Gingrich/Palin in 2012–Conservative Comeback Candidates–Newty and The Beauty

Posted on July 5, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Economics, Law, Life, Links, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , |






Newt Gingrich asked about Palin’s Experience. Checkmate


Newt Gingrich discusses Palin on The Factor


Newt Gingrich Predicts Palin Win in 2012 against Obama


The “REAL” Time’s Person of the Year 2008


Sarah Palin Resigns


Ann Coulter: Sarah Palin Is Too “Big” To Be Alaska’s Governor


Look for a Gingrich/Palin ticket in 2012.

Dennis Miller is right on the money.


Dennis Miller Says Gingrich Should Run With Palin in 2012


Palin will focus on getting up to speed on the national issues and speaking across the country at grassroots events including more Tea Parties.


Dennis Miller – Choice Words For Current Prez


Tea Party Easton PA We Surround Them Don’t Tread on Me! Armed Forces Salute




The conservative base will love it.

The pump and dump drive by media will hate it.

The first Green On The Outside and Red On The Inside President Obama will increasingly be viewed as incompetent and clueless.

The unemployment rate will soon go over 10% with between 15,000,000, to over 25,000,000 unemployed American citizens looking for full time employment.

Once inflation starts to skyrocket in  late 2011 and 2012 –Obama will be viewed as a damaged Democratic disaster–unelectable.

Obama the economy wrecker, job destroyer and American dream killer popularity will plummet.

By putting her family first instead of her political career,  Sarah Palin has gained even greater respect from the movement conservatives who view faith and family as far  more important than the trend towards those who believe politics and big government 1s the answer to all problems.

She will be back sooner rather than latter.

I see a series of Palin Tea Parties all across the country where Sarah Palin brings out both Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and Independents that are tired of the political elites of both parties and their arrogant disregard of the American people desire for balanced  and declining budgets, The FairTax, enforcement of immigration laws, a strong defense , energy independence by drilling for oil and gas and building nuclear power plants and real entitlement reform and not its expansion.

The pump and dump drive by media are trying to bury her .

Big media is in full dump mode.

I hope they keep digging for they are only losing more of their former readers, listerners and viewers.

The Palin Proud Platoons are waiting to march in the Tea Party Parades across the United States:


Sarah Palin 2012 For President


Palin Proud Platoons–Never Gonna Give You Up


Mark Levin on Sarah Palin’s resignation (Part 1 of 3)


Mark Levin on Sarah Palin’s resignation (Part 2 of 3)


Mark Levin on Sarah Palin’s resignation (Part 3 of 3)


EQ Exclusive: Rush Limbaugh Responds To Palin’s Resignation


Bill Kristol on Sarah Palin’s resignation


Krauthammer on Palin’s resignation and prospects


Background Articles And Videos 

Gingrich/Palin In 2012?

“…Bonus points for watching every head explode on the Left! And the real irony is that you could probably structure the ticket either way. With a couple more years of seasoning, Palin/Gingrich could prove to be an interesting combination, though ego might get in the way in either case. Who really knows?

In serious conversations among Republicans since their election debacle Tuesday, what name is mentioned most often as the Moses, or Reagan, who could lead them out of the wilderness before 40 years?

To the consternation of many Republicans, it is none other than Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House.

Gingrich is far from a unanimous or even a consensus choice to run for president in 2012, but there is a strong feeling in Republican ranks that he is the only leader of their party who has shown the skill and energy to attempt a comeback quickly. …”


STUNNER: A Palin announcement: Resigning in weeks; “It hurts to make this choice. But I’m doing what’s best for Alaska”

By Michelle Malkin 

Scroll down for updates…







Lots of heavy media anticipation over a Sarah Palin announcement expected any minute from Wasilla.

Here’s CBS:

There was no indication as to the topic of the announcement. producer Scott Conroy, who covered Palin’s vice presidential campaign last year, said it is rare that Palin sends a press release out nationally.

Feel free to speculate.

Allahpundit has a developing round-up; multiple sources reporting that Palin will say she’s not going to run for governor again in 2010.

Here comes 2012?


A contrary take: FNC’s Chris Wallace take the announcement as a sign that Palin is not interested in pursuing national politics.

Palin supporters take cable news anchors to task for puzzling over announcement on “slow holiday news day” and missing Independence Day timing.

Latest from BNO on Twitter: Palin resigning in weeks????

From KTUU TV in Alaska:

Gov. Sarah Palin will resign her office in a few weeks, she said during a news conference at her Wasilla home Friday morning.

Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell will be inaugurated at the Governor’s Picnic at the end of the month, Palin said.

There was no immediate word as to why she will resign, though speculation has been rampant that the former vice presidential candidate is gearing up for a run at the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Palin made the announcement flanked by Parnell and most, if not all, of her cabinet.

*** …”


Sarah Palin: The Best is Yet to Come

By J.R. Dunn
“…So what does a woman do under such circumstances? A real woman, not a pol in a skirt.  A wife and a mother, someone with a clear hierarchy of values. Why, she steps out. She removes herself from the firing line. Returns to what matters. She retreats from the public world for the verities of family and community.
There’s nothing difficult to understand here. All the comments we’ve heard from the mass media, from the political experts, and from the operatives, merely reveal the limitations of the commentators.


So what does a woman do under such circumstances? A real woman, not a pol in a skirt.  A wife and a mother, someone with a clear hierarchy of values. Why, she steps out. She removes herself from the firing line. Returns to what matters. She retreats from the public world for the verities of family and community.
There’s nothing difficult to understand here. All the comments we’ve heard from the mass media, from the political experts, and from the operatives, merely reveal the limitations of the commentators. …”


Sarah Palin Interview with Sean Hannity — Alaska Governor Speaks with FOX News Channel [1/2]


Sarah Palin Interview with Sean Hannity — Alaska Governor Speaks with FOX News Channel [2/2]


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