Just One More Thing Congressman Ryan: When Does The Republican’s Path To Prosperity Balance The Budget?–The Twelth of Never!

Posted on April 5, 2011. Filed under: Agriculture, American History, Banking, Blogroll, Business, Communications, Demographics, Economics, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, Health Care, history, Homes, Immigration, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Medicine, Monetary Policy, Money, Music, People, Philosophy, Politics, Private Sector, Public Sector, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Strategy, Talk Radio, Taxes, Unions, Video, War, Wealth, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Give it a listen!

Pronk Pops Show 24: April 19, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 23: April 12, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 22 (Part 2): April 7, 2011

Pronk Pops Show 22 (Part 1): April 7, 2011

April 08, 2011 11:16 AM PDT

Pronk Pops Show 22, April 7, 2011

Segment 1: 3,500,000 Million Americans Unemployed in March 2011 Still Exceeds Great Depression High of 13,000,000 In March 1933–The Obama Depressions Continues–Bureau of Labor Statistics: 8.8% Official Unemployment Rate (U-3) vs. Gallup Unemployment Rate of 10.0%–Nonfarm Payroll Increased By 216,000–The Government Makes The Depression Worse!–Videos

Segment 2: Obama’s Anti-American, Anti-Capitalist, Anti-Growth, Anti-Jobs, and Anti-Security Energy Policy–Videos

Segment 3: Republican Establishment Will Propose A Ten Year $6,200 Billion Cut In Spending Over Ten Years–The Problem Is It Does Not Balance The Budget For Another Five Years At The Earliest–Tea Party Movement Demands Balanced Budgets Starting In 2012 For The Next Ten Years!–A Jet Plane To Prosperity Not A Path To Prosperity–Videos

Segment 4: Just One More Thing Congressman Ryan: When Does The Republican’s Path To Prosperity Balance The Budget?–The Twelth of Never!–Videos

For additional information and videos on the above segments:


Johnny Mathis – The Twelfth Of Never

Ryan Unveils Much Anticipated 2012 Budget Plan

Sean Interviews Paul Ryan

S-1 FY2012 Chairman’s Markup

(Nominal Dollars in Billions)

Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Deficits Debt Held By Public
2011 3,618 2,230 -1,388 10,351
2012 3,529 2,533 -995 11,418
2013 3,559 2,860 -699 12,217
2014 3,586 3,094 -492 12,801
2015 3,671 3,237 -434 13,326
2016 3,858 3,377 -481 13,886
2017 3,998 3,589 -408 14,363
2018 4,123 3,745 -379 14,800
2019 4,352 3,939 -414 15,254
2020 4,544 4,142 -402 15,681
2021 4,739 4,354 -385 16,071
2012-2021 39,958 34,870 -5,088 n.a.




S-1 FY2012 President’s Budget

(Nominal Dollars in Billions)

Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Deficits Debt Held By Public
2011 3,819 2,174 -1,645 10,856
2012 3,729 2,627 -1,101 11,881
2013 3,771 3,003 -768 12,784
2014 3,977 3,333 -646 13,562
2015 4,190 3,583 -607 14,301
2016 4,468 3,819 -649 15,064
2017 4,669 4,042 -627 15,795
2018 4,876 4,257 -619 16,513
2019 5,154 4,473 -681 17,284
2020 5,442 4,686 -735 18,103
2021 5,697 4,923 -774 18,967
2012-2021 45,952 38,747 -7,205 n.a.



The tea party movement’s budget would require the Federal Government to have a balanced or surplus budget in every fiscal year starting in 2012 with a declining national debt starting in Fiscal Year 2017.

S-1 FY2012 Tea Party’s Balanced/Surplus Budget

(Nominal Dollars in Billions)

Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues Surpluses Debt Held By Public
2012 2,500 2,500 0 10,900
2013 2,800 2,800 0 10,900
2014 3,000 3,000 0 10,900
2015 3,200 3,200 0 10,900
2016 3,300 3,300 0 10,900
2017 3,400 3,500 100 10,800
2018 3,500 3,700 200 10,600
2019 3,600 3,900 300 10,300
2020 3,700 4,000 300 10,000
2021 3,800 4,300 500 9,500
2012-2021 32,800 34,200 1,400 n.a.

Summary of Outlays, Revenues (Receipts), Deficits, Surpluses

Fiscal Years 1980-2010

(Nominal Dollars in Millions)

Fiscal Year Outlays Revenues (Receipts) Deficits (-), Surpluses
1980 590,941 517,112 -73,830
1981 678,241 599,272 -78,968
1982 745,743 617,766 -127,977
1983 808,364 600,562 -207,802
1984 851,805 666,488 185,367
1985 946,344 734,037 -212,308
1986 990,382 769,155 221,277
1987 1,004,017 854,288 -149,730
1988 1,064,417 854,288 -155,178
1989 1,143,744 991,105 -152,639
1990 1,252,994 1,031,958 -221,036
1991 1,324,226 1,054,988 -269,238
1992 1,381,529 1,091,208 -290,321
1993 1,409,386 1,154,335 -255,051
1994 1,461,753 1,258,566 -203,186
1995 1,515,742 1,351,790 -163,392
1996 1,560,484 1,453,053 -107,431
1997 1,601,116 1,579,232 -21,884
1998 1,652,458 1,721,728 69,270
1999 1,701,842 1,827,452 125,610
2000 1,788,950 2,025,191 236,241
2001 1,862,846 1,991,082 128,236
2002 2,010,894 1,853,136 -157,758
2003 2,159,899 1,782,314 -377,585
2004 2,292,841 1,880,114 -412,727
2005 2,471,957 2,153,611 -318,346
2006 2,655,050 2,406,869 -248,181
2007 2,728,686 2,567,985 -160,701
2008 2,982,544 2,523,991 -458,553
2009 3,517,677 2,104,989 -1,412,688
2010 3,456,213 2,162,724 -1,293,489

For a history of the Federal Government’s Receipts (Revenues), Outlays, and Deficits and Surpluses

Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-): 1789–2016

“…Historical Tables provides data on budget receipts, outlays, surpluses or deficits, Federal debt, and Federal employment over an extended time period, generally from 1940 or earlier to 2012 or 2016.

To the extent feasible, the data have been adjusted to provide consistency with the 2012 Budget and to provide comparability over time.

To download the Historical Tables as a single PDF, click here (360 pages, 3.2 MB) …”


Neither the Republican nor Democratic Party is capable of living within the means of the American people.

The political class or elites are not serious and do not understand the problem.

If they did they would have a sense of urgency which is lacking in both the Democratic and Republican proposed budgets.

Deficits, Debts and Unfunded Liabilities: The Consequences of Excessive Government Spending

The Republicans are proposing a budget for Fiscal Year 2012 of $3,618 billion compared with the President Obama’s $3,729.

This results in a deficit of $995 billion for the Republican budget and $1,101 billion for President Obama’s budget.

As the above tables clearly show, neither party is capable of balancing the budget in the next ten years.

The above budgets are needed to support a warfare and welfare economy with a collectivist state.

The above budgets are not a pathway to a peace and prosperity economy with a constitutional republic.

The budget needs to be balanced starting in fiscal year 2012 at $2,500 billion or less.

The tea party movement demands that from here on out that all budgets be either balanced or in surplus with no tax increases.

Please do not tell me Congressman Ryan that the budget will me in primary balance by 2015.

Primary balance means you exclude interest on the national debt  from expenditures or outlays.

A budget in primary balance is just a rather lame-duck president’s attempt to confuse the American people.

I am not confused or amused by President Obama totally irresponsible Fiscal Year 2012 budget proposal.

Nor am I impressed with the so-called path to a balanced budget and a path to prosperity for the United States economy.

The tea party movement does not want a path to prosperity but a jet plane ride to a balanced budget in Fiscal Year 2012 without any new taxes.

Start permanently shutting down ten Federal Departments before you even begin to think about  cutting mandatory spending or entitlements including Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

The American people want the FairTax not the continuation of an overly complicated Federal Income taxation system even with a lower rate of 25% for individuals and corporations.

The FairTax: It’s Time

President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2012 budget gets a F and it will cost him his re-election.

The American people have no intention of getting in the Democratic Party’s car driven by Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama:

The American people have no intention of getting on the Republican Party’s path to prosperity either.

The Republican Fiscal Year 2012 budget gets a D+.

Milton Friedman would give you a D-:

The  American people demand fiscal responsibility or living within ones means for the Federal Government starting with the Fiscal Year 2012 Federal Government Budget.

The American people were listening when the Republican establishment’s leadership said they heard the American people.

Republicans roll out “Pledge to America”

Pledge to America Preamble

“Pledge to America” Unveiled by Republicans (Full Text)


The Republican Pledge to America clearly stated that:

“We have a plan to impose fiscal discipline and cut government down to size.”

The Republican Pathway to Prosperity is that plan and it does not impose fiscal discipline  nor does it cut down the size of the Federal Government.

Over the next ten fiscal years, there is not one single year in which the fiscal discipline of a balanced budget is met.

The Republican Pledge to America clearly stated that:

“With common-sense exceptions for seniors, veterans, and our troops, we will roll back government spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels, saving us at least $100 billion in the first year alone and putting us on a path to balance the budget and pay down the debt. We will also establish strict budget caps to limit federal spending from this point forward.”

For Fiscal Year 2008 the total actual outlays were $2,982 billion and total actual revenues or receipts from taxation were $2,523 billion for the U.S. Federal Government with a deficit of $458 billion.

The Republican Pathway to Prosperity proposes in Fiscal Year 2012 total estimated outlays of $3,529 billion and total estimated revenues of $2,533 billion resulting in a deficit of $997 billion.

The Republican Party establishment and leadership misled and lied to the American people and the tea party movement when it said it would “roll back government spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels.”
Both the Democratic and Republican Party proposed U.S. Federal Government budgets are extremely dangerous for they  generate increasing uncertainty among business owners and consumers as to where this ultimately leads the economy and nation.

“Extreme Spending”

The Republican establishment’s leadership in Washington D.C.  needs to be replaced for they have refused to learn the lessons of the 2006 and 2008 elections and apparently need to learn another lesson in 2012.

If you are a tea party movement patriot challenge all House and Senate seats currently held by Republicans if they vote for this fiscally irresponsible and unbalanced budget for Fiscal Year 2012.

The tea party movement  has been betrayed by the Republican Party leadership and establishment in Washington, D.C.

Dan Mitchell gets a A+.

It’s Simple to Balance The Budget Without Higher Taxes

Controlling Leviathan: The Battle for Limited Government

Question and Answer Session: The Fight Against Big Government

I didn’t leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me.

The independents and the tea party movement have given up on both political parties.

The Pathway to Prosperity is the Republican Party’s timid attempt to capture the independents and tea party movement.

No sale.

The tea party movement will not be pleased.

They will be leaving on a jet plane.

I will be voting for Ron Paul for President in 2012 and Michele Bachmann for Vice-President.

SA@TAC – Ron Paul’s Pledge to America

P.S. You really disappointed me Congressman Ryan, your proposal is neither bold nor timid, it is fiscally irresponsible and gutless.

Suggest Paul Ryan talk to some Senators who understand the problem and what needs to be done now.

Rand Paul and Mike Lee on “Glenn Beck” with Judge Napolitano 03/07/11


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