Archive for September 9th, 2011

‘Ponzi’ President Obama Proposes Cutting Social Security By Cutting Payroll Taxes–Totally Irresponsible–Videos

Posted on September 9, 2011. Filed under: American History, Banking, Blogroll, Books, Business, Communications, Crime, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, government, government spending, history, Inflation, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Monetary Policy, Money, People, Philosophy, Politics, Private Sector, Public Sector, Rants, Raves, Security, Taxes, Unemployment, Unions, Video, War, Wealth, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , |

Government Social Security | Social Security Scheme | History of Social Security

Social Security and Medicare to go bankrupt earlier than expected – CBS News

Deficits, Debts and Unfunded Liabilities: The Consequences of Excessive Government Spending

Ron Paul – End Medicare, Social Security & Medicaid?

John Stossel – Government’s Ponzi Scheme

Power of the Market – Social Security

Milton Friedman – The Social Security Myth

Your Boss Doesn’t Really Pay Your Social Security Tax

How Does a Ponzi Scheme Work?

Your Money: the Ponzi Scheme Explained

Dick Armey: Social Security is a Ponzi scheme

Rand Paul In The ’90s: Medicare Is Socialism And Social Security Is A Ponzi Scheme

Limbaugh – ‘I Want To Applaud’ Perry’s Claim That Social Security Is A Ponzi Scheme

Paul Ryan:  Hiding Spending Doesn’t Reduce Spending

Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Max Keiser – Social Security Ponzi Scheme

Two Former Social Security Officials Admit The System Is Not Much Different from a Ponzi Scheme

Perry Fires At Rove & Romney: Social Security Is A “Ponzi Scheme” And A “Monstrous Lie”

Fox ‘Straight News’ Anchor MacCallum Defends Perry’s Claim That Social Security Is A ‘Ponzi Scheme’

Social Security and Medicare use a pay as you go system to fund Social Security and Medicare benefits to those who are entitled to them.

Current workers pay Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes.

These tax revenues are used to pay the benefits to Social Security recipients and those on Medicare who have incurred medical bills.

Both Social Security and Medicare are running deficits–they are paying out more in benefits than they are collecting in payroll taxes.

President Obama is proposing that payroll taxes for Social Security  be cut.

In other words for a period of time the current workers can stop paying into the Ponzi scheme of Social Security.

This only increase the size of the Social Security  deficit and is fiscally irresponsible.

To correct the situation requires either the raising of payroll taxes or the cutting of benefits to Social Security recipients.

Few Democratic or Republicans politicians will clearly tell you these facts.

Both Social Security and Medicare must be reformed so they are no longer a Ponzi scheme run and controlled by the federal government.

Instead of the federal government running the Ponzi scheme and spending your money as it sees fit, individuals need to control and own their retirement and health insurance plan accounts.

If a private retirement or health insurance plan was run like Social Security or Medicare, they would go broke and those responsible might very well go to jail for fraud and theft of funds.

Texas Governor Rick Perry and Texas Congressman Ron Paul are right, Social Security is a Ponzi scheme.

This Ponzi scheme for funding Social Security and Medicare needs to be stopped.

Paul has an even better idea.

Let’s give  every American the right to opt out of Social Security and Medicare.

These individuals could purchase their own retirement and health insurance plans that they own and control.

Those Americans all ready receiving Social Security and Medicare and those electing to stay in the current system would be permitted to do so.

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The Voice of The American People–drinkingwithbob–Endores Ron Paul–The Only Legitimate Candidate–Videos

Posted on September 9, 2011. Filed under: American History, Banking, Blogroll, Business, Communications, Economics, Education, Employment, Energy, Enivornment, European History, Federal Government, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, history, Inflation, Investments, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, media, Microeconomics, Monetary Policy, Money, People, Philosophy, Politics, Private Sector, Public Sector, Rants, Raves, Regulations, Resources, Taxes, Technology, Unemployment, Unions, Video, War, Wealth, Wisdom | Tags: , , |

Ron Paul, the ONLY Legitimate Candidate…

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Senator Rand Paul Response To President Obama’s Jobs Speech–The Tea Party Plan For Putting Americans Back To Work–Videos

Posted on September 9, 2011. Filed under: Banking, Blogroll, Business, Communications, Economics, Fiscal Policy, Microeconomics, Monetary Policy, Money | Tags: , , |

Sen. Rand Paul Responds To President Obama’s Jobs Speech – 09/08/11

Sen. Rand Paul on Freedom Watch – 09/07/11

I could not have said it better myself.

Three cheers for Senator Paul.

Senator Rand Paul for President in 2021 after eight years, 2013-2021 of Congressman Ron Paul.

The Tea Party plan for putting Americans back to work:

1. Balance the budget.

2. Replace all Federal taxes with The FairTax

3. Repeal Obamacare

4. Repeal Dodd-Frank

5. End the Fed, IRS, and EPA

6. Enforce all immigration laws

7. Get the United States out of the United Nations and the United Nation out of the United States.

8. Bring the troops home

9. Close permanently eight to ten federal departments.

10. Replace Social Security and Medicare with a personal retirement and health insurance plan owned and controlled by the individual and not the Federal government.

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