Obama’s Got A Brand New Flag & Song

Posted on July 26, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Economics, Immigration, Links, Music, People, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Taxes, Video |

Watermellon Party Flag
Watermelon Party Flag


Watermelon Man




Obama’s Berlin speech left very few doubts that  Senator Barack Obama is a closet eco-socialist, a watermelon man–green on the outside and red on the inside.

Now it is official with the new Party flag and song.

Obama will pick Al Gore as his running-mate to unite the Watermelon Party.

With food and gasoline prices rising, the Watermelon Party still insists on Federal subsidies for ethanol that is resulting in rising food prices and the ban on drilling for oil off US coasts and in ANWR.

The American elites are telling the American people:

let them eat–you guessed it–Watermelon


Have a slice of watermelon?

Have a slice of watermelon?


Petey Greene – How to Eat Watermelon (Enhanced) 

“When one has tasted it he knows what the angels eat.”

~Mark Twain


Background Articles and Videos


James Brown – Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag



“Eco-socialism, Green socialism or Socialist ecology is an ideology merging aspects of Marxism, socialism, Green politics, ecology and the anti-globalization movement. Eco-socialists generally believe that the expansion of the capitalist system is the cause of social exclusion, poverty and environmental degradation through globalization and imperialism, under the supervision of repressive states and transstatal structures; they advocate the non-violent dismantling of capitalism and the state, focusing on collective ownership of the means of production by freely associated producers and restoration of the Commons.[1] …”

“…. Eco-socialists are critical of many past and existing forms of both Green politics and socialism. They are often described as Red Greens – adherents to Green politics with clear anti-capitalist views, often inspired by Marxism (Red Greens should be contrasted with Blue Greens). The term Watermelon is commonly applied, often as an insult, to describe professed Greens who seem to put social justice goals above ecological ones, implying they are “green on the outside but red on the inside”; the term is usually attributed to either Petr Beckmann or, more frequently, Warren T. Brookes,[2][3][4] both conservative critics of environmentalism, and is apparently common in Australia,[5][6] New Zealand[7] and the United States[8] (a website in New Zealand, The Watermelon, uses the term as a compliment, stating that it is “green on the outside and liberal on the inside”, using the term ‘liberal’ while also citing “socialist political leanings”, reflecting the use of the term ‘liberal’ to describe the Left-wing in many English-speaking countries[7] …”



The Marxist roots of the global warming scare

Wes Vernon



Fightback The Marxist Voice of Labour and Youth

Capitalism and the Environment

“…Outside the flat-earthers in the White House, there is a consensus that global warming is a big problem – actually the biggest environmental problem the world faces by far. The capitalist powers met at Kyoto and came to an agreement. The USA opted out. But America, with less than 5% of the world’s population, is responsible for a quarter of all carbon emissions. So that makes the Accord pretty much meaningless. But a lot of those countries that agreed to the Kyoto targets to cut the increase in emissions (not cut emissions) have failed to meet them. It is actually quite difficult for a capitalist state to control the activities of tens of thousands of capitalist firms who are responsible for giving off CO2. And everybody agrees that Kyoto will not solve the problem. It is usually described as a ‘first step’, and that first step has never really been taken.

So world socialism really is the only way we can protect the environment, in other words our home, the planet earth.”



Watermellon: Green on the outside Liberal on the Inside


Joel Kovel

Joel Kovel (born 27 August 1936) is an American politician, academic, writer and eco-socialist. A practicing psychiatrist and psychoanalyst until the mid-1980s, he has lectured in psychiatry, anthropology, political science and communication studies. He has published many books on his work in psychiatry, psychoanalysis and political activism. He is a member of the Green Party of the US (GPUS). …”



Dr. Joel Kovel, “Eco-Socialism” Pt. 1 of 3


Dr. Joel Kovel, “Eco-Socialism” Pt. 2 of 3


Dr. Joel Kovel, “Eco-Socialism” Pt. 3 of 3


A Really Inconvenient Truth


A Really Inconvenient Truth (Part 2/7)


A Really Inconvenient Truth (Part 3/7)


A Really Inconvenient Truth (Part 4/7)


A Really Inconvenient Truth (Part 5/7)


A Really Inconvenient Truth (Part 6/7)


A Really Inconvenient Truth (Part 7/7)



Internal World Bank study delivers blow to plant energy drive

Secret report: biofuel caused food crisis

“…Biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75% – far more than previously estimated – according to a confidential World Bank report obtained by the Guardian.

The damning unpublished assessment is based on the most detailed analysis of the crisis so far, carried out by an internationally-respected economist at global financial body.

The figure emphatically contradicts the US government’s claims that plant-derived fuels contribute less than 3% to food-price rises. It will add to pressure on governments in Washington and across Europe, which have turned to plant-derived fuels to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and reduce their dependence on imported oil.

Senior development sources believe the report, completed in April, has not been published to avoid embarrassing President George Bush.  …”



No Drilling, No Vote

Speaker Pelosi won’t let the House debate the merits of offshore drilling.

“…WHY NOT have a vote on offshore drilling? There’s a serious debate to be had over whether Congress should lift the ban on drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf that has been in place since 1981. Unfortunately, you won’t be hearing it in the House of Representatives — certainly, you won’t find lawmakers voting on it — anytime soon.

Instead of dealing with the issue on the merits, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), a staunch opponent of offshore drilling, has simply decreed that she will not allow a drilling vote to take place on the House floor. Why not? “What the president would like to do is to have validation for his failed policy,” she said yesterday when asked that very question. “What we’re saying is, ‘Exhaust other remedies, Mr. President.’ . . . It is the economic life of America’s families, and to suggest that drilling offshore is going to make a difference to them paycheck to paycheck now is a frivolous contention. The president has even admitted that. So what we’re saying is, ‘What can we do that is constructive?’ ”



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