Archive for August 30th, 2011

Ron Paul Gaining Momentum–Videos

Posted on August 30, 2011. Filed under: American History, Banking, Blogroll, Business, Communications, Crime, Culture, Demographics, Diasters, Economics, Education, Energy, Farming, Federal Government, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, history, Inflation, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Microeconomics, Monetary Policy, Money, Natural Gas, Nuclear, Nuclear Power, Oil, People, Philosophy, Politics, Raves, Security, Strategy, Taxes, Technology, Unemployment, War, Wealth, Weapons, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Ron Paul Slams FEMA & Explains Austrian Economics

Ron Paul on CNBC 08/30/11

Ron Paul: Bernanke Keeps Printing Money


Full Interview: Ron Paul on 2012, Media Blackout, Moneybomb, Income Tax, Libya & Perry


Ron Paul’s 1st Day in the White House: What Will He Do?

Ron Paul on US Foreign Policy and Relationship with Gaddafi

Ron Paul Can’t Get Any Respect


“…Texas Congressman Ron Paul is running within
2 points
of Barack Obama in this week’s Gallup poll. In a Rasmussen survey,
he trails by 1  point. He’s rising against his primary rivals and raking in money, netting
$1.8 million in a trademark “money bomb” last weekend to mark his 76th birthday.
And yet, as I write in a story for the Sept. 5 issue of TIME (available to subscribers on tablets and the Web), his
candidacy isn’t earning plaudits from the pundit class, whose virtual coverage
blackout of Paul’s second-place finish in the straw poll in Ames, Iowa, prompted
Jon Stewart to wonder why the media was treating Paul’s campaign like “the 13th
floor of a hotel.”

On the campaign trail in New Hampshire, Paul harvests these slights as fuel
for his revolution. “The media coverage on Sunday morning was less than perfect
for us,” he told the crowd last week at the opening of his campaign headquarters
in Concord, griping about how he was stonewalled from speaking slots on morning
news shows after the straw poll. “But you know what? In this day and age, they
just aren’t as relevant as they think they are.” The Rodney Dangerfield routine
is a crowd pleaser; the media makes a reliable target. And in some ways, he has
a valid complaint.

Read more:

TIME Magazine Pens Five Page Spread To Convince America Ron Paul Can’t Win

Writer states “Paul isn’t really running for  President, at least not entirely.”

Steve Watson

“…So Paul’s ideas do not resonate? One commenter puts Altman’s  claims into perspective:

Ron Paul can’t win because he appeals to traditional  conservatives who believe in small government, to leftists who believe in  personal liberty, to ‘blue’ democrats who believe Obama has betrayed the party,  to independents who voted for Obama but are disgusted with the Hopey-Changy that  never happened, by gays who don’t want government dictating marriage rules, by  straights who don’t want to be forced to live by a ‘gay agenda’. Gee…left,  right, young, old, conservative, liberal, gay, straight…with all that support,  he doesn’t have a chance!

Altman then takes a leap into Orwellian territory by  suggesting that “Paul isn’t really running for President, at least not  entirely.”

Last time I checked, Paul was placed third in  Gallup’s national presidential preference poll, and is running at an almost dead  heat with Obama in the popularity stakes.

It has been an average week as far as Ron Paul appearances on  the news networks are concerned. He’s been on CNN a couple of times, Fox News a  couple of times and appeared on CNBC also. There have also been more print media  stories this week, primarily, and rather paradoxically, reporting the fact that  the media is not covering Ron Paul.

So the fact is that Ron Paul is no longer being completely  ignored by the media. However, as Time has made it all too obvious, he is still  being marginalized and ridiculed.

When the time is right for them, the media will simply ignore  Paul again – this is the stark reality that the Congressman’s campaign and his  followers have to deal with and overcome. …”

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