Barack Obama’s Third Socialist Terrorist Connection–Rashid Khalidi–PLO

Posted on October 30, 2008. Filed under: Blogroll, Books, Economics, Links, People, Politics, Quotations, Rants, Raves, Resources, Security, Taxes, Video, War | Tags: , , , , , , |

“To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist Professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.” 

~ Barack Obama, Dreams of My Father

Obama: I Chose My Friends Carefully… Including Marxists


Obama, Khalidi, and Ayers – Terrorist Friends Update


LA Times covers up a video of Obama praising a Palistinian activist


The L.A. Times Suppresses Obama’s Khalidi Jew Bashing Video


Obama & The Black Liberation Theology Of The Church He Attended / Video / Reverend Wright / James Cone

Barack Obama Pastor Jeremiah Wright


Obama Spriritual Advisor: God Da*mn America!


Barack Obama’s careful choice of friends  gives one pause.

Do you want a President of the United States of American that seeks out the likes of Bill Ayers,  Bernadette Dorn, Raila Odinga, and now Rashid Khalidi?

What did these radical socialist see in Barack Obama?

They saw a fellow radical socialist and Marxist, just like themselves.

They saw a  man they would support in his run for public office.

They saw a man that would implement their utopian socialist goals.

If big media investigated and reported Obama’s friends and alliances, Senator Obama would never have been nominated by the Democratic Party as their candidate for the office of President.

Big media will regret their decision to hide the truth about Obama from the American people.

The American people will stop reading, watching and listening to the work of those journalists who betrayed their trust.

In time, many of these journalists will be unemployed as newspapers, magazines and news programs are cancelled as their audience walks out on them.

When in time the mask of moderation and glibeness is riped off and Barack Obama is revealed to be a black racist, socialist and Marxist, the American people will shun him and those who perpetuated this fraud in the pump and dump drive-by mainstream media.


Rashid Khalidi Referred to Arafat’s PLO As ‘We’
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
By Patrick Goodenough, International Editor

“…Rashid Khalidi, the Columbia University professor whose friendship with Sen. Barack Obama is raising questions, says he was never a spokesman for the PLO, but his strong PLO leanings were evident at a time when Yasser Arafat’s group was mounting terror attacks in Israel and causing mayhem in Lebanon.
And while Khalidi may not have been speaking on behalf of the PLO, during interviews he occasionally used the word “we” when speaking of the organization.
In one 1981 interview, Khalidi referred to the exiled PLO’s growing standing among Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, saying “we have built up tremendous links with the Palestinians ‘on the inside’ in different ways. We can render them services … we’ve never been stronger there, and the trend is continuing.” …”


The L.A. Times Suppresses Obama’s Khalidi Bash Tape
Obama, Ayers, and PLO supporters toast Edward Said’s successor, but the press doesn’t think it’s quite as newsworthy as Sarah Palin’s wardrobe.


By Andrew C. McCarthy

“…So now, let’s leave thought experiments and return to reality: Why is the Los Angeles Times sitting on a videotape of the 2003 farewell bash in Chicago at which Barack Obama lavished praise on the guest of honor, Rashid Khalidi — former mouthpiece for master terrorist Yasser Arafat?

At the time Khalidi, a PLO adviser turned University of Chicago professor, was headed east to Columbia. There he would take over the University’s Middle East-studies program (which he has since maintained as a bubbling cauldron of anti-Semitism) and assume the professorship endowed in honor of Edward Sayyid, another notorious terror apologist.
The party featured encomiums by many of Khalidi’s allies, colleagues, and friends, including Barack Obama, then an Illinois state senator, and Bill Ayers, the terrorist turned education professor. It was sponsored by the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), which had been founded by Khalidi and his wife, Mona, formerly a top English translator for Arafat’s press agency.
Is there just a teeny-weenie chance that this was an evening of Israel-bashing Obama would find very difficult to explain? Could it be that the Times, a pillar of the Obamedia, is covering for its guy?
Gateway Pundit reports that the Times has the videotape but is suppressing it.
Back in April, the Times published a gentle story about the fete. Reporter Peter Wallsten avoided, for example, any mention of the inconvenient fact that the revelers included Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, Ayers’s wife and fellow Weatherman terrorist. These self-professed revolutionary Leftists are friendly with both Obama and Khalidi — indeed, researcher Stanley Kurtz has noted that Ayers and Khalidi were “best friends.” (And — small world! — it turns out that the Obamas are extremely close to the Khalidis, who have reportedly babysat the Obama children.) 


The L.A. Times gives readers the finger

By Michelle Malkin 


“…Check it out: Obama/Khalidi tape? What Obama/Khalidi tape?

Check it out: The Tribune Co.’s stock chart over the last eight years…

Bleeding newspapers really shouldn’t be pissing off readers.

Perhaps if they reported the news instead of suppressing it…”



Rashid Khalidi

Rashid Khalidi (born 1950), an American historian of the Middle East, is the Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University, and director of the Middle East Institute of Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.

Khalidi was born in New York to a Palestinian father and a Lebanese mother.[1] He received a B.A. from Yale University, where he was a member of Wolf’s Head Society, in 1970,[2] and a D. Phil. from Oxford University in 1974[3] and spent many years as a professor and director of both the Center for Middle Eastern Studies and the Center for International Studies at the University of Chicago before joining the Columbia faculty. He has also taught at Georgetown University, Lebanese University, and the American University of Beirut. Khalidi is married to Mona Khalidi,[4] former President of the Arab American Action Network.[5] …” “…Khalidi has been accused of having ties to the Palestinian Liberation Organization, based on his work for Wafa in the late 1980s, and later serving as an advisor to the Palestinian delegation during the Madrid Conference of 1991.[17][18]As an example, the New York Times referred to him in 1978 as “an American-educated Palestinian who teaches political science at the American University of Beirut and also works for the P.L.O.”[19] Khalidi denied the allegation that he served as a PLO spokesman.[20] Khalidi explained that he often spoke to journalists in Beirut, and was usually cited, without attribution, as a well-informed Palestinian source. He also said that he was unaware of any misidentification as a PLO spokesman.[17] The claim received renewed attention in 2008 when it was raised due to a reported friendship between Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and Khalidi’s family when Khalidi taught at the University of Chicago. Articles by Aaron Klein and John Bachelor, writers respectively for World Net Daily and Human Events, were referenced by rival political campaigns and reprinted in wider-circulation media.[18][21][22][20]


Obama and Pro-Palestinian supporter Rashid Khalidi (Video Update)

“…“But,” Klein wrote, “Obama’s relationship with Khalidi goes beyond conversation. Khalidi’s ties to Obama were first exposed by WND in February in a much-cited article.”

According to a professor at the University of Chicago who said he has known Obama for 12 years, the Democratic presidential hopeful befriended Khalidi when the two worked together at the university. The professor spoke on condition of anonymity. Khalidi lectured at the University of Chicago until 2003 while Obama taught law there from 1993 until his election to the Senate in 2004. Sources at the University told WND that Khalidi and Obama lived in nearby faculty residential zones and that the two families dined together a number of times. The sources said the Obama’s even babysat the Khalidi children. Khalidi in 2000 held what was described as a successful fundraiser for Obama’s failed bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, a fact not denied by Khalidi, who spoke to WND in February.

Klein continues: “Just last week, WND noted, [Obama] termed the Israeli-Palestinian conflict a ‘constant sore’ in an interview just five days after Khalidi wrote an opinion piece in The Nation magazine titled Palestine: Liberation Deferred in which the Palestinian activist opened by calling the ‘Palestinian question’ a ‘running sore’ [and suggests] Israel carried out ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Palestinians; writes Western powers backed Israel’s establishment due to guilt of the Holocaust; laments the Palestinian Authority’s stated acceptance of a Palestinian state ‘only’ in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and eastern sections of Jerusalem; and argues Israel should be dissolved and instead a binational cantonal system should be set up in which Jews and Arabs reside.”

Protest at the L.A. Times: Free the tape! Updated

By Michelle Malkin

“…Several southern California readers send word that there will be a protest at the L.A. Times building today at 10am Pacific/1pm Eastern over the suppressed Obama/Khalidi tape.

Here’s the info: …”

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

“The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) (Arabic: منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية‎; Munazzamat al-Tahrir al-Filastiniyyah  or Munazzamat al-Tahrir al-Filastiniyyah) is a political and paramilitary organization regarded by the Arab League since October 1974 as the “sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.”[1] Founded by a meeting of 422 Palestinian national figures in Jerusalem in May 1964 following an earlier decision of the Arab League, its goal was the liberation of Palestine through armed struggle.[2] The original PLO Charter (written in 1968) stated that “Palestine with its boundaries that existed at the time of the British mandate is an integral regional unit” and sought to “prohibit… the existence and activity” of Zionism.[3] These are often taken to mean the destruction of Israel. It also called for a right of return and self-determination for Palestinians. Palestinian statehood was not mentioned, although 6 years later (in 1974) the PLO called for an independent state in the territory of Mandate Palestine.[4] In 1988, the PLO officially adopted a two-state solution, with Israel and Palestine living side by side contingent on specific terms such as making East Jerusalem capital of the Palestinian state and giving Palestinians right of return.[5] , In 1993, PLO chairman Yasser Arafat recognized the State of Israel in an official letter to its prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin. In response to Arafat’s letter, Israel recognized the PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people. Arafat was the Chairman of the PLO Executive Committee from 1969 until his death in 2004. He was succeeded by Mahmoud Abbas (also known as Abu Mazen). The PLO was considered “the richest of all terrorist organizations” with $8-$10 billion in assets and an annual income of $1.5-$2 billion from “donations, extortion, payoffs, illegal arms dealing, drug trafficking, money laundering, fraud, etc.”, according to a 1993 National Criminal Intelligence Service report. The Daily Telegraph reported in 1999 that the PLO had $50 billion in secret investments around the world.[6]  

Dr. Rashid and Mr. Khalidi

“…At one point in the discussion, Khalidi criticized think tanks “that don’t want true dialogue with people whose views differ from their own, but who want to force their opinions on American citizens and the world.” He mentioned, by way of example, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, which he labelled “the fiercest of the enemies of the Arabs and the Muslims.” The moderator, Hafiz al-Mirazi, played devil’s advocate. Hadn’t the Institute often hosted Arabs and others holding diverse views? It had provided a podium for Nabil Amr, Palestinian information minister, as well as Egyptian presidential adviser Osama al-Baz. Just recently, Washington Institute mainstay David Makovsky had written a joint op-ed with an Egyptian writer from Al-Ahram (the reference was to Dr. Hala Mustafa, a visiting fellow), on democracy promotion in the Arab world. At this point, Khalidi boiled over:

By God, I say that the participation of the sons or daughters of the Arabs in the plans and affairs of this institute is a huge error, this Israeli institute in Washington, an institute founded by AIPAC, the Zionist lobby, and that hosts tens of Israelis every year. The presence of an Arab or two each year can’t disguise the nature of this institute as the most important center of Zionist interests in Washington for at least a decade. I very much regret the participation of Arab officials and non-officials and academics in the activities of this institute, because in fact if you look at the output of this institute, it’s directed against the Palestinians, against the Arabs, and against the Muslims in general. Its products describe the Palestinians as terrorists, and in fact its basic function is to spread lies and falsehoods about the Arab world, of course under an academic, scholarly veneer. Basically, this is the most important Zionist propaganda tool in the United States.

This is the intimidating language of Arab boycott, aimed against an institution with entirely American credentials. The Washington Institute is directed by Ambassador Dennis Ross, who was the chief Middle East peace negotiator in the presidential administrations of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton. He has always been a model of balance (unlike Khalidi, whose forays into politics have always been to advise Yasir Arafat). The Washington Institute is run by Americans, and accepts funds only from American sources. (Contrast with the donors of Khalidi’s chair, whose precise identities Columbia still refuses to reveal.) …”   


Obama File 45 Obama’s Cuddly Old, Terrorist Friendly, Socialist Rabbi, Friend and Neighbour-Arnold Wolf

“Though Barack Obama doesn’t dare admit it, he has long standing ties to Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

Despite their innocuous name, these people are Marxists, extremists, many of them former Communist Party supporters.

Obama has personal ties to several DSA members or supporters including Danny Davis, Jan Schakowsky, William McNary, Quentin Young and his next door neighbour Jackie Grimshaw.

Here’s another for the list-Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf.

Rabbi Wolf is a member of Rabbis for Obama, he has held Obama fundraisers in his home is an ardent propagandist for the Senator.

In an interview with the June 2008 Weekly Standard Rabbi Wolf explained Obama’s place in the neighbourhood.  …” 

Background Articles and Videos


Rashid Khalidi, “Alternative Views of American Primacy”

Rashid Khalidi Speaks (Part 1 of 4)


Rashid Khalidi Speaks (Part 2 of 4)


Rashid Khalidi Speaks (Part 3 of 4)


Rashid Khalidi Speaks (Part 4 of 4)

Rashid Khalidi on United States Policy in the Middle East رشيد الخالدي

Charlie Rose – Rashid Khalidi / Antonia Fraser

Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 2


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 3 


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 4


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 5


Barack Obama & Friends Sean Hannity Special Part 6


Ayers’ Weathermen planned “re-education”, genocide


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[…] Barack Obama’s Third Socialist Terrorist Connection–Rashid Khalidi–PLO Obama’s Outrageous October Socialist Sweet Surprise–How Sweet It Is? The 2008 US Presidential Election–Wedge Issues Now (WIN)? Phoney Political Polls–Just Flip It Off–McCain 55% vs. Obama 40%. New Poll: McCain/Palin Will Win 50 States! … […]

[…] Barack Obama’s Third Socialist Terrorist Connection–Rashid Khalidi–PLO […]

[…] Barack Obama’s Third Socialist Terrorist Connection–Rashid Khalidi–PLO […]

[…] Barack Obama’s Third Socialist Terrorist Connection–Rashid Khalidi–PLO […]

[…] Barack Obama’s Third Socialist Terrorist Connection–Rashid Khalidi–PLO […]

Obama, socialist? You don’t seem to know what you’re talking about.

Suggest you read Ludwig von Mises book entitled Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis
It is available online.

“…The world is split today into two hostile camps, fighting each other with the utmost vehemence, Communists and anti-Communists. The magniloquent rhetoric to which these factions resort in their feud obscures the fact that they both perfectly agree in the ultimate end of their programme for mankind’s social and economic organization. They both aim at the abolition of private enterprise and private ownership of the means of production and at the establishment of socialism. They want to substitute totalitarian government control for the market economy. No longer should individuals by their buying or abstention from buying determine what is to be produced and in what quantity and quality. Henceforth the government’s unique plan alone should settle all these matters. ‘Paternal’ care of the ‘Welfare State’ will reduce all people to the status of bonded workers bound to comply, without asking questions, with the orders issued by the planning authority.

P.2Neither is there any substantial difference between the intentions of the self-styled ‘progressives’ and those of the Italian Fascists and the German Nazis. The Fascists and the Nazis were no less eager to establish all-round regimentation of all economic activities than those governments and parties which flamboyantly advertise their anti-Fascist tenets. And Mr. Peron in Argentina tries to enforce a scheme which is a replica of the New Deal and the Fair Deal and like these will, if not stopped in time, result in full socialism.

Dear Raymond,

With respect to yourself and Ludwig von Mises, but I think you are repeating an error oft repeated, particularly by Americans. What you seem to refer to as “socialism” is actually statism. American misunderstanding of socialism arises from Leninist doctrine of control of the “commanding heights”, such as Banking, heavy industry, large farms, etc. In which Lenin believed that a proletarian state could fashion communism (read: classless society) by controlling the means of production. The Soviet Union never was able to do this, arguably because there was never such thing as a proletarian state, and thus the Soviet Union fell into the old model of statehood.

Arguably the misunderstanding of socialism in the US arises out of getting one word in the definition wrong. The US definition of socialism is

the process of creating a society in which the state controls the means of production.

However, the actual definition is such

the process of creating a society in which the worker controls the means of production.

As one can see there is a world of difference created by the change of one word.

Obama is by no measure a socialist using the term as it was meant to be used. While he may be willing to finance massive government projects (just like his predecessor), he has made no indication whatsoever as to shifting control of businesses from owners to workers. He also has made no signs of wanting to make any significant change to neoliberal lending institutions such as the IMF or World Bank. Obama is still markedly a free marketer albeit with a strong Keynesian bent. You can be assured, by actual socialists, that he is definitely not one.

Usually liberals and progressives, ofter quote the first definition you provide. They use this very narrow defintion to refute the fact that they are not socialists by defintion.

George Will, an American Whig or conservative, actually used the first defintion of socialism this Sunday on television and last week I had an argument with someone who thought this was the only definition. He had no idea of history of the National Socialism in Germany. Hitler wanted power and control and could care less about how you defined socialism. The key to understanding socialism is it is all about control. Who owns or runs the businesses or corporations or the workers is not relevant. Just as along they are under control.

Both Mises’ and Hayek’s concern is that although there are several types of socialism, what is most important is they all tends to lead to a totalitarian state or dictatorship. In the US you cannot get elected running as as socialist. If you are one, and I believe Obama is, then you must hide or mask it from the American people to get elected. While many of his economic advisors are Keynesians, Obama could care less as long as he achieves his goals and control. A red flag for me is Obama will with a straight face tell a lie that he knows the political class knows is a lie, but the ignorant who do not follow the issues do not. Lying is acceptable given his ends.I noticed this in the campaign and in his recent speech before Congress. Also, read Obama’s first book on the subject of lying.

Furthermore, I believe he knows that what he is doing will not work and will only make the economy worse. He wants an economic crisis such as another prolonged recession if not depression. The longer and deeper the recession, the better. Obama will blame the whole recession on Bush.

This is exactly where I believe he is overplaying his hand. Once inflation significantly increases in about two years, the American people will blame that on Obama and he and many Democrats will lose their offices.

President Obama will institute wage and price controls once inflation significantly increases.

This will be the final straw in wrecking the economy.

Obama needed the support of the “workers” or union members in America to get elected especially teachers and government employees. I believe Obama is perfectly capable of doing to these unions what Hitler did to the trade unions in Germany, banned them on May 2, 1933:

“Gleichschaltung [ˈglaiçʃaltʊŋ] (help·info), meaning “coordination”, “making the same”, “bringing into line”, is a Nazi term for the process by which the Nazi regime successively established a system of totalitarian control over the individual, and tight coordination over all aspects of society and commerce. The historian Richard J. Evans offered the term “forcible-coordination” in his most recent work on Nazi Germany.

One goal of this policy was to eliminate individualism by forcing everybody to adhere to a specific doctrine and way of thinking and to control as many aspects of life as possible using an invasive police force. …”

Guess what is next?

[…] Barack Obama’s Third Socialist Terrorist Connection–Rashid Khalidi–PLO […]

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