Archive for September 30th, 2011

Obama’s Gungate: Operation Fast and Furious–The Murders Continue–Time For Special Prosecutor!–Videos

Posted on September 30, 2011. Filed under: American History, Blogroll, Business, Communications, Computers, Crime, Culture, Diasters, Drug Cartels, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, history, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, People, Philosophy, Pistols, Politics, Public Sector, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Rifles, Talk Radio, Taxes, Technology, Transportation, Unemployment, Unions, Video, War, Wealth, Weapons, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Sheriff Babeu Says ATF Accomplice To Murder

“Fast And Furious” Just Might Be President Obama’s Watergate

ATF agent blows the whistle on the U.S. government running GUNS into Mexico !

Fast & Furious Round 2: Nightly News Report 09/27/11

Issa & Gosar: Fast & Furious Investigation Continues

Fast and Furious Whistleblower Interview Operation Gun Walker – Video

Operation Fast and Furious 1- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 2- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 3- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 4- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 5- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 6- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 7- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 8- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 9- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 10- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 11- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 12- 13

Operation Fast and Furious 13- 13

Issa on CNN: Obama Administration Stonewalling Public Accountability for Fast & Furious

Issa on Fox News: Americans Deserve Accountability for Deaths by Operation Fast & Furious

Issa on Fox Biz Gives the Latest on Investigations of Fast & Furious, Obama Admin Green Energy Deals

Background Articles and Videos

ATF Enabling Illegal US Gun Traffic to Mexico!!!

Whistleblower ATF Agent John Dodson Exposes Deadly “Operation Gunrunner”

ATF Director Tells Congressmen Dept Of Justice Is Obstructing “Fast & Furious” Gun Running Probe

ATF Fires ‘Fast and Furious’ Whistleblower

Rep. Issa: Holder ‘Absolutely’ Knew About Fast & Furious Earlier Than He Testified

Obama Orders Launched Fast and Furious

Obama Snubs Subpoena for ATF ‘Project Gunrunner’ Documents

Fast and Furious Agents Promoted by Obama Administration; Project Gunrunner Promotions

“Fast And Furious” Just Might Be President Obama’s Watergate

Frank Miniter

“…Why a gunrunning scandal codenamed “Fast and Furious,” a program run secretly by the U.S. government that sent thousands of firearms over an international border and directly into the hands of criminals, hasn’t been pursued by an army of reporters all trying to be the next Bob Woodward or Carl Bernstein is a story in itself.

But the state of modern journalism aside, this scandal is so inflammatory few realize that official records show the current director  of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), B. Todd Jones — yes the individual the Obama administration brought in to replace ATF Director Kenneth Melson Aug. 30 in an effort to deflect congressional criticism — also has questions to answer about his involvement in this gunrunning scandal.

Fast and Furious was an operation so cloak-and-dagger Mexican authorities weren’t even notified that thousands of semi-automatic firearms were being sold to people in Arizona thought to have links to Mexican drug cartels. According to ATF whistleblowers, in 2009 the U.S. government began instructing gun storeowners to break the law by selling  firearms to suspected criminals. ATF agents then, again according to testimony by ATF agents turned whistleblowers, were ordered not to intercept the smugglers but rather to let the guns “walk” across the U.S.-Mexican border and into the hands of Mexican drug-trafficking organizations. …”

“…Given all the politics and the cover up that even the former ATF director says has occurred, could operation Fast and Furious have been about anything other than pushing for new gun-control laws? And given all of this obfuscation from the Obama dministration, isn’t this scandal comparable to the cover up that surrounded Watergate? After all,  both administrations forgot that America is a country that reveres its freedom of the press and that in America officers speak out when misguided policies get cops killed. Here mothers testify before Congress  when they find out a secret government program, and a stupid one at that, got their son killed.

Not that morality ends at the American border. To stress this point, Rep. Issa held a conference call with journalists on September 21 in which he said Marisela Morales, Mexico’s attorney general, is reporting that at least 200 Mexican deaths can now be traced to weapons from the Fast and Furious program.

And so the investigation and the bloody aftermath continue….

New Fast and Furious docs released by White House

By Sharyl Attkisson

“…Late Friday, the White House turned over new documents in the Congressional investigation into the ATF “Fast and Furious” gunwalking scandal.

The documents show extensive communications between then-ATF Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix office Bill Newell – who led Fast and Furious – and then-White House National Security Staffer Kevin O’Reilly. Emails indicate the two also spoke on the phone. Such detailed, direct communications between a local ATF manager in Phoenix and a White House national security staffer has raised interest among Congressional investigators looking into Fast and Furious. Newell has said he and O’Reilly are long time friends.

Newly-released White House documents (pdf)

ATF agents say that in Fast and Furious, their agency allowed thousands of assault rifles and other weapons to be sold to suspected traffickers for Mexican drug cartels. At least two of the guns turned up at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry last December.

ATF Manager says he shared Fast and Furious with the White House

The email exchanges span a little over a month last summer. They discuss ATF’s gun trafficking efforts along the border including the controversial Fast and Furious case, though not by name. The emails to and from O’Reilly indicate more than just a passing interest in the Phoenix office’s gun trafficking cases. They do not mention specific tactics such as “letting guns walk.” …”

September 30, 2011

Operation Fast and Furious: The Scandal that Can No Longer be Denied

Roger Aronoff

“…Cooper’s reporter on this story, Drew Griffin, tried to explain a possible motive for Fast and Furious. He said that “the operation makes no sense.” So in attempting to explain it, he invoked the usual bogeymen. “So what’s the real purpose?,” asked Griffin. “The lack of sense, the apparent cover-up has opened the door now for these conspiracy theorists. And you got to follow this. They believe this was part of a convoluted plan for the Obama administration and the attorney general to actually increase the level of violence on the Mexican border with assault weapons purchased in the U.S. in an apparent attempt to rekindle interest in an assault weapons ban. As wacky as that may sound, I must tell you that theory is gaining traction, not just among the second amendment crowd, because this operation makes no other sense.”

Griffin is correct that such theories are out there. But until some independent entity can get to the bottom of this, hopefully with the cooperation of the Obama administration rather than the stonewalling and obstruction that has characterized their response up to now, the reasons for the operation might remain theoretical. Let’s see if the cover-up proves worse than the crimes. …”

Secret recordings raise new questions in ATF ‘Gunwalker’ operation


Sharyl Attkisson

“…Law enforcement sources and others close to the Congressional investigation say the Justice Department’s Inspector General obtained the audio tapes several months ago as part of its investigation into Fast and Furious.

Then, the sources say for some reason the Inspector General passed the tapes along to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona: a subject in the investigation. It’s unclear why the Inspector General, who is supposed to investigate independently, would turn over evidence to an entity that is itself under investigation.

A spokesman from the Office of the Inspector General today said, “The OIG officially provided the United States Attorney’s Office with a copy of the recordings in question so that the USAO could consider them in connection with the government’s disclosure obligations in the pending criminal prosecutions of the gun traffickers. Prior to receiving the tapes, the OIG made clear that we would have to provide a copy of the recordings to the United States Attorney’s Office because they would need to review them to satisfy any legal disclosure obligations.” …”

Firearms from ATF sting linked to 11 more violent crimes

“…By Richard A. Serrano, Washington Bureau August 17, 2011

Reporting from Washington—

Firearms from the ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious weapons trafficking investigation turned up at the scenes of at least 11 violent crimes in the U.S., as well as at a Border Patrol agent’s slaying in southern Arizona last year, the Justice Department has acknowledged to Congress.

The department did not provide details about the crimes. But The Times has learned that they occurred in several Arizona cities, including Phoenix, where Fast and Furious was managed, as well as in El Paso, where a total of 42 weapons from the operation were seized at two crime scenes.

The new numbers, which expand the scope of the danger the program posed to U.S. citizens over a 14-month period, are contained in a letter that Justice Department officials turned over to the Senate Judiciary Committee last month. …”,0,7742514.story

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