Archive for March 18th, 2010

Tea Party Time–American People March On Congress Saturday and Sunday March 20-21, 2010!–Kill The Bill–Vote No!

Posted on March 18, 2010. Filed under: Babies, Blogroll, Communications, Culture, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, Health Care, history, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Medicine, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Taxes, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |


“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

~Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

“We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
~Attributed to Benjamin Franklin at the signing of
The Declaration of Independence


Qik – Michelle Bachmann – Code Red Rally by Jason Hoyt

 Michele Bachmann “We Can Kill It! WE CAN KILL IT!”

FREEDOM FLOOD D.C.! March 20, 2010 Code Red Rally, NO “Obamacare”!


Dems Push to Pass Health Bill

Glenn Beck – 03-18-10-A

Glenn Beck – 03-18-10-B

Glenn Beck – 03-18-10-C

Glenn Beck – 03-18-10-D


The time is now for the American people to get in their cars and trucks and come to Washington D.C. this Saturday and Sunday in the millions to stop the political tyranny of the progressive radical socialists of both political parties.

The goal is three million plus.

Ring the alarm.

Spread the word.

Form car polls.

Take a friend and neighbor to Washington D.C. with your family.

Bring one of the 30 million Americans looking for a full time job.

This is a grassroots movement of concerned American citizens.

Stop the red brigades of progressive radical socialists.

Otherwise, Obama Care or socialize medicine will pass.

The life you save may be your own.

Next on the progressive radical socialist agenda is amnesty and health care for illegal aliens, also known as comprehensive immigration reform.

If you doubt this, guess who is coming to Washington D.C. Sunday?

Illegal aliens demanding both amnesty and once they get it, health care as well.

Heads Up American Citizens–Illegal Aliens Marching for Amnesty For Illegals in Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21, 2010–We The People Tea Party Counter March Planned–Be There with American Flags Flying! 

Preserve, protect and defend the United States Constitution and the American Republic by marching in Washington D.C. on both Saturday and Sunday, March 20 and 21, 2010 at the Mother of All Tea Parties!

Join The Second American Revolution.

Make History not Socialized Medicine! 

Bring your cameras and video camcorders to document the millions marching.

If you do not march, the progressive radical socialists will win:

Obama on single payer health insurance

SHOCK UNCOVERED: Obama IN HIS OWN WORDS saying His Health Care Plan will ELIMINATE private insurance

Obama SEIU’s Agenda is My Agenda

Meet President Obama’s Most Frequent Visitor ANDY STERN SEIU THUG COMMUNIST FAN

Andy Stern’s Healthcare Pledge

We the American people must fight back to keep and win our freedom:

Any Given Sunday – Peace by Inches – Pacino

John Adams. Liberty will reign.

JOHN ADAMS-Declaration of Independence-Drafting in 1776


John Adams – Declaration of Independence

The Meaning of Independence Day

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

~Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence


Benjamin Franklin was right when asked what type of government do we have:

Outside Independence Hall when the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”


Background Articles and Videos

Rush Limbaugh – Call Congress 3/19/10

Day of defiance: Nationwide protests as Slaughter House rushes through Demcare

By Michelle Malkin  •  March 20, 2010

“…Nancy Pelosi’s Slaughter House convenes at 9am. The chaplain opened with a prayer that had this line: “Shield us with your Holy Spirit, Lord…and drive away all that is evil.”

Amen to that.

On the West Lawn of the Capitol, Tea Party protesters and health care takeover opponents meet at high noon to raise their voices against the rotten policy and rotten process that has led us to this foul moment.

Americans will also gather at demonstrations nationwide to show their disgust and disapproval of the corruption, coercion, and Constitution-butchering.

I’ll post as many reader notices, photos, etc. from across the country as I can. Kicking off the rundown: …”

Medical Revolt Over Obamacare?

States Too Broke for Obama-Care?

Ron Paul: Great Health Care Interview With CNN John King

Ronald Reagan speaks out on Socialized Medicine – Audio

Milton Friedman – Socialized Medicine

Milton Friedman – Healthcare, 3rd Party Payer

Thomas Sowell – Obama’s Health Care Reform

Williams with Sowell – Government-Run Health Care

IWV discusses Health Care Poll on Fox News

 Americans Oppose Health-Care Reform

Bret Baier Interviews Obama Part 1/2

Bret Baier Interviews Obama Part 2/2

Dr. Tom Coburn (R-OK) Delivers Weekly Republican Address on Health Care


Related Posts On Pronk Palisades

Obama Con–Lord of The Lies–Progressive Radical Socialist–Videos

Saul Alinsky

This Joker Is A Lost Cause: Keeping President Obama Honest on Health Care–Let’s But A Smile On That Face–Staying Alive

Voters Beware: The Radical Rules of Saul Alinsky and Leftist Democrats

Cloward Piven

The Cloward-Piven Strategy Of The Progressive Radical Socialists: Wrecking The U.S. Economy By Massive Government Dependence, Spending, Deficits, Debts, Taxes And Regulations!

Cloward Piven Strategy–The Crisis Strategy Of Barack Obama

President Obama’s Cloward-Piven Strategy of Controlled Crisis Creation Crippling Capitalism–Coup D-Etat On America

Services Employee International Union (SEIU)

American Citizens Want Jobs and Criminal Alien Removal, Not Criminal Alien Census and Health Care!

Public Option = Government Option = Pathway to Single Payer = Single Payer = Socialized Medicine = Blue Pill = Poison Pill

The American People Confront Obama’s Red Shirts (ACORN) and Purple Shirts (SEIU)–Bullhorns and Beatings Over Obama Care!

Obama’s Marching Orders For His Red Shirts (ACORN), Purple Shirts (SEIU) and Black Shirts (New Panther Party)–Progressive Radical Socialists

Health Care

Obama’s Big Whopper–”The largest deficit reduction plan in a decade.”–Delusional Deceitful Democrats–Massive Tax Increases and Economy Wrecker–Health Care Bill If Passed Is Unconstitutional!

Senator Coburn Educates The Educated Fools aka Progressive Radical Socialists Who Cannot Write, Read, Or Understand The Health Care Bill or Competitive Markets!

Senator Coburn Educates The Educated Fools aka Progressive Radical Socialists Who Cannot Write, Read, Or Understand The Health Care Bill or Competitive Markets!

Senator Tom Coburn Makes The Progressive Radical Socialists Read Their Socialized Medicine Amendment to Health Care Bill!–Three Cheers–Kill The Bill!

Progressive Radical Socialist Health Care Plan Written In Prison By Convicted ACORN Felon Richard Creamer!

Obama’s Trick On The American People: Health Insurance Reform=Huge Hikes in Taxes and Premiums for Health Insurance and Massive Medicare Funding and Payment Reimbursement Cuts–Congressional Coercion–It’s Alive!

Second Opinion: Doctors Speak Up On Proposed Health Care Reform–And A Third Texas Opinion!–Videos

American Citizens Want Jobs and Criminal Alien Removal, Not Criminal Alien Census and Health Care!

Illegal Aliens Can Buy Health Insurance Plans–No ID Needed:–Demand Criminal Alien Removal and Deportation!

Congressman Paul Ryan–Townhall Meeting–Health Care Reform and The Patients Choice Act–Videos

The Arrogance of President Obama: Hectoring Habitual Liar

Broom Budget Busting Bums: Replace The Entire Congress–Tea Party Express and Patriots–United We Stand!

Public Option = Government Option = Pathway to Single Payer = Single Payer = Socialized Medicine = Blue Pill = Poison Pill

Obama: First We Kill The Babies, Then We Kill The Elderly, Then We Kill The Veterans–Your Life, Your Choices–Your Time Is Up!

This Joker Is A Lost Cause: Keeping President Obama Honest on Health Care–Let’s But A Smile On That Face–Staying Alive

Fact 1. Federal Government Health Insurance Is Compulsory–Kill The Bill–H.R. 3200

Patient Empowerment: Health Savings Accounts–High Deductible Catastrophic Health Insurance–Affordable, Portable, Fair, Individual Health Care Plan–Consumer Driven Health Care Reform!

The Dangers Of A Single Payer Health Care System: Ronald Reagan On Socialized Medicine and Friedrich A. Hayek On State Monopoly

The American People Believe The Government Public Option Plan Is The Path To The Single Payer Government Plan–Socialized Medicine–Obama Caught Lying To The American People!

The American People Confront Obama’s Red Shirts (ACORN) and Purple Shirts (SEIU)–Bullhorns and Beatings Over Obama Care!

The Obama Depression Has Arrived: 15,000,000 to 25,000,000 Unemployed Americans–Stimulus Package and Bailouts A Failure–400,000 Leave Labor Force In July!

Obama’s Marching Orders For His Red Shirts (ACORN), Purple Shirts (SEIU) and Black Shirts (New Panther Party)–Progressive Radical Socialists

Health Care Resources

Republican Health Care Reform: The Patients’ Choice Act

Medical Doctor and Senator Tom Coburn On Health Care–Videos

The Senate Doctors Show–Videos

Obama’s Waterloo– Government Compulsory Single Payer Socialized Medicine!–Videos

President Obama’s Plan of Massive Deficit Spending Is Destroying The US Economy–The American People Say Stop Socialism BS Now!

The Bum’s Rush of The American People: The Totally Irresponsible Democratic Party Health Care Bill and Obama’s Big Lie Exposed

Chairman Obama’s Progressive Radical Socialist Health Care Bill Kills Individual Private Health Care Insurance–Join The Second American Revolution!

The Obama Big Lie and Inconvenient Truth About Health Care–The Public Option Trojan Horse–Leads To A Single Payor Goverment Monopoly of Health Care and The Bankruptcy of USA!

The Obama Public Option Poison Pill For A Government Health Care Monopoly–Single Payer System–Betting Your Life and Paying Though The Nose

Government Bureaucracy: Organizational Chart of The House Democrats’ Health Plan

Dr. Robert W. Christensen–Videos

John Stossel–Sick In America–Videos

Congressman Paul Ryan–Townhall Meeting–Health Care Reform and The Patients Choice Act–Videos

The Small Business and Self-Employed Perspective on Health Care Reform

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Glenn Beck On Obama Care and Progressive Radical Socialist Marxist President Obama–One Big Awful Mistake America!–American People Correct Mistakes–Millions March On Washington D.C.–Saturday and Sunday, March 20-21, 2010!

Posted on March 18, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Crime, Cult, Culture, Economics, Education, Employment, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, Health Care, Immigration, Investments, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Medicine, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Resources, Science, Taxes, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , |


“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

~Benjamin Franklin 


Glenn Beck-03-17-10-A

Glenn Beck-03-17-10-B

Glenn Beck-03-17-10-C

Glenn Beck-03-17-10-D

Glenn Beck-03-17-10-E

Glenn Beck-03-17-10-F

Glenn Beck-03-17-10-G

Pelosi to Use Deeming/Slaughter Rule



The time is now for the American people to get in their cars and trucks and come to Washington D.C. this Saturday and Sunday in the millions to stop political tyranny of the progressive radical socialists.

The goal is three million plus.

Otherwise, Obama Care will pass.

Next on the progressive radical socialist agenda is amnesty and health care  for illegal aliens, also known as comprehensive immigration reform.

If you doubt this, guess who is coming to Washington D.C. Sunday?

Illegal aliens demanding amensty and once they get it, health care as well.

Heads Up American Citizens–Illegal Aliens Marching for Amnesty For Illegals in Washington D.C. on Sunday, March 21, 2010–We The People Tea Party Counter March Planned–Be There with American Flags Flying!


Keep the American Republic by marching in Washington D.C. on both Saturday and Sunday, March 20 and 21, 2010 for the Mother of All Tea Parties!

Join The Second American Revolution.

Make History not Socialized Medicine! 

Bring your cameras and video camcorders to document the millions marching.

If you do not march, the progressive radical socialists will win:

Obama on single payer health insurance

SHOCK UNCOVERED: Obama IN HIS OWN WORDS saying His Health Care Plan will ELIMINATE private insurance

Obama SEIU’s Agenda is My Agenda

Meet President Obama’s Most Frequent Visitor ANDY STERN SEIU THUG COMMUNIST FAN

Andy Stern’s Healthcare Pledge

We the American people must fight back to keep and win our freedom:

Any Given Sunday – Peace by Inches – Pacino

Benjamin Franklin was right when asked what type of government do we have:

Outside Independence Hall when the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Background Articles and Videos

IWV discusses Health Care Poll on Fox News

 Americans Oppose Health-Care Reform

Bret Baier Interviews Obama Part 1/2


Bret Baier Interviews Obama Part 2/2

Related Posts On Pronk Palisades

Obama Con–Lord of The Lies–Progressive Radical Socialist–Videos

Saul Alinsky

This Joker Is A Lost Cause: Keeping President Obama Honest on Health Care–Let’s But A Smile On That Face–Staying Alive

Voters Beware: The Radical Rules of Saul Alinsky and Leftist Democrats

Cloward Piven

The Cloward-Piven Strategy Of The Progressive Radical Socialists: Wrecking The U.S. Economy By Massive Government Dependence, Spending, Deficits, Debts, Taxes And Regulations!

Cloward Piven Strategy–The Crisis Strategy Of Barack Obama

President Obama’s Cloward-Piven Strategy of Controlled Crisis Creation Crippling Capitalism–Coup D-Etat On America

Services Employee International Union (SEIU)

American Citizens Want Jobs and Criminal Alien Removal, Not Criminal Alien Census and Health Care!

Public Option = Government Option = Pathway to Single Payer = Single Payer = Socialized Medicine = Blue Pill = Poison Pill

The American People Confront Obama’s Red Shirts (ACORN) and Purple Shirts (SEIU)–Bullhorns and Beatings Over Obama Care!

Obama’s Marching Orders For His Red Shirts (ACORN), Purple Shirts (SEIU) and Black Shirts (New Panther Party)–Progressive Radical Socialists

Health Care

Obama’s Big Whopper–”The largest deficit reduction plan in a decade.”–Delusional Deceitful Democrats–Massive Tax Increases and Economy Wrecker–Health Care Bill If Passed Is Unconstitutional!

Senator Coburn Educates The Educated Fools aka Progressive Radical Socialists Who Cannot Write, Read, Or Understand The Health Care Bill or Competitive Markets!

Senator Coburn Educates The Educated Fools aka Progressive Radical Socialists Who Cannot Write, Read, Or Understand The Health Care Bill or Competitive Markets!

Senator Tom Coburn Makes The Progressive Radical Socialists Read Their Socialized Medicine Amendment to Health Care Bill!–Three Cheers–Kill The Bill!

Progressive Radical Socialist Health Care Plan Written In Prison By Convicted ACORN Felon Richard Creamer!

Obama’s Trick On The American People: Health Insurance Reform=Huge Hikes in Taxes and Premiums for Health Insurance and Massive Medicare Funding and Payment Reimbursement Cuts–Congressional Coercion–It’s Alive!

Second Opinion: Doctors Speak Up On Proposed Health Care Reform–And A Third Texas Opinion!–Videos

American Citizens Want Jobs and Criminal Alien Removal, Not Criminal Alien Census and Health Care!

Illegal Aliens Can Buy Health Insurance Plans–No ID Needed:–Demand Criminal Alien Removal and Deportation!

Congressman Paul Ryan–Townhall Meeting–Health Care Reform and The Patients Choice Act–Videos

The Arrogance of President Obama: Hectoring Habitual Liar

Broom Budget Busting Bums: Replace The Entire Congress–Tea Party Express and Patriots–United We Stand!

Public Option = Government Option = Pathway to Single Payer = Single Payer = Socialized Medicine = Blue Pill = Poison Pill

Obama: First We Kill The Babies, Then We Kill The Elderly, Then We Kill The Veterans–Your Life, Your Choices–Your Time Is Up!

This Joker Is A Lost Cause: Keeping President Obama Honest on Health Care–Let’s But A Smile On That Face–Staying Alive

Fact 1. Federal Government Health Insurance Is Compulsory–Kill The Bill–H.R. 3200

Patient Empowerment: Health Savings Accounts–High Deductible Catastrophic Health Insurance–Affordable, Portable, Fair, Individual Health Care Plan–Consumer Driven Health Care Reform!

The Dangers Of A Single Payer Health Care System: Ronald Reagan On Socialized Medicine and Friedrich A. Hayek On State Monopoly

The American People Believe The Government Public Option Plan Is The Path To The Single Payer Government Plan–Socialized Medicine–Obama Caught Lying To The American People!

The American People Confront Obama’s Red Shirts (ACORN) and Purple Shirts (SEIU)–Bullhorns and Beatings Over Obama Care!

The Obama Depression Has Arrived: 15,000,000 to 25,000,000 Unemployed Americans–Stimulus Package and Bailouts A Failure–400,000 Leave Labor Force In July!

Obama’s Marching Orders For His Red Shirts (ACORN), Purple Shirts (SEIU) and Black Shirts (New Panther Party)–Progressive Radical Socialists

Health Care Resources

Republican Health Care Reform: The Patients’ Choice Act

Medical Doctor and Senator Tom Coburn On Health Care–Videos

The Senate Doctors Show–Videos

Obama’s Waterloo– Government Compulsory Single Payer Socialized Medicine!–Videos

President Obama’s Plan of Massive Deficit Spending Is Destroying The US Economy–The American People Say Stop Socialism BS Now!

The Bum’s Rush of The American People: The Totally Irresponsible Democratic Party Health Care Bill and Obama’s Big Lie Exposed

Chairman Obama’s Progressive Radical Socialist Health Care Bill Kills Individual Private Health Care Insurance–Join The Second American Revolution!

The Obama Big Lie and Inconvenient Truth About Health Care–The Public Option Trojan Horse–Leads To A Single Payor Goverment Monopoly of Health Care and The Bankruptcy of USA!

The Obama Public Option Poison Pill For A Government Health Care Monopoly–Single Payer System–Betting Your Life and Paying Though The Nose

Government Bureaucracy: Organizational Chart of The House Democrats’ Health Plan

Dr. Robert W. Christensen–Videos

John Stossel–Sick In America–Videos

Congressman Paul Ryan–Townhall Meeting–Health Care Reform and The Patients Choice Act–Videos

The Small Business and Self-Employed Perspective on Health Care Reform

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