Brian Doherty — Radicals For Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement — Videos

Posted on June 8, 2013. Filed under: Banking, Blogroll, Business, Communications, Economics, Federal Government, Federal Government Budget, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, government, government spending, History of Economic Thought, Language, Law, liberty, Life, Links, Literacy, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Monetary Policy, Money, People, Philosophy, Politics, Raves, Strategy, Talk Radio, Tax Policy, Taxes, Video, Wealth, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Required reading for all lovers of liberty and capitalism. Recommend all Americans read this book.



How Brian Doherty Became a Libertarian

Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement

Featuring the author, Brian Doherty; with comments by E. J. Dionne Jr., Columnist, Washington Post, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution; and moderator David Boaz, Executive Vice President, Cato Institute, Author, Libertarianism: A Primer.

For the first time, the history of the modern libertarian movement is presented in one comprehensive book. Reason editor Brian Doherty has pored through archives across the country and conducted dozens of interviews. The result is a book that moves smoothly from the ideas of Ludwig von Mises, Ayn Rand, and F. A. Hayek to the growth of libertarian think tanks to the factional feuds within the Libertarian Party. Every reader, no matter how well informed, will learn things from this book. Radicals for Capitalism will take its place alongside other key books about American ideological and political movements. Don’t miss the unveiling of this impressive book.

Conservatism vs Libertarianism – Brian Doherty

Reason Magazine Senior Editor Brian Doherty discusses the differences between libertarianism and traditional conservative ideologies.


Brian Doherty considers “Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the Modern American Libertarian Movement.”

This illuminating, lively history of a political movement on the rise – told through the life stories of its standard bearers – casts new light on the intellectual and political history of post-WWII America. Doherty traces the evolution of libertarianism through the unconventional stories of Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek, Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, and Milton Friedman, and their personal battles, character flaws, love affairs, and historical events that altered its course. In so doing, he provides a fascinating new perspective on American history, from the New Deal through the culture wars of the 1060s to today’s divisiveness.

In February, the Wall Street Journal noted, “With ‘Radicals for Capitalism’, Brian Doherty finally gives libertarianism its due…Mr. Doherty has rescued libertarianism from its own obscurity, eloquently capturing the appeal of the ‘pure idea’, its origins in great minds and the feistiness of its many current champions.” – Cody’s Books

Brian Doherty is a senior editor of Reason, the libertarian monthly named one of “The 50 Best Magazines” three out of the past four years by the Chicago Tribune. Established in 1968 and a four-time finalist for National Magazine Awards, Reason has a print circulation of 40,000 and won the 2005 Western Publications Association “MAGGIE” Award for best political magazine.

Brian Doherty on The Forgotten History of the Antiwar Right

What Happened to the Antiwar Movement? 

Gun Rights on Trial: Brian Doherty Reacts to D.C. v. Heller

Gun Rights Under Obama – Brian Doherty

Brian Doherty on Ron Paul’s Revolution

Ron Paul Supporters Seek to Assert Presence at RNC and Influence Long Term Direction of GOP

Brian Doherty Discusses ‘Ron Paul’s Revolution’

Brian Doherty’s Favorite Obscure Libertarian: Thomas Szasz

Background Articles and Videos

Libertarianism From A to Z With Jeffrey Miron

What happened to the “libertarian moment”?

With Ron Paul retiring, who will pick up the mantle of the libertarian movement?

The Libertarian View: Liberty and the Path of History

Exploring Liberty: The History of Liberty, Pt. 1 (Tom G. Palmer)

The Morality of Capitalism | Tom G. Palmer 

Tom G. Palmer gives a speech based on his new book, “The Morality of Capitalism.” Presented at the John Locke Foundation on October 17, 2011.

Thomas Szasz on Socialism in Health Care

The health care debate is fundamentally broken, argues the great psychiatry skeptic Thomas Szasz, because it assumes a flawed premise. Namely, that “diseases require treatment, so the thing to do is to avoid diseases so you don’t need treatment.”

Szasz ties this to the problem of socialism in health care. Because of the way we think about disease, we have a health care system that removes control from individuals and gives it to state-enabled doctors and insurance companies. In psychology, for example, “diseases are no longer defined by pathologists but are defined essentially by a political process.”

This has lead to, among other things, more expensive health care. Szasz offers seven reasons why, many having to do with the way we think about disease, how it should be treated, and the relationship between citizens and medicine.

A Special Tribute to Thomas Szasz

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