Rachel Maddow On The Tea Parties–She Slammed Them With An Offensive Label–“Tea Bagging”–Throw Tasteless Double Entrendre Maddow Off The Air!

Posted on April 15, 2009. Filed under: Blogroll, Comedy, Communications, Economics, Employment, Investments, Links, People, Philosophy, Politics, Rants, Raves, Religion, Strategy, Talk Radio, Taxes, Video | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |



The American People Celebrate Independence Day–Saturday, July 4, 2009–By Marching in 1000 Cities and Towns and Attending Ice Tea Parties To Freeze Federal Government Spending, Taxes and Deficits–30 Million Expected Nationally–1 Million In Washington D.C.!


The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

“…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. …”




One tactic favored by the radical socialists is to accuse your opponents of doing what in fact they are not doing but you and your political friends are in fact doing.

Until this morning I thought a tea bag was a tea bag and I had never heard tea bag used as a verb– tea bagging.

Since my Mother and Father both liked tea, I have made and had my share of both hot and ice tea.

While I still like tea, I mainly drink water, diet cola and chocolate milk.

This morning I was in my car listening to the final segment of Bill Bennet’s Morning in America show, when a caller warned Bill what the radical socialists were up to regarding the labelling of tea parties.

It seems that Rachel Maddow on MSNBC just could not resist repeatedly calling the over 2,000 tea parties that are being given on tax day, April 15, 2009 as tea-bagging.

The caller informed Bill that the term has a “vile” meaning.

Bill Bennet wisely told the caller that on his show, he was not having anything to do with this tactic and use of the term tea-bagging and quickly ended the conversation.

I had never heard of the term tea-bagging and had no idea why Maddow was intentionally using the term to refer to the Tax Day Tea Parties.

Since I am one of many thousands of individuals promoting these tea parties and seldom watch TV, I watched her Tea Party video on youtube:


The Rachel Maddow Show: Insani-Tea: Conservatives Rally Around “Teabagging”


I then googled the term “tea bagging” definition and quickly found out why the ladies were so excited about and could not resist labelling tea parties tea bagging in their piece.


There is just one problem. Very few of the promoters and organizers have used the term tea bagging on blog posts, sites or videos.

If you do not  know the word, you do not use it.

If you do know the word and its meaning, you do not use it if it would be offensive to others.

Apparently both Rachel Maddow and her frequent guest, Air America’s Ana Marie Cox, knew the risque  meaning of the word and intentionally used it.

They were deliberately being offensive to the viewers of her show and to those who watched it on YouTube.

For that alone, Maddow should at least apologize.

I would fire her and her producer and if I owned a station cancel her show.

She deliberately and knowingly crossed the line and demonstrated she lacked judgement and taste.

It is one thing to use a word when you do not intend to offend someone and the word actually has one meaning that would offend some people.

It is quite a different matter when you knowingly use a word that is offensive, just so you can be offensive and know that many would find it offensive.

Looks like MSNBC is repeatedly using the term “tea bagging” as a double entrendre:

If You’re Gonna Have Tea Bagging All Over the Country, You’re Gonna Need A Dick Armey!


Maddow, lover of props, just could not get enough of a double entrendre and milked it for all it was worth:

Rachel Maddow: Is There a Rift in the Tea Bag Movement?


When your viewership hits new lows, I guess you get desperate and will say anything to get viewers even if it offends them.

Glenn Beck ratings skyrocket, Olbermann up, Maddow down, has anyone seen CNN?



Fox News is on top with O’Reilly, Beck, and Hannity and MSNBC is on bottom with Olbermann and Maddow.

Where is CNN?

Looks like Anderson Cooper is bringing down and dirty the CNN brand by getting in on tea bagging double entrendre act.:


Anderson Cooper: It’s hard to talk when you’re teabagging


I thought CNN was a news show and not a droll British comedy with quiet tongue-in-cheek kind of humor:


Sit on My Face


Monty Python- I’m a lumberjack


Both Maddow and Cooper should be fired for their down and dirty double entrendre offensive speech.

Also, Maddow is fooling herself if she thinks the American people are still falling for President’s Obama’s line that 95% of the American people will not face higher taxes.

I guess she missed the proposed cap and trade carbon dioxide tax and the hidden tax of inflation that will be the direct result of massive bailouts and deficits. 

These taxes will impact every American, but in particular those who are  retired and/or on a fixed income.

While there are many videos on YouTube promoting Tea Parties, by far the two that have got the most attention are those by a modern day Thomas Paine: 


The Second American Revolution


We The People Stimulus Package


The American people of all political parties and persuasions are attending the tax day tea parties on April 15, 2009 for many reasons.

Join the Second American Revolution

Protest Out-of-Control Federal Government Spending and Taxes–Attend A Tax Day Tea Party in Your City or Town!

Second American Revolution–Tea Party Celebrations–Washington Fair–July 4, 2009–An Open Invitation To The American People 

American People’s Plan = 6 Month Tax Holiday + FairTax = Real Hope + Real Change!–Millions To March On Washington D.C. Saturday, July 4, 2009!


Background Articles and Videos


Glenn Beck Interviews 21st Century Thomas Paine


Rachel Anne Maddow


“Rachel Anne Maddow (born April 1, 1973) is an American radio personality, television host, and liberal political commentator.[1] Her syndicated talk radio program, The Rachel Maddow Show, airs on Air America Radio. Maddow also hosts a nightly television show, The Rachel Maddow Show, on MSNBC;[2] she was formerly a guest host of Countdown with Keith Olbermann and other MSNBC shows.

A graduate of Castro Valley High School in Castro Valley, California, Maddow earned a degree in public policy from Stanford University in 1994.[3] At graduation she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship. She was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. In 2001, she completed her Doctor of Philosophy degree (styled a DPhil) in political science from the University of Oxford.[4] Her doctoral thesis is titled HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform in British and American Prisons. She was the first openly gay American to win a Rhodes scholarship.[5][6]






Double Entendre 

“…A double entendre is a figure of speech in which a spoken phrase is intended to be understood in either of two ways. In most cases, the first meaning is straightforward, while the second meaning is less so; often risqué, inappropriate, or ironic.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines a double entendre as especially being used to “convey an indelicate meaning”. It is often used to express potentially offensive opinions without the risks of explicitly doing so. …”



Rachel Maddow’s disgusting homoerotic Tea Party “news” report

“…Rachel Maddow and MSNBC have taken an official position on the Tea Party protests spreading across the country: They will attempt to belittle them by referring to them as “tea bagging,” a euphemism for an act performed by homosexual men.

In the attached video, lesbian Maddow uses the term “tea bagging” 63 times. 63 times. …”



“Tea Bagging” Rallies Ruthlessly Mocked On Maddow Show

“…Tonight, on the Rachel Maddow Show, Maddow and regular guest, Air America’s Ana Marie Cox, discussed the fringetastic anti-tax Renaissance Faires known as “tea parties.” There is only one thing in all the world worth noting about the people behind these things, and it is this: everyone involved is apparently unaware of what the term “teabagging” means. As you will see, this is not the case with Maddow and Cox.

“Now, no laughing off set or I will lose it!” begged Maddow, “I’m only barely making it through as it is.” She said this BEFORE Cox joined the segment. From there, it just got better: “Who wouldn’t want to tea bag John McCain?” Cox asked. “This is all part of the midterm strategy,” she added. “You know it’s going to be teabagging 24/7 when it comes to the midterms.” And it shall be. Of this you can be certain. …”



What is the difference between Anderson Cooper and Matt Taibbi?

By Michelle Malkin 

“…Content warning. Don’t read any further if you’ve just had a meal and want to keep it down, ok?

This is vulgarian Matt Taibbi: …”



Cable Anchors, Guests Use Tea Parties as Platform for Frat House Humor

Cable anchors and guests covered the anti-tax tea party protests by cracking a litany of barely concealed sexual references. 

“…For thousands of Americans, Tax Day was a moment to protest what they see as bloated budgets and a pile of debt being passed on to their children. 

For CNN, MSNBC and other media outlets, it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to use the word “teabagging” in a sentence. 

Teabagging, for those who don’t live in a frat house, refers to a sexual act involving part of the male genitalia and a second person’s face or mouth. 

So when the anti-tax “tea party” protests were held Wednesday across the country, cable anchors and guests — who for weeks had all but ignored the story — covered the protests by cracking a litany of barely concealed sexual references. 

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper interspersed “teabagging” references with analyst David Gergen’s more staid commentary on how Republicans are still “searching for their voice.” 

“It’s hard to talk when you’re teabagging,” Cooper explained. Gergen laughed, but Cooper kept a straight face. 

MSNBC’s David Shuster weaved a tapestry of “Animal House” humor Monday as he filled in for Countdown host Keith Olbermann.  …”



The video CNN doesn’t want you to see



CNN’s cover-up and “fair use” abuse

By Michelle Malkin  

“..Unhinged CNN reporter Susan Roesgen is on “vacation” after scrapping with Tea Party protesters last week, but her bosses are still hard at work trying to stifle Tea Party voices of dissent. As many of you know, CNN forced the takedown of behind-the-scenes video shot by Andrew Marcus of Founding Bloggers and posted to YouTube. Founding Bloggers has sent and published an open letter to the cable network requesting that the video (which has aired on other TV networks without retribution) be restored:

In short, we suspect that you are harassing us because our product was popular, because we are small, and because you can. We conclude, with some amusement, that your conduct tends to lend validity to the least flattering stereotypes associated with your organization. We live in the era of the internet – it is not so easy to silence people these days, as you will discover. In the final analysis, you will have become the butt of your own joke.

Should you prefer to avoid this fate, we will, of course, welcome the return of our production to its rightful spot – and the 3000+ viewer generated comment-opinions, both in support and in opposition, regarding it. Alternatively, should you prefer to continue on your current course of intimidation and censorship, we will endeavor to counter your actions.

In short, withdraw your fraudulent DMCA claim against our production, and instruct You Tube to restore the clip.

CNN is engaging in blatant abuse of the DMCA to stifle free speech under the guise of “fair use.” Been there, done that. Hot Air successfully fought off a bogus takedown from the bullies at Universal Music Group. I hope the Founding Bloggers do the same — and shame the censors at CNN for eternity. …”






Tea Party update: Revolution is brewing

By Michelle Malkin  

“…Eric Odom reports that there are now 115 cities signed up for the April 15 nationwide Tax Day Tea Party protest. Wow. If you haven’t signed up, want to start your own, and are looking to meet up and organize with other tax revolters, go to Tax Day Tea Party’s website here.

Here’s a quick how-to guide.

  1. dontgo has opened up a Tax Day Tea Party store. Buy some swag, share with friends, spread the word.

Stay tuned to the Fresh Tea blog, where you can meet organizers from across the country. Check in with TCOT Report and Smart Girl Politics for more grass-roots organizing.

(On a parallel track, fellow Fox News colleague Glenn Beck has spearheaded “We Surround Them” parties scheduled across the country today. I’m hearing from lots of first-time activists who have found overlapping networks. The same principles that unite the “We Surround Them” effort also are in sync with the tax revolters. Synergy is good. We need every body and mind in motion we can get.)

In the meantime, other local Tea Party events keep rolling on.

  • Reader Stan e-mails photos from Columbia, MO’s protest today: …” 



Tea Party progress report

By Michelle Malkin  


Just 15 days until the Tax Day Tea Party protest! 300 cities and counting.

Your places for all the latest planning developments, as always:

Tax Day Tea Party

TCOT Report


Smart Girl Politics

Check out the full list of TDTP sponsors and supporting organizations here.

Get some Tax Day Tea Party gear here. (Just ordered the iTeaParty t-shirt.)

And track #teaparty tweeters here.




No duh! White House “worried about bailout backlash”

By Michelle Malkin  

“…With a few notable exceptions, the national media has ignored the tax revolt movement against the porkulus package, omni-pork spending bill, and bottomless bailouts that began in Seattle on President’s Day; continued in Denver on the day of the Generational Theft Act signing; spread to Mesa AZ during President Obama’s massive mortgage entitlement push; spurred protest in Overland Park KS; and evolved into the Tea Party movement across the country.

But local politicians and local newspapers/TV are definitely on notice. Thousands of folks converging in places like St. Louis (1,500), Greenville (2,000), Fullerton (est. 15,000), and Cincinnati (5,000) are getting harder to ignore.

And now, it seems, word is getting around in Washington. The White House, the NYTimes (which has mocked the tax revolters) tells us, is worried about a populist backlash against bailout-mania. Naw. Really? You don’t say: …”




Huge: Thousands converge for Cincinnati Tea Party; Update: 5k strong

By Michelle Malkin  

“…The Cincinnati Tea Party organizers told us it was going to be big. And it was. Organizer J. Binik-Thomas e-mails this evening that 5,000 folks turned out for the protest and more than 1,600 people signed a petition to ask local governments to reject porkulus funding.

Check out photos at Instapundit, including this aerial:

What are you doing? Go to Tax Day Tea Party and get moving!

Eric Cranley live-tweeted. A sample:

A friend of mine brought his 5 year old son, holding a sign saying, “Even a 5 year old knows socialism is stealing” #teaparty

about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry

Good sign: “Tar. Feathers. Washington. Now.” #teaparty

about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry

“My recommendation is that people look no further than the halls of Congress to find the stench of pork” #teaparty

Unlike the Los Angeles Times, the Cincinnati Enquirer actually covered the tax revolters without trashing them: …”



Tea Party on: Taxpayer revolts in Green Bay, Lafayette, Olathe, and Harrisburg; Plus: Live from Fullerton CA… “Recall the Taxinator!;” Arnie videotapes/DVDs smashes/shredded

By Michelle Malkin

“…The tax-paying rebels are not going away.

In Green Bay, Wisconsin, today an estimated 500 protesters gathered for a Tea Party at Titletown Brewing. Reader David has more at Pork Revolution:



Tea Party USA Watch: Taxpayers coming together

By Michelle Malkin

(Photoshop credit: Leo Alberti)

“…Tons of groups and individuals are stepping up to the plate in the wake of last week’s anti-stimulus/anti-entitlement protests and the call for a nationwide Tea Party.

PJTV’s clearinghouse for protests is here.

The New American Tea Party page from “a coalition of citizens and organizations concerned about the recent trend of fiscal recklessness in government…dedicated to the Washington, D.C. effort specifically sponsored by the American Spectator, the Heartland Institute, Americans for Tax Reform, the National Taxpayers Union, Americans for Prosperity, and the Young Conservatives Coalition” is here.

The #TCOT folks have a site here and #dontgo has a list of links to official Facebook Event (and some non-Facebook) pages for each confirmed Chicago Tea Party. …”



“An act of generational theft;” Update: Ugh. Not another Gang of 14! Update Corker’s office clarifies

By Michelle Malkin


“…Here are two staunch conservatives in the Senate who are looking out for you.

U.S. Sens. Jim Inhofe and Tom Coburn weighed in Thursday against a massive package of spending and tax cuts designed to stimulate the economy.

Joining a group of fellow Republican senators, the two Oklahomans questioned whether many of the areas funded in the $800 billion-plus measure would actually end up providing a much-needed economic boost.

“We know what works,” Inhofe said, citing previous packages that succeeded.

He repeated his previous comments of disappointment that spending on infrastructure projects such as highways is not a bigger percentage of the bill.

Citing the package’s historic price tag, Inhofe said that each of the 3 million to 4 million jobs expected to be created would cost about $295,000.

Coburn also said spending on certain areas would help but predicted 80 percent of the money in the bill would not stimulate the economy.

“This is about spending money we don’t have for things we don’t need,” he said.

Coburn said cities across Oklahoma have prepared their own lists of projects they hope to get funded.

“Everybody wants their share,” he said.

Future generations will be denied wealth, Coburn said, if the bill passes.

“This bill is a generational theft bill,” he said.  …”



From the Boston Tea Party to your neighborhood pork protest

By Michelle Malkin

“…In Schmucky Schumer’s world, these American taxpayers don’t exist. A big crowd of them gathered in Seattle this afternoon to raise their voices in opposition to the trillion-dollar, pork-filled Generational Theft Act of 2009 — which will be signed into law by the blind President “There are no no earmarks” Obama. Thanks to Zac Petersen for the photos. It took just one person — blogger Liberty Belle — to get the ball rolling. She writes: “Make no mistake, the President will be signing that bill tomorrow, I have no illusions that he will actually listen to us. BUT, maybe, just maybe we can start a movement that will snowball across the nation and get people out of their homes, meeting each other and working together to redirect this country towards its truly radical founding principles of individual liberty and freedom. Maybe people will wake up slowly at first, and then quickly when they realize the urgency needed.”



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Protest Out-of-Control Federal Government Spending and Taxes–Attend A Tax Day Tea Party in Your City or Town! 

Second American Revolution–Tea Party Celebrations–Washington Fair–July 4, 2009–An Open Invitation To The American People 

American People’s Plan = 6 Month Tax Holiday + FairTax = Real Hope + Real Change!–Millions To March On Washington D.C. Saturday, July 4, 2009!

Tea Parties Take Off In Texas–Spreading Nationwide–Are You Going To Washington Fair? Millions Celebrate The Second American Revolution–Saturday, July 4, 2009

Operation Family Freedom (OFF): Millions Celebrate Washington Fair, Saturday, July 4, 2009–The Second American Revolution

The United States is Broke!–Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Time For GM and Ford Is Now! 

Voters Beware: The Radical Rules of Saul Alinsky and Leftist Democrats


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