Archive for August 16th, 2011

Beyond Top Tier–First In The Hearts and Minds Of The American People and Founding Fathers–The One–Ron Paul–Restoring Liberty, Peace and Prosperity–Videos

Posted on August 16, 2011. Filed under: Agriculture, American History, Banking, Blogroll, Business, Communications, Demographics, Economics, Employment, Farming, Federal Government, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, history, Homes, Immigration, Inflation, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, Microeconomics, Money, People, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Public Sector, Rants, Raves, Taxes, Technology, Unions, Video, War, Wealth, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Jon Stewart: Why Is the Media Ignoring Ron Paul?

Corporate Media Attempts to Marginalize Ron Paul by Ignoring Him

Ron Paul on Neil Cavuto: From Ames Iowa Straw Poll, Great Interview!

Iowa Straw Poll results – Ron Paul 2012 off to great start!

Ron Paul Ad – THE ONE.

Ron Paul to Congress: If Debt Is the Problem, Why Do You Want More of It?

Kristine Frazao from Ames, Iowa

Official: Ron Paul is choice of troops

Glenn Beck Unofficially Endorses Ron Paul For President In 2012

Ron Paul: A New Hope

Don’t tread on me

Ron Paul: I Can Win in 2012

Ron Paul : Were NOT Threatened Militarily By ANY Country AT ALL! (Part 1/2)

Ron Paul : Were NOT Threatened Militarily By ANY Country AT ALL! (Part 2/2)

More and more American are noticing that the so-called mainstream media are intentionally ignoring Ron Paul.

The political establishment of both parties are running scared of Ron Paul and the word has gone out to either ignore or marginalize Ron Paul.

How scared?

Rush Limbaugh stated today on his radio show that Ron Paul is not a Republican.


SA@TAC – The Great Neo-Con: Libertarianism Isn’t ‘Conservative’

SA@TAC – End All Foreign Aid

Next Rush will be telling us Barry Goldwater was not a Republican and Bill Buckley was a Progressive.

Rush is losing it.

Seems that Rush, Mark and Sean are closet neoconservatives when it comes to Israel and go nuts when either Ron Paul or Rand Paul propose doing away with all foreign aid including that going to Israel.

Both Rush and Levin are disappointing me.

The United States can no longer spend 2 percent of the Federal Budget on foreign aid including foreign aid to Israel.

The majority of the American people want to eliminate all foreign aid and withdraw from the United Nations.

The majority of the American people want to bring all the troops home.

The majority of the American people want defense spending to be cut.

Live with it.

Background Articles and Videos

The Amazingly Accurate Predictions of Ron Paul

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