New Presidential Helicopters Modified for Conformal Fuel Tanks That Will Dispense Money!

Posted on February 25, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Comedy, Economics, Links, Music, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Resources, Security, Taxes, Technology, Video, War | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

“The National Defense is one of the cardinal duties of a statesman.”

~John Adams


Looks like Department of Defense budget cuts are being used as a funding source  to payoff President Obama’s campaign supporters mainly auto and government employee  unions and Wall Street financial institutions. The VH-71 and F-22 both Lockheed Martin programs will be terminated.

Gates to Cut Several Major Weapons Programs

Lou Dobbs on Robert Gate’s Defense Cuts

Obama’s Youtube Arrogance Just Became A Nightmare

Washington News – Obama to Cut Pentagon Budget, Iraq Troop Withdrawal – Bloomberg

When you elect a President of the United States that could not get security clearance based on a routine background check by the FBI, this is exactly what you get– an Keyanian radical socialist as President of the United States.

President Obama is a quick learner and now salutes Marines instead of shaking their hands or bowing.
A bigger door or hatch is also a possible engineering change to the new helicopter:

Obama Salutes Marine and Bumps Head Boarding Chopper

Presidential helicopter plans downloaded in Iran

Lockheed Martin – Second To None

New Presidential VH-71 Helicopter

New Presidential VH-71 Helicopter


President Obama boards Marine One for the first time

John McCain Blasts President Obama on the Cost of Presidential Helicopter Fleet

A $400 million helicopter?

Obama Upgrading Marine One at Cost of 11.2 billion ?

Onboard Marine One

Presidential Helicopter Squadron One-part 1

Presidential Helicopter Squadron One-Part 2

VH-71 Presidential Helicopter Test Aircraft Completes Maiden

The concept of dropping money at Presidential campaign events was recently tested in Altoona:

Altoona Curve Money Drop

When President Obama leaves a event there will be a fly over of the event crowd to dispense walking around money to loyal supporters crying Obama, Obama, Obama–He is the One!

The code name for the new conformal money dispenser is the “Green Voter Machine” or GVM for short.

Conformal fuel tanks have been used on the F-15 Eagle and F-16 Falcon to provide a longer operating mission range:

F-15 Eagle

Lockheed Martin F-16 CFT 1st Flight

The idea for money drops came from the boys in the hood:

Floyd Mayweather Drops $30K Bag Full Of Money In The Crowd!

The new helicopters should lengthen the terms of Presidents.

Give the masses a taste of Government Dependency with cold cash currency.

To save development and production money, the helicopters with conformal fuel tanks converted to money dispensers will also be used by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department to drop TARP money.

This should spread the design and development cost over 100 helicopters instead of just the Presidential fleet.

Only in America!

But why did Senator McCain and even President Obama seriously consider canceling the helicopters.

Rumor has it that the US Border Patrol wanted 200 VH-71 helicopters to patrol the US 6,000 mile border to stop illegal immigration, drug smuggling and the violence and kidnapping associated with the drug cartels and illegal immigration.

This would more than double the US Border Patrol’s fleet of helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft.

The transport helicopters would enable officers to arrest and quickly transport illegal aliens directly to a central location for processing and deportation.

US Border Patrol


Border Patrols Are Attacked

Glenn Beck talks with Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Since both Senator McCain and President Obama favor open borders and amnesty aka a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants from Mexico this could kill the VH-71 Helicopter  program.

McCain: “We Are Not Going To Build Fences And Barriers”McCain

Barack Obama on Immigration and a Path to Citizenship

The political class of both political parties  need all those campaign  contributions from businesses benefiting from cheap and complaint illegal immigrant labor–that alone should lead to the cancelling of the helicopter program and not to mention the E-Verify program as well.

Time will tell.

Stay tuned.

New Presidential VH-71 Helicopter

New Presidential VH-71 Helicopter

NGC – On Board Marine One 2009 Part 1/5

NGC – On Board Marine One 2009 Part 2/5

NGC – On Board Marine One 2009 Part 3/5

NGC – On Board Marine One 2009 Part 4/5

NGC – On Board Marine One 2009 Part 5/5

Background Articles and Videos

The President’s New Helicopter

By Jonathon Keats  posted: 07 May 2006

“…After decades of upgrades to a fleet of notoriously cramped Sikorsky VH-3 Sea Kings, the White House has tasked Lockheed Martin with a dramatic, $6.1-billion makeover of Marine One, the presidential helicopter, starting this summer. The goal: to fit a mobile Oval Office into the tight quarters of a chopper. The new fleet will consist of 23 VH-71 aircraft, each of which will have 200 square feet of cabin space, nearly double the Sea King’s 116.

Aside from the legroom, the copter will incorporate major upgrades to the old defense and communications systems. Equally important is that the aircraft is flight-proven—the $110-million bird is derived from a European-built AgustaWestland EH101, currently doing military service for Canada and the U.K. Here, an inside look at the revamped Marine One, set to gradually go into service between 2009 and 2014. …”

VH-71 Kestrel

“…The VH-71 Kestrel, a variant of the AgustaWestland AW101 (formerly EH101), is being developed to replace the United States Marine Corps’ Marine One Presidential transport fleet. It is being produced by the Lockheed Martin-led “US101 Team” of Lockheed Martin Systems Integration – Owego, AgustaWestland and Bell Helicopter.

The projected total cost of the 28 helicopters planned under the program is over $11 billion. In February 2009, President Obama asked Secretary of Defense Robert Gates about placing the project on hold or canceling it because of its high cost.[2] …”

“… VXX competition

The U.S. Department of Defense issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) on 18 December 2003 for the supply of 23 helicopters to replace the 11 VH-3Ds and 8 VH-60Ns of USMC HMX-1 squadron. This requirement was given the designation VXX (V being the prefix for VIP aircraft and XX representing the then unspecified numerical part of the designation).

Both AgustaWestland and Sikorsky responded to the RFP. Sikorsky proposed the VH-92, a variant of the H-92 Superhawk, in partnership with FlightSafety International, L-3 Communications, Northrop Grumman, Rockwell Collins, Vought Aircraft Industries, and GE-Aviation.

On 28 January 2005 the Department of Defense announced that it had selected the US101 for the VXX program. The US101 team was awarded a US$1.7 billion contract for the VXX system development and demonstration (SDD) phase.[6] The price of the development later rose by 40% to $2.4 billion.[7] The full cost of the project is estimated at $6.1 Bn,[8] although some analysts expect the cost to rise above $7Bn, making this the most expensive helicopter ever, with a unit cost of $270m.[9] As of March 2008 the program cost totaled $11.2Bn, making each helicopter more expensive than the Boeing 747-based VC-25s that serve as Air Force One after adjustment for inflation.[1][10]


On 23 July 2002 Lockheed Martin and AgustaWestland signed a 10-year agreement to jointly market, produce and support a medium-lift helicopter, an EH101 derivative called US101, in the United States.[3] The companies envisaged marketing the aircraft in three roles; US Air Force combat search and rescue, US Coast Guard search and rescue, and US Marine Corps executive transport.

On 15 May 2003 AgustaWestland signed an agreement with Bell Helicopter to undertake final assembly of the US101 in the United States.[4] AgustaWestland will produce the main rotor blades and main fuselage sections at its Yeovil, UK facility. The company will produce other components, including the gearbox, at its Cascina Costa, Italy facility. This represents a work share of 36%. The remaining 64% work share is split between Lockheed Martin (31%) and Bell Helicopter (27%) and others (6%).[5]

Cost Nearly Doubles For Marine One Fleet

Production of Craft Has Been Delayed

By Peter Baker

Washington Post Staff Writer

“…A year after Sept. 11, 2001, the White House set out to build a fleet of state-of-the-art Marine One helicopters for the al-Qaeda age that would be safer, more powerful and more reliable than the iconic white-topped aircraft that have landed on the South Lawn for decades.

But the al-Qaeda age has met the military acquisition process. Six years later, the cost of the new helicopters has nearly doubled, production has fallen behind schedule, and the bulk of the program has been put on hold while the government tries to figure out how to salvage it.

A year after Sept. 11, 2001, the White House set out to build a fleet of state-of-the-art Marine One helicopters for the al-Qaeda age that would be safer, more powerful and more reliable than the iconic white-topped aircraft that have landed on the South Lawn for decades.

But the al-Qaeda age has met the military acquisition process. Six years later, the cost of the new helicopters has nearly doubled, production has fallen behind schedule, and the bulk of the program has been put on hold while the government tries to figure out how to salvage it.

The Pentagon confirmed this month that the cost of the fleet of 28 new super-sophisticated helicopters has jumped from $6.1 billion when the contract was signed in 2005 to $11.2 billion today. Outfitted with cutting-edge communications equipment, antimissile defenses and hardened hulls, each of the VH-71 helicopters, to be dubbed Marine One whenever the president is onboard, will cost $400 million — more than the most recent Boeing 747 jetliner outfitted to serve as Air Force One when it was delivered in 1990, even when adjusted for inflation. …”

VH-71 Presidential Helicopter

The 21st Century Oval Office in the Sky



VH-71 is the nextgeneration Presidential Helicopter that will serve as an “Oval Office in the Sky,” keeping the Commanderin-Chief both “in touch” and “in 

charge” while traveling. Equipped with a variety of sophisticated systems, the helicopter’s command, control, and communications capabilities are similar to those aboard the larger “Air Force One” jet aircraft. The VH-71 is based upon the US101 platform, the American variant of the combatproven and highly successful EH101 helicopter, built

by AgustaWestland. To win the VXX competition, Lockheed Martin joined forces with AgustaWestland and Bell Helicopter and formed Team US101, with support from more than 200

suppliers in 41 states. The U.S. Navy selected the US101 to be the new Presidential Helicopter because of our best value, low-risk “system of systems” technical approach, the

helicopter’s excellent safety performance, three-engine design, survivability characteristics, and superior cabin size. The team’s familiarity with the unique demands of presidential

transport was also considered: past Presidents have flown aboard both Lockheed Constellations and JetStars, and Bell helicopters. The Navy will buy 23 operational VH-71

helicopters; the first to fly Presidential missions will do so during 2009. The U.S. Marine Corps’s HMX-1 squadron at Quantico, Virginia, will have the honor and duty to fly these

aircraft for future Presidents during decades to come. …”

Jeremy Clarkson in an F15E – Briefing and Flight

F15 Eagle Fighter Jet Music Video (Slide show)

F-16 Fighting Falcon

World’s Best Fighter Jets

The Top 10 Best Attack Helicopter in the World

Apache Helicopter

US Border Patrol

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14 Responses to “New Presidential Helicopters Modified for Conformal Fuel Tanks That Will Dispense Money!”

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Why 28 helicopters for the white house use! 11 billion!!…cancel now and start over with a different platform..maybe the S92 without all the white house mods that drive up the cost ten fold.

[…] New Presidential Helicopters Modified for Conformal Fuel Tanks That Will Dispense Money! […]

[…] New Presidential Helicopters Modified for Conformal Fuel Tanks That Will Dispense Money! […]

[…] New Presidential Helicopters Modified for Conformal Fuel Tanks That Will Dispense Money! […]

[…] New Presidential Helicopters Modified for Conformal Fuel Tanks That Will Dispense Money! […]

[…] New Presidential Helicopters Modified for Conformal Fuel Tanks That Will Dispense Money! […]

[…] New Presidential Helicopters Modified for Conformal Fuel Tanks That Will Dispense Money! […]

[…] New Presidential Helicopters Modified for Conformal Fuel Tanks That Will Dispense Money! […]

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