Going Deep–Cool–Deep Ocean Water (DOW)–Ocean Power!

Posted on March 31, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Climate, Economics, Links, Politics, Raves, Resources, Science, Technology, Video |

Updated February 22, 2014

Tidal Wave Alternative Energy

Electricity and Power Plants

Energy: 100 Megawatts from Hawaii’s Sea Power?

Generating massive amounts of sustainable energy: Dynamic Tidal Power (DTP)

Tidal Energy Pty Ltd

Blue Energy – Ocean Power (Piston Pump & Racks)

Ocean Energy – Wave Power Station

Ocean Energy – Tidal Current Turbine

Instead of focusing attention on the costs of global warming, the benefits and opportunities of global warming should be explored.

In particular complementing the warming of the planet with the use of the earth’s abundant deep ocean water.

Their is an incredible opportunity to use deep ocean water for air conditioning, refrigeration, drinking water, agriculture and the generation of electricity.

The United States should take the lead with private enterprise making it happen.

For example companies like Intel and Microsoft could support the research effort given its benefits to hardware and software companies. Computers need electricity–lots of it.

Applied research along the lines of the United States nuclear submarine program in the 1950s could produce not only energy independence for the United States but an abundance of food to feed the world. Stop all the doom talk and focus on the coming boom for all mankind.

Just do it!


A Prospectus

by John Piña Craven

“…The public may have also forgotten the incredible industrial pace with which the nuclear submarine Navy was built. The first Polaris Fleet Ballistic missile submarine was authorized in the autumn of 1955. The first four submarines were deployed in 1959. Production was accelerated until “the boat of the month club” deployed eighteen of these submarines in eighteen months bringing the total to 41 in only 15 years. A nation that could accomplish that feat could certainly produce 100 offshore pressurized water reactors in submerged facilities located in the benign storm free environment of the ocean at a depth of 300 feet or more in the same time frame. Each could feed 1000 megawatts of power into the grid at appropriate points on the shore, serving more than fifty American cities and metropolitan regions.

Is this complementary supplementary energy approach an appropriate strategy? Wiser heads than ours may envision other ocean systems. If so it is time for them to speak. Nay it is time for them act. To the extent that the control of oil is at the root of our present day war on terrorism procrastination will only exacerbate the conflict. Indeed we need at least two springboards of complementary and supplementary hydrocarbon free energy resources to give the world the breathing room and the breath to prepare for an alternative to oil in the year 2101. ”


Global Cooling Resource: Deep Ocean Water

“DOW or Deep Ocean Water has the potential to help solve global warming. Since tchnologies employing DOW have effluents that are colder than the atmosphere, they cool the atmosphere. In Deep Ocean Water, we examine the purity, temperature, air conditioning, and renewable energy applications of DOW. Narrated by John Craven PhD, intrepid oceanographer and inventor. With botanist – oceanographer-explorer Sylvia Earle.”


 Global Cooling Technology: Deep Ocean Water Agriculture

“Agriculture employing Deep Ocean Water (DOW) can help increase growth rates by cooling garden soil below the dew point, at the Natural Energy Lab where DOW is pumped ashore.
A closed pipe system buried beneath the soil is designed to regulate and circulate the cold water, chilling the soil to 45oF, well below the dew point, so moisture drawn from the atmosphere moistens the cool garden, much like condensation gathers on a glass of iced tea. …”


InterContinental Bora Bora – Deep Sea Water Air Conditioning


 Common Heritage Corporation (CHC)

“Common Heritage Corporation (CHC) is the world’s leader in developing integrated deep ocean water (DOW) systems that are environmentally and commercially sustainable. Springing from revolutionary shifts in thinking about how human endeavors must mesh with the workings of the planet, these technologies work in tandem with nature’s own processes. Today, CHC innovations born of these new paradigms are beginning to transform coastal desert areas worldwide into productive, sustainable communities. …”


The Mad Genius from the Bottom of the Sea

Creating a Deep-Sea Oasis on Dry Land

The key to Craven’s cool world is converting the ocean’s thermal energy. The first step: Sink a pipe at least 3,000 feet deep and start pumping up seawater. The end result: an environmentally sustainable, virtually inexhaustible supply of electricity, freshwater for drinking and irrigation, even air-conditioning. Here’s how it works: …”


Deep Ocean Water

“Technology developments at the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii have demonstrated that the technology for design, construction and deployment of prototype self sufficient deep ocean water systems is in place. These systems may include, but are not limited to, closed cycle electricity generation, air conditioning and industrial cooling, fresh water generation, coldwater agriculture of most terrestrial crops, and aquaculture of a complete spectrum of marine plants and animals. Economic, political, environmental factors are described which militate against the realization of any capital intensive project in a time scale which will permit amortization of the project. Labor intensive ‘developing country projects’ are similarly stifled. Realistic projects must, therefore be divorced from the need to raise capital, to employ high priced technology and technicians. They must be capable of being operated and maintained by unskilled personnel and there must be an immediate return in terms of product. In the alternative the project must be unique in its solution of a military or social crisis. The paper describes a number of systems now in the seminal stage which meet these stringent criteria. These include installations proposed for Kahoolawe, Malta, the Cape Verde Islands, Haiti, Mauritius, Tahiti, the Kona Airport, and the new town of Kapolei, Oahu. …”


John Piña Craven



“…Currently, the ultilization of deep sea water (DSW) is receiving much attention due to its high productivity, large quantity, and potential for recycling energy. Deep sea water, accounting for 95% of all sea water, generally refers to sea water from a depth of more than 200 m. DSW circles the globe over a period of about 2000 yr, and the up-welling of DSW occurs regularly in the oceans and seas throughout the world.

Although it constitutes no more than 0.5% of all water in the seas, up-welled deep sea water is highly productive, supporting nearly 50% of all sea products. With the worldwide population explosion contributing to an ever-increasing consumption of animal protein, the focus on aquaculture will undoubtedly also intensify. The high productivity of DSW as a renewable energy source may increase the role of aquaculture to cultivate food for the expanding human population. …”


 Evolution Deep Sea Vents and Life’s Origins


Real-Time Deep Ocean Simulation on Multi-Threaded Architectures

Author: David Reagin, Adam Lake
Published On: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 | Last Modified On: Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This white paper investigates a technique for real-time simulation of deep ocean waves on multi-processor machines under simulated work loads using threading. …”


Electric IT 

“Beware, Google might be soon ready to overthrow Microsoft and become the new master of the IT galaxy!

At least, this is what one could understand from the remarkable article about the future of office computing by Nicolas Carr featured in the front page of the January 30 issue of the Financial Times supplement Digital Business. According to Carr, we are about to witness (yet) another revolution of the same significance as the shift from steam energy to electricity. His argument, based on the recent industrial-like development of Google, states that the supply of information technology will follow a similar path to that of electricity at the beginning of the 20th century.

What happened to electricity in the early 1900’s? It transformed from an exclusively industrial tool, used by factories to supply energy to the production chain, into a public good that would soon reach every home. According to Nicolas Carr, this literally revolutionized the way of life in the countries that benefited of this development, as the electricity became produced by plants from which grids of transport cables would bring it to all those connected to the network. At the beginning, the economic sector, especially the factories, were the first ones to benefit of this “service”, which helped reduce greatly their cost, as they didn’t need anymore to maintain their own electricity-production centers and supply and changed in great part the way business was done. As most of the industrial actors of the time quickly adopted this mode of acquiring electricity, the price progressively decreased to a point that this same service became affordable to individual homes. Nicolas Carr sees a similar pattern of evolution in the IT industry with the recent innovations and orientations taken by Google. …”


Deep Ocean Water

“Water in the Earth’s oceans differs in temperature and salinity. Warm, relatively non-salty water is found at the surface, and very cold salty water is found deeper below the surface layer. Deep Ocean Water (DOW) is the name for this cold, salty water.It makes up about 90% of the volume of the oceans. Deep ocean water has a temperature of 3 degrees Celsius, and a salinity of about 3.5%. …”

“…The simplest use of cold water is simply for air conditioning: using the cold water itself to cool air saves the energy that would be used by the compressors for traditional refrigeration. Another use could be to replace expensive desalination plants. When cold water passes through a pipe surrounded by humid air, condensation results. The condensate is pure water, suitable for humans to drink or for crop irrigation. Finally, via a technology called Ocean thermal energy conversion, the temperature difference can be turned into electricity.”

Military Industrial Complex – Eisenhower ‘s warning


The Beach Boys Cool, Cool Water


Background Articles and Videos


Disinformation is the deliberate dissemination of false information. It may include the distribution of forged documents, manuscripts, and photographs, or propagation of malicious rumours and fabricated intelligence. In the context of espionage or military intelligence, it is the deliberate spreading of false information to mislead an enemy as to one’s position or course of action. It also includes the distortion of true information in such a way as to render it useless.

Disinformation techniques may also be found in commerce and government, used by one group to try to undermine the position of a competitor. It in fact is the act of deception and blatant false statements to convince someone of an untruth. Cooking-the-books might be considered a disinformation strategy that led to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Unlike traditional propaganda and Big Lie techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions.

Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship, is also used if the group can affect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio. …”


New Study Explodes Human-Global Warming Story

“…Writing in the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society, professor David H. Douglass (of the University of Rochester), professor John R. Christy (of the University of Alabama), Benjamin D. Pearson and professor S. Fred Singer (of the University of Virginia) report that observed patterns of temperature changes (“fingerprints”) over the last 30 years disagree with what greenhouse models predict and can better be explained by natural factors, such as solar variability.

The conclusion is that climate change is “unstoppable” and cannot be affected or modified by controlling the emission of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, as is proposed in current legislation.  …”

“…The mechanism for producing such cyclical climate changes is still under discussion; but they are most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on the earth’s atmosphere.

“In turn, such cosmic rays are believed to influence cloudiness and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the earth’s surface­ and thus the climate.

“…Our research demonstrates that the ongoing rise of atmospheric CO2 has only a minor influence on climate change. We must conclude, therefore, that attempts to control CO2 emissions are ineffective and pointless — but very costly.”


NO ‘Consensus’ on “Man-Made” Global Warming


Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post

Published: Saturday, June 02, 2007

National Post’s Deniers series:
“Scientists who challenge the climate change debate
Somewhere along the way, I stopped believing that a scientific consensus exists on climate change. Certainly there is no consensus at the very top echelons of scientists — the ranks from which I have been drawing my subjects — and certainly there is no consensus among astrophysicists and other solar scientists, several of whom I have profiled. If anything, the majority view among these subsets of the scientific community may run in the opposite direction. Not only do most of my interviewees either discount or disparage the conventional wisdom as represented by the IPCC, many say their peers generally consider it to have little or no credibility. In one case, a top scientist told me that, to his knowledge, no respected scientist in his field accepts the IPCC position.

What of the one claim that we hear over and over again, that 2,000 or 2,500 of the world’s top scientists endorse the IPCC position? I asked the IPCC for their names, to gauge their views. “The 2,500 or so scientists you are referring to are reviewers from countries all over the world,” the IPCC Secretariat responded. “The list with their names and contacts will be attached to future IPCC publications, which will hopefully be on-line in the second half of 2007.”

“…More than six months ago, I began writing this series, The Deniers. When I began, I accepted the prevailing view that scientists overwhelmingly believe that climate change threatens the planet. I doubted only claims that the dissenters were either kooks on the margins of science or sell-outs in the pockets of the oil companies. …”

The series

Statistics needed — The Deniers Part I
Warming is real — and has benefits — The Deniers Part II
The hurricane expert who stood up to UN junk science — The Deniers Part III
Polar scientists on thin ice — The Deniers Part IV
The original denier: into the cold — The Deniers Part V
The sun moves climate change — The Deniers Part VI
Will the sun cool us? — The Deniers Part VII
The limits of predictability — The Deniers Part VIII
Look to Mars for the truth on global warming — The Deniers Part IX
Limited role for C02 — the Deniers Part X
End the chill — The Deniers Part XI
Clouded research — The Deniers Part XII
Allegre’s second thoughts — The Deniers XIII
The heat’s in the sun — The Deniers XIV
Unsettled Science — The Deniers XV
Bitten by the IPCC — The Deniers XVI
Little ice age is still within us — The Deniers XVII
Fighting climate ‘fluff’ — The Deniers XVIII

Science, not politics — The Deniers XIX
Gore’s guru disagreed — The Deniers XX
The ice-core man — The Deniers XXI
Some restraint in Rome — The Deniers XXII
Discounting logic — The Deniers XXIII

“…Somewhere along the way, I stopped believing that a scientific consensus exists on climate change. Certainly there is no consensus at the very top echelons of scientists — the ranks from which I have been drawing my subjects — and certainly there is no consensus among astrophysicists and other solar scientists, several of whom I have profiled. If anything, the majority view among these subsets of the scientific community may run in the opposite direction. Not only do most of my interviewees either discount or disparage the conventional wisdom as represented by the IPCC, many say their peers generally consider it to have little or no credibility. In one case, a top scientist told me that, to his knowledge, no respected scientist in his field accepts the IPCC position.

What of the one claim that we hear over and over again, that 2,000 or 2,500 of the world’s top scientists endorse the IPCC position? I asked the IPCC for their names, to gauge their views. “The 2,500 or so scientists you are referring to are reviewers from countries all over the world,” the IPCC Secretariat responded. “The list with their names and contacts will be attached to future IPCC publications, which will hopefully be on-line in the second half of 2007.”


“Professor Bob Carter uses the scientific method on the popular theory with global warming being linked to CO2 levels.

He examnines the hypothesis and it fails the test. Does this surprise you?…”

Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause? – Pt 1 of 4


Climate change – Is CO2 the cause? – Pt 2 of 4


Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause? – pt 3 of 4


Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause?- pt 4 of 4


Prof Bob Carter is a geologist at James Cook University, Queensland, engaged in paleoclimate research

There IS a problem with global warming… it stopped in 1998
By Bob Carter


Global Warming: Hot Air or Cool Science?

Professor Bob Carter

James Cook Universityhttp://www.unisa.edu.au/nbe/research/seminars/carter.pdf

Global Warming – Doomsday Called Off (1/5)


Global Warming – Doomsday Called Off (2/5)


Global Warming – Doomsday Called Off (3/5)


Global Warming – Doomsday Called Off (4/5)


Global Warming – Doomsday Called Off (5/5)


The Great Global Warming Swindle


Past & Future Climate change – Pt 1of 4


Past & Future Climate Change – Pt 2 of 4


Past & Future Climate change pt 3 of 4


Past & Future Climate Change – pt 4 of 4


John Stossel – The Global Warming Debate 10/20/07


John Stossel Exposes Global Warming Myths

“…In a release from ABC previewing Stossel’s report on Friday’s “20/20,” the veteran newsman and Newsmax pundit – who won 19 Emmys exposing scammers and con artists – says:

“This week on ‘20/20’ (in our new 8 p.m. Eastern time slot) I say ‘Give Me a Break!’ to our Nobel Prize-winning Vice President.

“Mr. Gore says ‘The debate is over,’ and those who disagree with his take on global warming have been ‘purchased’ in order to create ‘the illusion of a debate.’ Nonsense. It’s as if the Vice President and his allies in the environmental movement plan to win the debate through intimidation. I interview some scientists who won’t be intimidated, even though one has had his life threatened for speaking up.

“The Vice President’s much-applauded movie, ‘An Inconvenient Truth,’ claims warming is man’s fault and a coming crisis! While the earth has certainly warmed over the last century, plenty of independent scientists say scientists cannot be sure that man caused the warming or that warming will be a crisis.

“They say the computer models that are used to predict the disasters don’t include important variables because scientists don’t fully understand them. For example, warming may cause cloud formations that reflect sun and cool the earth. The computer models cannot know. These scientists call global warming activism more of a religious movement than science.”

Gore’s film is filled with “misleading messages,” says Stossel. …”


“…I suspect that next year’s government boondoggle will be massive spending on carbon-reducing technology.

“It reminds me of George Mason University Economics Department Chairman Don Boudreax’s suggestion that such schemes really mean ‘government seizing enormous amounts of additional power in order to embark upon schemes of social engineering – schemes whose pursuit gratifies the abstract fantasies of the theory class and, simultaneously, lines the very real pockets of politically powerful corporations, organizations, and “experts.”’

“He is so right. The abstract fantasies of the theory class will soon send huge chunks of your money to politicians, friends, activist scientists, and politically savvy corporations.

“The debate is over? That makes me say GIVE ME A BREAK!”


Cookie Monster


The real Computer Monster


WE can’t stop Global Warming…


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