Food Stamps Hit Record Of 38,200,000 Americans Needing Assistance–Everbody Hates Food Stamps–Until You and Your Children Are Hungry

Posted on February 6, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Energy, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, Law, liberty, Life, Links, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Taxes, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , |

Millions of Americans Using Food Stamps

Food Stamp Frenzy


How Many Americans Are On Food Stamps?

40th Anniversary of USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service

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everybody hates food stamps [everybody hates chris] part1

everybody hates food stamps [everybody hates chris] part2

Americans have a strong work ethic and want to earn a living.

Americans do not want to take handouts from the government or charity.

Americans do not want to use food stamps to obtain food.

When the worse recession/depression since the Great Depression hits the economy, millions of Americans who have always worked find it difficult to find a job.

These Americans send out hundreds if not thousands of resumes with little or no response.

Many employers are receiving hundreds of resumes for a single position and usually interview the best two or three candidates.

After several months or even years of unemployment or low-paying part-time jobs their accumulated savings runs out.

Eventually they have no money for food for themselves, their spouse and children.

One of the  hardest things for a person who has worked all his life to do is to apply for food stamps.

The person feels shame and would rather not eat than to use a food stamp card at their local grocery store.

Food stamps are truly for the needy who cannot work.

People who want to work but cannot find a job still strongly resist becoming dependent upon the Federal Government for food.

Only as a last resort do they apply and accept food assistance from the government.

Nearly 30 million Americans are today looking for full time jobs.

Over 38 million are using food stamps.

Many of these millions are the children and spouse of the unemployed worker.

About 10 million are unemployed Americans seeking a full time job.

Those living on food stamps receive a little over three dollars a day for three meals or about a dollar a meal.

A loaf of inexpensive bread cost about 80 cents and a box of saltine crackers 90 cents.

Yes, I know most bread and saltine crackers  can cost more than one dollar, but when you are living on $3 a day you look for the cheapest generic discount brand you can found.

The average per person Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program or Snap benefit is $101 or $3.37 per day.

A cheap and large jar of peanut butter and a cheap bottle of ketchup runs between $5 and $10 each.

Four loafs of bread, four boxes of saltine crackers, a jar of peanut butter and a bottle of ketchup can provide 2 meals per day for seven to fourteen days for a single person.

Next you might buy powered milk and cereal.

Two large bag of cereal cost about $7 to $10 and a very large box of powered milk cost around $13.

The cereal and milk can provide at least one meal a day for seven to fourteen days and milk for the other two meals

The above can at least keep you alive until you find your next job.

Alternatively you could go on a fast and lose all the excess weight you are carrying.

Depending upon how much you weigh and the number of pounds you need to lose, your body could provide you with food for one to even twelve months or more.

Growing children usually should not go on a fast.

If they are overweight, they need to go on a diet.

Keep sending out those resumes.

Hope and change is on the way.

Give me a break.

Americans are  looking for a job not lies from progressive radical socialists in Congress and the White House.

The American people are angry and revoluting against the irresponsible spending and proposed tax increases.

Government intervention into the free market capitalist economy is the problem not the solution.

Join the Second American Revolution.

Background Articles and Videos

<h4 style=”text-align:center;”>Thomas Woods – Interventionist Economics</h4>

Why You’ve Never Heard of the Great Depression of 1920

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Frequently Asked Questions

   1.    What is SNAP for?
   2.    Who is SNAP for?
   3.    Do I need to be a U.S. citizen to receive SNAP benefits?
   4.    How do I obtain SNAP benefits?
   5.    Can you send me an application form?
   6.    Can I apply on line?
   7.    How can I find out if I might be eligible for SNAP benefits?
   8.    How is each household’s SNAP allotment determined?
   9.    What is the average benefit from SNAP?
   10.  What foods are eligible for purchase with SNAP benefits?
   11.  What measures are taken to prevent SNAP fraud?
   12.  What do I do if my EBT card is lost or stolen?
   13.  Can I use my EBT card in another State?
   14.  When will my SNAP benefits be available on my EBT card?
   15.  Can I use EBT for online SNAP purchases?
   16.  Can I have food delivered to my home?
   17.  Can I check the balance of my EBT account online?
   18.  I have paper coupons. Can I still use them to buy food?
   19.  Do I have to use all my SNAP benefits up in the month that I receive them,
          or will they be carried over into the next month?
   20.  What keeps unqualified people from getting SNAP benefits?
   21.  When did the program begin?
   22.  How do I report someone I think is violating SNAP rules?
   23.  What are some characteristics of SNAP households?
   24.  Don’t some territories, such as Puerto Rico, use a different version of SNAP?
   25.  How many people get SNAP benefits, and at what cost?
   26.  Need more information?
   27.  Can’t find the answer? 

US food stamps set ever-higher record-32.8 million

“…A record 38.2 million Americans were enrolled in the food stamp program at latest count, up 246,000 from the previous month and the latest in record-high monthly tallies that began in December 2008.

Food stamps are the primary federal anti-hunger program, helping poor people buy groceries. The Agriculture Department updated enrollment data on Friday with a preliminary figure for November.
USDA estimates up to $58 billion will be spent on food stamps this fiscal year, which ends Sept 30, with average enrollment of 40.5 million people. Food stamps were renamed the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program in 2008.
Participation has surged since the financial-market turmoil of late 2008 and has set records each month since December 2008, when it reached 31.78 million. Enrollment is highest during times of economic distress. (Reporting by Charles Abbott; Editing by David Gregorio)

7 Million More Food Stamp Recipients vs. Last Year – and Half Are Children

“…A study finds 7 million additional people receiving food stamps compared with a year ago, half of them children. California had a 21% increase in recipients. As more families are hammered by the recession, more are using food stamps to feed their kids, according to a study by the Brookings Institution and First Focus, a bipartisan child advocacy group.

More families relying on food stamps to feed their kids

A study finds 7 million additional people receiving food stamps compared with a year ago, half of them children. California had a 21% increase in recipients.


“…Across the nation, 7 million people joined the food stamp rolls from August 2008 to August 2009, the study said, bringing the number of users to 36.5 million. Half of those are estimated to be children.

Among the states that showed high increases in the percentage of food stamp caseloads were Idaho, 36%; Florida, 34%; and Washington state, 32%. Georgia had a 27% increase in its food stamp caseload, and California and North Carolina were up about 21% each.

“As parents lose jobs and as work becomes scarcer, it’s only natural to see your needs-based programs have more people applying,” said Scott Rowson, a spokesman for the Missouri Department of Social Services.

The study appears to buttress a U.S. Census report last fall that found nearly one in five children live in poverty. Julia Isaacs, a Brookings scholar, said that figure could end up closer to one in four by 2012.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is aimed at a broader audience than most anti-poverty programs. Eligibility for food stamps generally requires earning less than 130% of poverty guidelines — below $28,665 for a family of four — and having no more than $2,000 in the bank.

Despite the food-stamp safety net, experts worry. …”,0,181812.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fnews%2Fnationworld%2Fnation+%28L.A.+Times+-+National+News%29

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