Windows Phone Series 7–Videos

Posted on February 20, 2010. Filed under: Blogroll, Communications, Computers, Culture, Demographics, Economics, Education, Employment, Entertainment, Games, Law, liberty, Life, Links, Music, People, Philosophy, Politics, Programming, Rants, Raves, Resources, Science, Technology, Video, Wisdom | Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Windows Phone 7 Series – Video


Windows Phone 7 Series Partners

First Look: Windows Phone 7 Series Hands on Demo – Part 1


First Look: Windows Phone 7 Series Hands on Demo – Part 2

First Look: Windows Phone 7 Series Hands on Demo – Part 3

First Look: Windows Phone 7 Series Hands on Demo

Full Review : Windows Phone 7 Series

Windows Phone 7 Series Overview! ( Microsoft Comeback?? )

MWC: Microsoft debuts Windows Phone 7 Series

Windows Phone 7

Microsoft’s new mobile software


Windows Phone Series 7 Interface


Background Articles and Videos


Windows Phone Series 7


A conversation with Windows Phone designers at the TED Conference

Steve Ballmer and Windows phone

ARobbie Bach @ #MSOpenHouse – @windowsphone Edition

Windows Phone 7 Series hands-on and impressions (updated with video)

“…Forget everything you know about Windows Mobile. Seriously, throw the whole OS concept in a garbage bin or incinerator or something. Microsoft has done what would have been unthinkable for the company just a few years ago: started from scratch. At least, that’s how things look (and feel) with Windows Phone 7 Series. This really is a completely new OS — and not just Microsoft’s new OS, it’s a new smartphone OS, like webOS new, like iPhone OS new. You haven’t used an interface like this before (well, okay, if you’ve used a Zune HD then you’ve kind of used an interface like this). Still, 7 Series goes wider and deeper than the Zune by a longshot, and it’s got some pretty intense ideas about how you’re supposed to be interacting with a mobile device. We had a chance to go hands-on with the dev phone before today’s announcement, and hear from some of the people behind the devices, and here’s our takeaway. (And don’t worry, we’ve got loads of pictures and video coming, so keep checking this post for the freshest updates).

First the look and feel. The phones are really secondary here, and we want to focus on the interface. The design and layout of 7 Series’ UI (internally called Metro) is really quite original, utilizing what one of the designers (Albert Shum, formerly of Nike) calls an “authentically digital” and “chromeless” experience. What does that mean? Well we can tell you what it doesn’t mean — no shaded icons, no faux 3D or drop shadows, no busy backgrounds (no backgrounds at all), and very little visual flair besides clean typography and transition animations. The whole look is strangely reminiscent of a terminal display (maybe Microsoft is recalling its DOS roots here) — almost Tron-like in its primary color simplicity. To us, it’s rather exciting. This OS looks nothing like anything else on the market, and we think that’s to its advantage. Admittedly, we could stand for a little more information available within single views, and we have yet to see how the phone will handle things like notifications, but the design of the interface is definitely in a class of its own. Here’s a few takeaways on what it’s like to use (and some video)…

Windows Phone 7: A Mobile Game-Changer?

Just when it looked like an iPhone-Android-BlackBerry troika was shaping up, Microsoft and Nokia each tries one last shot

Galen Gruman, Infoworld”…The awkwardly named Windows Phone 7 is a radical remake of Windows Mobile, whose complex, variable interface and attempt to cram a computer into a smartphone’s small screen simply didn’t work. Originally popular in some industries as a minicomputer for field forces, Windows Mobile has increasingly been displaced by the iPhone and then Android operating systems.

Microsoft hasn’t shared many details of WinPhone, so I have to take the love fests emanating from fanboy sites like Engadget with a big grain of salt. But based on what Microsoft has demoed, the WinPhone is at least interesting.

WinPhone mixes a very 20-something UI heavy on messaging, games, music, and photos with standard 40-something business capabilities such as a mobile Office productivity suite and the mobile Outlook email client. And there’s the mobile Internet Explorer Web browser for users of all ages.

Learning from Apple

Microsoft is clearly taking a big page from Apple’s book by putting its Zune and Xbox capabilities front and center — much as the iPhone did with its iPod functions at the 2007 launch of the iPhone. The computer capabilities of the WinPhone are hardly mentioned, a major break from Windows Mobile’s microcomputer legacy. And Microsoft is emphasizing gaming, much as Apple does for its phone-less iPod Touch — but unlike Apple, Microsoft can leverage its Xbox reputation for the WinPhone. …”

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