OD: (1) Over Dose, (2) Obama Depression–The Economic Consequences of Radical Socialism

Posted on January 10, 2009. Filed under: Economics, Education, Employment, Energy, Immigration, Security, Taxes, Technology, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

It is true that we cannot depend on government alone to create jobs or long-term growth. But at this particular moment, only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe. Only government can break the cycle that is crippling our economy, where a lack of spending leads to lost jobs, which leads to even less spending, where an inability to lend and borrow stops growth and leads to even less credit.

~President-elect Barack Obama’s speech on the economy, January 8, 2009

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
~Albert Einstein

Obama’s speech 8th January 2009 on economic stimulus recovery plan Part 1.

Obama’s speech 8th January 2009 on economic stimulus recovery plan Part 2.

Citizen Bob’s Response
YOU wanted “change”…


the Government causes most of our problems…


Wanna Pay an Extra Dollar for Gas???????


Doing absolutely nothing to stimulate the economy would be much better than continuing with more and more government deficit spending.

Hiring more government employees union member and encouraging more illegal immigration to fill openning in the construction industry are political payoffs and not a stimulus packgage.

This is not change, it is government corruption and destruction of the US economy.

President Franklin Roosevelt tried it in the 1930s calling it the New Deal and this was the result:

Table 1: Statistics[76]

Real Gross National Product (GNP) (1)

Consumer Price Index (2)

Index of Industrial Production (2)

Money Supply M2 ($ billions)

Exports ($ billions)

Unemployment (% of civilian work force)


President-elect Obama’s Raw Deal will have the same results as Roosevelt’s New Deal and only extend the recession and eventually result in inflation in two to three years.

Do nothing and the recession will be over by 2010, implement Obama’s proposed “stimulus” package and the recession will last until 2011 followed by inflation–stagflation of the Carter years will return.

Pass the FairTax and let the American people decide how to spend and save their hard earned money.

Yes we can have real change.

The timing for implementing the FairTax could not be better!

American for Fair Taxation–Save The Economy

Mike Huckabee – What is the “Fair Tax?”

Our Country is Broke – How You Can Fix It

First, Why We Need a Fair Tax

Second, Fair Tax Questions and Advantages

Henri Lepage’s 1978  international best-seller provides a response to the radical socialism of President Obama:

We need a more realistic conception of government and the state. The state is not some sort of sacred body, omipotent, omnipresent, and infallible. There is no reason to regard the political market as necessarily more moral, more just, or more humane than the economic market. On the contrary, since it is a market of power rather than a market of exchange, it is likely to be less just and humane.

The notion of general interest, moreover, is often only an alias for the exploitation of the rest of society by a privileged caste of civil servants, bereaucrats, lobbyists, and professional power brokers. The general interest does not exist; it is only an idea that some people form of what is in their eyes bet for others. The real general interest would result only from a situation in which perfect exchange mechanisms functioned. The general interst can truly be defended only by trying to set up the largest possible number of exchange mechanisms in society while recognizing that perfect exchange–perfect allocation is impossilbe. The one thing we can be sure of is that exchange mechanisms are the only way of really approaching this general interest.

…An attentive and critical examination of government decision-making mechanisms shows that in its manipulation of economic mechanisms and its subsidization of state products and services through taxes, the state is behaving like a monompolist. It is forcing consumers to consume more of what it, the government, thinks is in the consumer’s interest to consume. Much public intervention and regulation, as it is currently conceived, is truly depriving people of freedom, is obliging them to overconsume public goods and services that would not be bought–or wasted–in such quantities if consumers had to recognize, and pay, the real price of them. …”

~Henri Lepage, Tomorrow, Capitalism: The Economics of Economic Freedom, page 207-206

Background Articles and Videos

Text of President-elect Barack Obama’s speech on the economy
January 8, 2009

http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-obama-economy-text9-2009jan09,0,4826774.story?page=1&track=rssThe FairTax: NEWS & DEVELOPMENTS

Sowell: U.S. policies in 1930s disastrous

“…If Obama wants political success, following in the footsteps of FDR looks like the way to go. But people who are concerned about the economy need to take a closer look at history. We deserve something better than repeating the 1930s disasters.

There is yet another factor that provides a parallel to what happened during the Great Depression.

No matter how much worse things got after government intervention under Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, the party line was that he had to “do something” to get us out of the disaster created by the failure of the unregulated market and Hoover’s “do nothing” policies.

Today, increasing numbers of scholars recognize that FDR’s own policies were a further extension of interventions begun under Hoover.

Moreover, the temporary rise in unemployment after the stock market crash was nowhere near the massive and long-lasting unemployment after government interventions.

Obama already has his Herbert Hoover to blame for any and all disasters that his policies create: George W. Bush.”

The Economic “Stimulus”
by Thomas Sowell

“…A common problem with government economic policies in general is that it is very hard to predict how long it will be before the policy actually affects the economy. An economic stimulus policy created during a contraction in demand can take effect during an inflationary expansion of demand– and fuel still more inflation.

A trillion dollars or so, created out of thin air by a government that already has a huge deficit, can set off another round of inflation that can take some very painful new policies to bring under control– or can have even more painful effects, if it is not brought under control. The new administration may need that get-out-of-jail-free card. ”


.O.U.S.A.: Byte-Sized – The 30 Minute Version

The Greatest Depression of all Times is coming to sweep America Peter Schiff

The Future of Austrian Economics

The Resurgence of Big Government – Ayn Rand Center – 1 of 2

The Resurgence of Big Government – Ayn Rand Center – 2 of 2

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4 Responses to “OD: (1) Over Dose, (2) Obama Depression–The Economic Consequences of Radical Socialism”

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Republicans are to blame for causing the Great Depression and the current economic collapse by favoring monopolies, big business and the wealthy. These policies squeezed the masses between relatively low wages and high taxes and prices. The Federal Reserve is forced to try to maintain the standard of living by expanding the money supply, which produces unsustainable credit-driven booms. Eventually, consumers’ credit runs out, especially since the debt financing from the savings of the wealthy is at high interest rates. When markets fall, brokerage firms, that lend money on the margins (e.g., several dollars for every dollar an investor deposits), call in loans, which cannot be paid back. Banks fail as debtors default on debt.

Democrats make sure depressions continue until world war. They believe in a nationally planned economy including higher taxes on corporate profits, increased federal government control over the economy and money supply, intervention to control prices and agricultural production, complex social programs and wider acceptance of unions. Interference in the economy help cause depressions, and government efforts to prop up the economy after only makes things worse by delaying the market’s adjustment. We need a new political party that favors small business, the middle class and antitrust.

The Great Depression was prolonged until after the end of World War II largely due to failed government intervention policies implemented by President Roosevelt.

President Obama appears to want to follow this example. When it comes to economics, Obama is illiterate or clueless.

Any Democrat or Republican that votes for either more bailouts or the so-called stimulus package will not be getting my vote.

Any business that accepts a government bailout will not be getting my business.

I agree we need a new party, call it the American Citizen Alliance Party (ACAP) for a cap on big government spending, taxes and regulations.

The Republican Party has been captured by big spending liberals, moderates and neoconservatives who consistently ignore their political base of conservatives, libertarians, and traditionalists. Two good examples are illegal immigration and a cap and trade tax to stop global warming. Should the Republicians go along with President Obama on the bailouts and stimulus package they will be signing their political death warrants.

Obama and the Democratic Party are trying to “shut up” the Repubicans in Congress by telling them to ignore conservative talk radio, i.e. do not listen to your political base.

Any fool who follows this advice deserves to be defeated.

It is big waste of time to try to change the Republican Party and the Democratic Party is beyond the pale, they are the collectivist socialist party.

Professional politicians are following indicators and not leading indicators.

Rush Limbaugh on Hannity: Does Rush Want Obama to Succeed?

Rush Limbaugh on Hannity Part 2: The Future of Conservatism

The Heritage Foundation, Ayn Rand, Peter Schiff and Mike Huckabee…
Well, you sure pull together some impressive authorities.
Where are the Glenn Beck clips? LMAO.

Sure beats Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Castro.

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