American Citizens Alliance Party–A CAP On Government Spending, Taxes, Debt and Regulations-The Third Party Base–Tea Party Patriots–Videos

Posted on April 5, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Culture, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, People, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Quotations, Raves, Resources, Strategy, Taxes, Technology, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Expanded and Updated

Ned Ryun discusses Tea Party Movement on Bill O’Reilly

Americans angry (71%) at federal government, Congress Cares Not, Just Sheep to be Run Over

AYN RAND’s message to GLENN BECK


Ron Paul Third Party Press Conference September 10, 2008

Second American Revolution: Howard Phillips (1 of 4)

Palin Supports Creation Of Third Party

Mainstream Media Takes Aim at Tea Party, Palin


“Competition is sin.”

~John D. Rockefeller


“If any of my competitors were drowning, I’d stick a hose in their mouth”

~Ray Kroc


“In the United States the competition to the railroads in the form of busses, automobiles, trucks, and airplanes has caused the railroads to suffer and to be almost completely defeated, as far as passenger transportation is concerned.”

~Ludwig von Mises, Economic Policy, page 5 


Third Parties in Two Party America – Dole Institute


In the United States those on the political left who identify themselves as progressive or liberal  are mostly registered and vote as Democrats.

The progressive radical socialists dominate the education, entertainment, the legal profession,  major media, unions, and governments.

The progressive radical socialists have a core political base of about 20% of the American voters. 

For all practical purposes the Democratic Party has become and is led by progressive radical socialists.

This is the reason that over the last forty years  many Americans that consider themselves  conservatives and/or libertarians that were Democrats have changed their party registration and now vote Republican or consider themselves as Independents.

The challenge is the Republican Party establishment is permeated with what used to be called Rockefeller or country club Republicans and are now called Republicans in Name Only or Rhinos–progressives on many issues such as comprehensive immigration reform,  government spending, taxation and social issues such as favoring abortion or the killing of unborn children.

Many movement conservatives and/or libertarians that were once supporters of the Republican Party, now when asked we tell you they consider themselves to be independents.

I am a classical liberal or what in the United States is called a libertarian.

While I am also a movement conservative, I am now an independent.

I come from a family that out of habit voted Democratic.

Many are breaking this bad habit for they want no part of a progressive radical socialist Democratic Party that puts government ahead of the individual and family.

Both the Republican and Democratic parties have been fiscally irresponsible and have only grown the size and scope of government.

Neither political party is advocating truly cutting Federal spending by shutting down permanently Federal Departments or eliminating all Federal taxes and replacing it a broad-based consumption sales tax that would encourage a strong work ethic, savings, job creation, economic growth and wealth creation.

Many independents loyalty is to the conservative and/or libertarian movement not the Republican or Democratic parties.

Many of them are active in organizing and attending Tea Parties across the nation.

I suspect that roughly 40% of the American electorate would vote for a Tea Party candidate over a Democrat or Republican.

Both political parties are threatened by the prospect of  a competitive and viable third-party.

Unlike the majority of talk show radio hosts such as Rush  Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Bill Bennett, who regularly discourage talk of a third-party and advocate movement conservatives take over the Republican Party,  I for one think it would be very beneficial if the United States actually had three or even four viable political parties competing for public office.

Competition is good.

The more political competition the better.

A viable third political party in the United States would need to regularly get around 35% to 40% of the registered voters to consistently win elections.

This would require a minimum of twenty years to accomplish and a minimum of sixty billion dollars in contributions over these twenty years or about 3  billion dollars per year.

For this to happen the Tea Party movement needs to clearly articulate a core set of positions on issues of most concern to the American people such as the following:

1. Government Spending: surplus budgets to pay down the National Debt by restricting fiscal year spending budgets to 80% of previous year’s  FairTax collections with the remaining 20% to pay down the debt.

2. Federal Tax Reform: The FairTax should  replace all Federal taxes.

3. Size and scope of the government: At least ten Federal Departments and many Federal agencies should be closed permanently. The number of Federal employees need to cut by at least 50%.

4. National Defense: Budget 5% of our nation’s gross domestic product for national defense, securing our borders and homeland security.

5. Foreign Affairs: End US involvement with the United Nations and bring all the troops home from abroad including Europe, Great Britain, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

6. Social Security and Medicare: Transform them from a government controlled and operated system to an individual controlled and investment system where benefits are based upon payments into a person’s account and investment performance. All person over the age of fifty would have the option to remain under the existing Social Security and Medicare programs or go into the new individual controlled  system.

7. Immigration: immigration law enforcement, illegal alien removal and deportation, and controlled and limited legal immigration not to exceed 250,000 persons per year. All new citizens must speak, read and write English before becoming a United States citizen.

8. Promote competition in education: provide  all parents with  school vouchers that enable them to choose the school their children attend including home schooling and online schooling.
9. Health Care Reform: affordable, portable, individual, tax favored, and competitive health insurance plans and expanded health savings accounts.

10. End the Federal Reserve System and fiat money and  institute  a new gold/silver backed currency standard.

11. End all Federal subsidies to businesses no matter what form the subsidies take.

12. Eliminate Federal Government regulations that put U.S. businesses at a competitive disadvantage.

13. Energy Independence: repeal all laws and regulations that are impeding the growth and expansion of US energy production including oil and gas exploration and refining and nuclear electrical power generation plant construction and operation.

14. Preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America: appoint judges and public servants that will uphold their oaths.

The above Fourteen Issue Positions  should receive the support of the vast majority of the American people including Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians and others.

However, both the Democratic and Republican Parties would not support these Fourteen Issue Positions in their entirety.

The Tea Party movement must transform itself into a viable political party that is fundamentally different from both the Democratic and Republican parties that are responsible for the economic, political and military mess the United States currently finds itself.

We the people must form a new political party.

We the people must fund a new political party.

We the people must run a new political party.

This new political party must be an alliance of former Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and independents who put individuals and families first and favor accountable, fiscally responsible and limited government.

I call this new political party the American Citizens Alliance Party or A Cap for short–A CAP on Government Spending, Taxes, Debts and Regulations!

Join the Second American Revolution.

Tea Party Time!


AMERICA IS ME – Anthem for “We the People” by Mack Hayes – Tea Party salute

The Meaning of Independence Day – Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights

“Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: 1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. 2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depositary of the public interests. In every country these two parties exist, and in every one where they are free to think, speak, and write, they will declare themselves. Call them, therefore, Liberals and Serviles, Jacobins and Ultras, Whigs and Tories, Republicans and Federalists, Aristocrats and Democrats, or by whatever name you please, they are the same parties still and pursue the same object. The last one of Aristocrats and Democrats is the true one expressing the essence of all.”

~Thomas Jefferson to Henry Lee, 1824. ME 16:73


“There are many men of principle in both parties in America but there is no party of principle.”

~Alexis de Tocqueville

Background Articles and Videos

 Debating the Role of Third Parties in the U.S. Pt. 1 of 5

Debating the Role of Third Parties in the U.S. Pt. 2 of 5

Debating the Role of Third Parties in the U.S. Pt. 3 of 5

Debating the Role of Third Parties in the U.S. Pt. 4 of 5

Debating the Role of Third Parties in the U.S. Pt. 5 of 5

Tea Party 48% Obama 44% 

“…On major issues, 48% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is closer to their views than President Barack Obama. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 44% hold the opposite view and believe the president’s views are closer to their own.

Not surprisingly, Republicans overwhelmingly feel closer to the Tea Party and most Democrats say that their views are more like Obama’s. Among voters not affiliated with either major political party, 50% say they’re closer to the Tea Party while 38% side with the President. …”

by Lydia Saad

“…Tea Party supporters skew right politically; but demographically, they are generally representative of the public at large. That’s the finding of a USA Today/Gallup poll conducted March 26-28, in which 28% of U.S. adults call themselves supporters of the Tea Party movement.

Affiliation With Tea Party Movement

Tea Party supporters are decidedly Republican and conservative in their leanings. Also, compared with average Americans, supporters are slightly more likely to be male and less likely to be lower-income.

Profile of Tea Party Supporters -- Areas of Divergence From National Adults

Second American Revolution: Howard Phillips (2 of 4)

Second American Revolution: Howard Phillips (3 of 4)

Second American Revolution: Howard Phillips (4 of 4)


Second American Revolution: Howard Phillips (4 of 4)

Capitalism Without Guilt – Dr. Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Ins. at JIMS – Part 2

Capitalism Without Guilt – Dr. Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Ins. at JIMS – Part 3

Capitalism Without Guilt – Dr. Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Ins. at JIMS – Part 4

Capitalism Without Guilt – Dr. Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Ins. at JIMS – Part 5

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Individuals–Yes, Collectivists–No, Dissent–Yes, Racism–No, Life–Yes, Abortion–No, Ballots–Yes, Bullets–No–We The People Want Faith, Hope, Charity and Courage!

The Ticking Time Bomb–The Wrath of The Tea Party Patriots

Independents Lead The The Second American Revolution Surge–Independence Day–Saturday July 4, 2009 In Washington D.C.–Tea Party Time–On To Washington–Dare You To Move!

Tea Party Time–American People March On Congress Saturday and Sunday March 20-21, 2010!–Kill The Bill–Vote No!

The American People March on Washington D.C.–August 28, 2010–At The Lincoln Memorial! Mark Your Calendar–Be There–Three Million Minimum–Join The Second American Revolution

A Common Sense Political Agenda For A New Conservative and Libertarian Party: American Citizens Alliance Party (ACAP)–A CAP On Government Spending, Taxes, Debt and Regulations!

A New Political Party In The United States? American Citizens Alliance Party–ACAP On Government Spending, Taxes, Debt, and Regulations!

Third Party Time? Yes Provided You Have $10 Billion and 10 Years!

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A New Political Party In The United States? American Citizens Alliance Party–ACAP On Government Spending, Taxes, Debt, and Regulations!

Posted on May 11, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Education, Employment, Links, People, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Strategy, Taxes, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

 “Full government control of all activities of the individual is virtually the goal of both national parties.”

~Ludwig von Mises


“A society that does not recognize that each individual has values of his own which he is entitled to follow can have no respect for the dignity of the individual and cannot really know freedom.”

~Friedrich A. Hayek


“The Great Depression, like most other periods of severe unemployment, was produced by government mismanagement rather than by any inherent instability of the private economy.”

~Milton Friedman

Glenn Beck On Political Parties and Independents


U.S. Party ID Advantage Stays With Democrats

Democrats Hold Clear Advantage Among Women

 GOP Faces Party ID Deficit Among All Age Groups

Gingrich warns conservatives could form third party

Ron Paul: The Poor & Middle Class Are Suffering While The Elites Are Being Bailed Out!


Joe Scarborough: Republican Party Is Radical, Not Conservative

Scarborough on GOP: No New Ideas


Many movement conservatives and libetarians that in the past voted Republican have decided that both political parties no longer represent the interests of the American people.

Both political parties are enlarging the scope and size government–more government spending, taxes, debt and regulations:


Stop Spending Our Future – The Crisis

Taxes are NOT the problem…



Instead of truly cutting the number of Federal Government Departments, budgets, programs, and taxes–both parties want to expand them.

The individual and family are under attack by more and more government at the local, state, and Federal level.

Government growth has become a cancer that needs to be stopped.

More and more I am convinced that a third party based on limited government would be successful in getting both Republican and Democratic voters as well as independents as party members.

It will take ten to twenty years or more to organize and win a majority of the voters.

Several conservative and libertarian talk show hosts have in the past worked in Republican administrations.

These talk show hosts are married to the Republican Party and want no part of a new conservative/libertarian fusion party of American citizens.

Unfortunately, the glory golden days of Senator Barry Goldwater and President Reagan are long gone, but not forgotten.

Most conservatives and libertarians have no desire to work in any administration, Republican or Democratic.

Trying to change the Republican Party leadership is of no interest to them.

Movement conservatives and libertarians did change the leadership of the Republican Party in 1964.

Then waited another 16 years before Ronald Reagan was finally elected.


Conservatives Re-Take the Republican Party at the 1964 Convention


Ronald Reagan Speech – 1964 Republican National Convention

Let the supporters of Rockefeller, Bush and McCain–moderates and liberals–keep the Republican Party.

Instead, a new party that runs on conservative and libertarian principles and delivers on them would win my vote.

A new party whatever the name will arise from a grassroot movement of individuals that favor limited government, massive cuts in spending, lower taxes, fewer regulations, ending illegal immigration  and starting criminal alien removal, individual ownership accounts for Social Security, bringing all the troops home from around the world, universal education vouchers to promote competition with government schools,  and yes, The FairTax!

Neither the Democrats nor Republicans support such initiatives–most of them actually oppose most if not all of them.

There is a need for leaders that can communicate ideas and organize a grassroots movement.

There is also a need for financial backers that can supply the money to fund the party building activities and political campaigns.

A leader that is a combination of Ronald Reagan and George Marshall backed by a Bill Gates would fit the profile. 

Leaders must be thinkers and communicators and not just readers of prepared speeches.

Remember Ronald Reagan read and understood the works of the great economists Ludwig von Mises, Friederick Hayek and Milton Friedman:

“Rowland Evans: “What philosophical thinkers or writers most influenced your conduct as a leader, as a person?” Ronald Reagan: “Well .. I’ve always been a voracious reader — I have read the economic views of von Mises and Hayek, and .. Bastiat .. I know about Cobden and Bright in England — and the elimination of the corn laws and so forth, the great burst of economy or prosperity for England that followed.” (Rowland Evans & Robert Novak, The Reagan Revolution, New York: E. P. Dutton, 1981, p. 229).

“The most important player on Ronald Reagan’s economic team is Ronald Reagan. The person most responsible for creating the economic program that came to be known as Reaganomics is Reagan himself. For over twenty years he observed the American economy, read and studied the writings of some of the best economists in the world, including the giants of the free market economy — Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman — and he spoke and wrote on the economy, going through the rigorous mental discipline of explaining his thoughts to others. Over the years he made all the key decisions on the economic strategies he finally embraced.  He always felt comfortable with his knowledge of the field and he was in command all the way.” (Martin Anderson, Revolution, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988, p. 164.)

The Tea Party American People from both political parties are the core base of a new political party in the United States.

These individuals are throughly disgusted with the fiscally irresponsible Democratic and Republican Parties who put the needs of the government bureaucracy and political elites before the needs and aspirations of the American people.

Many Democrats, Republicans and Independents are demanding a party of principles where God and family are first and government is limited and tertiary.

An alliance of American Citizens– former Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents– would win in a landslide exceeding those of President Reagan in 1980 and 1984.

The time for an American conservative and libertarian party is now!

Go to a Tea Party in your community or attend the Washington D.C. Tea Parties on July 4, 2009–Independence Day!

Join the Second American Revolution




Second American Revolution–Tea Party Celebrations–Washington Fair–July 4, 2009–An Open Invitation To The American People 

American People’s Plan = 6 Month Tax Holiday + FairTax = Real Hope + Real Change!–Millions To March On Washington D.C. Saturday, July 4, 2009!

Millions of Rightwing Extremists To March On Washington D.C. Fair–Celebrating Independence Day Tea Parties and Chanting “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!” 


Please Spread The Message of Liberty


 “Proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants.”

 Let Freedom Ring 



“The characteristic mark of this age of dictators, wars and revolutions is its anticapitalistic bias. Most governments and political parties are eager to restrict the sphere of private initiative and free enterprise.” 

~Ludwig von Mises


“I very seriously believe that capitalism is not only a better form of organizing human activity than any deliberate design, any attempt to organize it to satisfy particular preference, to aim at what people regard as beautiful or pleasant order, but it is also the indespensable condition for just keeping that population alive which exists already in the world. I regard the preservation of what is known as the capitalist system, of the system of free markets and the private ownership of the means of production, as an essential condition of the very survival of mankind.”

~Friedrich A. Hayek


“I am in favor of cutting taxes under any circumstances and for any excuse, for any reason, whenever it’s possible. “

~Milton Friedman

Background Articles and Videos


World’s Smallest Political Quiz


GOP recasts brand, sans wedge issues

By Ben Smith


“…Top Republican leaders Thursday offered a first look at plans to remake their party with a renewed focus on the bread-and-butter issues of domestic policy.

The National Council for a New America launched with an open letter that’s notable for what it leaves out: The issues that a large segment of the party’s base are most passionate about. The letter, signed by 14 congressional Republican leaders, makes no mention of same-sex marriage, immigration — legal or otherwise — or abortion.

The letter outlines five policy areas, four of them domestic, and promises a search for solutions on the economy and on “high quality, affordable [health] care for all Americans.”
What George Will missed: The decrepit state of the California GOP …”


PEGGY NOONANAmerica may be ready for a new political party.

Third Time

“…Right now the Republicans and Democrats in Washington seem, from the outside, to be an elite colluding against the voter. They’re in agreement: immigration should not be controlled but increased, spending will increase, etc.

Are there some dramatic differences? Yes. But both parties act as if they see them not as important questions (gay marriage, for instance) but as wedge issues. Which is, actually, abusive of people on both sides of the question. If it’s a serious issue, face it. Don’t play with it.

I don’t see any potential party, or potential candidate, on the scene right now who can harness the disaffection of growing portions of the electorate. But a new group or entity that could define the problem correctly–that sees the big divide not as something between the parties but between America’s ruling elite and its people–would be making long strides in putting third party ideas in play in America again. …”

Party Hacks: Rebooting the GOP 


“…It’s worth noting, though, that the Democrats were never able to replicate the gop‘s mastery of talk radio—and not for lack of trying. And Republicans are trying to upgrade their outreach while saddled with a much bigger challenge: determining what the party stands for. That’s not something that can be solved with technology. Stepping up to the mic at the rnc‘s Tech Summit, Sean Doughtie, who runs a Florida-based new-media firm, summed up the problem: “We can blog about blogging. We can twitter about Twitter. But what we’re experiencing as a party is a failure of our brand.”

It didn’t bode well for a party in flux when the rnc‘s Web guru, Cyrus Krohn, abruptly resigned in March. His farewell blog post was titled rnc-YA.”


What George Will missed: The decrepit state of the California GOP

By Michelle Malkin







“…George Will’s latest column on the sagging economy of California and the upcoming slate of massive tax-hike initiatives on the ballot only scratches the surface of what’s rotten in the formerly Golden State.

The state GOP is a basket case. The party establishment epitomizes everything that is wrong with the Republican Party nationally: Cronyism, arrogance, waste, and leadership out of touch with its base.

I reportedon how grass-roots conservatives greeted California GOP chairman Ron Nehring with boos and heckles of “Go Home!” and “Throw Them Out!” at the Sacramento Tea Party on April 15. Tea Party organizer Mark Meckler publicly called out Nehring for the party’s waffling on the tax propositions. Nehring attempted to coopt the Tea Party movement for the GOP’s purposes. The tax revolters were having none of it. Here’s the vid: …”


Hero worship

By Michelle Malkin  


“…I’ve been seeing a lemming-like increase in hand-wringing articles about the need for a GOP “hero.”

The latest comes from McCain/Bush flack Nicolle Wallace in “The Daily Beast” — Tina Brown’s liberal salon sprinkled with acceptable, non-conservative Beltway Republicans who swallow false premises whole.

Wallace parrots the line that the Republican Party needs an “effective communicator” who can match Obama’s “eloquence.”

Her genius, never-before-thought-of proposal: Get an actor!

Wallace floats Gary Sinise as the next “hero.” …” 

California Sagging

By George Will

“…But what actually ails California is centrist evasions. The state’s crisis has been causedby “moderation,” understood as splitting the difference between extreme liberalism and hyperliberalism, a “reasonableness” that merely moderates the speed at which the ever-expanding public sector suffocates the private sector.

California has become liberalism’s laboratory, in which the case for fiscal conservatism is being confirmed. The state is a slow learner and hence will remain a drag on the nation’s economy. But it will be a net benefit to the nation if the federal government and other state governments profit from California’s negative example, which Californians can make more vividly instructive by voting down the propositions on May 19.

Remember the story of the mule that paid attention only after being walloped by a two-by-four? The Democratic-controlled state Legislature is like that. Fortunately, it has handed voters some two-by-fours — the initiatives. Resounding rejections of them should get Sacramento’s attention. …”


Milton Freidman – Socialism vs. Capitalism

Ronald Reagan on Capitalism and Socialism

The Morality of Capitalism 1 – Ayn Rand Institute

The Morality of Capitalism 2 – Ayn Rand Institute

The Morality of Capitalism 3 – Ayn Rand Institute

Contemporary American Conservatism 



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