Katie Couric Wins Walter Cronkite Award for Sarah Palin Attack Interview! Next: Retirement or Obama Press Secretary?

Posted on April 14, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Employment, Immigration, Law, Links, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Religion, Resources, Talk Radio, Taxes, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |


A New Low Point for the Media: Couric Wins Award for Outrageously Biased Palin Interview!

The conservative right in America loves Governor Sarah Palin.

The liberal left in America hates Governor Sarah Palin.

The liberal left knows that Sarah Palin was connecting with the American people in her many campaign appearances

The big media went on a full court press to find anything to damage her, whether true or false.

The big media refused to do the same with Barack Obama, their Presidential candidate.

Any doubts remaining that the pump and dump drive-by media were solidly behind Barack Obama were put to rest when Katie Couric interviewed Sarah Palin.


Sarah Palin CBS Interview (Katie Couric)


Katie Couric Sarah Palin Interview Part II


Late Show – Katie Couric Post-Palin


Governor Palin expressed her views on big media and the Katie Couric interview:


Sarah Palin Unplugged on the Media


Kate Couric is no Sarah Palin.

Governor Palin will be back in 2012, most likely as the Vice-President  candidate and next time she will bury them.

Given Couric’s low ratings, I doubt Couric will be interviewing Governor Palin in 2012.

While Couric will be receiving the award on April 15, 2009, millions of Americans will be holding grassroot organized Tea Parties in hundreds of cities protesting President Obama’s and the Democratic Party’s fiscally irresponsible stimulus packages, deficit busting budgets and increased taxes such as the new cap and trade carbon tax.

Will CBS cover the American people’s Tea Parties or the Katie Couric award ceremony?


Time to join the Second American Revolution and rally at a Tax Day Tea Party in your community on April 15, 2009:


Second American Revolution–Tea Party Celebrations–Washington Fair–July 4, 2009–An Open Invitation To The American People

American People’s Plan = 6 Month Tax Holiday + FairTax = Real Hope + Real Change!–Millions To March On Washington D.C. Saturday, July 4, 2009! 




Will the conservatives’ love affair with Governor Palin continue?

You betcha.


Governor Sarah Palin’s Address To The 2009 Special Olympics In Boise, Idaho








Commencement — Columbia School of Journalism


Background Articles and Videos



Couric Wins Walter Cronkite Award

“…Evening News anchor Katie Couric was honored for her “extraordinary, persistent and detailed multi-part interviews with Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin” which judges called a “defining moment in the 2008 presidential campaign.”

She was given the award for Special Achievement for National Impact on the 2008 Campaign.

The award was given by Reliable Resources, a group run out of the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center at the University of Southern California. It’s mission statement says “Reliable Resources was created to help generate conversation and ideas on improving broadcast political coverage. Broadcast news, network and local, has declined significantly as a primary source for campaign news. Our project seeks to design and distribute tools which would make political news enlightening, informative and exciting to local and network broadcasters.”  …”


MYTH: CBS Evening News with Katie Couric’s ratings have greatly improved

by Robert Seidman

“… don’t follow the television news game that much. I almost never watch television news, broadcast or cable. But I eyeball the numbers. I keep reading about how the ratings are so much better these days for the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. First I read Tom Shales slobbering all over Ms. Couric in the Washington Post, and then today I even saw our friends at TV Newser write a piece about Couric that mentioned ratings and said, But recently the ratings have greatly improved.

I scratched my head and thought, “huh? Really? WTF!?” because my basic regular eyeballing of the broadcast news standings is that CBS is still mired in last place and that from that basic scanning things didn’t seem a whole lot different than they ever were.

I understand about Couric being a media darling. A lot of people loved her treatment of Sarah Palin, and hey, I too think she’s much cuter than Brian Williams. But it seems like Williams is the one who should be getting all the love.

Broadcast news ratings got some recent boost from the election and inaugural week, and in the first week post-inauguration has held some of it. But I wondered how that compared with the same period one year ago. So I looked it up . It’s only the smallest of slices to examine, but I think no matter how you examine it, there’s not really any case for saying Couric’s ratings have greatly improved.

What it seems to indicate is that things are up year over year for NBC and CBS. But in terms of the 25-54 demographic that news shows ads are sold based on, it’s up at NBC 5X what it is at CBS. CBS went up a tenth of a ratings point year over year while NBC was up half a ratings point (.5) among 25-54 year olds.

The Rise And Fall Of Katie Couric





Katie Couric is reportedly close to being pushed off the anchor chair at the CBS Evening News after less than two years. Resented by coworkers and aging viewers, regretted by the executives paying her exorbitant salary and ignored by the younger people she was hired to attract, Couric must sometimes miss the days when she was a perky, fearless anchor key to making Today the most profitable program in television history. Back then, the New Yorker called the anchor America’s “imaginary friend” while others admired her interviews as surprisingly tough (she once asked Pat Buchanan, “Are you trying to drive the President crazy, or are you just on a big ego trip?”) How did America come to hate “America’s Sweetheart?”


At the Evening News, Couric is swimming against the tide of history. Old-aged viewers don’t like change, and young viewers cannot be lured in to a national news broadcast because they’re too busy reading their news online and watching the Daily Show. In fact, the only significant credit Couric has gotten for connecting with young people is when she was in the gossip columns for dating a man 16 years her junior. …”


Liberal CBS News anchor Katie Couric wins award named for liberal CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite.

“…Katie Couric may never win the ratings, but who cares? She just took home a coveted Cronkite Award (which we assume is called a “Wally” by TV insiders).

Couric’s Wally was presented for “her revealing, multi-part interview of Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.”

The Wallies are awarded twice each year by the USC Annenberg School for Communication. They are named in honor of Walter Cronkite, once known as “the most trusted man in America.” …”




Palin’s Popularity Soars in Alaska

“…Alaskans aren’t fazed much by the ongoing Sarah Palin-bashing taking place in the Lower 48 — a new poll indicates the governor’s popularity remains sky high among voters in her home state.

Anchorage-based pollster Hays Research Group says its March survey shows 61.3 percent — nearly two out of every three Alaskans — feel either “very positive” or “positive” about Gov. Palin.

Palin triggers a negative reaction from about one-third of Alaskans, however. The poll found some 32.7 percent of Alaskans rate Palin as either “somewhat negative” (12.5 percent) or “very negative” (20.2 percent).

Only 6 percent are undecided about her, suggesting that the GOP governor tends to evoke strong feelings one way or the other. The poll of 400 Alaskans has an error margin of plus or minus 4.9 percent.

Anchorage pollster Ivan Moore reported similar results in January. His survey showed Palin’s favorability rating at 63 percent.  …”


Tea Party update: Revolution is brewing

By Michelle Malkin  

“…Eric Odom reports that there are now 115 cities signed up for the April 15 nationwide Tax Day Tea Party protest. Wow. If you haven’t signed up, want to start your own, and are looking to meet up and organize with other tax revolters, go to Tax Day Tea Party’s website here.

Here’s a quick how-to guide.

  1. dontgo has opened up a Tax Day Tea Party store. Buy some swag, share with friends, spread the word.

Stay tuned to the Fresh Tea blog, where you can meet organizers from across the country. Check in with TCOT Report and Smart Girl Politics for more grass-roots organizing.

(On a parallel track, fellow Fox News colleague Glenn Beck has spearheaded “We Surround Them” parties scheduled across the country today. I’m hearing from lots of first-time activists who have found overlapping networks. The same principles that unite the “We Surround Them” effort also are in sync with the tax revolters. Synergy is good. We need every body and mind in motion we can get.)

In the meantime, other local Tea Party events keep rolling on.

  • Reader Stan e-mails photos from Columbia, MO’s protest today: …” 



Tea Party progress report

By Michelle Malkin  


Just 15 days until the Tax Day Tea Party protest! 300 cities and counting.

Your places for all the latest planning developments, as always:

Tax Day Tea Party

TCOT Report


Smart Girl Politics

Check out the full list of TDTP sponsors and supporting organizations here.

Get some Tax Day Tea Party gear here. (Just ordered the iTeaParty t-shirt.)

And track #teaparty tweeters here.




No duh! White House “worried about bailout backlash”

By Michelle Malkin  

“…With a few notable exceptions, the national media has ignored the tax revolt movement against the porkulus package, omni-pork spending bill, and bottomless bailouts that began in Seattle on President’s Day; continued in Denver on the day of the Generational Theft Act signing; spread to Mesa AZ during President Obama’s massive mortgage entitlement push; spurred protest in Overland Park KS; and evolved into the Tea Party movement across the country.

But local politicians and local newspapers/TV are definitely on notice. Thousands of folks converging in places like St. Louis (1,500), Greenville (2,000), Fullerton (est. 15,000), and Cincinnati (5,000) are getting harder to ignore.

And now, it seems, word is getting around in Washington. The White House, the NYTimes (which has mocked the tax revolters) tells us, is worried about a populist backlash against bailout-mania. Naw. Really? You don’t say: …”




Huge: Thousands converge for Cincinnati Tea Party; Update: 5k strong

By Michelle Malkin  

“…The Cincinnati Tea Party organizers told us it was going to be big. And it was. Organizer J. Binik-Thomas e-mails this evening that 5,000 folks turned out for the protest and more than 1,600 people signed a petition to ask local governments to reject porkulus funding.

Check out photos at Instapundit, including this aerial:

What are you doing? Go to Tax Day Tea Party and get moving!

Eric Cranley live-tweeted. A sample:

A friend of mine brought his 5 year old son, holding a sign saying, “Even a 5 year old knows socialism is stealing” #teaparty
about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry

Good sign: “Tar. Feathers. Washington. Now.” #teaparty
about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry

“My recommendation is that people look no further than the halls of Congress to find the stench of pork” #teaparty

Unlike the Los Angeles Times, the Cincinnati Enquirer actually covered the tax revolters without trashing them: …”



Tea Party on: Taxpayer revolts in Green Bay, Lafayette, Olathe, and Harrisburg; Plus: Live from Fullerton CA… “Recall the Taxinator!;” Arnie videotapes/DVDs smashes/shredded

By Michelle Malkin

“…The tax-paying rebels are not going away.

In Green Bay, Wisconsin, today an estimated 500 protesters gathered for a Tea Party at Titletown Brewing. Reader David has more at Pork Revolution:



Tea Party USA Watch: Taxpayers coming together

By Michelle Malkin

(Photoshop credit: Leo Alberti)

“…Tons of groups and individuals are stepping up to the plate in the wake of last week’s anti-stimulus/anti-entitlement protests and the call for a nationwide Tea Party.

PJTV’s clearinghouse for protests is here.

The New American Tea Party page from “a coalition of citizens and organizations concerned about the recent trend of fiscal recklessness in government…dedicated to the Washington, D.C. effort specifically sponsored by the American Spectator, the Heartland Institute, Americans for Tax Reform, the National Taxpayers Union, Americans for Prosperity, and the Young Conservatives Coalition” is here.

The #TCOT folks have a site here and #dontgo has a list of links to official Facebook Event (and some non-Facebook) pages for each confirmed Chicago Tea Party. …”


“An act of generational theft;” Update: Ugh. Not another Gang of 14! Update Corker’s office clarifies

By Michelle Malkin


“…Here are two staunch conservatives in the Senate who are looking out for you.

U.S. Sens. Jim Inhofe and Tom Coburn weighed in Thursday against a massive package of spending and tax cuts designed to stimulate the economy.

Joining a group of fellow Republican senators, the two Oklahomans questioned whether many of the areas funded in the $800 billion-plus measure would actually end up providing a much-needed economic boost.

“We know what works,” Inhofe said, citing previous packages that succeeded.

He repeated his previous comments of disappointment that spending on infrastructure projects such as highways is not a bigger percentage of the bill.

Citing the package’s historic price tag, Inhofe said that each of the 3 million to 4 million jobs expected to be created would cost about $295,000.

Coburn also said spending on certain areas would help but predicted 80 percent of the money in the bill would not stimulate the economy.

“This is about spending money we don’t have for things we don’t need,” he said.

Coburn said cities across Oklahoma have prepared their own lists of projects they hope to get funded.

“Everybody wants their share,” he said.

Future generations will be denied wealth, Coburn said, if the bill passes.

“This bill is a generational theft bill,” he said.  …”


From the Boston Tea Party to your neighborhood pork protest

By Michelle Malkin

“…In Schmucky Schumer’s world, these American taxpayers don’t exist. A big crowd of them gathered in Seattle this afternoon to raise their voices in opposition to the trillion-dollar, pork-filled Generational Theft Act of 2009 — which will be signed into law by the blind President “There are no no earmarks” Obama. Thanks to Zac Petersen for the photos. It took just one person — blogger Liberty Belle — to get the ball rolling. She writes: “Make no mistake, the President will be signing that bill tomorrow, I have no illusions that he will actually listen to us. BUT, maybe, just maybe we can start a movement that will snowball across the nation and get people out of their homes, meeting each other and working together to redirect this country towards its truly radical founding principles of individual liberty and freedom. Maybe people will wake up slowly at first, and then quickly when they realize the urgency needed.”



The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

“…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. …”



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