Over One Million Americans Attend The Restoring Honor Rally At The Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.–Videos

Posted on August 28, 2010. Filed under: Babies, Blogroll, Books, Communications, Culture, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, government, government spending, history, Homes, Immigration, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Music, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Raves, Religion, Security, Strategy, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Glenn Beck “Restoring Honor” Rally – Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem


 Beck: America Is Turning “Back to God”



Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.1



Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.2



Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.3 (Sarah Palin)


Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.4 (Sarah Palin) 

Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.5



Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.6


Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.7


Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.8


Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.9 Beck’s Monologue


Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.10 Beck’s Monologue

Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.11 Beck’s Monologue


Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.12 Beck’s Monologue


Glenn Beck 8/28 Restoring Honor Rally Lincoln Memorial Part 1



Glenn Beck’s ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally pt.4 (Sarah Palin)


Albert Pujols Accepts Hope Award at “Restoring Honor” Rally in DC

Glenn Beck, promoted The Restoring Honor Rally at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on Saturday, August 28, 2010 on his radio and television show.  

All profits from the rally in the form of donations will go to the Special Operations Warrior Fund to pay for college educations for the sons and daughters of those Special Operations Warriors that were killed in defending the United States.  

Background Articles and Videos

Thousands Gather on Mall for Glenn Beck Rally in D.C.


Glenn Beck speaks on RESTORING HONOR RALLY In DC To NewsMax

Restoring Honor Rally: DAVID BARTON On CBN

Restoring Honor – Bring Your Family

Dick Armey: Glenn Beck Rally Criticisms “Unfortunate” 




Beck Addresses Uproar Over ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally


The Foundation Behind Glenn Beck’s Million-Dollar Rally

Posted by Kate Pickert

“…What’s gotten less attention, however, is the group that will financially benefit from the event, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation (SOWF). All proceeds raised through Glenn Beck’s promotion of the event go to SOWF – once costs for the rally itself are covered.  

The charity, founded in 1980, provides college scholarships for children of special operations personnel killed in action or in training. SOWF is very well-run, with low administrative costs and a four-star rating from the watchdog group Charity Navigator. Some 160 of its scholarship recipients have graduated from college in the past 30 years and there are more than 100 students in college now.  

SOWF, which has only eight staff members, is happily inundated thanks to Glenn Beck’s promotional efforts. The group typically raises money through banquet dinners – the most one of these events has ever raised is $1 million, which caused the SOWF staff to “do a little happy dance,” according to Edie Rosenthal, a retired Navy lieutenant commander and spokeswoman for the group. Since Glenn Beck has started talking about the group on his radio and television shows in advance of the 8/28 rally, some $5 million in donations have poured in. …”
Read more: http://swampland.blogs.time.com/2010/08/26/the-foundation-behind-glenn-beck%e2%80%99s-million-dollar-rally/#ixzz0xoieASyI  


Networks take different paths in covering Glenn Beck ‘Restoring Honor’ rally


By Paul Farhi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, August 28, 2010
“…Fox News, MSNBC and CNN all say they will treat Beck’s rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial like any other newsworthy event. All three networks have assigned reporters and camera crews to monitor speeches by Beck, former Alaska governor Sarah Palin (R) and other dignitaries in what is being billed as a “nonpolitical” rally. Beck has drawn criticism for scheduling on the same date and in the same location as Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, although he has said the timing is accidental.
But in the days leading up to the rally, the three networks have looked at the same story very differently. One important factor may be that Beck is a popular Fox News host, and that the rally’s star attraction, Palin, happens to be a Fox News contributor. …”


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The Wisdom of The Founding Fathers–Videos

Glenn Beck On James Madison–The Father Of The United States Constitution–Videos

Glenn Beck On Founding Father Benjamin Franklin–Videos

Glenn Beck On The History of Black Americans In The American Revolution And Civil War–Videos

Glenn Beck–A Forgotten Founding Father–George Whitefield–Videos

Glenn Beck On The Indispensable Founding Father–George Washington–Videos

The Black Founding Fathers–Videos

 The Founding Mothers–Videos

Glenn Beck On The Founding Fathers, Samuel Adams and The First American Revolution–Videos

Glenn Beck Faith, Hope, Charity and Honor–Videos

How Many Americans Will Attend The Restoring Honor Rally at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., Saturday, August 28, 2010? Answer? 1 to 3 Million!

Glenn Beck Previews The Restoring Honor Rally–Saturday, August 28, 2010–The Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C—Videos

The American People March on Washington D.C.–August 28, 2010–At The Lincoln Memorial! Mark Your Calendar–Be There–Three Million Minimum–Join The Second American Revolution 


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How Many Americans Will Attend The Restoring Honor Rally at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C., Saturday, August 28, 2010? Answer? 1 to 3 Million!

Posted on August 27, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Communications, government, government spending, history, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links | Tags: , , , |

“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

~Thomas Jefferson

Glenn Beck speaks on RESTORING HONOR RALLY In DC To NewsMax

Restoring Honor Rally: DAVID BARTON On CBN

Restoring Honor – Bring Your Family


Krista Branch, Remember Who We Are, 8/28 Rally Promo

Restoring Honor – Are You Going to 828?

While Glenn Beck admits he has no idea how many Americans will be attending the Restoring Honor Rally at the Lincoln Memorial Saturday, August 28, 2010, it appears the rally site can accommodate at least 500,000 plus and they have both large television monitors and thousands of porta-potties.

I fully expect at least  one million Americans will be showing up on Saturday and could easily go as high as 3 million.

The American left media is having a nervous breakdown as they become unhinged over Glenn Beck and the Restoring Honor Rally:

Ed Schultz: Glenn Beck’s Hate Rally

Ed Show: Cenk On Glenn Beck’s MLK Rally

Glenn Beck exposes ABC’s propaganda piece on him

ABC News’ Latest Hit Piece on Glenn Beck, Restoring Honor Rally

The Washington D.C. political class are fleeing the city not only to avoid the heat and humidity but also irate American citizens who demand that they be listened to instead of ignored.

Fortunately, fewer and fewer Americans watch old media television news as their ratings continue to decline into the abyss of obscurity.

The new media of talk radio and bloggers are  getting the word out and the American people are responding.

Take a registered bus to Washington D.C. and back home:

Looking for A Bus


Arrive early in the morning.

Bring plenty of water and sunscreen and wear comfortable clothes.

Expect three million marchers to restore honor in America.

Remember no signs and bring the children, you will be making history.

“A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned – this is the sum of good government.”

~Thomas Jefferson

Background Articles and Videos

Restoring Honor FAQ
8.28.10 – Washington, DC


Beck Addresses Uproar Over ‘Restoring Honor’ Rally

Related Posts On Pronk Palisades

Glenn Beck Previews The Restoring Honor Rally–Saturday, August 28, 2010–The Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C—Videos

The American People March on Washington D.C.–August 28, 2010–At The Lincoln Memorial! Mark Your Calendar–Be There–Three Million Minimum–Join The Second American Revolution

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Glenn Beck Previews The Restoring Honor Rally–Saturday, August 28, 2010–The Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C—Videos

Posted on August 26, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, College, Communications, Demographics, Economics, Education, Federal Government, government, government spending, history, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, People, Philosophy, Politics, Raves, Taxes, Video, War, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , |

“With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds.”

~Abraham Lincoln

Restoring Honor

Throughout history America has seen many great leaders and noteworthy citizens change her course. It is through their personal virtues and by their example that we are able to live as a free people. On August 28, come celebrate America by honoring our heroes, our heritage and our future.

Join the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and many more for this non-political event that pays tribute to America’s service personnel and other upstanding citizens who embody our nation’s founding principles of integrity, truth and honor.

Our freedom is possible only if we remain virtuous. Help us restore the values that founded this great nation. On August, 28th, come join us in our pledge to restore honor at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.

Restoring Honor – Be the Change!

Glenn Beck-08/26/10-A

Glenn Beck-08/26/10-B

Glenn Beck-08/26/10-C

Martin Luther King “I have a dream”

“Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

~Abraham Lincoln

Background Articles and Videos


– Jeremy Hoop (song from Tea Party Movie)

Restoring Honor Rally – Alveda King

Glenn Beck under attack about 8/28 Restoring Honor Rally

Breaking News – Restoring Honor Transportation Update

Restoring Honor Rally Transportation

I Am America

Related Posts On Pronk Palisades

The American People March on Washington D.C.–August 28, 2010–At The Lincoln Memorial! Mark Your Calendar–Be There–Three Million Minimum–Join The Second American Revolution

President Obama–Killer of The American Dream and Market Capitalism–Stop The Radical Socialists Before They Kill You!

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Tea Party Patriots–Come To Where The Jobs Are–Come To Washington D.C.–Saturday August 28, 2009–A 100 Year Plan Unvailed–Restoring Honor!

Posted on July 17, 2010. Filed under: Agriculture, Blogroll, Books, Climate, Communications, Computers, Culture, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Energy, Farming, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, Health Care, history, Homes, Immigration, Investments, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Medicine, Monetary Policy, Music, People, Philosophy, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Religion, Resources, Science, Security, Taxes, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”

~Abraham Lincoln


Martin Luther King speech: ” I Have a Dream ”  

Glenn Beck – We Need Heroes

Frequently Asked Questions 



Glenn Beck reveals the Plan

“…- I have begun meeting with some of the best minds in the country that believe in limited government, maximum freedom and the values of our Founders. I am developing a 100 year plan. I know that the bipartisan corruption in Washington that has brought us to this brink and it will not be defeated easily. It will require unconventional thinking and a radical plan to restore our nation to the maximum freedoms we were supposed to have been protecting, using only the battlefield of ideas.

– All of the above will culminate in The Plan, a book that will provide specific policies, principles and, most importantly, action steps that each of us can take to play a role in this Refounding.

– On August 28, 2010, I ask you, your family and neighbors to join me at the feet of Abraham Lincoln on the National Mall for the unveiling of The Plan and the birthday of a new national movement to restore our great country. …”







Glenn Beck under attack about 8/28 Restoring Honor Rally


Restoring Honor – Glenn at the Washington Monument

Rod Stewart & Jeff Beck – People Get Ready




“The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves.”

George Washington


Background Articles and Videos


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The Founding Mothers–Videos

The Black Founding Fathers–Videos

The Wisdom of The Founding Fathers–Videos

Glenn Beck On James Madison–The Father Of The United States Constitution–Videos

Glenn Beck On Founding Father Benjamin Franklin–Videos

Glenn Beck On The History of Black Americans In The American Revolution And Civil War–Videos

Glenn Beck–A Forgotten Founding Father–George Whitefield–Videos

Glenn Beck On The Indispensable Founding Father–George Washington–Videos

Glenn Beck On The Founding Fathers, Samuel Adams and The First American Revolution–Videos

Lincoln Gettysburg Address –November 19, 1863

The American People March on Washington D.C.–August 28, 2010–At The Lincoln Memorial! Mark Your Calendar–Be There–Three Million Minimum–Join The Second American Revolution

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