George Lakoff–Videos

Posted on February 11, 2012. Filed under: American History, Blogroll, Books, Communications, Computers, Crime, Culture, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Farming, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Food, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, Health Care, history, Inflation, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Medicine, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Taxes, Technology, Unemployment, Video, War, Weapons, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , |

How Democrats & Progressives Can Win: George Lakoff 

George Lakoff, how conservatives train leaders

George Lakoff: Moral Politics

Bringing Progressive Politics Back To The People

The Left, the Right, and the Family View of Government

How Dems Are Failing to Sell Health Care Reform – George Lakoff 

George Lakoff on the role of government

CA Progressive Game Plan, by Prof. George Lakoff, CAL Berkely

George Lakoff pt1 of 6 – Frameworks, Empathy and Sustainability

George Lakoff pt2 of 6 – Frameworks, Empathy and Sustainability

George Lakoff pt3 of 6 – Frameworks, Empathy and Sustainability

George Lakoff p4 of 6 – Frameworks, Empathy and Sustainability

George Lakoff pt5 of 6 – Frameworks, Empathy and Sustainability

George Lakoff pt6 of 6 – Frameworks, Empathy and Sustainability

George Lakoff “The Brain and Its Politics” 

How to Make Friends and Manipulate Irrational Voters 

Authors@Google: George Lakoff 

Authors@Google: George Lakoff

Part One: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson

Part Two: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson 

Part Three: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson 

Part Four: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson 

Part Five: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson 

Part Six: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson 

Part Seven: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson 

George Lakoff on how he started his work on conceptual metaphor 

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There Are No Coincidences: Three Progressive Presidents Won The Nobel Peace Prize–Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Barack Obama–Narcissistic Personality Disorder!

Posted on October 11, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Economics, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government spending, Law, liberty, Life, Links, People, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Strategy, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Updated March 22, 2015


“What needs emphasis today is the political significance of the family. A people whose marriages and families are weak can have no solid institutions.”

~Michael Novak

“Behind every progressive policy lies a single moral value: empathy, together with the responsibility and strength to act on that empathy.”

~George Lakoff

Me All the Time: The Epidemic of Narcissism

W. Keith Campbell: The Narcissism Epidemic

The One Question You Need To Determine If A Narcissist Is A Narcissist

Obama: Narcissist’s Reaction to Failure and Defeat

Who Deserved the Nobel Peace Prize? Should we even care?

President Theodore Roosevelt, a progressive Republican, won the 1906 Peace Prize for using his office as a mediator between Russia and Japan resulting in a peace treaty between the two nations in September 1905.

Theodore ~ A Tribute to Teddy Roosevelt

President Woodrow Wilson, a progressive Democrat, won the 1919 Noble Peace Prize for his Fourteen Points peace program and his efforts in achieving the League of Nations in the 1919 Treaty of Versailles:

“In accepting the honor of your award I am moved not only by a profound gratitude for the recognition of my [sincere and] earnest efforts in the cause of peace, but also by a very poignant humility before the vastness of the work still called for by this cause.

May I not take this occasion to express my respect for the far-sighted wisdom of the founder in arranging for a continuing system of awards? If there were but one such prize, or if this were to be the last, I could not of course accept it. For mankind has not yet been rid of the unspeakable horror of war. I am convinced that our generation has, despite its wounds, made notable progress. But it is the better part of wisdom to consider our work as one1 begun. It will be a continuing labor. In the indefinite course of [the] years before us there will be abundant opportunity for others to distinguish themselves in the crusade against hate and fear and war.

There is indeed a peculiar fitness in the grouping of these Nobel rewards. The cause of peace and the cause of truth are of one family. Even as those who love science and devote their lives to physics or chemistry, even as those who would create new and higher ideals for mankind in literature, even so with those who love peace, there is no limit set. Whatever has been accomplished in the past is petty compared to the glory and promise of the future.

Woodrow Wilson”

I have been reading George Lakoff’s book, Whose Freedom, The Battle Over American’s Most Important Idea, an edifying, confusing, and in the end a misleading book.

Authors@Google: George Lakoff

Lakoff is very proud to be what Americans call progressive and Europeans social democrats.

If Lakoff were Norweign and on the Noble Peace Prize Committee he would have fit right in and have voted for President Obama receiving the award.

By awarding the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize to President Obama, the committee would show European empathy for the challenges and demands faced by the newly elected and inexperienced President calling for the nurturant family of nations to provide him a motivational incentive to succeed in uniting us all under world progressive socialism.

Beside, it would really stick it to former President George W. Bush, or so they believe:

Saturday Night Live Mocks Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize Win

President Barack Obama won the 2009 Nobel Prize for being a progressive radical socialist just like the majority of the Nobel Peace Prize committee.

Progressives tend to come from a nurturant family where “..the job of a parent is to nurture his or her children, and to raise the children to be nuturers of others! Nurturance involves empathy and responsibility (for both oneself and others), as well as everything that responsibility requires strength, competence, endurance, and so on.”

Conservatives tend to come from strict father families.

Interesting dichotomy but what kind of family does Barack Obama come from. His father abandoned both him and his Mother when he was an infant. His Mother in turn abandoned Barack when he was ten and left him  to his grandparents to care for and raise.

While parents or lack of parents and their style and substance of raising children are important, there are more than two types of families and I am skeptical that this determines one’s political philosophy or worldview. Lakoff knows this. Hence the concept of biconceptuals who are strict father family in some things and nuturant family in others.

The Left, the Right, and the Family View of Government

If you listen to talk radio hosts and callers and view Youtube videos,  the recurring description of President Obama is he is a liar, narcissistic, weak and an ideologue.

Using Lakoff research approach I Googled and YouTubed narcissism:

narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder pt 1

Narcissistic Personality Disorder pt 2

Narcissistic Personality Disorder pt 3

Borderline – Narcissistic Personality Disorder (BPD-NPD)

Gestures of Aggression & Narcissism: narcissistic arms poses

Does Barack Obama Have a Personality Disorder? v1

“…The term narcissism’ refers to the personality trait of self-esteem, which includes the set of character traits concerned with self-image or ego. The terms narcissism, narcissistic, and narcissist are often used as pejoratives, denoting vanity, conceit, egotism or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group, it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others.

Freud believed that some narcissism is an essential part of all of us from birth.[1] Andrew P. Morrison claims that, in adults, a reasonable amount of healthy narcissism allows the individual’s perception of his needs to be balanced in relation to others.[2]

While most people possess some degree of narcissistic traits, higher levels of narcissism can be dysfunctional, and may be classified as pathologies such as narcissistic personality disorder and malignant narcissism. …”

“…Healthy narcissism has to do with a strong feeling of “own love” protecting the human being against illness. Eventually, however, the individual must love the other, “the object love to not become ill”. The person becomes ill, as a result of a frustration, when he is unable to love the object.[6] In pathological narcissism such as the narcissistic personality disorder and schizophrenia, the person’s libido has been withdrawn from objects in the world and produces megalomania. The clinical theorists Kernberg, Kohut and Millon all see pathological narcissism as a possible outcome in response to unempathetic and inconsistent early childhood interactions. They suggested that narcissists try to compensate in adult relationships.[7] …”

“…Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the diagnostic classification system used in the United States, as “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.”[1] …”

DSM IV-TR criteria

“…A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:[1]

  1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance
  2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love (megalomania)
  3. believes they are “special” and can only be understood by, or should associate with, people (or institutions) who are also “special” or of high status
  4. requires excessive admiration
  5. has a sense of entitlement
  6. is interpersonally exploitative
  7. lacks empathy
  8. is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him or her
  9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes ..”

Like families there are various types or sub-types of narcissistic individuals:

“Theodore Millon identified six types of narcissist:[4]

  • normal narcissistic type – by nature a competitive and self-assured person who believes in himself or herself. Charming, clever, confident and ambitious, such a person often becomes an effective and successful leader.
  • unprincipled type – the charlatan – is a fraudulent, exploitative, deceptive and unscrupulous individual. Although people displaying this type of narcissism are usually succesful in society and manage to keep their activities within the accepted norms, they can also be found in drug rehabilitation programs, jails and prisons.
  • amorous type – the Don Juan or Casanova of our times – is erotic, exhibitionist and seductive, aloof, charming and exploitative, and reluctant to get involved in deep, mutually intimate relationships.
  • compensatory type – has illusions of superiority and an image of high self-worth, but with an underlying emptiness, insecurity and weakness. This type is sensitive to others’ reactions and prone to feeling ashamed, anxious and humiliated.
  • elitist type – the achiever – corresponds to Wilhelm Reich’s “phallic narcissistic” personality type, with excessively inflated self-image. The individual is elitist, a “social climber”, superior, admiration seeking, self-promoting, bragging and empowered by social success.
  • fanatic type – is a severely narcissistically wounded individual, usually with major paranoid tendencies who holds onto an illusion of omnipotence. These people are fighting the reality of their insignificance and lost value and are trying to re-establish their self-esteem through grandiose fantasies and self-reinforcement. When unable to gain recognition of support from others, they take on the role of a heroic or worshipped person with a grandiose mission. These people can be found amongst sect leaders, in mental hospitals if their delusions become sustained and extensive, or in prison, if their missions counteract those of society. …”

Former President Clinton appears to fit the amorous narcissist type  and President Obama appears to fit both the elitist and fanatic types.

The lack of empathy in early childhood from an absent father figure may lead to a narcissistic personality disorder which in turn results in an unconstrained progressive vision and worldview.

According to Lakoff all progressive values come from empathy and responsibility including security, attachment, protection, fairness, happiness,  fulfillment, freedom and opportunity.

While empathy is certainly a valuable ability or capacity to have, empathy is not an ability of either progressives or conservatives per se.

What Lakoff fails to mention or leaves out is that many early progressives, both  Democrats and Republicans believed in eugenics and/or racial superiority including President Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.

War on the Weak: Eugenics in America

Fit vs. UnFit, Eugenics, Planned Parenthood & Psychology, Mind Control Report

Glenn Beck Eugenics Part One

Glenn Beck – Eugenics Part Two


Did either Woodrow Wilson or Theodore Roosevelt have an narcissistic personality disorder.

Wilson most likely did, but Roosevelt was closer to borderline narcissistic personality disorder.

Thomas Woodrow Wilson adored his father and followed his advice except when it came to choice of profession.  Wilson’s father wanted Tommy to become a minister, Tommy did not. Freud wrote a whole book on Woodrow Wilson and a Narcissistic personality disorder seems a fit description.

Theodore Roosevelt described as energetic seems to fall near  the borderline type when it comes to narcissism.

Behind The Presidency: Theodore Roosevelt Part 1

President Theodore Roosevelt

Behind The Presidency: Theodore Roosevelt Part 2

Politically, I am what Europeans would call liberal and Americans, libertarian and consider myself to be a movement conservative.
Lakoff would describe me as a biconceptual conservative from a nurturant family.

A more precise label of my politcal philosophy would be a traditional libertarian conservative–an individualist.

In describing economic freedom Lakoff captured my point of view:

“…Conservatives who speak of economic freedom are usually concerned with making and keeping money–that is, with the freedom to acquire and maintain further freedoms (the ones that money can buy). The government is, in Grover Norquist’s term, “the beast”–to be shrunk to be small enough to drown in a bathtub. Their gripe against government is that government takes away their money (through taxes), gives it to other people (through social programs), gets in the way of making it (through) regulations and laws), and wastes it (through inefficiency). In doing so, they see government as taking away not only their freedom but also their freedom to acquire and maintain other freedoms. They also believe that private wealth creates more wealth through investment and that govenment taxation and regulation inhibits the creation of more wealth and thus more freedom. The only legitimate role for government is to protect their freedom–their lives and property (the military, the police, and the criminal justice system)–and to provide order in their everyday lives (through law enforcement and institutions that promote social order, like churches).  …”

What is a continuing and direct threat to the American family, whether it is a conservative  strict father family or the progressive  nurturant family is government–the beast, at all levels–city, state, and Federal.

The beast has an insatiable and growing appetite that must be feed with tax dollars.

The progressive radical socialist Democrats led by Obama promised no new taxes for anyone earning less than $250,000.

Barack Obama’s version of “read my lips NO NEW TAXES”

Obama lied, the economy dies.

Current proposals include both a cap and trade energy tax and a health insurance tax if you do not obey the Federal Government and buy a government approved health insurance plan.

It would seem that the progressive radical socialist elites of both political parties have lost their capacity of empathy assuming they ever had a capacity of empathy in the first place.

They could care less that the taking from families of  their incomes and wealth to support and expand the commonwealth–government, is the root cause of many of society’s problems.

The unconstrained vision of the progressive radical socialists not empathy is the real problem.

Good intentions, caring and empathy are simply not enough.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Results  matter.

Ideas have consequences both intended and unintended.

Let us use immigration as an example to illustrate  some points.

Illegal aliens are criminal aliens and are employed by businesses that are criminal enterprises.

Both immigrants and businesses are breaking the law massively each and every day and the political class or elites want to use words to do away with the problem.

Comprehensive immigration reform is amnesty for criminal aliens and rewards criminal aliens, criminal enterprises and corrupt politicians who refuse to enforce immigration laws.

Both the Republican and Democratic Party led by progressive radical socialists in both parties favor comprehensive immigration reform and open borders–no fences or border patrols.

The American people support immigration law enforcement not amnesty for criminals whether they be immigrants, businesses or politicians that aid and abet the criminals in exchange for campaign contributions and votes.

The American people also support limited controlled legal immigration of about 200,000 people per year from around the world, the full assimiliation of these immigrants into our nation and English as the official language of the United States.

There are between 10,000,000 to 30,000,000 illegal immigrants living in the United States.

Between 15,000,000, and 25,000,000 of these illegal immigrants are working, mostly in low pay unskilled jobs.

These type of jobs were and are performed by American citizens as well.

Currently there between 15,000,000 to 26,000,000 American citizens seeking full time employment.

The criminal aliens should be removed from their place of employment and replaced by American citizens seeking a full time job.

The progressive elites of both political parties lack empathy when they but their needs for power and control over the needs of American citizens to earn a living.

Lakoff is absolutely correct that whoever frames the debate on the issue, wins the debate, if not the election:

“…Deep frames are where the action is.
The deep frames are the ones that structure how you view the world. They characterize moral and political principles that are so deep they are part of your own identity. Deep framing is the conceptual infrastructure of the mind: the foundation, walls, and beams of that edifice. Without deep frames, there is nothing for the surface message frames to hang on. …”

You also will usually win the election if the candidate nominated truly believes and acts on  their conservative moral and political principles and can effectively communicate them.

Now the above is an example of what Lakoff calls framing, both deep and surface framing:

“Deep frames structure your moral system or your worldview. Surface frames have a much smaller scope. They are associated with particular words or phrases, and with modes of communication with .”

A progressive would reframe the illegal issues as comprehensive immigration reform and a pathway to citizenship:

Barack Obama slams John Mccain’s immigration flip flop

Obama Double Talk, Caught In A Lie, Illegals and Healthcare Health Care, Immigration Reform Fox

Note the substitution of undocumented workers instead of illegal immigrants or criminal aliens in the above video. Also note the statement that we have a broken immigration system.

The Federal Government both under Presidents Bush and Obama have not been vigorously enforcing the immgiration laws contrary to both their oath of office and the rule of law. Instead both political parties have broken the system and want to “fix it” by giving a “pathway to citizenship” or amnesty for criminal aliens and criminal enterprises that employ they.

Lakoff would call this reframing, others spinning, many lying to the American people and shows the deep corruption of the political class, especially the progressives of both parties.

There are currently over 26,000,000 Americans seeking full time employment.

The President of the United would give amnesty to criminal aliens and refuses to enforce immigration laws and require the use of E-Verify to determine the legal status of a person to work in the United States.

Furthermore, he wants to provide health insurance to criminal aliens by first making them citizens of the United States.

The American people know that President Obama is a notorous liar and no longer believe or trust what he says.

Collection of Obama Lies 2 of 477

Why Some of Us Don’t Like Obama

Many have stopped listening to him.

Once you lose a person’s trust, you almost never get it back, no matter what word or frames, deep or suface you use.

Ideas matter, but character, credibility and trust matter even more.

In America today, the polticians of the left liked to be called progressive or what in Europe would be called social democrats, I view them all as collectivists and most are socialists or fascists and just will not admit it in public.

The progressives in America have captured both big media and academia.

The conservatives of all types are alive and well on talk radio and on the internet in blogs, podcasts, videos and web sites.

The American people are waking up to what the progressives are up to and they do not like it.

Frame it or spin however you like, but lying is lying.

When the progressive radical socialist Democratic Party led by Barack Obama passes plans and programs affecting families or taking money out of their wallets, the American people will not knowingly vote for liars from any political party in the next election.

Trust, integrity and character not good intentions and empathy are paramount.


Carly Simon – You’re So Vain

Carly Simon – Anticipation

“The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments. “

~George Washington

Background Articles and Videos

Olympic Gold for Narcissism

by George Will

“…Presidents often come to be characterized by particular adjectives: “honest” Abe Lincoln, “Grover the Good” Cleveland, “energetic” Theodore Roosevelt, “idealistic” Woodrow Wilson, “Silent Cal” Coolidge, “confident” FDR, “likable” Ike Eisenhower. Less happily, there were “Tricky Dick” Nixon and “Slick Willie” Clinton. Unhappy will be a president whose defining adjective is “vain.”


“…An ideology is a set of aims and ideas that directs one’s goals, expectations, and actions. It can also mean for what someone thinks to be important to him/her. An ideology can be thought of as a comprehensive vision, as a way of looking at things (compare worldview), as in common sense (see Ideology in everyday society below) and several philosophical tendencies (see Political ideologies), or a set of ideas proposed by the dominant class of a society to all members of this society. The main purpose behind an ideology is to offer change in society, and adherence to a set of ideals where conformity already exists, through a normative thought process. Ideologies are systems of abstract thought (as opposed to mere ideation) applied to public matters and thus make this concept central to politics. Implicitly every political tendency entails an ideology whether or not it is propounded as an explicit system of thought. …”

Michael Savage On Barack Obama’s Narcissism

Understanding Obama: The Making of a Fuehrer

By Ali Sina

“…Pathological narcissism, is not akin to typical narcissism—someone with a hedonistic or self-centered sense of self —but rather someone with a very weak sense of self. Obama’s narcissism is pathological.

Narcissists seek power. That is the whole purpose of their existence. Power for them is the elixir of life.  Those who know about NPD can’t help but notice it in Obama’s posture, the tone of his voice, his demeanor and particularly his grandiose claims and unscripted adlibs.

Narcissim has degrees. When it is extreme it shows in the posture and the way the narcissist walks and talks. Obama’s posture, exudes haughtiness. He is all puffery. Compare his posture to those of Hitler, Stalin and Saddam.

According to Vaknin, Obama displays the following behaviors, which are among the hallmarks of pathological narcissism:

– Subtly misrepresents facts and expediently and opportunistically shifts positions, views, opinions, and “ideals” (e.g., about campaign finance, re-districting). These flip-flops do not cause him overt distress and are ego-syntonic (he feels justified in acting this way). Alternatively, refuses to commit to a standpoint and, in the process, evidences a lack of empathy.

– Ignores data that conflict with his fantasy world, or with his inflated and grandiose self-image. This has to do with magical thinking. Obama already sees himself as president because he is firmly convinced that his dreams, thoughts, and wishes affect reality. Additionally, he denies the gap between his fantasies and his modest or limited real-life achievements (for instance, in 12 years of academic career, he didn’t publish a single scholarly paper or book).

– Feels that he is above the law.

– Talks about himself in the 3rd person singluar or uses the regal “we” and craves to be the exclusive center of attention, even adulation

– Has a messianic-cosmic vision of himself and his life and his “mission”.

– Sets ever more complex rules in a convoluted world of grandiose fantasies with its own language (jargon)

– Displays false modesty and unctuous “folksiness” but is unable to sustain these behaviors (the persona, or mask) for long. It slips and the true Obama is revealed: haughty, aloof, distant, and disdainful of simple folk and their lives.

– Sublimates aggression and holds grudges.

– Behaves as an eternal adolescent (e.g., his choice of language, youthful image he projects, demands indulgence and feels entitled to special treatment, even though his objective accomplishments do not justify it). …”

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore D. “Teddy” Roosevelt (October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919;[2] pronounced /ˈroʊzəvɛlt/[3]), also called “T.R.“,[4] was the 26th President of the United States. He is well remembered for his energetic persona, his range of interests and achievements, his model of masculinity, and his “cowboy” image. He was a leader of the Republican Party and founder of the short-lived Bull Moose Party. Before becoming the 26th President (1901–1909) he held offices at the municipal, state, and federal level of government. Roosevelt’s achievements as a naturalist, explorer, hunter, author, and soldier are as much a part of his fame as any office he held as a politician.

Born to a wealthy family, Roosevelt was a sickly child who stayed at home studying natural history. In response to his physical weakness, he embraced a strenuous life. He attended Harvard, where he boxed and developed an interest in naval affairs. A year out of Harvard, in 1881 he ran for a seat in the state legislature. His first historical book, The Naval War of 1812, published in 1882, established his reputation as a serious historian. After a few years of living in the Badlands, Roosevelt returned to New York City, where he gained fame for fighting police corruption. He was effectively running the US Department of the Navy when the Spanish American War broke out; he resigned and led a small regiment in Cuba known as the Rough Riders, earning himself the Medal of Honor. After the war, he returned to New York and was elected Governor; two years later he was nominated for and elected Vice President of the United States.

In 1901, President William McKinley was assassinated, and Roosevelt became president at the age of 42, the youngest age of taking office of any U.S. President in history.[5] Roosevelt attempted to move the Republican Party in the direction of Progressivism, including trust busting and increased regulation of businesses. Roosevelt coined the phrase “Square Deal” to describe his domestic agenda, emphasizing that the average citizen would get a fair shake under his policies. As an outdoorsman, he promoted the conservation movement. On the world stage, Roosevelt policies were characterized by his comment, “Speak softly and carry a big stick”. Roosevelt was the force behind the completion of the Panama Canal; he sent out the Great White Fleet to display American power, and he negotiated an end to the Russo-Japanese War, for which he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Roosevelt declined to run for re-election in 1908. After leaving office, he embarked on a safari to Africa and a trip to Europe. On his return to the US, a rift developed between Roosevelt and his anointed[6][7] successor as President, William Howard Taft. Roosevelt attempted in 1912 to wrest the Republican nomination from Taft, and when he failed, he launched the Bull Moose Party. In the election, Roosevelt became the only third party candidate to come in second place, beating Taft but losing to Woodrow Wilson. After the election, Roosevelt embarked on a major expedition to South America; the river on which he traveled now bears his name. The trip damaged his health, and he died a few years later, at the age of 60. Roosevelt has consistently been ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S. Presidents. …”

Can you recognize a narcissist?

“…Lubit compared ‘healthy’ and ‘destructive’ narcissism in relation to their long-term impact on organizations. The following is an extract from his comparison table.Ref

Characteristic Healthy Narcissism Destructive Narcissism
Self-confident High outward self-confidence in line with reality Grandiose
Desire for power, wealth and admiration May enjoy power Pursues power at all costs, lacks normal inhibitions in its pursuit
Relationships Real concern for others and their ideas; does not exploit or devalue others Concerns limited to expressing socially appropriate response when convenient; devalues and exploits others without remorse
Ability to follow a consistent path Has values; follows through on plans Lacks values; easily bored; often changes course
Foundation Healthy childhood with support for self-esteem and appropriate limits on behaviour towards others Traumatic childhood undercutting true sense of self-esteem and/or learning that he/she doesn’t need to be considerate of others


It is rare for a narcissistic individual to be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder because those who really should be don’t seek help and so don’t get clinically assessed; it is usually members of their family or work colleagues who seek help to cope with them.

Here are a few pointers that may help you identify one:

  • Their lack of empathy colors everything they do. They may say, “How are you?” when you meet, but they are working from memory. They are not interested in how you are.
  • Virtually all of their ideas or ways of behaving in a given situation are taken from others, people they know and perhaps think of as an authority (mirroring).
  • Their sense of self-importance and lack of empathy means that they will often interrupt the conversations of others.
  • They expect others to do the day-to-day chores as they feel too important to waste their time on common things.
  • Listen for the constant use of “I”, “me” and “my” when they talk.
  • They very rarely talk about their inner life, for example their memories and dreams.
  • They feel that the rules at work don’t apply to them.
  • They will always cheat whenever they think they can get away with it.
  • If you share workload with them expect to do the lion’s share yourself.
  • They love to delegate work or projects, then interfere by micro-managing it. If it goes well, they take the credit, if it goes badly they blame the person they delegated it to.
  • There tends to be higher levels of stress with people who work with or interact with a narcissist, which in turn increases absenteeism and staff turnover.
  • They get impatient and restless when the topic of discussion is about someone else, and not about them. …”

Nobel Peace Prize….But !!!

Nobel Peace Prize…. A third view and maybe the best!


World War I Documentary Vol3- 6_8 Wilson & Peace pt1

World War I Documentary Vol3- 6_8 Wilson & Peace pt2

World War I Documentary Vol3- 6_8 Wilson & Peace pt3

Narcissistic Personality & Borderline Personality – Loved Ones Can Create Change

Narcissism, NPD & Aggression : Sam Vaknin takes the NPA test

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George Lakoff–Videos

Posted on September 24, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Culture, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Energy, Foreign Policy, government spending, history, Homes, Immigration, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, People, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Reviews, Strategy, Talk Radio, Technology, Video, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , |


    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Angry people are not nice people. They are people to stay away from. They explode now and then.”

George Lakoff: Moral Politics


Authors@Google: George Lakoff


Authors@Google: George Lakoff


Linguist George Lakoff on Rationality and Politics


The Political Mind and the Obama Code with Dr. George Lakoff


Part One: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson


Part One: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson Part 2


Part One: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson Part 3


Part One: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson Part 4


Part One: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson Part 5


Part One: George Lakoff speaking at McNally Robinson Part 6


How Dems Are Failing to Sell Health Care Reform – George Lakoff


The Myth of the Political Moderate – George Lakoff


George Lakoff – Does Capitalism Always Lead to Democracy?


The Left, the Right, and the Family View of Government


Bringing Progressive Politics Back To The People Part 3



George Lakoff on how he started his work on conceptual metaphor




Background Articles and Videos

George Lakoff

“…George P. Lakoff (pronounced /ˈleɪkɒf/, born May 24, 1941) is an American cognitive linguist and professor of linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has taught since 1972. Although some of his research involves questions traditionally pursued by linguists, such as the conditions under which a certain linguistic construction is grammatically viable, he is most famous for his ideas about the centrality of metaphor to human thinking, political behavior and society. He is particularly famous for his concept of the “embodied mind”, which he has written about in relation to mathematics. In recent years he has applied his work to the realm of politics, exploring this in his books. He was the founder of the now defunct progressive think tank the Rockridge Institute.[1][2]

Lakoff began his career as a student and later a teacher of the theory of transformational grammar developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Noam Chomsky. In the late 1960s, however, he joined with others to promote generative semantics as an alternative to Chomsky’s generative syntax. In an interview he stated:

During that period, I was attempting to unify Chomsky’s transformational grammar with formal logic. I had helped work out a lot of the early details of Chomsky’s theory of grammar. Noam claimed then — and still does, so far as I can tell — that syntax is independent of meaning, context, background knowledge, memory, cognitive processing, communicative intent, and every aspect of the body…In working through the details of his early theory, I found quite a few cases where semantics, context, and other such factors entered into rules governing the syntactic occurrences of phrases and morphemes. I came up with the beginnings of an alternative theory in 1963 and, along with wonderful collaborators like Haj Ross and Jim McCawley, developed it through the sixties.[1]

Lakoff’s claim that Chomsky claims independence between syntax and semantics has been rejected by Chomsky and he has given examples from within his work where he talks about the relationship between his semantics and syntax. Chomsky goes further and claims that Lakoff has “virtually no comprehension of the work he is discussing” (the work in question being Chomsky’s) [3]. His differences with Chomsky contributed to fierce, acrimonious debates among linguists that have come to be known as the “linguistics wars”.

Lakoff’s original thesis on conceptual metaphor was expressed in his book with Mark Johnson entitled Metaphors We Live By in 1980.

Metaphor has been seen within the Western scientific tradition as purely a linguistic construction. The essential thrust of Lakoff’s work has been the argument that metaphors are primarily a conceptual construction, and indeed are central to the development of thought. He says, “Our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature.” Non-metaphorical thought is for Lakoff only possible when we talk about purely physical reality. For Lakoff the greater the level of abstraction the more layers of metaphor are required to express it. People do not notice these metaphors for various reasons. One reason is that some metaphors become ‘dead’ and we no longer recognize their origin. Another reason is that we just don’t “see” what is “going on”.

For instance, in intellectual debate the underlying metaphor is usually that argument is war (later revised as “argument is struggle”):

  • He won the argument.
  • Your claims are indefensible.
  • He shot down all my arguments.
  • His criticisms were right on target.
  • If you use that strategy, he’ll wipe you out.

For Lakoff, the development of thought has been the process of developing better metaphors. The application of one domain of knowledge to another domain of knowledge offers new perceptions and understandings.

Lakoff’s theory has applications throughout all academic disciplines and much of human social interaction. Lakoff has explored some of the implications of the embodied mind thesis in a number of books, most written with coauthors….”


Lakoff’s application of cognitive linguistics to politics, literature, philosophy and mathematics has led him into territory normally considered basic to political science.

Lakoff has publicly expressed both ideas about the conceptual structures that he views as central to understanding the political process, and some of his particular political views. He almost always discusses the latter in terms of the former.

Moral Politics gives book-length consideration to the conceptual metaphors that Lakoff sees as present in the minds of American “liberals” and “conservatives”. The book is a blend of cognitive science and political analysis. Lakoff makes an attempt to keep his personal views confined to the last third of the book, where he explicitly argues for the superiority of the liberal vision.[2]

Lakoff argues that the differences in opinions between liberals and conservatives follow from the fact that they subscribe with different strength to two different metaphors about the relationship of the state to its citizens. Both, he claims, see governance through metaphors of the family. Conservatives would subscribe more strongly and more often to a model that he calls the “strict father model” and has a family structured around a strong, dominant “father” (government), and assumes that the “children” (citizens) need to be disciplined to be made into responsible “adults” (morality, self-financing). Once the “children” are “adults”, though, the “father” should not interfere with their lives: the government should stay out of the business of those in society who have proved their responsibility. In contrast, Lakoff argues that liberals place more support in a model of the family, which he calls the “nurturant parent model”, based on “nurturant values”, where both “mothers” and “fathers” work to keep the essentially good “children” away from “corrupting influences” (pollution, social injustice, poverty, etc.). Lakoff says that most people have a blend of both metaphors applied at different times, and that political speech works primarily by invoking these metaphors and urging the subscription of one over the other.[4]

Lakoff further argues that one of the reasons liberals have had difficulty since the 1980s is that they have not been as aware of their own guiding metaphors, and have too often accepted conservative terminology framed in a way to promote the strict father metaphor. Lakoff insists that liberals must cease using terms like partial birth abortion and tax relief because they are manufactured specifically to allow the possibilities of only certain types of opinions. Tax relief for example, implies explicitly that taxes are an affliction, something someone would want “relief” from. To use the terms of another metaphoric worldview, Lakoff insists, is to unconsciously support it. Liberals must support linguistic think tanks in the same way that conservatives do if they are going to succeed in appealing to those in the country who share their metaphors.[5]

Lakoff has distributed some much briefer political analyses via the Internet. One article distributed this way is “Metaphor and War: The Metaphor System Used to Justify War in the Gulf”, in which Lakoff argues that the particular conceptual metaphors used by the first Bush administration to justify American involvement in the Gulf ended up either obscuring reality, or putting a spin on the facts that was accommodating to the administration’s case for military action.

In recent years, Lakoff has become involved with a progressive think tank, the Rockridge Institute, an involvement that follows in part from his recommendations in Moral Politics. Among his activities with the Institute, which concentrates in part on helping liberal candidates and politicians with re-framing political metaphors, Lakoff has given numerous public lectures and written accounts of his message from Moral Politics. In 2008, Lakoff joined Fenton Communications, the nation’s largest public interest communications firm, as a Senior Consultant.

One of his political works, Don’t Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate, self-labeled as “the Essential Guide for Progressives”, was published in September 2004 and features a foreword by former Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean. …”


Framing the issues: UC Berkeley professor George Lakoff tells how conservatives use language to dominate politics


“…In 2000 Lakoff and seven other faculty members from Berkeley and UC Davis joined together to found the Rockridge Institute, one of the few progressive think tanks in existence in the U.S. The institute offers its expertise and research on a nonpartisan basis to help progressives understand how best to get their messages across. The Richard & Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor in the College of Letters & Science, Lakoff is the author of “Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think,” first published in 1997 and reissued in 2002, as well as several other books on how language affects our lives. He is taking a sabbatical this year to write three books – none about politics – and to work on several Rockridge Institute research projects. …”

“…The background for Rockridge is that conservatives, especially conservative think tanks, have framed virtually every issue from their perspective. They have put a huge amount of money into creating the language for their worldview and getting it out there. Progressives have done virtually nothing. Even the new Center for American Progress, the think tank that John Podesta [former chief of staff for the Clinton administration] is setting up, is not dedicated to this at all. I asked Podesta who was going to do the Center’s framing. He got a blank look, thought for a second and then said, “You!” Which meant they haven’t thought about it at all. And that’s the problem. Liberals don’t get it. They don’t understand what it is they have to be doing.

Rockridge’s job is to reframe public debate, to create balance from a progressive perspective. It’s one thing to analyze language and thought, it’s another thing to create it. That’s what we’re about. It’s a matter of asking ‘What are the central ideas of progressive thought from a moral perspective?’

How does language influence the terms of political debate?

Language always comes with what is called “framing.” Every word is defined relative to a conceptual framework. If you have something like “revolt,” that implies a population that is being ruled unfairly, or assumes it is being ruled unfairly, and that they are throwing off their rulers, which would be considered a good thing. That’s a frame. …”


George P. Lakoff


“…Cognitive linguistics, especially the neural theory of language. Conceptual systems, conceptual metaphor, syntax-semantics-pragmatics. The application of cognitive and neural linguistics to politics, literature, philosophy and mathematics. …”


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