Two Worlds–Two Peoples–Independence, Integrity and Individualism vs. Dependence, Deception and Despotism–Which Side Are You On?

Posted on July 16, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Demographics, Economics, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, history, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Medicine, People, Philosophy, Politics, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

 “There is an inverse relationship between reliance on the state and self-reliance.”

~William F. Buckley, Jr.


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“There is sublime thieving in all giving. Someone gives us all he has and we are his.”

~Eric Hoffer

Albert Jay Nock–Our Enemy, The State–Videos

Background Articles and Videos

Van Jones

The Manchurian President


 The Machurian President: Obama & Radical Relationships EXPOSED!! Aerin Klein & Michael Savage



The book uncovers a far-leftist, anti-American nexus that has been instrumental in not only helping build Obama’s political career but in securing his presidency. Klein details with shocking precision how this nexus continues to influence Obama and the White House and is involved in drafting policy aimed at reshaping our country. 

Highlights of The Manchurian President

*Obama’s mysterious college years unearthed 

*Shocking details of Obama’s relationship with Bill Ayers and other Weathermen terrorists 

*Obama’s ties to Islam and black liberation theology 

*Startling facts about Obama’s eligibility to serve as president 

*Obama’s membership in a socialist party probed 

*How Obama’s “hope,” “change” slogans stem from communist activism 

*Radical socalists involved in drafting stimulus bill, ObamaCare 

*Communists, socialists and other radicals on team Obama, including an expose on Obama’s top guns in the White House 

*Never-before-revealed depth of Obama’s relationship with ACORN …”  

By Aaron Klein with Brenda J. Elliott

“…From that you would not have known, and in fact may be learning for the first time, thanks to the authors, the following:

That Mr. Jones was a leader and founder of a communist revolutionary organization, STORM, describing itself as having “a commitment to the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism.”

That Mr. Jones had said he “spent the next years of my life [the ’90s] working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary.”

That Mr. Jones had boasted to an interviewer that his current environmentalism was really a means to fight for a redistribution of wealth – or “class justice,” as he worded it. This would tend to legitimize the likening of the “environmental” movement (or “global-warming” hype) to a watermelon: green on the outside, red in the inside.

Nor would you have known that Mr. Jones “reportedly was screened by a top Obama adviser,” and (again if you relied on the establishment media) you most certainly would not have known that “crucially, Jones is just one of scores of radical White House officials with agendas that may be far different from what they are made to appear.”

That wording typifies Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott’s care not to overstate their case, apparently believing it is better to go in the reverse direction and understate it. For, as the book’s title proclaims, Barack Obama has been guided and educated and has immersed himself in the company and causes of communists, socialists, Islamist radicals and bomb-throwers (literal and otherwise) far beyond anything previously imagined of a president of the United States. And that caliber of activist has followed him into the White House.  …”

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