Queen Hillary Is Just Another Corrupt Lying Bought and Paid For Phony Politician — Clinton Cash Bribe Laundering — Democratic Party Can Do A Lot Better — Run Jerry Run — Videos

Posted on April 20, 2015. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Communications, Documentary, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), government spending, Law, Life, Links, media, Money, Non-Fiction, People, Philosophy, Photos, Politics, Press, Rants, Raves, Strategy, Talk Radio, Taxes, Video, War, Welfare, Wisdom, Writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


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Story 1: Queen Hillary Is Just Another Corrupt Lying Bought and Paid For Phony Politician — Clinton Cash Bribe Laundering — Democratic Party Can Do A Lot Better — Run Jerry Run — Videos

Hillary-Clinton-Black_0clinton-1clinton-cashapril fools photoHillary Rodham ClintonQuid pro quo

(“something for something” in Latin) means an exchange of goods or services, where one transfer is contingent upon the other.

Did Hillary Clinton trade favors for cash – Latest WORLD News April,21/2015

Hillary Clinton Dodges Question About ‘Clinton Cash’ Book

Steve Moore on Hillary Clinton & “Clinton Cash”

Halperin: Don’t Let Clinton Stop Press From Printing News

“Clinton Cash” Asserts Foreign Donors Got State Dept Favors – Happening Now

“Clinton Cash”: New Book by Peter Schweizer Reportedly Details Clinton Corruption!

New Book Probes Clinton Charity Foreign Donations

John Podesta on Hillary and ‘Clinton Cash’ (Apr. 20, 2015) | Charlie Rose

Ed Henry on New Book Called Clinton Cash

Three Martini Lunch: Show Them the Money

The Wonk Who Slayed Washington


Hillary Clinton Exposed, Movie She Banned From Theaters Full Movie


Clinton Cash, Biden’s Bucks, Barack’s Billions | The Hotlist

Queen Hillary Clinton

Unsettling Truths About Bill and Hillary Clinton: Political Character, Tactics & Approach (1996)

CNN (Situation Room): Blitzer, Brazile, Castellanos Discuss Jerry Brown and Bill Clinton

Hillary Clinton Admits Illuminati Front Group Council on Foreign Relations Runs Washington D.C.

America’s Forum | Dick Morris discusses the Hillary Clinton email scandal

Fighting Among Clinton Donors Shows Money Matters More Than Voters

Media rips Hillary Clinton over email scandal 

Is Hillary Clinton going to slide through every scandal that surfaces? | ZoNation

Hillary Clinton E-mail Scandal Getting Worse Amid New Details

Hillary Wiped Email Server Clean!

Rep. Trey Gowdy: Clinton Wiped Server Clean — Why Hillary Can’t Shake The Email Scandal

Judge Nap to Megyn: Hillary Clinton Is on ‘Such Thin Ice’

FOX NEWS: Hillary’s Private E-Mail Server

Hillary the Scandals

Brown vs. Clinton in Illinois Primary Debate

Jerry Brown on Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton Endorses Jerry!

New Book, ‘Clinton Cash,’ Questions Foreign Donations to Foundation


The New York Times reported Sunday evening that a forthcoming investigative bombshell book on Hillary and Bill Clinton will soon be the focus of major feature stories and is regarded as “the most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle.”

For weeks, news outlets from the Washington Post to CNN’s Wolf Blitzer have alluded that the highly-anticipated May 5 release of Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich by three-time New York Times bestselling investigative journalist Peter Schweizer could be a presidential game-changer. Schweizer is President of the non-partisan Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and a Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News.  

The New York Times revealed that Clinton Cash describes how the Clintons’ income from 2001 to 2012 was at least $136.5 million, how Mr. Clinton would routinely fetch half-a-million dollar honorariums for speeches while Mrs. Clinton was Secretary of State, and much more.

Despite the Clinton campaign’s ability to dismiss “critical books as conservative propaganda,” the Times says “Clinton Cash is potentially more unsettling, both because of its focused reporting and because major news organizations are expected to pursue the story lines found in the book.”

The Times adds, “Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have been briefed about the book’s findings.”

Publishing giant HarperCollins said in a press release that the book represents the culmination of a one-year deep dive investigation by Schweizer’s GAI investigative unit. The GAI, which has quickly established itself as one of the nation’s most respected—and feared—Washington watchdog organizations, has gained notoriety for vigorously investigating both Republicans and Democrats, as well as releasing its investigative findings through major national mainstream media partners, such as CBS News’ 60 MinutesNew York Times, Politico, ABC News, and Fox News. 

Indeed, GAI and Schweizer have already left their investigative mark on Capitol Hill. Schweizer, whom Newsweek dubbed “The Wonk Who Slays Washington,” was responsible for the ouster of former Republican Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL), then-chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, after his book, Throw Them All Out, exposed insider trading by members of Congress. 

The driving force behind the only significant bipartisan reform legislation to pass during the Obama presidency—the STOCK (Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge) Act—Schweizer is, as David Weigel (then of Slate) put it, the “author of the book that started the STOCK Act stampede.” Schweizer partnered with veteran CBS News 60 Minutes reporter Steve Kroft for an insider trading report based on the book that resulted in CBS winning the coveted Joan Shorenstein Barone Award for excellence in Washington-based reporting on congressional political affairs. 

Former Rep. Rob Andrews (D-NJ) also knows the sting of a Schweizer book investigation. In October 2013, Schweizer once again partnered with CBS 60 Minutesand Steve Kroft to report the revelations of his book, Extortion, which exposed how Republicans and Democrats use leadership PAC “slush funds” to bankroll lavish lifestyles. The Sunday before the book’s release, CBS 60 Minutes did a story titled “Washington’s Open Secret” based on Schweizer’s book revelations that led to Andrews’ resignation from Congress.

Whether Schweizer’s soon-to-be-released book will spell the same political fate for Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential aspirations remains to be seen. The Washington Post has already done two major stories based off the Clinton Cash press release’s revelation that Hillary’s brother, Tony Rodham, sat on the board of a mining company that in 2012 received one of only two “gold exploitation permits” from the Haitian government—a coveted concession that was the first of its kind issued in over 50 years. 

Now, with major media all preparing feature reports on Clinton Cash’s myriad revelations, Hillary Clinton’s defenders are already in damage control mode. “The newly assembled Clinton campaign team is planning a full-court press to diminish the book as yet another conservative hit job,” reports the Times

That will be difficult, however, says the New York Times, because “Mr. Schweizer writes mainly in the voice of a neutral journalist and meticulously documents his sources, including tax records and government documents, while leaving little doubt about his view of the Clintons.”


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Creepy Children–Creepy Cult–Creepy Creature–Phony Obama!

Posted on November 8, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Communications, Cult, Economics, Life, Links, Music, People, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Religion, Talk Radio, Taxes, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

“…Even in the freest society power is charged with the impulse to turn men into precise, predictable automata. When watching men of power in action it must be always kept in mind that, whether they know it or not, their main purpose is the elimination or neutralization of the independent individual – the independent voter, consumer, worker, owner, thinker – and that every device they employ aims at turning man into a manipulatable ‘animated instrument,’ which is Aristotle’s definition of a slave.

On the other hand, every device employed to bolster individual freedom must have as its chief purpose the impairment of the absoluteness of power. The indications are that such an impairment is brought about not by strengthening the individual and pitting him against the possessors of power, but by distributing and diversifying power and pitting one category or unit of power against the other. Where power is one, the defeated individual, however strong and resourceful, can have no refuge and no recourse. …”

~Eric Hoffer, The Ordeal of Change, 1976


YOU wanted “change”…


The pump and dumb drive-by mainstream media or big media for short have already started to cover their asses (CYA) about not reporting about Barack Obama–the “creepy cult of personality” that we do not know.

Obama’s Cult of Personality


Jon Meacham, Evan Thomas

A conversation with Jon Meacham & Evan Thomas 



Brokaw and Rose Admit They Don’t Know Much About Obama.



Who Is Barack Obama? Who doesn’t Know?

Big media is slowly going into dump mode.

They are running scared.


Serves them right.

A narcissistic radical socialist diletante appears to be a fairly accurate description of President-elect Obama but rather long.



The first thing a man will do for his ideals is lie.

~Joseph A. Schumpeter, History of Economic Analysis , page 43.   


Jackie Mason ’08 Vlog 24 Obama’s Fraud


The Great Pretender


 Background Articles and Videos


Obama – Building a Religion


The cult of Obama and the Obama youth. remember history.


The Obama Youth


Return of the Creepy Obama Kids


Obama Youth – Junior Fraternity Regiment


Creepy Obama Music – From Acceptance Speech


MIND CONTROL MADE EASY! Become a Cult Leader Today!



Obama Kingmaker


 Undercover Marketing – The new Invasion of Body Snatchers


The Secret Side of David Axelrod

The Obama campaign’s chief strategist is a master of “Astroturfing” and has a second firm that shapes public opinion for corporations

“…From the same address in Chicago’s River North neighborhood, Axelrod operates a second business, ASK Public Strategies, that discreetly plots strategy and advertising campaigns for corporate clients to tilt public opinion their way. He and his partners consider virtually everything about ASK to be top secret, from its client roster and revenue to even the number of its employees. But customers and public records confirm that it has quarterbacked campaigns for the Chicago Children’s Museum, ComEd, Cablevision, and AT&T.

ASK’s predilection for operating in the shadows shows up in its work. On behalf of ComEd and Comcast, the firm helped set up front organizations that were listed as sponsors of public-issue ads. Industry insiders call such practices “Astroturfing,” a reference to manufacturing grassroots support. Alderman Brendan Reilly of the 42nd Ward, who has been battling the Children’s Museum’s relocation plans, describes ASK as “the gold standard in Astroturf organizing. This is an emerging industry, and ASK has made a name for itself in shaping public opinion and manufacturing public support.”  …”



‘The Top Ten Things that Creep Me Out About Obama’

Rick Moran

For your reading pleasure this morning, I thought I would include something of my own creation. A “Top Ten” of things that really creep me out about Obama.One must be careful when criticizing the messiah, for obvious reasons:

I know it is not politically correct to say that Obama “creeps me out.” That’s because immediately after uttering such blasphemy, our friends on the left would put me on the couch and matter of factly inform me that I am suffering from “The White American Disease” and recommend a torturous rehabilitation that would include watching 6 hours a day of “Blaxploitation” films and continuous viewings of Roots in order to inculcate the proper amount of white guilt and outrage directed against white males into my racist psyche.

But really, some of the stuff this guy pulls is really too much. Here’s just a sample:


9. It creeps me out that there are about twice as many women at Obama rallies as there are men. Now I am not of the Melvin Udall School of anti-feminist thought (when asked how he writes women so well, Udall responds “I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability”). But what is one to think when watching the reaction of females as Obama is speaking? I’m sorry, but it is hard to imagine a man covering their mouth, chest heaving, barely able to contain himself and then ooooohing and aaaaaahhing when the messiah says something particularly vapid and innocuous.Elvis, I can understand. But a politician?It’s as if “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” has come to life and the pods have been placed in every newsroom in America. It isn’t just Crissy Mathews and MSNBC. It’s news anchors at CNN, reporters for Time and Newsweek, editorial writers at WaPo and the New York Times. Big media is in the tank for this guy in a big way. They have thrown off all semblance of fairness (never mind objectivity) and just don’t care that people know they are in Obama’s corner. They can’t be shamed into changing. They evidently won’t be deflected from doing their best to elect Obama.

This kind of thing causes the hairs on the back of my neck to prick up – like walking through a graveyard at midnight. It is just plain creepy – no other word for it.
8. It creeps me out that the press seems hypnotized by this guy. Grown men and women blubbering like babes when talking about how exciting he is, how mesmerizing he is when he peaks. …”   



Obama’s post-racial promise

Barack Obama seduced whites with a vision of their racial innocence precisely to coerce them into acting out of a racial motivation.

“…Obama’s special charisma — since his famous 2004 convention speech — always came much more from the racial idealism he embodied than from his political ideas. In fact, this was his only true political originality. On the level of public policy, he was quite unremarkable. His economics were the redistributive axioms of old-fashioned Keynesianism; his social thought was recycled Great Society. But all this policy boilerplate was freshened up — given an air of “change” — by the dreamy post-racial and post-ideological kitsch he dressed it in.

This worked politically for Obama because it tapped into a deep longing in American life — the longing on the part of whites to escape the stigma of racism. In running for the presidency — and presenting himself to a majority white nation — Obama knew intuitively that he was dealing with a stigmatized people. He knew whites were stigmatized as being prejudiced, and that they hated this situation and literally longed for ways to disprove the stigma.

Obama is what I have called a “bargainer” — a black who says to whites, “I will never presume that you are racist if you will not hold my race against me.” Whites become enthralled with bargainers out of gratitude for the presumption of innocence they offer. Bargainers relieve their anxiety about being white and, for this gift of trust, bargainers are often rewarded with a kind of halo. …”



Ego and Mouth

By Thomas Sowell

“…The kind of self-righteous self-confidence that has become Obama’s trademark is usually found in sophomores in Ivy League colleges– very bright and articulate students, utterly untempered by experience in real world.

The signs of Barack Obama’s self-centered immaturity are painfully obvious, though ignored by true believers who have poured their hopes into him, and by the media who just want the symbolism and the ideology that Obama represents. …”

“…For someone who has actually accomplished nothing to blithely talk about taking away what has been earned by those who have accomplished something, and give it to whomever he chooses in the name of “spreading the wealth,” is the kind of casual arrogance that has led to many economic catastrophes in many countries.

The equally casual ease with which Barack Obama has talked about appointing judges on the basis of their empathies with various segments of the population makes a mockery of the very concept of law.

After this man has wrecked the economy and destroyed constitutional law with his judicial appointments, what can he do for an encore? He can cripple the military and gamble America’s future on his ability to sit down with enemy nations and talk them out of causing trouble. …”



The Real Obama

By Thomas Sowell

“…Despite his words today about “change” and “cleaning up the mess in Washington,” Obama was not on the side of reformers who were trying to change the status quo of corrupt, machine politics in Chicago and clean up the mess there. Obama came out in favor of the Daley machine and against reform candidates.

Senator Obama is running on an image that is directly the opposite of what he has been doing for two decades. His escapes from his past have been as remarkable as the great escapes of Houdini.

Why much of the public and the media have been so mesmerized by the words and the image of Obama, and so little interested in learning about the factual reality, was perhaps best explained by an official of the Democratic Party: “People don’t come to Obama for what he’s done, they come because of what they hope he can be.”

David Freddoso’s book should be read by those people who want to know what the facts are. But neither this book nor anything else is likely to change the minds of Obama’s true believers, who have made up their minds and don’t want to be confused by the facts. …”


The Real Obama: Part II

“…Sex education for kindergartners is just one of many issues on which Barack Obama has lined up consistently on the side of arrogant elitists of the far left. Senator Obama’s words often sound very reasonable and moderate, as well as lofty and inspiring. But everything that he has actually done over the years places him unmistakably with the extreme left elitists.

Sadly, many of those who are enchanted by his rhetoric are unlikely to check out the facts. But nothing is a more real or more important issue than whether what a candidate says is the direct opposite of what he has actually been doing for years.

The old phrase, “a man of high ideals but no principles,” is one that applies all too painfully to Barack Obama today. His words expressing lofty ideals may appeal to the gullible but his long history of having no principles makes him a danger of the first magnitude in the White House. …”


The Real Obama: Part III

“…In his book “Dreams from My Father,” Obama said candidly that black teachers and administrators “defend the status quo with the same skill and vigor as their white counterparts of two decades before.”

It is not a question of Obama’s not knowing. He has demonstrated conclusively that he knows what is going on.

But, for all his eloquent words, he has voted consistently for the teachers’ unions and the status quo.

“I owe those unions,” he has said frankly. “When their leaders call, I do my best to call them back right away. I don’t consider this corrupting in any way.”

Only other politicians’ special interests are called “special interests” by Barack Obama, whose world-class ability to rationalize is his most frightening skill. …”


The Real Obama: Part IV

“…In the world of rhetoric– the world in which Obama is supreme– he is a moderate, reasonable man, reaching out to unite people and parties, dedicated to reform, opposed to special interests and a healer of the racial divide.

It is only in the real world of action that Barack Obama is the direct opposite. He has pushed for federal subsidies for ethanol, for example, as other Midwestern Senators have, since a lot of corn is grown in the Midwest to be turned into ethanol.

He is 100 percent behind the teachers’ unions in their fight to preserve their grip on the public schools and exempt their members from being judged by performance instead of seniority– which is to say, he is throwing the students, and especially minority students– to the wolves.

Senator Obama would never call voting for ethanol subsidies a vote for “special interests,” any more than he called his total support of the teachers unions a matter of special interests, even though teachers unions are the biggest obstacle to changing the status quo in public schools that have failed American children in general and minority children in particular.

Barack Obama’s track record on so-called “real issues” is no better than his track record on issues of character and judgment. The media’s track record of conveying the facts to the public is a travesty of their claims about “the public’s right to know.” …”



Narcissistic Personality Disorder

“Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the diagnostic classification system used in the United States, as “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.” [1]

The narcissist is described as turning inward for gratification rather than depending on others and as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power and prestige.[2] Narcissistic personality disorder is closely linked to self-centeredness. …”



Barack Obama: The Radical New Party Socialist, With Evidence (Updated)

“…Some interesting information has surfaced today which cements what many of us already suspected about Barack Obama. For starters, Obama hasn’t always been a loyal member of the Democratic Party, and new information out now shows quite the contrary.

In 1996, during his Illinois state senate run, Barack Obama was a member of a radical socialist organization called the Chicago New Party, a group of hardcore left-wing socialists bent on infiltrating the Democratic Party with their ultra-socialist candidates.

One of their newest, most promising candidates in 1996 was none other than the now well-known Barack Obama, currently running for President of the United States of America.

These claims aren’t baseless or even a stretch, rather there are many direct links between Obama and these radical factions which I will explore below. First though, a little background on the Chicago New Party and the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America. …”


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