Archive for March 15th, 2010

Forget The National ID Card–40 Million Americans On Food Stamps–30 Million Americans Seeking Full-time Jobs–Time To Deport 30 Million Illegal Aliens Is Now!

Posted on March 15, 2010. Filed under: Agriculture, Babies, Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, Immigration, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Taxes, Technology, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Tea Parties Against Amnesty & Illegal Immigration Covered On Fox News


The Biometric National ID and Immigration: Divide and conquer! What a mess!


Ron Paul: A National ID Card? Outrageous!

Real ID is the National ID card

Lew Rockwell and The Judge discuss National ID Card

Michael Savage on the National ID card debate – Oreilly, Schumer, Graham, all in favor

 Judge Napolitano – National ID Cards Un-American


Hungry In America

The American people are disgusted with the political class in Washington D.C., both Democrats and Republicans.

There are now more than 40 million Americans on food stamps or SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.)

There are over 30 million Americans  seeking full time employment.

The number of unemployed is over 25 million and growing.

Yet there are over 30 million illegal aliens living and working in the United States and the Federal Government is neither stopping this invasion of the country nor deporting them back to their country of origin.

Any politician who comes out for comprehensive immigration reform or amnesty for illegal aliens can expect to be defeated at the polls.

The progressive radical socialists of both political parties will be targeted for defeat for their sellout of the American people.

There is no need for a national ID card or comprehensive immigration reform.

What the American people are demanding is immigration law enforcement, which includes the removal and deportation of illegal aliens from their place of employment.

Dan Stein Debates Amnesty for Illegal Aliens – Pt 1


Dan Stein Debates Amnesty for Illegal Aliens – Pt 2


The Elite vs. The American People

Every day Americans are seeing illegal aliens in jobs that Americans have in the past and currently perform.

The Federal government refuses to enforce current immigration laws and refuses to stop the invasion of America by illegal aliens.

Both the Republican President Bush and the Democratic President Obama broke their oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Constitution of the United States.

There will be a day a reckoning for the political class that sold out the American people in exchange for political  power and campaign contributions.

We know who you are, where you live, and what you have done to this country. 

We will not forget nor forgive the  treason and betrayal of the American people by the progressive radical socialists of both political parties.

The progressive radical socialists days are numbered.

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Food Stamps Hit Record Of 38,200,000 Americans Needing Assistance–Everbody Hates Food Stamps–Until You and Your Children Are Hungry

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The Cloward-Piven Strategy Of The Progressive Radical Socialists: Wrecking The U.S. Economy By Massive Government Dependence, Spending, Deficits, Debts, Taxes And Regulations!

The Cloward-Piven Strategy Of The Progressive Radical Socialists: Wrecking The U.S. Economy By Massive Government Dependence!

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Progressive Radical Socialist Health Care Plan Written In Prison By Convicted Felon Richard Creamer!

Obamanomics–New Deal Progressive Radical Socialist Interventionism

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Progressive Radical Socialist Canned Criticism of American People: Danger, Profits, and Wrong Thinking

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President Obama–Killer of The American Dream and Market Capitalism–Stop The Radical Socialists Before They Kill You!

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President Obama and His Keynesian Spending Cult of The Fascist Democrat Radicals–FDRs

Depressions and Recessions

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The Hyphenated American and The Hyphen

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President Obama Delays E-Verify–Shame On You Mr. President!

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MIX 10–Videos

Posted on March 15, 2010. Filed under: Art, Blogroll, Communications, Computers, Culture, Economics, Employment, Entertainment, Fiscal Policy, Games, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, Music, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Science, Technology, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , |

Keynote Day 1

In your hands: Introducing the IE9 Developer Platform Preview

Windows Phone News app demo at Microsoft MIX 2010 demo

Windows Phone 3D game app demo at Microsoft MIX 2010 demo

Demo from MIX Marketplace keynote

Seesmic at mix10, keynote

In-depth look at Windows Phone 7 Xbox Live games hub

Windows Phone Push Notification demo at Microsoft MIX 2010 demo

Windows Phone FourSquare demo at Microsoft MIX 2010 demo

Windows Phone 7 Series Marketplace Experience

Ping 52: Nic Fillingham, Windows Phone 7, XNA and Channel 9 Live


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Silverlight TV 14: Developing for Windows Phone 7 with Silverlight

Background Articles and Videos


MIX10 Tools, Samples and Downloads

Windows Phone 7 Series Announce Video

Windows Phone 7 Series Features Video

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Scott Guthrie

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Wiindows Phone

Windows Phone 7 Series Training

A Conversation with Bill Buxton and Albert Shum; Microsoft’s UX Gurus

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The History of Microsoft–Videos

A Kinder Gentler Wiser Microsoft Gives Away Valuable Software Developer Tools to Students Around The World!

Bill Gates–Hope, Change and Rapid Affluence Development–Creative Capitalism! 

Wealth, Income and Job Creation: Let A 1000 Microsofts Bloom

Microsoft’s Channel 9 Coffeehouse Community Killer–spam

Microsoft Expression Studio–Videos

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Daniel Suarez–Daemon and Freedom TM–Videos

Posted on March 15, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Computers, Culture, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Entertainment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Games, government spending, history, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, People, Politics, Programming, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Reviews, Technology, Video, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , |


What the Tech – Daniel Suarez Interview part 1

What the Tech – Daniel Suarez Interview part 2

What the Tech – Daniel Suarez Interview part 3

What the Tech – Daniel Suarez Interview part 4

What the Tech – Daniel Suarez Interview part 5

What the Tech – Daniel Suarez Interview part 6

Daniel Suarez, author of Daemon

Daniel Suarez – Daemon: Bot-Mediated Reality

The technology depicted in Daemon and FreedomTM may seem like science fiction, but it actually exists . . .

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XNA Game Studio 4.0 and Windows Phone Series 7–Videos

Posted on March 15, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Culture, Games, Music, People, Rants, Raves, Resources, Technology, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , |

GDC: Xbox Live on Windows Phone 7 Series, Part I


GDC: Xbox Live on Windows Phone 7 Series, Part II

GDC: Xbox Live on Windows Phone 7 Series, Part III: Push Notifications

GDC: Xbox Live on Windows Phone 7 Series, Part IV–Multiplayer Gaming

GDC: XNA Studio 4.0 & Windows Phone 7 Series, Part I

GDC: XNA Studio 4.0 & Windows Phone 7 Series, Part II


GDC: XNA Studio 4.0 & Windows Phone 7 Series, Part III

GDC 2010: XNA Game Studio 4.0

GDC 2010: Windows Phone 7 and Xbox Live functionality

Pete Blois on Windows Phone 7 in Blend 4 and Rooler


Background Articles and Videos    

Microsoft XNA Game Studio: An Overview   


Looking at XNA – Part One


Looking at XNA – Part Two


Which Game Development Site is Right For You? 


Creators Club Communiqué 45

“…Aloha, Creators!

What a busy week it’s been! Earlier this week at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, we announced XNA Game Studio 4.0 and shared a few details about some of the features it will offer all developers.

XNA Game Studio 4.0 beta is slated to become available to the public in the next one to two months. It provides indie developers the ability to develop games for Windows Phone 7 Series devices as well as integration with Visual Studio 2010. Existing and future XBLIGs will also benefit from added buffered audio support to the audio APIs as well as many other features! You’ll want to stay tuned for additional announcements we’re planning at MIX 2010! Additional details will be available when we’re closer to release.

XNA Game Studio 4.0 also enables Xbox LIVE Gamer Services APIs for managed developers (managed developers are a select group of developers under contract with Microsoft). This means managed developers will be able to provide a premium gaming experience on Windows Phone 7 Series that can include a user’s gamertag, 2D Avatar, Achievements and asynchronous turn-based gaming; these features are not currently available to non-managed developers. Interested in become a managed developer? Specific details can be found at



Shawn Hargreaves Blog

Game programming with the XNA Framework

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Windows Phone Series 7–Videos

Microsoft MIX10 Starts Monday, March 15, in Las Vegas–Videos

Bill Gates–Videos

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Bill Gates Wants More Best, Bright, and Cheap Foreign Labor–More Jobs and Competition In Amercan Labor Market Is Needed–Not More Visas and Subsidies!

The History of Microsoft–Videos

A Kinder Gentler Wiser Microsoft Gives Away Valuable Software Developer Tools to Students Around The World!

Bill Gates–Hope, Change and Rapid Affluence Development–Creative Capitalism! 

Wealth, Income and Job Creation: Let A 1000 Microsofts Bloom

Microsoft’s Channel 9 Coffeehouse Community Killer–spam

Microsoft Expression Studio–Videos

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