Memo To Senator McCain: Turn Sarah Palin Loose

Posted on September 30, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Life, Links, Music, People, Politics, Raves, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

The Young Divas – Turn Me Loose


Memo To: Senator McCain

Subject: Turn Sarah Loose 

It is time to turn Governor Sarah Palin loose on the conservative base with interviews on talk radio.

Start with the diva of conservative talk radio, Laura Ingraham.

Follow this with interviews with the following conservative and libertarian talk show hosts:

Bill Bennett

Mike Gallagher

Neal Boortz

Glenn Beck

Rush Limbaugh

Sean Hannity

Mark Levin

Michael Reagan

Dennis Miller

Monica Crowlely

John Gibson

Hugh Hewitt

Michael Medved

Dennis Prager

Michael Savage

Dr. Laura Schlessinger

If you do this you will win.

The choice is yours.

Sunny & The Sunliners “Talk To Me” (OLDIE)


Cream – Sunshine of your Love

Hugh Hewitt got Sarah call and Bill Bennett replayed today on his show, Morning in America:

Sarah Palin on the Hugh Hewitt Show

Great interview.

Private Palin call your Mother you little stinker!

Governor Palin call Laura Ingraham Thursday!

Your are on a roll, go down the above list.

Ronald Reagan “Morning in America”


Background Articles and Videos

Sarah Palin: Babies, Guns, Jesus

“…RUSH: This is Sarah Palin and her accomplishments.  Obama cannot make a speech like this.PALIN:  In serving as the team mom and coaching some basketball on the side, I got involved in the PTA and then was elected to the city council and then elected mayor of my hometown where my agenda was to stop wasteful spending and cut property taxes and put the people first! (cheers and applause)  I was then appointed ethics commissioner and chairman of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission.  And when I found corruption there, I fought it hard and I held the offenders to account. (cheers and applause)   Along with fellow reformers in the great state of Alaska, as governor, I stood up to the old politics as usual — to the special interests, to the lobbyists, the big oil companies, and the good old boy network. (cheers and applause)   When oil and gas prices went up so dramatically and the state revenues followed with that increase, I sent a large share of that revenue directly back to the people of Alaska — and we are now… (cheers and applause)   We’re now embarking on a $40 billion natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence.RUSH:  She’s doing it. 
PALIN:  I signed major ethics reforms and I appointed both Democrats and independents to serve in my administration, and I championed reform, toned the abuses of earmark spending by Congress.  In fact, I told Congress, “Thanks, but no thanks,” on that Bridge to Nowhere.  If our state wanted a bridge, I said we’d build it ourselves.
RUSH:  Sarah Palin: babies, guns, Jesus.  Hot damn! …”


Palin Will Spend More Time With Couric, Cont’d   [Byron York]

“…Some Republicans believe the McCain campaign made a fundamental mistake in the Palin rollout by focusing on those traditional broadcast networks.  (The only other interview Palin has done was with Sean Hannity on Fox News.)  Palin is the person who almost single-handedly repaired John McCain’s relations with the conservative base, and a base media strategy might have been a more effective one.  If, a week or so after the Republican convention, Palin had done a lot of talk radio — Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Levin, Bennett, Hewitt, etc. — she would have had widespread exposure to the voters most favorably disposed to her.  Of course the campaign press corps would have complained, but they would also probably have been forced to use snippets from Palin’s talk-radio interviews, which means that what Palin said in a friendly atmosphere would ultimately make its way to an even wider audience, one that includes independents and undecided voters.  After that radio immersion period — starting, say, about now — Palin would do interviews with everyone.

P.S. One more thought. I know I stressed talk radio above, but it would probably have been wiser for the McCain team to have fashioned a rollout combining talk radio, the blogosphere, and local news outlets in key states.  Debuting Palin on a network newscast seems like, well, an old-fashioned kind of strategy.  It certainly wasn’t a fresh approach. …”


Sarah Palin on Glenn Beck


Alaska Governor Sarah Palin on Larry Kudlow


Charlie Rose – Sarah Palin


CNN Brown: ‘Free Sarah Palin


Chicago Trib’s news priorities: Nude Palin trumps economy

By Michelle Malkin

Financial crisis? What financial crisis? How about that nude Sarah Palin painting by a PDS-infected artist who used his naked daughter as the model?

Ick: …” 



Red State Update: Palin-Biden Debate (In Anticipation Of)


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