Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski–The Blueprint–Obama’s Plan To Subvert The Constitution and Build An Imperial Presidency–Videos

Posted on June 21, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Demographics, Economics, Education, Federal Government, Law, liberty, Life, Links, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Strategy, Wisdom | Tags: , , , |



Barack Obama’s shocking and cohesive plan to take over the government, the elections, the economy, the American consciousness, and even our personal freedoms

From noted conservative leader Ken Blackwell and Washington, D.C.–based constitutional attorney and journalist Ken Klukowski comes an urgently needed book about President Barack Obama’s blueprint to centralize power in the White House, subvert the Constitution, and transform the United States of America into a militant, secular welfare state dominated by an overbearing central government.The authors identify and discuss twenty-one tactics being taken by the Obama administration to restructure the country and ensure perpetual liberal rule—such as changing voting laws, politicizing the census, coercing corporations into adopting its policies, planning to destroy talk radio, and seeking to make millions of illegal aliens into voting citizens. With changes both sharp and subtle, Obama aims to change Americans’ views about government, liberty, and even God. …”


I have a plan.

Vote all the progressive radical socialists of the Democratic and Republican parties out of office in the next three electins.



Background Articles and Videos

Yuri Bezmenov On KGB Soviet Propaganda and Subversion–Videos

Yuri Bezmenov, former KGB: Soviet subversion of the West 6 of 8

Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) L.A. 1983 pt. I 1/2

Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) L.A. 1983 pt. I 2/2

Tomas Schuman (Yuri Bezmenov) L.A. 1983 pt. IIa 1/7

Beware Obama’s Fabian Window


Blueprint for Change: Health Care

Blueprint for Change: Energy

Blueprint For Change: Technology

Blueprint for Change: Immigration

Blueprint for Change: Economy

Blueprint for Change: Fiscal

Blueprint for Change: Ethics

Obama’s Malignant Narcissism

By James Lewis

“…Obama is going for the “nuclear option” to force very bad and very toxic medicine down our throats. He is willing to sacrifice his congressional majorities to get the biggest, most budget-busting entitlement ever imagined into the permanent fabric of American national life. The main beneficiaries of Obamacare will be Obama’s ego and the Permanent Left. This is his chance to be FDR, and he can’t control his need for that glorified image.  He is therefore crossing the Rubicon — making an irreversible decision that will define his presidency forever, win or lose. This is not just another grandiose gesture. Obama now stands revealed for what he is. 

Sure, we’ve had lots of evidence of his oddities over the last two years — Obama giving the finger to Hillary during the campaign; Obama thrilling to the sound of his own voice echoing at the Berlin Victory Monument, using Karl Marx’s own words in Marx’s old haunting grounds; Obama speaking to the whole Muslim world from Al Azhar Mosque in Cairo; Obama rushing to Copenhagen to rescue a scientifically phony climate treaty; Obama suddenly looking enraged last week when Rep. Paul Ryan demonstrated with impeccable logic that ObamaCare just doesn’t add up. It’s simple arithmetic. That C-SPAN shot of Obama’s sudden expression of rage when he couldn’t answer Paul Ryan is now being analyzed frame-by-frame by the intelligence agencies of the world. Their psychological teams are trained to look for momentary facial expressions, to study this man in every conceivable way, to see out how his mind works. If he can change the destiny of nations, you can be sure that lots of nations have whole KGB Directorates trying to read him. It’s hardly a perfect science, but they would be fools not to try. …”


“…It’s possible that Obama may be a “fanatic type” of narcissist. That could mean a world of trouble for the Democrats, for the nation, and given his position in the world, for other countries as well.
Here is Theodore Millon’s definition of the fanatic type:

fanatic type – including paranoid features. A severely narcissistically wounded individual, usually with major paranoid tendencies who holds onto an illusion of omnipotence. These people are fighting the reality of their insignificance and lost value and are trying to re-establish their self-esteem through grandiose fantasies and self-reinforcement. When unable to gain recognition of support from others, they take on the role of a heroic or worshipped person with a grandiose mission.


By choosing the “nuclear option,” Obama is demonstrating do-or-die fanaticism. This makes for great TV football, but it’s very dangerous for the man in the biggest power seat in the world. We are seeing Obama the Radical taking over from Obama the Pragmatist — if that one ever really existed. From what we know about his fanatical associates like Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, sacrificing the Democratic Party majority in Congress would be only a small price to pay.  …”

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