Archive for August 15th, 2011

2011 Iowa Straw Poll: Bachmann knocks off Pawlenty, Paul builds momentum, Perry crashes party—Show me the money!–Videos

Posted on August 15, 2011. Filed under: Banking, Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, Immigration, Investments, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Microeconomics, Monetary Policy, Money, People, Philosophy, Politics, Raves, Talk Radio, Uncategorized, War, Wealth, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Ron Paul Speech at the Iowa Straw Poll – 2011 Ron Paul Comes in SECOND PLACE!!

Iowa Straw Poll results

Gov. Perry Announces Presidential Bid

Texas Gov. Rick Perry Announces His Candidacy for President of the United States

Bachmann wins Iowa poll, Pawlenty drops out

MSNBC Gov. Tim Pawlenty is quitting the presidential race

The straw poll conducted by the Iowan Republican Party in Ames, Iowa Aug. 13 was the first real political test of the candidates. The poll is an early indicator of which candidates are both well organized and can attract campaign contributions from their supporters.

Minnesotan Congresswoman Michele Bachmann won the 2011 Ames, Iowa straw poll on Aug. 13 with 4,823 votes. She was followed closely by Texas Congressman Ron Paul with 4,671 votes, a gap of only 162 votes. Bachmann and Paul combined received more than 60 percent of the 16,892 total votes cast.

Lagging far behind in 3rd place was former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty with 2,293 votes and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum with 1,657 votes. Atlanta businessman and former talk radio show host Herman Cain received 1,456 votes, for a strong 5th place finish without spending a penny for radio or television advertising.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, the Republican establishment front-runner candidate, received 567 votes with a 6th place finish. Former Speaker of The House of Representatives Newt Gingrich finished 7th and received 385 votes.

Texas Governor Rick Perry officially announced his candidacy for presidency of the United States in a speech in Charleston, South Carolina on Aug. 13. Perry promised that “I’ll work every day to try to make Washington, D.C. as inconsequential in your life as I can.” and unveiled the tag-line for his campaign, “It is time to get America working again”. Perry then flew off to Waterloo, Iowa on Aug. 14 and crashed the Republican Party Black Hawk County’s Lincoln Day dinner and fundraiser, where he and Bachmann were invited speakers.

Pawlenty announced on Aug.14 that he was dropping out of the race due to his 3rd place finish in the Iowa straw poll and his performance in the debates. Perry’s entry into the race was also a factor.

I am still supporting Paul as the presidential candidate and Bachmann as the vice-president candidate who would unite the fiscally responsible libertarian and social conservative wings of the Republican Party and Tea Party movement.

I consider both Romney and Perry to be closet progressives or RINOS (Republican In Name Only) with Perry also supporting a neoconservative interventionist foreign policy. Neither Romney nor Perry is up to the job of aggressively cutting the size and scope of the federal government, which would require closing 8 to 10 federal departments, cutting defense spending upwards of 25 percent, cutting entitlement spending (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and welfare programs) and comprehensive tax reform–The FairTax.

Paul is the one candidate that truly believes in a limited constitutional republic with balanced budgets and a non-interventionist foreign policy by bringing the troops home, cutting unnecessary defense spending and ending foreign aid. His long voting record in Congress clearly demonstrates this. Paul is the only peace and prosperity candidate of either political party.

While the American people may believe and trust Paul, it is still not clear they will support him. The real question is, will the American people send him enough money to enable him to run against the Republican establishment candidates, Romney and Perry.

Who will win the Republican Party nomination for president in 2012? Which candidates will bring in the most money and use it wisely by building a well-organized campaign with a clear and concise message? Both Romney and Perry are capable of bringing in big Republican establishment money, especially from the military industrial complex and the petroleum industry.

“Show me the money” will be one of the tests all candidates must meet to remain viable. Money is required to pay for television and radio ads both in the primaries and the general election. Without money or campaign contributions, the majority of the American people who do not follow politics simply won’t be familiar enough with the candidates or their position on the issues.

What is interesting to note is Paul leads all the other candidates for president, including Barack Obama by a large margin in terms of campaign contributions from active duty military. It remains to be seen whether he and Bachmann can consistently bring in enough money from the American people. If they cannot, then either Republican Party establishment candidates, Romney or Perry, should win the presidency in 2012.

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