czar,” Paul Holdren, once floated the idea of forced abortions, “compulsory sterilization,” and the creation of a “Planetary Regime” that would oversee human population levels and control all natural resources as a means of protecting the planet — controversial ideas his critics say should have been brought up in his Senate confirmation hearings.

Holdren, who has degrees from MIT and Stanford and headed a science policy program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government for the past 13 years, won the unanimous approval of the Senate as the president’s chief science adviser.

He was confirmed with little fanfare on March 19 as director of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, a 50-person directorate that advises the president on scientific affairs, focusing on energy independence and global warming.

But many of Holdren’s radical ideas on population control were not brought up at his confirmation hearings; it appears that the senators who scrutinized him had no knowledge of the contents of a textbook he co-authored in 1977, “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment,” a copy of which was obtained by

The 1,000-page course book, which was co-written with environmental activists Paul and Anne Ehrlich, discusses and in one passage seems to advocate totalitarian measures to curb population growth, which it says could cause an environmental catastrophe.

The three authors summarize their guiding principle in a single sentence: “To provide a high quality of life for all, there must be fewer people.”

As first reported by FrontPage Magazine, Holdren and his co-authors spend a portion of the book discussing possible government programs that could be used to lower birth rates.

Those plans include forcing single women to abort their babies or put them up for adoption; implanting sterilizing capsules in people when they reach puberty; and spiking water reserves and staple foods with a chemical that would make people sterile.

To help achieve those goals, they formulate a “world government scheme” they call the Planetary Regime, which would administer the world’s resources and human growth, and they discuss the development of an “armed international organization, a global analogue of a police force” to which nations would surrender part of their sovereignty.

Holdren’s office issued a statement to denying that the ecologist has ever backed any of the measures discussed in his book, and suggested reading more recent works authored solely by Holdren for a view to his beliefs.

“Dr. Holdren has stated flatly that he does not now support and has never supported compulsory abortions, compulsory sterilization, or other coercive approaches to limiting population growth,” the statement said.

“Straining to conclude otherwise from passages treating controversies of the day in a three-author, 30-year-old textbook is a mistake.”

But the textbook itself appears to contradict that claim.

Holdren and the Ehrlichs offer ideas for “coercive,” “involuntary fertility control,” including “a program of sterilizing women after their second or third child,” which doctors would be expected to do right after a woman gives birth. …”


John P. Holdren named President-elect Obama’s Science Advisor

“…President-elect Barack Obama today announced that he has selected Harvard’s John P. Holdren to serve as Assistant to the President for Science and Technology in the new administration. The post, popularly known as “the President’s science advisor,” also includes directorship of the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Executive Office of the President and requires Senate confirmation.

In announcing the appointment during his weekly radio address, the President-elect called Holdren “one of the most passionate and persistent voices of our time about the growing threat of climate change,” and said he looks “forward to his wise counsel in the years ahead.”

Holdren is the Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and director of the Science, Technology, and Public Policy program in the School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. …”


Dr. John P. Holdren

“De-development” Advocate is the

Wrong Choice for White House Science Adviser

By William Yeatman


The Holdren & Letterman lovefest

By Michelle Malkin 








“…So, I forced myself to watch the Population Control Freak and the Perv on CBS last night.

I can report to you that wackjob science czar John Holdren’s stonewalling press office will be very happy this morning.

A deferential David Letterman didn’t breathe a word about Holdren’s radical views, his extreme published works, his phenomenally wrong-headed predictions, or his eugenics-obsessed intellectual mentors.

Instead, Letterman lectured his audience to “pay attention” to his “fun” and “informational” interview with Holdren.

Letterman grilled him on whether he felt “exhilaration or frustration” about his job advising the White House — which Holdren used as an opportunity to bash Bush/Cheney.

With furrowed brow, Letterman drummed up global warming fear, indignantly asserted that “Coal is the culprit,” and fretted that “My son might not have a chance to see snow!”

It was even too thick for fear-mongerer Holdren, who joked that “It depends on what altitude he lives at.”

Letterman concluded with encomiums to Holdren and pronounced himself relieved. “We have many reasons to breathe easier and you’re one of them!” …”



Study in contrasts: Christian scientist vs. eco-mad scientist

By Michelle Malkin  

“…My syndicated column below contrasts the Left’s “unease” over the evangelical Christian faith of NIH director-designate Francis Collins with its radio silence on the eco-zealotry of Obama science czar John Holdren. But first, some late-breaking developments: As Zombie notes, the White House has responded to rising blogosphere unease with Holdren’s cultish ideas by pooh-poohing Holdren’s co-authorship of the nutball manifesto, Ecoscience. Team Obama told the Washington Times that Holdren “never has been an advocate for policies of forced sterilization.” Never? Whom do you believe: the White House or your own eyes? …”


Reminder: The Population Control Freak & The Perv tonight on CBS

By Michelle Malkin  

“…I “…reported on Monday that wackjob science czar John Holdren is scheduled to make a second appearance on David Letterman’s late-night CBS show. (He first appeared last spring to stir up global warming hysteria.)

Just a reminder to set your Tivos. It’s still a go, according to the Letterman Show website.

To help The Perv’s writers out, here’s my Top 10 List of nuttiest passages from Holdren’s works (all available at Zombietime and CNS):


4. Not quite human…

“The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being.”

3. ZEG…“Why should we not strive for zero economic growth (ZEG) as well as zero population growth?”

2. De-development…

“A massive campaign must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States…De-development means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation.

…The need for de-development presents our economists with a major challenge They must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth than in the present one. Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided to every human being.”

1. Sterilants in your drinking supply…

“Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people more than most proposals for involuntary fertility control. Indeed, this would pose some very difficult political, legal, and social questions, to say nothing of the technical problems. No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance would have to meet some rather stiff requirements: it must be uniformly effective, despite widely varying doses received by individuals, and despite varying degrees of fertility and sensitivity among individuals; it must be free of dangerous or unpleasant side effects; and it must have no effect on members of the opposite sex, children, old people, pets, or livestock.”

Think these passages will come up tonight?

Cue the laugh track… …” 

Know Your Czars Part 1 of 4


Know Your Czars Part 2 of 4


Know Your Czars Part 3 of 4


Know Your Czars Part 4 of 4



The Compleat List of Czars

By Nancy Matthis

Afghanistan-Pakistan (Af-Pak) czar, Richard Holbrooke
AIDS czar, Jeffrey Crowley [openly gay white man]
Auto recovery czar, Ed Montgomery
Behavioral science czar, position not yet filled
Bailout czar, Herbert Allison Jr., [replaced Bush bailout czar Neel Kashkari, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability confirmed by Senate]
Border czar, Alan Bersin
Car czar, Ron Bloom [Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury , under Senate oversight]
Climate change czar, Todd Stern
Copyright czar, not appointed yet
Counterterrorism czar, John Brennan
Cybersecurity czar, position will be vacant on August 21st [upon the departure of Melissa Hathaway]
Disinformation czar, Linda Douglass [This is a new media buzz since our earlier list, a response by pundits to the White House request for informants: see Glenn Beck and Lew Rockwell]
Domestic violence czar, Lynn Rosenthal
Drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske
Economic czar, Larry Summers
Economic czar number two, Paul Volcker
Education czar, Arne Duncan
Energy czar, Carol Browner
Food czar, Michael Taylor [a former Monsanto executive, or, the fox in charge of the henhouse]
Government performance czar, Jeffrey Zients
Great Lakes czar, Cameron Davis
Green jobs czar, Van Jones [who has a communist background]
Guantanamo closure czar, Daniel Fried
Health czar, Nancy-Ann DeParle
Infotech czar, Vivek Kundra [Shoplifted four shirts, worth $33.50 each, from J.C. Penney in 1996 (source). His last day in DC government was March 4 but on March 12 the FBI raided his office and arrested two staffers.]
Intelligence czar, Dennis Blair [Director of National Intelligence, a Senate confirmed position. He is a retired United States Navy four-star admiral]
Latin-American czar, Arturo Valenzuela (nominee) [although this post is referred to as a czar, he is nominatied to be Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and so is subject to Senate confirmation. Voting on his confirmation was delayed to clarify his position on Honduras. Watch WaPo’s Head Count to track status of confirmation.]
Mideast peace czar, George Mitchell
Mideast policy czar, Dennis Ross
Pay czar, Kenneth Feinberg
Regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein
Religion czar, aka God czar Joshua DuBois
Safe schools czar, Kevin Jennings [appointed to be Assistant Deputy Secretary of the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools, a newly created post (that does not require Senate confirmation); openly gay founder of an organization dedicated to promoting pro-homosexual clubs and curricula in public schools]
Science czar, John Holdren
Stimulus oversight czar, Earl Devaney
Sudan czar, J. Scott Gration
TARP czar, Elizabeth Warren [chair of the [Congressional Oversight Panel for the Trouble Assets Relief Program; note that Herb Allison is frequently called the TARP czar]
Technology czar, Aneesh Chopra
Trade czar, Ron Kirk
Urban affairs czar, Adolfo Carrion
War czar, Douglas Lute [retained from Bush administration, married to Jane Holl Lute, currently a Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security]
Water czar, David J. Hayes [a Deputy Interior Secretary and therefore subject to Senate oversight]
Weapons czar, Ashton Carter [actually Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics and so subject to Senate confirmation]
Weapons of mass destruction czar, Gary Samore
Positions being planned:

Income redistribution czar
Land-use czar
Mortgage czar, formally “consumer financial protection czar” (source)
Radio-internet fairness czar
Student loan czar, to oversee a program of mandatory service in return for college money (source)
Voter list czar
Zoning czar


  John Holdren, Obama’s Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet
Book he authored in 1977 advocates for extreme totalitarian measures to control the population

“…Forced abortions. Mass sterilization. A “Planetary Regime” with the power of life and death over American citizens.

The tyrannical fantasies of a madman? Or merely the opinions of the person now in control of science policy in the United States? Or both?

These ideas (among many other equally horrifying recommendations) were put forth by John Holdren, whom Barack Obama has recently appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology — informally known as the United States’ Science Czar. In a book Holdren co-authored in 1977, the man now firmly in control of science policy in this country wrote that:

• Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not;
• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation’s drinking water or in food;
• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise;
• People who “contribute to social deterioration” (i.e. undesirables) “can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility” — in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.
• A transnational “Planetary Regime” should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans’ lives — using an armed international police force.

Impossible, you say? That must be an exaggeration or a hoax. No one in their right mind would say such things.

Well, I hate to break the news to you, but it is no hoax, no exaggeration. John Holdren really did say those things, and this report contains the proof. Below you will find photographs, scans, and transcriptions of pages in the book Ecoscience, co-authored in 1977 by John Holdren and his close colleagues Paul Ehrlich and Anne Ehrlich. The scans and photos are provided to supply conclusive evidence that the words attributed to Holdren are unaltered and accurately transcribed. …”



Govt Watch-Myth Blaster: Obama Files – Science Czar Environmental Extremist



Glenn Beck: Know Your Czars, John Holdren


Michelle Malkin on Obama’s nutty science czar


Angel of Death



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