US Attacks Building in Syria: Search and Destroy for Terrorists and/or Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)?

Posted on October 27, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Links, Politics, Resources, Security, Strategy, Technology, Video, War | Tags: , , , , , , , , |




 U.S. Attacks Syria – Family & 4 Children Killed


US acknowledges raid on Syrian border town – Oct 27 08


Syria Condemns U.S. Attack As Politically Motivated

The US attack on a building on Syria raises the question as to what was the target of the assault–terrorists or a site for making biological weapons?

The closing down “rat lines” for terrorist entering Iraq from Syria may have been the target.

However, Syria has a history of developing biological weapons of mass destruction.

Looks like the deck is being cleared for further actions.

The world wide war warning countdown continues.


Syria has condemned as “serious aggression” a US helicopter raid from Iraq that has killed eight civilians.

“…A US military official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the raid was targeting “elements of the Syrian military in league with al Qaeda and other fighters”.

While US forces have had considerable success in shutting down the “rat lines” in Iraq, the Syrian part of the network has been out of reach, he added.

The US and Iraqi governments blame Syria for not doing enough to stop anti US rebels, including al Qaeda fighters, from infiltrating over the border.

The Syrian government has condemned the attack and summoned the US and Iraqi envoys in Damascus.

The official SANA news agency quoted a Syrian official as saying: “Syria condemns and denounces this act of aggression and US forces will bear the responsibility for any consequences. …”


US special forces launch rare attack inside Syria

“…The foreign fighters network sends militants from North Africa and elsewhere in the Middle East to Syria, where elements of the Syrian military are in league with al-Qaida and loyalists of Saddam Hussein’s Baath party, the U.S. military official said.

He said that while American forces have had considerable success, with Iraqi help, in shutting down the “rat lines” in Iraq, and with foreign government help in North Africa, the Syrian node has been out of reach.

“The one piece of the puzzle we have not been showing success on is the nexus in Syria,” the official said.

The White House in August approved similar special forces raids from Afghanistan across the border of Pakistan to target al-Qaida and Taliban operatives. At least one has been carried out.

The flow of foreign fighters into Iraq has been cut to an estimated 20 a month, a senior U.S. military intelligence official told the Associated Press in July. That’s a 50 percent decline from six months ago, and just a fifth of the estimated 100 foreign fighters who were infiltrating Iraq a year ago, according to the official.

Ninety percent of the foreign fighters enter through Syria, according to U.S. intelligence. Foreigners are some of the most deadly fighters in Iraq, trained in bomb-making and with small-arms expertise and more likely to be willing suicide bombers than Iraqis. …”;_ylt=AuTbhZVjPWXcKSDR0wtIZMYUewgF 


Eight die in US attack inside Syria: official media

“…American helicopter-borne troops launched an assault on Sunday on a building in a Syrian border village with Iraq, killing eight civilians, official Syrian media reported.

The government has summoned the official US and Iraqi representatives to protest, state television and the official SANA news agency said.

“Four American helicopters violated Syrian airspace around 16:45 local time (1345 GMT) on Sunday. They penetrated eight kilometres (five miles) into Syria,” the official media said.

“American soldiers” who had emerged from helicopters “attacked a civilian building under construction and fired at workmen inside, causing eight deaths,” the reports said.

“The helicopters then left Syrian territory towards Iraqi territory,” SANA said.

The news agency said one person was also wounded in the attack on the village of Al-Sukkiraya, around 550 kilometres (340 miles) northeast of the capital in the Abu Kamal area. 


Report: U.S. Troops Attack Syrian Town on Iraqi Border

“…U.S. military helicopters attacked an area along Syria’s border with Iraq Sunday, killing eight people, the Syrian government said, condemning what it called “serious aggression.”

A government statement carried by the official Syrian Arab News Agency said the attack occurred at the Sukkariyeh Farm near the town of Abu Kamal, five miles inside the Syrian border. Four helicopters attacked a civilian building under construction, firing on the workers inside shortly before sundown, the statement said.

The U.S. military in Baghdad did not immediately respond to a request for comment. An American commander indicated last week that the Syrian border area still presented a security problem more than five years into the Iraq war. …”,2933,444101,00.html 


‘US troops’ carry out Syria raid

“…Four American helicopters violated Syrian airspace around 16:45 local time (1345 GMT) on Sunday,” Sana news agency said.

It said that “American soldiers” who had emerged from helicopters “attacked a civilian building under construction and opened fire on workers inside – including the wife of the building guard – leading to [the deaths] of eight civilians”.

The dead included a man and his four children and a married couple.

“The helicopters then left Syrian territory towards Iraqi territory,” Sana said.

It named the village as Sukkiraya, 8km (5 miles) from the Iraqi border.

A US military spokesman couldn’t confirm or deny the reports. He said: “It’s a developing situation.”

The area is near the Iraqi border city of Qaim, which had been a major crossing point for fighters, weapons and money travelling into Iraq to fuel the Sunni insurgency.

Washington has accused Damascus of turning a blind eye to the problem.”


Syria ready with bio-terror if U.S. hits Iran
Damascus reportedly hiding WMD among commercial pharmaceuticals

By Jerome R. Corsi

“…”The Syrians have made some recent acquisitions in regard to their smallpox program from the DPRK,” she explained. “Right before the recent Lebanon war, the Syrians had a crash program in cryptosporidium.”

According to the Washington State Department of Health, cryptosporidium is a one-celled parasite that causes a gastrointestinal illness with symptoms of diarrhea, abdominal cramps, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and a low-grade fever. The symptoms can last for weeks and may result in weight loss and dehydration.

“Because cryptosporidium is impervious to chlorine,” Bellamy-Decker continued, “you could infect the water supply by the bucket full of cryptosporidium, if you know where to get it. The resulting illness would put down a lot of civilians and military who might oppose you going into their country.”

“The Syrians have a modus operandi of covert operations and deniability,” she stressed, “so biological weapons are absolutely perfect for them.”

“…Bellamy-Decker is presenting a paper at this week’s Intelligence Summit in St. Petersburg, Fla. It is expected to focus on the sophisticated state of development of the Syrian bioweapons program.

“The Syrians have developed a rather remarkable bioweapons capability that has gone under the radar of U.S. intelligence,” she said. “U.S. intelligence continues to insist that the Syrian capability is not highly developed. The Syrian program mirrors how the Russians have developed their program, as well as Iraq under Saddam Hussein, North Korea, and Iran. The emphasis in the Syrian program is on latent potential and outbreak capability.”

Bellamy-Decker explained we should not expect to find stockpiles of biological weapons.

“Stockpiles are just not how biological weapons are done,” she said. “With biological weapons, it is not the quantity, but the quality that counts. If you can produce a virulent, communicable strain, then you have a great biological weapon and it doesn’t matter how much of it you have, it depends on what the weapon looks like.”  


Background Articles and Videos

Syria broadcasting terror attacks against US forces in Iraq


Terrorists Attack U.S. Embassy In Damascus, Syria


John Bolton on Israeli strike on Syrian nuclear facility


Israel Bombs Syria


Israel Thwarted Syria’s Plan To Attack




CIA video showing suspected Syrian nuclear reactor


Saddam’s WMDs were moved to Syria

Saddam’s WMDs : the truth


Saddam’s WMDs Part 2 : the truth

WMD in former Soviet Republic


Nuclear, Biological, & Chemical Warfare


Iraqi defector talks about biological weapons (1997)


Terrorism: Biological Weapons preview

The Truth about Robert Malley and Barack Obama

Heritage In Focus: Speaker Pelosi’s Trip to Syria

G. Beck: Nancy Pelosi Sleeps With Syria, Hates U.S. Troops


Gingrich: I’m deeply worried



CIA World Fact Book Syria

“…Following the breakup of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, France administered Syria until its independence in 1946. The country lacked political stability, however, and experienced a series of military coups during its first decades. Syria united with Egypt in February 1958 to form the United Arab Republic. In September 1961, the two entities separated, and the Syrian Arab Republic was reestablished. In November 1970, Hafiz al-ASAD, a member of the Socialist Ba’th Party and the minority Alawite sect, seized power in a bloodless coup and brought political stability to the country. In the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, Syria lost the Golan Heights to Israel. During the 1990s, Syria and Israel held occasional peace talks over its return. Following the death of President al-ASAD, his son, Bashar al-ASAD, was approved as president by popular referendum in July 2000. Syrian troops – stationed in Lebanon since 1976 in an ostensible peacekeeping role – were withdrawn in April 2005. During the July-August 2006 conflict between Israel and Hizballah, Syria placed its military forces on alert but did not intervene directly on behalf of its ally Hizballah. …”



Syria (Arabic: سوريّةSūrriya or Sūrya), officially the Syrian Arab Republic (Arabic: الجمهورية العربية السورية ), is an Arab country in Southwest Asia, bordering Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Israel to the southwest, Jordan to the south, Iraq to the east, and Turkey to the north. The modern state of Syria was formerly a French mandate and attained independence in 1946, but can trace its roots to the Eblan civilization in the third millennium BC. Its capital city, Damascus, was the seat of the Umayyad Empire and a provincial capital of the Mamluk Empire.

Syria gained independence in April 1946. Officially a Republic, Syria has been under Emergency Law since 1963 and governed by the Baath Party; the head of state since 1970 has been a member of the Assad family. Syria’s current president is Bashar al-Assad, son of Hafez al-Assad, who held office from 1970 until his death in 2000.[2][3] With the appointment of Bashar al-Assad in 2000 interest in political reform surged, leading to the so called “Damascus Spring” (July 2000-February 2001). Assad appointed pro-reform candidates to formal and less formal positions, but the 2001 arrest and long-term detention of the two reformist parliamentarians signals slow political reform.[3]


‘Former’ Obama Advisor Meets with Syrians

Ed Lasky

“…Now another figure that has been written about at American Thinker is in the news again: Robert Malley, former (and future?) adviser to Barack Obama  and a man who serves as a key foreign policy expert at the ICG.

He recently met with Syrian leader Basher Assad and explained the role the ICG would have in briefing the new US Administration (and I doubt he meant McCain) about Syria’s important role in the region.

Of course, maybe he was just boasting about his and the ICG’s role. Perhaps not. The ICG has deep ties with the bad guys over in the region. If people involved in the ICG come on board in an Obama White House, people concerned about the future of our embattled ally should turn their radar on.

From a highly-regarded foreign policy expert::

Malley has been quarterbacking for the Syrians since 2006 at least. The notion that they refer to him commonly as a lobbyist for the regime in the Syrian outlets is because he negotiated with the Syrians to have an office for the ICG based in Damascus (the only think tank with such an office). He has been paying the dues. First by producing the report on restarting Syrian-Israeli talks in 2006 and with a series of events and articles — including by Peter Harling, who is heading the Damascus office. He also moved on the French end to get them to dump the US policy on Syria (so much for Bush’s “unilateralism”). He was running around DC trying to talk to Bush administration officials to open up to Syria. In essence, he was/is a lobbyist for the Syrians.

He then orchestrated a series of meetings for Obama people with the Syrians, and worked to get the Syrian delegation to come to DC through Thomas Dine. He also authored a position paper on Syria that was signed by all the usual suspects, including those involved in getting the Syrian delegation here.

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