Obama’s Executive Order On Illegal Immigration Violates Oath Of Office and Immigration Law–An Impeachable And Criminal Offense–Amnesty For Illegal Aliens–Videos

Posted on August 24, 2011. Filed under: Babies, Blogroll, Business, Communications, Crime, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, Immigration, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Security, Unions, Video, War, Wealth, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

UPDATED June 15, 2012

Obama Flip Flops On Illegal Immigration and Fails To Enforce Immigration Law–Breaks Oath of Office–Back Door Amnesty–No More Years–Out Obama–Videos

Obama Is Impeachable Over New Illegal Alien Amnesty

Rep. West: Obama Shredding Constitution With New ‘Amnesty’ Policy

Obama Subverts Constitution! Signs Amnesty by “Executive Order”

Allen West President Obama shredding the Constitution

Homeland Security to Focus on Deporting Criminals Under New Immigration Rules

New Deportation Policy, ‘Just a Band-Aid’

Gov. Jan Brewer: Obama’s New Jobs Plan Is for Illegals

‘Backdoor Amnesty’ for Illegal Aliens By Obama To Get Latino Votes In 2012 Election

Obama Issues ‘Dream Act’ by Executive Order & Bypasses Constitution, Again.

Obama halts deportation of illegal aliens

Obama Cancels Deportation Of Illegals – Alex Jones Tv

Illegal Aliens Returning To Mexico In Search Of A Better Life!

NewsBusted 8/23/11

Background Articles and Videos

Obama Issues ‘Dream Act’ by Executive Order & Bypasses Constitution, Again.

Lou Dobbs On DREAM ACT – Sept. 20, 2010

Mark Levin – Obama Has Just Granted Amnesty For Two Hundred Thousand Illegal Immigrants

Obama Administration Pledges to Reduce Deportations

Thursday, August 18, 2011,

“…The Obama Administration announced on Thursday that it will individually review the 300,000 cases of illegal aliens currently holding deportation orders in an effort to appease his pro-amnesty critics and last year’s record number of deportations.

The Administration deported 400,000 illegal aliens last year — less than half had been convicted for other crimes. Pres. Obama is pledging to halt deportations of non-criminal illegal aliens. Illegal aliens that are considered low-priority deportations will no longer be the focus, including young people who were brought to the U.S. as children, military veterans and spouses of military personnel.

“They will be applying common sense guidelines to make these decisions, like a person’s ties and contributions to the community, their family relationships and military service record,” White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Cecilia Muñoz wrote on the White House blog. “In the end, this means more immigration enforcement pressure where it counts the most, and less where it doesn’t – that’s the smartest way to follow the law while we stay focused on working with the Congress to fix it.”


Obama Amnesty Begins: Halts Deportations for 300,000 Illegal Aliens; Offers ‘Work Permits’

by John Hill

“…The Obama Administration today announced a virtual amnesty-by-decree for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, whose deportations will be “indefinitely delayed”. In addition, Obama finally announced a jobs program – but for ILLEGAL ALIENS, not citizens – as those 300,000 illegals will also become eligible for “work permits“.

This action represents an administrative end-run around Congress, which twice rejected the ‘DREAM Act’ in 2010. As disgraceful as is this usurpation of Congressional authority, this announcement is even worse than is being reported.

Our analysis reveals that – despite media focus of this action limited to so-called “Dreamer” illegal students, this new policy, coupled with the criteria established by the June 2011 “Morton Memos” which set up a joint “DHS and DOJ working group” could expand this “indefinite delay” of deportation to potentially MILLIONS of illegals – creating a new, massive amnesty entirely by fiat, bypassing Congress. …”

“…Under the new process, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Department of Justice (DOJ) “working group” will develop specific criteria to identify “low-priority removal cases” that should be considered for prosecutorial discretion.  These criteria will be based on “positive factors” from the Morton Memo (PDF), which include

  • individuals present in the U.S. since childhood (like ‘DREAM Act’ students)
  • minors
  • the elderly
  • pregnant and nursing women
  • victims of serious crimes
  • veterans and members of the armed services
  • and individuals with serious disabilities or health problems

The breadth of the above list makes it less a matter of which illegal aliens are excluded than which ones are NOT. Minors, elderly, pregnant and nursing (could cover more than half of all childbearing-age illegal alien women!), victims of “serious” crimes (what defines “serious”?), disabilities/health problems(does diabetes count? depression?).

The Morton Guidelines above, coupled with today’s announcement suspending deportations equals a potential amnesty for MILLIONS of illegal aliens – all without ANY Congressional action or authorization. …”


Obama to deport illegals by ‘priority’

Case-by-case plan will curb numbers

“…The new rules apply to those who have been apprehended and are in deportation proceedings, but have not been officially ordered out of the country by a judge.

Ms. Napolitano said a working group will try to come up with “guidance on how to provide for appropriate discretionary consideration” for “compelling cases” in instances where someone already has been ordered deported.

Administration officials made the announcement just before Mr. Obama left for a long vacation out of Washington, and as members of Congress are back in their home districts.

The top House Republican on the Judiciary Committee said the move is part of a White House plan “to grant backdoor amnesty to illegal immigrants.”

“The Obama administration should enforce immigration laws, not look for ways to ignore them,” said Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican. “The Obama administration should not pick and choose which laws to enforce. Administration officials should remember the oath of office they took to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the land.”

Immigration legislation has been stalled in Congress for years as the two parties have sparred over what to include.

Republicans generally favor stricter enforcement and a temporary program that would allow workers in the country for some time, but eventually return to their home countries. Democrats want the legislation to include legalization of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants now in the country, and want the future guest-worker program to also include a path to citizenship so those workers can stay permanently. …”


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