Archive for October 17th, 2008

Obama’s Outrageous October Socialist Sweet Surprise–How Sweet It Is?

Posted on October 17, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Comedy, Life, Links, Music, People, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Video | Tags: , , , , , , |

“Life is like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re gonna get.” 

Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks)

Senators Obama and McCain


Gives new meaning to the phrase–“spread the wealth around.”


AXE “Chocolate Man”


Axe chocolate Party



“He has no more backbone than a chocolate éclair. “

~President Theodore Roosevelt, of President William McKinley


Background Articles and Videos


Spread the wealth, swallow the crap sandwiches

By Michelle Malkin 






“… know you all are dying to weigh in.

Plumber to Obama: “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more. Isn’t it?”

Obama: “It’s not that I want to punish your success, I just want to make sure that everybody that is behind you, that they have a chance for success too. I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

Crap Sandwiches: It’s what’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Sarah tears into Obama

Obama the Socialist wants to spread YOUR money around


Joe Biden: Wealthy Paying Higher Taxes Patriotic Thing To Do


Obama – Taxes, Capital Gains


Obama Tax Plan


By Michelle Malkin


“…She’s got the fire in the belly and the follow-through.

This is how you do it: …”


Obama’s October Surprise

And maybe the October Surprise will involve Obama’s on-line fundraising where the numbers of fake names and over-the-limits donations are skyrocketing.   The Republican National Committee has asked the FEC to investigate evidence of illegal foreign influence, but time is running short.

Maybe, if there is a surprise, it will be the result of some major media investigation of Obama’s relationship with the bloody Prime Minister of Kenya, Raila Odinga.  WBBM-TV in Chicago ran a report that had Obama criticizing Kenyan President Kibaki during a 2006 Senate fact-finding trip to Kenya.  It would be interesting to know more about Obama’s ties to Odinga, who has a power-sharing agreement with Kibaki and who named his son “Fidel” after you-know-who.   But no major newspaper or network is checking into the story so far as we know.

Maybe the October Surprise will be that John McCain takes the advice of his own supporters and forcefully goes after Sen. Obama on his record, his policies and his alliances.  Now THAT would be a surprise. …”

Obama’s October Surprise

“…Fast forward back to this election cycle. The G.O.P. knew that winning the White House after George W. Bush’s disastrous reign would be an uphill climb, especially with another Clinton coming down the pike. In the little-known state senator from Illinois, they found reason to hope. Barack Obama had already compiled a lot of dirt under his finger nails from 17 years of Chicago machine politics. His principle benefactor, Tony Rezko, was a Syrian slumlord under investigation by the federal government for fraud and influence peddling. Undoubtedly, these were the kind of people who could carry on the Bush-Cheney legacy..

By using Obama as their trojan horse to sieze the apparatus of the Democratic Party, the neocons saw their odds for November improve dramatically. It didn’t matter that Obama was little more than a smug, petulant, unaccomplished hack. He was African American, which meant that neither his Democratic nor Republican opponents could criticize him without getting slammed by liberals in the mainstream media. And once Obama was nominated, the Bush camp, if it wanted to. could make its case to the electorate along these lines: “Jeez, would you look at this guy’s proximity group. He’s got convicts, foreign agents and tainted campaign contributions coming out of the woodwork. And if he can’t even obtain an F.B.I. clearance as a border patrol agent, do you really think we should be handing him the nuclear launch codes?” So far, however, no one has effectively made that case.

Here’s a closer look at Obama’s potential downfalls: …” 

Barack Obama, as a candidate, has no reasonable expectation of privacy — especially with regard to fulfilling a (Constitutional) requirement as a candidate.

“…The Constitution of the United States of America requires that a person must be a natural
born citizen in order to serve as President.

Verification of this qualification may be required by ANY citizen and/or sworn public servant and must be provided post haste.

This is the highest law in the land.  Lawyers, Judges, Politicians and law enforcement
officers are ALL sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States.

Failure to uphold the tenants of the Constitution (the law) is a cause of action against those who fail
to perform their duty — either as malfeasance or dereliction of duty.

May the Lord aid the Judge in this Berg case so that Obama is promptly removed from contention.” 

The buzz about Barack’s birth certificate

By Michelle Malkin



Obama’s documents,Joe Wurzelbacher,Plumber,Odinga,corsi


Ayers’ Weathermen planned “re-education”, genocide



Brians Winning Ticket


Brians Chocolate Personality Test


George – Death By Chocolate


Opening – The Jackie Gleason Show


Jackie Gleason for Richard Nixon


Dean Martin roast Jackie Gleason pt 1


FOSTER BROOKS on Dean Martin Roasts of Jackie Gleason


Chocolate Quotations


“Forrest Gump”



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